#robotics Logs

Mar 13 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:23 MrCurious rockman?
00:24 GargantuaSauce i do not understand your query
00:24 GargantuaSauce involving some sort of sapient mineral
00:25 MrCurious sorry. playing a weak video game
00:25 MrCurious the beer made me do it
00:27 GargantuaSauce ftl?
00:32 MrCurious battleships on wc3
00:37 GargantuaSauce http://www.tethers.com/SpiderFab.html
01:08 MrCurious exciting times to be alive
01:41 rue_more admit it, being alive is just a hubub of activity in general
10:58 rue_more "and the worst part of being a bipedel robot? all the people kicking you to see if you can keep your balance."
10:59 robopal :-(
11:01 rue_more if (event == kickimpulse) play("pissoff.wav");
11:01 armyofevilrobots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WthsRHLU4M
11:02 rue_more see this abuse? see? see!
11:02 armyofevilrobots ^That robot is interesting; it's trajectory calculation is insanely complicated, but it doesn't matter, because math is free now.
11:03 armyofevilrobots it's like a chess game. Calculate all possible moves and see which does't make you fall.
11:05 rue_more "tahts not a shudder of rage, its servos are junk. ... oh NOW its angry"
13:20 rue_more "I dont care how bad I look, I FEEL worse..."
14:27 rue_more http://www.circuitspecialists.com/pdf/3005X_schematic.pdf
14:27 rue_more thsi one is funny, they use relays to change coils and reduce the dropout
14:29 rue_more at this rate I'm gonna master sceaming while swallowing
14:34 GargantuaSauce doesnt pretty much every big benchtop linear ps do that?
14:35 GargantuaSauce much nicer than dissipating 100W
14:35 rue_more no, benchtop supplies dont scream
14:36 rue_more http://projects.hackaday.com/project/296
14:36 rue_more I really wish I could add text
15:30 rue_more "things we just couldn't do 100 years ago"
15:36 rue_more armyofevilrobots, hey you there?
15:37 rue_more oh its on the 20th ok
15:39 armyofevilrobots pong. Just heading to a dental appt though.
15:39 rue_more I thought it was today, I'm sick as a dog :)
15:41 armyofevilrobots Reallies? What symptoms? My wife is sick right now, and I am barely fighting it off.
15:43 rue_more the throat effect is that of swallowing sharp gravel
15:44 rue_more and a headache thats equiv to about 20psi of even crushing
15:44 rue_more advil takes a good dent out of the symptoms, but I dont recommend trying to think
15:46 rue_more its also causing a jump in my netflix related traffic
18:22 Tom_itx 20 Freescale Semiconductor employees missing in Malaysia Airlines Flight
18:26 rue_more did the plane crash or they went awol
18:26 rue_more prolly at the bar getting coffee and not watching the time?
18:30 Tom_itx dunno
19:01 GuShH_ Tom_itx: ever made tiny holes in stainless steel ? 304 or similar
19:01 GuShH_ I've been told vinegar works as a cutting fluid for stainless, but why?
19:02 GuShH_ I can't start a positive drill because I'm afraid I'll snap the bits, they are under 1mm... so I think it's hardening on me.
19:02 GuShH_ please don't say EDM
19:03 rue_more just DO NOT let the metal heat up and you will be ok
19:03 Tom_itx EDM
19:03 GuShH_ rue_more: smallest I'm comfortable with stainless is 3mm or so
19:03 rue_more stainless is actually softer than regular steel till it workhardens
19:03 Tom_itx and no i haven't really
19:03 GuShH_ I know how to drill stainless, I don't know how to drill < 1mm on stainless.
19:03 GuShH_ it's NOT the same.
19:04 GuShH_ you can't push a sub millimeter bit like you'd push a > 3mm
19:04 Tom_itx same principle
19:04 GuShH_ it would just go "plink"
19:04 GuShH_ that's why I think EDM is the only sensible way, but I can't start another project...
19:04 GuShH_ Tom_itx: yes it is work hardening because I can't get it to cut by pushing it hard at first
19:04 rue_more why are you making a stainless reprap head?
19:05 GuShH_ rue_more: maybe it's a jet for my furnace
19:05 rue_more suuuuuure
19:05 GuShH_ rue_more: it actually was a diesel burner before
19:05 GuShH_ but the nozzle was 0.6
19:05 GuShH_ the tank is still outside
19:05 GuShH_ it was a brass nozzle.
19:06 rue_more put the drilpress on low speed, hang a weight off the handle, and go have some coffee
19:06 GuShH_ no.
19:06 rue_more obviously, you drill out the back so the acutal hole is only thru like 1mm of material
19:06 rue_more and you flood cool it
19:06 GuShH_ rue_more: show me
19:06 rue_more some tape to pool water
19:06 GuShH_ do it for me and show me you don't destroy 10 bits in the process, with your method
19:06 Tom_itx so overdrill it and smash the hole around a rod
19:07 GuShH_ what
19:07 GuShH_ any smashing will work harden the surface
19:07 rue_more oo use a torch cleaner to size it
19:07 GuShH_ that's why you don't use a round center punch if you need to center on stainless!
19:07 Tom_itx you use a square one?
19:07 GuShH_ rue_more: the tiny reamers? used in gas and bike industry (carb jet cleaner)
19:07 GuShH_ Tom_itx: that's the idea
19:08 GuShH_ I thought those reamers where not front cutters
19:08 rue_more used for clearing cutting torch heads (you know, the COPPER ONES)
19:08 GuShH_ I've seen 'em, they're so cheapily made it scares me
19:08 GuShH_ usually comes in a box or as a keyring deal, like cheap allen keys
19:08 rue_more did you see my reprap head?
19:08 GuShH_ nope
19:08 Tom_itx i can't even see your regular one
19:09 GuShH_ rue_more: It is for reprap, I was toying with the idea of an adjustable nozzle, and I already have threaded M6 stainless rod, so it felt like a good starting point.
19:09 GuShH_ then I realized I can't push these tiny bits that hard without them snapping
19:09 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040441.jpg
19:09 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040439.jpg
19:10 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040438.jpg
19:10 GuShH_ are those carbide?
19:10 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040437.jpg
19:10 rue_more yes
19:10 rue_more #80
19:10 GuShH_ Ah see, mine are HSS
19:10 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040435.jpg
19:10 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040433.jpg
19:10 rue_more ^^ cnc machine
19:10 rue_more set to really really really really really stupid slow
19:10 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040431.jpg
19:11 GuShH_ what the hell that looks highly off center
19:11 rue_more it got thru
19:11 GuShH_ I've made plenty in brass and aluminum
19:11 GuShH_ just none in stainless
19:11 rue_more HSS would be easier than cabide
19:11 GuShH_ I like the vise
19:12 rue_more see how I back drilled it?
19:12 GuShH_ I see, but why not use your lathe?
19:12 rue_more didnt have it at the time
19:12 rue_more and I couldn't have fed slow enough
19:12 GuShH_ oh
19:13 rue_more thats a stepper based cnc
19:13 GuShH_ for brass and alu you can
19:13 GuShH_ CNC what
19:13 GuShH_ drill press?
19:13 rue_more it can go infinitly slow, which is why i never use it
19:13 rue_more mill
19:13 GuShH_ there's no such thing as infinitly slow sir, it's either moving or it's not, except everything is always moving.
19:13 GuShH_ YOU FAIL.
19:13 ShH_ pulls a flyback on
19:13 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc/p1030107.jpg
19:14 GuShH_ That looks like a bicycle had sex with a chopping block
19:14 ShH_ hifives Tom
19:14 rue_more it was made back in 99
19:14 GuShH_ did you improve on it?
19:14 rue_more lots of times
19:15 GuShH_ still use it?
19:15 rue_more matter a fact I improved so many things I'm starting from scratch
19:15 GuShH_ what's on the spindle
19:15 GuShH_ does it have two lead screws??
19:16 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc/dscn7641.jpg 1/4" drill chuck
19:16 GuShH_ I always have a hard time understanding what you show me
19:16 GuShH_ there's so much to see
19:16 rue_more one day it wont be so far over your head
19:16 e_more snic
19:17 GuShH_ lol
19:17 GuShH_ There's just too much noise
19:17 ShH_ stares at the copper p
19:18 rue_more you have to stop searching for detail and just glance at the big picture
19:18 rue_more brass
19:18 rue_more its a reamed slider
19:18 GuShH_ looks like copper
19:18 GuShH_ did you heat it? brazed?
19:18 rue_more 3/4" pipe, 5/8" rod,
19:18 GuShH_ the big picture is "whole lotta mess, can't see machine"
19:19 rue_more I think its soldered to the steel
19:19 GuShH_ it just shows you are single
19:19 rue_more I was not single for a while and decided single is ok
19:19 GuShH_ any puss would have you cleaning up that shit in no time.
19:19 GuShH_ hahaha
19:20 rue_more if I can mechanically augment myself, I might be able to get another 20 years or so to finish my projects
19:21 ShH_ bl
19:21 GuShH_ clone yourself.
19:21 GargantuaSauce_ you already did mechanically augment yourself
19:21 GargantuaSauce_ ever used a damn tool?
19:21 GuShH_ he's the tool
19:21 GuShH_ rue is the fifth element, but a lot more ugly than in the movies.
19:21 rue_more :P
19:21 Tom_itx how long a while?
19:21 GuShH_ I'm not sure he represents love though
19:22 rue_more speaking of, where is that horror movie I lost batttery on last night?
19:23 Tom_itx rue likes to run them off
19:23 Tom_itx ask kat :)
19:23 GuShH_ I really need to experiment more with EDM
19:23 Tom_itx sry couldn't resist...
19:23 GuShH_ I might not be the right one to say this but kat is not a very stable person and I don't know if most of what happens to her isn't because of that
19:23 Tom_itx not too many on irc are
19:23 GuShH_ one moment we were having a very nice conversation the other she was throwing crap at me
19:24 Tom_itx love spat?
19:24 GuShH_ what
19:24 GuShH_ she needs more potassium
19:24 GargantuaSauce_ yeah there tends to be an element of positive feedback in that sort of victim complex i think
19:24 GuShH_ no that's not code for "she needs a banana", I mean she has to eat more bananas.
19:24 Tom_itx then there's jan
19:24 GuShH_ I forgot who jan is/was
19:25 GuShH_ I remember a jennie from... pakistan maybe
19:25 Tom_itx don't spend much time trying to remember
19:25 GuShH_ or thereabouts
19:25 Tom_itx england iirc
19:25 Tom_itx working with avr
19:25 GuShH_ Blind
19:25 Tom_itx or trying to
19:25 Tom_itx yes
19:25 GuShH_ I needed that keyword.
19:25 GuShH_ I never had any trouble with her at all
19:25 GuShH_ or her husband / boyfriend
19:26 GargantuaSauce_ yeah didn't see anything odd going on with her in my limited exposure
19:26 GuShH_ I recall they had installed solar panels on the roof, that's all I remember.
19:26 GuShH_ and feeding back to the grid, because they can where they live.
19:26 GargantuaSauce_ if we're going to be gossipping i should at least put the kettle on
19:26 GuShH_ Haha
19:27 GuShH_ Just exercising my memory! I don't know why I remember these things.
19:27 GargantuaSauce_ it is hard not to sometimes
19:27 GuShH_ car accidents suck.
19:28 GuShH_ but I don't remember if she lost her sight on a car accident, chances are she was 16-17 or so and it was indeed a car accident.
19:30 ShH_ stands in front of a brick wall -- What is it with legally blind people?, they can actually see shapes and shit, how are they bl
19:31 GargantuaSauce_ there is a wide range of degrees of vision within the legally blind category
19:32 GuShH_ Like the handicapped.
19:32 GuShH_ I once got in a fight with a mall security guard because of that.
19:32 GargantuaSauce_ think of the top end as "doesn't see well enough to drive a car"
19:32 GuShH_ He wouldn't let a woman park in her handicap spot, so I got in an argument with the asshole.
19:33 GuShH_ All I got was a thank you from her and a couple new enemies.
19:33 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce_: except some are driving... in a lot of countries...
19:33 GuShH_ and we've proven it's possible for a blind people to BUY a driving license, because most systems are corrupt.
19:33 GargantuaSauce_ \(O_o)/
19:34 GuShH_ for a blind person*
19:34 GuShH_ hmm laser microdrilling... not a chance for me.
19:35 rue_more pin + salt water + electricity
19:35 GuShH_ and a gantry of sorts
19:35 GargantuaSauce_ lasers are hard
19:35 rue_more if you get the polarity right, the target corrodes
19:36 GuShH_ rue_more: theory is all good and fun but it's not practice.
19:36 GuShH_ we all know how it works!
19:36 GuShH_ but you actually don't want a conductive electrolyte
19:36 rue_more dont make me go do it
19:36 GuShH_ the fluid is there to disperese the blasted material
19:36 GuShH_ and provide an oxygen free zone for the arc
19:37 rue_more arc? no
19:37 GuShH_ I can't make you do it, I don't have control over you!
19:37 GuShH_ it's an arc.
19:37 rue_more your corroding thru with the oxygen
19:37 GuShH_ no!
19:37 GargantuaSauce_ none of us have free will in a mechanical universe!!!1
19:37 rue_more stainless DOES exidize
19:37 GuShH_ it's a short burst of plasma!
19:38 GuShH_ I don't know what exidize is but damn you no.
19:38 rue_more oxidize
19:38 rue_more GuShH_, I have a project for you
19:38 GargantuaSauce_ it is technically a redox reaction
19:38 ShH_ idly oxid
19:38 GargantuaSauce_ even if oxygen is not involved it's referred to as oxidation
19:38 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/nothingbot/nothing_bot.html
19:39 GuShH_ rue_more: but it seems to apply to everything you build!
19:39 GuShH_ You just said it yourself. 20 more years.
19:39 GargantuaSauce_ lol
19:39 GargantuaSauce_ shots fired.
19:39 rue_more this is your currentproject in a nutshell
19:39 ShH_ twit
19:39 rue_more a completel ammature would be done by now
19:40 rue_more no fear of failing, but you, you just know too much
19:40 rue_more and you wont do things that would work cause they aren't up to your standard
19:40 GuShH_ No, I've just read a few papers and I said theory is all good but what matters is the practice.
19:40 GuShH_ a rock tied to a drillpress quill handle is not really up to anyone's standard but yours!
19:41 GuShH_ it's the type of shit you see in cartoons.
19:41 rue_more its called constand force
19:41 rue_more but speeled different
19:41 GuShH_ it's called "I won't take you seriously if you troll me"
19:42 GuShH_ it can't be constant in that arrangement!
19:42 ShH_ hugs rue_
19:43 GargantuaSauce_ what!
19:43 GuShH_ I'm not fighting.
19:43 GargantuaSauce_ wuts goin on at the university
19:43 GuShH_ rue_more: can you help me come up with a simple gantry for the feed mechanism on the EDM?
19:43 GargantuaSauce_ my internets there are not supposed to just drop like that >:|
19:43 GuShH_ or got any better ideas
19:44 Tom_itx i saw what an edm can do over at Stuart's shop
19:44 Tom_itx pretty cool stuff
19:44 rue_more this horror movie sucks, I want more aliens and less human drama
19:44 GargantuaSauce_ GuShH_ give me an idea of the workspace size, precision needed, etc
19:44 GargantuaSauce_ i really like the delta arm design that's in vogue with the reprap people lately
19:45 GuShH_ tiny, 50mm travel maximum, just one axis, precise enough to drill 0.4mm or 0.5mm using guitar string wire (because that's all I can come up with at the moment for an electrode)
19:45 GuShH_ I guess drill is not the right term
19:45 GuShH_ erode...?
19:45 GargantuaSauce_ machine :V
19:45 GargantuaSauce_ oh just one axis! jeez
19:45 GuShH_ yes, holes.
19:46 GuShH_ Hey if you want me to be nice, be nice yourself! :(
19:46 Tom_itx NO!
19:46 GuShH_ rue doesn't like it when I talk shop!
19:46 GargantuaSauce_ and the work sits in a tank of liquid?
19:47 Tom_itx yes
19:47 GuShH_ yes
19:47 GuShH_ usually could be mineral oil
19:47 GuShH_ you need some type of feedback from the arc as well
19:47 Tom_itx i know they go thru alot of wire
19:47 GuShH_ two types, wire edm and "fixed electrode" (whatever it's called)
19:48 GargantuaSauce_ yeah it probably blasts away as much wire as material it drills away
19:48 Tom_itx Stuart's did both
19:48 GuShH_ which is fine, I have a pin vise / chuck that can hold enough wire
19:48 GuShH_ if not, I can modify it
19:49 GargantuaSauce_ well i assume you want a whole assembly with a spool on the effector
19:49 GuShH_ I saw a simple closed loop deal with a solenoid, used to actually obtain a high voltage discharge on the work (collapsing field)
19:49 GuShH_ If it's for 1 or 2mm deep holes, do you think it would spend over 10mm of electrode?
19:49 GargantuaSauce_ if you're doing a bunch of holes in a row...
19:49 GuShH_ and we're talking 0.5mm holes, so not a lot of current going on.
19:49 GuShH_ one at a time
19:49 GuShH_ fixed jig type of deal
19:49 GuShH_ but who builds something without expansion in mind
19:50 GargantuaSauce_ do you want to automate as little as possible?
19:50 Tom_itx GuShH_'s in the reprap nozzle business now
19:50 GuShH_ only the feed
19:50 GuShH_ I'm not
19:50 GuShH_ and I would like a turret lathe for some adapters / couplers / fittings that are not available anywhere here, mainly in PTFE for chemical use.
19:50 GuShH_ what do I have to hide...
19:51 ShH_ sh
19:51 GargantuaSauce_ i dunno i am totally visualizing this as basically exactly the same as a reprap (ok knock off the 2 cartesian axes) with a wire feeder instead of an extruder and an electrical terminal instead of a hot end
19:52 GuShH_ Tom_itx: It's true though I've been paying my reprap project by selling a few parts, because otherwise I'm too poor to build anything from scratch. I don't want any more debt.
19:52 GuShH_ brb noise outside
19:55 GargantuaSauce_ man i gotta learn to fucking focus on one thing
19:55 GargantuaSauce_ i keep making little steps forward on like 12 different projects
20:21 GuShH_ bah
20:22 GuShH_ rue_more: problem is making something that is reliable and works without babying it all the time, that's why I think it's not as easy or as simple as it sounds to make an EDM machine, even a small simple one.
20:23 GuShH_ you already have a cnc mill to work with, should be a simple mod to get something rolling, I don't though
20:24 Triffid_Hunter GuShH_: gravity fed tool and a solenoid, hooked in series so when the tool touches the workpiece, the solenoid activates and pulls it up
20:24 GuShH_ Triffid_Hunter: doesn't seem to fall in the reliable cat.
20:24 GuShH_ seen the jeri vid
20:25 GuShH_ she's actually using the collapsing field to simplify the psu
20:25 GuShH_ it's more of a fun toy / gimmick it seems
20:25 GuShH_ but if you can point me to something more elaborate (than what she experimented with) I'd gladly take a look :)
20:26 GuShH_ I landed on a "diy edm" group but I didn't join
20:26 GargantuaSauce_ i guess for that sort of power you definitely want a fancier ps topology
20:26 GargantuaSauce_ resonant forward converter perhaps? some call that a zvs i think
20:27 GargantuaSauce_ dunno what to use for a transformer
20:27 GuShH_ transformer... please stop making movies about the transformers... PLEASE
20:27 ShH_
20:27 GuShH_ they should come up with the book "how to milk a > 30 year old franchise to death"
20:28 GuShH_ One said group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/EDMHomeBuilders
20:42 ShH_ pokes rue_
20:43 GargantuaSauce_ ahhh why does it have to be still snowing
20:43 GargantuaSauce_ do not want
20:43 GuShH_ snow is nice!
20:44 GuShH_ this is so rue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB0EXNw5avQ
20:45 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.cbc.ca/pei/interactives/snowfall/
20:45 GuShH_ I like this open loop design
20:45 GargantuaSauce_ snow is not nice, snow is bullshit
20:45 GuShH_ it feeds slow enough not to short and it just attempts to keep up, if it does short it will current-limit with the series bulb
20:45 GuShH_ I don't like that it's all at mains potential heheh
20:46 GargantuaSauce_ i need to get a big isolation transformer
20:46 GuShH_ but see, I currently don't have any alu extrusions to build that
20:46 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce_: how much power?
20:46 GuShH_ I made one with two back-to-back transformers
20:46 GuShH_ good for 20W...
20:46 GuShH_ hey it's better than NO isolation transformer
20:46 GargantuaSauce_ probably a bit more than that
20:46 GuShH_ yeah I've found it's limits but I use it all the time
20:46 GuShH_ mainly to power solenoid valves for work related tasks
20:47 GuShH_ so only a few watts are used
20:47 GuShH_ I would rather buy a variac than a big isolation transformer, even though variacs are often non isolating (they are just autotransformers usually)
20:47 GargantuaSauce_ yeah i want both
20:47 GuShH_ heh
20:47 GargantuaSauce_ (or an isolating variac but nobody makes those)
20:47 GuShH_ I saw a servo variac on sale the other day, it wasn't very cheap
20:48 GargantuaSauce_ that would be a cool thing to make
20:48 GuShH_ they do! but it's just an isolation transformer next to a variac
20:48 GuShH_ they also have syncro-resolved variacs
20:48 GuShH_ and other cool things.
20:48 GuShH_ things I cannot afford of course.
20:50 GuShH_ I just need to find a cheaper aluminum supplier so I can start experimenting with these things
20:50 GargantuaSauce_ i think i have a pretty fundamental aversion to the sound of arcs in mineral oil
20:50 GuShH_ haha
20:51 GuShH_ if it can do what I want, I don't mind the sound.
20:51 GuShH_ you have to admit it's pretty rue.
20:51 GuShH_ sorry I should say "it's quite rue" you can't say pretty next to rue.
20:51 GargantuaSauce_ i'd probably get used to it but obviously it makes me think of a big mains distro transformer about to explode
20:51 GargantuaSauce_ it's indeed quite rue
20:52 GuShH_ I've seen, heard and lived that.
20:52 GuShH_ except we had sustained arcs for 30 minutes beforehand
20:53 GargantuaSauce_ heh
20:53 GuShH_ I like the idea of etching away shapes...
20:53 GuShH_ hex, square
20:53 GargantuaSauce_ sounds like you definitely want 3 axes
20:53 GargantuaSauce_ maybe even 6
20:53 GuShH_ haha no YOU do
20:53 GuShH_ in this case you can use a shaped electrode to obtain the shape
20:53 GargantuaSauce_ oh
20:53 GuShH_ he does that in the video
20:53 GargantuaSauce_ that's CHEATING
20:53 GuShH_ nah!
20:53 GuShH_ but it does increase current a lot.
20:54 GargantuaSauce_ i wonder if you could do tapping with this
20:54 GuShH_ that thing is scary.
20:54 Tom_itx with which?
20:54 GuShH_ take a look at the schematic, by the end of the video
20:54 GuShH_ I frowned.
20:54 Tom_itx stuart threaded a ball bearing with his EDM
20:55 GuShH_ go live with stuart then pft.
20:55 ShH_ slams the door
20:55 Tom_itx i went there for the linuxcnc fest
20:55 Tom_itx got to see all the cool stuff
20:55 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce_: not sure about internal threading, but I can think of ways to do external
20:56 GuShH_ rotating the work and advancing the tool
20:56 GargantuaSauce_ yeah obviously it could do external threading like you do on a lathe
20:56 GuShH_ no clue on internal.
20:56 GuShH_ if the electrode is eroded away...
20:56 GargantuaSauce_ ohhh my god that schematic
20:56 GuShH_ hahaaa
20:57 GuShH_ Somehow Darwin never caught up with him
20:57 GargantuaSauce_ that bridge must get pretty unhappy too
21:02 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce_: he never showed it, maybe it's a massive one
21:02 GuShH_ hence the big case
21:02 ShH_ chuc
21:03 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-XS4aueDUg
21:03 GargantuaSauce_ oh god
21:03 GargantuaSauce_ that battery charger is too rue for even rue
21:05 GuShH_ ok he speaks spanish so it's to be assumed
21:06 GuShH_ he actually said in spanish "this can be used to recharge non rechargeable batteries/cells"
21:06 ShH_ facep
21:07 GuShH_ I get where he's gong but he appears to be one of those con artists, they are often from India and pretend their hair generates solar power.
21:08 GargantuaSauce_ well you CAN recharge those little lithium coin cells
21:09 GargantuaSauce_ it just has a good chance of resulting in fire
21:09 GargantuaSauce_ and certainly if you're elderly and unemployed in a 2.5th world country and you want to be able to hear...
21:10 GuShH_ not so much
21:11 GuShH_ he's just making a point, but that's no excuse for such a device.
21:11 GargantuaSauce_ oh i agree it's ridiculously stupid and dangerous
21:11 GargantuaSauce_ it's a resistor and a diode you plug into the wall to charge a battery!
21:11 GuShH_ he -had- to be in Miami...
21:11 GuShH_ And a Cuban escapee
21:12 GuShH_ they sell a welder in India which is pretty much a series resistor.
21:12 GuShH_ perhaps it's got an inductor, I doubt it
21:12 GargantuaSauce_ awesome
21:12 GuShH_ comes in a small box, they sell it as a miracle portable welder haha
21:12 GuShH_ of course no isolation.
21:12 GuShH_ mains potential everywhere.
21:13 GuShH_ but these are guys who like to get their power using a coathanger.
22:06 Fiesta !pnig
22:06 Fiesta !pnig
22:06 Fiesta asdfl;jkd
22:06 Fiesta !ping
22:07 Fiesta oh nm
22:07 rue_more your alive
22:07 Fiesta i am
22:07 Fiesta thx
22:07 rue_more or still thrashing, I'm not sure
22:08 rue_more I forgot my library login again
22:26 Faek :(