#robotics Logs

Apr 28 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:32 rue_house lots of neat optics
00:51 rue_house gnight world
00:57 blockh34d gnite
03:32 FreezingCold I wonder how decent Fanuc's stuff works in Linux
03:32 FreezingCold I tried using some old Thermo (CRS) stuff and it was hell
09:07 rue_house hmm linux CRS eh?
13:42 robotustra hi
13:42 robotustra is any RifRaf here?
13:43 robotustra need small consultaion
13:44 robotustra about 3D printer
13:47 robotustra MrCurious: ping
13:48 robotustra I have a question, what is the usual speed for X, Y carriages for 3D printing
13:59 robotustra ok, 350 mm/sec
13:59 robotustra for travel
13:59 robotustra 200 mm/sec printing
15:40 GuShH_ robotustra: ?
15:40 GuShH_ are you into 3D printing now?
15:41 GuShH_ hopefully using your existing router, and not one of those flimsy threaded rod things they build
15:41 GuShH_ which may fall flat if you stare at it long enough.
15:42 SlaveToTheSauce well the less "reprappy" i3 design and its cohorts are less stupid
15:43 SlaveToTheSauce my mendel sure is downright floppy though
15:43 GuShH_ I agree the i3 is more sane, still bendy
15:43 GuShH_ but robotustra has a very nice CNC mill he built, it would make sense to add an extruder head to that
15:43 SlaveToTheSauce yeah
15:45 GuShH_ SlaveToTheSauce: that last "official" reprap design seems even worse, it's a massive cantilever...
15:46 SlaveToTheSauce oh the ormerod?
15:46 SlaveToTheSauce yeah.
15:46 GuShH_ I don't keep track of the names, they are way too silly.
15:46 SlaveToTheSauce https://reprappro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ormerod_kit_big1.png
15:47 GuShH_ that was designed for manufacturing purposes, not to be easily "diy"
15:47 GuShH_ those who say reprap is not commercial... are full of it!
15:47 GuShH_ it's getting more and more closed source by the minute.
15:48 GuShH_ you may share design docs, but if it requires expensive machinery to produce the parts... might as well not share them.
15:48 GuShH_ notice the amount of printed parts has gone down
15:48 GuShH_ and more custom parts are required.
15:49 SlaveToTheSauce yeah i dunno...i care about that less than the fact that the design looks downright stupid
15:49 GuShH_ lol
15:50 SlaveToTheSauce need to get around to building a rostock or something
15:51 SlaveToTheSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcnhCNh2Ln4 this is just all kinds of arousing
15:53 GuShH_ SlaveToTheSauce: if only they wouldn't sound like cats trapped inside gearboxes though
15:53 GuShH_ wouldn't / didn't
15:54 SlaveToTheSauce i have to spend 20 minutes fucking with bed alignment to get reasonable adhesion at all on a heated bed, let alone have very nonconvex outlines all over the first layer
15:54 SlaveToTheSauce on cold glass.
15:54 SlaveToTheSauce i actually love the sounds
15:54 GuShH_ and the smells of abs?
15:54 SlaveToTheSauce i use pola
15:54 SlaveToTheSauce pla
15:54 SlaveToTheSauce which smells like candy
15:55 GuShH_ I think most in #reprap have permanent brain damage due to the fumes.
15:55 SlaveToTheSauce that wouldn't be surprising
15:55 SlaveToTheSauce especially nylon, fuck that
15:55 GuShH_ Haha
15:55 GuShH_ wait until they try PVC
15:56 GuShH_ if zombies are to be real, they will come from #reprap
15:56 GuShH_ SlaveToTheSauce: aren't most calibration issues due to the construction of the machine?
15:57 GuShH_ (how unreliable the structures, etc. are)
15:57 SlaveToTheSauce yes which is why i have to keep doing it
15:57 SlaveToTheSauce the above design addresses most of those issues though
15:57 GuShH_ deltas seem nice but...
15:57 GuShH_ I see a considerably higher cost
15:58 SlaveToTheSauce and if it's calibrating at the start of every print, who gives a shit if it's out of alignment
15:59 SlaveToTheSauce i still need to find electronics that don't piss me off though
15:59 SlaveToTheSauce / firmware
15:59 GuShH_ good luck
15:59 SlaveToTheSauce yeah.
16:00 SlaveToTheSauce the whole software stack is kind of awful
16:00 GuShH_ reminds me of Java
16:00 SlaveToTheSauce at least pronterface and the firmware....slic3r is pretty tolerable except for a few bad bugs
16:00 SlaveToTheSauce python and tarduino-c
16:01 GuShH_ aren't they working on slic3r again?
16:01 SlaveToTheSauce they never stopped
16:01 GuShH_ so was it "slicer" then
16:01 GuShH_ I recall the guy left
16:01 GuShH_ then recently came back to it
16:01 SlaveToTheSauce oh that must have coincided with one of my periods of not paying attention
16:02 SlaveToTheSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgxCT_NvRkI
16:02 ShH_ bl
16:03 GuShH_ Meanwhile in Japan?
16:04 SlaveToTheSauce so close
16:06 GuShH_ have you tried brass hobbed bolts? or are you using the hobbed pulley
16:06 SlaveToTheSauce my first extruded used a steel hobbed bolt, now it's hobbed pulleys
16:07 GuShH_ I should try sourcing some stainless bolts
16:07 SlaveToTheSauce the pulleys are way way better
16:07 GuShH_ got any plans for them?
16:07 GuShH_ blueprint or specs
16:07 GuShH_ isn't it the same but on a higher diameter?
16:08 SlaveToTheSauce it's basically the same yeah
16:08 SlaveToTheSauce deeper grooves though
16:09 GuShH_ oh, so the filament is enveloped?
16:09 GuShH_ I read some have tracking issues hrm
16:09 GuShH_ that's why I went back to the bolt idea
16:10 SlaveToTheSauce the ones i have now slip way less often than the bolt did
16:10 GuShH_ thing is there are so many variations on everything...
16:10 SlaveToTheSauce though the whole extruder design is different
16:10 SlaveToTheSauce yeah.
16:10 SlaveToTheSauce https://reprappro.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/400px-Reprappro-multi-materials-extruder-drive-geared-shaft.jpg
16:10 SlaveToTheSauce i can take more pics if you want
16:11 GuShH_ but they only exist to differentiate commerical products "mine is better" there's hardly any merit on most of these variations I see :/
16:11 GuShH_ looks like they use a bigger tap, on a bigger radius heh
16:12 GuShH_ that looks like mild steel, but maybe it's just the lighting
16:12 GuShH_ (I'm assuming they would use the cheapest steel available, not even FMS)
16:12 GuShH_ Some are stainless though
16:12 GuShH_ a tempered mild steel pulley should last a long time, I don't see any problems with the material
16:14 SlaveToTheSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc-tGbMN9Ms whut
16:14 ShH_ wouldn't use brass at
16:14 SlaveToTheSauce why did i never think of a cnc sewing machine
16:15 GuShH_ oh there are plenty cnc sewing machines out there, all commercial heh
16:15 GuShH_ they just aren't cheap
16:15 SlaveToTheSauce this one looks reasonably halfassed
16:15 GuShH_ you can just add an XY table to a regular machine though, it will work.
16:15 GuShH_ that's how you do free-hand work anyway
16:15 GuShH_ you move the fabric around the XY plane
16:16 GuShH_ it gets complex when you want multiple thread colours
16:17 GuShH_ hahaha "gunmetal black hobbed pulley" it's just oil quenched mild steel...
16:17 GuShH_ these reptards do love their marketing.
16:17 SlaveToTheSauce well you gotta maximize $/effort somehow
16:17 GuShH_ they don't even know what gunmetal is.
16:18 GuShH_ I don't think they can source it to begin with.
16:18 SlaveToTheSauce and they're counting on the customers not knowing either!
16:18 GuShH_ 13mm diameter, 11mm internal diameter, 11mm length
16:18 GuShH_ but the bore could be 5, 6 or 8mm
16:18 GuShH_ how uncommon...
16:19 GuShH_ they're smaller than I thought
16:19 SlaveToTheSauce the one i linked is just 3mm
16:19 GuShH_ the bore? (the hole in the center)
16:20 SlaveToTheSauce ya
16:20 GuShH_ what... the hell...
16:20 SlaveToTheSauce and that's a 623 bearing underneath
16:20 GuShH_ ever heard of standards
16:20 SlaveToTheSauce it's so it can use the same m3 hardware that's everywhere else on the thing
16:20 GuShH_ 3, 5, 6, 8... choose one, stick with it.
16:20 SlaveToTheSauce this design is consistently m3
16:20 SlaveToTheSauce except the m8 rods of course
16:21 GuShH_ I would use m4 at least.
16:21 GuShH_ you can't really torque an M3
16:22 GuShH_ design aside, most of the rigidity problems come from the improper fastener sizes.
16:22 GuShH_ poorly mating surfaces..
16:22 SlaveToTheSauce well why would you want to? the plastic will start to give way long before the head starts to strip
16:22 SlaveToTheSauce even with washers
16:22 GuShH_ depends if it's tapped plastic or if it's using a nut and washers
16:23 SlaveToTheSauce i don't think so
16:23 GuShH_ I bet you would strip the m3 before the plastic suffered any damages using the washers
16:23 SlaveToTheSauce i can tell you for sure that is false
16:23 GuShH_ because they print pretty much hollow parts?
16:23 GuShH_ the whole issue is right there in the way everything is built.
16:24 SlaveToTheSauce no they're pretty solid, but not THAT soli
16:24 SlaveToTheSauce d
16:24 SlaveToTheSauce also if you're advocating consistency you have to take things like the fact that the motor holes are m3 into account
16:25 GuShH_ that doesn't mean everything should be m3
16:25 Tom_itx does so
16:25 SlaveToTheSauce i havent noticed any real problems with the hardware on mine
16:26 GuShH_ Tom_itx: explain?
16:26 SlaveToTheSauce the structure, on the other hand....
16:26 Tom_itx consistency
16:26 GuShH_ oh so your car must use the same bolt size everywhere!
16:26 GuShH_ per your amazing engineering reasoning.
16:26 Tom_itx yeah, just more in one place where needed
16:27 ShH_ slaps Tom
16:27 GuShH_ Unless it's a meccano car, that's a false statement.
16:27 SlaveToTheSauce i wish i had a meccano car
16:29 GuShH_ SlaveToTheSauce: well, aside from the design of the structure, how you fasten it and the way you fasten it, matters a lot. If there's no consistency on the printed surfaces and non printed surfaces are forced to mate with these parts, you won't get square surfaces, you'll always have stresses everywhere, things pulling to different sides...
16:30 m_itx ignores GuShH_ and goes back to his
16:30 GuShH_ Tom_itx: meccano car.
16:30 SlaveToTheSauce i cant think of any fasteners in my mendel that are actually part of the structure
16:30 GuShH_ That's even worse design.
16:31 Tom_itx take them out and see what falls apart
16:31 Tom_itx then say that
16:31 SlaveToTheSauce oh i guess there's the bolts holding the hot end onto the x carriage
16:31 SlaveToTheSauce that's about it
16:31 SlaveToTheSauce and holding the motors on
16:32 SlaveToTheSauce and tensioning the extruder idler
16:32 GuShH_ "gunmetal black finish" http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0188/3404/products/IMG_0419_1024x1024.jpg?v=1366554791
16:32 SlaveToTheSauce oh oh and the #1 source of misalignment, the sprung ones holding the hot bed on the y carriage
16:32 SlaveToTheSauce that may or may not prove someone's point
16:33 aveToTheSauce sh
16:33 GuShH_ SlaveToTheSauce: it's not about points?
16:33 GuShH_ it's about fasteners
16:33 SlaveToTheSauce okay it proves your fastener
16:34 GuShH_ I don't care. I'm not a fan of M3.
16:34 SlaveToTheSauce m2.5 it is
16:34 GuShH_ no!
16:34 GuShH_ I don't think I own taps smaller than m3...
16:36 GuShH_ still, were you not talking about the grubscrew, when I asked about the bore size?
16:36 SlaveToTheSauce https://reprappro.com/documentation/mendel-tricolour/extruder-drive-assembly/
16:36 GuShH_ there's also a smaller diameter pulley
16:36 SlaveToTheSauce the bore is tapped m3
16:37 GuShH_ no, the bores are not tapped on these
16:37 GuShH_ http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0188/3404/products/hobbs_1024x1024.jpg?v=1361070224
16:37 GuShH_ the grub screw is, of course.
16:37 SlaveToTheSauce yeah those are very different
16:37 SlaveToTheSauce i assume they're made for direct drive extruders
16:38 GuShH_ well we were on different books.
16:38 SlaveToTheSauce well i did link to a pic of what i was talking about
16:38 GuShH_ But maybe I wasn't paying attention!
16:38 GuShH_ (I wasn't)
16:39 SlaveToTheSauce in which case i take full responsibility for not being loud enough
16:39 GuShH_ That leaves me with about 10 different hobbed pulley designs.
16:39 SlaveToTheSauce hehe
16:40 SlaveToTheSauce i like this design cause if the extruder gets gummed up i can just pop the reduction gear and hobbed pulley right out
16:40 SlaveToTheSauce without having to remove the whole damn motor
16:45 GuShH_ there's no standard on the naming convention, some call it "hobbed pulley" others call it "drive gear" :p
19:59 rue_house yay, now my kingston SSD has come back from warranty
19:59 rue_house now I have two SSD's that I dont trust to use for anything
19:59 rue_house a new kingston and a new ADATA
20:00 ace4016 lol
20:00 rue_house both warranty replacements
20:01 rue_house I'm running on a used drive pulled out of a compaq, and I trust it more right now
20:02 rue_house Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 200 200 140 Pre-fail Always - 0
20:02 rue_house Power_On_Hours 0x0032 085 085 000 Old_age Always - 11466
20:02 rue_house WDC WD800JD-75MSA1
20:03 rue_house my storage array:
20:03 rue_house WDC WD1002FAEX-00Y9A0
20:03 rue_house Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 200 200 140 Pre-fail Always - 0
20:03 rue_house Power_On_Hours 0x0032 065 065 000 Old_age Always - 25776
20:04 rue_house the other drive has 6 hours less time on it
20:05 rue_house hmm almost 3 years
20:05 rue_house 2 more years to go before I probably upgrade then
20:09 rue_house GuShH_, is it a synchro pulley
20:10 rue_house hmm
20:10 GargantuaSauce ya i have a trio of seagate 3TB drives sitting in a box because i don't trust them at all
20:10 rue_house somewhere I made myself a todo list
20:10 rue_house seagate, no.
20:10 rue_house maybe in raid 5 with a few hot spares
20:10 GargantuaSauce thats where they were
20:10 GargantuaSauce had a 50% failure rate
20:10 GargantuaSauce replaced with wd reds.
20:10 rue_house ooo yea
20:11 rue_house which one is red? think Iused blue
20:11 GargantuaSauce red is for nas, i stopped reading past that point
20:12 rue_house I think mine are high power long life...
20:12 rue_house maybe red is low power long life
20:12 GargantuaSauce yeah probably
20:13 rue_house http://www.wdc.com/wdproducts/library/Flyer/ENG/2278-771046.pdf
20:14 rue_house damn
20:16 GargantuaSauce the 4TB ones were on sale so i got to upgrade the capacity at the same time also
20:16 rue_house I dont unstand nasware
20:17 rue_house I run my blues in raid 5 via linux kernel
20:17 GargantuaSauce yeah same
20:17 Triffid_Hunter I have a 3T wd red sitting next to me
20:17 Triffid_Hunter has raid+lvm on it.. only one disk so far, I plan to get more
20:17 rue_house so, red is extra support
20:17 rue_house :)
20:18 rue_house both SSD's I tried for my OS drive died, one after a year, the other a month
20:18 orlock ouch
20:18 rue_house I'v warrantied them both now, I dont know what to do iwth them
20:18 GargantuaSauce put them on robots, obviously
20:19 rue_house I was able, thru backups to save to os installed
20:19 rue_house I was thinking it, but I dont have any robots that need a 60G SSD
20:19 GargantuaSauce well then make one :)
20:19 rue_house robot - b = root
20:20 GargantuaSauce surely you have an old netbook or something kicking around
20:20 rue_house now with SATA
20:20 rue_house oh, I have nothing robot grade with sata
20:21 rue_house not even the shop fileserver has sata
20:21 rue_house so anyhow, I dont know what do with with these
20:21 rue_house I should backup my OS on one
20:22 rue_house I wonder what the data shelflife is
20:22 rue_house my old WD's cleared themselfs
20:22 rue_house after about 5 years
20:22 GargantuaSauce i don't believe flash lasts much longer
20:22 rue_house cant even find their firmware
20:22 rue_house they were fine then I put them aside
20:22 rue_house every capacity upgrade I shelf the old drives
20:23 orlock Maybe something enviromental
20:24 orlock were you storing them inside a large coil?
20:24 GargantuaSauce well if the firmware was gone, that's a flash failure
20:24 rue_house wrapped in antistatic bags wrapped in bubblewrap
20:24 rue_house they store the main drive firmware on the drive ;)
20:24 rue_house most drives do
20:24 GargantuaSauce nope
20:24 rue_house the onboard just is a bootloader
20:24 GargantuaSauce at least not recently
20:25 rue_house pull or swap the platters, it will be confused or change identity
20:25 GargantuaSauce i know this because i had a nice serial conversation with one of my failed drives' controllers removed entirely from the drive
20:26 GargantuaSauce there's still vital information stored on the platters but it's stuff like servo tracks
20:28 orlock anybody here used python and x509 PKI?
21:09 blockh34d python yes, x509 PKi, no
21:09 blockh34d whats x509 PKI?
21:10 orlock crypto - specifically being able to trust a remote python process if their public key is signed by a trusted CA
21:11 blockh34d oh ok sorry can't help
21:11 blockh34d no idea about any of that
21:11 blockh34d might have given it a shot if reasonable chance i could muck through it lol
21:11 blockh34d sounds like a neat setup, good luck
21:13 orlock blockh34d: Its really just using the extended data that can be stored in the certificates
21:13 blockh34d oic as a sort of secure packet then
21:13 blockh34d semi-secure
21:13 blockh34d secure-ish
21:14 blockh34d i don't trush any encryption any more, but i'm hopelessly paranoid
21:14 orlock blockh34d: i used to use it for VPN endpoint authentication/authorisation - so the data in the certificate could be used not just to authenticate two endpoints against common certificate authorities, but also authorise them for different resources based on the data
21:15 blockh34d yes sounds like a pretty good way to handle that
21:16 orlock nagios sucks
21:16 blockh34d seems like someone could snif our some packets maybe
21:16 orlock most network monitoring systems suck
21:16 blockh34d pretend to be your trusted node and then jam it
21:16 blockh34d after its already gotten signed
21:16 blockh34d but i don't know i just tend to play devils advocate
21:17 blockh34d is this for military stuff?
21:17 orlock blockh34d: thats what the certs and signing are for
21:17 blockh34d yah couldn't someone sit in the middle though?
21:17 orlock nah, just looking for a better network health monitor
21:17 orlock blockh34d: initial key exchange has to be "secure"
21:18 orlock MitM attack during initial exchange is one of the main flaws
21:18 orlock like ssh, first time you connect to a new host
21:18 blockh34d maybe you could make that part based on different protocol
21:18 blockh34d like IR bbased opto isolators
21:18 orlock nah, its a known and fixed problem
21:18 blockh34d ie 'hold this up to that the first time you use it'
21:19 blockh34d oh ok yah if not military probably not such a big deal
21:19 blockh34d almost sounds like drone work though and i think that stuff should be as hardened as we can get it
21:19 orlock my last job, i nearly raised the server case LED's as being a potental security issue
21:20 blockh34d personally i think it would be better for every bit of drone code to be open source
21:20 blockh34d oh it is
21:20 blockh34d sensors can watch those lights and decypher traffic from it
21:20 blockh34d afaik
21:20 orlock yeah, but it all depends
21:20 blockh34d i've never actually done this but it seems pretty feasible to me
21:20 orlock we were heavily worried about data exfiltration there
21:20 blockh34d what kind of monitors do you use?
21:20 blockh34d lcd or crt?
21:21 orlock i know about emf emissions as well
21:21 blockh34d crt can be read from quite a way off
21:21 orlock Temptest hardening, etc
21:21 orlock Tempest, even
21:21 orlock blockh34d: read Spycatcher if you are interested in this stuff
21:21 blockh34d yah just figured i'd mention in case maybe news to you
21:21 blockh34d yes maybe i will sounds good
21:22 blockh34d spyhunter was always one of my fav games
21:22 blockh34d with that peter gunn theme
21:22 orlock blockh34d: its written by one of MI5's top scientists who developed a pile of that tech
21:22 blockh34d originally performed by duane eddy
21:22 orlock i remember playing that on an XT
21:22 blockh34d fun stuff
21:22 blockh34d oil slick!
21:22 blockh34d ever heard the art of noise remix of that theme song?
21:22 blockh34d it's awesome
21:23 blockh34d maybe one of the first techno songs ever
21:23 blockh34d that i am aware of
21:25 blockh34d i learned on an XT
21:25 blockh34d 4.77mhz
21:25 orlock blockh34d: they "broke" some early enigma style encryption systems in the 50's by watching the output of bugs on an oscilloscope, and video taping the output
21:25 blockh34d i remember playing a lot of Striker
21:25 orlock blockh34d: and looked for the bugs to pick up mechanical noise that would identify keystrokes
21:25 blockh34d now they can aim a device at crt's and recreate the image, remotely and wirelessly
21:25 blockh34d without any software on the remote system
21:26 blockh34d thats old tech actually
21:26 orlock yeah, they worked on that too
21:26 orlock EMF on the powerlines, etc
21:26 blockh34d now they can put 'cottonmouth'devices into your usb plugs
21:26 blockh34d and you may never even know they're there
21:26 orlock blockh34d: this describes them laying the lines for the bugs as the embassy was being built
21:26 blockh34d you keyboard could be a spy
21:26 blockh34d doesnt surprise me
21:26 blockh34d so sick of spies
21:27 blockh34d and espionag
21:27 orlock tell me about it
21:27 blockh34d some day a proper open source, transparent government will arise
21:27 orlock i used to run into assange every so often
21:27 blockh34d and will shit kick all these insignificant triffling little worms
21:27 blockh34d where?
21:27 orlock nightclubs, pubs, etc
21:27 blockh34d cool
21:28 Faek A typical day on #robotics
21:28 blockh34d was he nice?
21:28 orlock no, he's a goddamn asshole
21:28 orlock if he wasnt, he wouldent be stuck in the embassy still
21:29 blockh34d send him to russia
21:40 Tom_itx what's the difference between string and string value data types?
21:43 GuShH_ rue_house: what synchro pulley?
21:53 orlock blockh34d: you have a bash shell handy?
21:54 blockh34d i do
21:54 orlock openssl s_client -connect google.com:443 -verify 9
21:55 orlock run that
21:55 blockh34d and?
21:55 orlock and you can see the certificate chain and issued certificate subject, etc
21:56 blockh34d cool good to know
21:57 orlock blockh34d: now i want to get access to that data from python and use it to create a network monitor thats not a pile of crap
21:58 blockh34d heard of pexpect?
21:58 blockh34d i like it for that sort of thing i guess
21:58 blockh34d but i guess subprocess.check would do it too
21:58 blockh34d or whatever it is for 'run this and return the output'
21:58 blockh34d pexpect does that wonderfully
21:59 orlock there should be python functions for it all already
21:59 blockh34d i made a console based media player GUI app that uses other command line media players
21:59 orlock theres openssl and nss amongst others
21:59 blockh34d there is but i had issues with them with my app
21:59 blockh34d namely monitoring stdout/stdin as the app is running
21:59 orlock not buffer issues?
21:59 blockh34d most internal methods i found want to fully execute the app and then return its output
22:00 orlock buffering
22:00 blockh34d no i don't think thats the issue
22:00 blockh34d even if i disable buffering
22:00 blockh34d it wants to fully execute the program
22:00 blockh34d which for me was a rpoblem since i want ongoing feedback of its execution state
22:00 blockh34d but for you maybe its ok
22:00 blockh34d i would still look at pexpect though
22:00 blockh34d its a class act
22:01 blockh34d should be standard in python imo
22:01 blockh34d you could be right btw, maybe i was just doing it wrong
22:01 blockh34d but i put soe heavy hours into doing it with just native python
22:02 blockh34d and it always failed in one way or anothher. pexpect worked almost instantly.
22:02 blockh34d looks pretty simple to scrape that data from openssl's stdout
22:03 blockh34d is there complication i'm unaware of?
22:03 orlock no - just i want to do it all within python
22:03 orlock i only had this idea last night
22:03 orlock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19145097/getting-certificate-chain-with-python-3-3-ssl-module
22:03 orlock theres somebody doing a smiliar thing
22:03 blockh34d pexpect is a python module
22:03 blockh34d btw
22:03 orlock i know
22:03 blockh34d oh ok
22:03 orlock expect for python
22:04 blockh34d yah ok i thought maybe you figured it was a seperate app
22:04 blockh34d n/m
22:04 blockh34d i don't even know that it would help much for what you're doing
22:04 blockh34d i just really like it
22:04 blockh34d well made, executed, documented, etc
22:05 blockh34d it's MIT license too so you can redistribute it with your app
22:06 blockh34d yeah i did something like this to monitor projectors once
22:06 blockh34d simulate a login to the admin page, scrape for data, do stuff with it
22:20 rue_shop2 "the solar panels work great as a rain shelter for the gas cans"
22:36 rue_house hmm, I need to upgrade the internet nic in the router to 100m
22:37 GargantuaSauce lol
22:38 GargantuaSauce yeah it
22:38 GargantuaSauce 's not 1994 anymore man
22:50 orlock Hmm
22:51 orlock one of the local electronics places is selling servo style NEMA23 steppers
22:51 orlock http://oceancontrols.com.au/MOT-184.html
22:51 Triffid_Hunter orlock: NEMAnn is simply a face/mounting specification, it says nothing about the length of the motor, nor how rotation is actually achieved. it doesn't even give a shaft length
22:52 orlock Triffid_Hunter: yup
22:52 Triffid_Hunter the FAB@Home project uses some ludicrous servo-ish motors that cost $320/ea last time I looked, no wonder it fell by the wayside when reprap came along!
22:52 orlock Triffid_Hunter: though i thought it was more than that?
22:52 orlock but, fair enough
22:52 orlock yeah, some of these are $260ish
22:54 orlock wtf...
22:54 orlock http://oceancontrols.com.au/KTA-292.html
22:55 GargantuaSauce what.
22:55 GargantuaSauce man
22:55 GargantuaSauce that is the best thing i've seen all week
23:03 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/1PC-Newest-Russian-Computer-Learning-Education-Machine-Tablet-Toy-Gift-For-Kids-/400633815872
23:03 rue_house who thinks that looks like a stripped down android tablet?
23:05 GargantuaSauce i suspect it's a backlit printed piece of acrylic that makes noises when you poke it
23:05 rue_house it is $6
23:07 GargantuaSauce yeah.
23:09 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/Newest-Bicycle-Ski-Skull-Half-Face-Mask-Ghost-Scarf-Multi-Use-Neck-Warmer-COD-/201008931289
23:10 rue_house "great for bank robberies!"
23:15 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/16mm-12V-Newest-Car-Silver-Aluminum-LED-Power-Push-Button-Metal-Switch-Latching-/201008931167
23:15 e_house dr
23:15 rue_house why dont my robots use these?
23:17 GargantuaSauce http://www.ebay.com/itm/Push-Momentary-Button-Rotary-Rocker-Press-Emergency-Stop-Switch-DC-AC-250-660V-/360727303730?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:CA:3160 i got a few of these recently
23:17 GargantuaSauce haven't integrated them into anything yet but they sit on my desk and give me something to fidget with :)
23:18 rue_house god thats cheap
23:19 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/Newest-CCTV-Camera-BNC-S-Video-VGA-to-Laptop-PC-VGA-Monitor-Converter-Adapter-/400589285922
23:19 rue_house I must note these exist
23:22 GargantuaSauce oh cool, havent seen ones like that with PiP
23:23 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Watch-Repair-Magnifier-20X-Glasses-Type-With-LED-Light-Portable-/350637784047
23:23 rue_house what says steampunk more?
23:24 GargantuaSauce i don't think LEDs are very steampunk
23:26 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cool-IR-Night-Vision-Camera-RC-Tank-App-Controlled-By-iPhone-iPad-WH-/201054973030
23:26 rue_house ...
23:27 GargantuaSauce ya it's the damn future man
23:27 rue_house if I wanted one I wouldn't evenhave to go to the store?
23:28 GargantuaSauce yes you would send some bits through your 10mbit ethernet across the continent to authorize a payment to the other side of the world
23:28 GargantuaSauce and they'd have it delivered to your door
23:29 GargantuaSauce flown across the ocean in an aluminium tube powered by burning dinosaurs
23:30 rue_house and handled by underevolved chimps
23:32 rue_house this seller has so much cool stuff, I just want another damned tabler
23:32 rue_house t
23:32 GargantuaSauce a super low end one?
23:32 GargantuaSauce there's that indian market one....whats it called
23:32 rue_house * with hdmi
23:32 rue_house tahts who I got my last one from
23:32 GargantuaSauce is it alright? i was thinking of getting a couple
23:33 rue_house its ok
23:33 rue_house for $67
23:36 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/Car-Stereo-Audio-In-Dash-Mp3-Player-FM-USB-SD-RCA-AUX-Remote-Control-/400690597727
23:37 rue_house the only glitch I have iwth the car stereo I got is that it dosn't detect the SD on powerup, you have to pull it out and stick it back in
23:38 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sexy-Women-8-Link-Body-Belly-Waist-Necklace-Chain-Slave-Harness-/400669115223
23:38 rue_house a sexy woman for less than $3
23:39 rue_house whats a CREE led?
23:40 orlock they make big high powered led's
23:40 GargantuaSauce i think it was a brand once, now it refers to a form factor
23:40 Triffid_Hunter cree is a company that produces leds. they're well known for reliable ultrabrights
23:40 rue_house huh
23:41 rue_house I keep seeing it on china led stuff
23:41 GargantuaSauce yeah it usually refers to the led[s] mounted on the star-shaped heatsink/pcb in that case i think
23:41 GargantuaSauce and not the actual manufacturer
23:41 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wire-Safety-Anti-Slash-Cut-Proof-Static-Stab-Resistance-Protect-Gloves-/191122449254
23:41 rue_house "great for bank robberies!"
23:42 rue_house *but* do they sell the carbon fiber knifes!
23:42 orlock rue_house: butchers gloves!
23:42 orlock rue_house: and the ones i saw at disposal stores were kevlar or similar
23:42 orlock kevlar and resin composite
23:46 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/Audio-Isolator-Noise-Reduction-Filter-for-Car-Sound-Subwoofer-Amplifier-/400690596281
23:46 rue_house hahaah $8! hahahaa
23:49 rue_house hahaha I missed rebidding on a red tablet I didn't know if I wanted
23:55 rue_house well that sucks
23:55 rue_house I bought more junk and I still dont ahve a tablet with hdmi
23:56 rue_house hahahaha and one of them is a 8g key with $10 in shipping
23:56 rue_house hahahahahaha I'm an idiot
23:57 GargantuaSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00Jjj6oI5fg every time i go on ebay