#robotics Logs

Apr 02 2014

#robotics Calendar

19:06 GuShH_ amazingly we didn't feel anything, but they got wrecked.
19:07 GuShH_ a friend lives near the border with chile, didn't feel a thing
19:17 MrCurious yeah you fell offline after the quake
19:17 MrCurious was wondering if you got any vibration out of it
19:23 GuShh_Lap2 Just a coincidence, like right now... heavy upstream load and I just drop out of IRC
19:23 GuShh_Lap2 dayum this beer is nasty
19:23 GuShh_Lap2 "filtered at minus 2 degrees celsius" my balls.
19:24 GuShh_Lap2 tastes like a bud light... I hate all of that light bullcrap. if you can't take a beer go drink water.
19:24 MrCurious isnt budlight maid from the pee of light beer drinkers?
19:24 MrCurious made
19:24 GuShh_Lap2 and why would the filtering temperature matter?
19:24 GuShh_Lap2 haha I would think so
19:24 MrCurious the almighty marketing....
19:24 GuShh_Lap2 I can't stand any "light" beer as it's not beer.
19:24 GuShh_Lap2 no but I trully ask, why would it matter
19:24 MrCurious so you are drinking 2nd generation pee?
19:25 GuShh_Lap2 haha
19:25 GuShh_Lap2 we are all drinking pee... all of the water is recycled.
19:25 MrCurious i suppose.... some chemicals would state change to a solid like oils
19:25 GuShh_Lap2 hardly any new water enters the atmosphere
19:25 MrCurious and be filterable in solid, but not in warmer liquid state
19:25 GuShh_Lap2 it tastes like water to me.
19:25 MrCurious i find american been is a lot like making love in a canoe
19:25 GuShh_Lap2 the foam is bright white and the bubbles are tiny, clearly artificial carbonation
19:25 MrCurious making ove in a canoeyou say?
19:26 GuShh_Lap2 and it washes away instantly
19:26 MrCurious its ___ing close to water
19:26 GuShh_Lap2 that's a sign of a no-beer
19:26 MrCurious you got robbed
19:26 MrCurious take that swill back for a refund
19:26 GuShh_Lap2 very light color, almost like dirty water.
19:26 GuShh_Lap2 nah but I did promise to myself I would taste _all_ beers
19:26 MrCurious ask if they sell grownup beer
19:26 GuShh_Lap2 that's why I buy different stuff every time
19:27 MrCurious taste is 1 sip
19:27 GuShh_Lap2 they won't let you take a sip
19:27 MrCurious after that geneva classifies it as torture of a non combattant
19:27 GuShh_Lap2 haha
19:27 GuShh_Lap2 after taste ...
19:27 GuShh_Lap2 I don't remember anything tasting like this, so no after taste.
19:28 MrCurious could go back and say "i was going to ask you to reccomend a good beer, but after last time, i have determined that you are taste-blind"
19:28 Shh_Lap2 gives it a 1, 1 being the absolute lowest possible sc
19:28 MrCurious give it a 0
19:28 MrCurious i bet they removed the alcohol too
19:29 GuShh_Lap2 oh I didn't check for that it probably has a very low content
19:29 GuShh_Lap2 it's a rice beer
19:29 GuShh_Lap2 if you ask me.
19:29 GuShh_Lap2 they love this stuff in Japan, not me.
19:29 MrCurious budight is a rice beer
19:29 MrCurious chemically engineered to suit the pallate of a cigarette smoker
19:29 MrCurious quit smoking and thats when the problem starts
19:30 Shh_Lap2
19:30 GuShh_Lap2 cigarette water!
19:30 MrCurious suppose, if it tassts ike piss, then technically its "used" beer
19:31 MrCurious you should leave a 6 of it in your 2nd house. to torture the squatters
19:31 MrCurious "they squatted in my house for 6 months, and screw up everything, but they didnt touch this 6 of beer..."
19:31 GuShh_Lap2 that kind of people will drink, smoke and shoot anything
19:32 GuShh_Lap2 thankfuly now people are growing a pair and they are beating the shit out of thieves
19:32 Shh_Lap2 's secret plan is wor
19:32 GuShh_Lap2 The world gets a little bit better every time a lowlife piece of shit gets their ass kicked and shot.
19:33 GuShh_Lap2 ok this beer is not in beeradvocate, but the others from the same brand are
19:33 GuShh_Lap2 I think whoever else tried it died in the process of writing a review.
19:33 GuShh_Lap2 death by shame.
19:33 MrCurious i pronouncec it offically a target. quick. place the bottle outside, and terminate it with some 22 cal prejudice
19:34 GuShh_Lap2 the other one got a 1.65 out of 5
19:34 GuShh_Lap2 it's a bit late for a 22, or any caliber for that matter. don't want to annoy the neighbours
19:35 GuShh_Lap2 but that's a fine 22 target.
19:35 MrCurious extra points.. balance iton its neck....
19:35 GuShh_Lap2 horror, can't log into beeradvocate.com
19:35 GuShh_Lap2 it's been that long?
19:36 GuShh_Lap2 I almost got into homebrewing at the time
19:37 MrCurious yeah... quick leave a online comment on a beer blog about that beer. and make it funny and snarky
19:37 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: it's a blog?
19:37 MrCurious like yelp
19:37 MrCurious where you rate beers
19:37 GuShh_Lap2 it used to be a way for me to find good beers to try out
19:37 GuShh_Lap2 some of course I can't source anymore
19:38 GuShh_Lap2 the reason stuff like this gets good score http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/27039/16814/ is simply because they are unfiltered, actual beer.
19:39 MrCurious uhm
19:39 GuShh_Lap2 it's human nature to share irrelevant information
19:39 MrCurious your drinking american beer
19:39 MrCurious i was not aware we were world famous for ... our beer
19:40 GuShh_Lap2 oh that one? no that one I couldn't find anywhere.
19:40 GuShh_Lap2 I like german beer.
19:40 SlaveToTheSauce_ http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/124/1256/
19:40 SlaveToTheSauce_ got a case of this a few days ago
19:40 SlaveToTheSauce_ great stuff
19:41 MrCurious now i am craving beer... good job
19:41 GuShh_Lap2 haha
19:41 GuShh_Lap2 oh another one for the list
19:41 MrCurious well it is my 2 week between job vacation
19:41 GuShh_Lap2 SlaveToTheSauce_: tried http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/83/248/ ?
19:42 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: you should turn it into a .... brocation.
19:43 MrCurious whats a brocation. is tht a queer argentinian thing?
19:43 GuShh_Lap2 what the hell is this! http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/83/4822/
19:43 MrCurious i call it a staycation
19:43 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: no?
19:43 MrCurious got my vaaction payout from last job. gave wife a 27" imac
19:43 MrCurious she is utterly silent now...
19:43 GuShh_Lap2 But I can make queer jokes, since I'm comfortable with my sexuality.
19:44 MrCurious your comfort isnt the problem...
19:44 GuShh_Lap2 oh?
19:44 MrCurious its other peoples comfort with your sexuality...
19:44 GuShh_Lap2 does it make them angry?
19:44 GuShh_Lap2 or second-guess themselves?
19:44 MrCurious suppose you could ask
19:44 MrCurious but i would wait until 3 hours into a party or pub-crawl first
19:45 Shh_Lap2 isn't gay, but doesn't care to joke about it since it's highly irrelev
19:45 SlaveToTheSauce_ we got a closet case here
19:45 MrCurious maybe you are, but you just dont know it yet....
19:45 GuShh_Lap2 hahaha
19:45 MrCurious usually your friends know before you do...
19:45 Shh_Lap2 gets close to SlaveToTheSa
19:45 SlaveToTheSauce_ ;)
19:46 Shh_Lap2 knockouts SlaveToTheSauce_ for winking at
19:46 SlaveToTheSauce_ ooh, got another one in you?
19:47 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: How come?
19:47 MrCurious imagines how GuShh_Lap2 dresses at home.... http://wiki.tarantino.info/images/Gimp2.jpg
19:47 GuShh_Lap2 I don't have any gay friends... or black friends... but allow me to tell you, there's hardly any black people where I live.
19:48 GuShh_Lap2 "you don't have any friends, period"
19:49 GuShh_Lap2 oh, amy shumer is back! WORK IT GURL!
19:49 GuShh_Lap2 schumer*
19:49 GuShh_Lap2 she's kinda hot.
19:49 MrCurious really
19:49 MrCurious do you own a hat like this then? http://www.shadowsandlight.com/freedom_and_unity/images/artifacts/ci_kkk.jpg
19:49 GuShh_Lap2 I'd tap that..
19:49 GuShh_Lap2 I own no hats.
19:49 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: There are brown people, but not black people.
19:50 GuShh_Lap2 As in, pitch dark skin. you won't find many in Argentina.
19:50 GuShh_Lap2 And no, I'm not racist it's just an observation
19:50 MrCurious mostly nazi refugees?
19:50 Tom_itx GuShh!
19:50 GuShh_Lap2 The only black people I've seen are from Africa or similar places, they sell stuff at the streets...
19:50 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: no, because a lot of new citizens are from nearby countries and they have darker skin, but I don't consider them black?
19:51 GuShh_Lap2 yes Tom_itx?
19:51 GuShh_Lap2 I actually don't know when you decide someone is black, or white.
19:51 Tom_itx oh nothing...
19:51 GuShh_Lap2 is there a skin color chart one can follow?
19:51 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: In theory, lots of those.
19:52 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: that leather mask seems like something I would wear while riding on a hayabusa.
19:52 GuShh_Lap2 at full throttle.
19:53 MrCurious its "the gimp" from the movie pulp fiction
19:53 GuShh_Lap2 I don't remember that part
19:54 GuShh_Lap2 And I'm a Tarantino fan...
19:54 GuShh_Lap2 Not so much some of his early work though
19:54 MrCurious pulp fiction was a classic... "you alright? " ... "no i am not alright..."
19:54 GuShh_Lap2 he didn't say that
19:55 MrCurious when bruce willis rescued that guy from the basement
19:55 GuShh_Lap2 it went something like "does it look like I'm fucking alright?"
19:55 MrCurious he said that just before he said "your LA privleges have been revoked"
19:55 SlaveToTheSauce_ that movie is so fucking good
19:55 MrCurious i am pretty fucking far from alright
19:55 GuShh_Lap2 from dusk till dawn wasn't very good.
19:56 GuShh_Lap2 I still don't get it.
19:56 MrCurious cheech marinas stole that show
19:56 MrCurious calling outside th bar...
19:56 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: oh you googloid you, but I was sure he didn't say what you said he said 'cos I know he didn't say that!
19:56 MrCurious best part of that movie... pitch th rest, keep that bit
19:56 MrCurious memory is a curse
19:57 GuShh_Lap2 I'm not good with movies and quotes
19:57 GuShh_Lap2 anyway there shall be a pulp fiction sequel
19:57 GuShh_Lap2 so drink to that.
19:57 MrCurious here here
19:57 GuShh_Lap2 I expect good things.
19:58 MrCurious so many quotable, but not repeatable lines in pulp fiction
19:58 GuShh_Lap2 unless of course all of the news I read yesterday were false
19:58 GuShh_Lap2 did apris fool hit rss feeds as well?
19:58 GuShh_Lap2 aprils*
19:59 GuShh_Lap2 WHY
19:59 MrCurious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihH_-O7ev2o
19:59 Shh_Lap2 c
20:00 MrCurious never realized travolta was sporting a mullet in that movie
20:00 GuShh_Lap2 I didn't think someone would mess around with such topics.
20:00 MrCurious +1 mullitude
20:01 GuShh_Lap2 Or as he would call himself... travolteem
20:01 Shh_Lap2 thinks he needs gla
20:02 GuShh_Lap2 I thought he already had contacts, with all that fake hair and shit...
20:02 GuShh_Lap2 surely some budget was spent on his vision?
20:02 GuShh_Lap2 I reckon every month he has someone come to his place and glue a sheet of hair onto his bald scalp, just to trim it down so it looks like his regular hair
20:03 GuShh_Lap2 then hand over a big check.
20:03 GuShh_Lap2 Have some dignity, like bruce does.
20:04 GuShh_Lap2 Does he still live in that place where everyone is a pilot and owns several airplanes?
20:05 GuShh_Lap2 That's the only part I like about Travolta...
20:05 MrCurious wonder what shatners toupee will go for at auction once he passes away...
20:07 MrCurious though that would make for a great item for the show warehouse 13
20:08 GuShh_Lap2 hah
20:08 GuShh_Lap2 just come to terms with it... jeeze.
20:09 MrCurious shatners toupee grants untold powers of charisma and actting abilities
20:12 GuShH_ amy to god: can I just blow you? god: I'm gay. amy: so?
20:12 GuShH_ lol
20:12 MrCurious on the topic of going where no man has ever gone before...
20:13 MrCurious wonder what it woud look like to chuck a full beer can on a lathe
20:13 MrCurious and turn it....
20:14 GuShH_ MrCurious: when I do get the mill, what kind of lines will you come up with?
20:14 GuShH_ why no mention of the wood router?
20:14 GuShH_ I think I've seen a beer on a lathe chuck...
20:17 GuShH_ hahaha "interracial wedding photographer"
20:18 GuShH_ "my two light meters.." haha
20:23 SlaveToTheSauce_ http://i.imgur.com/sAvGJPB.gif
21:04 JEntrep Yo guys :)
21:04 JEntrep I have learning about quadcopters :D
21:05 ace4016 cool
21:05 ace4016 what have you learned?
21:07 JEntrep nothing :)
21:07 JEntrep nah, just trolling ya
21:07 JEntrep Frames + motors + propellers + ESCs + Battery
21:07 JEntrep That is a baseline framework for a quad
21:07 JEntrep I haven't looked into the specific electronics yet
21:08 JEntrep Thrust vs. Weight is your main aerodynamics parameter
21:09 JEntrep ESC = electronic Speed Controller
21:09 SlaveToTheSauce_ yay research
21:10 JEntrep I would say base things around your battery
21:10 JEntrep Your battery will have a mAh -- how much max power it can put out and for how long
21:10 JEntrep h is hours
21:10 SlaveToTheSauce_ it's only the latter, not the former
21:10 JEntrep A is amperes
21:10 ace4016 mA isn't power :P
21:10 JEntrep oh oops
21:11 SlaveToTheSauce_ they'll have an "S" rating which is kind of bullshit and describes the max current draw
21:11 SlaveToTheSauce_ in terms of its capacity
21:11 JEntrep I should say: juice :P
21:11 JEntrep Ah so the S rating is your limit pull across your system
21:11 SlaveToTheSauce_ so 1Ah 30S, you'll be able to draw 30A for 2 minutes
21:11 JEntrep So the S rating is a sort of potential bottleneck
21:11 JEntrep *sort of a
21:12 rue_more er
21:12 JEntrep huh?
21:12 rue_more 30s means 30 in series, 30c means 30x the discharge
21:12 SlaveToTheSauce_ sorry C
21:12 SlaveToTheSauce_ they're all stupid un-units and i get them confused as a result :(
21:13 rue_more wHATS COOL?
21:13 rue_more WHATS COOL!
21:13 SlaveToTheSauce_ what's really awesome is fucking Kv
21:13 rue_more http://rab.ict.pwr.wroc.pl/irb1400/prod14.pdf
21:13 rue_more DAT COOL!
21:13 rue_more OH YEA!
21:14 JEntrep I have more junk to look into
21:14 JEntrep But the battery, ESC, and motor I can choose based on basic parameters
21:14 JEntrep That's a good start :P
21:14 JEntrep I have to look into control boards
21:15 SlaveToTheSauce_ there are a lot of options
21:15 JEntrep Do you think multiple batteries is too much weight?
21:15 rue_more oh oh oh esc servos on an arm
21:15 rue_more BAM! its there!
21:16 JEntrep youtube has a stupid bug right now! >_<
21:16 SlaveToTheSauce_ is the video going black
21:16 JEntrep Scroll bar dissapears in chrome when a display ad pops up
21:16 SlaveToTheSauce_ oh that's not as annoying as mine
21:16 JEntrep Lol :P
21:17 JEntrep Also I don't like how they call the quadcopters: multirotors
21:17 JEntrep A rotor is only PART of a motor >_<
21:18 SlaveToTheSauce_ well calling them quadcopters is dumb because there are 3,4,5,6,8 versions
21:18 JEntrep Well there are names for ALL those versions :P
21:18 SlaveToTheSauce_ yeah and multirotor is the umbrella term for all of them
21:18 JEntrep i would never refer to a tricopter as a quadcopter lol
21:18 JEntrep Why not multi-motor?
21:19 SlaveToTheSauce_ cause that sounds like shit
21:19 JEntrep LOL :P
21:19 SlaveToTheSauce_ i took my new multimotor out for a spin today
21:19 SlaveToTheSauce_ bleeeuuugh
21:20 SlaveToTheSauce_ multicopter is good though
21:21 SlaveToTheSauce_ you want to write an advanced flight controller software right?
21:22 SlaveToTheSauce_ i would avoid the avr-based controller electronics in that case
21:22 ace4016 JEntrep, becuase there can be less motors than rotors
21:22 JEntrep there can't be less motors than rotors :O
21:22 JEntrep Every motor has a rotor :P
21:23 ace4016 yes...there can
21:23 JEntrep no
21:23 ace4016 there doesn't have to be
21:23 JEntrep Anyone ever play this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhC9rE2y_MY
21:23 ace4016 with the right gears and transmission, you can use one motor to drive multiple rotors
21:23 SlaveToTheSauce_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnGhEInTXYc
21:23 SlaveToTheSauce_ 1 motor
21:24 SlaveToTheSauce_ this thing is fucking amazing
21:24 JEntrep Ha! Belts! :P
21:25 JEntrep So this is why there is so many belts in modern machines
21:25 JEntrep I was wondering why everything has some sort of belt in it lol :P
21:25 JEntrep Its to reduce the number of motors
21:25 JEntrep :P
21:25 ace4016 :)
21:25 JEntrep I wonder if that is more efficient power-wise
21:26 ace4016 it has different advantages
21:26 JEntrep the friction of the belt on the pulleys would convert some of that mechanical energy away
21:26 SlaveToTheSauce_ it's probably a little less efficient
21:26 ace4016 it is; it's a trade off though
21:26 SlaveToTheSauce_ yeah, the controls are way way way snappier
21:27 ace4016 there's friction loss, but a reduction in weight
21:27 ace4016 especially if you can find motors that can produce more power than they can truly use on a single rotor
21:27 SlaveToTheSauce_ and probably an increase in electrical efficiency form using one big esc+motor
21:27 JEntrep ACtually I want to build one of these things: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiltrotor
21:27 ace4016 the V-22 :P
21:28 SlaveToTheSauce_ me too, they're hard though
21:28 ace4016 i see those all the time
21:29 SlaveToTheSauce_ man i should finish my quadcopter
21:29 JEntrep Wow that thing is awesome O_o
21:29 SlaveToTheSauce_ http://xn--d-bga.su/shitcopter.jpg
21:29 SlaveToTheSauce_ never got around to completing the firmware
21:29 JEntrep fiberglass frame??
21:29 JEntrep what is the board?
21:29 SlaveToTheSauce_ the control loop is done but i need to write the radio protocol for tuning the parameters
21:29 SlaveToTheSauce_ stm32f4discovery on a protoboard
21:29 MrCurious finally pulled the trigger and ordered a odroid u3
21:30 JEntrep ace4016, what do you mean you see those things all the time?? O_o
21:31 ace4016 exactly that
21:31 JEntrep SlaveToTheSauce_, please to a write-up on your build :)
21:31 JEntrep *do a
21:31 SlaveToTheSauce_ it is nothing worth writing about
21:31 JEntrep :(
21:31 SlaveToTheSauce_ it's made of the cheapest chinese crap i could get my hands on
21:31 SlaveToTheSauce_ it will never fly well
21:31 JEntrep Haha! :P
21:32 SlaveToTheSauce_ there's a little bit on it here http://workman-industries.net/?p=27
21:33 JEntrep how come this is one of the last few good irc channels on freenode? :P
21:34 JEntrep Anyone plan on doing any more serious robotics work?
21:34 SlaveToTheSauce_ because there's less than a hundred people here
21:34 JEntrep Ha :P
21:34 SlaveToTheSauce_ what do you mean by more serious
21:35 JEntrep Anything more serious than a quadcopter :P
21:35 JEntrep Heavy-duty scale wise or complexity wise :)
21:35 SlaveToTheSauce_ i plan on using my hexapod as a platform to develop somewhat novel control software
21:35 JEntrep hexapod?
21:35 SlaveToTheSauce_ http://workman-industries.net/?p=70
21:35 JEntrep Oh sweet you 3d printed that quadcopter frame :D
21:36 SlaveToTheSauce_ yeah and it's garbage
21:36 SlaveToTheSauce_ so i ordered a $20 one from dealextreme
21:36 SlaveToTheSauce_ which is slightly less garbage but not much
21:36 JEntrep That hexapod is pretty awesome! ;)
21:36 SlaveToTheSauce_ watch the video
21:36 JEntrep I am :P
21:37 SlaveToTheSauce_ i've since increased the control rate to maybe 40Hz
21:37 SlaveToTheSauce_ and it's a bit smoother but still suffers from parkinson's
21:37 SlaveToTheSauce_ i need to replace the servo electronics to mitigate that which is obviously a pretty big project
21:38 JEntrep I really want to scale your hexapod and throw an ICE on it to make it mobile :D
21:38 SlaveToTheSauce_ it won't scale without dropping some serious bank on servos
21:38 JEntrep :P
21:38 SlaveToTheSauce_ and don't think i don't wish i could do that on a daily basis
21:39 SlaveToTheSauce_ because i do
21:39 SlaveToTheSauce_ well and it runs ok on batteries
21:39 JEntrep Dude a scaled version of your hexapod could be used in applications
21:39 JEntrep underwater trenching
21:39 JEntrep etc.
21:39 SlaveToTheSauce_ yeah someone just made a big underwater hexapod
21:39 JEntrep exploration of some sort
21:40 JEntrep maybe even military
21:40 SlaveToTheSauce_ giant enemy crab
21:40 JEntrep hell, send it to space :P
21:40 JEntrep It was in star wars :P
21:41 SlaveToTheSauce_ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkN5sO3CYAEatus.jpg:large
21:42 JEntrep yes they do
21:42 JEntrep Ask Phillip K. SuckMyBalls
21:44 JEntrep SlaveToTheSauce_, which chinese distributors do you use?
21:44 JEntrep Also what metal band are you listening too in your other video lol?
21:54 JEntrep SlaveToTheSauce_, are your distributors from the East-BAY?
22:32 GargantuaSauce that dude needs to learn the subtle art of being online 24/7
22:35 ace4016 inorite?
23:07 rue_shop2 GuShh_Lap2, I made a new lathe tool, this one is SWEET
23:10 GuShh_Lap2 rue_shop2: oh?
23:10 GuShh_Lap2 what is it
23:10 GuShh_Lap2 a sledge hammer? block of c4?
23:11 GuShh_Lap2 both?
23:12 rue_shop2 its a milling bar
23:12 rue_shop2 I took pic, will post later
23:14 GuShh_Lap2 huh