#robotics Logs

Mar 08 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:02 rue_shop3 oooo sintered CPU smps cores...
00:03 rue_shop3 thats what I have the most of too, even by availablilty
00:04 rue_shop3 these are prolly ~300khz
00:04 rue_shop3 12V-1.8
00:04 rue_shop3 5 turns
00:26 rue_shop3 hmmm
00:32 rue_shop3 a 555 at 300Khz, 50% duty, with pin 3 thru a .1uF cap to a single transformer coil to ground
00:32 rue_shop3 at 300Khz, I prolly dont have to worry about full wave rectification
00:32 rue_shop3 so each output to can use the other polarity
00:35 rue_shop3 12V 1A 12W
00:35 rue_shop3 8 outputs... hmm
00:35 rue_shop3 8 10V outputs...
00:36 rue_shop3 8 outputs, 150mA for each
00:37 rue_shop3 6 turn primary, 5 turn secondary
00:37 rue_shop3 er
00:37 rue_shop3 .1V loss from diode
00:37 rue_shop3 close enough
00:40 rue_shop3 hmm
00:40 rue_shop3 1 for each of 2 high side fet drivers
00:40 rue_shop3 1 for each of 2 high side current sense amps
00:40 rue_shop3 nothing else I need isolated power for
00:41 rue_shop3 what if I build this with a bipolar that has a drive transformer
00:41 rue_shop3 then I can go over 50% duty
00:41 rue_shop3 what about 2 of them
00:42 rue_shop3 the drive electronics become ugly
00:42 rue_shop3 I wonder if I can modify my existing dc-dc board
09:41 tin_man anyone know about good books on manifold for robotics?
10:28 GuShH_ tin_man: ask rue_more
10:29 GuShH_ rue_shop3: see what happens when you ignore others! they ignore you! I see a full buffer of you talking alone!
10:29 ShH_ pats
10:33 rue_more hu?
10:41 GuShH_ rue_more: ha!
10:42 rue_more its hard to wake up in an hour on a saturday
10:43 myofevilrobots agrees, drinks more cof
10:44 GuShH_ I haven't had any coffee
11:57 rue_shop3 oooo
12:32 MrCurious morning
12:32 MrCurious did anyone get the plate of the bus that hit me
12:39 GargantuaSauce OUTATIME
13:18 peepsalot are there any disadvantages to hybrid stepper motors, as opposed ot permanent magnet?
13:19 peepsalot and are chinese ebay motor sellers likely to over-rate their torque specs?
15:21 rue_more hybrid?
15:22 MrCurious i want a cheap source for harmonic reducers
15:22 GargantuaSauce i dont think such a thing exists
15:23 MrCurious it does not
15:23 MrCurious but i still want it
15:23 GargantuaSauce have you looked at hypocycloid reducers?
15:23 MrCurious also want a unicorn that farts rainbows
15:23 GargantuaSauce you could probably mill them quite easily
15:23 GargantuaSauce (you did get the cnc up and running right?)
15:23 GargantuaSauce http://www.zincland.com/hypocycloid/
15:23 MrCurious that one only goes one way i think
15:24 GargantuaSauce as in, torque can only be transmitted from input to output? yes
15:24 GargantuaSauce but they can go in both directions if that's what you mean
15:24 GargantuaSauce and have super low backlash
15:24 MrCurious and are they cheap? :)
15:25 GargantuaSauce they are the price of aluminium stock
15:25 MrCurious thats cheap
15:25 MrCurious now i need a cnc
15:26 MrCurious and a new liver
15:30 GargantuaSauce so what's left to do on your cnc
15:30 MrCurious replace linear bearings and add in the lead screws
15:31 GargantuaSauce well get to it
15:31 rgantuaSauce cracks
15:31 GargantuaSauce i want some hypocycloid reducers
15:31 MrCurious me too
15:31 MrCurious  seeking tooth variation
15:32 MrCurious that looks interesting
15:34 MrCurious the eccentric shaft may be the hardest part to make
15:34 MrCurious though i imagine gussh's lathe could do it
15:34 GargantuaSauce yeah probably requires a lathe
15:37 GargantuaSauce though if you want to make a pretty big one you could get the shaft as an off the shelf part for electric hammers apparently
15:37 GargantuaSauce http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Electric-Hammer-Spare-Fittings-6-7cm-x-3-7cm-Metal-Eccentric-Shaft-/310624273018 etc
15:38 MrCurious interesting
15:39 GargantuaSauce perhaps attacking scrap small engines' crankshafts with hacksaws would do the trick also, but the eccentricity is probably even more huge
15:40 robotustra_ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BiPAIJRIUAA94Y0.jpg:large
15:42 MrCurious i suppose a cnc could mabricate the excentric shaft from aluminum
15:42 robotustra_ yes
15:43 robotustra_ but useless
15:43 GargantuaSauce yeah maybe in two steps
15:43 GargantuaSauce it also might not end up being round enough
15:43 robotustra_ lathe is needed here
15:43 GargantuaSauce there's a reason we still use lathes
15:44 robotustra_ to make in on lathe will be much faster
15:44 MrCurious guess i will need lathe friend
15:46 GargantuaSauce oh shit a reasonably priced one finally showed up on kijiji, 4 hour drive
15:46 GargantuaSauce http://www.kijiji.ca/v-power-tool/city-of-halifax/mini-lathe/572329187 GuShH_ take a peek at this if you would
15:48 MrCurious i think i need that
15:52 GargantuaSauce looks like it's this http://www.siegind.com/products_detail/&productId=3e763221-f905-4082-9977-b2e934d645f0&comp_stats=comp-FrontProducts_list01-1325832996354.html
17:03 robotustra_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ3rAxSiiO4
17:23 robotustra_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InEnWwzCxcw
17:39 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce: problem for me is that they're too small
17:39 GuShH_ lots of plastic parts, gears, etc.
17:39 GuShH_ looks pricey
17:40 GuShH_ I've seen them up close, so that's why I'm commenting.
17:40 GuShH_ it is better than no lathe, but only if you intend to make very small parts.
17:40 GuShH_ make sure all change gears are there and none are missing.
17:41 GuShH_ then look for backlash, play on the spindle
17:42 GuShH_ see if the speed controller works properly as it's got a DC motor
17:42 GuShH_ and it runs noise-less
17:42 GuShH_ then test the power feed and the threading mode
17:42 GuShH_ hmm brb, in charge of the bbq.
18:17 GargantuaSauce cool thanks GuShH_
18:17 GargantuaSauce yeah it's definitely tiny, less than a metre wide all in all
18:17 GargantuaSauce which is one of my criteria really
18:42 rue_more huh, the humans say my long range vision sucks
18:43 GargantuaSauce what a myopic notion
18:43 GargantuaSauce we all know you're here to change the world
18:52 rue_more "when the computer sees full throttle while cranking, it does not let the fuel injectors fire, this is a universal way to try to clear out and start a flooded computer controlled engine."
18:53 rue_more yaya! I dont have to open it up and pull the injector wire off anymore!
19:39 GargantuaSauce Triffid_Hunter: did you get anywhere with your hypocycloidal drive design?
19:44 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce: the pro on the tiny lathes are... they are portable.
19:44 GargantuaSauce yeah
19:44 GargantuaSauce this has to a: fit in the trunk of my parents' car, b: fit in my living room
19:44 GuShH_ it would
19:44 GargantuaSauce yup
19:45 GuShH_ don't laugh, I've always wanted a unimat lathe.
19:45 GuShH_ ever since I was 6-7
19:45 GuShH_ it was the perfect toy, but too expensive.
19:45 armyofevilrobots rue_more: Is this what you were talking about : http://hackaday.com/2014/03/06/make-a-plastic-bender-using-stuff-you-already-have/
19:46 GuShH_ one day I'll get a full unimat set, but not anytime soon... since it's just a toy
19:47 GuShH_ http://www.modelermagic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Unimat-1-Lathe.JPG
19:47 GuShH_ one of the smallest lathes I'm aware of
19:47 GargantuaSauce :D
19:47 GargantuaSauce that's smaller than my laptop
19:47 GuShH_ it should be!
19:47 armyofevilrobots That's smaller than my micrometers.
19:47 armyofevilrobots well, one of them anyhow.
19:47 GuShH_ It's tiny!
19:48 GuShH_ but it's a modular toy
19:48 GuShH_ which is why I wanted it so bad
19:48 GuShH_ you can turn it into a tiny milling machine
19:48 armyofevilrobots so cute.
19:48 GuShH_ among other things.
19:48 GuShH_ true, but at this point in life I can only buy it to get closure...
19:48 GuShH_ not much use at all
19:49 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce: is the guy selling it with tools?
19:49 GuShH_ hss, carbide
19:49 GargantuaSauce i havent talked to him yet, all i got is the semi-illiterate ad
19:49 GargantuaSauce it havs all kinds of extra piceses that come with it
19:49 GargantuaSauce so we'll see when i call tomorrow
19:49 GuShH_ http://www.modelermagic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Unimat-1-Vert-Miller.JPG :>
19:50 GuShH_ actually that's not assembled properly
19:50 GuShH_ oh yeah it even turns into a jigsaw
20:01 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce: best of luck with the lathe! <arnie> I'll be back.
20:11 GargantuaSauce http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/gcnc/ this guy rules
21:02 MrCurious GuShH_: http://www.harborfreight.com/7-inch-x-12-inch-precision-mini-lathe-93799.html#.UxuZNfmwLCc what you think of that
21:04 GargantuaSauce pretty sure that's the same one rebranded
21:05 GargantuaSauce yup looks identical
21:07 MrCurious yeah
21:07 MrCurious i willl wait for a 25% off sale
21:45 rue_house GargantuaSauce, GOOD PAGE!
21:45 GargantuaSauce i know right
21:45 GargantuaSauce i almost want to email the guy and tell him to hang his hat here
21:51 GargantuaSauce #define ENABLE 0
21:51 GargantuaSauce #define DISABLE 1
21:51 GargantuaSauce marlin makes me want to throw things
22:07 rue_more #define SetBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT |= (1<<BIT))
22:07 rue_more #define ClearBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT &= ~(1<<BIT))
22:10 rue_more I got an eye test today, I think they are almost back to normal
22:34 MrCurious what happened to them
22:36 rue_more they were suspected to be damaged after they fell out
22:36 MrCurious fell out?
22:37 MrCurious didnt know eyes did that
22:37 rue_more yea, I have to be carefull not to look tooo close at things
22:37 rue_more it helps if they dont land on the lens when they hit the floor
22:38 rue_more I was thinking of getting shockproof cases
22:38 rue_more but its not something that happens EVERY day
22:48 MrCurious your funny
22:55 GargantuaSauce processing.app.SerialNotFoundException: Serial port '/dev/ttyUSB0' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > Serial Port menu?
22:55 GargantuaSauce peet@starscream ~> ls /dev/ttyUSB0 -al
22:55 GargantuaSauce crwxrwxrwx 1 root uucp 188, 0 Mar 9 00:36 /dev/ttyUSB0
22:55 GargantuaSauce i hate this shit so much
23:03 armyofevilrobots your udev rules are probably busted.
23:04 armyofevilrobots SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{product}=="ARDUINO WHATEVER YOU SEE IN lsusb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", SYMLINK+="arduino arduino_nano_$attr{serial}"
23:06 armyofevilrobots the uucp user is a old-school serial port comms thing that is legacy cruft.
23:06 GargantuaSauce i did chmod 777 as you can see there
23:06 GargantuaSauce if i use another version of the tarduino ide that part works, BUT compilation is broken
23:06 armyofevilrobots ah, you're right. I am not paying attention.
23:07 armyofevilrobots and I also noticed that the rules I copypastad above are no longer modded. I used to have MODE="0666" on there, which would have fixed the perm thing automtaically, but I guess I have reinstalled this box since.
23:08 armyofevilrobots try editing your group membership to add yourself to the uucp group? Maybe there is a check in the code there that is causing you problems.
23:08 GargantuaSauce i am definitely in the uucp group
23:09 armyofevilrobots Ah. OK.
23:09 armyofevilrobots I'll leave alone then.... You aren't on RHEL with selinux enabled are you?
23:09 armyofevilrobots my hot end on my printer just blew apart. seems like nothing is working tonight.
23:10 GargantuaSauce i am only enough of a masochist to be trying to build Marlin
23:10 GargantuaSauce enterprise linux is a whole other category
23:10 myofevilrobots looks at his day job, we
23:11 GargantuaSauce if it's not one error it's another
23:11 GargantuaSauce this is driving me up the wall
23:11 GargantuaSauce i just want a damn working reprap
23:11 GargantuaSauce i'd be happy to ignore the stupid bootloader and flash with an isp but oh look the makefile is broken
23:12 GargantuaSauce time to try a third version of the package i guess
23:15 GargantuaSauce https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/issues/1609 lol
23:16 GargantuaSauce seriously i've dealt with some major clusterfucks of build environments
23:17 GargantuaSauce but none have been anywhere near as bad as that of the arduino
23:17 armyofevilrobots ah, fucking rxtx.
23:17 armyofevilrobots Are you on 64 bit or 32?
23:17 GargantuaSauce 64
23:18 GargantuaSauce i am grabbing the 1.5.6 beta package to build now
23:18 armyofevilrobots yeah, a lot of arduino env's ship with the 32bit serial, which obviously blows the hell up.
23:18 GargantuaSauce it's 61 megabytes for some ungodly reason
23:18 armyofevilrobots bigger == better.
23:22 GargantuaSauce oh boy they broke the board definitions
23:26 armyofevilrobots One of the things about the arduino env that bugs me is that you cannot have it consistently build across versions. It seems to break subtly every so often. Whenever I work on something I need to maintain, I build my own makefiles directly, as Arduino cannot be guaranteed to rebuild it again when the next version comes out.
23:26 armyofevilrobots and you often have to get the new version to build some reprap firmware or some other thing.
23:27 GargantuaSauce yeah and i am using a particular vendor's FORK of marlin
23:27 GargantuaSauce which adds another layer of stuff getting fucked up
23:27 armyofevilrobots Oh, ultimaker?
23:27 GargantuaSauce reprappro
23:27 armyofevilrobots Ah.
23:28 GargantuaSauce they really, really cocked up the triextruder slave firmware
23:32 GargantuaSauce yeah this is a losing battle
23:34 GargantuaSauce they actually broke support for third party board files in the ide.
23:34 GargantuaSauce amazing
23:35 anonnumberanon lol
23:38 rue_more I blame my babelfish
23:38 GargantuaSauce okay dealt with that. time to swap out the included compiler with one that actually works
23:40 GargantuaSauce serial port is NOT COM1
23:42 rue_shop3 ooo yea
23:42 rue_shop3 thats what I was gonna do
23:42 rue_shop3 GargantuaSauce, whats stopping you?
23:42 rue_shop3 (I wasn't paying attention)
23:42 rue_shop3 marlin screwing you up?
23:42 rue_shop3 hah, I was gonna breadboard this, I dont have to, I already have modules I just plug in
23:42 rue_shop3 hehe
23:42 rue_shop3 this is what happens when you pile enough hacks
23:42 rue_shop3 it starts by needing a 256k micorcontroller just to fit the firmware
23:42 rue_shop3 deobfiscate the firmware
23:42 rue_shop3 start by running it thru the preprocessor to get rid of al the #ifdefs ;)
23:42 rue_shop3 uhhh, that took a while...
23:42 e_shop3 checks his w
23:42 rue_shop3 like an hour
23:42 rue_shop3 hmm jukebox webpage needs in icon
23:42 rue_shop3 forgot how to do that, not hard
23:42 rue_shop3 favicon?
23:42 rue_shop3 ttyUSBx
23:43 armyofevilrobots Woah, I think your IRC client was blocked for a while there.
23:43 armyofevilrobots 20 messages in 2 seconds.
23:43 rue_shop3 where x is a number from 0 to 976288378297432
23:43 GargantuaSauce i am amazed you didn't time out
23:43 rue_shop3 fromhere?
23:43 rue_shop3 ping?
23:43 armyofevilrobots yeah
23:43 GargantuaSauce yeah you're realtime now
23:43 rue_shop3 I'm on telus fiber
23:43 GargantuaSauce but everything since "ooo yea" just came in one second
23:44 rue_shop3 I dont know which me's are on which servers
23:44 rue_shop3 we tend to split up
23:44 rue_shop3 are favicons auot scaled?
23:45 armyofevilrobots You wish :)
23:50 GargantuaSauce guess i need to reflash the bootloader