#robotics Logs

Apr 18 2014

#robotics Calendar

05:55 kolaman hi all, I am going to start my research career (during my MS CS) and was thinking to resaerch on reallity of dreams, but my professor tells me to do work on communication layer for cognitive systems (and attach legacy communication models to existing cognitive models)
05:55 kolaman but there is no cognition in that . . .:(
05:56 kolaman but he says start with this and than we will find some flaws which will help us make the legacy systems cognitive and than remove those flaws which will help us build the basis of a "Cognitive OS"
05:56 kolaman I am a bit confused so thought to discuss that here before proceeding further
17:03 MrCurious is this an accurate summation of the first 6 months of life? https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-fr4Q6nus8kQ/U1F-Xh8B2VI/AAAAAAAAd3I/8BNytZ2N-ig/w320-h179-no/a5dygAy_460sa.gif
17:06 Hyratel haha
20:53 armyofevilrobots rue_shop2: Game of munchkin at my place. Be there, or... don't get to play munchkin. 8-pm-ish
23:06 zhanx Evening