#robotics Logs

Feb 25 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:02 rue_poweroutage I forgot the android has irc
00:09 MrCurious has canada gone dark?
01:26 rue_house well, power is back on for now
10:32 Elleo 81u
10:32 Elleo oops
12:50 GuShH_ rue_more: light back?
12:50 GuShH_ your genset problems reminds me I need to get a gasket kit for one of the chainsaw carbs... maybe a new top end too...
15:13 GuShH_ spent some more time on the part... it's coming along very nicely, the shaft is down to spec, the M6 is threaded (used a die, can't thread on the lathe until I finish this part) and test assembled it, so far so good (and better than the original part) I just need to focus on the head now... either file it square by hand (I suck at this) or use the grinder...
15:13 GuShH_ might as well try filing it flat while it's on the chuck, after I part it's going to be harder.
15:16 GargantuaSauce_ home again home again jiggity jig
15:16 GuShH_ isn't it giggity
15:17 GargantuaSauce_ this is mother goose, not family guy
15:17 GuShH_ bah
15:17 ShH_ wishes he could find a source for
15:17 GuShH_ I'm sick of CRS
15:48 Tom_itx making a new part or fixing the old one?
15:54 GuShH_ Tom_itx: I went for the hard way, new part
15:54 GuShH_ I'm parting it now on the chop saw and figuring out the oiling bit and it should be done... but I might need a small spacer
15:54 GuShH_ since I didn't have a parting blade thin enough for the slit
16:19 GuShH_ Tom_itx: so far this is what I've got: http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn5177f.jpg -> test fit before parting -> http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn5165f.jpg
16:19 GuShH_ couldn't get a better finish on the shaft... I was hand feeding and it's CRS
16:20 GuShH_ the flats are not as bad as it looks, they came out OK
16:26 GuShH_ http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn5175f.jpg before facing and deburring (chop saw cut)
16:26 GuShH_ now I'm sure I'll mess it up with the oiling hole...
16:30 GuShH_ where can I get small steel balls like the one used for the oiler cap?
16:31 GuShH_ take apart a tiny ball bearing? (don't have any around sadly, the smallest are 8mm or so each sphere, too big)
16:32 GuShH_ also I might need to make a new T nut soonish...
16:32 GuShH_ I don't like the fit, too loose.
16:33 ShH_ pokes rue_
17:30 GuShH_ Tom_itx: done for now http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn5186f.jpg minus the oiler insert, but I bored it anyway
17:30 GuShH_ the hole looks bigger but that's just a chamfer from the center drill
17:30 GuShH_ I'm quite happy with the result, based on the fact I didn't have power feed nor threading available!
17:32 Tom_itx looks good
17:32 GuShH_ yey
17:33 ShH_ spills some dirty oil on rue_more's keyb
17:34 GuShH_ now if this strips I'll be very upset.
17:34 Tom_itx the female thread was ok?
17:34 GuShH_ mostly, I put a tap through it, it's a bit loose...
17:34 GuShH_ but I don't think I have stock big enough to make one from scratch
17:35 GuShH_ it's a lot bigger
17:36 ShH_ shakes fist at c
18:04 GuShH_ alright installed, works without modifications. I do want to make a new t-nut though
18:04 GuShH_ that's the reason why it was wobbly before
19:15 rue_more dosn't need to be square, of course, good work
19:16 GuShH_ rue_more: it does need at least 2 flat sides for the machined washer and for using a tool to adjust it...
19:16 GuShH_ but sure, why on earth would I make it square
19:17 GuShH_ the profile of the tool on that machined washer / spacer is round... makes sense to also have a round on the shaft, pft.
19:18 GuShH_ is the power back?
19:18 rue_more sweeet, my reprap heaters arrived
19:18 rue_more yay! another project I'm spending too much money on!
19:18 rue_more :)
19:19 GuShH_ there's ever so slightly a bit of surface rust on some of the gears and other parts.... even though they're always covered in oil, I wonder what's up with that
19:20 GuShH_ rue_more: I more or less started on my reprap project and I already spent way too much
19:21 GuShH_ holy crap these big gears were faced by hand! I can see banding from every full turn and pause !
19:21 GuShH_ I don't know what else could cause that if it isn't fed by hand
19:22 rue_more cheap chinese labour?
19:22 rue_more the lathe facing ont eh gears?
19:23 GuShH_ http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn5186f.jpg
19:23 GuShH_ err wrong link
19:23 GuShH_ stupid windows
19:23 rue_more I was thinking about making a motorized feed for the lathe, non-synchronous for finish cutting
19:23 GuShH_ http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn5188f.jpg
19:23 GuShH_ see the big 120 tooth, there are distinct marks on it's face
19:24 GuShH_ which is what I get when I advance by hand and take a slight pause
19:24 GuShH_ must.get.rid.of.surface.rust.
19:27 GuShH_ rue_more: did you get the right heaters?
19:27 GuShH_ or did they send you the wrong ones
19:30 rue_more I got a 30W and a 50W
19:30 rue_more and I made the blick their being fit into
20:03 GuShH_ rue_more: lets' see the block!
20:20 rue_more bkioajc/.
20:20 rue_more block?
20:29 rue_more zzzzzz
21:37 GuShH_ rue_more: the heater block you talked about
21:37 GuShH_ for the... heaters...
21:37 GuShH_ bah brb
22:01 rue_more price of 1/4" plate aluminum with a hole drilled thru it tapped 1/4-20 and one side roundeed on the Z axis and the opposite edge rounded on the X axis
22:48 rue_more ok I ahe one hour left
22:48 rue_more if you had one hour left, what would you do
22:50 zap0 all teh things!
22:51 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBkFCTQgfpU
23:12 rue_shop2 do piston rings use a striaght or angled split?
23:21 rue_shop2 whats the colour code for .01 ohms?
23:21 rue_shop2 :)
23:25 GargantuaSauce_ black black black black black black
23:26 rue_shop2 I thought it was brown black silver silver silver silver
23:26 GargantuaSauce_ or potentially white white white white white white white, i guess they make some of those sandbox wirewound ones with that low resistance
23:27 GargantuaSauce_ i have some shunt resistors that are 10mohm and they are just black-enamelled strips of metal with two screw terminals
23:28 GargantuaSauce_ also 1206 smd ones that can somehow dissipate a quarter watt