#robotics Logs

Oct 04 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:23 GargantuaSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE3fmFTtP9g
00:24 GargantuaSauce hehehe it faceplants at one point
00:24 rue_house oh god, another boston dynamics robots that cant stand still for even one second
00:25 rue_house I hate the way it looks, I hate the way it sounds, I hate the way it moves
00:25 rue_house ... whats left?
00:26 GargantuaSauce well here's a stable one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD6Okylclb8
00:26 GuShH rue_house: you get to make a better one to show 'em
00:26 katsmeow-afk i still cannot see it
00:26 rue_house I just finished the overload baords, I'm wiring it up
00:27 rue_house no, that one is not more stable
00:27 rue_house it cant stop moving its feet
00:27 GargantuaSauce they show it balancing on one foot and hit by a weight from the side
00:27 katsmeow-afk i still cannot see the 1st one
00:27 rue_house its not in walk mode
00:28 rue_house in walk mode they cant even stay in one place without keeping their feet moving
00:28 katsmeow-afk wanna know why?
00:28 rue_house bad coding
00:28 katsmeow-afk no, stiction
00:29 katsmeow-afk and slop in the mechanics
00:29 GargantuaSauce or the video clip in question is of them testing "walk mode" which does not involve a transition to standing...
00:29 GargantuaSauce sounds like you're jumping to conclusions
00:29 katsmeow-afk the legs cannot make tiny corrective actions when the sensors ask for it, so the drive tothe leg goes up until the sticktion is broken, and then the goal is overshot
00:30 rue_house there is a bunch of free code out there thats the same
00:30 rue_house even if the leg position is fine, it has to pick it up and put it down again
00:30 katsmeow-afk GargantuaSauce , i remember the guy running Boston Dynamics when he was in college
00:31 katsmeow-afk rue, if the legs were still, and you leaned slowly against the bot, it could not smoothly correct
00:31 rue_house damnit, the house pump is air locked again
00:32 rue_house I'll write my code and show the world real motion control
00:32 MrCurious shantilly lace and a pretty face
00:33 GargantuaSauce i look forward to it
00:33 GuShH rue_house: not self primed?
00:34 GuShH got a broken pipe somewhere? where's the air coming from... and why isn't there a release valve!
00:34 rue_house the house takes off the top of the storage tank
00:34 rue_house I need to put a dip tube on it
00:35 GuShH ...similar setup here, but what I need to do is get the tank cleaned.
00:35 rue_house all the air is settling out of the water again
00:36 GuShH I began to setup the lathe today
00:36 GuShH actually put some work aside to dedicate almost the entire day to the lathe.
00:37 rue_house cool
00:37 rue_house are the feet done?
00:37 GuShH I need to fasten the motor, the electrical box, earth wire, get the belt cover on and a few adjustments here and there.
00:37 rue_house I had great plans for my feet, ended up hacking them togethor
00:37 GuShH I welded the mounts for the feet and finished painting for the most part.
00:38 GuShH got a quote on leveling feet, too expensive... I'll make my own eventually
00:38 GuShH the holes are there :)
00:38 rue_house did you do adjustable feet?
00:38 GuShH that's what I want to add
00:38 GuShH it's planned, the mounting holes exist.
00:38 rue_house I made mine out of bolts
00:39 rue_house I was supposed to face them with a little nub to lock them into the floor, and have a set screw to hold them
00:39 GuShH well the factory made ones are also bolts, encased in rubber with a backing plate and a silly cast iron or aluminum body
00:39 rue_house rubber would be bad...
00:39 rue_house increase vibration
00:39 GuShH they have poliurethane or rubber
00:39 rue_house I'd like to bolt mine down too, but I have pipe in the floor
00:40 GuShH up to 600KG each, their biggest model I think
00:40 GuShH the small ones up to 60KG or so, but they were still too expensive.
00:40 rue_house but it allows for vibration
00:40 GuShH not sure... right now I have two rubber mats, which were used as dampeners for the genset
00:41 GuShH and they worked great for that, now I got it mounted on it's wheels so they're not needed anymore
00:41 GuShH reminds me.. this weekend I gotta take it out for a spin (to weld some stuff up front)
00:42 GuShH that is, front of the house where there's no access to +20A
00:43 GuShH It's annoying, but an extension lead at least 50 meters long and thick enough to handle the load without dropping much voltage... is, well, too expensive and massive.
00:43 GuShH compared to the cost of gasoline for those rare one-off situations
00:43 GuShH Maximum draw on this welder is 40A from the wall, but on this application I would be drawing around 15A
00:49 rue_house gnight all
00:49 katsmeow-afk gnite
00:50 rue_house ( made myself a 31m 10 guage cable, twistlock ends) = $270ish
00:51 katsmeow-afk holydarn
00:51 GargantuaSauce that's a lotta copper
00:51 katsmeow-afk i got 200ft of 10-3 SJ for under $20 at recycler
01:03 GuShH rue_house: my twist lock welding extension lead isn't even 8 meters, I got the cable on discount (8 gauge probably, can't recall right now, could check later) ... it seems people request certain cables and wires to be cut at the home improvement store, then they leave the cable behind (can't afford, didn't want it) so naturally it goes on clearance, that's my cheap source of cable.
01:03 GuShH my bad, I made a twist-lock adapter cable, the extension lead uses euro style connectors (updated everything but my genset, still on twist lock)
03:17 katsmeow-afk i got 200ft of 10-3 SJ for under $20 at recycler <<== what happenes is someone who was a maker in the 60's gets old and can't make, and their house or barn is full of interesting stuff, which the kids then get rid of because they don't have a clue
03:18 katsmeow-afk there was so much long heavy extension cord for heavy power tools like arc welders that one time, i had to make 5 trips loading the car because of the weight
03:20 GargantuaSauce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aZbJS6LZbs
03:23 katsmeow-afk woah, someone hacked and scrambled Adobe
04:26 tsmeow-afk doesn't like the tv commercial where the word "cotton" is pronounced as "cottin", because if you are going to pronounce the 'o' as 'i', someone is going say it's "cittin", and i don't want my clothes made of kit
05:02 Jak_o_Shadows It would be messy.
05:15 uehuehue Indeed.
07:07 Jak_o_Shadows for gods sake america, get yourself together
07:07 Jak_o_Shadows http://history.nasa.gov/index.html
07:08 Tom_itx he doesn't need our help
07:08 Tom_itx we sure could use his
07:10 Jak_o_Shadows yep.
07:11 Tom_itx our current leadership is an embarrasment
07:11 Tom_itx lack of*
07:12 Jak_o_Shadows Your political system is an embarassment. What dumbass thought that allowing the government to shutdown was a good idea?
07:12 Tom_itx the one currently in charge
07:12 Tom_itx and yes, he is a dumbass
07:13 Tom_itx he cries like a baby when he doen't get his way
07:14 Jak_o_Shadows I meant the legislation allowing that to happen in the first place. In the Australian system, if you can't get any laws through because of the 2 houses thing, you just call an election for the whole lot.
07:14 Tom_itx that's just it. the election was rigged
07:15 Tom_itx they got caught on some of it
07:15 Engen Wait so they really did shut down government for a couple days? I thought it was all a joke.
07:15 Tom_itx parts of it, yes
07:16 Jak_o_Shadows As an outsider, I didnt' see that. What I saw was that your two party thing is stupid, your pre-selection thing is stupid, and your two houses of government arn't balanced right.
07:16 Tom_itx non essential things like national security
07:16 Jak_o_Shadows Also, I believe in compulsory voting.
07:17 Tom_itx they in all sincerity can't possibly look back and say it is better than it was 6 yrs ago
07:18 Engen I'm waiting for the day when nearly all ballots are invalid, ie. empty of filled out incorrectly.
07:18 Jak_o_Shadows Uh, BTW, the general opinion, anecdotally, in Australia was that Obama was better.
07:19 Tom_itx Engen, they don't use them anyway, that's called the electoral vote
07:19 Jak_o_Shadows Wait, you guys don't have ballot papers? How the heck do you vote?
07:19 Tom_itx Jak_o_Shadows, but they're about as far away from US as anyone can be
07:19 Tom_itx what do they know?
07:20 Tom_itx electronically
07:20 Jak_o_Shadows wooaah
07:20 Engen Really!? Amazing.
07:20 Engen So what, you go into a cubicle and push 1 of multiple buzzers?
07:20 Tom_itx at local voting places
07:20 Tom_itx basically yes
07:21 Tom_itx several pages
07:21 Jak_o_Shadows We had some candidate, the rich type that buys their way in, complain about vote rigging.
07:21 Jak_o_Shadows 'twas humuours
07:22 Tom_itx anyway. it's probably not a good idea to bring politics to irc
07:22 Jak_o_Android probably
07:27 Jak_o_Android tis annoying though. Only the other day I figured out I could get NASA TV on my actual tv
07:27 Jak_o_Android I watched the cygnus docking
11:08 katsmeow-afk Vo Nguyen Giap died, does that mean the usa won?
11:09 theBear i dunno, was he a terrorist ?
11:09 theBear or a drug ?
11:10 katsmeow-afk he was a communist terrorist who whipped France and the usa at their own game
11:10 theBear surely someone woulda mentioned that to me
11:10 tsmeow-afk wonders if he is in wikipedia...........
11:11 katsmeow-afk yeas : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vo_Nguyen_Giap
11:11 theBear he looks old, he probly just died
11:12 katsmeow-afk he did just die, i am again surprised how fast wikipedia is updated
11:13 tsmeow-afk again wonders if someone writes the wikipedia page and then edits reality to comply with what they w
11:13 katsmeow-afk i mean,, he *just died*
11:13 theBear and he sounds more like a general more than a terrorist
11:14 katsmeow-afk yea, but when the usa troops were being kileld, he was a terrorist,, just like when the "indian" natives in north america were dying, any brit general was a terrorist, and there's "generals" in al Queda now, etc
11:15 theBear sounds like you believing the hype... popular culture tells you not to do that
11:16 katsmeow-afk no, i don't believe it, just saying it's all dependng on the point of view,, heck i cannot figure out the word "worth" yet, and i been trying for 5 decades
11:16 theBear it's a product of a market, supply and demand, that kinda thing
11:18 katsmeow-afk so when i buy a reel of chips (qty 2000) for $10, and the line below lists the same chip at qty 10 for $10, both listings say the chip is "worth" the same, even tho the qty is *200 times* different?
11:18 theBear no, worth is a product of how many people buy either one
11:19 tsmeow-afk won 6 psu caps for a power amp, 29,000ufd@75v, for 99 cents, and the same person listed listed 2 of the same cap for
11:20 katsmeow-afk it's all very confusing, just like the usa's "electoral college"
11:20 theBear ot
11:20 theBear it's not confusing, you understand it as well as i do
11:20 katsmeow-afk institutionalised anarchy?
11:21 theBear ok, maybe i understand it and you're delusional, but i'm pretty sure you're just wallowing in foolishness
11:21 theBear now back to bed
11:21 katsmeow-afk right, i am still delusional
11:33 useless http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_Incident#Second_alleged_attack
11:34 GuShH theBear: got a machine for service in, owner said he brought it to a dedicated shop that deals with all sorts of stuff, they told him he needed to replace the solenoid valve, but they didn't have any so they handed it back to him... I'm looking at it, for what was probably 5 seconds... and I spotted a 470uF cap just danling on the board, almost no solder on the pads and corrosion on top of the board... said board does the galvan
11:34 GuShH ic isolation for the solenoid coil, no wonder it wasn't working.
11:35 GuShH god dammit man, they have a friggin store, huge one, and they can't figure out a bad solder joint, that's the kind of crap that pisses me off beyond description.
11:35 GuShH plus it ends up costing the owner a lot more than it should, both time, transport, etc. just close the store and take up gardening you bastards
11:37 ShH thoroughly shakes
11:47 m_itx watches GuShH's fist fly off his
11:56 eless looks at Tom o
11:57 useless was GuShH talking again?
11:57 Hukka I guess
19:58 MrCurious why is david bowie playing in my brain all the sudden
19:58 MrCurious oh right, that explains it
21:01 useless http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/04/nsa-gchq-attack-tor-network-encryption?google_editors_picks=true
21:01 useless http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/04/tor-attacks-nsa-users-online-anonymity?google_editors_picks=true
21:22 Jak_o_Shadows The problem with cheap supercaps is that they are low voltage.
21:23 Jak_o_Shadows and, well, they're not that cheap
21:24 GargantuaSauce yeah they're pretty damn pricey
21:25 GargantuaSauce gotta invest some hope in graphene-producing processes reaching industrial scales at some point in the near future
21:26 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah.
21:27 useless or invest some time and sweat into MAKING it yourself
21:27 GargantuaSauce yes ok i'll get right on that
21:28 useless thanks, much appreciated, you may be a billionaire soon,,,,,,,, can i borrow a buck?
21:28 GargantuaSauce only if i get to use your house for the necessary experimentation with high-pressure methane
21:29 useless yeas, we can discuss that
21:29 useless i am gearing up to experiment with high pressure propane, so methane may be a good fit
21:31 eless just got some more brake line from ebay 2 days ago, to run the propane in, i have LP tanks and gauges and p
21:31 GargantuaSauce what are you gonna do with it all
21:32 useless so what will you be doing with the pressurised methane?
21:32 GargantuaSauce depositing carbon onto a metal substrate of course
21:33 useless cool, i'll be using the propane as the "steam" in an engine burning any fuel, including thermal solar
21:34 GargantuaSauce that sounds delightfully dangerous
21:34 useless if done wrong, it definately could be
21:35 useless after all, it's 200psi without the heating , on a hot summer day
21:36 useless i've looked over several scrapped crankshafts, including a pretty good looking diesel crank, but i couldn't get main or rod bearings for it, or bearing caps
21:38 useless i have 2 complete V6 gas engines, one was scrapped, and the other one runs badly because the cylinders are oval,, but it does have new crank bearings, because i put them in it a few yrs ago
21:39 GargantuaSauce they're not cylinders if they're oval
21:39 GargantuaSauce jeez
21:39 useless i have a few small engines too, two identical two-cyl riding mower engines, etc
21:40 useless yeas, heavy wear, compression is like 70psi, it's amazing it runs at all
21:40 useless the rear driver side one is like 50psi, even with oil in the cylinder
21:41 useless so pulling the crank, rods, and bearings is definately a go
21:41 useless the otehr V6 has been sitting out by the Bridgeport in the woods, it may be all rusted up too
21:42 useless i don't even remember what it came out of, so i may not be able to get parts for it
21:48 useless ....... i am guessing my your silence, you were not serious
21:49 GargantuaSauce lol
21:49 GargantuaSauce no i think i am going to pass on the whole graphene development thing
22:05 GargantuaSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9OuxecV48g
22:09 useless-afk "An error occu.blahblahblah", downloading it. wait,, 642 MEGABYTES ?!
22:10 eless-afk looks for the smallest file o
22:11 useless-afk 130Mb, 18 minutes
22:11 GargantuaSauce it's a 75 minute lecture
22:12 useless-afk oh,, then i am wasting my time, i have no sound on these puters
22:12 useless-afk no transcript?
22:12 GargantuaSauce not that i can see
22:17 eless-afk goes back to making a 3 ohm 100w resi
22:20 cyborhyzm mechanical, electrical, programming and... psycology? why?
22:20 cyborhyzm psycology?
22:21 cyborhyzm it's cool and all, but what for in robotics
22:21 ace4016 AI
22:23 useless-afk we have humans in here that can make anyone/thing feel like crap, so it's a test of being perfect and still getting beat up over it
22:24 cyborhyzm @ace4016: fair enough, i can see that. @useless-afk: ?
22:27 useless-afk you want the Ai to get told it's a bad robot, and it goes and fires a nuke missile?
22:28 useless-afk or told it's a normal human, so it grabs an AK47 and goes to the mall?
22:28 useless-afk think of it as stress testing, GuShH style
22:29 eless-afk dials in 3.75 ohms and lets the psu bake it at 4
22:31 cyborhyzm haha, alright
22:32 eless-afk envies the Ai, they can delete and recode, i am still suffering over the pink string incident, and Tiggr being as useless as
22:33 Tom_itx that was what? at least 2 yrs ago?
22:34 ace4016 pink string?
22:34 useless-afk Tom, yeas
22:35 useless-afk i am weak
22:36 useless-afk there's been no good events to take my weak mind off it, and i still wish i had a cnc pcb driller, i have not drilled one pcb since
22:36 useless-afk or etched one
22:36 useless-afk altho this 3.75 ohm resistor is throwing a *lot* of heat and is unaffected
22:38 useless-afk so far the psu is warm, but not uncomfortably, delivering 15v@4amps
22:39 useless-afk i went down to the creek to install the baby water pump for the first time this year, filling the 3000 gal tank now
22:41 useless-afk i think the psu is warm enough that a very small fan is warranted in the case, where it can't really get much airflow anyhow
22:42 useless-afk i pulled 8amps out of it for a sec at a time, the volts dropped, not much else happened
22:43 eless-afk unlug
22:43 useless-afk let it cool, put a 2 amp load on it later
23:13 useless-afk ...
23:18 GargantuaSauce well i think i have everything i need working on my SoC boards now
23:18 theBear pfft my sympathy is waning ... stop being sucha fucking sissy
23:19 GargantuaSauce just need to get an extra ssd so whatever i put it on doesn't have a spinning harddrive on it
23:20 useless-afk bear, your sympathy is not required, you said earlier : [11:05] <theBear> ok, maybe i understand it and you're delusional
23:20 useless-afk the nick "delusional" is already taken
23:21 theBear yeah, but normal people don't change their nick like a whinging baby would
23:22 Faek Wait
23:22 whining_baby whatever makes you happy
23:22 Faek Is useless a person
23:22 whining_baby possibly
23:22 whining_baby lets ask thebear
23:23 theBear pfft, you disgust me
23:23 disgusting 23:08] -NickServ- This nickname is registered.
23:23 Jak_o_Shadows of course it is, this is the internet
23:25 ining_baby ponders just putting a mess of air cylinders at various 45 degrees to an air bottle, and a handfull of valves and an avr to operate
23:32 whining_baby the cheetah motors are .48 ohms per phase, and they use a 90v battery
23:33 whining_baby Tom, that's why i was winding big wire on the pancake stator
23:35 whining_baby the cheetah robot burns 973 watts running
23:36 whining_baby looks like peaks to 3000w
23:37 whining_baby (newer motors brought that down)
23:37 whining_baby 400 average, peak 7kw
23:38 whining_baby 7kw/kg
23:43 whining_baby so,,, the "electoral college" was invented 200 years ago, because and when the fastest method of travel was the horse, and very few people owned one, and the western states needed months to convey a vote to Washington dc
23:44 whining_baby i am delusional for saying i do not understand why it is in use today, by someone who lives in a country who doesn't have an "electoral college"
23:47 whining_baby anyhoo, Tom, i was hoping to lower the voltage a lot, so i could use much cheaper and much lower Ron mosfets, eve if the current was 3x higher
23:47 whining_baby for only a few ms, it wouldn't matter
23:48 Jak_o_Shadows America has a 4 year long election cycle, they can afford to wait for votes to get delivered
23:49 whining_baby i guess they couldn't.... and the reason the electors aren't bound to vote for who the votors voted for (in some states) is because by the time the elector got to DC, the person they were going to vote for may have died, so it was up to them to decide
23:50 Jak_o_Shadows lol.
23:50 whining_baby several times, the popular vote was not for the person who was elected
23:50 whining_baby so no, i do not see why it is still around
23:55 whining_baby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faithless_elector
23:55 whining_baby In more than 150 instances, electors have cast their votes for President or Vice President in a manner different from that prescribed by the legislature of the state they represented.
23:56 whining_baby Of those, 71 votes were changed because the original candidate died before the elector was able to cast a vote. <<== i wasn't kidding
23:57 whining_baby A number of constitutional amendments have been proposed seeking to alter the Electoral College or replace it with a direct popular vote.[7] <<== lots of delusional people out there, bear
23:58 theBear i don't care, i'm not listening to you while yer acting like a fool knowing full well that you aren't
23:58 whining_baby The closest the country has ever come to abolishing the Electoral College occurred during the 91st Congress (1969-1971).[19]
23:59 the_fool On April 29, 1969, the House Judiciary Committee voted 28 to 6 to approve the proposal.[22]
23:59 the_fool etc