#robotics Logs

Oct 08 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:07 MrCurious no exp in that comes to mind
00:07 GuShH :(
00:07 GuShH I don't have many samples at the moment, but the sets are big
00:07 MrCurious you should write a program, or better decine the problem
00:07 MrCurious define
00:07 GuShH I wrote code to fetch and clean the data
00:07 MrCurious ambien has given me ambahnesia
00:08 GuShH now I'm trying to figure out how to analyze it
00:08 GuShH MrCurious: is xanax good for anxiety?
00:08 MrCurious very good
00:08 MrCurious heped me quit smoking
00:08 GuShH what else can I take
00:08 MrCurious removed all fear of a ass hole boss
00:08 GuShH that won't require visitng one of them witch doctors
00:09 MrCurious made me want to go into his office, plop down, sigh and ask so hows it going
00:09 GuShH then again I bet I could source 1mg xanex without a prescription, some pharmacies will sell you ANYTHING
00:09 MrCurious note it only works for 1 to 3 months then effacy ceases
00:09 GuShH MrCurious: I fear nobody... I just have a few bugs.
00:10 GuShH MrCurious: is that when you begin to double your dosage and turn into an amy winehouse?
00:10 MrCurious there IS one down side
00:10 MrCurious coming off of em
00:10 GuShH I'd be more of an amy whiskeyhouse
00:10 MrCurious i was convinced that something unspeakable wanted to kill and eat me
00:10 MrCurious lasted for a weekend
00:10 MrCurious was able to understand it was a side effect
00:10 MrCurious but didnt eliveate the creepy feeling
00:11 GuShH o.o
00:11 MrCurious suppose if yo ulive in a survivalist compoind, it may be counter reccomended
00:13 GuShH MrCurious: for instance I may not read emails, answer calls or commit over simple things because of anxiety, stupid silly anxiety. That is, for a few hours or even a whole day I may not read an email or answer a call. I know I'm broken...
00:13 GuShH Other than that...
00:13 GuShH I think it gets worse for some people, they fear going out or talking to strangers (maybe buying something at the store would be a huge leap for them) and such things... I don't seem to suffer from that
00:14 MrCurious i would want to test you out on a ssri or prozac before going the xanax route
00:14 GuShH I've heard of cases where some people were so afraid to go out they stayed at their place for weeks and even months at a time, that sounds horrible. I shouldn't complain so much about my little bugs...
00:14 MrCurious then again, i am not a doctor
00:14 GuShH MrCurious: I don't think I'm depressed
00:15 MrCurious do you have a manic phase
00:15 MrCurious start lots of projects
00:15 GuShH MrCurious: you and theBear are the next best thing to a doctor at 2AM
00:15 GuShH manic phase?
00:15 MrCurious periods of enerygy and other periods of non useful energy
00:15 GuShH I tend to finish my projects eventually. I only start a few at a time because I get bored easily.
00:15 GuShH MrCurious: I'm not the bipolar one.
00:16 MrCurious not saying you are
00:16 MrCurious just saying manic depressive is common, and often self medicated, or trained or denied away
00:16 GuShH If I ever go on a shopping spree full of euphoria giving shit away for free and then suddenly become a carrot for a week, we shall talk lithium.
00:16 MrCurious because that manic phase is a hoot
00:17 MrCurious i seem to be in a burnt out phase currently
00:17 GuShH that's why having 3 phase is useful.
00:17 ShH pouts at MrCur
00:18 GuShH MrCurious: I sometimes have less energy but that's related to my back pain
00:18 GuShH For which I take no meds anymore
00:18 GuShH I don't even take ibuprofen...
00:20 GargantuaSauce i seem to have fallen into the caffeine thing again
00:20 GuShH Don't seem to have an addictive personality, obsessive perhaps.
00:20 GuShH GargantuaSauce: oh?
00:20 GuShH ok I don't have a thing with caffeine anymore, I switched to good stuff and I enjoy one, at most two cups a day.
00:21 GuShH used to drink 6 to 8 on a daily basis
00:21 GargantuaSauce i had an energy drink and now i feel normal....want another one for the proper productive streak
00:21 GuShH my energy drink phase was short lived
00:21 GuShH it involved lots of vodka
00:21 GargantuaSauce heh
00:21 GuShH I've been.. "clinically sober" for a long while now
00:22 GuShH Yeah I know it doesn't show.
00:22 GuShH alcohol works the other way around for me.
00:23 GuShH GargantuaSauce: as long as you don't find yourself drinking more than 2 a day I wouldn't say there's a problem...
00:23 GargantuaSauce 400mg a day is a bit excessive i think
00:23 GargantuaSauce i mean i've been there and the comedown gets pretty shitty
00:23 GuShH there's no way they put 200mg of caffeine in one of those
00:24 GargantuaSauce this one's 185 i think, that plus a couple cups of tea
00:24 GuShH what's going on with humanity
00:26 GuShH I haven't checked but I think there's less caffeine in suspension on an espresso shot than there is on drip coffee or similar filtered process
00:29 GuShH yep, makes sense as you only extract for a few seconds (25 average)
00:31 GargantuaSauce heh i have so many PDFs open that when i click on the taskbar entry for the pdf reader, the list is taller than my two monitors
00:31 GargantuaSauce all datasheets
00:32 GuShH it's time for.... bigger or moar monitors
00:32 GargantuaSauce i've rotated the second one before, i really dislike the vertical tearing though
00:32 ShH is not a vertical monitor
00:33 GargantuaSauce yeah it just doesnt do it for me...works nicely for the DAW i use and little else
00:33 GargantuaSauce and it's a laptop so i can't drive more of them without using those awful usb video adapters
00:33 GuShH I do always run taskbars on top, whether it's *nix or windoze
00:33 GuShH (no mention of osx)
00:33 GuShH I need a dock for mine
00:34 GuShH then I could have another screen (3 in total)
00:34 GuShH external
00:34 GargantuaSauce actually maybe the vga port can drive another monitor, i should try that sometime
00:34 GuShH depends
00:35 GargantuaSauce probably not, there's probably only two ramdacs
00:35 GuShH I find it hard to work with less than 2
00:35 GuShH used to have 3 on the desktop
00:35 GuShH now just two, which is OK but a third wouldn't hurt
00:36 GargantuaSauce i keep fantasizing about building a big array of 16 or something
00:36 GuShH me too
00:36 GuShH I have other fantasies as well
00:36 GuShH they involve 50 cal rifles, drones, etc.
00:36 GuShH also underground bunkers and a massive machine shop full of chinese workers
00:36 ShH bl
00:37 GargantuaSauce i decided recently i want a harem of scientists and engineers
00:37 GuShH all women?
00:37 GargantuaSauce who are all competing for my attention by building cool shit
00:37 GargantuaSauce ya
00:37 GuShH lol
00:37 GuShH there could be space for the harem next to the drone hangar and the machine shop
00:38 GargantuaSauce exactly
00:38 GargantuaSauce above the mech gantry
00:38 GuShH I would also like my own church, to fart in.
00:38 GuShH <cough>
00:38 GargantuaSauce unparalleled acoustics
00:39 GuShH I could watch a tv show about church fart acoustics.
00:39 GargantuaSauce many seconds of reverberation as well as the subtle resonances afforded by the pipe organ
00:39 GuShH just a regular guy visiting churches around the world and eating the most disgusting street food at the same time
00:39 GargantuaSauce you gotta dream big man
00:40 GuShH there's so much crap on tv, why shouldn't this show exist?
00:40 GargantuaSauce sounds like it's time to make a kickstarter
00:40 GuShH pipe organs are impressive, religion aside.
00:40 GuShH massive complex monsters!
00:40 GuShH too bad they're so expensive
00:41 GuShH at the scientology churches do they just have an ipod dock or some shit?
00:41 GargantuaSauce maybe they have secret fart hymns
00:42 GuShH the dock could be shaped like tom cruise bending over
00:42 GuShH GargantuaSauce: whoever landed the job to design and manufacture those e-meters surely must've made a lot of money
00:51 rue_house hmm
00:54 rue_house how do I recalibrate the current sensor over zigbee?
00:59 GargantuaSauce very tediously?
01:03 GargantuaSauce sink two known currents near the edges of the sensor's range into it and specify them over the radio link i guess
01:06 rue_house no, the current detected is way too high, I need to dial it down to the sensors minimum
01:06 rue_house or maybe I should just put shunts behind the meter
01:06 rue_house that could fix it
01:22 ShH claps on MrCurious'
08:55 rue_house ntpdate pool.ntp.org
11:09 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Power_Products/Batteries_and_Fuel_Cells/What_the_world_39_s_safest_electric_car_looks_like_on_fire.aspx
11:12 KongfuPanda hi Tom
11:13 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Sensors_and_Transducers/Sensors_and_Transducers/Speedy_cockroach_robot_can_save_lives.aspx
11:14 KongfuPanda bah, they use Physics terminology for names of cars... shame on them
11:15 Tom_itx apple fails again
11:15 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Computer_Systems/Standalone_Mobile/Apple_Maps_instructs_motorists_to_use_airplane_taxiway_to_get_to_airport_terminal.aspx
11:16 KongfuPanda yep, seen that
11:16 KongfuPanda and I actually saw that cockroach robot on youtube a few days ago. Maybe it can do something, but it's not elegant :(
11:16 KongfuPanda not my favourite
11:19 KongfuPanda I got a cold :(
11:19 KongfuPanda looks like a seasonal cold. A lot of people at work went sick too today. And the rest are coughing and sneezing at work
11:19 KongfuPanda I think I will work on my robot for a bit today. Need to replace 12 servos from legs and stuff
11:21 SquirrelCZECH hmm
11:21 SquirrelCZECH I do not have voltage meter
11:21 SquirrelCZECH but I need to measure voltage
11:21 SquirrelCZECH hmm, arduino!
11:22 KongfuPanda SquirrelCZECH, oh no ! The economy is so bad in Czech Republic? :D
11:24 SquirrelCZECH not at all
11:24 SquirrelCZECH but I am too lazy to go for the voltage meter to my garage
16:17 useless-afk caution, not a public url : http://global.fncstatic.com/static/managed/img/Scitech/Air%20Force%20unmanned%20F-16.jpg , there is no pilot in it
16:19 ace4016 that's not particularly new >_>
16:20 useless-afk it is for an F16 , altho F4 and otehr aircraft have been flown without pilots
16:20 ace4016 they make drones out of old fighters all the time; just not usually in a capacity to run live strike missions (usually training ranges and such)
16:20 eless-afk
16:21 useless-afk usa flew bombers shortly after ww2 as pilotless drones, that's not the "new" part
16:23 ace4016 i suppose i already knew about the f-16 thing :P
16:23 useless-afk did you have that picture?
16:28 ace4016 haven't seen that one
16:29 useless-afk you're welcome
16:29 ace4016 hehe
16:31 ace4016 thanks :P
16:51 robotustra bon soir gars
16:51 KongfuPanda boungiorno
16:51 robotustra how is everything?
16:53 KongfuPanda bene, grazie. Tu?
18:19 robotustra мопед http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE3fmFTtP9g
20:07 GuShH robotustra: have you played modern warfare?
20:25 robotustra no
20:25 robotustra what is it?
20:27 robotustra Urban Terror is not a warfare
20:27 robotustra i guess
20:37 useless-afk tractor on stilts, and it is robotic : http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/agriculture-robots-660.jpg
20:39 robotustra and this tractor has vision
20:40 useless-afk hmm, Myung Hyun began working on JEROS at KAIST 3 yrs ago
21:39 rue_shop2 I suppose I cant use 400F heat paint on the boilers exchanger input if the exchangers output temp is 500F
22:30 useless-afk you can get exhaust pipe/mainifold paint, it's usially aluminum-based
22:33 useless-afk maybe phospahte-treat it?
22:46 rue_shop2 maybe if I just spray on glass powder, it does get glowing orange hot
22:47 rue_shop2 :( I dumped the boiler
22:47 rue_shop2 bad bad bad
22:47 rue_shop2 I thought I made the adjustments tho
22:48 LLckfan Does any1 know how to get a stale house smell out of a clean house without opening windows as fresh air is of no help?
22:48 MrCurious1 you must find the dead marcupial hidden somewhere in the houe
22:48 rue_shop2 heat and more air
22:48 MrCurious1 often times in the walls
22:48 ace4016 lol
22:49 LLckfan no dead animals
22:49 ace4016 i'll have to agree with both rue and MrCurious1
22:49 MrCurious1 have you dug sample holes in t\e crawlspace below the house?
22:49 LLckfan There is no crawlspace
22:49 ace4016 is the house just a bit musty?
22:49 MrCurious1 any mushrooms growing on the property
22:49 ace4016 is it damp smelling?
22:49 LLckfan Not musty
22:49 LLckfan Stale
22:50 LLckfan no mushrooms
22:50 ace4016 have central air?
22:50 MrCurious1 could do a water system pressure test to detect leaks
22:50 LLckfan Not on
22:50 ace4016 turn it on
22:50 LLckfan Brand new plumbing
22:50 LLckfan Does no0t help
22:50 MrCurious1 does it have a basement
22:50 LLckfan No
22:50 ace4016 is this a new house? as in, did you just move in?
22:51 LLckfan no
22:51 MrCurious1 carpet and other housing materials take a few moths to a year to out gas chemicals like famalhyde
22:51 MrCurious1 get a $10 home mold test
22:51 MrCurious1 and clean really good with good cleaners, not the green frufru ones
22:52 MrCurious1 cant have your friends thinking you are filthy people
22:52 ace4016 do you have carpet, rugs, and cloth couches?
22:52 MrCurious1 former owners smokers?
22:52 LLckfan Already done those
22:52 MrCurious1 or pot heads
22:52 MrCurious1 and you are smelling residual....fun
22:52 LLckfan Found no mold
22:53 MrCurious1 can you take windex and wet a cloth and clean only the part of a wall that would reveaal the word TEST
22:53 MrCurious1 that will detect cmoke
22:53 MrCurious1 smoke
22:53 ace4016 so cleaned all the fabric around the house, cleaned the floors and walls (the walls may need a soaking of something, like h202), and cleaned behind the fridge and stove?
22:53 MrCurious1 worse case scenario. whole house paint job and just entoumb the smell
22:54 MrCurious1 do you have access to a child aged 8 - 13
22:54 ace4016 and then there's getting the house all hot while the windows are open...that usually does it for the car (assuming nothing in it goes rank)
22:54 LLckfan Freash paint
22:54 MrCurious1 they have exceptionally developed smell
22:54 rue_shop2 haha, my boiler protection code was looking at the wrong sensor
22:54 MrCurious1 and are still young enouogh to want to help
22:54 MrCurious1 and old enough to use words well
22:55 ace4016 well, that's all i have: clean everything; some things require soaking, and leave the windows open as much as is safe for about a week
22:55 ace4016 turning fans on if you have
22:55 MrCurious1 you MAY be able to fill a glass jar with a air sample from where the yuck smell is, and have a univ lab hit it through a chromagraph
22:55 ace4016 afte that...*shrugs*
22:55 MrCurious1 any prior pets?
22:55 MrCurious1 they like to leave presents
22:56 LLckfan No pets
22:56 LLckfan ace4016 Have done that
22:56 LLckfan did not help
22:56 MrCurious1 could be unseen-pets... those are te worse
22:57 MrCurious1 have you experiencecd any unusual psi behavior, levitations, floating mists, disembodied voices?
22:57 ace4016 so you soaked the walls and furniture that could be soaked, cleaned the floors, etc. and let the house get hot while the windows were open and fans were on for about a week?
22:57 LLckfan no
22:57 ace4016 that's all i have :P
22:57 LLckfan yes ace4016
22:57 ace4016 good luck getting rid of the stale smell...whatever stale is
22:58 ace4016 get some plants in there maybe; preferably fragrant ones
22:58 rue_shop2 bah, I ran a peice of freshly glued foam on the lathe and I'm still picking glue off everything inline of the head
22:58 ace4016 he totally didn't do most of what was recommended :P
22:58 MrCurious1 someone probably died there