#robotics Logs

Apr 10 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:45 GuShH_ what the hell is bonarda wine?
00:45 GuShH_ and I thought I knew wines...
00:45 rue_more its fermented fruit juice
00:45 GuShH_ no, this type.
00:45 GuShH_ Douce noir
00:45 rue_more its fermented fruit juice
00:45 GuShH_ "charbono" in california (wtf)
00:46 ShH_ slaps rue_
00:46 rue_more it is!
00:46 rue_more its all freaking fermented
00:46 rue_more like beer!
00:46 GuShH_ you are just a KID TRAPPED IN A MANS BODY
00:46 ShH_ shakes
00:47 rue_more your optimism isn't helping me in a practical way
00:47 MrCurious is that the stuff that they ferment using spit?
00:47 GuShH_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douce_noir
00:47 rue_more void serialInit() { // 115200 N81 no interrupt
00:47 rue_more }
00:47 GuShH_ no that's in africa or some shit.
00:47 rue_more its for a mega32, would you write it for me?
00:47 GuShH_ or peru, I DONT KNOW.
00:47 rue_more I'll give you 8 hours
00:47 GuShH_ oh it's coming to me... wait... I think I remember
00:47 GuShH_ no. but it was a root maybe
00:48 GuShH_ Ayahuasca?
00:48 GuShH_ no, that's just an infusion.
00:48 GuShH_ You've been drinking spit?
00:49 GuShH_ I've read about that, it's in some of those shitty places.
00:49 MrCurious http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicha
00:49 rue_more french will serve you piss if you ask right
00:49 GuShH_ french will drink it if they serve it to me.
00:49 GuShH_ MrCurious: never heard of it
00:49 GuShH_ the hell is that
00:49 GuShH_ some chilean shit?
00:49 MrCurious http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_saliva-fermented_beverages
00:50 MrCurious there one of those you are trying to remember
00:50 GuShH_ there's no mention of spit?
00:50 MrCurious search on saliva
00:50 GuShH_ see, bolivia, chile...
00:50 GuShH_ all shit places.
00:50 GuShH_ peru...
00:50 GuShH_ lawn mowing places.
00:50 MrCurious brazil
00:50 MrCurious peru
00:50 ShH_
00:50 rue_more damn, I ahve the get the mowerbot going
00:50 GuShH_ jesus.
00:51 GuShH_ bastards.
00:51 GuShH_ that beer video was nothing compared to reading about spit ferment
00:51 GuShH_ err bear.
00:51 MrCurious i guess in south america, you have to be careful WHO you drink in a restaraunt
00:51 GuShH_ bear video = no feeling
00:51 GuShH_ spit in a drink = I would murder them if they served me that.
00:52 GuShH_ I swear I would beat them silly.
00:52 MrCurious think of it as being inventive
00:52 GuShH_ Why not just use water rinsed in some leaves if you wanted some yeast
00:52 GuShH_ or bacteria or whatever it is ferments it
00:53 ShH_ is very a
00:57 rue_more oooooh my sudo code is horridly broken
00:57 rue_more nowit only updates at 25Hz
00:58 rue_more only 10 channels can be fit into one stream
00:58 rue_more if I want 16 channels I have to handle at least 2 at once
00:58 e_more goes to
01:05 MrCurious no sir, those two raccoons are not shy at all
06:24 GuShH_ rue_more: you should totally get a .ninja domain
06:24 ShH_ s
07:01 GuShH_ rue_more: found a use for the "spent" angle grinder cutting wheels
07:01 GuShH_ (yes I do save them)
08:46 rue_bed k
08:46 rue_bed as?
08:53 GuShH_ ugh poor thing http://mla-s2-p.mlstatic.com/fresadora-univel-cantabrico-num1cverticalcontrapuntaacc-5492-MLA4422572224_062013-F.jpg
08:53 GuShH_ left to rot...
08:53 GuShH_ damn auction whores
08:53 GuShH_ rue_bed: for grinding hss on the lathe, similar to what you made but instead of fly cutting, grinding
08:55 GuShH_ hah what a POS http://mla-s1-p.mlstatic.com/torno-revolver-pasaje-de-barra-19-mm-3000--13382-MLA20076233053_042014-F.jpg it's missing all of the holders, it's got a WASHING MACHINE AC motor and well it's all bent up, beat up, messed up.
08:55 GuShH_ only 19mm pass thru
08:55 GuShH_ with 1 collet ONE.
09:04 rue_more pipe lathe
09:04 rue_more plumbers...
09:08 GuShH_ rue_more: it's a turret lathe you ignorant fool
09:08 GuShH_ it's just missing all but the turret
09:08 GuShH_ a proper turret lathe is far more advanced than a regular parallel lathe
09:09 GuShH_ with thread copying, stock feeding, parting carriage, several stops for each operation, list goes on...
09:10 rue_more no its a pipe lathe
09:10 GuShH_ to run production of fittings, nozzles, what-have-you... it's ideal, aside from an actual CNC
09:10 rue_more that turrette is for taps
09:10 GuShH_ it's not
09:10 GuShH_ the holders are not installed because they are missing
09:10 rue_more and the cross slide holds flange shapers
09:10 GuShH_ you even have knurling holders that are pass-through
09:11 GuShH_ not really, the back holder often holds a reverse parting tool...
09:11 rue_more thats why the cross slide has a handle on it for moving it back and forth
09:11 GuShH_ when no parting carriage is available
09:11 GuShH_ rue_more: you know absolutely nothing about turret lathes based on what I just read.
09:11 rue_more you put two tools in it, one used with pulling handle forward, other back
09:11 GuShH_ you assume they are all for pipe and plumber work
09:11 GuShH_ I assume you are a butcher, happy?
09:12 rue_more its an ugly pipe lathe
09:12 GuShH_ they're not pipe lathes.
09:13 GuShH_ http://mla-s1-p.mlstatic.com/oferta-torno-automatico-camporesi-ha25-torno-revolver-12455-MLA20060733218_032014-F.jpg
09:13 GuShH_ that's also considered a turret lathe.
09:14 GuShH_ it's just highly automated by comparison and the tool stack is by the headstock
09:15 GuShH_ but you can still run the same operations, with the right holders
09:15 GuShH_ http://mla-s2-p.mlstatic.com/oferta-torno-automatico-camporesi-ha25-torno-revolver-12427-MLA20060733616_032014-F.jpg
09:16 GuShH_ highly obsolete these days
09:16 GuShH_ it's missing the tailstock turret, clearly not needed for what they were doing
09:16 rue_more over the next 10 years, the price of electricity here is going up 60%
09:16 rue_more I think I'm gonna build a steam powered genorator
09:17 GuShH_ here, you can see a stubby bit installed with a holder http://mla-s1-p.mlstatic.com/torno-revolver-traub-42mm-pasaje-de-barra-ctorre-cortadora-4531-MLA3718759472_012013-F.jpg
09:17 GuShH_ that's what the holes are for, tool holders.
09:17 GuShH_ they're not die holders.
09:17 GuShH_ that would be a separate tool.
09:17 GuShH_ that one doesn't have the carriage
09:18 rue_more I tried a new way of getting the chuck off without crushing fingers
09:19 GuShH_ I just place a chunk of wood...
09:19 GuShH_ couldn't be simpler
09:19 rue_more put a peice of rod into the tailstock, give a loose grip via chuck, unthread onto tailstock, slide out
09:20 GuShH_ nice way to abuse your tailstock some more.
09:20 rue_more no dented fingers yet
09:20 ShH_ is still twitching at "pipe la
09:21 GuShH_ what the hell is "logical wear"
09:21 GuShH_ that's the answer I got when I asked about wear on the big milling machine...
09:21 GuShH_ there's no "logical wear"
09:21 GuShH_ it depends on what it was used for
09:21 GuShH_ how often, et
09:21 GuShH_ c
09:22 GuShH_ these auction retards are full of shit.
09:24 GuShH_ rue_more: which chuck were you talking about? the one at the tailstock?
09:24 GuShH_ they are NOT meant for side forces.
09:24 GuShH_ you'll bend the jaws.
09:25 GuShH_ butcher! butcher! butcher!
09:25 GuShH_ and the rod itself inside the quill is also butchery, you don't want to damage the morse taper!
09:26 GuShH_ make a wood block that just fits on the bed with a minimum gap between the wood and the chuck, that way you can unthread and it will rest on the wood.
09:26 rue_more tailstock chuck
09:26 GuShH_ you are butchering it
09:26 GuShH_ I use a small piece of plywood and just hold it then let it rest on the wood... never crushed a finger, but then again I don't rush
09:29 rue_more http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i68/EdMcGill/IMG_0482.jpg hah, looka that old turret lathe!
09:30 rue_more damn I'm late
10:49 robotustra MrSerious
10:50 MrCurious new arm computer delivery day
10:51 GuShH_ look it's Borat
10:51 ShH_ points at robotu
10:56 MrCurious he isnt borat... more lilkely he is yackov schmirnof
12:25 robotustra I really don't know whom are you speaking about
13:51 Hyratel1 https://www.sparkfun.com/news/1450
13:57 SlaveToTheSauce cool platform, zero autonomy makes me sad though
13:58 Hyratel1 sensors cost moneyes
13:59 SlaveToTheSauce yeah well there's already $200 worth of motor and drive electronics...
13:59 goRed tips
13:59 Hyratel1 there's $200 of gofast alone
14:00 Hyratel1 actuallyi think more like $300
14:00 Hyratel1 yeah
14:00 Hyratel1 $300 of Gofast
14:00 SlaveToTheSauce those motors are fucking beefy too...133 amp stall
14:00 Hyratel1 yep
20:01 Tom_itx http://www.eeweb.com/news/600v-super-junction-mosfet-dtmos-iv-h-series
20:06 rue_more Tom_itx, what good is a document like that without numbers?
20:06 rue_more I bet its got over 2 ohms rdson
20:09 rue_more I found numbers, .04 ohms, not bad for 600V
20:11 Tom_itx it came in the email
20:11 Tom_itx just passing it on
21:02 rue_more egg and spam. egg, bacon, and spam. egg, bacon, sausage and spam, spam, bacon, sausage, and spam. spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon, and spam, spam, spam, spam, egg, and spam. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Baked Beans, Spam, Spam, Spam and Spam...
21:47 MrCurious got my odroid-u3 today :D
21:48 GuShH_ MrCurious: yeey.... now what?
21:49 MrCurious now i need to gather a few grams of dust on it
21:49 MrCurious then blow it off, then actuallly play with it
21:49 GuShH_ we could gather some of robotustra's radioactive dust
21:49 MrCurious was hoping to use it with lapdock, but it wont do hdmi 1377x768
21:50 rue_more put it in my shop, I'll sweep
21:50 GuShH_ ha he sweeps!
21:50 ShH_ revs his shop
21:50 MrCurious curious to see if i can get it working as a openstack compute node
21:50 rue_more the shop vac is much better at distributing the dust
21:51 GuShH_ depends if you can redirect the exhaust outside or not
21:51 GuShH_ I can, I'm just missing the extra hose
21:51 GuShH_ the extra jos�
21:51 rue_more hose isn't long enough
21:51 rue_more but it gives me an idea
21:51 MrCurious build a cyclone bucket to put inlline
21:52 GuShH_ it keeps raining and the pool keeps filling up
21:52 GuShH_ I can't ever paint it at this rate!
21:52 MrCurious a nice 2 stage dust collection
21:52 MrCurious go pro
21:52 GuShH_ just spew the shit outside, go clever.
21:52 GuShH_ don't be so californian.
21:52 GuShH_ anything you put inline will take out efficiency
21:53 GuShH_ even if it's active, it will be less energy efficient.
21:53 MrCurious yeah, screw the environment... the environment kills hundreds of people each year. help fight the environment for a safer world
21:53 GuShH_ it's dust ..
21:53 GuShH_ there's more outside than there is inside
21:53 MrCurious its not about energy... its about saving your lungs...
21:54 GuShH_ which is why I said put it outside
21:54 GuShH_ who cleans the bucket anyway
21:54 GuShH_ oh let's go get a carbon filtered 3m respirator
21:54 GuShH_ then go ahead smoke some crack you idiots!
21:54 ShH_ shakes fist at 'mu
21:55 GuShH_ major strike today
21:55 GuShH_ no gas stations, but we had banks... not sure how that works. no public transport, no airplanes...
21:55 GuShH_ oh we did have tolls.. those TROLLS must live in there.
21:55 GuShH_ no taxis
21:55 GuShH_ no garbage collection
21:55 GuShH_ no subway
21:56 GuShH_ I just slept through it, while people were beating each other up everywhere.
21:56 GuShH_ if you were not part of the strike you could not go to work anyway
21:56 GuShH_ most routes and major arteries were closed
21:57 GuShH_ it was right out of The Walking Dead, nobody outside
21:57 GuShH_ you could run naked by the highway and there wouldn't be anyone to notice
21:58 GuShH_ a cop got hit by a fire extinguisher in the head... and that's about it for today's news.
21:58 rue_more which country?
21:58 ShH_ grabs cr
21:58 GuShH_ I'm GuShH, back to you faggots!
21:58 GuShH_ Argentina.
21:58 rue_more what was the strike over?
21:59 rue_more (about)
21:59 GuShH_ I bother to remember you are in Canada, please bother to remember I'm in Argendicka
21:59 GuShH_ About the grubmint and their bs.
21:59 rue_more I cant remmeber which of you are in australlia and which aren't
21:59 GuShH_ Hahaha
21:59 GuShH_ Rif is.
21:59 rue_more grubmint?
21:59 GuShH_ MrCurious is highly americana.
21:59 GuShH_ Yes the Government.
22:00 rue_more ah
22:00 MrCurious that was mocking how the rain forrests of south america are being devistated
22:00 MrCurious sorry if it didnt come off clearly
22:00 rue_more over the next 10 years the cost of electricity is going up 60%
22:00 rue_more I know my wages aren't
22:00 GuShH_ errr
22:00 GuShH_ natural gas went up by 500%
22:00 rue_more so I'm thinking about building a wood powered steam power plant
22:00 GuShH_ part of the strike was to put an end to that bs
22:00 MrCurious climate change means.... have a good water strategy... beacuse its gonna get wetter and dryer
22:00 GuShH_ I'm thinking about a wood furnace....
22:01 rue_more thats cause canada prolly jacked the price after hearing the environmental report saying were all doomed
22:01 GuShH_ we imported more than we needed "by mistake"
22:01 GuShH_ that's even more BS if you ask me.
22:01 rue_more "we are canada we sell environmentall friendly natural gas"
22:01 rue_more FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFf govt
22:01 MrCurious and environmentally friendly tar sands
22:01 GuShH_ I'm not running the furnace this winter...
22:01 GuShH_ maybe I'll freeze to death.
22:01 MrCurious and nothing bad ever happened by fracking the wter table
22:02 GuShH_ Last year I spent quite a chunk in gas, now it would be 5 times as much... can't afford.
22:02 MrCurious now everyone gets free natural gas with their well water
22:02 rue_more they shut down the program to subsidize electric cars when they realized people were actually using it
22:02 GuShH_ hahaha
22:02 GuShH_ I wish I had natural gas on my water
22:02 rue_more they will not put up any programs to subsidize solar power
22:02 MrCurious thats because you live in canada...
22:02 GuShH_ rue_more: our gas subsidy was 283% according to them
22:02 MrCurious try for wind...
22:02 GuShH_ but it went up by 500%
22:02 MrCurious or COLD-power
22:02 GuShH_ you tell me how that works
22:03 rue_more easy, you put on antoher sweater
22:03 GuShH_ I'll start burning the bodies of policitians instead.
22:03 GuShH_ Highly efficient
22:03 rue_more I'm sorry, technolgy has reached an end
22:03 GuShH_ Render the fat, make soap. use their skin for lamps.
22:03 GuShH_ I was reading on gathering energy from waves
22:03 rue_more gather what you can and lite a candle
22:03 GuShH_ I was actually amazed.
22:03 GuShH_ Using hydraulic pistons
22:04 GuShH_ And pressure tanks, to run a motor with a hydraulic turbine
22:04 rue_more in 5 years I expect I'll have breachfront property
22:04 rue_more I'm about 300 feet over sea level
22:04 GuShH_ what's breachfront?
22:04 GuShH_ oh beach
22:04 GuShH_ bunkers and ww2 came to mind
22:04 GargantuaSauce heh if you have beachfront property i'll be swimming
22:04 GuShH_ you are free to live at my parent's
22:05 GuShH_ as long as you don't take it as yours.
22:05 GuShH_ 2 blocks from the sea is that good enough for ya
22:05 GuShH_ it's actually 1 block and across the road.
22:05 GuShH_ not exactly malibu.
22:05 rue_more if I can turn myself into a mechanoid, I think keeping powered wont be as easy as it would now
22:06 GuShH_ lol
22:06 GuShH_ you might be low on some vitamins...
22:06 rue_more mechanoid?
22:06 GuShH_ and minerals.
22:06 GuShH_ rue_more: how about solar furnaces
22:06 GuShH_ as far as solar goes seems to be the cheapest
22:07 GuShH_ trackers, parabola, furnace
22:07 rue_more where is the bit to turn on the ouput compare match for timer 1 on an atmega32
22:07 GuShH_ dunno, ask tom
22:08 rue_more I think the human race is going downhill from here
22:08 rue_more the signs of social rot have begun
22:08 GuShH_ hide your kids hide your wife
22:09 rue_more [NULL][NULL]
22:09 rue_more social interaction didn't work.
22:10 GuShH_ yeah, doesn't apply to me either.
22:10 GuShH_ so instead of hiding, bust out your guns.
22:10 rue_more will a 12' mecha do?
22:10 GuShH_ maybe
22:10 rue_more hmm
22:10 rue_more what if I"m a 12' mecha?
22:13 MrCurious giant robot death machine?
22:14 rue_more well its only designed to be a utility bot
22:14 rue_more reaching windows, trimming hedges, cleaning gutters, etc
22:14 MrCurious what utility is that if canada gets invaded...
22:14 rue_more standing street lights
22:15 rue_more yea, plese come destroy our buracracy
22:15 rue_more we promise to all stand by discussing who should do soemthing about it
22:19 eadthem anyone have any sugestions for a USB relay
22:19 eadthem planning on it controlling smema in a SMT line
22:20 rue_more LUFA
22:20 eadthem so small signal stuff but needs isolation
22:21 rue_more avr -> pn2222 -> relay
22:21 rue_more yo ucan also get opto fets
22:21 rue_more dont know rdson
22:21 eadthem im looking for something more plug and play
22:22 rue_more buy the whole thing from me
22:22 rue_more $1000000, free shipping
22:22 eadthem something that can tolerate life on a robotic assembly line :p
22:22 rue_more $1000500, free shipping
22:22 GuShH_ I'll do it for $999999
22:23 rue_more he will use cheap parts
22:23 GuShH_ lies
22:23 GuShH_ you'll use parts from boxes
22:23 rue_more I use quality parts and do proper QC
22:23 GuShH_ which you gathered from the street!
22:23 GuShH_ I'll do it for $999998 last offer.
22:23 rue_more but mine is made in north america
22:23 e_more squints at GuS
22:23 GuShH_ you mean canaduh?
22:23 rue_more :)
22:24 rue_more nono NORTH AMERICA
22:24 GuShH_ it will come all steaky with maple syrup!
22:24 rue_more quality glucose
22:25 MrCurious america, the land of free soda refils
22:25 MrCurious canada, that will be $0.50
22:25 rue_more hahah
22:25 eadthem http://www.sainsmart.com/sainsmart-4-channel-12-v-usb-relay-board-module-controller-for-automation-robotics.html
22:25 eadthem accualy thats about perfect
22:25 rue_more pff
22:25 eadthem i can disable smema at 4 points
22:26 e_more goes back to writing his servo contro
22:26 rue_more // counter 2 to CTC cdiv=256 ocr2 = 156, interrupt enabled, clock source on.
22:26 rue_more I'm having mac and cheeese tonight
22:26 GuShH_ smegma?
22:27 rue_more you can stop me
22:27 rue_more ^t
22:27 MrCurious eadthem: look on ebay, way cheaper for ones that work with an ardduino
22:27 eadthem http://www.ocmmanufacturing.com/resources/resource_docs/IPC-SMEMA-9851.pdf Page 10
22:28 eadthem MrCurious but they wont work off usb
22:28 eadthem anyhow see page 10 of that doc
22:28 MrCurious they will if you order a $8 arduino nano to drive them
22:28 GuShH_ he's eating american food!
22:28 MrCurious get extra i/o pins to boot
22:28 GuShH_ arduino?
22:28 GuShH_ WHO ARE YOU
22:29 MrCurious AVR for the world view challenged :)
22:29 GuShH_ Shut your mouth boy!
22:29 GuShH_ Go play with shields!
22:29 GuShH_ Keep being SHIELDED from reality!
22:30 MrCurious shields. i gave all mine away
22:30 MrCurious make my own io boards
22:30 GuShH_ oh crap, food was too spicy
22:30 GuShH_ rue_more: can I use your restroom?
22:30 GuShH_ I may turn it into a restboom.
22:32 rue_more hmm
22:34 ShH_ runs toward rue_more's truck TOO
22:38 rue_more I think I finished the code
22:38 rue_more all the pseudo bits are gone
22:38 rue_more and it compiles
22:39 rue_more nope, I forgot to actually assign the interrupt handlers