#robotics Logs

Feb 19 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:34 sherlock I grew up in the country
00:34 sherlock city now, havnt had one since I moved
00:35 sherlock wait, thats not true, one time a transformer blew up on the corner and the whole block went out for like six hours
00:35 sherlock like, when I first moved
00:53 MrCurious http://hackedgadgets.com/2014/02/15/candle-powered-fan/
00:53 MrCurious that begs to be made. and i haev al the parts BUT the candle
00:54 sherlock You can get a bag of like 50 of them for like five bucks
00:55 sherlock I may be off on my numbers
00:55 MrCurious trying to decide if it is a fan for cooling, or a fan for heating
00:55 sherlock 125 for 15 bucks
00:55 sherlock close enough
00:56 sherlock It makes you wonder though, how come you can also get 100 tea candles for 50 bucks..how much worse is the former set?
00:56 sherlock oh, those are flameless..thatd be why
09:02 rue_house easier to hack!
21:00 GuShH_ rue_house: just noticed the screw on the compound slide is not acme... it's a common M6, wth.
21:00 GuShH_ it's acme on the cross slide though
22:06 MrCurious is there such a thing as a sombo between thermal paste and glue?
22:07 MrCurious need to mount a heatsink on a chip/board not meant for it
22:07 MrCurious wonder if super glue would have adequate thermal properties
22:07 Tom_itx sure
22:07 Tom_itx no
22:08 Tom_itx http://www.arcticsilver.com/arctic_silver_thermal_adhesive.htm
22:09 MrCurious http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100013
22:09 MrCurious fair enough
22:09 MrCurious i googled it for me
22:09 armyofevilrobots I have used that arctic silver stuff on reprap driver heatsinks. It works OK.
22:10 MrCurious just need to keep a lcd driver chip a tad cooler than without a heatsink
22:13 robotustra_ I bought an adhesive heat sink compaund on ebay
22:14 robotustra_ there are in the nature
22:14 robotustra_ http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xheat+sink+glue&_nkw=heat+sink+glue&_sacat=0&_from=R40
22:16 MrCurious i think i will just get it from frys so i can have it tomorrow
22:17 MrCurious hmmm ukrane seems broken
22:23 armyofevilrobots Careful to keep it off the terminals of your chip though; it is supposed to be non-conductive, but in reality it's a few megohms/inch, so you could bridge and get a pin pulled high or low.
22:24 robotustra_ MrCurious: ahmen
22:32 MrCurious yeah
23:40 MrCurious everyone be very quiet....
23:42 zap0 OK
23:43 p0 takes off pants and runs around screaming AAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
23:45 MrCurious its all so clear to me now