#robotics Logs

Jan 13 2014

#robotics Calendar

04:04 SquirrelCZECH fuckin awesome!
06:43 ShH_ w
06:43 ttyMatt waves
06:43 mle29 waves to
06:43 MattyMatt Dumle29, I think he meant me :) but I guess kinematics software is sth they do here too
06:43 Dumle29 oh :P
06:44 GuShH_ GargantuaSauce: kinematics, wake up
06:47 Dumle29 Hey there, I was wondering if anyone could lend me some insight on delta robot kinematics. More specifically, I'm reading this document, and all of a sudden three new variables have appeared without any introduction, or any further explanation.
06:47 Dumle29 https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=forums&srcid=MTgyNjQwODAyMDkxNzQxMTUwNzIBMDc2NTg4NjQ0MjUxMTE1ODY5OTkBdmZiejRRR2phZjhKATQBAXYy&pli=1
06:48 Dumle29 I originally thought of R as being the radius, but quickly descarded that thought, as there would then be no other variables.
06:49 Dumle29 oh, I'm talking about page 5. Should probablt have mentioned that :P
08:11 theBear *crosspost, forgive me* hmm, all this culminates in me wondering, where's that rifraf and how he doing recently.... aside from his apparent auto-join accident on unmanned client the other day, a friend is going to visit family likely within an hour drive of his place on a plane leaving within the hour
10:01 MattyMatt http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pan-Tilt-assembly-with-motors-slip-ring-Ideal-for-cameras-telescopes-robotics-/350851514226 last 3 available
19:32 RifRaf theBear, yo
19:32 Auzze RifRaf wht are you doing here
19:33 RifRaf Auzze, this is my old house
19:33 Auzze hahaha, i'm new
19:33 RifRaf gonna make a robot eh
19:33 Auzze yep..
19:34 robotustra_ Hukka, Hakku, Auzze
19:34 robotustra_ one mask
19:35 robotustra_ bots? or clotes?
19:35 robotustra_ clones?
19:35 Auzze RifRaf going to doone of these http://arcbotics.com/products/hexy/ to start with and learn
19:36 robotustra_ why to do it if you can buy it?
19:36 RifRaf Auzze, no arduino allowied in here , you need to make your own pcbs and stuff :P
19:36 Auzze I was going to use a pi
19:36 robotustra_ and transistors also
19:37 Auzze robotustra_ I was going to mill the parts myself
19:37 robotustra_ do you have plans?
19:37 RifRaf Auzze, cool though, i have made a few hexapod thingos
19:38 Auzze robotustra_ yes
19:38 robotustra_ do you have cnc?
19:38 Auzze yes
19:38 robotustra_ link
19:39 Auzze https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34227679/2013-10-08%2018.28.09.jpg
19:39 RifRaf the megaoko
19:40 Auzze https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34227679/2013-12-04%2009.08.41.jpg
19:40 robotustra_ 800 watt?
19:40 robotustra_ what is the accuracy?
19:41 theBear holy crap ! that internet... no sooner have you drunkenly mumbled someones name than they are magically appearing on the buzzey talkbox in your pocket !
19:41 theBear hi rif :) my fone seems to think you are called bianka
19:41 Auzze robotustra_ not bad, still getting to set up
19:41 RifRaf lol
19:42 robotustra_ did you mill something on it?
19:42 theBear nah, that'd scratch the screen <grin>
19:42 robotustra_ rifraf, how is your printer?
19:42 RifRaf i wonder why my router spindle says 4.6kw but in the docs they say its 9kw spindle
19:43 RifRaf robotustra_, have a few churning away at home while i am here working, going ok
19:43 robotustra_ it's exaggeration
19:44 robotustra_ Auzze, are Hakku and Hukka your friends?
19:44 theBear don't forget his cousin aoyue
19:44 Auzze have not heard of them
19:45 theBear and uncle weller
19:45 robotustra_ but your nickname pattern is similar to their
19:45 robotustra_ [v,"h"],[v][cc][v]
19:46 robotustra_ vowel, consonant
19:46 robotustra_ how is it possible?
19:47 robotustra_ spy?
20:41 theBear how is it possible ? i think they call it english <grin> all kinds of vowel AND consonants, in almost every word
20:41 theBear how do they do it for the price ?
20:41 theBear ^^ go on, answer that one, i dares yer :)
20:46 robotustra_ ^^ go on, answer that one, i dares yer :)
21:21 GargantuaSauce RifRaf: youre back! :)
21:22 RifRaf GargantuaSauce, hiya, yep seeing whats going on in robotland
21:23 MrCurious hey RifRaf
21:23 RifRaf hi MrCurious
21:24 GargantuaSauce i cant remember the timeframe of your disappearance but you probably havent seen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vBi6LNklRg
21:24 GargantuaSauce Auzze you'll probably find that of interest also
21:26 RifRaf GargantuaSauce, seriously cool, good to see it working, seems to handle the weight ok
21:26 GargantuaSauce it could probably handle another kilogram or two easily
21:26 RifRaf very nice
21:31 GargantuaSauce i love your itty bitty cartesian bot
21:35 rue_house GargantuaSauce, did you do the ik?
21:35 GargantuaSauce all the software running in that video is by me
21:36 rue_house glad to see someone doing a good job
21:36 rue_house thts part of the reason I wrote buddy, cause I didn't see anyone using the right refernce frames
21:37 rue_house which leg update gait is it?
21:37 GargantuaSauce there's two there
21:38 GargantuaSauce first it's what most call the ripple gate, 2 opposite legs stepping at once
21:38 GargantuaSauce second it's the tripod gait
21:38 rue_house is it opengl?
21:38 GargantuaSauce yeah
21:38 rue_house linux?
21:38 GargantuaSauce ya
21:38 rue_house do you have a source dump anywhere?
21:38 GargantuaSauce i've tried to get you to run it in the past :)
21:39 rue_house I'm not really too far off from having buddy going again, I'd like to see how your software goes on non-hobby servos
21:39 rue_house oh
21:39 rue_house strange
21:39 rue_house only till recent I'v had issues
21:39 GargantuaSauce https://bitbucket.org/Ultrasauce/robots/src/1da256de4bec719fc5687ae184fd325373051f45/pc/sim_old/?at=master
21:39 GargantuaSauce you
21:40 rue_house hmm is it oop or just c+++
21:40 GargantuaSauce it's oop-ish
21:40 GargantuaSauce you'll need to disable the crap in IKWalker.cpp for poking my radio bridge, and replace the joystick control also
21:41 GargantuaSauce this is ah...personal code
21:41 rue_house mine is split into seperate threads for getting the motion vector and processing it (and, and, and,...)
21:42 GargantuaSauce theres nothing remotely fancy happening here, thread overhead would be more significant than the actual computation
21:42 GargantuaSauce that will change when i do a proper generalized iterative ik solver for arbitrary kinematics but i haven't gotten around to it yet
21:43 rue_house when I was doing motion control code, I found the largest problem was stacking the axies properly
21:43 GargantuaSauce stacking?
21:44 rue_house dosn't it suck to have to define your own 3d primitives?
21:44 GargantuaSauce i used glm for this software
21:44 rue_house at the time, getting the rotations in the right order was a pain
21:44 GargantuaSauce i rolled my own linear algebra lib for the onboard stuff
21:44 GargantuaSauce i dont use euler angles
21:44 MrCurious 4-methylcyclohexane methanol, #CleanCoal's word of the week
21:44 GargantuaSauce fuck euler angles
21:44 rue_house Geometry *Geometry::cylinder(char, int slices) {
21:45 GargantuaSauce there is a lot of vestigial code in this application
21:45 rue_house when I started the opengl stuff, I just assumed that 3d primitives were a part of the library
21:45 GargantuaSauce well glut was sort of pushed on people for a long time
21:47 rue_house so, this is a 3d space model thats pushing the joint angles to the bot, right?
21:47 GargantuaSauce presently yes
21:47 rue_house k
21:48 GargantuaSauce i was having some electronics issues with the bot when i was writing it so i ended up not bothering to port it over to the onboard controller
21:48 GargantuaSauce which i really should get around to. it'd be like 5 lines.
21:49 rue_house did you have any problems with the directions and scale of the joystick data?
21:49 GargantuaSauce not really, i wrote that joystick wrapper code years ago so i am pretty familiar with its output
21:50 GargantuaSauce i mean i probably dicked around with the coefficients for a bit
21:50 rue_house cool, I found when i tried SDL with a few joysticks, they all behaved rather differently
21:50 GargantuaSauce hmm, well you can blame the os for that i guess i dunno
21:50 GargantuaSauce my two joysticks are identical so i didn't have to worry abou thtat
21:51 rue_house I should see if I can compile this.... it'd keep me awake for a min or two
21:52 GargantuaSauce you'll need glm and devil and glew
21:52 rue_house pretty sure I have glm...
21:53 rue_house whats devil and glew?
21:53 GargantuaSauce devil is for loading textures, i dont think it's in use in the present codebase but it'd be easier to install than remove it as a dependency
21:53 GargantuaSauce glew is the gl extension wrangler
21:54 rue_house I was amused to see th texture stuff, for a wireframe
21:54 GargantuaSauce well this codebase started as a halfassed game engine
21:54 rue_house funny how you came up with code so similar to mine for the gait
21:55 rue_house see if I can find...
21:56 rue_house oh thats intersting...
21:56 GargantuaSauce i hope you have gl 3.0 support because it's going to shit the bed if you don't
21:57 GargantuaSauce it was only with great hesitance that i even removed the geometry shaders
21:58 rue_house stage = delta;
21:58 rue_house
21:58 rue_house //' find out what stage of foot movement were at
21:58 rue_house //' what leg# ?
21:58 rue_house legnum = (int)(stage / .25) + 1; // rounds down e.g. 1.999 = 1
21:58 rue_house //' what part of its movement is it at?
21:58 rue_house substage = (stage / .25) - (legnum - 1) ; //' 0 to 1 4X per 1 moved
21:58 rue_house //' what height for this stage?
21:58 rue_house why = lift * cos(substage * 6.28 - 3.14) + lift;
21:58 rue_house and your using an array, yes?
21:59 rue_house I'm drawing parallels to ::tick
21:59 GargantuaSauce WalkerGait::tick
21:59 GargantuaSauce yeah
21:59 GargantuaSauce mine is more explicit and abstract!!
21:59 rgantuaSauce waves his cs-
22:00 rue_house yea, I work out what % of the step profile I am, and go from there
22:01 rue_house completely unrelated side note, this knock light is working great
22:08 GargantuaSauce so you'll want to nuke IKWalker.cpp lines 223-259, 97-107
22:08 GargantuaSauce unless you want it to spam a random usb serial device you have connected
22:09 rue_house I can connect lots of random usb devices for spamming
22:09 rue_house I'm not gonna do anything right now, i'm too much asleep
22:09 GargantuaSauce maybe the third time will be a charm :V
22:09 rue_house always is
22:09 rue_house I need to finish reconnecting buddy's servos
22:10 rue_house had to rewire the whole mess
22:29 rue_house so, if I can plug a full size keybaord into the android
22:29 rue_house and I can irc on the android
22:29 rue_house why do I need the laptop?
22:29 rue_house ooooh right, one simple thing
22:29 rue_house I can resize irc and put it BESIDE antoher window
22:38 robotustra_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRaMbY54B-I
22:56 RifRaf robotustra_, your hand?
22:57 robotustra_ no
22:58 robotustra_ can you imagine this hand with the eye I did?
22:58 robotustra_ hand I'll make but not in this year
22:59 RifRaf yep i remember you making hand parts from wood
22:59 robotustra_ I'm focused on the head, eyes, vision and vestibular
22:59 robotustra_ did you see my eye?
22:59 robotustra_ robot eye?
22:59 RifRaf so the head is coming along well then? been looking at mine and thinking about starting on it again
22:59 RifRaf nope would love to see it
22:59 RifRaf almost have some 3d printed eys with 3dof each
23:00 robotustra_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hld-6YdsHQY
23:00 robotustra_ and this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QREt8x-ogc
23:02 robotustra_ the head mounted on the neck
23:02 robotustra_ with all neck's DOF
23:02 robotustra_ and the head to mount eyes and other stuff
23:07 robotustra_ RifRaf: do you have your pics?
23:13 robotustra_ RifRaf: ping
23:15 robotustra_ ok, good noght
23:15 robotustra_ night
23:16 MrCurious damnit robotustra_ you broke the RifRaf
23:34 RifRaf sorry mate work got in the way, will look now
23:34 RifRaf gotta keep the router making noise or they think i am not workin :)
23:36 RifRaf thats one sexy eye, makes me want to take the servos out of mine