#robotics Logs

Oct 20 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:40 katsmeow-afk where?
00:41 MrCurious zoomie robot dog
00:43 katsmeow-afk o
00:46 katsmeow-afk NewWal-Mart Exclusive
00:46 katsmeow-afk Not Available at this time
00:46 katsmeow-afk Also in stores
00:46 katsmeow-afk
00:46 katsmeow-afk Store information not available.
00:46 katsmeow-afk i saw it was a god, and i went to the next aisle
00:49 katsmeow-afk the more practical version of zoomie is zoomer : http://hplusmagazine.com/2013/02/13/zoomer-robot-dog-learns-and-has-emotions-demoed-at-2013-toy-fair/
00:50 katsmeow-afk https://www.google.com/search?q=zoomer+robot+dog
00:51 katsmeow-afk a robot surfing : http://associationnow.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Robot-101845886-800x571.jpg
00:57 katsmeow-afk http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001ALK364/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B001ALK364&linkCode=as2&tag=couponchili-20
01:07 katsmeow-afk MrCurious , i still think what is needed is a radio link to/from the toy robot, so the brains can be tweaked at the table while the robot is running around
01:07 MrCurious hmm
01:08 MrCurious i was thinking a small ARM board and camera and wifi link
01:08 katsmeow-afk if linked to a real computer (desktop/laptop/Pi) the toy can learn a ton more tricks and use far more data in it's decisions
01:08 MrCurious can do that via wifi
01:09 katsmeow-afk the point was sorta: you sit at the table and program, instead of you keeping the toy disassembled on the table
01:09 MrCurious once the arm board is installed, i can program it remotely
01:09 katsmeow-afk pick up all the toy's sensors, send them to the laptop/desktop/arm/pi/whatever, you look at them, you code to use them
01:10 katsmeow-afk adding brains on the toy will add to the battery drain
01:11 MrCurious i do have gumztix kit that is sitting idle
01:11 katsmeow-afk gumstix would fit in better, with room for more batteries
01:12 katsmeow-afk add electrodes on the toy's feet, so it can stand/sit on a charger pad when it needs to
01:13 katsmeow-afk i very very much wanted a robotic condor , with brass claws, so as it wandered around on it's feet, which used more electricty, the conductive claws picked up the necessary power from everywhere on the perches
01:15 MrCurious i am ok with it having a bacck pack
01:15 MrCurious wanted it because it can self rite itself
01:15 MrCurious robustra showed it to me
01:16 katsmeow-afk but won't the backpack make it top heavy?
01:16 MrCurious !bs
01:16 katsmeow-afk ?
01:18 katsmeow-afk you know how some electric cars change batteries with a drop pack, or a slide-out pack? can that be adapted to the toys, so a recharge can be done in just a few seconds?
01:18 MrCurious !bs is a command in this game
01:18 katsmeow-afk i dunno what game you are speaking of
01:20 MrCurious !bs
01:21 MrCurious its a bot command in warcraft game bots
01:21 katsmeow-afk and you are playing it now in this channel?
01:23 MrCurious no focus mistake
01:23 katsmeow-afk o
02:14 rue_shop2 hmm what to start into
02:14 rue_shop2 midnight
02:14 rue_shop2 lots of time
03:52 rue_shop2 12 more jumpers...
03:52 zap0 what we do every night pinkie...
03:53 rue_shop2 its a hexapod thing, everything is multiplied by 6
03:53 rue_shop2 hundred and some-odd jumpers between everything
03:54 rue_shop2 12 more and I can start checking servo loop polarities
03:54 rue_shop2 for all 18 servos
03:56 rue_shop2 I'll be happy to see if stand
03:56 rue_shop2 how many years I been working on this thing?
03:56 GargantuaSauce it's a damn good feeling
03:57 rue_shop2 http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_III/
03:57 rue_shop2 2009 atleast
03:58 rue_shop2 http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_III/body10.jpg <-- good thing computers got smaller ;)
03:59 rgantuaSauce throws a SoC at rue_s
03:59 rue_shop2 na, I want true intel, no little bottlenecks or cross compilers
04:00 GargantuaSauce it's not 1995 anymore
04:00 rue_shop2 http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_III/dscn0367.jpg <-- it was nice to finally have the servo tech down so I could build the frame
04:01 rue_shop2 toooo many custom parts tho
04:14 rue_shop2 bah I got 3 on, I'm out of jumpers that are long enough
04:14 rue_shop2 need to make 9 custom jumpers
04:18 rue_shop2 2am, I'm falling asleep
05:10 theBear 6pm, ijust got up
11:58 MrCurious good morning netizens
11:59 theBear ahh, comrade curious
12:00 MrCurious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocw1D1aT0XI
12:00 MrCurious got me a zoomer... :)
12:01 MrCurious saddly, aquisition was teh easiest part of this project
12:31 MrCurious puzzling. the congressmen who nearly destroied the world are constantly on my new channels now..
12:32 MrCurious ah. ancient aliens on History channel. slightly more honest...
12:41 MrCurious GargantuaSauce: i think i am going to follow your lead on sourcing those servo's
12:41 MrCurious fhgate is proving annoying wanting pictures of the packaging to ""prove" parts missing.
13:44 MrCurious L
13:44 Tom_itx W
13:49 MrCurious so THATS what that button does
13:58 rue_bed parts missing?
13:58 rue_bed what was it?
13:58 MrCurious robot servo + brackets
13:59 rue_bed ok, I have to get up, do a dump run today
13:59 rue_bed hobby servos?
14:00 MrCurious well
14:00 MrCurious they have a dummy shaft opposite the drive shaft
14:00 MrCurious and havve mounting brackets that use it to minimize bad torque on the drive shaft
14:01 rue_bed yup, like a little peice of plastic glued on that fits in a bearing
14:01 MrCurious and 2 alumiun u brackets to mount resulting in a servo that only bends like an elbow
14:01 MrCurious not glued on
14:01 rue_bed yup, glad to hear at least one person isn't cantalevering off their servo shaft
14:01 MrCurious part of the plastic from creation on
14:01 MrCurious $11 for 15kg servos with brackets
14:01 rue_bed the servos only go 300 degrees best case anyhow
14:01 MrCurious (when they send the brackets)
14:02 rue_bed good price
14:02 MrCurious seems teh brackets cost $5 - $8 alone
14:02 rue_bed do they have customer feedback on their site?
14:02 MrCurious rue_bed: check out zoomer robotic dog
14:02 rue_bed MrCurious, dont you have a lathe?
14:02 rue_bed I did, looks stupid
14:02 MrCurious got one. i think it begs to have its brain hijacked
14:02 rue_bed how many axies?
14:02 MrCurious it can ef right
14:03 MrCurious lathe only has 1 axis...
14:03 rue_bed no, I meant the dog
14:03 MrCurious oh each leg can crouch and extend. each foot is a powered f/r drive wheel
14:03 rue_bed the lathe can be used to make glue on support shafts
14:03 rue_bed hah
14:03 MrCurious and waste can rotate to cock up its leg, and self right
14:04 katsmeow-afk waste?
14:04 katsmeow-afk that's fertiliser!
14:04 MrCurious has a pair of distense sensors in front
14:04 rue_bed $3
14:04 katsmeow-afk distense?
14:04 rue_bed I was a posting for a bear that was "gitting into the garbage"
14:05 MrCurious DONT POKE THE BEAR!!!
14:05 MrCurious SHAKE THE BEAR
14:05 rue_bed theBear, poke poke
14:05 tsmeow-afk crashes and reb
14:05 MrCurious seems my i5 laptop supports kvm just fine, but atom board not so much
14:06 MrCurious and that is bloody annoying
14:06 MrCurious even the celeron in the chromebook does kvm
14:06 rue_bed see how nice it can be to have a genuine intel board?
14:06 MrCurious even arm cpu's do kvm
14:06 MrCurious lets play hide the genuine intel board...
14:06 rue_bed I especially like no cross compiling
14:06 MrCurious i hate cross compiling
14:07 rue_bed as I havn't worked out how to compile for arm without building an entire OS image in a virtual disk
14:07 rue_bed disc disk... hmm
14:07 MrCurious ssh into said arm, and buid there
14:07 MrCurious build
14:08 theBear oook !
14:08 rue_bed dont have an arm with that much space
14:08 theBear that's the noise it makes when i get poked
14:08 MrCurious havent cross compiled since the dark days of GUMSTIX
14:08 MrCurious raspberry pi
14:08 MrCurious very cheap
14:08 rue_bed ok Ihave to make breakfast, lunch, eat them and go to town
14:08 MrCurious beagleboard. better only slightly more expensive
14:09 MrCurious odroid--u2 slightly more still, but cadillac levell luxury
14:09 rue_bed Ihave a sledgehammer I'v done almost nothing with since the guy who wanted me to make something gave in
14:09 rue_bed ok, and shower
14:09 rue_bed bbl
14:15 MrCurious blocks of sweet swiss are really good on saltines
14:33 MrCurious next time i interview a programmer.... ii am so ending with a joke.... "How do you keep a programmer in suspense?"
14:33 MrCurious how?
14:33 MrCurious "i will tell you next week"
14:35 MrCurious *drumroll* *cymbol crash* thank you! i will be here all week
14:37 GargantuaSauce rue_bed: i compile stuff right on my cubieboard
14:38 GargantuaSauce there's only any point in cross-compiling when you're doing bare metal which is pretty silly for a device like that
14:41 theBear not really, ever tried compiling gcc or glibc or even uclibc on a 200mhz arm ?
14:41 theBear with 128mb ram
14:42 MrCurious i use significantly faster arm''s
14:43 theBear even faster ones often don't have a hd and lots of ram
14:43 theBear crosscompiling has its place
14:43 theBear these days there's qemu-kvm too, which is incredibly cool
14:47 MrCurious i was just saying i did not prefer to utilize it. i was not condemning your lifestyle choices...
14:48 theBear no you, gargantuon
14:49 theBear not
14:49 MrCurious oh well yes, he WAS condemning your lifestyle choices....
14:51 MrCurious seems the robot legs do NOT self extend and contract
14:51 MrCurious they have a variable resistor set to report their position
14:51 GargantuaSauce i built vlc on it the other day
14:51 GargantuaSauce it took about 90 minutes
14:51 MrCurious but i think it is through coordinated foot wheel and hip motion that they extend and contract
14:51 MrCurious c;ever
14:51 MrCurious clever
14:51 GargantuaSauce about 40% slower than with my i7
14:52 GargantuaSauce gcc would probably take about 15 minutes
14:55 GargantuaSauce (and i use a sata harddrive with it)
14:55 MrCurious my arm has emmc, its crazy fast
14:55 MrCurious and 2ghz quad cores and 2g ram
14:55 MrCurious it tends to feel more like a intel box than arm
14:57 GargantuaSauce oh also fwiw, DX has the same policies and such as those other chinastores
14:57 GargantuaSauce if shit's missing from a shipment you send in pictures
14:58 GargantuaSauce i've had one issue where that was necessary in like 30 shipments though, and they dealt with it without hassle
14:58 MrCurious they asked for pictures
14:58 MrCurious i have the envelope, but not the bubble wrap
14:58 GargantuaSauce i just take an inventory first thing
14:58 MrCurious suppose i will send in some pictures :D and see where the chips lay
14:59 MrCurious i did, but then i pitched the bubblle wrap
14:59 MrCurious not enough $ to be a big problem
14:59 MrCurious and i expect some servo's will arrive doa
14:59 MrCurious already had one doa
14:59 GargantuaSauce hope i dont get more than 1, that'll be a problem for 4dof!
15:00 MrCurious yup
16:07 MrCurious in the realms of C++, java, and python, what libs do you use for robotic purposes other than Opencv, simplecv and javacv
16:41 MrCurious http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/2135 WIN. 1 pin direction, 1 pin pwm speed
17:22 Rickbox Does anyone know where to get two 210mm in length linear sliders for under $20.00 each?
17:27 Rickbox Never Mind everyone. I am good for now
17:32 MrCurious ARGH! i had PID in this motor driver, but seems that is not the version i chose to preserve when reinstalling laptop
19:05 rue_shop2 oops
19:10 MrCurious there are better palces to utter that word...
19:10 MrCurious its a fun word to say in level 3+ bio containment labs, nuclear facilities and gunpowder factories.
19:11 MrCurious also fun to say immediately after discharging a weapon
19:13 orlok "My bad"
19:13 orlok "That will buff right out!"
19:13 orlok "You have insurance, right?"
19:13 MrCurious "thats gonna leave a mark"
19:14 MrCurious this is very fun to do... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaEfU47QY_k
19:15 orlok Hmm. Whats the rsync based backup method that produces date stamped diffs/deltas?
19:29 MrCurious deja dup backup tool?
19:30 rue_house does anything bad happen to tires when you drive 259km/hr?
19:31 rue_house what if they are filed with concrete
19:34 MrCurious if they were filled with concrete, i would fear more for the brakes
19:35 MrCurious and the shocks
19:35 MrCurious 259km/h? whats that like 80MPH?
19:36 MrCurious nothing happens at 110mph on a motorcycle... (177km/h)
19:38 MrCurious well, until you pick up the wobble stored in the crack between the lanes...
19:38 rue_house its 161mph
19:39 MrCurious yeah, i converted it
19:39 MrCurious havent been that fast outside of a plane
19:43 Tom_itx funny car tires go 200+
19:43 Tom_itx look at land speed records that used tires
19:44 MrCurious which brings us back to whose car has cement filled tires and is scheduled to go 259km/h?
19:44 MrCurious are you planning to do something stupid?
19:45 Tom_itx he's wanting a flywheel
19:45 Tom_itx i'd suggest an old tractor flywheel
19:45 MrCurious then why cement... why not lead or DU?
19:45 Tom_itx cost?
19:46 MrCurious lead i cheap. people in 3rd world countries are dieing to give it to you
19:46 Tom_itx although he does get alot of junk batteries he could scrap
19:46 Tom_itx yeah, china gives it to us for free without asking
19:47 MrCurious yeah, just boil down a bunch of tooth paste and childrens toys
20:18 ed_ drank 3 table spoons of olive
20:19 katsmeow-afk most car tires are not rated to 200mph, but yu can get speed-rated tires
20:21 katsmeow-afk Tom: 18-wheeler brake rotors, or just have the steel shop plasma cut a disc outa some 4" thick plate
20:22 MrCurious and i think the dual core a20 UG802 should work nice for the dog brain
20:24 katsmeow-afk local Walmart still has at least 3 zoomers @ $80 each
20:24 katsmeow-afk as of 30 minutes ago, i looked
20:25 katsmeow-afk offr me $ to go get them and ship them to you
20:25 MrCurious i have one
20:26 tsmeow-afk shakes MrCurious's
20:26 MrCurious things cool. it screws with cats, but without a camera, it cant really screw with the cats right...
20:26 MrCurious but thats fixable
20:27 katsmeow-afk lil 2-transistor transmitter to your desktop will fix that
20:28 MrCurious yeah,, gonna toss 1280x720 over that link at 30fps
20:28 katsmeow-afk won't that eat more battery power and cost more?
20:28 MrCurious i think fitting it with a arm board and camera that 802..11 to teh desktop will work out much better
20:28 MrCurious have 2 suitable arm boards, lots of cameras
20:28 MrCurious and a shitload of lipo
20:28 tsmeow-afk was thinking two $12 ntsc cam
20:28 katsmeow-afk ok
20:29 tsmeow-afk laps at the eg
20:50 GargantuaSauce MrCurious: for the love of god, source control...
21:01 katsmeow-afk does anything out there use 120Mhz,, which i think is olde tv channel 2 or 3?
21:07 MrCurious it was right at the time of a os change over, and it wasnt yet unembarasing enough to go on github
22:21 katsmeow-afk http://i.livescience.com/images/i/000/058/115/original/bionicman2.jpg
22:24 katsmeow-afk extra points if you discovered the man on the far left, his right hand is the same as the robot's
22:26 orlok hey Triffid_Hunter
22:26 orlok I cant find where those 3d printed bits ended up since i moved.
22:26 orlok I want to show them to my new boss
22:26 orlok I'm back working in the traditional 2d printing industry again
22:26 tsmeow-afk looks inno
23:05 MrCurious well, would you look what the cray cat lady dragged in....
23:07 GuShH MrCurious: leave your mother out of this.
23:09 MrCurious oh no you di'ant
23:10 GuShH MrCurious: oh yes I did!
23:10 GuShH new toy... http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn4273f.jpg
23:11 MrCurious whats it for?
23:11 GuShH cat ladies
23:11 MrCurious speaking of that
23:11 MrCurious how are all your little kittens doing
23:12 GuShH they're starting to eat solids now
23:12 GuShH and driving me crazy
23:12 GuShH going everywhere
23:12 MrCurious i see you have bonded :D
23:12 GuShH jumping, climbing, scratchin
23:12 GuShH I haven't, plus I can't keep them
23:12 GuShH no names
23:12 GuShH just the nick "tits" for one of them
23:12 MrCurious i bet ol 1 2 and 3 come when you call dinner time
23:12 GuShH it's got what looks like a white bra
23:13 MrCurious just remember. when it comes to cats, never attempt to collect the whole set
23:13 GuShH oh if I sit on the ground all four climb up
23:13 MrCurious thats how it starts
23:13 MrCurious and get em fixed... they replicatee geometrically
23:13 MrCurious replicate
23:13 GuShH yeah shes getting nipped
23:13 GuShH and tucked
23:13 MrCurious and the babies....
23:13 GuShH need to source some aluminum billets and tubing
23:13 GuShH no no no
23:13 GuShH that's not my responsability
23:13 MrCurious 6 months, stay on top of that
23:14 GuShH whoever gets it will be forced to pay for anything they need
23:14 GuShH fuck that
23:14 MrCurious lets say if they live outside your house.. .they will do what she did... next year
23:14 MrCurious if someone gets it, yes
23:14 GuShH they won't, I'm putting up a sign at the vet
23:14 MrCurious otherwise its you
23:14 MrCurious make a new sign
23:14 GuShH and the pet store
23:15 GuShH all 4 have to go
23:15 MrCurious get a pic of a menacing dog... cacnnot keep young deliscious kittens have angry dog --->
23:15 GuShH just a picture of all four, or separate signs with separate kittens
23:15 GuShH and an email address, nothing else.
23:15 GuShH if they want it they can send me their phone number and we can decide on time and date to deliver the kitten at the store
23:15 GuShH where they'll have to pay for whatever they need
23:16 GuShH deworming and such
23:16 GuShH as proof of commitment
23:16 GuShH I'm not doing it, not mine.
23:16 GuShH And the rifle is for the FUCKING possum living in my roof, or possums, unknown.
23:16 GuShH I may be all hippie with animals but I draw the line at some point.
23:17 MrCurious possums love cat food
23:17 MrCurious better start saving for your new roof :D
23:17 GuShH Don't blame me I've tried it all, this is the only way and I won't feel good doing it.
23:17 GuShH But it's them or me.
23:18 ShH shakes
23:18 MrCurious what cant put antifreeze in a bowl where the possium goes, but the cacts dont
23:18 GuShH I don't think it's sweet and tastey anymore
23:18 GuShH at least the stuff sold here, that is the name brand stuff.
23:19 GuShH haven't tried it though, you reckon they're all glycol based or such?
23:19 MrCurious your a monster for even contemplating that
23:19 GuShH which method?
23:19 MrCurious either
23:19 GuShH a projectile is faster and it likely won't feel it or see it coming.
23:20 MrCurious quite a karma bomb you are cookiingn up there
23:20 GuShH that's what I say about the possum
23:20 MrCurious cant you just get a motion sensor and a barking ddog simulator
23:20 GuShH this is karma having a go at it.
23:20 GuShH I'm not gay so no I can't
23:22 seed_ is this an expensive hobby?
23:22 GuShH MrCurious: you should see what farmers do to pidgeons and other pests
23:22 seed_ building simple robots i mean?
23:22 GuShH seed_: shooting animals that chew and borrow in your roof? yes
23:22 GuShH oh, then yes also.
23:22 GuShH but it can be cheap if you've got a rat-minded personality like rue.
23:23 seed_ is he dressing rats like robots instead of building mechanical ones? :P
23:23 GuShH MrCurious: I might even introduce bunnies into the wild portion of my property, wait a couple months (if that long) and get huntin'
23:24 GuShH but they might destroy the lawn...
23:24 GuShH relatively free food though
23:24 MrCurious lol
23:25 GuShH -again-
23:25 GuShH darn rabbits.
23:25 MrCurious we have raccoons, cats, and used to have a possum
23:25 GuShH what happened to the possum?
23:25 MrCurious dont yell at your possum, or you will wake up and find a turd on your door step every morning
23:26 GuShH I wouldn't mind if it wasn't damaging my property
23:26 MrCurious i gave it food and said nice things to it, and it stopped crapping on my porch, so i called it a ddraw and let it be
23:26 GuShH and eating my fruit
23:26 GuShH couple months ago it ate all of my oranges
23:26 GuShH and mandarins.
23:26 MrCurious cant you just put a dik around the tree base so it cant climb in
23:26 GuShH I've seen the bastard doing it.
23:26 MrCurious or a barkingdog simulator
23:29 GuShH dude, that's for sanfran sausage munchers.
23:29 GuShH SFSM.
23:29 GuShH real men get real dogs.
23:30 GuShH steel setting up the lathe, getting rid of chatter... I've narrowed it down to the compound mounting plate, it's got 2 bolts instead of 4, and looking it up I found a couple sites that mention it as a "must-do" mod
23:30 GuShH still*
23:31 GuShH meant to say this time I turned some steel http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn4269f.jpg quick connect for air. some of the poor finish on the cuts is due to the less than ideal speed with the carbide, but most of it is chatter from the compound...
23:32 GuShH need to make a new mounting plate http://www.mini-lathe.com/Mini_lathe/versions/Versions_9x20.htm
23:32 GuShH see http://www.mini-lathe.com/Mini_lathe/versions/9x20_comp_2_y.jpg
23:32 katsmeow-afk tag the cats with implants, so when an animal enters the walkway to the lasgna, and it isn't tagged, it isn't one of your cats,,, plus that way you can tell which cat is which and where
23:32 GuShH that's a 4 point one made to replace the 2 point original plate
23:33 GuShH feeling it while it's cutting I can tell that's most of the problem
23:33 MrCurious GuShH: so cat lady... howmany real dogs do you have?
23:33 GuShH just one
23:33 GuShH technically not mine.
23:33 GuShH it's not even a real lab
23:34 GuShH just a mix of a lab and something else, like a german shepherd or something.
23:35 GuShH can't wait to shoot some cans tomorrow, well today... later on.
23:35 MrCurious try to make sure after it passes through a can it doesnt go on to pass through people
23:35 GuShH I may have more experience with weapons than most people in this channel, but that's just a guess.
23:35 GuShH I reckon whoever I do.
23:36 GuShH however even
23:36 MrCurious dunno, i am good with 9mm's at 25 meters
23:36 GuShH I can't multitask today... I need some of theBear's booze
23:36 orlok Lol. Our new cisco account rep called.
23:36 orlok I dont think they will call back.
23:36 GuShH MrCurious: that's like saying you're good with big macs at 8AM
23:36 GuShH so it seems I will actually turn a silencer on the lathe at one point
23:37 MrCurious got 9 /11 in the chest of the target
23:37 GuShH good for you!
23:38 MrCurious dumping 11 rounds in 11s
23:38 GuShH why the rush
23:38 MrCurious good times
23:38 orlok MrCurious: They dont let us use shaped targets here
23:38 orlok All just circles/bullseyes
23:38 MrCurious wanted to test if i could foil the recoil from taking me off target
23:38 GuShH LAWL
23:38 MrCurious no it as people shaped
23:38 GuShH I think I can legally shoot someone's picture if I wanted to, of course I can shoot shaped targets.
23:39 orlok Apparently i'm a pretty good shot. I was using a S+W .38 mainly
23:39 katsmeow-afk could foil the recoil ? fool the recoil?
23:39 orlok loaded with wadcutters with a lower charge
23:39 GuShH MrCurious: for low power calibers, air, etc. wood and hay works fine to stop it dead, a good amount of dirt works wonders if it's compacted... even stacked newspaper works very well.
23:39 orlok But still more power than a 9mm
23:40 GuShH or you can have a hinged steel plate to deflect them down to the ground
23:40 tsmeow-afk pats her .22 stinger
23:40 MrCurious just saying, take precaution, and think shots through at least 5 seconds into the future
23:40 GuShH it seems kat doesn't know how to use it... otherwise those dogs could've been long gone.
23:40 orlok Fired some .22's as well rom a compitiion target pistol. Apparently its reaaaly picky about the ammo
23:41 orlok ended up misfiring
23:41 GuShH MrCurious: I reject your reality and substitute my own.
23:41 GuShH 22 is also very dangerous in the sense that new rounds on old guns = boom
23:41 GuShH the barrel pressure is massive.
23:41 GuShH even more so than some bigger calibers with a similar load
23:42 katsmeow-afk some .22 show carts, or ratshot, don't have the power to push the bolt back and clear the spent shell
23:42 GuShH older rounds were packed with less grains, specially 22 hand guns
23:42 MrCurious if only there was a way to combine these two hobbies
23:42 MrCurious but people get locked up here for giving robots guns
23:42 GuShH Breaking Bad says there is.
23:43 GuShH "Oh... Mr White...!"
23:43 orlok There was a job ad i'd love to apply for if it wasnt in the wrong state (and i have a job now)
23:43 katsmeow-afk someone got locked up for it?
23:43 orlok http://whirlpool.net.au/jobs/?action=job&id=8874
23:43 orlok That combines the two!
23:44 katsmeow-afk so is it really a potato gun if it uses 1000psi and shaped tatos?
23:46 GuShH 1000psi is kinda low, pcp air rifles go from 2900 to 3600psi in the "normal" range
23:46 GuShH oh I forgot kat has me on ignore
23:47 GuShH for her own ignorance.
23:49 MrCurious potato guns aer tehnically considered WMD due the the bore of the barrel....
23:54 katsmeow-afk seriously? then why are tehre so many youtube videos how to build and use them?
23:55 GuShH MrCurious: tell her there are videos of homemade 22 pen guns, silencers and even some bombs
23:55 GuShH also sexual content and other nasties.
23:55 seed_ i want to make a robotic playboy bunny
23:55 seed_ for scientific reasons ofc
23:55 GuShH drill + dildo
23:56 GuShH or drill + fleshlight
23:56 GuShH depending on your orientation, could also apply both.
23:56 katsmeow-afk just recode the robotic dogs
23:56 GuShH see? engineering is easy.