#robotics Logs

Oct 31 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:00 MrCurious however i find paying for cable way more easy , and non stressful :)
00:00 katsmeow-afk yeas, a puter with sound would be nice, to see the talkies
00:00 MrCurious fabricate a guerilla tv repeater
00:00 katsmeow-afk cable is crap here, more out than in, and very pricey
00:01 MrCurious get the netflix?
00:01 MrCurious lots of entertainment there
00:01 MrCurious like "dollhouse"
00:01 MrCurious a excellent drama with a twist ending
00:02 katsmeow-afk i know, again with lack of sound on any puters that i have up and running atm
00:02 tsmeow-afk looks at http://photos.demandstudios.com/getty/article/161/219/sb10069137w-001_XS.jpg and gets dizzy ...... man you humans are way up there arn't
00:05 defaultro good evening folks, can I ask about Arduino?
00:05 katsmeow-afk i believe you are capable, yeas
00:06 Duzz ask away
00:07 defaultro thanks
00:07 Duzz *as in please do, not as somewhere else
00:07 defaultro I received a vfd screen. I'm confused on pin 6 which is RESET pin according to http://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Noritake%20PDFs/GU140x32F-7000.pdf It's only one page
00:08 defaultro I would like to know where it should be connected on the UNO
00:08 defaultro right now, i placed it on a digital pin but I have not turned it on yet
00:09 Duzz any IO pin should work, just make sure that the pin on the UNO is driven high when you want it to work, pulling the reset low (0V) will clear the current state of the screen
00:10 defaultro i just tried it and it didn't turn on
00:10 defaultro I'm using noritake's helloworld example
00:10 Duzz what is the voltage on the reset line?
00:11 defaultro most likely 5
00:11 Duzz without the R\e\s\e\t\ pin high the screen likely wont turn on
00:11 Duzz wow im not sure why i thought that would work
00:11 defaultro their code doesn't have any pinMode command
00:11 defaultro it uses their own library
00:12 Duzz then you should be able to check the code in their library or the library documentation to see what pin the expect reset to be connected too
00:12 defaultro k
00:12 defaultro one guy connected it to pin 4 so I thought it can be any i/o
00:13 defaultro like you said
00:14 Duzz I dont often use librarys, to make things easier for you, try to set things up the way they suggest
00:15 defaultro k
00:28 defaultro it turned on now but with garbage data, changing baud
00:28 defaultro worked!!!
00:28 defaultro :)
00:29 MrCurious http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/30/obese-halloween-letter/3312537/
00:32 Faek I am perfectly happy using halloween as an excuse to eat Wizz Fizz fruity pops
00:32 Faek ... And i'm in australia
00:37 rue_house (to australlians the idea of going house to house asking for free candy is up there with russian rulette)
00:40 Faek A friend of mine started talking to a stranger on the bus today (she had a DS), i was cacking myself laughing
00:40 Faek (that is not a generally done thing)
00:41 Faek (but at the same time typical of my friend)
00:42 katsmeow-afk what's a DS ?
00:42 katsmeow-afk According to a top-secret accounting dated Jan. 9, 2013, the NSA’s acquisitions directorate sends millions of records every day from internal Yahoo and Google networks to data warehouses at the agency’s headquarters at Fort Meade, Md. In the preceding 30 days, the report said, field collectors had processed and sent back 181,280,466 new records
00:43 katsmeow-afk http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-infiltrates-links-to-yahoo-google-data-centers-worldwide-snowden-documents-say/2013/10/30/e51d661e-4166-11e3-8b74-d89d714ca4dd_story.html
00:49 Faek Nintendo DS
00:50 katsmeow-afk oh
07:55 Ubuntivity Hello
07:56 uehuehue Hello.
07:56 uehuehue o/
07:56 Ubuntivity I'm planning for a project and would like some advices
07:56 uehuehue Ok.
07:57 Ubuntivity I want to make a tracked vehcile
07:57 Ubuntivity I'm planning to use Motorcycle sprockets
07:57 Ubuntivity and chain
07:58 Ubuntivity but I'm having problem mounting the sprockets to the body frame of the robot
08:00 katsmeow-afk you don't mount them to the frame, you mount them on axles
08:01 Ubuntivity right katsmeow-afk That's what I meant
08:02 Ubuntivity But I don't know where/what axles i need
08:02 Ubuntivity I don't think motorcycle axles can be useful
08:02 katsmeow-afk i am sure no one else does either, but you are the designer, you should know
08:02 Ubuntivity and I believe I have to use some sort of ball-bearings
08:02 katsmeow-afk ummmm,, yeas
08:02 Ubuntivity I just can't find the pieces I need, so I have to build the axles myself
08:03 katsmeow-afk i don't think you do
08:03 katsmeow-afk have you heard of wikipedia or google?
08:03 Ubuntivity Heard of them, couldn't find much practical things there, though
08:04 katsmeow-afk i dunno why not.... look here : https://www.google.com/search?q=axle&client=firefox-a&hs=EZY&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=YFFyUsKWCcHksAT11oGABQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1073&bih=481&dpr=0.9
08:04 katsmeow-afk note some of them are simple plain bolts
08:05 katsmeow-afk wanna know how to mount a simple round piece of steel to the frame? look here : https://www.google.com/search?q=pillow+block+bearing&client=firefox-a&hs=FsD&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=-FByUrEP86GwBICvgKgF&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ
08:05 Ubuntivity well, I'm not native English, so I didn't search for 'axles' honestly! My fault
08:05 katsmeow-afk and here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillow_block_bearing
08:05 Ubuntivity I'm thinking about using Bicycle axles and join them 'somehow' to my Motorcycle sprockets
08:05 katsmeow-afk i sorry, what is your native language?
08:05 Ubuntivity katsmeow-afk: Arabic
08:05 katsmeow-afk bicycle axles need a mount on each side, which can make them more complex
08:06 katsmeow-afk http://translate.google.com/#auto/ar/axle
08:06 katsmeow-afk http://translate.google.com/#auto/ar/%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%88%D8%B1%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%AC%D9%84%D8%A9
08:07 Ubuntivity It won't be a problem to have connections on both sides, I'm intending to make it like a bulldozer
08:07 katsmeow-afk sorry, irc cannot do unicode
08:07 Ubuntivity No problem, it appeared normally when I opened it in browser
08:07 katsmeow-afk i owned a bulldozer once, it did not have connections to both sides of the drive sprocket
08:08 katsmeow-afk https://www.google.com/search?q=bulldozer&client=firefox-a&hs=OJt&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=jVJyUtrDGJWisAT4_IGYBg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1073&bih=481&dpr=0.9
08:08 Ubuntivity I've seen a nice design on Youtube, I'll send it in a moment
08:08 katsmeow-afk i cannot see youtube videos, they always crash
08:09 katsmeow-afk try these pictures : https://www.google.com/search?q=bulldozer&client=firefox-a&hs=OJt&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=jVJyUtrDGJWisAT4_IGYBg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1073&bih=481&dpr=0.9#q=robot+track+system&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&tbm=isch
08:10 Ubuntivity I hope you can see this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3u9fvZ07YE
08:10 katsmeow-afk axle mount which is NOT on both sides of sprockets is much easier to build
08:11 Ubuntivity katsmeow-afk: how do I ensure it will remainn straight?
08:11 katsmeow-afk mount the axles properly
08:11 Ubuntivity I mean if it is attached on one side it might be bent on load?
08:11 katsmeow-afk not if it is correct size
08:12 katsmeow-afk do the axles on your car bend a lot? the car tires are mounted only on one side
08:12 Ubuntivity See this picture: http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/how-to-draw-construction-vehicles-34.jpg is that horizontal bar considered a mount?
08:13 Ubuntivity The problem is that I have to use generic parts that are used for common household stuff, because I can't buy custom stuff here in Iraq
08:13 katsmeow-afk yes, but it is probably main purpose to be a spring mount for the small idler wheels
08:13 katsmeow-afk ah, grab an M1A1 left behind
08:13 Ubuntivity Pardon me, but what is 'spring mount'?
08:14 Ubuntivity LOL! No M1A1's are available recently :P
08:14 katsmeow-afk http://translate.google.com/#en/ar/coil%20spring
08:15 Ubuntivity You wouldn't believe how silly the last translation was!!
08:15 katsmeow-afk hmmm,, any you can walk around and study how they are built?
08:15 Ubuntivity I know what a 'spring' is
08:15 Ubuntivity I need to make a design that can be done in real life
08:16 katsmeow-afk "spring mount" is how to fasten to chassis
08:16 Ubuntivity I want to make it build of only replacements parts of common used devices/vehicles
08:16 katsmeow-afk https://www.google.com/search?q=axle&client=firefox-a&hs=EZY&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=YFFyUsKWCcHksAT11oGABQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1073&bih=481&dpr=0.9#q=coil+spring+mount&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&tbm=isch
08:16 katsmeow-afk many japanese cars have coil spring mounts
08:17 Ubuntivity Any idea about a robot/vehicle made of motorcycle parts?
08:17 Ubuntivity just to see what parts they utilized
08:17 katsmeow-afk use rear springs or front fork springs
08:18 Ubuntivity car springs?
08:18 Ubuntivity won't they be large for a motorcycle sprocket?
08:20 katsmeow-afk use motorcycle springs
08:20 Ubuntivity do motorcycles have spring-mounted sprockets??
08:20 katsmeow-afk how i mounted leaf springs to chassis : http://designerthinking.com/images/lilboattrailer/DSCF0681.jpg
08:21 katsmeow-afk mototcycles have spring suspension, yes
08:21 Ubuntivity Can you please describe your photo more?
08:22 katsmeow-afk crap, firefox crashed before i got url for springs on motorcycle
08:22 katsmeow-afk wait while FF reboots
08:22 Ubuntivity Are springs essential for mounting axles?
08:23 Ubuntivity I mean what is the most simple method to mount an axle?
08:23 katsmeow-afk yes, solid fixed axles work correctly only on flat concrete
08:24 Ubuntivity I think I'll have to start with a 'solid fixed axle' first
08:24 katsmeow-afk https://www.google.com/search?q=motorcycle+springs&client=firefox-a&hs=0Yt&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=VVZyUoyyGdTJsQSDsYCgAQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ
08:26 katsmeow-afk see wide flat piece of black steel with *4* rollers on it? that is car "leaf spring" , i mounted with one bolt, as you can see one bolt on middle of pic http://designerthinking.com/images/lilboattrailer/DSCF0681.jpg
08:27 Ubuntivity I've found this http://i35.tinypic.com/seunhz.jpg
08:27 katsmeow-afk ok, i use ONE BOLT to mount spring with *4* rollers on it, if you think you can be easier and simpler, go for it!
08:28 katsmeow-afk http://i35.tinypic.com/seunhz.jpg looks like plastic shaft and real easy to break
08:29 katsmeow-afk if you must, drill hole for water pipe in wood, oil the hole, mount wheels on water pipe!
08:29 katsmeow-afk but if you can get motorcycle parts, use complete motorcycle wheel assembly
08:31 katsmeow-afk i think you need to study pics on https://www.google.com/search?q=robot+track+system&client=firefox-a&hs=Wft&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6VdyUt7uOtfMsQSc4oHQDg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1073&bih=406&dpr=0.9
08:31 katsmeow-afk click on each pic, goto webpage for each pic, see if you can build like they did
08:40 katsmeow-afk ...
09:35 rue_house oo is that a university wheel?
09:35 katsmeow-afk huh?
09:36 rue_house I didn't catcht aht conversation
09:38 rue_house damnit, lack of sun is throwing me off, I'm late again
09:38 katsmeow-afk we have artificial suns now, called "lamps"
09:39 katsmeow-afk you can plug them into "timers" to be on and off whenever you like
09:46 katsmeow-afk sheesh @ Referer: http://q.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/myebay/images/sprME_DS3.png
10:55 katsmeow-afk NOT a robot : http://thatgrapejuice.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/NICKI-MINAJ-THAT-GRAPE-JUICE1.png
11:23 MrCurious who knew life existed at this early theoretical time
13:12 katsmeow-afk yeas, totally blew me away to discover there was a 6 oclock *in the morning* that was part of the *new* day and not the end of the *previous* day
15:55 katsmeow-afk http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/30/world/disfigured-freaks-hellish-hounds-halloween-irpt/index.html?iid=article_sidebar
18:35 GuShH theBear: any idea on creating an acetone mist? plastic bottles obviously are a bad idea... I have a solvent spray bottle thingy for the air compressor, but right now it's full of diesel and I can't be arsed with it
18:36 GuShH trying to "deburr" some acetate type of plastic I just cut on the lathe, refurbishing something actually... the interrupted cuts are not too bad but I think acetone would blend them if I could mist it
18:36 GargantuaSauce how about one of those ultrasonic vapourizers?
18:36 GuShH the only one I have is for medical use only heh
18:36 orlok GuShH: glass container and slow heat i thought?
18:37 GuShH that is to say, I'm not willing to part with it
18:37 GuShH orlok: oh, vapour!
18:37 orlok but watch out, fumes, etc etc
18:37 GuShH bleh.
18:37 orlok GuShH: people are using it to polish 3d printed parts
18:37 GuShH yeah
18:37 GargantuaSauce warm up some water and put a container of acetone in that
18:37 GuShH I used the edge of a big center drill as a deburring knife / tool for the interrupted portion but I'm not happy with it
18:38 KongfuPanda GuShH !
18:38 KongfuPanda hello
18:38 GuShH hi
18:38 KongfuPanda GuShH, have you seen that robot that collides and stuff and keeps flying?
18:38 KongfuPanda they just put it on bbc
18:38 GuShH no
18:39 GuShH is it a drunk robot?
18:39 KongfuPanda yeah
18:39 KongfuPanda http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24758935
18:40 GuShH better do a quick test with the shavings first
18:41 KongfuPanda GuShH, huh?
18:41 GuShH KongfuPanda: trying to blend the edges of a plastic piece using acetone
18:41 KongfuPanda hmm, maybe heat it up?
18:42 GuShH maybe, but I'd like an even finish. it's a plastic cap that had to be forced open with a big stilson wrench, so naturally it was badly damaged.
18:42 GuShH I'll get some pics
18:44 GuShH the "before" pic is out of focus, sorry about that... http://gushh.net/tmp/capbefore.jpg -> http://gushh.net/tmp/capafter.jpg
18:44 katsmeow-afk a helicopter in a roll cage <yawn>
18:44 GuShH you can see the burrs left (whiter portions)
18:45 GuShH it was either cutting out the bad portions or ordering a new part and waiting a month for it, assuming I could source it (old stuff)
18:49 ShH bl
18:49 GargantuaSauce http://xn--d-bga.su/nandolantern.jpg
18:53 GuShH nope it's not acetate.. felt like it, but it isn't
18:54 ShH throws some candy at GargantuaS
18:54 GuShH wonder if gasoline would work then
18:55 GargantuaSauce what about heat?
18:56 GargantuaSauce carefully brandishing a torch or hot air gun might do the trick
18:57 GuShH tried it, burns the smallest burrs but leaves the white edges
18:57 ShH is unsure about this type of pla
18:58 GargantuaSauce what is it a cap for?
18:58 GuShH maybe I should let it be.
18:59 GuShH GargantuaSauce: steam boiler max 6BAR pressure
18:59 GuShH rated 10 or so, will vent at 6.5, 7
19:00 GuShH it's all brass inside, the plastic is just acting as an insulator
19:01 GargantuaSauce mmm...probably made of something relatively tough, not sure hydrocarbon solvents would do the trick
19:03 ShH doesn't have bigger guns for
19:04 GargantuaSauce clearly the solution is to go down to the corner store and buy some HF
19:05 orlok HF?
19:05 GuShH higher speed would've helped, also hss instead of carbide... but enough of it
19:05 GargantuaSauce you'll probably be forcing it open again in another couple years anyway
19:06 GuShH lol
19:06 GuShH not my mistake
19:08 GuShH seems brass + aluminum + heavy water + 10 years = bad
19:08 GargantuaSauce you got yourself a nice little battery there
19:08 GuShH in fact quite often people add vinegar to these things
19:10 GuShH of course only a small portion of "electrolyte" comes in contact with the brass and aluminum, but it's enough to seal threads shut.
19:11 GargantuaSauce yeah and the heat and pressure help that along i'm sure
19:11 GuShH I like working with the industrial stuff better, everything is massive by comparison... easier to work with
19:12 GuShH bah halloween is becoming mainstream over here
19:23 orlok rue: Heard the latest news about the mayor of Toronto?
19:23 orlok I guess its all over the TV/radio/etc there
19:25 GargantuaSauce yeah the media is pretty fond of his debacles
19:26 orlok yeah, i'm sure this has been going on for years
19:26 orlok the whole crackpipe video, etc
19:28 GargantuaSauce the mike duffy thing is a pretty big deal too
19:29 lok fiddles with dr
19:30 GargantuaSauce you poor soul
19:30 ShH idly grabs some
19:30 orlok Hey, its a job.
19:31 orlok and they were nice enough t hire me to do it despite me saying i knew next to nothing about it
19:32 GargantuaSauce because everyone who knows more than nothing has learned to run far, far away
19:34 orlok Its not too bad.
19:34 orlok It could have been ColdFusion or something
19:34 GargantuaSauce yeah i am (mostly) kidding
19:35 GargantuaSauce every cms i have looked at has elicited a certain amount of horror
19:36 orlok Ok, drupal.org is down for a upgrade to drupal7 heh
19:36 lok goes hunting for HDMI-DVI adap
19:55 GuShH GargantuaSauce: interesting... used hcl to clean up the brass portion (I always use hcl for this, works nicely) except this plastic leached out it's colour turning almost cyan..
19:55 GuShH that's a first for me
19:55 rgantuaSauce hands GuShH
19:55 GuShH o.o
19:55 GargantuaSauce bleached :V
19:56 GuShH 600 grit won't bring it back either...
19:56 GuShH must be pretty deep
19:56 GuShH it formed some interesting drip patterns even though it was fully submerged
19:56 GuShH probably the surface oil
21:04 katsmeow-afk <!<COUGH>!>
21:04 katsmeow-afk sorry
21:05 katsmeow-afk wow, i blew shekel right off the net
21:07 katsmeow-afk "the baby had a wet nappy and sat on the router, it was reset by the lil pee'r"
21:30 MrCurious woo hoo, surprise vacation day from work
21:31 MrCurious and surprise free laptop webcam to match the last one
21:32 GuShH MrCurious: you mean the laptop doesn't have a webcam built-in already?
21:32 GuShH horror
21:33 MrCurious sorry gush, i am still doing that robot maker posing thing. cummon, play make believe with me :)
21:33 GuShH surprise vacation day = rats in the office
21:33 GuShH or worse
21:33 GargantuaSauce i bought two webcams for cv purposes only to discover that v4l2 refuses to use two identical usb cameras
21:33 GuShH teheheh
21:33 ace4016 lol
21:34 ace4016 seems a bit silly :P
21:34 orlok really? that seems odd
21:34 GargantuaSauce or at least as vlc invokes it, i dunno
21:35 GargantuaSauce will poke harder sometime in the near future
21:35 GuShH that's what he said
21:35 defaultro folks, I need your help on this schematic. What would be the positive on the motor and on the electronics? If it was the stepper motor, would + on the drawing connect to the center tap wire? http://www.beam-wiki.org/w/images/1/16/Semi-Isolated_Power_Spply.GIF
21:36 ShH raises an eye
21:37 any67218562 %^&##$%^#$%^$ words
21:37 GuShH defaultro: the premise behind that silly schematic (used mostly by the toy industry) is to try to isolate noise generated by the brushes on the dc motor which would interfere with the mcu etc.
21:37 y67218562 is pondering, if there's a 8" sprocket on each side of a 10" wheel, each sprocket at different rpm, how complicated can i keep it from being to clutch that wheel from one sprocket to the otehr as nee
21:37 any67218562 not a slip clutch even, a positive engagement
21:38 GuShH defaultro: which is irrelevant to how you drive your steppers anyway
21:38 Tom_itx cogs like motorcycle gears
21:39 defaultro ok
21:39 katsmeow ?
21:39 GuShH don't try to fix it unless it's broken, do you currently have noise issues that a passive filter won't resolve?
21:39 defaultro GuShH: the reason I asked is because I recently, I added a vfd on my setup. It works. I was able to see the menu. However, when I started my stepper motor, the vfd died
21:40 GuShH post the actual schematic
21:40 defaultro ok, I will draw it now
21:40 GuShH it could've been an hv spike from one of the windings
21:40 GuShH (no flywheel diode to loop and dissipate it)
21:40 GuShH however if by VFD you mean vacuum display, that's odd...
21:41 defaultro yes, it's vacuum flourscent display
21:41 GuShH perhaps you mean variable frequency drive
21:41 GuShH oh
21:41 GuShH even the low voltage ones can take a beating
21:41 defaultro it's 5v
21:41 katsmeow weak psu
21:41 ShH points to one he used as a tr
21:41 katsmeow keep the motor and the electronics totally 100% separate
21:41 ace4016 ^
21:41 ace4016 properly isolate them
21:41 ace4016 that's hardly an isolation circuit :P
21:42 GuShH it's used in toys for cost reasons
21:42 defaultro but my friend has the same vfd that he connected to my setup, it powered fine with a 6v battery. However, he created a small schematic but forgot the parts. With my vfd, I directly connected to Arduino
21:42 GuShH defaultro: I refuse to believe the vfd "died", perhaps the circuit driving it has failed
21:42 defaultro it didn't die as in destroyed. I turned off
21:42 GuShH or you somehow fried it's heater
21:42 defaultro no, it just turned off because it wasn't getting enough power
21:42 GuShH could've been you damaged the mcu with the spike
21:42 GuShH that's not a real issue
21:43 GuShH just upscale your power supply
21:43 defaultro it's still good. Everytime i stop the motor, the vfd goes back
21:43 defaultro but
21:43 GuShH measure your voltage and current draw on both conditions
21:44 defaultro using the same 6v and this same setup, we were able to power the motor and vfd fine. But like I said, he added a small pcb. I think it had caps, diode. I didn't pay to much attention to it
21:44 ShH assumes died = the magic smoke came
21:44 defaultro 6v battery
21:44 defaultro sorry, I was wrong with the term
21:44 defaultro it just didn't get enough battery using the way I connected it
21:44 GuShH you do need filtering and if you can use separate rails, even better.
21:45 defaultro that's what the guy told me in #electronics. But i don't know what rail is
21:45 katsmeow :-/
21:45 GuShH a separate supply, hopefully isolated from the other.
21:45 defaultro oh ok
21:45 GuShH maybe your battery needs a good charging though
21:46 GuShH or is this a nema 34 / 12Nm or something :p
21:46 defaultro I hope I can get the pcb design my friend did. It's really simple and we used the same 6v battery i am using now
21:46 defaultro no, it's a printer stepper motor
21:46 GuShH it could just be noise interfering with the vfd drive circuit, resetting, etc.
21:47 defaultro ok
21:47 defaultro let me draw it now
21:47 GuShH try that schematic you posted, it should be better than nothing
21:47 defaultro ok but I'm lost as to what I need to connect to the vfd
21:47 defaultro i actually drew it and hoping i understand it correctly, http://i.imgur.com/JzV16sz.jpg
21:47 katsmeow i think i'd first go witha 12v battery just to get more headroom
21:48 GuShH the "electronics" rail
21:48 defaultro katsmeow: it works in 12v I've tried it
21:48 katsmeow then use a 12v battery
21:48 defaultro but still wondering why 6v with my friends additional pcb and the same vfd, his vfd didn't turn off
21:48 GargantuaSauce how are you driving the stepper
21:48 katsmeow battery with lower esr i spose, lower impedance
21:49 GuShH for most people that sort of drawing makes it a lot more confusing, unless they're electricians
21:49 defaultro GargantuaSauce: 4 tip122 to 4 coils on stepper
21:49 defaultro with diode and caps on collector
21:49 GargantuaSauce using the tarduino stepper library?
21:49 defaultro so GuShH , using my drawing, where do I connect the vfd?
21:49 Tom_itx no the ardweenie one
21:49 defaultro GargantuaSauce: yes, using the stepper library
21:50 GargantuaSauce ok
21:50 GuShH to the "electronics" rail
21:50 katsmeow either one of the top red wires
21:50 katsmeow connect the electronics to the other top red wier
21:50 defaultro ok
21:50 ShH is thankful he doesn't have to deal with the maggetd
21:50 katsmeow on the right
21:50 defaultro so katsmeow , connect the 5v+ of vfd to the red wire?
21:50 katsmeow connect nothing to the bottom red wire
21:51 GuShH also driving 5v at 6v is not ideal, most circuits will take it (specially after a diode drop or two) but it's not an ideal practice.
21:51 tsmeow now wants to punch the screen ......................... i told you how to connect it, to which red wire, don't ask me that and not specify which red
21:52 defaultro I understand. I was really curious how it worked with my friend's pcb
21:52 katsmeow i won't answer ambiguous questions
21:52 defaultro katsmeow: sorry. What I meant was
21:52 GuShH defaultro: they labeled them "motor" and "electronics" but it's irrelevant, both nodes are equal (unless your capacitance or diodes differ, but they would still act under the same premise of pseudo isolation and filtering)
21:52 defaultro yup, I got that part GuShH
21:52 defaultro one sec, continue typing for katsmeow
21:52 GuShH your friend's PCB still has the magic smoke inside, yours is chinese.
21:53 tsmeow goes
21:53 defaultro so katsmeow , what I meant was that on the VFD screen, there are 6 pins. Pin 1 should be connected to 5v+ based from the doc
21:53 defaultro oh no :D
21:54 GuShH she (or whatever) isn't very patient.
21:54 GuShH or tolerant
21:54 GuShH and that's coming from me
21:54 defaultro so GuShH , am I right that the pin1 of my vfd connects to either red wire?
21:54 GuShH sure, and the motor driver goes to the other wire.
21:54 defaultro it's hard for me since i'm not into electronics
21:55 GuShH you'll get it soon enough
21:55 defaultro the motor is good since it has diode and caps arleady installed.
21:55 GuShH next week you'll wake up and you'll be able to read most schematics
21:55 defaultro on the motor coil, it connects to the collector of tip122 where it also has a diode and cap
21:55 GuShH those two are mere snubbers
21:55 defaultro taking picture of it
21:56 GuShH noise still gets out though, it can even be picked by other means not just a direct connection. how's that for messing with your head
21:56 defaultro uploading pic now
21:57 defaultro this is how i did it GuShH , http://i.imgur.com/1R7OFhi.jpg
21:58 defaultro the coil wire is behind the negative wire of cap
21:58 defaultro they are in collector. There is also an diode on collector
21:58 GuShH I think you've outgrown your breadboard
21:59 defaultro :)
21:59 GuShH now, why do you have those big capacitors over there? do you have the schematic?
21:59 defaultro we added that previously when we change our code to pwm
21:59 defaultro it was because the motor was making high pitch sound
22:00 defaultro we needed to do pwm so we can make more torque and it did
22:00 defaultro that was when we were using our own stepper motor code
22:00 defaultro now that I am using the built in stepper library, I can remove that caps
22:01 defaultro i actually drew it but not sure if you'll understand it. I didn't use electronic symbols since I'm still not that familar with them
22:02 ShH shakes
22:03 defaultro here it is GuShH , http://i.imgur.com/1wKKih8.jpg
22:05 defaultro that's when i was using lcd screen
22:07 GuShH just separate the supply for the motor (and thus it's driver) from digital / logic.
22:07 GuShH opto isolation for the driver isn't a bad idea either
22:08 defaultro k
22:17 defaultro GuShH: another question though, is this correct?
22:17 defaultro this one, http://i.imgur.com/aUcO4vh.jpg
22:18 GuShH sure
22:18 defaultro ok
22:18 GuShH bbl
22:18 defaultro k
22:21 Duzz why are you running a diode to the displays vdd?
22:22 defaultro i was guezzing Duzz based from the schematic that was given to me
22:22 defaultro this schematic, http://www.beam-wiki.org/w/images/1/16/Semi-Isolated_Power_Spply.GIF
22:23 Duzz alright, just remember that the diode will drop probably 0.7V across it
22:23 defaultro so Duzz , my drawing is just based from my best guess
22:23 defaultro ok
22:24 defaultro oh, the reason why i wanted to do that is because everytime stepper motor starts, it turns off vfd
22:32 GuShH defaultro: measure voltage drop on your power rail anyway
22:33 defaultro Will a multivoltmeter work?
22:33 GuShH analog or digital? low or high end? heh
22:33 defaultro digital
22:33 defaultro low end
22:33 defaultro $12
22:33 defaultro lol
22:33 GuShH as long as the stepper is driven long enough you should be able to see a difference
22:34 GuShH for transient loads, forget it.
22:34 defaultro where do I connect the pins? and where do I set the voltmeter, vdc @ 20?
22:34 GuShH + and -
22:34 defaultro oh ok
22:34 defaultro that means, i can also put it on the + - of the power source
22:35 GuShH sure the 20v range is ok, the lower one is probably 2v ... too low for this
22:35 defaultro ok. i don't have 2v
22:35 defaultro i'll use 20 setting
22:36 GuShH just assuming you have a 2000 count dmm and since you said 20v a common lower range is 2v, then 200mv and maybe 20mv, nothing in between. but that's irrelevant, you always want to use a range higher than the voltage you are going to measure.
22:37 MrCurious is it possible to convert 0.59 VA into 5v at ? amps?
22:37 GuShH 0.59v is coming from where?
22:37 defaultro measuring it now
22:37 GuShH VA would not make sense.
22:37 MrCurious a kill-a-watt device
22:38 MrCurious thats why i am puzzled
22:38 GuShH MrCurious: you want to amplify it so it meets your adc range?
22:38 GuShH opamp to the rescue
22:38 defaultro on dcv side, I see 200m, 2000m 20 200 1000
22:38 GuShH defaultro: 2000mv = 2v
22:38 defaultro which should I pick there? I always pick 20
22:38 GuShH sure use 20.
22:38 defaultro k
22:38 MrCurious 117.5v 0.01a
22:38 GuShH if you use 200 you'll lose one decimal place
22:38 defaultro glad to know about 2000m :D
22:39 MrCurious better reading. i can work with thata
22:39 GuShH MrCurious: whatever it is you are trying to do, it has already been done!
22:39 MrCurious story of life...
22:39 ShH hands MrCurious his isolation transfo
22:40 MrCurious watt = volt * amp?
22:40 GuShH MrCurious : they actually make opamps that can handle that kind of voltage level, but it would be a silly thing to do
22:40 MrCurious its an arm board i am powering
22:41 MrCurious i think its sidling between 0.5 and 1 watt
22:41 GuShH how much current do you need?
22:41 defaultro GuShH: I used my 6v battery. Reading was 5.81. When motor started, it dropped to 5.62
22:41 GuShH for up to a few mAs a reactance based rail would do
22:41 MrCurious i will hook it to my bench supply later, but for now just trying to ballpark with the killawat
22:42 GuShH defaultro: you can assume your issue is most likely noise or software related
22:42 defaultro ok
22:43 GuShH defaultro: with those two voltages and knowing the actual load value you could actually figure out the esr of your battery... not that you care.
22:43 GuShH if this is a lead acid battery, it's low anyway.
22:43 GuShH expect 6.9vdc for a healthy, charged and rested "6v" lead acid battery.
22:44 defaultro not sure what esr is
22:44 GuShH equivalent series resistance
22:44 defaultro ok
22:44 GuShH everything has parasitics properties
22:44 GuShH parasitic*
22:44 defaultro it's a lantern battery
22:44 GuShH as nothing around us is perfect :(
23:48 katsmeow-afk for those who still think AC is needed to move electricity long distances : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/12/121206-high-voltage-dc-breakthrough/
23:49 katsmeow-afk what they didn't mention is the 1980's : The Itaipu HVDC Transmission Project in Brazil, owned by Furnas Centrais Elétricas in Rio de Janeiro (an Elétrobras company), was for more than 20 years the largest HVDC transmission in the world. It has a total rated power of 6 300 MW and a voltage of ±600 kV DC.
23:50 katsmeow-afk or the underwater HVDC link from Canadia to Washington state, or the HVDC link to PEI in Canadia
23:53 katsmeow-afk Two 3,150 MW HVDC stations are to be placed at each end of a new power highway transmitting energy from two new hydropower plants close to Porto Velho in the northwest of Brazil to the southeast, close to the São Paulo area. Stretching over 2,375 kilometer (1,550 miles), it will be the world's longest transmission link. The third HVDC station will be a 800 MW back-to-back station that will transmit power to the surrounding AC network in the n
23:56 Triffid_Hunter katsmeow-afk: there's a HVDC link from Australia mainland to Tasmania as far as I know
23:56 tsmeow-afk can believe
23:56 katsmeow-afk there's some in .nz also
23:58 GargantuaSauce I didn't know we had a hvdc line
23:59 katsmeow-afk the only thing AC had going for it for power transmission was transformers, and now even those are being seen as a drawback