#robotics Logs

May 30 2014

#robotics Calendar

02:08 rue_more I think left and right shifting is next
02:26 rue_more sweet, I added left and right shift
02:26 rue_more its midnight
02:26 rue_more tommorowo will be another hard day
02:29 rue_more hmmm my variable lib cant do string variables...
02:29 rue_more have to change that...
03:42 Tom_itx rue_more, the 8 and 328 are compatible but you may need to rename some registers
03:42 Tom_itx due to more features etc on the 328
09:07 rue_more yea the timing control bits are all in different places
09:07 rue_more had to rewrite about 20+ lines of it
15:13 kriskropd I'm looking to get into bipedal robotics - I have some ideas about rooting and foot balancing that might better mimic humans than most of the flat-footed bipedal examples I find on youtube - only problem is I have no experience with mechanical design outside of watching several university lectures on youtube and skimming through some books and my electronics engineering skills are pretty new still
15:15 kriskropd are there any recommendations here for books or websites specific to bipedal design? also some good (and cheap) robotics projects for beginners? I don't want to really break the budget until I start getting to actual bipedals (and I imagine everyone is going to direct me to beginner projects like RC cars and maybe hexapods)
15:15 MrCurious get a 3d printer or a cnc? and fab your own parts?
15:16 kriskropd I would like to, as I'd seen the ROFI http://www.projectbiped.com/prototypes/rofi
15:17 kriskropd but I noticed most of those parts are expecting a 3D printer - in this regard, is it suggested I build a RepRap or some other DIY 3D printer for experience in automation? or is it recommended I buy a premade kit such as the MakerBot or similar?
15:17 kriskropd I imagine a DIY 3D printer would heavily lack in reliable construction or resolution
15:18 SlaveToTheSauce the makerbot isnt particularly more reliable
15:18 SlaveToTheSauce i would suggest not starting with a biped for sure
15:19 SlaveToTheSauce do a wheeled platform or something with more legs where you don't have to worry about dynamic stability
15:23 kriskropd I had considered perhaps starting with the iitsii from robugtix http://www.robugtix.com/iitsii/ it's a hexapod design with assembly instructions online that uses the actual PCB as the frame, and while structurally it is more interesting, I realize it is mostly code oriented - do any of you think that would be better for a beginner over a wheeled robot that perhaps required more soldering exercise?
15:23 MrCurious what is it you want to learn from the exercize?
15:23 MrCurious how to solder? how to kit assemble? how to code?
15:24 SlaveToTheSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXvZWTZWN8A was about the same cost in parts
15:24 SlaveToTheSauce ignoring the video part
15:24 kriskropd im not sure - all of it I guess, but perhaps that is just naive of me - I'm not sure if it would be more practical to jump into robotics from a code perspective or a mechnical perspective or an electric engineering perspective
15:24 SlaveToTheSauce the answer is yes
15:25 SlaveToTheSauce all 3 are essential
15:25 MrCurious i expected to have a robot working within 2 weeks to 2 months
15:25 SlaveToTheSauce start small
15:25 MrCurious that was 2 years ago
15:25 MrCurious lots.... of rabbit holes
15:28 kriskropd I see :s maybe i should make a rabbit robot to get me out (joking)
15:28 kriskropd thank you for input, guess I just need to start anywhere if the expectation is it all becomes relevant at some point
15:28 SlaveToTheSauce pretty much
15:29 SlaveToTheSauce step 1 is to blink an led with a microcontroller
15:30 kriskropd i did that with an arduino uno R3, it was kind of cheaty though, considering it was my Hello World prog from instructions >.<
15:33 SlaveToTheSauce you can do that with an avr on a breadboard, or by purchasing a devboard of some sort
15:33 SlaveToTheSauce do you have a software background?
15:33 MrCurious longest journey begins with first step
15:34 MrCurious i would say some projects to do are control a dc motor with arduino. control a stepper with arduino. read sensors using arduino. read serial and i2c devices using arduino
15:34 MrCurious that should give you the components to make a simple robot
15:34 MrCurious oh and control a servo with arduino
15:34 kriskropd ive been pretty indulged with linux for the past couple years - write bash scripts frequently, dabbled a little with python, tried learning a bit of C and C++ - I definitely have more experience on software than I do hardware
15:35 kriskropd MrCurious & SlaveToTheSauce noted project ideas
17:56 GuShH rue_more: hmmm what-do-you-know center drills can be brought back to life with a honing stone
17:57 GuShH such a small amount is removed you really aren't affecting any accuracy if you repeat the process using the same amount of strokes for each side
18:53 GargantuaSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWbJ9Pbm97s
18:53 GargantuaSauce snazzy
19:28 rue_more nothing worse than a centre drill that dosn't drill the right diamiter hole
19:30 rue_more GargantuaSauce, nothing more annoying than humans loitering in your workspace talking about what they did on the weekend
20:10 MrCurious sick arm
20:10 MrCurious now slap a 9mm glock in it, put two of em on a 9' tall torso, and then we are talking
20:11 GargantuaSauce 9mm? please
20:11 GargantuaSauce 40mm autocannon
20:12 MrCurious only if it has tracers every 10 rounds for visual effect
20:12 GargantuaSauce duh
20:12 MrCurious then again ageis style auto-cannons would be far better
20:12 MrCurious yeah
20:13 MrCurious it should probably make noises lifted from animals in japanese anime too
20:19 anonnumberanon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJJe8PXEUhk
20:21 MrCurious baxter...
20:22 MrCurious maybe not...
20:24 MrCurious i want to see 6 of those arms, 30' reach with 5' japanese steel blades :)
20:27 MrCurious and that is what we would have if Leu Henson was born 40 years later
20:29 anonnumberanon checking him out
20:30 anonnumberanon a coach?
20:43 MrCurious muppets
21:12 MrCurious so balmer bought the clippers...
21:12 MrCurious does that mean he will rename them to the LA clippys
22:19 theBear lol
22:21 GuShH theBear: don't encourage him! he would starve as a comedian!
22:23 theBear i hardly think one uncaught guffaw qualifies as encouragement to give up the day job
22:23 GuShH he might just do that!
22:24 theBear meh, i ain't gonna feel guilty when he starves :)
22:53 e_shop3 plays more with the
23:17 rue_shop3 as usual I got the high and low byte of the address backwards
23:17 rue_shop3 my C out(a, d) function now works
23:19 rue_shop3 only 7 extra instructions to get the info out of the C stack I need for out