#robotics Logs

Feb 06 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:08 rue_shop3 no I mean it unfroze enough to flow
00:08 rue_shop3 as soon as the water starts flowing it thaws itself
00:08 rue_shop3 I wish 100 gal of antifreeze didn't cost $10000
00:08 rue_shop3 I wouldnn't have to go thru this
00:10 rue_shop3 why cant I just dump sugar into it again?
00:11 rue_shop3 from 1.5c its got the tank up to 24.5c
00:11 rue_shop3 exchanger delta 8c
00:11 rue_shop3 outside temp -3.5c
00:11 rue_shop3 lines to house are still frozen, whatever
00:29 rue_shop3 one of the pipes on the house loop has a coupler in it thats leaking like a siv
00:29 rue_shop3 literally
00:29 rue_shop3 so its prolly better the house loop be frozen for now anyhow
00:36 MrCurious rue_shop3: you know to leave a tap trickling right
00:36 MrCurious as long as there is flow, no ice
00:57 armyofevilrobots most.canadian.robot.evar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjzSeOg8oTs
01:08 rue_house ...
01:08 rue_house !!
01:09 rue_house armyofevilrobots, was... I supposed to have come over today!?
01:12 MrCurious armyofevilrobots: i totally want one
01:14 armyofevilrobots rue_house: DAMN! I totally blanked on that. Sorry. Tomorrow?
01:14 armyofevilrobots or maybe on the weekend? We're not going away or hosting anyone.
01:16 rue_house I dont even know if I can do tommorow
01:16 rue_house shall we touch base on friday and see how our weekends look??
01:21 armyofevilrobots sure :)
01:22 rue_house I got $50 from work for shop-compensation, wondering what I should use it to stock with
02:04 wildmage i can't remember, are you guys in Vancouver?
02:04 aemquo Which guys+
02:04 aemquo ?
02:06 rue_house "yes"
02:06 aemquo ( ._.) ...
02:06 wildmage (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
02:07 wildmage and australia is awake
02:07 e_house fails to come up with a complex enough regualar experssion to thro
02:07 rue_house wildmage, what you up to anyhow?
02:07 wildmage trying to dig myself out of the hole I've created
02:07 RifRaf g'day wildmage
02:07 wildmage this degree program has gone on far too long
02:07 aemquo g'day mate.
02:08 wildmage RifRaf, hiya, longtime no se
02:08 RifRaf yes been on a reprap holiday, this year will be more about robotics again hopefully
02:08 wildmage cool? you did some reprap?
02:09 wildmage what's the state of the art now in reprap?
02:09 RifRaf alot, been making many machines
02:09 wildmage i've spent too long away from self-replicating machines, I need to get back into it
02:09 RifRaf the prusa i3 is still all the rage, and the rostocks still the top of the delta
02:10 wildmage i understand some of those words
02:10 RifRaf has been a bit slow with advances latly, but been doing my bit for the community
02:10 wildmage Rostock is a city in Germany
02:11 RifRaf heh, never knew that
02:12 wildmage what is a rostock in this context?
02:13 RifRaf a large delta printer, http://reprap.org/wiki/Rostock_MAX
02:13 RifRaf have not gone that way here yet, i like the stabilty and simplicity of the cartesian design, standard X Y Z
02:14 wildmage ahh, it's a type of end effector
02:14 wildmage like a Stewart platform
02:14 RifRaf yeah 3 arms and some clever maths to keep things level
02:16 wildmage there's a hackerspace near me where they have various 3d printer units like a reprap and a makerbot
02:16 wildmage 5 years ago my professor got a $1million 3d printer that I think is rapidly depreciating in value now
02:17 RifRaf cool, is nice having a few in the spare room here, but need to get more creative again rather than just making printer parts
02:17 wildmage from what I heard, one of the members worked on a new remote piloted helicopter drone design and then formed a company with it
02:20 wildmage this channel has become more diverse
02:20 wildmage since i was here last
02:21 rue_house ust latley there has been an influx of a number of new people
02:28 Faulty I might pipe up here. Had IRC in background and just got back to reading. I'm new and intending to become active. So hello everyone.
02:28 rue_house heh hello
02:29 Faulty I saw wildmage is in Australlia. Is that correct?
02:29 rue_house ?
02:30 Faulty Oh was that you rue_house?
02:31 RifRaf heh
02:31 rue_house .... I havn't been there fo years
02:31 RifRaf one more guess
02:32 Faulty Oh dear. RifRaf...?
02:32 RifRaf yeah and quite a few others
02:32 rue_house is he someone we know?
02:32 Faulty Ok cool. I'm living in Tin Can Bay in Queensland but moving to Melbourne soon
02:33 RifRaf north coast of nsw here
02:34 Jak_o_Shadows Lots of australians....
02:35 Faulty I really have zero experience in robotics or even electronics. I decided to get into Programming recently and would really like to muck about with robotics
02:35 rue_house start with programming, play with that a while
02:36 Faulty it seemed like the logical progression
02:36 aemquo Have you ever done any programming?
02:36 aemquo I would suggest starting with Python.
02:36 Faulty I've been learning Python as a first language
02:36 rue_house it dosnt' matter
02:37 Jak_o_Shadows Not particularly, but Python is a nice first language.
02:37 aemquo Python is king.
02:39 Jak_o_Shadows "Surprisingly, most of the ‘robotics’ parts are 3D printer left overs, which includes: NEMA17 stepper motors, an Arduino Mega, a RAMPS board, motor drivers, belts, bearings and rods. " Bad person on HAD. I would think a RAMPS board is fair overkill
02:41 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows, did you finish the printer?
02:41 Jak_o_Shadows Well, it's getting there
02:41 Jak_o_Shadows I got the arduino mega today
02:41 RifRaf hopefully a cheap clone
02:41 Jak_o_Shadows Will talk to some friends soon to see if they're going to want to use it as well.
02:41 Jak_o_Shadows damn right a cheap clone.
02:42 aemquo Link to site you bought from pls
02:42 aemquo s/site/page/
02:43 RifRaf aemquo, lots here from $9 or so http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?SearchText=funduino+mega&catId=&initiative_id=
02:44 aemquo Those clones are so cheap, why?
02:44 aemquo Are they exact copies?
02:44 RifRaf yep, nothing wrong with em
02:44 Jak_o_Shadows I got http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-Mega2560-R3-Arduino-Compatible-ATmega2560-USB-Board-SYD-COMBINED-Postage-/271389178119?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:US:3160 , but it was from australia, so yay
02:45 Jak_o_Shadows forgot to check aliexpress
02:45 Jak_o_Shadows I have found a link for a ramps board for about 20
02:46 RifRaf yep thats fine, you can get as low as $13 or so, but some of them skip a few bits
02:48 StrangeloveMD anybody have experience with strain gauges? Esp. Micro-Measurments brand EA series?
02:49 Jak_o_Shadows I have used one, and I know the theory
02:50 StrangeloveMD I am interested in the methods for mounting
02:52 Jak_o_Shadows are you working with raw gauges? generally you use special glue
02:54 StrangeloveMD I see that, but was wondering about using cyanoacrylate for non critical applications
09:20 rue_house ... crazy glue?
09:23 aemquo The crazies.
09:23 aemquo *craziest
09:26 GuShH_ rue_house: heard of Geckosenator lately?
09:27 GuShH_ I wonder if the guy on the news (2 days ago) wasn't him!!
09:27 GuShH_ a bit fat, but looked very much like him.
09:29 GuShH_ rue_house: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/02/05/7-killed-as-firefighters-battle-blaze-that-destroyed-argentine-banking-archives/
09:29 GuShH_ that just happened hours ago... pretty sad
09:31 GuShH_ one of the deceased was our first female firefighter...
09:32 GuShH_ http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/02/04/doubts-raised-over-castaway-13-months-lost-at-sea-claim/?intcmp=obinsite
09:32 GuShH_ too fat I don't think that was him
09:32 sherlock Yeah I wondered about that
09:32 GuShH_ sherlock: you did?
09:32 GuShH_ heh
09:33 sherlock GuShH_: not his weight, but the story was a bit....off
09:33 GuShH_ well I mostly wondered if he was geckosenator, the rest seemed off
09:33 GuShH_ that's a guy who bought a banged up steel boat and decided to go pretty much around the world in it and would often login here on freenode, but I haven't seen him in ages
09:34 GuShH_ hope he's ok
09:34 sherlock see the dudes family says "We hadn't heard from him for eight years, we thought he was dead already. This is a miracle, glory to God."
09:34 sherlock so..hes been sketchy for a bit longer than the 13 months he was lost at sea
09:35 GuShH_ lol
09:35 GuShH_ my theory: they were 2 guys, he ate the other one.
09:35 GuShH_ :D
09:36 sherlock "Castaway lost at sea for 13 months mostly thought about tortillas, chicken, suicide "
09:36 sherlock thats pretty much my life
09:36 GuShH_ lmao
09:36 GuShH_ in that order?
09:36 GuShH_ if you were insane enough to commit suicide you might think there's time for chicken later on.
09:37 sherlock GuShH_: If I think about killing myself choking on a chicken quesadilla..they are all at the same time
09:37 GuShH_ not a laughing matter but recently a kid jumped out of an apartment balcony over some family discussion... sad
09:38 sherlock Well that was a mostly unrelated bummer
09:38 GuShH_ suicide related...
09:38 GuShH_ and I was watching the news
09:38 GuShH_ it's always a bummer
09:40 sherlock GuShH_: well, you cant report on the stuff that didnt happen
09:40 sherlock GuShH_: Today in the news, the golden gate bridge didnt collapse
09:40 sherlock nobody died as a result
09:40 aemquo hah
09:40 sherlock more at 11
09:44 rue_house I'm sure at some point some jumped off of it and died, and wouldn't have if it'd collapsed
09:45 sherlock rue_house: good thinking
09:45 rue_house therefore its a danger and should be taken down
09:45 sherlock lower all bridges!
09:45 rue_house a PUBLIC_HAZARD
09:46 sherlock rue_house is a lobbyist for the bridge net industry
09:47 rue_house I dont think nets can really discourage people who are really trying
09:47 sherlock rue_house: Doesnt matter, profits in the bridge net industry will skyrocket creating jobs!
09:48 sherlock Do you want there to be less jobs?
09:48 rue_house int hat case a bridge sign industry shoudl be started
09:48 rue_house [Hey, dont jump.]
09:48 rue_house every 4 feet
10:04 wildmage that wont work, you need to have penalties for jumping
10:05 wildmage like: "Do not jump from bridge, $500 fine"
10:05 wildmage see?
10:07 sherlock wildmage: in some countries its actually not legal to commit suicide
10:08 sherlock In Singapore, a person who attempts to commit suicide can be imprisoned for up to one year.[15]
10:10 wildmage yeah, suicide in Asia is ridiculous
10:10 sherlock I think percapita is nots that bad
10:11 sherlock suicide rates are a bit poor sometimes because its hard to track failed attempts
10:11 wildmage when I was in Korea, a few years prior, a bookstore owner jumped off his own building after competition from Seoul drove him out of business
10:11 sherlock part of the reason for the male female suicide ratio being so gappy
10:11 wildmage and then the former president of Korea jumped off a cliff after a political scandal
10:11 sherlock apparently attempts are around the same, but success in males is higher
10:14 wildmage i'm always fascinated by the choice of *method* between males and females
10:15 wildmage males often choose a more bloody method such as jumping or gunshot
10:15 wildmage females often choose overdose of pills
10:16 sherlock thus, the success rate difference
15:53 haryv Anyone here ever get involved in animatronics?
19:16 rue_house I tried to start with humans, it didn't work, I dont think relationships with robtos are gonna go much better
19:17 Tom_itx aww
23:53 MrCurious i think i understand the double toilets at the sochie olympics
23:54 MrCurious they arebriing back an old russian traditional olympic skill, liek figure skating...
23:54 MrCurious synchronized peeing
23:55 wildmage that's a summer sport
23:57 MrCurious then what are the double toilets for... survival?