#robotics Logs

Jan 29 2014

#robotics Calendar

02:38 Jentrep in the linuxcnc source base
02:39 Jentrep there is a directory titled nml_intf
02:39 Jentrep what is that?
17:56 delinquentme OK so I'm going to be working with some really thin pieces of plastic sheeting -- like literally page protector thickness
17:57 delinquentme I need to cut holes into this plastic for use on a mounting jig ... and I need 1/8in screws to be snug in the holes ... but also not drag + tear the plastic
17:57 delinquentme what size holes should I cut into the plastic to allow this?
17:57 delinquentme 1/8" ... and just let the plastic stretch handle it?
18:52 GuShH_ meanwhile in Korea http://www.zgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/turd04.jpg