#robotics Logs

Dec 28 2013

#robotics Calendar

15:45 thefinal what kind of os do you use on your robots?
16:14 ace4016 depends
16:14 ace4016 a really simple one may not use one at all
16:15 ace4016 the more complex ones may need a real-time operating system, or some embedded *nix
16:15 ace4016 sometimes embedded windows if you feel inclined, but even I will say that *nix is the better route there :P
17:12 thefinal anyone here has experience with real time os?
17:35 Duzz a little bit using FreeRTOS
19:47 MrCurious this new box rocks for VM work
19:47 MrCurious so much less painful than a hacked chromebook
19:48 ShH_Lap kicks MrCurious' c
19:50 MrCurious revisiting getting software i wrote in 1995 to work on modern ubuntu
19:51 GuShH_Lap modern osx-ripoff you mean?
19:52 MrCurious it depends on ncsa httpd sources
19:52 MrCurious going to need some rewwriting i think
19:52 MrCurious its not a rush item, its a fav, so nibbling away at it
20:21 robotustra vive le quebec
20:32 MrCurious quebec ese'ce les mairde
20:33 GuShH_Lap robotustra: I think MrCurious doesn't like quebec
20:36 robotustra I don't like it either
20:37 robotustra and what of it?
20:37 robotustra but I live here
20:37 robotustra there is no good place on the Earth any more
20:37 Duzz THere is nothing really wronge with Quebec
20:37 Duzz just not an amazing place if you do not speak french
20:38 robotustra except 6 month of winter
20:38 robotustra I don't speack and I feel no problem
20:38 robotustra speak
20:38 Duzz thats all of canada except lower mainland BC
20:38 robotustra it's the most rasist part of Canada
20:39 Duzz really?
20:39 robotustra but montreal is 50/50 english/french
20:39 robotustra yeah
20:39 robotustra as suun as I understand it
20:39 robotustra soon
20:40 robotustra I speak english/russian at work
20:41 robotustra my supervisor is native quebecer, speak english
20:41 robotustra he has no choise
20:41 robotustra I speak less than 5% of french at work
20:42 robotustra but, french people hate english people here and wise versa
20:43 robotustra vwise or vise?
20:46 robotustra vice versa