#robotics Logs

Feb 09 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:05 armyofevilrobots slic3r is my fave.
00:48 MrCurious GuShH_ whats new
08:06 robotustra_ morning
08:25 anonnumberanon hi
12:11 GuShH_ http://imgur.com/gallery/0NEmkYe neat!
12:22 robotustra_ yep
12:23 robotustra_ GuShH_: http://postimg.org/image/5waxkop7z/
12:23 GuShH_ robotustra: freaky
12:24 GuShH_ also I can pull your fingerprint data from that
12:24 GuShH_ lots of partials
12:24 GuShH_ robotustra: why does it need a nose?
12:35 robotustra_ because it will run on benzin
12:35 robotustra_ and it will need to breath
12:36 robotustra_ and he will also have gas analysers
12:42 rue_house will it kill for benzine if its hungry?
12:44 robotustra_ for sure
12:44 robotustra_ it's my intension
12:44 robotustra_ intention
12:45 robotustra_ it will kill people for benzine and they finally will get rid of it to survive
12:46 rue_house this will take quite a bite out of smokers, dont you think?
12:46 rue_house wouldn't it be better to give it a refinement system and have it run on alcohol?
12:47 rue_house it could belch off impurities
12:56 robotustra_ alcohol was also considered
12:56 robotustra_ anyway it will be carbohydrates
13:27 rue_house hahaha a wonderfull scam, have a bot that uses captchas from sites its doing things on, for its own site, to trick humans into giving over the answers
13:45 sherlock rue_house: heh, yeah
13:59 rue_house so I have a 'king 1022' lathe, which is 'the same' as a 'grizley 0602' which seems the same as the (??) JY250VL
14:00 rue_house I'm wondering if I can get them to give me 'replacement parts' for my lathe (origional seller isn't helping)
14:07 rue_house http://i00.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/326/744/870/870744326_142.jpg
14:08 rue_house http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4065/4689043110_bfb85e01dd_z.jpg
14:08 rue_house http://www.bellmachineryltd.com/new_king1022_b.jpg
14:08 rue_house main difference is the colour of the paint
14:13 armyofevilrobots "Replacing" that speed control?
14:19 rue_house I'm insterested in the T slot cross slide and the camlock tailstock
18:44 BungHole good evening!
18:45 BungHole i'm thinking of using the dagu 6wd as a base for my robot
19:23 rue_house ok
19:24 dumbass-afk ok
19:33 BungHole anyone knows of something better ?
19:34 dumbass-afk it seriously depends on your performance requirements, i i dunno them