#robotics Logs

Oct 17 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:05 useless-afk no, the big 10x12 cassettes
00:06 rue_house sounds like a good meuseum article, did you try ebaying it?
00:06 rue_house do you have any carts for it?
00:06 useless-afk i have a few carts
00:07 rue_house maybe try ebaying it, see if, even with the shipping, anyone goes for it
00:07 rue_house do you know if they still work?
00:07 useless-afk i do not believe th eusa is going to last, i have 4 more months of income before the senators from this state can vote to bankrupt the usa again
00:08 rue_house did they push it thru till next year?>
00:08 rue_house are they gonna hold those 4 guys for treason?
00:08 useless-afk they already say they will attempt to cut my income, which is federal, and my medical coverage, and i am not allowed to sign up for obamacare, and it's illegal for me to have a job
00:08 useless-afk as if anyone would hire me anyhow
00:09 rue_house has the medical system done anything for you in the last....?
00:09 useless-afk no
00:09 rue_house is the right to bare arms much more than being able to roll up your sleeves these days?
00:09 useless-afk the more the coverage is increased, the medical companies double that in price hikes
00:10 useless-afk sure, for the right people, the rednecks fired 100's of clips last weekend down in the valley
00:10 rue_house yea, the usa pays the most for the drugs from the manuf's already
00:10 rue_house thats why other countries seem so cheap
00:11 useless-afk the only pain med that helped me was exempted from NAFTA, and then extended again, to prevent generics from being made
00:12 useless-afk it's been on the market 30 yrs, the price has been hiked over $5 per pill, i cannot afford it
00:12 rue_house too bad I cant ship you some of our locally produced pain meds
00:13 rue_house I have to sleep, gnight kat
00:13 useless-afk you realise if i visit mexico, and a doc there prescribes a med that's illegal in the usa, and i buy that med in Mexico, the usa coast guard can arrest me up at sea for it?
00:16 rue_bed I'd heard that the us takeover of ajoining countries is pretyt screwed up
00:16 rue_bed "you must abide by our laws but you dont get anything"
00:16 useless-afk it's anywhere, a usa citizen is bound by usa laws no matter where they are on earth
00:17 rue_bed flee to canada
00:17 rue_bed disown the usa
00:17 useless-afk Canadia has age limits on becoming a citizen
00:18 useless-afk in fact, they have limits on howlong per year that i can be in Canadian waters on a boat
00:18 useless-afk so does the Bahamas
00:19 useless-afk Florida has limits on how long you can be in a waterfront state park: 30 days (luckily they have 14 such parks
00:19 useless-afk but it's first come, first served
00:19 useless-afk and there's boat size restrictions
00:20 rue_bed in canada, if you dont get your head over the radar, nobody gonna call anyone on anything
00:20 rue_bed the us govt is too busy trying to pay its bills to go after anyone
00:22 useless-afk a large boat with a single woman , with a garden and solar panels, in Canadaian water with usa boat tags, won't get attention?
00:22 rue_bed dont tag the boat
00:22 useless-afk heck, Van is a trip around the world for me to boat to, i easily may be 60 yrs old by them
00:23 rue_bed or, I can give you a valid K number from a boat up here that never goes anywhere
00:23 rue_bed or even one that sunk
00:23 useless-afk boat *MUST* be tagged, else it's classified as "pirate"
00:23 GargantuaSauce canadian coast guard is super underfunded
00:23 rue_bed heh, coastguard in canada is becomming a volunteer operation
00:23 rue_bed you think volunteers are gonna wanna deal wiht a pirate?
00:24 Lola8088 fisheries are going too
00:24 useless-afk target practice
00:24 rue_bed Lola8088, do you know the K number of that sailboat sunk in sechelt?
00:24 useless-afk i don't want any more drama
00:24 rue_bed the mast sticking out where your boat was
00:25 Lola8088 I can get it
00:25 rue_bed if kat put that on, nobody gonna know the difference
00:25 rue_bed its sunk too, no arguments
00:25 Lola8088 'cept she's an american on it... tha'ts a little 'hmmmm' ish
00:25 rue_bed when has your boat ever been checked?
00:25 Lola8088 i've never been to international waters with it
00:26 rue_bed I only know of them checking you have your safety stuff (extinguisher etc) up to date
00:26 useless-afk rue, realistically, if i get a boat in the water in 4 months, then a yr to get it really ready to make a trip to Van, i'll be 60 when i get there
00:26 rue_bed well, she could sail out of usa with usa tags, swap after over the border
00:27 useless-afk i'll need radar, bigger fuel tanks, fuel, etc etc etc
00:27 Lola8088 yeah, but you get scanned on the way in... if there's no record of the numbers leaving... then why would they come back?
00:27 rue_bed I'm just saying, canada is really lax
00:27 useless-afk i could make the east coast a yr earlier, anchor around PEI, if not for the fricking cold up there
00:28 rue_bed but if a canadian fishboat gets 1 mile near the us border, the us coastguard siezes it
00:28 Lola8088 yeah or the wind... wholly carp.
00:28 useless-afk yeas, i have heard of the USCG going after Canadian boats just for moving across a usa bay to anotehr marina
00:29 GargantuaSauce if you come to PEI i'll buy you a beer
00:29 Lola8088 (and a potato)
00:29 rue_bed looka dat! canadians will welcome you
00:29 Lola8088 (gotta give her a potato)
00:30 eless-afk looks puz
00:30 rue_bed see, canadians are friendly
00:30 rue_bed real ones
00:30 rue_bed imports..... meh...
00:30 useless-afk i'll be an import :-(
00:30 Lola8088 I'm not a canadian. I just happend to be born here.
00:31 Lola8088 I'm not even sure I'm an earthling.
00:31 rue_bed Lola8088, what happens if your asked for ID after just having lost your wallet?
00:32 Lola8088 hrm... good question.
00:32 rue_bed I dont think there are any temporary papers
00:32 rue_bed I mean, you can get a paper temp drivers,
00:32 eless-afk cannot see what Lola8088 is sa
00:32 Lola8088 depends on the cop I think. And your state of being... being drunk or disorderly might get you free room and board
00:33 rue_bed yea, well I'm thinking if you were on a boat
00:33 Lola8088 ...and you just happened to drop your papers overboard...
00:33 useless-afk i may wanna just take taxi instead of get a license and rent a car
00:33 rue_bed why dont you buy it on credit, drive it to canada, and let them take it back?
00:34 rue_bed ;)
00:34 useless-afk taxi wold be a lot cheaper just to goto town once a week
00:34 useless-afk buy what?
00:34 rue_bed oh, you mean for shopping
00:34 useless-afk from a marina, yeas, staying out at anchor away from humans as much as possible
00:35 rue_bed Lola8088, do you know how much it costs to buss from, hmm, manatoba?
00:35 Lola8088 hlmgtfy
00:36 rue_bed this thing sucks to browse on
00:36 Lola8088 http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=bus+from+manitoba+to+vancouver
00:46 MrCurious rue_bed: what you browsing on
01:00 rue_bed you phoning me?
01:00 useless-afk no
01:01 rue_bed gng=ught
01:01 useless-afk what?
01:04 useless-afk President Barack Obama quickly signed the spending measure, which passed the Senate and House of Representatives after Republicans dropped efforts to use the legislation to force changes in his signature healthcare law.
01:04 useless-afk It funds the government until January 15 and raises the debt ceiling until February 7
06:18 rue_bed oooo
15:39 useless-afk Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:40am EDT ; (Reuters) - The air we breathe is laced with cancer-causing substances and is being officially classified as carcinogenic to humans, the World Health Organization's cancer agency said on Thursday. <<== i have been saying that for years
15:40 useless-afk http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20131017&t=2&i=803712131&w=460&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=CBRE99G0QKQ00
17:20 useless-afk The prototypes produced at the institute are about $250 apiece and are too small and lightweight to cause damage when they hit something, a big consideration in hurricane-force winds and waves. Mohseni does not use a landing strip to test the aerial vehicles; he just tells them to crash, picks them up and flies them again.
17:22 useless-afk The Cephelobot, a autonomous underwater vehicle, floats in a large tank while undergoing tests at the University of Florida on Tuesday June 25, 2013 in Gainesville. The submarine is a prototype that will be launched into the ocean under hurricanes and send back weather data.
19:41 rue_house is anyone here in tiwan?
19:42 ace4016 taiwan
22:26 rue_house whatever :)
22:26 rue_house anyone?
22:26 rue_house I got a call...
22:26 orlok yup!
22:26 orlok got bits of crap from my bosses garage
22:26 orlok scrolling LED banner style belt buckle
22:26 orlok old android tablet
22:27 orlok networked hard drive
22:27 orlok And bought more storage crap from somebody on the internet yesterday
22:27 theBear woah ! that's a cool sounding belt buckle !
22:29 orlok 21x7 led's
22:29 orlok about 1"x3"
22:30 orlok smd led's
22:30 useless-afk you can get cheap 2x3 color cga/vga displays nowadays
22:31 orlok useless-afk: the mobile phone LCD's, or something else?
22:33 orlok Hmm. Managed to cut out smoking during business hours. yay!
22:33 useless-afk orlok, even the arduino has color lcd shields
22:34 useless-afk there's tons of 3", 4", 5", 6" (diagonal) on ebay
22:47 orlok yeah, i want to get one of those sometime
22:47 orlok but these were all headed for the bin
23:11 MrCurious cramming for a java test is stressful
23:17 useless-afk cram for some other test, and just alias it?
23:21 MrCurious are you suggesting instead of taking the interview java test, instead i hand in a paper on the mating rituals of marsupials in captivity??
23:21 useless-afk yeas
23:21 MrCurious i havent seen that maneuver since 9th grade english
23:21 MrCurious it got a B
23:22 useless-afk you point out that that problem isn't best solved by Java
23:22 useless-afk you justify your statement, and never get around to solvng the problem
23:24 orlok Woo. my partners brother is coming to visit.
23:24 orlok He's been in canada for the past 5 or so years
23:25 orlok got entangled with some batshit crazy mexican woman
23:25 orlok so he hasnt met is neice
23:25 useless-afk <cough> yeas, Mexican woman in Canadia, right
23:26 orlok useless-afk: yeah.. where it gets weird, my of my partners best female friends ended up over in canadia at the same time, ended up pregnant to some mexican guy over there
23:27 useless-afk lol
23:27 orlok (my partners brother has a son with the crazy mexican woman)
23:27 MrCurious i am going to need an inheritance diagram to follow that
23:28 orlok the mexican guy wasnt crazy, just lazy, so she was able to come back to Aus with her daughter. mexican woman is crazy, so he(brother) hasnt been able to bring his son to australia
23:28 MrCurious warn his brother about crazy, especially batshit crazy... its sticky... never touch it. poke it with sticks, but never touch...
23:30 orlok Hmm. Anybody know what the "D" numbers i see on PC PCB's so often are?
23:30 orlok D33005 D33006 etc
23:31 eless-afk doesn't
23:32 MrCurious i think they are made up by designer, or his company so they can know which the *** board oyu are looking at them when you call
23:33 orlok I have an Asus MB here, with a GB video card, and coincidentally, one has D33006, the other is D33005
23:33 MrCurious sounds like a revision number with the larger being newer/better, or featuring newer bugs
23:34 orlok nah, those are usually explicitly maked as a PCB REV
23:39 MrCurious if i get to use eclipse... i wonder if that means i can use google...
23:44 GargantuaSauce i would hope so
23:44 GargantuaSauce or at LEAST the javadocs
23:47 MrCurious just in case i am accessing all language features to make sure they are cached locally
23:49 MrCurious seems eclipse is doing most of the heavy lifting
23:49 eless-afk uses the memory card slot behind her
23:51 MrCurious mine is in a rather awkward and inaccessible location, and definitely not interview appropriate
23:52 useless-afk oh
23:52 MrCurious new rule: embedding a vibrating device sound in your song is not allowed, just like sirens in songs...
23:52 GargantuaSauce maybe they're into that, and a quick card change will net you the position for sure
23:53 MrCurious now that is tempting ... once you are aware you have blown the interview... were do you take it nexxt for story telling purposes :)
23:54 useless-afk ditto 4hz tones in audio going to cassettes
23:54 GargantuaSauce i wouldn't call 4hz a 'tone'
23:55 useless-afk just the same, one band found out and inserted it into the master, wrecked days of work
23:58 MrCurious what does 4hz do?
23:59 GargantuaSauce it sounds like flutter