#robotics Logs

May 27 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:01 rue_more I notied after setting it into ID mode, it stayed there
01:06 rue_more (old bios flash chip)
01:07 rue_more :020000020000FC
01:07 rue_more :100000000102030405FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEC
01:07 rue_more ^^^ thats my data!
01:10 rue_more :020000020000FC
01:10 rue_more :100000000102030405FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEC
01:10 rue_more ^^ hehe I made it sing da da da
01:10 rue_more now I just need to write my Z80 bios to it
01:22 rue_more this is cool, I can operate it all with a serial terminal
01:22 rue_more READY>
01:22 rue_more OK.
01:22 rue_more DONE.
01:22 rue_more FAIL: 0010
01:22 rue_more FAIL 0x00000010
01:22 rue_more FAIL@ 0x00000010
01:22 rue_more FAIL @ 0x00000010
01:22 rue_more BLANK.
01:23 rue_more its got 4 commands, read (reads a whole 2mbit block right now), blank check, erase chip, and write ihex file
01:40 rue_bed coool
07:09 de-vri-es hey, does anyone have good experience with a 3D camera? I need one that is quite accurate (within ~4 millimeters) and can see pretty close (between 15 and 40cm)
07:09 de-vri-es I haven't found one that meats both those requirements :(
07:10 de-vri-es *meets
07:56 chris_99 de-vri-es, 4mm sounds v. accurate indeed!
07:57 chris_99 what are you trying to do
07:57 de-vri-es I want to pick up some plant stalks with a robot arm and a gripper
07:58 chris_99 is the robot arm that precise
07:58 de-vri-es ehm, well, I hope so
07:58 de-vri-es it seems pretty precise
07:58 chris_99 what kind of arm is it?
07:58 chris_99 servo based or pneumatic, ..?
07:58 de-vri-es an UR5, although later it will be an UR10
07:58 de-vri-es servo based afaik
07:58 chris_99 aha
08:00 de-vri-es also, the stalks are all standing up together in a box, not lying on the floor
08:01 de-vri-es box is slightly tilted to prevent them from falling over to quickly
08:02 de-vri-es the stalks have a diameter of 30 to 40 mm
08:04 de-vri-es anyway, we have to find the center of the (top of the) stalks pretty reliably in order to pick them up
08:05 de-vri-es maybe 5mm off would still work but we could loose our grip if it's off by more
08:15 chris_99 hmm sounds a difficult problem
08:20 de-vri-es yeah, I arrived at that conclusion as well
08:20 de-vri-es but at any rate, a good camera would help :)
08:57 rue_more neat project
09:25 de-vri-es thanks
09:25 rue_more you gonna use a connect?
09:25 de-vri-es a kinect you mean?
09:26 de-vri-es the kinect is not really an option anyway, it can't see closer than about half a meter
09:26 de-vri-es I also don't believe it's accurate enough
09:26 rue_more yea
09:26 rue_more ok thre is another one
09:26 rue_more ask armyofevilrobots when he wakes up
09:26 de-vri-es we have tested with an xtion camera, which is basically a kinect
09:27 rue_more wonder if thats it
09:27 de-vri-es thanks, will do
09:27 de-vri-es also tested with a softkinetic depthsense 325
09:27 de-vri-es but that has too much noise in the depth image
09:27 rue_more 3-4cm is a large plant to handle really close up like that tho
09:28 de-vri-es indeed, the stalks can be from 20 to 60 cm long too, but the ones in a box will all have roughly the same length
09:28 de-vri-es I believe they come in sizes 20, 40 and 60 cm length
09:28 rue_more +- thorns?
09:28 de-vri-es no, pretty much a cylinder
09:28 rue_more :)
09:29 de-vri-es although, sadly, some aren't all that straight
09:29 de-vri-es but most are, so I'm choosing to ignore that for now :p
09:29 rue_more hmm
09:29 de-vri-es later on I'll have to detect it of course..
09:29 rue_more sounds like a company, not university project
09:29 de-vri-es well, it's a bit of a mix
09:30 rue_more :)
09:30 de-vri-es I'm trying to get it applied in a real factory, but the university is paying for it
09:30 rue_more that expalins the 3 cameras
09:30 de-vri-es although the end goal is to sell it, I believe
09:31 de-vri-es also the UR5, they're pretty expensive I think
09:31 de-vri-es but nobody tells me these things :p
09:31 rue_more dont knwo it, not a cheap surplus robot?
09:32 de-vri-es no, although it has it's fair share of difficulties when using it with dynamic waypoints
09:33 de-vri-es it's mainly designed for applications when all waypoints are known in advance, it seems
09:33 de-vri-es it's one of these: http://www.intermodalics.eu/sites/www.intermodalics.eu/files/images/image.U03B7V.intext400.png
09:34 de-vri-es but eventually we'll switch to an UR10, which is a bigger version of the UR5 really
09:44 rue_more damn, thats looks so pvc-pipe-able
09:44 rue_more 3"
09:45 rue_more 7 T's
09:45 rue_more some mean gearboxes
09:49 de-vri-es yeah, the biggest problem with it is getting it to do what you want
09:50 de-vri-es it comes with a touchscreen they want you to use to program it
09:50 de-vri-es you can also send it scripts in the "URscript" language over a TCP connection though
12:06 armyofevilrobots Kinect accuracy at 2 feet is about 5mm afaict.
12:06 armyofevilrobots I have a scan of my head where I was wearing glasses, and it didn't see them. My ears are a bit attenuated as well.
12:06 armyofevilrobots I think the xtion is supposed to be slightly better, but not sure.
13:19 MrCurious1 oh hell yeah. logic analyzer $11 works with saleae :)
13:27 SquirrelCZECH anybody familliar with qcad?
14:44 Tom_itx MrCurious1 which one?
14:45 MrCurious1 http://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-Logic-Analyzer-Device-Set-USB-Cable-24MHz-8CH-24MHz-for-ARM-FPGA-ED511-/111356461072?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19ed5cc010
14:45 Tom_itx is it worth a crap for $11?
14:45 MrCurious1 so far it hass detected a solid high and a solid low just fine
14:45 MrCurious1 tonight will spy on serial and i2c
14:45 MrCurious1 but have to play work now :(
14:46 Tom_itx i'm surprised they don't get sued for using the name
14:47 Tom_itx Saleae is coming out with some new devices that look rather nice
14:47 Tom_itx analog as well as digital
14:50 MrCurious1 saw that was tempted
14:50 MrCurious1 lilke a digital scope
14:50 MrCurious1 in the 0 - 5v range
14:51 Tom_itx 0-10v
14:51 Tom_itx on the new ones
14:56 MrCurious1 that does make them more useful
14:57 MrCurious1 if the $11 one proves useful, i will certianly want to upgrade to a better model
16:00 f00bar80 Asking how many DOF is this arm : https://www.dropbox.com/s/lvenn5gtqjf9n7q/2014-05-26%2022.43.58.mp4 and if it uses/satisfy inverse kinematics?
16:03 MrCurious1 3
16:17 f00bar80 MrCurious1, how , the gripper is counted to be one of the DOF?
16:17 MrCurious1 i think it is
16:17 MrCurious1 i believe dof is the number of sepratly addressable joints
16:18 f00bar80 MrCurious1, and wht about Inverse Kinematics ?
16:19 MrCurious1 what about it. be more specific
16:21 f00bar80 MrCurious1, this arm applies any Inverse kinematics?
16:21 MrCurious1 beats me
16:21 MrCurious1 you didnt append only speak if you are a definitive expert on teh matter
16:21 MrCurious1 i will defer on this to someone else...
16:24 GargantuaSauce there's a bit of a conceptual issue here
16:24 GargantuaSauce an arm doesn't "satisfy inverse kinematics"
16:25 GargantuaSauce inverse kinematics is a mathematical application in the software you write to control it
16:25 GargantuaSauce for an arm that simple the IK solution can be found using basic trigonometry and algebra but i am not going to walk you through it
16:26 GargantuaSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yD3uBshJB0&list=PL64324A3B147B5578
16:42 Hyratel1 when you have a sophisticated arm, there might be more than one solution for an IK problem. you'll start to want collision avoidance in chosing an IK solution
16:43 Tom_itx uh huh
16:43 Tom_itx and for efficiency
17:02 Skwint but mostly because then you can drop "inverse kinematics" into conversations at parties
17:03 GargantuaSauce "hey babe, wanna do some stochastic optimization tonight?"
17:03 GargantuaSauce "maybe"
17:10 ace4016 lol
17:12 MrCurious1 sorry, i cant play football with you, old university reverse kinematics injury....
18:59 MrCurious1 well, the logic analyzer is able to read serial fine
19:02 GuShH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAoeyAJ6XXk
19:20 Tom_itx MrCurious1, you can use the Saleae program with it?
19:21 Tom_itx they're coming out with a new ver of that real soon
19:21 MrCurious1 yes, out of the box
19:21 MrCurious1 balant cloning
19:21 Tom_itx i like their software
19:21 MrCurious1 blatent
19:21 MrCurious1 so far its nice
19:22 Tom_itx if i were more into electronics on a daily basis i'd get one of their new analizers
19:23 Tom_itx someone said you can replace the firmware on it and turn it into a signal generator but i haven't tried it
19:24 MrCurious1 neat
19:25 Tom_itx and i didn't wanna have to download the cpld software
19:25 Tom_itx i've already got xilinx and it's huge
19:25 Tom_itx 2 versions
20:19 rue_more tom oooo have an xlinix stuff I can mooch?
20:56 Tom_itx the xilinx was for the CNC boards i have
20:56 Tom_itx generating config files for them
20:57 Tom_itx i made a page for it too: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/emc/xilinx/xilinx14_install_index.php
21:22 rue_more I still want to get into that, need a programmer, was looking to china, still a few bucks
22:14 Tom_itx rue_more, jtag
22:14 Tom_itx and they're all slightly different
22:16 _moon could i ask for a little help
22:16 _moon may I*
22:18 MrCurious1 your gramar is sufficently correct. you may procede to state your problem
22:18 Curious1 falls over laug
22:18 GargantuaSauce you may proceed to learn to spell
22:19 MrCurious1 yeah, skipped that, and on this F'ed up keyboard... too hard
22:19 GargantuaSauce state the nature of your robotic emergency
22:19 MrCurious1 replacement kbd is due tomorrow, then its lapro-scopy
22:19 MrCurious1 is it a class I sentience emergence?
22:20 MrCurious1 or have you ignored it and let it grow to a class III hostile entity
22:20 _moon i am trying to write text to /dev/lp0 from PHP
22:20 _moon but i cant seem to
22:21 _moon i can do it from the cansole with cat and echo
22:21 _moon as root and regular user
22:21 MrCurious1 did you open for append?
22:21 _moon ooo
22:21 _moon not sure\
22:21 MrCurious1 W+
22:21 _moon ok
22:22 MrCurious1 thats my first guess
22:22 MrCurious1 also calling flush() never hurts
22:22 _moon im going to try that
22:22 GargantuaSauce also check the group permissions, the regular user could be in a group that has access while the apache or whatever user doesn't
22:23 GargantuaSauce nothing wrong with a good ol
22:23 GargantuaSauce chmod 777
22:23 MrCurious1 security be damned
22:23 _moon i did that and chow'ned it to www-data
22:23 GargantuaSauce yeah ok
22:23 MrCurious1 perhaps try with a sstand alone php program first
22:24 GargantuaSauce or use a language that doesn't suck!
22:24 _moon :p
22:24 MrCurious1 i wasnt going to say that, figured he knew already
22:24 GargantuaSauce i relish stating the obvious
22:24 _moon nice
22:24 _moon i didnt know php sucked :0
22:25 MrCurious1 i thought php stood for personal home page.... a hack that grew out of control until it was a broken language
22:25 _moon im just learning how to program
22:25 _moon so thats funny news to me
22:25 MrCurious1 start with c or java
22:25 _moon i am starting with c, php stuff is a side prodject
22:26 Triffid_Hunter _moon: http://tnx.nl/php :P
22:27 _moon ok
22:27 _moon i like the first pic
22:28 GargantuaSauce yeah cause perl is tooootally a better design
22:28 Triffid_Hunter GargantuaSauce: it is - not because it's a good design, but because php is horrendous
22:29 MrCurious1 perl is good for text munging, but its a write only language
22:29 _moon two more questions then
22:30 _moon um
22:30 _moon how does one use perl for web page stuff
22:30 GargantuaSauce same as php
22:31 _moon thats the only question actualy
22:31 _moon *.pl ??
22:31 GargantuaSauce mod_perl instead of mod_php in apache
22:31 _moon you just answered my next question
22:32 GargantuaSauce my webserver environment of choice lately is node.js
22:32 _moon dso i should look for the right apt-get command for mod perl ?
22:32 _moon webserver enviroment ?
22:32 GargantuaSauce it might already be included in your distro's apache package
22:35 ace4016 php is the bastard child of perl and C; of course apache has perl!
22:36 _moon if a guy could intigrate c into a page would be good
22:38 ace4016 not particularly...
22:38 GargantuaSauce c is way too awkward for text processing
22:38 ace4016 if you want more of a proper langauge inspired by C, use Java or C# (Mono)
22:38 ace4016 (in regards to web dev)
22:39 _moon is java always client side
22:39 ace4016 no
22:40 _moon cool
22:41 _moon i am not familair with java other than a few things iv heard from some older folks
22:43 ace4016 older folks are stuck in the past :P
22:43 ace4016 no offense Triffid_Hunter
22:43 Triffid_Hunter ace4016: heh I'm hardly old and I'm learning C# :P
22:43 ace4016 or was it theBear that is the old foggy
22:43 ace4016 hehe
22:46 MrCurious1 c#?
22:46 MrCurious1 big on learning the soon to be dead technologies eh
22:46 _moon ok thanks for the info guys im out for the night
22:46 MrCurious1 what are you a computational anthropologist?
22:46 ace4016 soon to be dead technologies?
22:46 GargantuaSauce lol
22:47 ace4016 do you get your news from R.M. Stallman Daily?
22:53 GargantuaSauce why would anyone use any other source of information about software?
22:54 ace4016 lol
22:58 GargantuaSauce delta kit arrive yet robotustra_?
23:23 MrCurious1 i am torn.. do i want to solder probe clips to the logic analyzer cable, or leave it as pin sleeves
23:25 GuShH MrCurious1: you should maybe have your own logic analyzed first!
23:25 MrCurious1 connecting myself up to it as we speak
23:25 GuShH Hmm TMI
23:26 rue_more HAHA! my Z80 motherbord works!