#robotics Logs

Jan 25 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:46 MrCurious pretty sure its a lie...
00:48 sherlock Tunnel snakes rule
00:51 MrCurious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pUTKNGpu1s hmmmmmmm
00:58 MrCurious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-8rvk40qss even better
01:48 Jentrep herro :D
10:23 doomlord__ any robot builders here
11:21 rue_house yea
11:21 rue_house doomlord__, http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robot_family2.jpg
11:22 doomlord__ do you think a robot to clean a bicycle would be practical
11:24 doomlord__ passing a brush over a complex surface, some sort of arm..
11:25 MrCurious mounting the bike on a fixture and using a arm with a spray turrent on it may be metter
11:26 MrCurious better
11:26 doomlord__ spray is ok but you ideally need to wipe it down aswell
11:26 MrCurious compressed air?
11:27 doomlord__ an additional constraint is indoor, spraying large amounts of fluid would be bad
11:27 doomlord__ mr lazy here
11:27 MrCurious was just thinking that
11:27 MrCurious perhaps a different angle...
11:27 MrCurious treat the bike with "never wet"
11:28 MrCurious so nothing sticks to it
11:28 doomlord__ some say you can clean a bike without fluid, just with a brush
11:28 doomlord__ i guess this isn't far off the classic domestic robot
11:30 doomlord__ its all the fiddly deraileur parts
11:30 MrCurious enclose them
11:30 doomlord__ yeah there is the solution of a hub-gear for winter
11:32 doomlord__ unfortunately hub-gears aren't as light or efficient as derailues
11:32 doomlord__ (as far as i know)
11:33 MrCurious couldnt you just buy a car, and use the local carwash machine?
11:34 doomlord__ thats too easy
11:34 doomlord__ i like to make simple things complicated
11:34 doomlord__ i use the 2 bike solution .. winter bike and nice summer bike
11:35 MrCurious perhaps a set of washablel shoes.... and a walking pattern to convey you between locations
11:36 doomlord__ a multipurpose cleaning robot would be cool
11:37 doomlord__ probably far from economical though .. considering the alternatives (hub gear, etc..)
11:52 MrCurious i suppose you could treat the bike with sugar prior to riding, then store it in a closed ant box at home, and let them clean it for you...
11:52 doomlord__ lol
11:52 doomlord__ bio-cleaning robots
11:52 MrCurious or a steam box with ultrasonic vibrations...
11:55 rue_shop2 doomlord__, you could do a train and playback robot, make sure the bike is in the same position every time
11:56 doomlord__ yeah i imagined thats how it would work,
11:56 doomlord__ although some fancy AI would be a nice challenge too
12:00 rue_shop2 doomlord__, what kinda stuff you build now?
12:00 doomlord__ i dont , i'm just speculating
12:00 doomlord__ i do code
12:00 rue_shop2 you dont make anything?
12:00 rue_shop2 hmm
12:01 rue_shop2 making things stay togethor isn't always as easy as it looks ya know
12:02 doomlord__ i never said i thought this would be easy
12:02 doomlord__ most things that aren't done yet, aren't done for a good reason, i realise this
12:03 rue_shop2 have any tools?
12:03 doomlord__ i doubt i will pursue this project
12:23 Tom_itx yeah that's what most say
12:24 GuShH_ eadthem: finished cutting the tiles and did a couple tests with the scraps
12:24 GuShH_ I'll PM you a video
12:31 GuShH_ eadthem: used a "spent" hss drill bit for the failed test, it was just heating up the material removing very little material (due to it's geometry) that wasn't surprising, the carbide did a good job but if you want clean holes from both sides you have to meet in the middle, ie. drill half way through from each side, otherwise you'll pop a thin layer of the clay out on the exit. no cracks that I can see, but with clay you need to
12:31 GuShH_ let it expand and contract, suck up moisture and release it to see if it's going to crack.
12:32 GuShH_ even small formed holes (ie. while the clay is still unfired) do tend to crack.
12:32 eadthem ic
12:32 eadthem well hat helps
12:33 GuShH_ in the vid you can see the results
12:33 ShH_ is never dry cutting clay, concrete or any material ever a
12:35 Tom_itx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkBes1XgfnI
12:36 GuShH_ Tom_itx: why is he talking like that
12:36 Tom_itx i got no sound
12:36 Tom_itx couldn't tell ya
12:36 GuShH_ I think he came from the 20s seeeeee
12:36 Tom_itx iirc he's german maybe
12:37 Tom_itx i forget
12:37 GuShH_ Tom_itx: laser control is just on - off?
12:37 GuShH_ could you safely PWM one of those diodes?
12:38 Tom_itx mostly just on
12:38 Tom_itx you could run it with a mosfet and an io pin i suppose
12:38 Tom_itx then you'd have better control
12:39 GuShH_ but there has to be a way to modulate it with a sort of pwm control
12:39 GuShH_ yeah
12:39 Tom_itx 22x burner
12:39 Tom_itx less doesn't have enough power
12:40 GuShH_ dvd?
12:40 Tom_itx yes
12:40 GuShH_ what about the lensing
12:40 Tom_itx he raised and lowered it to find the focus around 2"
12:41 Tom_itx IchGuckLive> if in the green glase the Red Laser beam is near white then you are in focus
12:41 GuShH_ if your left eye doesn't work no-moar, you are in focus, proceed with remaining eye
12:42 ShH_ wonders why Tom_itx hasn't got any s
13:22 SquirrelCZECH guys
13:22 SquirrelCZECH how is called this thing, that some part is "cutted" so you can see what is inside? http://www.rc-news.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/tamiya_f104pro_06.jpg
13:24 GuShH_ SquirrelCZECH: I call them cutouts
13:24 SquirrelCZECH oh, that sounds legit :)
14:58 rue_house a cutaway
15:11 SquirrelCZECH well
15:11 uirrelCZECH goo
15:11 SquirrelCZECH and "cross section" seems as my favourite
16:24 GuShH_ rue_house: bah we all use different terms for the same thing...
16:25 GuShH_ rue_house: couldn't find a connector for the ice maker valve (the valve isn't there) I'm wondering if I should use a standalone timer with a generic valve...
16:25 GuShH_ the timer in the ice unit should energize the valve for the right time, but I don't see where the extra wires are going to, so meh.
16:27 ShH_ doesn't mind manually adding water, it's just not the point... it defeats it's pur
17:46 GargantuaSauce GuShH_: how about a float and a needle valve?
18:37 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce: hey might as well put a walbro carb in there
18:37 ShH_ snic
18:37 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce: it would be slightly tricky, you have subzero temperatures
18:38 GuShH_ even the original design has flaws (if the valve is leaky it will eventually freeze the entire outlet shut
18:38 GargantuaSauce yeah
18:38 GargantuaSauce i am under the impression that even the manufacturers didn't get it quite right until the last decade or so
18:38 GargantuaSauce and most icemakers before that were terribly unreliable
18:38 GuShH_ they added filters and all sorts of bs
18:39 GuShH_ I might just get a generic solenoid valve and use an mcu as a timer
18:39 GargantuaSauce yeah perhaps electronic control and a solenoid valve on the warm side is the way to go
18:40 GuShH_ there should be internal switching going on for a valve I just couldn't find the wiring.
18:40 GuShH_ plus my goal was to recharge and find leaks, this was secondary.
18:40 GuShH_ hey at least I saved a bunch of money by not having to buy a new fridge
18:43 m_itx gives GuShH_ a bag of ice c
18:43 GuShH_ Tom_itx: lol
18:44 GuShH_ I don't need any more ice cubes! I just need to solve the automation.
22:48 robotustra_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N_tupPBtWQ
23:38 R0b0t1 How do I make a machine love?
23:42 GuShH_ R0b0t1: find a suitable hole