#robotics Logs

Dec 18 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:24 GuShH_Lap they had it certified, in theory I could tap into it
00:25 GuShH_Lap these are over 400 meter wells, not just your average 30-60 meter
00:28 GuShH_Lap I don't think you can fill up a swimming pool using a shallow well, because of the amount of iron in the shallow aquifers here
00:28 GuShH_Lap add chlorine and the water would turn orange-brown
00:41 GargantuaSauce at least etching PCBs would be convenient
00:42 GargantuaSauce ugh
00:42 GargantuaSauce http://weather.gc.ca/satellite/animateweb_e.html?imagetype=satellite&imagename=goes_ecan_1070_m_..................jpg&nbimages=1&clf=1
00:43 GargantuaSauce another round of snowy bullshit today
00:53 MrCurious what is snow
00:54 MrCurious time to take a stab at tabbing a solar cell
00:58 Jak_o_Shadows I'm currently fighting Conky
00:59 rue_mohr2 is $13 an ok price for a lifetime supply of 4.7K smt resistors?
01:02 GargantuaSauce what is a lifetime supply
01:02 GargantuaSauce a reel?
01:02 rue_mohr2 yea
01:02 rue_mohr2 5000
01:02 rue_mohr2 isn't a feel 10000?
01:03 GargantuaSauce depends on the size, 5-10k usually
01:04 rue_mohr2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/500-x-SMD-SMT-1206-Chip-Resistors-Surface-Mount-4K7-4-7K-ohm-ohms-472-5-RoHs-/370953992978
01:04 GargantuaSauce 1206 are kinda huge
01:04 rue_mohr2 this looks like the best 'low price'
01:04 rue_mohr2 yea, they fit nice between .1" pads for thruhole resistors tho
01:04 GargantuaSauce this is true
01:05 rue_mohr2 next size down does ok too
01:05 rue_mohr2 1005?
01:05 rue_mohr2 0804?
01:05 GargantuaSauce mine are all 0603, 0804 is probably the optimal balance of small and not masochistic to hand assemble
01:06 rue_mohr2 heh 0805
01:07 GargantuaSauce hurr
01:08 rue_mohr2 wow 0805 is much cheaper
01:08 GargantuaSauce if you're paying $5 a reel they should be <=1% tolerance
01:09 rue_mohr2 $10/5000 vs $13/5000
01:09 rue_mohr2 both 5%
01:09 GargantuaSauce i would suggest going with mouser
01:09 rue_mohr2 dk?
01:09 GargantuaSauce or dk
01:10 rue_mohr2 5k for $17
01:11 rue_mohr2 + chipping
01:11 GargantuaSauce oops i misplaced a decimal point, thought it was notably cheaper
01:11 GargantuaSauce china it is!
01:11 rue_mohr2 :)
01:11 Jak_o_Shadows I have done that before.
01:11 rue_mohr2 so, should I get a lifetime supply, or just more than I'll ever need?
01:11 Jak_o_Shadows Was going to 3D print something, but the model had the wrong scale by a factor of 10
01:11 rue_mohr2 oops
01:12 rue_mohr2 mm vs cm?
01:12 rue_mohr2 what scale was thsi model in?
01:12 Jak_o_Shadows mm vs. inches.
01:12 rue_mohr2 thats a 25x difference
01:12 rue_mohr2 25.4
01:12 Jak_o_Shadows So a good bit more than a factor of 10. Changed the price from $3 to about $80
01:13 GargantuaSauce yeah in terms of volume that's a factor of...16k
01:14 GargantuaSauce if you're probably never going to mass produce something theres really no reason to get more than 500-1k
01:15 GargantuaSauce what's really nice are those assortments
01:17 rue_mohr2 ok I thikn kI'd rather have reels than little peices of tape around
01:18 GargantuaSauce you'll certainly have a nice legacy for someone
01:18 rue_mohr2 they will laugh at the huge old resistors from back in the days of high voltage circuits
01:18 GargantuaSauce hehe
01:19 rue_mohr2 I want a to have a shelf of reels one day
01:20 rue_mohr2 bah,
01:20 rue_mohr2 I'm gonna get 4.7k and 100k
01:21 GargantuaSauce get some smaller ones for LEDs too
01:22 rue_mohr2 I have 1k and 100R already
01:22 rue_mohr2 and 6.8uF 10V
01:24 MrCurious seems i need to learn how to clean flux off of solar cells
01:24 GargantuaSauce iso?
01:24 MrCurious upside, tabbing is cake when you have flat wire and flux
01:24 MrCurious alchocol?
01:24 rue_mohr2 vodka, no ordor
01:24 GargantuaSauce ya, ethanol will do as well probably
01:24 MrCurious isppropil alcohol?
01:25 MrCurious have to get it tomorrow
01:25 MrCurious hope the flux doesnt eat through :D
01:25 GargantuaSauce go for 75% if they have it, 100% is a slightly less useful solvent
01:25 MrCurious now i need to source some tile +'s
01:25 GargantuaSauce (though you can always add water)
01:26 MrCurious then next step will be sourcing the solar friendly glass without coatings
01:26 GargantuaSauce so what are you solar powering
01:26 MrCurious neighbor has solar panels for home power
01:26 MrCurious so i have to put up some panels to mock him
01:26 MrCurious and power some home pc's
01:27 MrCurious and if it turns out feasible, solarize the home a panel at a time
01:27 rue_mohr2 hahah I remember my credit card numbers off the top of my head!
01:27 MrCurious all DIY
01:27 rue_mohr2 I dont need the card anymore!
01:27 e_mohr2 cuts i
01:27 MrCurious got .38V out of the cell just shining a 5w LED lamp on it
01:27 MrCurious turns out they are 5"x5" not 6"
01:28 MrCurious i was sad for 0.0000113 of a second
01:28 rue_mohr2 any chance you got 13A out of it?
01:29 rue_mohr2 ok well, thats all the extra parts I need to make more of my motor drivers
01:29 rue_mohr2 http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/halfbridgemotordriver.jpg
01:30 GargantuaSauce heh still using transistors eh
01:30 rue_mohr2 yea, that can take hits smt fets cant even imagine
01:31 GargantuaSauce i guess...those giant heatsinks seem like a pretty big disadvantage though
01:31 rue_mohr2 they aren't for heat, they are for mounting the circuit board
01:32 GargantuaSauce and thanks for reminding me i need to cash my hst return
01:34 rue_mohr2 but hey, if you can desgin me a 0-100% duty half brige using fets and a +-12-24V split supply with pwm/dir inputs, capable of 15A hits I'd be happy to take up on it
01:34 rue_mohr2 I found that a few days ago cleaning up the livingroom, its freaking 2011
01:34 rue_mohr2 :(
01:34 GargantuaSauce they don't expire
01:34 rue_mohr2 I hear they do
01:36 GargantuaSauce welll only one way to find out i guess
01:36 GargantuaSauce stick it in an atm and wait for the phone call :V
01:39 Jak_o_Shadows Righto. Conky doesn't like terminal colours
01:39 R0b0t1 rue_mohr2: What are typical duty cycle limits on drivers?
01:40 R0b0t1 If you had to specify 0-100%
01:42 GargantuaSauce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BNMp9btkd4
09:17 rue_mohr2 R0b0t1, because most of them use boosctrap caps, not 100%
09:18 rue_mohr2 IHATE sports
11:50 thews I mostly tinker with AVR and ARM platforms, and am interested in working with some bigger stuff as far as current. I don't make any profit from my tinkering, and don't really know how to inexpensively and reliably get into the larger motor stuff. I'm okay with salvaging stuff or rebuilding motors, rewinding, etc. One of the first things I'd like to do is build a metal chassis platform that can take at least 5kg on top. I'd
11:50 thews like to either use some larger wheels or make it tracked so that it could reasonably travel "offroad" and in somewhat slippery conditions.
11:53 thews I feel like that'd be a good starter project, and then later on get into CNC or possibly converting one of my motorcylces to electric.
12:01 MrCurious V A C A T I O N
17:20 GuShH_Lap MrCurious: http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn4750f.jpg there, got rid of the vise marks... OCD at it's best. I wish I could find a set of soft jaws for my chucks also...
17:21 ShH_Lap takes note, get a new set of center and transfer pun
17:49 m_itx transfers a punch to GuShH
17:51 MrCurious i thought that PTP 2.0 message protocol was forbidden here
18:13 GuShH_Lap Tom_itx: heh
18:14 GuShH_Lap almost had a heat stroke yesterday... still ill today.
18:14 Tom_itx finally got my bits
18:14 Tom_itx maybe i'll find time to use em soon
18:14 GuShH_Lap you were not born with your bits?
18:14 Tom_itx uh huh
18:15 GuShH_Lap my first impression when I got the chinese endmills was "ok I got what I paid for"
18:15 Tom_itx these look ok
18:15 Tom_itx if the carbide is any good
18:15 ShH_Lap sh
18:15 Jak_o_Shadows 43 degrees today
18:15 GuShH_Lap maybe they are made out of rebar they found on the street
18:15 GuShH_Lap haha
18:19 Tom_itx GuShH_Lap do you do linux?
18:19 GuShH_Lap not really
18:19 GuShH_Lap maybe if I'm drunk enough
18:19 Tom_itx if i have a .htm and a same named .html
18:20 Tom_itx and i mv the .html to the .htm to rename it, will it overwrite the exhisting .htm file?
18:20 Jak_o_Shadows If you do it using the CLI, i would think so, or it may point out that you've overriding it
18:20 Tom_itx i will try it anyway
18:21 Jak_o_Shadows different file managers will probably do different things
18:21 ShH_Lap shrugs a
18:21 Tom_itx i'll just try it and see
18:21 GuShH_Lap I bet it will complain and treat you like a slave.
18:21 GuShH_Lap Hmm I could use some french fries right now
18:22 GuShH_Lap I discovered the wonders of oil mixed with grease.
18:22 GuShH_Lap or rather lard.
18:22 GuShH_Lap if the stuff they sell is the "first render" what the hell comes out after that?
18:23 MrCurious http://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/44358/robot-software-developer-engineered-arts-ltd?a=S68UR72g&searchTerm=python
18:23 Tom_itx so how do i batch rename a bunch of files?
18:23 MrCurious perl, sed, xargs
18:23 MrCurious so many ways
18:23 Tom_itx i tried mv *.html *.htm and got an error
18:24 Jak_o_Shadows cp?
18:24 Tom_itx i don't want a copy
18:24 robotustra нуы
18:24 robotustra yes
18:24 robotustra cp works fine
18:24 robotustra mv
18:24 Tom_itx still get an error
18:24 Tom_itx target *.htm is not a directory
18:25 Jak_o_Shadows maybe ./*.html
18:26 MrCurious Tom_itx: http://bit.ly/1be0ncx
18:27 MrCurious first match.....
18:27 MrCurious scroll down find happiness
18:27 MrCurious you must learn to use this new fangled google thing
18:27 MrCurious its super useful
18:27 Tom_itx why when i got you?
18:28 MrCurious true. its always helpful to have someone who speakk engrish real pizazzy to make search go gooder
20:00 ShH_Lap pokes the
22:04 MrCurious I #$%KING hate windows 8.1
22:05 GargantuaSauce what i don't get is why you even have it installed
22:09 MrCurious laptop came with 8.0
22:09 MrCurious and 8.1 promised me a start button
22:09 MrCurious that turned out to be a link to the god damn app screen
22:09 MrCurious now windows cant find drivers for usb web cams even
22:11 MrCurious i bet there is a control to enable disable webcam
22:12 MrCurious can game companies support linux already so windows can just die
22:13 GargantuaSauce just use 7...
22:19 Tom_itx just say no
22:20 GargantuaSauce yeah that is the preferable option
22:21 Tom_itx i just wish i knew more about linux
22:21 Tom_itx slowly
22:21 GargantuaSauce i just jumped in the deep end
22:21 Tom_itx i use it but if i wanna do something new i generally gotta ask
22:21 GargantuaSauce the googles are very useful
22:22 Tom_itx like tonight i fixed my log files so google should stay out
22:22 Tom_itx several hundred files
22:22 GargantuaSauce and i dunno about the boring distros but the arch wiki is fantastic
22:22 Triffid_Hunter I've been on full time linux desktop for a good 8 years now.. windows is hard mode these days, osx is worse
22:22 Tom_itx i've never even seen osx
22:22 Tom_itx plan to keep it that way
22:22 Jak_o_Shadows I am struggling to get this bluetooth thing working.
22:23 Tom_itx i use debian on the server and ubuntu on my cnc pc
22:23 Tom_itx xp pro on everything else
22:23 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: osx is strange.. I've had hundreds of folk tell me how simple and easy it is, yet every single time I've ever tried to do anything at all, it's been maddeningly difficult
22:24 Jak_o_Shadows 7 on my main comp, 7 on my laptop when I want to use proper security with wifi, linux mint on the laptop for the robot, and centOS on the server.
22:24 Tom_itx next i gotta try to tackle my router
22:24 Tom_itx gotta fix some rules etc
22:24 Triffid_Hunter and required hours and hours of trawling internet forums.. sorta like linux was about 12 years ago
22:25 Tom_itx yeah then they update it and you gotta start over
22:28 Jak_o_Shadows Under linux, my wifi and bluetooth are linked...
23:11 MrCurious windows wins tonight
23:42 Jak_o_Shadows and air con is broken. The pump is gone.