#robotics Logs

Oct 28 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:14 rue_house oh welll, I'm getting closer anyhow
00:14 rue_house I need to find a 24V smps I can pull a diode out of
00:15 rue_house but not tonight
00:23 MrCurious my room and my desk is messier than at the start of the weekend. how does this happen
00:26 orlok a 2 year old? I find that works.
00:26 orlok eurgh i feel like i just got slapped with the sleepy bat
00:27 orlok So.. tired.....
00:28 MrCurious no 2 year old. i am the sole source of this mess
00:28 orlok well then, NO EXCUSE!
00:28 orlok i have been cleaning up the spare/computer room
00:29 MrCurious shoot. this didnt work
00:29 orlok Oh - If somebody sees a big (2+ inches across" spider and sayd "Ahh, only a huntsman!", where are you?
01:00 MrCurious using that flashlight to test first surface mirrors was not my best idea of the day
01:01 orlok "test"?
01:06 MrCurious yeah
01:06 MrCurious they reflect super well
01:08 MrCurious the ones i have though are too big for my ideal needs
01:09 orlok mirrors for what?
01:09 lok has a few nicely reflective mir
01:09 orlok shiny stuff on the front side of the glass, not behind it!
01:09 MrCurious i have a camera boards from laptops
01:10 MrCurious the sensor is in teh center, but i need it to aim 45 deg to one side or other, or 90 deg strait out the end
01:10 orlok you want really fancy mirrors, look for newtonian secondaries
01:10 MrCurious oh well, if it were all solvable in a night, it would lilkely be a cardboard puzzle
01:11 MrCurious you mean cold mirrors or first surface mirrors
01:11 orlok and secondary mounts maybe
01:11 orlok secpndary mirrors, the primary is curved
01:11 MrCurious i think for this application, a regular mirror would be good enough
01:11 orlok secondary mirrors are smaller and on a 45 angle mount
01:13 MrCurious maybe the answer is changing the head of the dog to a custom one that better suits the needs of what it contains
01:18 MrCurious could replace the head with http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y402/Ottis_Brown/Estate%20-%20Last%20List/In%20the%20House/bth_DSC01773_zpsf74ac1c0.jpg
01:18 MrCurious the camera fits inside, and would be camoflaged by the devils mustash
01:20 MrCurious no thats not the answer
01:21 MrCurious or disguise the camera as a bone in the dogs mouth
02:00 MrCurious moment of truth, did mem update from 512 to 1g
02:02 MrCurious nope
03:17 katsmeow-afk http://world.time.com/2013/10/25/the-campaign-to-kill-killer-robots-gains-steam/
21:17 MrCurious tonight i learn about fex files on arm
21:19 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/kat/BellHousing3.jpg http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/kat/BellHousing4.jpg
21:19 Tom_itx motor ends to replace some bushings
21:19 Tom_itx i think
21:19 Tom_itx for kat
21:25 y67064803 imagines a robot looking at it's arm and attempting to brush off some fex f
21:34 any67064803 i was looking thru Cyc .owl data, found a lot of wierd stuff, like <Mx4rwLSVCpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA xml:lang="en">attempts at kill by means of people immersed in liquid acidic solutions</Mx4rwLSVCpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA>
21:35 any67064803 and a dozen ways to say it slightly differently
21:40 rue_shop2 ok a flyback diode good for "48V"
21:41 any67064803 you found one?
21:42 any67064803 could use a transistor, do triple duty as on/off, voltage dropping, and regulation
21:42 any67064803 and it's inherent diode properties
21:45 any67064803 and set it up as a current limiter when charging that big cap down at 12v
21:45 any67064803 a soft start circuit
21:45 any67064803 that's like 6 things if could be doing
21:50 any67064803 <Mx4rwLSVCpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA xml:lang="en">a types of existing object named &quot;Bahonar Garrison&quot;</Mx4rwLSVCpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA>
21:57 any67064803 oh, that's a place, not a people
21:57 any67064803 still
21:57 any67064803 i was thinking like "garrison Keilor"
21:59 any67064803 anyhow, the stuff in the .owl file released is apparently someone's joke on how to get all the attention-getting buzzwords said to poke the NSA and homeland screwity and FBI and etc
22:23 rue_shop2 if the best iron I ever used died, and I was using the second est I'd ever had, but now the new new iron is the best iron, does the second best iron change?
22:29 any67064803 only on an atomic level
22:30 any67064803 you'll notice it if you put the two iron next to each other, the level of attraction to your paw when you reach for an iron will be different
22:34 rue_shop2 from what I can tell, that short yesterday also blew apart the inside of an 8A relay
22:34 any67064803 48v can supply a lot of current
22:45 eadthem any reason why a solid state relay would not be good for use as a speed control for a unviersal motor?
22:45 rue_shop2 voltage drop
22:45 any67064803 they are generally made for 60hz
22:45 eadthem well this is 60 hz
22:45 Triffid_Hunter eadthem: SSRs dislike inductive loads, motor needs to be properly snubbed
22:45 eadthem mmm
22:45 Triffid_Hunter and universal motor is almost pure inductance
22:46 any67064803 some are inherently zero-crossing, so won't turn on later int he cycle at1/2 power
22:46 Triffid_Hunter eadthem: need to add enough capacitors that it "looks like" a resistor.. look for motor run capacitors on ebay for example
22:46 orlok Hmm. is leadlight the same thing as stained glass?
22:46 Triffid_Hunter orlok: last time I checked, yes
22:47 any67064803 but traditionally, a distinction is made between stained glass windows and leadlights, the former being associated with the ornate windows of churches and other such works of architecture and the latter with the windows of vernacular commercial and domestic architecture and defined by its simplicity.
22:47 any67064803 in the late 20th century the divisions between "leadlight" and "stained glass" became blurred, and the terms are now often used interchangeably for any window employing this technique, while the term "stained glass" is often extended to apply to any windows, sculpture, and works of art using coloured glass.
22:48 rue_shop2 PB296-ND
22:49 rue_shop2 ouch $5 ea
22:55 any67064803 i wonder why they do not spec on ebay if it is zero-crossing turnon
22:55 rue_shop2 not all sellers even know what they are talking about
22:56 any67064803 you can always chop it one cycle ata time, but the motor will prolly run real rough
22:56 rue_shop2 ok I fixed my motor driver
22:56 Tom_itx 662 Mbps comms between earth and moon with pulsed laser beam
22:57 rue_shop2 see if I can blow it up by connecting it abckwards
22:57 any67064803 faster than satlinks too, i imagine, but can be blocked by clouds
22:57 any67064803 is $4.50 a good price for thos ssr nowadays?
22:58 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Optoelectronics/Lasers/NASA_uses_lasers_to_communicate_with_the_moon_breaks_records.aspx
23:01 any67064803 well, 260 listed for under $6 free s&h
23:02 defaultro hey folks, I have a stepper motor and I want to add gear. I have a reference which is my son's toy that I would like to copy
23:03 any67064803 how many times have we heard that?
23:03 any67064803 "i have a stepper motor and i need to put a robot around it"
23:04 robotustra wondeful
23:04 y67064803 waits on defaultro to add det
23:04 defaultro not robot, gears
23:04 defaultro check out what I built, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A95uCHp5Q7Q
23:04 defaultro I would like to add a gear so that I can put the rails in an angle
23:04 any67064803 my youtube viewer crashes
23:05 defaultro sorry, there is not other way I can show it
23:05 any67064803 sounds like something rue can do
23:05 defaultro what is rue?
23:05 any67064803 a human, i've been told
23:06 y67064803 pokes
23:06 defaultro going back, one part of my son's toy is a gear and it's got a stop
23:06 defaultro when I saw it, it gave me ideas on how to do it in my setup
23:06 defaultro however, i am not sure where to look for gears
23:06 any67064803 ebay
23:07 defaultro ok
23:07 defaultro another problem is that how do I figure what size i need
23:07 any67064803 or your riding mower transaxle box, or the insides of your car windshield wiper
23:07 robotustra defaultro: show the pic of gear
23:07 any67064803 $3 steppers are cramemd full of gears
23:07 defaultro ok, going down to the basement to take a picture of it
23:08 defaultro one sec robotustra
23:08 y67064803 is real distracted and cannot see the youtube, and is hoping someone else hops in here,,, or
23:08 robotustra any67064803: hey
23:10 any67064803 eadthem , ebay seller has as many as you want for $4.42usd, but shipping is 5 weeks till you get them
23:10 defaultro uploading
23:10 eadthem ?
23:10 robotustra any67064803, it depends on location
23:11 rue_house defaultro, nice
23:11 robotustra us/canada 2 weeks usually
23:11 rue_house it looks a lot like the one I made for a university in the states
23:11 any67064803 the ssr
23:13 any67064803 http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Solid-State-Relay-SSR-25DA-25A-250V-3-32VDC-/350684034969
23:13 rue_house defaultro, still here?
23:13 defaultro yes
23:13 defaultro i'm uploading it
23:13 defaultro one sec
23:14 robotustra interesting relay
23:15 any67064803 eadthem , i'd get a hefty triac, snub the triac and motor, and find a MOC302* and be happy
23:16 rue_house defaultro, http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/camera_slider/dscn4169.jpg
23:16 defaultro here you go folks
23:16 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/camera_slider/dscn4171.jpg
23:16 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/camera_slider/dscn4175.jpg
23:16 defaultro http://neil.privatedns.org/gear1.jpg and http://neil.privatedns.org/gear2.jpg
23:16 defaultro somewhat similar to mine rue_house
23:16 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/camera_slider/dscn4219.jpg
23:17 rue_house thats what I was just saying
23:17 any67064803 ok, that's the toy's gerbox
23:17 rue_house I used a fishing line
23:17 defaultro ok. I like to implement the same way how it's configured
23:17 defaultro I can rotate it with finger which is cool. I need that feature
23:17 defaultro oops
23:17 defaultro I cannot rotate ^
23:18 defaultro I cannot rotate it with finger which is cool. I need that feature
23:18 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/camera_slider/dscn4225.jpg
23:18 defaultro I need it especially if I angle the rail
23:18 defaultro looking
23:18 defaultro is the motor on the lower right?
23:18 defaultro the shaft is the shiny metal on right correct?
23:19 any67064803 yeas
23:19 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/camera_slider/dscn4235.jpg
23:19 defaultro k
23:19 any67064803 rue makes his own gearboxes
23:19 defaultro do you think I can make gearbox similar to what I posted?
23:19 any67064803 i dunno your skills
23:19 rue_house yes
23:19 robotustra I can - youm I dunno also
23:19 defaultro i'm good in craft
23:19 any67064803 mod a stepper, i spose
23:20 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/gearbox/gearbox.html
23:20 robotustra do you have cnc?
23:20 defaultro but problem is finding parts
23:20 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/gearbox/gearbox.html
23:20 any67064803 steppers are $3 on ebay
23:20 defaultro that's tons of motors, hehehe
23:20 any67064803 remove the position pot, and you have a gearbox
23:20 defaultro i have stepper motor already
23:20 defaultro wait, i am confuse what a gearbox is
23:20 rue_house you can use stepper motors
23:20 defaultro is it literally a box with gear inside
23:21 defaultro yes, I really need to use stepper motor because i need torotate it in a certain number of steps
23:21 defaultro so gears, I can find in ebay
23:21 robotustra many gears to reduce the speed of shaft rotation and increase the torque
23:21 defaultro i'll take another pic
23:22 rue_house you will pay WAY more for gears then if you buy something with gears already in it
23:22 robotustra defaultro: what is your final aim?
23:22 defaultro I am aimiing to have the dolly stop when it's at a certain angle
23:22 robotustra it's better to find scrap toys
23:22 defaultro i mean the rails
23:22 defaultro this rail, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A95uCHp5Q7Q
23:23 defaultro that's the slider I built
23:23 defaultro when I angle it, the slider slides down
23:23 defaultro however, if I use a gear with torque or stopper, I will be able to hold it in a position. It's because I move the stepper then take a picture. Move the stepper again, then take a picture
23:24 robotustra timelaps?
23:24 defaultro yup :)
23:24 robotustra buy servo motor
23:24 robotustra or you want long distance?
23:24 rue_house I wonder if anyone will ever use my howto to make a gearbox
23:24 theBear timelapse
23:24 defaultro why servo? iwas told stepper motors are better. It's working graet for me
23:24 defaultro www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7Y93hxZdes
23:25 any67064803 rue, re punching a hardened shaft, instead nick it with a abrasive disk in a dremel, then you can make the flat with the edge of a file
23:25 defaultro that's one of the video that was done by my camera slider
23:25 theBear rue_house, apparently not :) i read it a few times, if i ever need a gearbox i'll use it
23:25 defaultro let me upload the gear with stopper pic
23:27 defaultro http://neil.privatedns.org/gear3.jpg
23:27 defaultro look at the green gear, it has something inside that actually prevents me from turning it but I put real force, I will be able to turn it
23:28 orlok what if you spin the shaft connected to the white worm gear?
23:28 rue_house we call it a clutch
23:28 defaultro I'm thinking that if I have that kind of gear, I will be able to stop the camera slider in a position when rail is angled like 70 degrees
23:28 defaultro ah, clutch
23:28 defaultro cool
23:29 defaultro i hope i can find them on ebay
23:30 theBear heh, i suspect if you search for clutch on ebay you'll find about 4300 different car parts
23:30 theBear and 1720 motorbike parts
23:30 defaultro :D
23:31 defaultro I actually connected 6v battery to the motor, it rotated smoothly
23:31 defaultro :)
23:31 theBear hooray ! rough motors are no fun
23:37 rue_shop2 ok, motor driver is back in
23:37 defaultro so gears usually have the same size of teeth? The only difference is their diameter?
23:38 defaultro great gearbox tutorial rue_house
23:38 defaultro I need to find tons of gears then
23:38 defaultro then mix match
23:39 theBear well, gears that are plastic and fit on your hand tend to have similar sized teeth
23:39 defaultro or maybe find a stepper motor with gear already
23:39 defaultro ok
23:39 defaultro this way, I don't have to design my own
23:40 orlok defaultro: any idea of the force you want to exert?
23:41 defaultro not really that much as long as I am able to move the camera slider
23:41 rue_shop2 yay! I can slam the motor from full fwd to full reverse and nothing reboots, catches fire, locks on, or explodes!
23:41 rue_shop2 ..share it with the world!
23:41 orlok rue_shop2: It does loose traction though, right?
23:42 orlok .. and you didnt say "falls off"
23:42 rue_shop2 its hi-centered by some gladware right now
23:42 defaultro most of the time orlok , the movement of the slider is only 1mm to 2mm. But when I want to reset it like putting back the slider to the leftmost, i will move it like 48 inches
23:42 rue_shop2 main thing is the io controller not resetting
23:42 defaultro orlok, but I wanted a gear that will be able to hold the camera and slider when the rail is angled like 70 degrees
23:42 orlok defaultro: distance doesnt matter, the torque does, though (in general) the more torque, the slower it will move
23:43 defaultro I noticed too
23:43 defaultro maybe, I can design it in such a way that I can remove the belt easily without using screw drivers
23:44 defaultro A) remove belt B) take out slider from rail C) put slider in starting position D) replace belt back
23:44 defaultro that will work too
23:45 defaultro orlok, did you see the 3 gear pics I posted earlier?
23:45 orlok yup
23:45 defaultro k
23:46 defaultro i notice the motor makes a lot of rotation to make a 45 degrees movement on the final end
23:46 Duzz One of the nicest belt tensioners I have seen is on the newer marker bots, ill see if I can find a picture
23:47 Duzz http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/v3cnEr1sriQ/maxresdefault.jpg?feature=og
23:48 defaultro nic pic
23:48 defaultro what's the thing called that is attach to the shaft of the motor? Is it called pulley?
23:52 rue_shop2 if I have both motors running and slam the right one forward->reverse the controller still reboots
23:52 rue_shop2 recon I need more filters
23:52 defaultro rue_house: how fast does your slider moves?
23:54 defaultro orlok: still there?
23:54 defaultro I was wondering why you were asking about force
23:55 rue_shop2 I didn't ask about force
23:55 defaultro no, it was olrok
23:55 defaultro orlok :)
23:55 rue_shop2 defaultro, that app had a button for "move and take next pic"
23:55 defaultro so it's also doing timelapse?
23:56 rue_shop2 it was for quality photos of a machine pouring concrete walls
23:56 rue_shop2 no timelapse for that one
23:56 defaultro got it
23:56 defaultro in stepper motor, we can tell it to move at a precise rotation in steps. Can that be one in servos?
23:56 rue_shop2 it just caught me how similar they are
23:57 defaultro oops
23:57 rue_shop2 defaultro, you can, its harder to set up, both have advantages
23:57 defaultro in stepper motor, we can tell it to move at a precise rotation in steps. Can that be done in servo motors too?
23:57 defaultro ok. what are advantages of it?
23:57 rue_shop2 smoother motion, more speed
23:58 defaultro ah
23:58 rue_shop2 neither of which apply to your applicaiton :)
23:58 defaultro in my stepper motor code, I tell it to forward 5 steps. If I do 5 steps, camera slider moves always at 1mm. In servo motors, can it be done this way?
23:59 rue_shop2 yup
23:59 defaultro i think it can be used to my application because I also want to configure it in regular manner like when using video camcorder
23:59 rue_shop2 servos MAY eat less power than a stepper, depending on how your stepper driver wor4ks
23:59 defaultro k
23:59 defaultro looks like I need servos so I can test