#robotics Logs

Dec 31 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:29 GargantuaSauce i am going to build a shitty one sometime soon
00:29 GargantuaSauce just with threaded rod as leadscrews
00:33 GargantuaSauce i have some cheapo a4988 breakouts and a bunch of nema17 steppers on the way
00:35 GargantuaSauce almost decided to use geared dc motors but the ones i have on hand in sufficient quantity are too slow for screws
00:36 GargantuaSauce unless i feel like playing the waiting game :V
01:06 MrCurious nothing on tv worth watching other than a science channel show about the myriad ways that the earth can be destroied, and likely will again and again in the future
01:06 MrCurious gonna guess more than warm milk will be needed to get to sleep tonight
01:06 Jak_o_Shadows I'm trying to find a virtual monitor program for windows 7
01:06 MrCurious like vnc?
01:06 GargantuaSauce virtual monitor?
01:06 GargantuaSauce i find rdp works better than vnc for windows
01:07 MrCurious yeh
01:07 Jak_o_Shadows Like vnc in that it goes over the network, but not like VNC in that it pretends to windows that it's another physical monitor
01:07 Jak_o_Shadows So you can extend, multi-monitor games work with it, etc.
01:07 MrCurious you have to support windows.... my heart goes out to you man
01:07 GargantuaSauce hmm...never heard of such a thing
01:07 MrCurious nothing like getting up and going in at 3am to give a 3 finger ssalute
01:07 MrCurious oh
01:07 GargantuaSauce sharing a framebuffer transparently like that strikes me as really difficult
01:08 Jak_o_Shadows It was done back in win XP
01:08 MrCurious so you can play 1 game, and have 4 monitors to show you enhanced diplay
01:08 Jak_o_Shadows My first use would be DCS world: flight stuff on main real screen, instruments on a laptop screen being mirrored
01:08 MrCurious i think you just go multi-headed using extra cards, then set it up 3 wide with 2 high in center
01:09 MrCurious didnt descent alow you to run slave computers to provide aux displays back in the day
01:10 GargantuaSauce i tried playing dcs a10
01:10 GargantuaSauce god damn that game is complicated
01:10 GargantuaSauce i took off a few times, took some doing
01:10 Jak_o_Shadows I have a few old computers/monitors, but not another graphics card.
01:10 Jak_o_Shadows Plus, i could also recieve it on an android something
01:11 Jak_o_Shadows and yeah, I can take off, but I can't hit much
01:11 MrCurious can you land, or do you just park it in highrises?
01:12 Jak_o_Shadows I haven't done the landing one, but I think I would be able to.
01:12 MrCurious apparently you cant fly 757's like f-17's at full throttle and doing power climbs. seems the wings sheer off
01:12 MrCurious never mastered flight sims back in t\ 90's, gave up
01:13 GargantuaSauce anyway i don't think you're going to achieve what you want
01:14 Jak_o_Shadows There's one http://www.mirrorop.com/product_Windows_Sender.html that i'll try
01:15 MrCurious DCS does seem to support multi monitor
01:15 MrCurious so perhaps you just need to set up windows with 1 real monitor, and 2 fake ones that get diplayed to other devices
01:15 Jak_o_Shadows Exactly.
01:15 MrCurious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYTEYNcQQ6A
01:15 GargantuaSauce because not only do you need to add a virtual monitor with a framebuffer for the gpu to render the game onto, you need it to encode it in realtime and stream it over the network
01:16 MrCurious true. will need at least 2 vid cards, and drive 2 monitors off each
01:16 MrCurious spend $100 for more video cards
01:16 Jak_o_Shadows I had 2 screens working yesterday in DCS. Center in front of my, right off to my right.
01:17 Jak_o_Shadows Kept thinking I was falling abd banking heavily
01:17 MrCurious wonder if a usb->hdmi adapter would have the bandwidth
01:17 MrCurious they can do youtube at 20fps
01:17 GargantuaSauce with a usb controller to itself, perhaps
01:18 GargantuaSauce assuming the actual rendering can be done on the real gpu
01:18 MrCurious looks like a 3d virtual bus driver program?
01:20 GargantuaSauce anyway sounds like you should try one monitor above the other
01:20 GargantuaSauce or you can go and break your machine, that's cool too
01:21 GargantuaSauce man i still haven't tried a flight simulator with the oculus rift
01:21 GargantuaSauce i should do that sometime
01:21 Jak_o_Shadows yes.
01:22 MrCurious thats not the vr thing that jerri elisworth is doing is it?
01:22 GargantuaSauce no it's one that actually exists and works
01:23 MrCurious snark
01:23 GargantuaSauce it also happens to make me exceedingly nauseous
01:23 MrCurious back at NCSA i went in a 5 walled video cave, they ran the roller coaster program and i fell over. seems i use vision primarily for balance control
01:24 GargantuaSauce hehe
01:54 MrCurious emmmmm gama ray bursters
01:54 MrCurious excellent bed time TV
02:00 Jak_o_Shadows well, the mirrorop one does mirror stuff
02:00 Jak_o_Shadows but it doesn't extend it.
07:30 henry418 hello, inteligent people
07:30 GargantuaSauce flattery is one thing but i will not tolerate such falsehood
07:31 henry418 before new year i would like to know one thing
07:31 Faek Yeah. GargantuaSauce isn't a person
07:31 Faek Better make it snappy than, only 15 min to go
07:33 henry418 how do you compute rotation matrix where alpha != 0, for DH parameters?
07:33 henry418 http://shrani.si/f/3f/DG/1Cmch1If/question2.png
07:33 henry418 here is an example
07:33 henry418 for link 6 there is a standard rotation matrix
07:33 henry418 where alpha = 0
07:34 henry418 but for other links
07:34 henry418 the elements in the matrix had changed
07:37 GargantuaSauce well what is alpha's role in the DH parameters
07:38 GargantuaSauce what does it represent
07:40 henry418 angle between z axis
07:40 GargantuaSauce okay, and what axis is that rotation around
07:41 henry418 x
07:42 GargantuaSauce so you can represent that rotation with a matrix i'm sure you know
07:44 GargantuaSauce does that answer your question?
07:44 henry418 hmm i would like to learn to compute those elements
07:44 GargantuaSauce or are you unsure how to combine that rotation matrix with the theta one
07:44 GargantuaSauce http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/f/6/2/f626a30abfd384535809a4b08b8cb663.png
07:45 henry418 this is the blueprint for all cases?
07:45 GargantuaSauce http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DH_parameters#Use_of_Denavit_and_Hartenberg_matrices
07:46 GargantuaSauce if you don't know this and are doing homework problems i suspect you skipped a lecture or two
07:47 GargantuaSauce http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=65CC0384A1798ADF
07:50 henry418 i am doing forward problems
08:27 henry418 i think i got it now
08:27 henry418 mr. ketchup sause
08:42 GargantuaSauce cool
08:42 GargantuaSauce also bear in mind that that formulation is just one of many possible and functionally identical representations
08:42 GargantuaSauce you will likely come across descriptions of kinematics with the transformations ordered differently
08:44 robotustra omg
08:44 robotustra still have problems with matrix?
08:48 henry418 i am learning this by myself, to grasp this in 2 days is a miracle
08:52 robotustra if you knew what is matrix - you can grasp it in 1 hour
08:52 robotustra but I suspect that you are weak in matrices
08:53 robotustra I did a lot of matrix long time ago, and I did some stuf in openGL
08:54 robotustra so for me this ideas is just transparent
08:54 robotustra I understand what each parameter in martix for
08:54 robotustra just fill the metrix
08:54 robotustra matrix
08:55 robotustra if you'll waste 2-3 days on problems like this - you'll ruin all your life
08:59 Faek Woo matrices!
09:01 robotustra Faek: what's yout IQ?
09:06 Faek My IQ?
09:06 Faek No idea
09:06 robotustra ok
09:07 Faek I tend to be more flippant online than i am in 'real life'
09:08 robotustra it's normal
09:09 henry418 normal is perpedincular to the plane
09:10 Faek Thank you henry418
09:13 GargantuaSauce i am orthogonal
09:54 GargantuaSauce who was it that wanted to use a brushless motor driver with a harddrive motor
09:55 GargantuaSauce i was bored and did it with a shitty rc plane esc just now
09:55 GargantuaSauce and it was entertaining
09:55 GargantuaSauce at 100% throttle it goes notably over the rated speed
09:59 GargantuaSauce this thing is kinda scary
10:33 robotustra GargantuaSauce: do you have pic of your plane?
10:33 GargantuaSauce no i don't have a fixed wing one (yet)
10:33 GargantuaSauce http://xn--d-bga.su/shitcopter.jpg
10:35 GargantuaSauce i do want to build a flying wing though
10:35 GargantuaSauce with like a 2m wingspan
10:35 robotustra does this shitcopter fly?
10:35 GargantuaSauce it has undergone one successful inverted landing
10:35 robotustra su?
10:36 robotustra it's not yours?
10:36 GargantuaSauce that is my domain
10:36 robotustra russian?
10:36 GargantuaSauce more or less, soviet union
10:37 robotustra do you speak russian?
10:37 GargantuaSauce very little, only from frequenting terrible imageboards for a couple of years
10:37 GargantuaSauce so it's mostly retarded internet speak and mat
10:37 robotustra ok
10:37 robotustra I have one plane
10:38 robotustra but I think I have to make quadrucopter as well, because there is no place to fly in mintreal
10:38 GargantuaSauce the quadcopter is basically just waiting on me bothering to make a proper communication protocol and handheld controller for it
10:38 GargantuaSauce so i can adjust the pid coefficients at runtime
10:41 robotustra it should be already quadrucopter controllers
10:42 GargantuaSauce yes there are plenty out there
10:42 GargantuaSauce and at least a dozen competing firmwares
10:42 GargantuaSauce but i like to roll my own
10:42 robotustra what the problem with them?
10:43 robotustra to become an expert?
10:43 GargantuaSauce the point was to learn
10:43 GargantuaSauce yeah
10:43 robotustra I would like to fly in park
10:45 robotustra but it's just waste of time
10:45 robotustra it's more for my kids
10:45 robotustra just to enternain them
10:45 robotustra entertain
10:46 robotustra amuser
10:46 GargantuaSauce maybe just get one of those $50 quadcopters with brushed motors
10:46 robotustra possibly
10:47 robotustra but 5 years it's too early I think
10:47 robotustra and smaller one is 2 y.o
10:47 GargantuaSauce heh probably
10:47 robotustra she will net permit to fly to older one
10:47 robotustra older one fly on flysimulator a bit
10:48 robotustra with real control, but mostly crush
10:48 robotustra radio-controlled car - may be
10:49 robotustra but they a fragle
10:49 robotustra are
10:49 GargantuaSauce that would be a good start, and a lower speed one would run into stuff just fine
10:51 robotustra I already did them a car one time, but they broke a wheel
10:51 robotustra and antenna on control
10:51 robotustra 2 weeks of fun and that's it
10:52 robotustra I have to repair again
10:52 robotustra it's simple 40 MHz toy
10:53 robotustra kids are kids
10:54 GargantuaSauce ya amazing how destructive they can be
10:55 robotustra they can scrap any thing in a seconds
12:01 GuShh_Lap2 MrCurious: Is it new years already?
12:02 MrCurious not yet
12:02 GuShh_Lap2 aww
12:02 GuShh_Lap2 what time is it
12:02 robotustra it's not yet even in here
12:02 GuShh_Lap2 2:46PM here
12:02 Faek We are well there
12:02 robotustra 12:46
12:02 GuShh_Lap2 Faek: go back to the future you.
12:02 Faek 4:16am
12:03 Shh_Lap2 shakes
12:03 Faek I'm not sure why i'm awake
12:03 GuShh_Lap2 Australia?
12:03 MrCurious +14:15 more hours until arrival here
12:03 Faek Yup
12:03 GuShh_Lap2 Yey I don't suck at time zones
12:03 robotustra happy kangoroo year
12:03 MrCurious though i thought you were in a similar time zone to me GuShh_Lap2
12:03 GuShh_Lap2 they eat those things, but is it always roadkill or is it legal to hunt 'em?
12:03 GuShh_Lap2 and what does it taste like
12:03 GuShh_Lap2 I must know.
12:04 robotustra go home in 3 hours
12:04 GuShh_Lap2 ET GO HOME
12:04 GuShh_Lap2 ET WATCH PORN
12:04 GuShh_Lap2 UTC-03:00 here
12:05 robotustra robo porn
12:05 robotustra porn does not deliver already
12:05 GuShh_Lap2 I've found lathe porn, so there must be robo porn as well.
12:05 GuShh_Lap2 and the lathe porn delivered.
12:05 robotustra there is
12:05 robotustra but very weak
12:06 GuShh_Lap2 they were banging her on top of a massive industrial lathe, that lathe was awesome. I couldn't stop staring at it
12:06 robotustra I mean - present robo porn does not exite
12:07 MrCurious rule 34
12:07 GuShh_Lap2 robotustra: it's your chance
12:07 MrCurious look again
12:07 MrCurious *shivers*
12:07 GuShh_Lap2 with rue's junk pile and MrCurious' rolodex...
12:07 robotustra GuShh_Lap2: you didn't got the meaning of "robo porn" term
12:08 GuShh_Lap2 I didn't??
12:08 robotustra yep
12:08 GuShh_Lap2 Explain
12:08 GuShh_Lap2 before I go throw a pizza in the oven
12:08 MrCurious this is going to be fun
12:08 robotustra no juicy pussies
12:08 GuShh_Lap2 sorry what
12:08 robotustra in robo porn
12:08 GuShh_Lap2 I feel awkward.
12:09 GuShh_Lap2 and that doesn't happen often.
12:09 robotustra go eat your pizza
12:09 GuShh_Lap2 it's raw.
12:09 GuShh_Lap2 robotustra: got both eyes done?
12:09 robotustra yes
12:10 robotustra 2 weeks ago
12:10 GuShh_Lap2 robotustra: MrCurious gave me shit for machining a simple part yesterday
12:10 robotustra but I have to make skull now and fix it
12:10 robotustra :)
12:10 GuShh_Lap2 it seems most objects are comprised of awesome parts and no simple parts, and by definition simple machines do not exist nor award extra points to your manliness.
12:11 GuShh_Lap2 robotustra: don't tell me the skull is going to be 100% aluminum
12:11 GuShh_Lap2 you should make a terminator instead of a silly alien
12:11 robotustra no
12:11 GuShh_Lap2 then you could use it as your wingman in pubs
12:11 robotustra for the debugging I'll do it in plywood
12:11 robotustra 6mm
12:11 GuShh_Lap2 I'm bummed I couldn't source those fine pitch metric bolts...
12:11 robotustra frame only
12:14 robotustra after I have to mount it on neck
12:14 robotustra and do a stand for the head and neck
12:15 robotustra and at this point I can prodram eyes
12:15 GuShh_Lap2 will they follow titties?
12:18 GuShh_Lap2 tap manufacturer shows some samples... and one is rusty? http://mla-s2-p.mlstatic.com/machos-para-roscar-amplio-stock-8262-MLA20001974333_112013-F.jpg
12:19 GuShh_Lap2 they generally have two mills one with the cnc spindle for the twist taps... and a manual one for the straight, but they charge you extra for the twist taps... assholes
12:19 GuShh_Lap2 and even if they used the cnc for both, it's the same cost isn't it
12:19 GuShh_Lap2 or because they are removing more material they charge you more
12:20 GuShh_Lap2 I'd like twist taps for machine threading...
12:21 GuShh_Lap2 http://mla-s1-p.mlstatic.com/machos-para-roscar-amplio-stock-8285-MLA20001974386_112013-F.jpg
12:21 GuShh_Lap2 darn I need a knee mill or the closest thing to one
12:23 robotustra what knee?
12:23 GuShh_Lap2 for not saying bridgeport which is a brand
12:43 GuShh_Lap2 hrmm some car bolts are M14x1.5...
12:43 GuShh_Lap2 that's close enough
12:44 robotustra 1.0 is close enogh to 1.5?
12:45 robotustra something is wrong with you
12:45 GuShh_Lap2 robotustra: the inside bore changes by .2
12:46 GuShh_Lap2 I'm machining from scratch, I'm not mating things
12:46 GuShh_Lap2 tap drill for M14x1 ys 13MM ... for M14x1.25 it's 12.8 and for 1.5 pitch it's 12.5
12:47 GuShh_Lap2 I might just machine an M14x1 tap from scratch, since I already have 13mm bores
12:47 GuShh_Lap2 I didn't want to go over 1mm
12:47 MrCurious was stoked. that sub $300 touchscreen laptop plays skyrim quite acceptably
12:47 GuShh_Lap2 1.25mm would be the maximum
12:47 GuShh_Lap2 that's the pitch used by Crosman
12:48 GuShh_Lap2 in their high pressure valves
12:49 GuShh_Lap2 robotustra: so yeah "close enough" works when you can't source the exact tools you want :/
12:50 GuShh_Lap2 otherwise I'll have to get some HSS bits and make some inside thread cutting tools that are small enough for the 13mm bore
12:50 GuShh_Lap2 the ones I have are for over 20mm bor
12:50 GuShh_Lap2 for more than a one-off it's nicer to have the proper tap IMO
12:51 GuShh_Lap2 no QCTP means the setup time is a lot longer to align the boring tools, otherwise you end up with the wrong thread geometry
19:30 Fiesta join HSBNE
19:31 Tom_itx naw that's ok
19:31 Fiesta opos
19:31 Fiesta oops
19:32 Fiesta !ping
19:32 Fiesta hello is this working?
19:33 Fiesta can anyone hear me?
19:33 Fiesta oh
19:34 Fiesta well that was weird
19:37 Faek Eh
19:44 MrCurious meeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
19:45 MrCurious turn that down the feed back is horrible
20:22 MrCurious time to think about your New Years Revolutions
20:29 MrCurious http://tinyurl.com/22vcakv
20:37 jumijoze why was the robot killed in iraq?
20:37 jumijoze http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ_WM
21:17 MrCurious https://play.google.com/store/music/album/CHVRCHES_The_Bones_Of_What_You_Believe?id=Bfoxbscvxeivg7fqjluszc3spra
21:17 MrCurious free album
21:17 MrCurious time limited?
22:18 MrCurious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ8Iw0dTMm0