#robotics Logs

Dec 22 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:29 Triffid_Hunter MrCurious: dunno about IPA but I had my first foray into homebrew recently.. couldn't navigate all the tradition/superstition around the usual method so just made some invert sugar and pitched yeast
00:29 sherlock If you asked me that question with no context, I would have no idea what a flaming lip was
00:29 sherlock Maybe id picture that feeling you get when you eat too much spicy food and your lips swell up?
00:29 MrCurious or click the video
00:29 Triffid_Hunter don't need swelling for flaming lips
00:30 Triffid_Hunter just need an indo-western takeaway that takes you seriously when you say "vindaloo, hot like some arrogant ass insulted your family and culture"
00:48 zap0 spicy food is a form of self abuse.
01:57 MrCurious do yuo like gladiator movies --airplane
03:18 MrCurious 212 or if you hold the shift..... @!@
03:18 GuShH_Lap is that carolina herrera's new fragance? heh
03:18 MrCurious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Jv9fNPjgk
03:18 MrCurious it will melt your brain gush
03:18 GuShH_Lap Tom_itx: what's generally used to "lap" a 90° pocket? it's going to be a valve seat, the valve is delrin with also a 90°, the idea is to have a small lip by the center on the valve body so the delrin takes it's shape... I used a small endmill to "square" the drill hole but it doesn't seem like a clean 90° to me...
03:22 GuShH_Lap bah I'm stupid I should've cut the delrin valve with the same angle of the drill...
03:23 GuShH_Lap I was just following the existing design as I'm copying a broken piece
03:25 GuShH_Lap MrCurious: I thought that happened a long time ago
03:25 GuShH_Lap also getting some chatter on the deep grooves... http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn4763f.jpg
03:26 GuShH_Lap I need to machine the threads and the conical shape for the front
03:26 GuShH_Lap 1.25mm "pitch"
03:29 ShH_Lap needs a proper parting blade ho
03:30 GuShH_Lap 2005 is way harder than 6061
03:30 GuShH_Lap I like it, except for the random chatter when I don't plunge-cut
08:26 ob1 any one using moped?
08:27 ob1 the softwre that is..
09:32 KongfuPanda GuShh_Lap2, new laptop?
13:57 MrCurious is CAN bus lilke 12c spi or a different animal all itself
14:11 robotustra MrCurious have some similarity to I2C
14:11 robotustra but adressing is different
14:11 MrCurious ok, ty
14:11 robotustra there are 2 CAN bases
14:12 robotustra 11 bit and 29 bit addressing
14:12 robotustra and thay could have priority for slaves
14:12 MrCurious ok, that is enough info :)
14:13 MrCurious hackaday seems to show that drink mixing robots are all the rage
14:13 robotustra you don't need it,
14:13 robotustra it's too difficult to debug
14:13 MrCurious now a water into wine robot...
14:14 robotustra i2c - is not good if you don't use philips chips
14:14 robotustra SPI is better I think
14:14 robotustra pure master-slave communication
14:15 robotustra in i2c - slave can hold the line and speed is waring
14:15 robotustra for CAN bas speed is also synctonous
14:15 robotustra set by crystall
14:16 MrCurious it was just something said in an interview, and i felt i shoud get a basic jist of it
14:16 robotustra may be it's good for cars, not for robots
14:17 MrCurious why are pistachios so ugly, but so tasty
14:17 robotustra women pussies are also ugly
14:17 robotustra but you like them, eh?
14:18 MrCurious i cant agree with that statement, as they come in many styles and varieties
14:18 robotustra so
14:18 robotustra i2c has some problems with external noise influence
14:19 robotustra especially from power supplies
14:19 robotustra pulsed
14:19 robotustra I can't say the same about SPI
14:20 robotustra I2C bus should be properly done to avoide interference
19:58 MrCurious angle grinders are cool!
19:59 MrCurious the bent over failed screws respected my authority
19:59 MrCurious sadly my roofing nailer's nails were 1/2 inch too short to sskin t\e bench
20:04 m_itx gives MrCurious a framing nailer with some 'real' n
20:04 MrCurious that WOULD be ideal
20:05 Jak_o_Shadows Just wondering, with metal skin planes, they do the little sticks of metal sticking out. How the heck does that translate to a nice skin?
20:06 MrCurious its MDF
20:07 MrCurious but a metal skin with shards would rock
20:07 MrCurious that would totally up the danger level of damn near any tool or project
20:08 MrCurious youo could even electricute it at times of holiday or celebration!
20:12 MrCurious vin vindaloo too hot
20:54 MrCurious desk drilled, hotglue hotting up
21:00 Tom_itx aarg
21:00 Tom_itx how to fix timing constraints in a FPGA file
21:09 robotustra with a hammer and chisel