#robotics Logs

Jan 20 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:10 MrCurious openstack
00:10 MrCurious now i can spin up DEAD vm's using a web interfacec
00:10 MrCurious all i need to do now is work out how to do LIVE ones
00:11 GuShH_ rue_house: the grass is too sharp to work on his mill project
00:13 orlock i tried playing with openstack about 6 months ago
00:13 orlock then i realised my server didnt support hardware virt
00:14 rue_house I'm gonna write an app that I can give any two of wattage, current, voltage, or resistance and it'll tell me the rest, anyone want a copy?
00:16 GuShH_ rue_house: I even made one in j2me years ago
00:16 GuShH_ I'll make you one for android tomorrow.
00:16 GuShH_ rue_house: if you can run j2me I'll send it to you
00:16 rue_house is the j for java?
00:16 GuShH_ yeah mobile java
00:16 GuShH_ prior to the android and ios bullshit that's all we had
00:17 GuShH_ me = mobile edition
00:17 rue_house I dont use windows
00:17 GuShH_ j2me is for cellphones.
00:17 GuShH_ or used to be, it's mostly deprecated technology.
00:17 GuShH_ but old phones still use it
00:18 GuShH_ you did say app, and that's what any normal human being thinks of: mobile platform
00:18 rue_house I can tell your not in sales
00:18 GuShH_ I can tell you are not from this planet.
00:18 rue_house :P
00:18 GuShH_ clearly, it's a free "app" why would I care to sell it
00:20 GuShH_ rue_house: http://gushh.net/tmp/wattcalc.zip
00:20 rue_house zip?
00:20 rue_house what virus is in it?
00:20 GuShH_ do you want a tgz with a dick inside?
00:20 rue_house hah, this is a conversation for the record books
00:20 GuShH_ http://gushh.net/tmp/wattcalc.tgz THERE
00:20 GuShH_ enjoy your penguin.
00:21 GuShH_ as if zip meant windows, but only in your head sir.
00:21 GuShH_ I could argue rar sucks, while we're at it.
00:21 GuShH_ and how would a windows "virus" be of any worry on a linux os to begin with
00:21 rue_house can you enter any of voltage, current, wattage, and resistance and have it calc everything else?
00:21 ShH_ slaps rue_h
00:21 GuShH_ rue_house: any minimum given values
00:21 GuShH_ two
00:22 GuShH_ that's the point
00:22 rue_house yea, you write it already?
00:22 GuShH_ I wrote that years ago
00:22 GuShH_ 2010, first version was probably earlier
00:23 ShH_ still use
00:23 rue_house huh
00:23 rue_house gonna port it to android?
00:23 GuShH_ yeah no problem
00:23 GuShH_ or just html5
00:23 rue_house whats with html5?
00:23 GuShH_ it's neat
00:24 rue_house I hear its supposed to replace flash, but dont see any of the thigns in it flash does
00:24 GuShH_ such as?
00:24 GuShH_ porno ads?
00:24 GuShH_ it can!
00:24 GuShH_ I can compile to flash or html5 just the same
00:25 rue_house can I set the frame of a gif animation?
00:25 GuShH_ who uses gif anymore?
00:25 GuShH_ use png
00:25 GuShH_ for animation it's mostly an atlas you would use
00:25 rue_house I cant put 10000000 frames in a png
00:25 GuShH_ you can in a huge image called an atlas
00:25 rue_house tiled? really?
00:25 GuShH_ if the frames are all equally sized, there's no need for metadata either
00:26 GuShH_ you just calculate the offset
00:26 rue_house 0 compression?
00:26 rue_house ugh
00:26 GuShH_ png
00:26 GuShH_ or could be jpeg
00:26 GuShH_ whatever browser supported image format
00:26 GuShH_ even bmp with rle if you dare
00:26 GuShH_ I wonder if anyone supports bmp 32bit (alpha) with rle
00:26 GuShH_ hah
00:27 rue_house oh I'm goin down
00:27 ShH_ bl
00:27 GuShH_ rue_house: my fridge died.. needs a charge
00:28 rue_house pedal faster!
00:28 MrCurious blow harder
00:28 GuShH_ gas charge
00:28 GuShH_ won't get past 7.8°C inside the freezer!
00:28 GuShH_ so it's off now.
00:29 rue_house 7.8c?
00:29 GuShH_ that's what it peaks at
00:29 rue_house put out outside in the snow
00:29 GuShH_ no snow in this hemisphere
00:29 GuShH_ you really are not from this planet!
00:29 rue_house your just not looking hard enough
00:29 GuShH_ I'ma call area 51 on yo ass.
00:29 rue_house :P
00:30 GuShH_ It has a valve but I've no idea about the standards in "hvac"
00:30 rue_house the mil already know about me
00:30 GuShH_ Alf?
00:30 rue_house some things are so frustrating NOBODY will deal with them :)
00:31 GuShH_ I wonder if they sell disposable gas canisters
00:31 GuShH_ no clue if it's r22 or 134 or what, no label.
00:31 GuShH_ visible at least.
00:31 ShH_ doesn't want to call a "technician" if he can do it him
00:31 GuShH_ no need to pull a vacuum in this case
00:33 GuShH_ also for what they do they are ripping everyone off.
00:33 rue_house ooooh oh oh oh oh
00:33 GuShH_ they're fatsos with scales manifolds and little tanks of shit.
00:33 rue_house I want to use motorized potentiometers for the controls on my new power supply
00:33 GuShH_ and they dare talk about certifications of bullshit when a monkey can do their job.
00:33 rue_house oh wait, that dosn't help me make fast votlage changes
00:33 rue_house damn
00:33 e_house reth
00:33 GuShH_ it helps you make it rather expensive for no good reason
00:34 rue_house I need a digital pot that can operate isolated at up to 24V
00:34 GuShH_ and your voltage change will depend on your output capacitance and output regulation anyway
00:34 rue_house GuShH_, your neglecting COOL factor
00:34 GuShH_ yes it would be cool
00:34 GuShH_ and potentially dangerous
00:34 rue_house not so much
00:34 GuShH_ compared to a normal pot ...
00:34 rue_house arguing with the usb port?
00:35 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-10K-Ohm-3590S-2-103L-Rotary-Wirewound-Precision-Potentiometer-Pot-10-Turns-/331061385117
00:35 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/10pcs-Plastic-VOLUME-TONE-CONTROL-KNOB-Black-Blue-/161045277527
00:35 GuShH_ what about steppers, pulleys, belts... it suits your style
00:35 rue_house ah, for a sec there, I thought the knobs outpriced thepots
00:36 GuShH_ but those are not motorized!
00:36 rue_house GuShH_, I have like 100lbs of the rest
00:36 rue_house I want a digital control
00:36 rue_house I just cant find a digital pot that can do it
00:36 GuShH_ TI has a lot of them
00:36 rue_house and I'm not sure how the smps converters I'm using work
00:37 GuShH_ dig up the datasheets
00:37 rue_house GuShH_, yea, look at the specs, you have to use them at or under vcc
00:37 GuShH_ so?
00:37 rue_house I have a 30V power suppply
00:37 rue_house their vcc is 5V
00:37 GuShH_ yes but you need a control circuit anyway
00:37 rue_house no
00:37 rue_house I bought
00:37 GuShH_ that can take a low level and translate to whatever you need to
00:37 GuShH_ such as pulse width based on voltage or whatever
00:38 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/350869951366
00:38 rue_house I bought two of those for the outputs
00:38 rue_house they use 10k pots
00:38 rue_house for current and voltage
00:38 GuShH_ just dividers
00:39 rue_house but the voltage alone runs over 5V
00:39 GuShH_ for the references
00:39 GuShH_ did you measure the reference voltages?
00:39 rue_house I cant divide 30V with a digital pot that cant go over 5V
00:39 GuShH_ they used to make those boards with maxim ICs
00:39 rue_house its really odd, the voltage is always at 30V, the current is always at like 1.2
00:39 rue_house I dont know what they are up to
00:40 rue_house they ground off the numbers I'm sure it a 25xx
00:40 GuShH_ lawl
00:40 rue_house the small chip is a lm393
00:40 rue_house for the current limiting
00:40 GuShH_ what a bunch of chinks, grinding off ICs at this date
00:41 rue_house I could reverse it if I really wanted to
00:41 rue_house one of the two I got had a failed 78L05, I had to replace
00:41 GuShH_ just get a motorized variac, bridge rectifier and a supercap. that'll teach 'em
00:41 GuShH_ slap one of your arduinos on top to control the motor, boom!
00:42 rue_house the pile of parts for this supply is looking good
00:42 rue_house I'm waitng for the last of the meters to come in
00:42 GuShH_ pre or post explosion?
00:42 GuShH_ "this is the pile of parts before the explosion and this is after.."
00:43 GuShH_ been updating the android sdk bullcrap for hours... slow servers... and dumb code...
00:43 GuShH_ it downloads one update, then it finds out it needs another one, then it finds out there's a newer one after that one, etc.
00:43 GuShH_ "android sdk manager" .. what a bunch of crap
00:44 GuShH_ And how they have different naming conventions for "public" versions and the actual API version
00:44 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, it's pretty bad
00:44 GuShH_ say 4.2.2 is "api 17"
00:44 GuShH_ whereas 4.1.2 would be api 16... whatever.
00:45 GuShH_ Jak_o_Shadows: it all seems to be held with wireties and wishful thinking.
00:45 GuShH_ it reminds me so much of the Java days
00:45 Jak_o_Shadows It's just a mess.
00:45 Jak_o_Shadows The actual language/libraries isn't quite so bad though
00:45 GuShH_ OpenSource dun dun dun
00:46 GuShH_ It's even worse seeing how every company grabs ahold of it and manages to cripple it in ways that you thought were not possible.
00:46 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah.
00:46 Jak_o_Shadows Sometimes they slightly improve things, most often they don't
00:47 GuShH_ but then it's gone on the next update or 10 new bugs show up, oh wait that's just programming in general
00:47 ShH_ g
00:52 GuShH_ the hell... adam and jamie have another tv show on discovery?
00:52 GuShH_ plus all that "wired" crap... plus something else I forgot about
00:52 GuShH_ were they cloned or something?
00:53 GuShH_ if only they would do a tv show about their actual special fx jobs...
00:56 ShH_ is staring at some of his code that has been ported and no credits were given whatsoever... wonders what t
01:50 MrCurious too tired to continue install debugging
01:50 MrCurious upside, its really close to working
09:37 rue_house is the internet back?
09:37 rue_house test 1, 2, can you hear what I'm sayin?
09:38 ace4016 maybe
10:36 GuShH_ rue_house: got a single manifold hose, adapter and the R12 canister... what could possibly go wrong?
10:36 GuShH_ so far I've spent 20% of what the assholes ask for a recharge / refill
10:39 GuShH_ I had a slight confrontation with an "hvac technician" at the store, he was also buying just like I was but he picked up I wasn't one of "them" ... he said "you'll need more than that to fix your problem" ... I told him I don't need to vacuum in this case, since the refrigerant wasn't released and it's not a swap either so I'm not changing the oil at all, plus what's the need for a scale or a true manifold if the canister contai
10:39 GuShH_ ns the exact amount I need... So then I asked to see his certification and he shut the fuck up right there, I knew he wasn't a real tech, just another scammer asshole like everyone I phoned.
10:39 GuShH_ hence why I refuse to hire assholes like them, all poser bitches.
10:39 ShH_ fr
10:40 GuShH_ now I just hope the canister has a valve in it, heh
10:43 Curious tunes into the GuShH_ not quite robotics
10:47 GuShH_ MrCurious: it could be robotics related
10:48 GuShH_ you could use a solenoid valve, the gas canister and the hose + adapter as a flame thrower
10:48 GuShH_ here's the kicker: the R12 came from CHINA
10:48 GuShH_ the hell man...
10:48 GuShH_ We ARE china.
10:48 MrCurious robo fridge, i have come to chill you ou
10:48 GuShH_ lol
10:48 GuShH_ MrCurious: I want a kegerator arcade
10:48 GuShH_ maybe one day I'll build one.
10:50 MrCurious and now i brain wipe my openstack install and try again. this time with intermediate os checkpoint imaging
10:59 ShH_ pokes MrCur
10:59 MrCurious ?
10:59 GuShH_ just making sure you were still breathing
10:59 MrCurious trying to start something there mate?
11:00 MrCurious why, what are you going to do, cclamp me to a lathe and turn me to death
11:00 GuShH_ lol
11:01 MrCurious then again... if strapped to a lathe, a subtractive tool would not be the best torture tool. perhaps one of those tools for making the flare on brass instruments and metal bowls
11:01 MrCurious bring back the middle ages, the torture chambers were NEVER completed
11:09 GuShH_ MrCurious : a mallet while you turn would work just as well
11:09 GuShH_ one hit per revolution
11:11 GuShH_ lol you need a license in the US for most refrigerant gasses?
11:11 GuShH_ well not for 134A I would assume
11:14 MrCurious i think auto shops sell ac recharge kits
11:14 MrCurious so not all
11:15 MrCurious today i WILL get this working
11:16 GuShH_ MrCurious: yes that would be 134a
11:16 GuShH_ but R12 and R22 and whatnot you may need a license in the US
11:16 GuShH_ which to me sounds idiotic.
11:16 GuShH_ ie. freon
11:16 MrCurious talking CFC's here
11:16 GuShH_ now fridges use isobutane crap
11:16 MrCurious things that screw up the upper atmosphere, destroy ozone or some such
11:16 GuShH_ "green" bullshit gas mosty butane and some propane or other silly mixture.
11:17 GuShH_ MrCurious: the isobutanes also do that, but in a smaller scale
11:17 MrCurious dude... global-storming is real
11:17 GuShH_ it isn't
11:17 GuShH_ it's just a normal cycle of earth
11:17 GuShH_ when it all began we had co2 and other nasties saturated atmosphere
11:17 MrCurious i see you are one of the 1 in 3 americans... (also all republican)
11:18 MrCurious my state is in record drout. broken all sorts of water records, temp records
11:18 MrCurious looks like we will get wild fires extraordinare in the next year
11:21 MrCurious starting to see a corelation between network news stations and soap-operas
11:33 GuShH_ MrCurious: they're natural cycles....
11:33 GuShH_ thing is we were not documenting back when it happened last time
11:34 GuShH_ today they're all media fags and they use panic to their advantage.
11:34 MrCurious i suppose, but they are supposed to happen on cycles of millions of years...
11:34 MrCurious not hundreds of years
11:34 GuShH_ so? there's million in one chance or worse for getting struck by lightning... and it happens
11:34 GuShH_ shit, it happened twice this month here
11:34 GuShH_ lots of people hit by lightning at the beach, TWICE.
11:34 MrCurious so natural cycle or man made effect... whats your plan for clean water and energy and food going into these troubled times...
11:35 MrCurious put aside the cognative disonance
11:35 MrCurious and plan
11:35 GuShH_ not "green" is my plan
11:35 GuShH_ ban all products with planned obsolesence is my first course of action
11:35 GuShH_ secondly, force solar water heaters to reduce the use of electricity / gas
11:35 GuShH_ and, ban Java.
11:35 GuShH_ Also Flash.
11:36 GuShH_ we'll save a ton of energy!
11:36 MrCurious and ban all MS languages too
11:36 GuShH_ I believe if we were to completely remove all the ads and crappy code from the internet, we would save millions of kilowatts.
11:36 MrCurious C# VB
11:36 GuShH_ MILLIONS if not more.
11:36 GuShH_ of course, all that crap does make millions, at the expense of energy waste.
11:36 MrCurious well, remove ads and suddenly someone new has to pay for the internet
11:36 GuShH_ sure.
11:37 GuShH_ we'll still ban Java.
11:37 GuShH_ Also, no more V8 engines in cars.
11:37 GuShH_ Seriously, is your dick that small?
11:37 ShH_ fr
11:38 GuShH_ Alright alright, I truly believe solar heating is a good way to reduce emissions.
11:38 MrCurious V8's are fun, V6 does damn close
11:38 GuShH_ and it's cheap.
11:38 MrCurious V4 doesnt keep promises my feet make
11:38 GuShH_ I like the sound of most V8 idling.
11:38 MrCurious but the V12's....
11:38 ShH_ would like to have a v12 chai
11:38 GuShH_ just because.
11:41 GuShH_ damn stores
11:42 GuShH_ bought something on friday... it was 2pm and they refused to send it over, today I emailed them back with the details a couple hours ago.. no response, it's now 2pm again and I bet they will also refuse to send it.
11:42 GuShH_ if I call, they're like every other store around here they just make you send them an email!
11:42 GuShH_ why even bother answering, have a machine do it then.
14:16 MrCurious using a cloud system was supposed to reduce the number of hand instaals of linux. so far it has delivered exactly the opposite!
14:36 GuShH_ MrCurious: well it's linux, duh
14:38 MrCurious easy there little billyg
14:41 GuShH_ MrCurious: oh yeah? or else?
14:41 ShH_ assumes a rather comical fighting stance and begins to jump back and f
14:41 GuShH_ 1920s style!
15:43 i-make-robots http://imgur.com/gallery/sVMn2
16:09 GuShH_ i-make-robots: pretty darn neat
16:09 GuShH_ but I keep my printer for now
16:10 MrCurious Duzz: will it work in zero-gravity?
16:11 Duzz not sure but rosetta woke up :) http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/20/world/europe/rosetta-comet-probe/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_topstories+%28RSS%3A+Top+Stories%29
16:12 MrCurious yeah
18:15 GuShH_ rue_house: guess what the voltage on two of the phases here is
18:15 GuShH_ one is 180vac under a small load, should be 220-230... the other is 204-205 under almost no load... ffs.
18:16 GuShH_ I call their number and nobody answers, not even their automated system...
18:16 ShH_ goes to check the third phase, maybe that's not too affected and he can swap 'em ar
18:16 GuShH_ fridge won't start currently, and I kept wondering why until I noticed the wall voltage...
18:18 MrCurious 3rd world sub par power lines?
18:21 GuShH_ third phase is 216vac, not bad but that's floating.. it's not currently in use
18:21 GuShH_ MrCurious: no, every dipshit in town is using their AC set to 8°C
18:22 MrCurious solid plan to me
18:22 GuShH_ that drops the lines down.
18:22 MrCurious sounds like you need battery backup for your house
18:22 GuShH_ they should use a bigger transformer
18:22 GuShH_ sounds like I don't, because that's a 2 year waste plan.
18:23 GuShH_ that's the average lifetime of a deep cycle battery constantly in use
18:24 MrCurious could get wind and solar and go off grid and say screw you losers to them
18:26 GuShH_ on 2 phase I should be having 380vac nominal... I read as low as 342
18:26 GuShH_ MrCurious: no, like I said it's a 2 year waste plan you don't break even, you lose.... maybe it's feasible in the states, not here.
18:27 ShH_ isn't even loading the friggin grid why should he have to pay for something he isn't get
18:27 GuShH_ imagine if I wanted to draw 100A I bet it would all collapse.
18:28 MrCurious solar means you get first dibs on your power, waste what you dont use
18:28 MrCurious screw batteries
18:29 GuShH_ what?
18:29 GuShH_ if you don't accumulate there's no point
18:29 GuShH_ plus inverters and the panels aren't cheap either
18:29 GuShH_ 4 times what you pay.
18:29 GuShH_ specially now with the energy crisis
18:30 GuShH_ MrCurious: a 120W panel without S&H costs me 849 usd at the official rate or about 400 usd at the "not so official rate" (I know, that's the amount of discrepancy we have due to the lies of this fucking grubmint)
18:31 MrCurious smuggle it...
18:31 GuShH_ it's not Mexico.
18:31 GuShH_ panels themselves are useless
18:31 GuShH_ you need regulators, chargers, etc.
18:32 GuShH_ I'm not even sure these come with protection diodes
18:33 GuShH_ (these panels are 36 cell 12KG 1.47x0.67 meters)
18:35 GuShH_ 145W panels are way too expensive by comparison
18:36 GuShH_ MrCurious: also an inverter capable of supplying at least 2 phase 40-50A 220VAC isn't going to be cheap.
18:36 GuShH_ because I do weld.
18:37 GuShH_ for a couch potato a solar panel and a car battery might cut it, not for me.
18:48 MrCurious you could invent a potato based battery, then make it rechargable
18:48 MrCurious renewable energy
19:03 greylurk I was digging through my junk box and found a set of unlabeled shrink-wrapped battery cells with leads coming off of them.. Anyone know of a good way to identify their chemistry?
19:03 greylurk preferably non-destructive.
19:04 MrCurious apply voltage until one splodes?
19:04 MrCurious xray machine
19:04 MrCurious my guess is they are SLA or NiCd
19:05 MrCurious if charged, their voltage would betray them
19:05 MrCurious suppose you could charge by upping voltage slowly
19:05 MrCurious until heat is produced then stop th charge
19:05 MrCurious the resultant voltage should betray chemistry
19:05 MrCurious or cause burns
19:06 greylurk Yeah. It's the burning part that makes me hesitant. Maybe I'll just wait until summer and do it outdoors :)
19:06 MrCurious cold could be your friend :)
19:07 greylurk I don't think they're SLA, they're sealed round cells like AA batteries, but longer and thicker.
19:08 greylurk Hmm, looks like they've got some kind of PCB on the top of the pack that the leads connect to. Must be a charging circuit.
19:08 MrCurious ounds like the 16850 li ion cells
19:08 MrCurious what is the output voltage on them at current
19:09 MrCurious or was it 8650
19:09 MrCurious 18650
19:09 MrCurious exaxt dimensions on the cyinderss would give a good indication of their chemisstry/type
19:10 MrCurious also peeling back the shrink wrap/tape to see a number on a cell would go a long way
19:10 MrCurious pretty it up after
19:35 greylurk Having a hell of a time finding my multimeter (I just moved). The cells are 2 1/2 inches long, 3/4 inch diameter. There's four of them.
20:03 greylurk mm shows 0v... Looks like I'll have to go the "charge it slowly and don't blow it up" route.
20:08 greylurk They do look like 18650's, so then it's just a question of whether it needs 4v, 8v or 16v to charge.
20:49 MrCurious never over 4.2v ea
20:50 MrCurious best to use a charge controler
20:50 MrCurious and have great care when charging them if they are below 2.95
20:50 MrCurious charge it slowly with your fingers on it
20:50 MrCurious as it may have reversed polarity?
21:07 greylurk There's a red lead and black lead, so risk of reverse polarity is probably low, but yeah, I'll be cautious.
21:08 MrCurious i thought when li iog get too low, they can change their oarity
21:08 MrCurious could bea amyth
21:13 robotustra_ aha, put your finger on it if you don't need it any more
21:22 greylurk There's some kind of board at the top of the pack under the shrink wrap... I'm hoping it's a charging circuit.
21:32 rue_shop2 its warm in here and I'm still cold, I dont understand why!
21:32 e_shop2 has another bite of his icecream while he tries to work it
22:03 robotustra_ greylurk: or trigging mechanism
22:17 robotustra_ Linus Torvalds?
22:17 robotustra_ is in here?
22:41 rue_shop2 I lost the reprap notebook
22:46 rue_shop2 aha, its in the reprap parts box
22:47 rue_shop2 go figure...
22:47 Jentrep Hey guys :D
22:47 rue_shop2 Jentrep, dont be sexist :)
22:47 rue_shop2 ah yes, all my work is in here
22:47 Jentrep Hey everyone! :D
22:47 rue_shop2 hey Jentrep !
22:48 Jentrep stfu rue_shop2 rue_shop2
22:48 Jentrep >_>
22:49 Jentrep Just kidding! ;P
22:49 rue_shop2 hahah
22:50 rue_shop2 huh
22:57 MrCurious careful rue... dont touch the crazy... its known to stick to certain types of skin...
22:59 Jentrep Yeah rue_shop2 stay away from MrCurious
22:59 Jentrep He is known to be a little wacko
22:59 Jentrep ;P
22:59 MrCurious a little. hardly!!!! begins to cover it
23:00 MrCurious creative and clever always come with a price....
23:00 MrCurious like in D&D, you have 12 points to distribute between your attributes as you choose
23:06 rue_shop2 I put all my points on inteligence
23:07 rue_shop2 0 0 0 12 0
23:08 Duzz what 4 skills are 0 then?
23:08 rue_shop2 charisma, armour, strength, and thaco
23:08 MrCurious chrisma, wisdom, strength, and restitution...
23:09 MrCurious best to split between wisdom and inteligence go full wizard
23:09 Duzz so 0 0 0 12 0 would be sheldon from the big bang theory
23:09 orlock i hated the idea of thaco
23:09 MrCurious pretty sure sheldon has at least +2 into the gay
23:10 Jentrep I hate the Big Bang Theory
23:10 Jentrep Such a stupid ass show
23:12 MrCurious its a riot. wee bit close to home
23:12 Duzz it is the most ackward thing to watch with the laugh tracks filtered out
23:12 MrCurious "cant talk to women without alcohol
23:12 MrCurious ROFL
23:14 Faek People keep telling me i should watch the big bang theory
23:15 Jentrep The Big Bang Theory is for stupid people who like the idea of being smart >_>
23:17 Jentrep SO who wants to send something to space?
23:19 Jentrep I do
23:20 orlock BBT is a show for people that want to laugh at how hollywood thinks geeks act, not comedy for geeks
23:20 rue_shop2 I want to go to space
23:20 Jentrep ^
23:20 Jentrep Has anyone had sex in space yet?
23:21 orlock pretty suru futurama has several orders of magnitude more science cred than TBBT
23:21 rue_shop2 like to have a picnic on the moon, but its a little cramped to eat (in a helmet)
23:21 rue_shop2 today I used infinite improbability at work
23:21 Faek James bond did
23:22 rue_shop2 I had a hole in a wall, and I needed to get a wire to another hole in another wall
23:22 orlock did it require tea and not tea?
23:22 rue_shop2 so I fed in a close to infinite amount of fishtape in the first hole, and sure enough, it came out the second hole
23:22 rue_shop2 it was pretty low odds
23:22 orlock fishtape?
23:22 rue_shop2 yea
23:23 Jentrep wtf is that?
23:23 rue_shop2 flat steel wire for getting wire thru things
23:23 Jentrep BORING!
23:23 Jentrep Back to Space
23:23 Jentrep ...
23:23 rue_shop2 'an idea is a dangerous thing' so, if I have a box of ideas, what warning sticker should I put on it?
23:23 Jentrep "Go Fuck Yourself"
23:24 Jentrep OR
23:24 orlock so kinda like a non-measuring tape with a hooker on the end?
23:24 Jentrep "FREE CAKE"
23:27 Jentrep Better yet just name it: "Box of Ideas:
23:27 Jentrep *"
23:27 orlock I found a old nvidia video card, 128M or so with 4 ram chips
23:28 orlock 16 bit TSOP66 chips!
23:28 orlock i think i should be able to use them to upgrade some older lan routers
23:31 DagoRed dream on orlock
23:31 DagoRed routers tend to use memory that is more secure.
23:32 orlock ?
23:33 orlock same layout, i have just had problems finding 16 bit chips
23:33 orlock all my old sticks were 8 bit, and i didnt have any laptop ram of the right vintage
23:34 DagoRed is it ECC memory or not?
23:35 DagoRed There are a few more variables besides size, class, and voltage.
23:35 orlock chip, not stick
23:35 DagoRed But I guess... what the hell. If you have a hot air station you can always put the old chips back.
23:36 orlock i thought ECC would be done on a stick/chipset level
23:36 DagoRed nope
23:37 orlock oh, guess i assumed that an ecc stick was essentially the same as non-ecc just with another chip(s) for the parity bit
23:37 Duzz the ecc ones will have a 72bit wide data
23:37 Duzz need 8 bits of parity for 64 bit and 7 for 32 bit
23:37 goRed
23:37 DagoRed Duzz: spot on
23:37 orlock yup, but thats per stick/bank/whatever
23:38 Duzz everyone loves hamming codes
23:38 DagoRed right....
23:38 goRed now has a desire to d
23:39 orlock thats the memory width for the bank
23:40 orlock i'm talking about the chips that the bank is made up of
23:40 orlock (which are 8 or 16 bit in the flavor i am looking at)
23:43 DagoRed ugh.. time to crash. Interviews in the morning.
23:43 DagoRed orlock: find me a job, will relocate down under.
23:46 orlock Heh
23:47 orlock i am lucky to have a jbo now
23:49 orlock fuck i hate rewrite rules
23:56 rue_shop2 hahaha I just pinned the fet backwards
23:58 MrCurious i want to see the moon lit up with advertisments during its dark phase before i die... like a pepsi or coke logo....
23:59 MrCurious suppose it could be done with lasers...
23:59 GargantuaSauce the power would have to be pretty obscene
23:59 GargantuaSauce like MW
23:59 MrCurious so only during hollidays, and times of extreme celebration...