#robotics Logs

Sep 27 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:08 mbass-afk goes to the hardware store, buys a steel framing 2x4, and uses a zip disc to cut out 180 brackets for ser
00:09 mbass-afk piles them up in the cellar and forgets about
00:44 rue_house what to use for a back brearing kat?
00:44 Jak_o_Shadows Read that as Kit Kat somehow.
00:48 rue_house anyone know how they make tips for felt tip pens?
01:18 MrCurious smoking and eating french fries... no way that could possisby go wrong
08:01 NotWorthCr4p yep, it was a bug : http://i53.tinypic.com/ndj4p.gif
08:09 NotWorthCr4p well, damn
08:12 NotWorthCr4p http://designerthinking.com/smallbug.gif
08:19 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: self esteem problems?
08:19 NotWorthCr4p nope, just still picking nicks that best describe my place int he world
08:20 GuShH I got just the thing for you
08:20 NotWorthCr4p you prefer the dumbass nick?
08:20 GuShH http://gushh.net/tmp/24411.jpg
08:21 GuShH I don't know if it gets any more random
08:21 NotWorthCr4p oh
08:22 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: Things you do and know are things most people will never learn or get to know in their life time, so quit beating yourself up and make the best out of it.
08:22 NotWorthCr4p they are making better out of knowing and doing less, i can't figure it out
08:23 GuShH They were probably born without a sense of shame
08:23 GuShH where's MrCurious... I got the perfect news article for him
08:23 NotWorthCr4p i don't know of anyone else who could get arrested and jailed for 10 years on a felony cruelty to animals charge for taking a shower in their own home, 300ft from anyone else's house
08:23 GuShH 6 year old boy turned legally into a girl by his mother
08:24 GuShH I would bash her skull in with a chunk of gas pipe
08:24 NotWorthCr4p that happens, so does vice versa
08:24 GuShH And everyone who agreed to do that
08:24 GuShH The kid doesn't know, he doesn't have a personality yet
08:24 GuShH He doesn't even know what an ID is he doesn't have to have one that says "woman"
08:24 NotWorthCr4p why? you hate anyone being a female? or hate anyone being a woman? or what ?
08:24 GuShH I could agree that he didn't like his name, but from that to changing his sex, legally speaking.. that's messed up
08:25 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: I hate for parents to take decisions like this
08:25 GuShH the kid is just conflicted
08:25 GuShH she wanted a girl
08:25 GuShH so she turned him into one.
08:25 GuShH that's not correct
08:25 GuShH she should be locked up and the kid should be getting help
08:25 NotWorthCr4p maybe the kid was born IS, and the parents made the wrong decision at bith, and are now simply correcting it
08:25 GuShH it's not like he was born with both genders, or a mix-match of sorts
08:25 NotWorthCr4p how do you know?
08:26 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: it's known
08:26 theBear he checked <grin>
08:26 NotWorthCr4p btw, gender != sex
08:26 GuShH because it was part of the legal process to describe the situation
08:26 GuShH if the kid wants a girlie name, it's OK for me
08:26 GuShH but he's still a dude, and legally should remain so
08:26 GuShH fuck whoever thinks otherwise, your head is putrid.
08:26 GuShH it's simple, he's got a ding dong and two berries = boy
08:27 NotWorthCr4p nope, a ding dong and two berries = male
08:27 GuShH if he likes to open his hatch to horny sailors that's another matter irrelevant to this.
08:27 GuShH and let me remind you he is 6
08:27 GuShH he doesn't know fuck-all about sexuality or what he wants or who he is
08:28 NotWorthCr4p Chas Bono doesn't have a ding dong and two berries, and he'll beat the crap outa you to "proove" he's a man
08:28 GuShH bribes were paid and the mom threatened the entire system to get through
08:28 Faek I think GuShH's problem is likely more the age
08:28 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: leave the weird fucks alone
08:28 Faek And that is the only comment i shall make here
08:28 NotWorthCr4p i generally do, but you don't, you brought up the topic in here
08:28 GuShH He should've taken the decision after he was old enough, legally speaking.
08:28 GuShH Her mom shouldn't be doing this.
08:29 NotWorthCr4p often by the time kids wait till they are "legal age", they have killed themselves
08:29 GuShH Darwin works in mysterious ways.
08:30 NotWorthCr4p yeas, peer pressure, bigottry, all those "mysterious ways"
08:30 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: You simply take their side, as it's also your side.
08:31 NotWorthCr4p and so you resort to attacking me again
08:31 GuShH You feel identified.
08:31 GuShH You also feel attacked? how thin is your skin?
08:31 GuShH The kid is 6, barely turned 6 days ago.
08:31 NotWorthCr4p [08:15] <GuShH> NotWorthCr4p: You simply take their side, as it's also your side. <<== not an attack?
08:31 GuShH He or she doesn't know anything about any of this. He or she should take the decision after he's 16-18
08:32 NotWorthCr4p 16-18?! , you knew nothing of sex and cultural rles of men-women until you were 16-18 ?!?
08:32 GuShH At 5-6 you are not developed
08:32 GuShH you don't care.
08:32 GuShH it was made a priority by his mother, because she wanted a female not a male.
08:32 NotWorthCr4p maybe you didn't
08:32 GuShH she's the one with shorted wires
08:33 NotWorthCr4p not everyone is the same
08:33 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: oh is that a personal attack?
08:33 GuShH should I play it like you've been playing it forever?
08:33 NotWorthCr4p nope, it was a "maybe", a possibility
08:33 GuShH I'm sorry if you were abused or prematurely introduced to sexuality
08:33 GuShH No wait, I shouldn't be it's not my problem why should I care
08:34 NotWorthCr4p i dunno, are you ranting that you cannot control that child's future, when you don't know the child or the mother?
08:34 GuShH Here's how it should've been played, if he wanted a "she" name, that's OK. But his gender is still male, and should not be changed to female.
08:34 NotWorthCr4p wrong, his gender cannot be "male", because sex is male or female, gender isn't
08:35 GuShH you are part of the problem
08:35 NotWorthCr4p you goto bed to have gender? or sex?
08:35 GuShH I go to bed to sleep
08:35 NotWorthCr4p sorry
08:35 GuShH look at your ID does it actually say SEX?
08:36 GuShH should say gender.
08:36 NotWorthCr4p i looked, it says : SEX : F
08:36 GuShH your sexual preference is irrelevant to your gender
08:36 NotWorthCr4p sex is what is between your legs, it's what you procreate with
08:36 GuShH and in many languages sex is the same as gender in this context
08:36 GuShH as is in Spanish
08:37 GuShH the IDs here display "gender" birth certificates display "sex" and some other documents are a mixed.
08:38 NotWorthCr4p "gender" got more airplay when it was "impropper" to be "vulgar" and say "sex", so no one would swoon
08:39 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: either way this has nothing to do with sexuality, the kid should be playing or studying, not being pushed by his mom to become a "she", and if that's what he wants, give him a "she" name and wait until he's old enough to do the paperwork himself. You think he's going to kill himself otherwise, I think he could just as well kill himself once he realizes what his mother has done, in fact he might even kill her first.
08:39 GuShH It can go either way
08:39 GuShH It's simpler if they quit messing with their children's head and let them be kids
08:40 GuShH Just about every issue a kid has was brought up by their parents.
08:40 GuShH Either directly or indirectly.
08:41 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: we have very friendly laws for those who want to change their sexuality in general, it's OK as long as they're OLD ENOUGH TO DECIDE BY THEMSELVES.
08:41 NotWorthCr4p i wasn't there, i dunno
08:41 GuShH I know it's all in their head, it's who they feel they should be
08:41 GuShH That's not what I was arguing about
08:42 GuShH Think boy trapped in a girl body, or the other way around. Simple chemical imbalance.
08:42 NotWorthCr4p maybe the kid wasn't forced to do anything, have you ever had to get a kid to clean up their room? can you imagine if someone forced you to go to school wearing dresses?
08:44 NotWorthCr4p http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Petras <<== Kim Petras was born on 27 August 1992.[1] Her parents, Lutz and Konni, have said that from the age of two, she began insisting she was a girl.
08:44 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: let me give you an example... my shop cat had a litter, I could kick around half of them, throw acid at them, set their tails on fire. They will grow up to know humans are assholes, whereas the other half I shall feed the best of caviar, treat them as royalty and have a maid clean up their bums. They will love humans.
08:44 NotWorthCr4p This assertion, however, is inaccurate, as gender identity disorder is often diagnosed in early childhood and transition by children under 12, though uncommon, is not unknown.
08:45 GuShH If you have a boy and from the get go you make the baby wear pink, you call him "rosie" and you treat him as a girl, give him dolls instead of guns and such... he's going to grow up conflicted.
08:45 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: diagnosed by whom
08:45 NotWorthCr4p http://www.thelocal.de/society/20120210-40647.html
08:45 GuShH idiots who don't even have their lives together, divorced with kids spread around
08:46 GuShH academic dipshits
08:46 NotWorthCr4p how would i know diagnosed by whom, i wasn't tehre!
08:46 GuShH then how do you know it's the correct diagnosis
08:47 NotWorthCr4p how do you know it wasn't?
08:47 GuShH lots of babies are born with a few issues that need correction and that's when their parents might take the wrong decision, I get where you're going with that.
08:47 GuShH Not the case here.
08:47 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: is the cat dead or alive?
08:47 NotWorthCr4p i'm not Shrodinger
08:47 GuShH You might as well be
08:47 GuShH Or might not be
08:47 ShH scratches
08:47 NotWorthCr4p damn you like to argue
08:48 GuShH No I'm just bored
08:48 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: drilled 250+ holes with the skil drill, so far so good... I think it's got a couple holes left in it's life though
08:48 GuShH we'll see if it craps out by tomorrow
08:48 NotWorthCr4p it ought to
08:49 GuShH I wasn't pushing it but it does heat up a lot more than my big old b&d (from the 80s)
08:49 GuShH they save on windings... the bastards.
08:49 GuShH possibly even aluminum wound
08:50 NotWorthCr4p likely
08:50 GuShH what's the life expectancy of a mid quality step bit?
08:50 GuShH drilling on mild steel
08:51 GuShH I'm not sure if I should get a set of those, or just regular bits
08:51 GuShH They're faster, but do they also wear out faster?
08:51 NotWorthCr4p a step bit? a few holes at each step
08:51 GuShH I can sharpen bits, kinda.
08:51 GuShH Not sure about step ones.
08:52 NotWorthCr4p i have never found a good step bit
08:52 GuShH these cost about 100 bucks for 3
08:52 NotWorthCr4p use once, figure it's time to toss it
08:52 GuShH they're mid range
08:52 GuShH it's a lot of money for what it is
08:52 GuShH not really considering it, but wondering whether they last or not
08:52 NotWorthCr4p countersink bits for flatfead screws in steel, same thing, use maybe once, toss em
08:52 GuShH ...they give you a wooden box, for what I don't know.
08:53 GuShH the live center I got a quote on also comes in a wooden box, well a tiny crate of sorts
08:53 GuShH is wood cheaper than cardboard in some places? or is this some sort of mind game "must be better if it comes in a wooden box"
08:53 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: I've been using a bigger bit for countersinking
08:54 GuShH works very well if I use a plate underneath the part, to stop the bit
08:54 NotWorthCr4p wooden boxes usually keep the cutting edges from knocking against each other
08:54 GuShH It's just that for bigger holes it takes a lot of time to change bits
08:54 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: as would styrofoam, expanded poliurethane foam or even newspaper
08:55 GuShH for bits or any circular object with an edge, a cardboard tube works very well
08:55 GuShH good-ish endmills and such used to come in cardboard tubes
08:56 GuShH poli foam is ideal for packaging, also wasn't that it's main intended purpose?
08:56 GuShH but newspaper is free in many cases.
08:56 rue_house I'd expect a step bit to do maybe 30 holes before being hopeless
08:56 GuShH I wonder if you could resharpen it by cutting a new edge on the mill
08:56 rue_house just a grider, really simple edge
08:57 GuShH we think in different terms of precision
08:57 rue_house you think a step bit is precise?
08:57 NotWorthCr4p lol
08:57 GuShH precise enough for what it is.
08:57 rue_house why aren't you using a metal hole saw or soemthing that removes less material?
08:57 GuShH if you like oval holes, use your head as a hammer and a pointed stick.
08:58 GuShH at 12mm a hole saw?
08:58 rue_house step bits only have 1 edge
08:58 GuShH or 16
08:58 rue_house yea
08:58 GuShH they have two, the ones I'm looking at
08:58 GuShH and you think a hole saw is precise?
08:58 GuShH "lol"
08:58 rue_house wait, is it thin sheet metal?
08:58 GuShH 3mm mild steel
08:58 GuShH think 200 holes at once
08:58 rue_house why not use a twist drill!?!?!
08:58 GuShH we're thinking up ahead now
08:59 GuShH I like to try first, discuss later
08:59 rue_house huh
08:59 GuShH unless it involves buying something
08:59 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Grease-Zerk-Caps-TRX-YFZ-BANSHEE-LTR-KFX-RAPTOR-RZR-RD-/170853503547
08:59 GuShH rue_house: I might have to repeat the process later on, for another project
08:59 GuShH so the discussion is whether there are better, quicker methods or not
08:59 rue_house these are the cheapest grease nipple caps I can find on ebay
09:00 GuShH I have a hydraulic hole punch, but only one die and it's massive
09:00 rue_house got a lathe?
09:00 GuShH might turn new dies later on... I've been meaning to sell it
09:00 rue_house I really do need to get my hands on some drillrod one day
09:00 GuShH rue_house: sourcing the materials for a proper die isn't easy, turning said materials isn't easy either
09:01 rue_house ? drillrod?
09:01 GuShH but I could use mild steel and give it a bit o tempering
09:01 GuShH for the dies
09:01 GuShH they're two parts, one has a cutting edge, sometimes on a tilted / angled but depends on the purpose.
09:01 GuShH I'm sure you've seen them but I could take a pic otherwise
09:02 GuShH it came with a bunch of bushings of sorts, but I couldn't figure out how to use them with just the one die
09:03 GuShH made in japan actually, the company still sort of exists but they've merged
09:05 GuShH I can source cold drawn steel... but no drillrod, unsure where to get that
09:05 GuShH also by the way they handle the drawn parts, whatever benefits you had are pretty much gone.
09:05 rue_house no
09:06 rue_house carbon content is wrong, verry... and the mix is out
09:06 GuShH you possibly mean HSS for drillrod
09:06 rue_house unless your punching paper or alum
09:06 rue_house drillrod tempers to be toolsteel
09:07 GuShH you are using wetback terms...
09:07 rue_house http://www.precisionkidd.com/pdf/DrillRodData.pdf
09:08 rue_house mmkay?
09:08 GuShH every source suggests drillrod /is/ tool steel
09:09 GuShH you probably wanted to source hss anyway
09:09 NotWorthCr4p fastenal.com for (sorta pricey) drill rod
09:09 rue_house GuShH, ^^ you checked out the pdf, right?
09:09 rue_house http://www.precisionkidd.com/pdf/DrillRodData.pdf
09:09 rue_house http://www.precisionkidd.com/pdf/DrillRodData.pdf
09:09 rue_house http://www.precisionkidd.com/pdf/DrillRodData.pdf
09:10 GuShH after seeing you butcher your lathe tools I don't trust anything you say.
09:10 rue_house what hardness do you want your dies? (rockwell)
09:10 NotWorthCr4p </blanket statement>
09:11 GuShH and using a wood endmill on steel..
09:11 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: are you sure?
09:11 GuShH he's the butcher.
09:11 rue_house carbide is carbide, and it worked
09:11 GuShH you dodged a visit to the emergency room
09:11 rue_house carbide is carbide, and it worked
09:11 GuShH luck will run out and stupidity will catch up
09:11 GuShH you said it broke off, so it didn't work.
09:12 GuShH how can it work it's backwards of what it should be
09:12 GuShH and you were using it at a tenth of it's intended speed
09:12 rue_house it broke off cuase I accidently plunged it
09:12 GuShH because you were using the wrong tool at the wrong speed with the wrong feed
09:12 GuShH that's butchery
09:13 rue_house GuShH, tell me if you know this, -> in soft materials, do you generally increase or decrease your toolspeed?
09:13 GuShH depends on diameter, dummy
09:13 GuShH I'm out, too many butchers around.
09:13 rue_house for the ame given jobpeice,
09:13 rue_house lets say one wood and one steel
09:14 rue_house which one uses the higher cut rate?
09:14 rue_house dont google it, just answer
09:14 GuShH it depends on so many factors I'm not even willing to discuss with an armchair machinist who mounted his lathe on an uneven surface and moans about poor finish on his parts.
09:14 GuShH rue_house: wood is always faster, I have just told you the wood bit was working at a tenth of it's speed
09:15 GuShH you always fake it until you make it?
09:15 rue_house but I was cutting metal
09:15 GuShH carbide needs to run faster
09:15 GuShH specially on interrupted cuts, if you were
09:15 GuShH not the right tool anyway
09:15 rue_house so if I'm using a carbide wood bit on metal, I'm gonna adjust the feed rate to suit carbide at that material
09:15 GuShH why are you showing me your feathers, they're discoloured and smell of the 70s
09:16 GuShH the cutting angles and other aspects are different
09:16 GuShH they don't even have the right clearances
09:16 GuShH and I don't google, how dare you
09:17 rue_house kat, I really see what you mean about GuShH
09:17 tWorthCr4p
09:17 NotWorthCr4p but, he is worth a crap, no?
09:17 rue_house but he
09:18 rue_house s been here like forever and never really raised issues
09:18 rue_house is he just getting pickey latley?
09:18 GuShH rue_house: in CNC machining feed rate is dynamic, depends on position of tool vs work, as to keep the surface speed even. if you don't account for this, and if your bed lathe is uneven, and if you haven't lapped your ways and bed, you will always have a poor finish and problems.
09:18 GuShH so when you feed by hand, you need to speed up as you get closer to the center of the work
09:18 NotWorthCr4p nope, i have had him on ignore before
09:19 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: and humanity has had you on ignore ever since you were born
09:19 rue_house GuShH, do you know how many factors there are to say that ANYTHING wont work?
09:19 NotWorthCr4p i know, i am not worth a crap, but you are
09:19 GuShH you need to get that self-esteem up
09:19 NotWorthCr4p why ?? [09:03] <GuShH> NotWorthCr4p: and humanity has had you on ignore ever since you were born
09:19 GuShH because you shouldn't care what "humanity" thinks
09:20 NotWorthCr4p wtf do i need self esteen for?
09:20 GuShH so you quit being sorry for yourself
09:20 NotWorthCr4p if i shouldn't care, then why you speak of it?
09:20 Faek It takes a hell of a lot to make me put someone on ignore
09:20 Faek None of you have managed it thus far
09:20 GuShH Faek: hitler, bomb, 9/11, more hitler and random moustaches.
09:20 GuShH did I hit any of your keywords?
09:21 GuShH oh hai NSA
09:21 ShH w
09:21 Faek Why would any of that make me put you on ignore?
09:21 GuShH It's funny 'cos it's true, there's a fat dude reading, and it's not you.
09:22 GuShH Faek: I don't know, I tried.
09:22 rue_house GuShH, whats the last thing you machined?
09:22 GuShH your hopes and dreams
09:22 rue_house cmon, for the record
09:22 GuShH we'll pull the rulers out later
09:22 rue_house what did you make
09:23 rue_house you never tell us about your projects
09:23 GuShH you never listen, it's different
09:23 rue_house whatever, tell.
09:23 GuShH no, I'm filing the divorce papers first thing tomorrow!
09:23 rue_house machine isn't a kid
09:24 GuShH and I'm taking half of your lathe.
09:24 ShH gets the cho
09:24 rue_house so you have never made anything then
09:24 rue_house your just sitting here demeaning what we do?
09:24 GuShH I have never made an "anything", not yet.
09:24 rue_house ah
09:24 GuShH describe an anything, or send me the design docs
09:24 rue_house so you think you know it all cause your a bookworm?
09:24 GuShH does the "anything" come in different sizes?
09:24 rue_house odd, cause you were drilling lots of 16mm holes
09:25 GuShH I didn't say I haven't machined anything, I'm just not willing to play with you right now
09:25 rue_house in 3mm steel
09:25 rue_house yea you basically did
09:25 rue_house you said you only made a kid, only thing ever
09:25 GuShH I haven't made an "anything" yet
09:25 rue_house ^^^ right up there
09:25 rue_house with kat as my witness
09:25 GuShH what?
09:25 rue_house and feak
09:25 rue_house GuShH, so you have never built anything then?
09:26 rue_house no machines? no parts? nothing?
09:26 rue_house sounds like you have a tool collection tho
09:26 rue_house a cheap drill anyhow
09:26 GuShH the divorce is a metaphorical way of saying we're not good.
09:26 Faek I'm here!
09:26 rue_house GuShH, is your personal life making you an irc troll?
09:27 GuShH rue_house: I'm sorry is your lathe a southbend?
09:27 rue_house can almost always tell when someone loses their job, their troll factor goes up like 600%
09:27 GuShH you too have cheap tools, because you are cheap, you under-engineer because you are cheap.
09:27 GuShH says the pipe inspector
09:27 GuShH come on dude, you check fire extinguishers for a job, don't go there.
09:28 rue_house what have you built, cmon
09:28 rue_house a bracket?
09:28 GuShH sure
09:28 rue_house ok, so you've made a bracket atleast once...
09:28 GuShH Let me just point out most of what you build isn't worth crap, looks amateur and wouldn't impress a blind lady on a good day.
09:29 rue_house actaully, I'm an electrcian, I wanted to be, cause its SO simple compared to what I do at home
09:29 NotWorthCr4p not that GuShH is into personal attacks
09:29 GuShH But there are idiots everywhere and they will pay for crappy labour
09:29 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: not at all
09:29 GuShH I do know for a fact electricians are butchers.
09:29 GuShH I've been dealing with their doing for a long time
09:29 NotWorthCr4p all electricians everywhere?
09:29 rue_house I'm one of the 3 guys in the crew who can do PLC's which is nice
09:29 GuShH They should all unite and design a logo with a roll of electrical tape and a roll of wire.
09:30 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: yes and all gays are bad and all germans are nazi
09:30 GuShH ...
09:30 GuShH Enough of nonsense?
09:30 rue_house I'm one of the 2 guys who do fire alarm systems
09:30 tWorthCr4p was interfacing to industrial PLC in factories in the 1980's, with a C64
09:31 GuShH rue_house: You represent the better part of electricians
09:31 rue_house we have done stuff, I want to know what you have done
09:31 GuShH don't you want to know the meaning of life first?
09:31 GuShH quick before the god complex wears out
09:31 rue_house I do the fire thing cause I'm the only guy who's been around long enough to get the astt certification needed here
09:31 NotWorthCr4p maybe GuShH is a robot that's upset that it can't get out of the lab
09:32 GuShH you don't have to answer to me and I don't have to answer to you
09:32 rue_house I dont think you have an answer,
09:32 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: haha, or upset because of all the probing
09:32 rue_house you could atleast lie
09:32 rue_house but I dont think you can imaging enough to lie
09:32 GuShH I don't lie... and I don't want to measure my dick in front of you
09:32 rue_house haha and I cant type (3rd try on type)
09:33 GuShH or anyone for that matter.
09:33 rue_house I dont know anyone afraid of success
09:33 GuShH dyslexia is not a big problem, until you somehow manage to kill someone with it.
09:34 GuShH rue_house: we'll get the show-and-tell going later, I just need to get a bigger ruler first.
09:34 tWorthCr4p is often in a situation of being able to describe everything about something, and how it works, and not remember the name o
09:35 GuShH That's normal
09:35 rue_house I'm not asking for images, I'm just asking what kinda things you make
09:35 rue_house from what you have said, your just like fr.. kat who was that
09:36 GuShH memory dissociation happens to everyone
09:36 rue_house the guy..
09:36 rue_house danfredrickson
09:36 GuShH rue_house: but see I could lie
09:36 rue_house I dont care if you lie
09:36 GuShH dan was working on his e-car
09:36 rue_house hell, I wouldn't even know
09:36 GuShH he got to test his motor and drive
09:36 GuShH but that's all I know
09:36 NotWorthCr4p danfredfri_________
09:36 rue_house no, he was saying that the tolerances and manufacturing abilites of the planet were not up to spec for himm to even consider starting to build the car
09:37 NotWorthCr4p yeas, him
09:37 GuShH what
09:37 rue_house yea
09:37 tWorthCr4p
09:37 GuShH He showed me a video of the motor being tested
09:37 GuShH So he was working on it
09:37 rue_house he turned out to be a worthless pile of talk
09:37 NotWorthCr4p tested a motor, wow
09:37 rue_house who did nothing but sat and shit on everything everyone ever DID make
09:37 GuShH Well that's all I know he was working on
09:38 GuShH rue_house: if I shit at least I hand out paper to wipe it off
09:38 GuShH in no particular order
09:38 NotWorthCr4p it's why we say "pics or it didn't happen" and why i posted pics of what i did
09:38 GuShH Now if for a second you think I'm Dan, you are wrong.
09:38 GuShH But I won't be offended, I shouldn't be.
09:38 GuShH He's not as bad as you make him sound.
09:39 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: rue said he didn't want pics, and he didn't care if I lied
09:39 tWorthCr4p had him on ignore so he didn't s
09:39 GuShH so there's no point, he would rather live in narnia.
09:39 GuShH Last I heard from Dan he got banned from a e-vehicle forum (the big one, don't remember the name) but he's still around on YouTube
09:40 NotWorthCr4p i wonder why narnia was big with geeks, what with their lion king, when the king should have been a penguin?
09:40 rue_house but you cant even make up what you would make if you had made anything
09:40 rue_house last night I made a spacer washer for my trucks valve cover gasket
09:40 GuShH It's not that I can't, it's simply that I refuse to engage.
09:40 rue_house casue I lost the god damned little thing taking the cover off
09:40 rue_house (I found it later)
09:40 GuShH I was machining the two remaining "feet" of the lathe stand, but you're not my wife...
09:40 tWorthCr4p made a shipping container right here at the keybd this morning while tal
09:41 Faek Narnia books are good books
09:41 rue_house so you making a lathe bench?
09:41 GuShH Drilled over 200 holes on the structure, I already said all this yesterday
09:41 rue_house thats cool
09:41 GuShH dude, I've shown you the render
09:41 rue_house see its not that hard
09:41 GuShH you even said there was no need for 3d
09:41 rue_house late for work, bye!
09:41 Faek They can be interpreted in really christian ways but i tend not to
09:41 GuShH and I discussed that we're not all equal
09:41 GuShH and some people work better with a solid design vs working-as-you-go
09:42 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: all 3 tons of it?
09:42 tWorthCr4p needs to be going also,
09:42 NotWorthCr4p or, bbl
09:42 GuShH 2.5t I think it was the dry weight of a regular maritime container
09:42 GuShH I got a quote on one, for a moment I wanted to buy a few to make a shop outside
09:42 GuShH costs a lot more than starting from scratch
09:43 GuShH rue_house: last part I made for a car was the turbo intercooler hose clamp adapter for a jetta
09:43 NotWorthCr4p [09:27] <GuShH> NotWorthCr4p: all 3 tons of it? <<== if not all 3 tons, is it "worth" less? am i "worth" less for not making 3 tons "worth" of one?
09:44 GuShH we began with a massive steel washer and worked our way down, spacers were aluminum rod bored through and just a couple hardened bolts to keep it all tighty, loctited anyway.
09:44 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: I'll be less of an ass if you quit trying to make others feel sorry for you
09:44 GuShH And this place will be a lot nicer.
09:45 NotWorthCr4p i am not trying to make anyone feel anything, altho i am curious why you keep saying that, are my words meaning nothing to you?
09:45 GuShH You know what I do google... words in spanish
09:45 GuShH Because sometimes I don't know what they're called, and not everyone speaks English...
09:45 GuShH so I can't order it if I don't know what it's called!
09:46 GuShH NotWorthCr4p: you clearly beat yourself up all the time, over what... I don't know.
09:46 NotWorthCr4p it's like, i say i am not trying to make anyone feel anything, then you say i am, as if my words are not worth a crap, so i use a descriptive nick to that effect, and you still dispute it
09:46 GuShH But you should know better, you are better than that.
09:46 GuShH There is an imbalance going on up there in your thinker, me thinks.
09:46 GuShH Don't worry we're all crazy.
09:46 NotWorthCr4p ok
09:47 GuShH NotWorthCr4p-afk: try WorthDamnMuch as your next nickname.
09:51 GuShH rue_house: as for electrical work, yesterday I finished installing an outlet outside, since there were none... but I already talked about it. Remember the heating furnace, that's been done as well, since winter began around here. I do need to swap one of the bipolar breakers, as I've branched out. Originally 25A, with proper wiring, later on changed to 6A bipolar, for the only reason that it was the right rating for the load. Ex
09:51 GuShH cept now I've branched out the outlet, expect 10A on it, the furnace pump and burner are on 10A (peak is 6A or so for a brief period of time, so I could've used 6A breakers but they actually cost more!)
09:51 GuShH So as it stands, the hard limit is 6A until I swap the breaker tomorrow or so. I also wanted the outlet on it's own breaker for obvious reasons.
09:52 GuShH Just about everything I branch out has it's own breaker.
09:52 GuShH I like the modular approach
09:53 GuShH Next up on the electrical list, new earth wiring, new earth rod, new panel, new breakers (on the house panel) and rewiring for the floor upstairs, so I can have it on a separate panel
09:53 GuShH Just updating the old installation, which I don't trust at all.
09:54 GuShH Oh I replaced the tank float switch about a month ago, again. This time I got a sealed unit, works a charm. Every time I get up there I need to wear a harness but it's fun. Anyway I don't think you care about all of this, that's why I try to leave it out.
13:26 katsmeow oh crap, someone better buy those 3300ufd 350v caps, they are $45 s&h
16:35 katsmeow-afk do it, keeps the condensation and bugs out too
16:36 katsmeow-afk the application: place across the solar panels to lower the impeadance as the switcher sees them, and damp the current suges casued by the switcher as the cells see it
16:37 katsmeow-afk ditto the battery pack and the dc-ac convertor sees it and vice versa
19:29 rue_house the avrs I got from china, were cling-wrapped in their tubes...
19:29 rue_house recon I should test them?
19:56 Tom_itx i certainly would
20:17 katsmeow-afk you should let us know what seller is pre-frying the chips before mailing them
20:43 GargantuaSauce i bought a bunch of 40 series logic that came in sandwich bags
20:58 GuShH GargantuaSauce: so you didn't buy from DigiKey
20:58 GargantuaSauce i usually go with mouser but sometimes random chinese vendors cost like 30% as much
20:59 GuShH http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/M3_tank_riveting_LOC_fsa_8e10699.jpg look at the size of that riveting machine!
20:59 GargantuaSauce i'm sure those holes make a world of difference for its heftiness
21:00 GuShH there's probably a reason for them
21:00 GargantuaSauce maybe thermal expansion
21:00 GuShH they make micrometers that big
21:00 GargantuaSauce so a macrometer
21:00 GuShH heh
21:01 GuShH there's a giant lathe on sale here
21:01 GuShH it's massive
21:01 GuShH odd thing is it doesn't have a real bed
21:01 GuShH it can be installed on rails, like a train.
21:02 GuShH GargantuaSauce: http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-476083957-espectacular-torno--_JM
21:02 GuShH that's about 62k usd
21:02 GargantuaSauce nce
21:02 GuShH looks incomplete to me though
21:02 GuShH what I would like to know is what it was actually used for
21:02 GargantuaSauce railcar wheels maybe?
21:03 katsmeow-afk rue and i were admiring one last month that was so big, if you took the tool post off, you could get at least 100 guys to stand on the crossfeed
21:03 ShH sh
21:04 GuShH there _are_ bigger lathes, I'm just saying this is the biggest I've sen on sale here
21:04 GuShH seen*
21:04 GuShH not the most expensive though
21:04 GuShH those are CNC..
21:04 katsmeow-afk turning crankshafts for ships
21:05 GuShH it's possible, the seller mentions grinding equipment for fram / mill operations
21:05 GuShH farm*
21:05 MrCurious i predict a new syfy movie will soon come ouot
21:05 MrCurious Drone Pirates
21:06 GuShH aww this is sweet http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-475568904-fresadora-vertical-kearney-trecker-milwaukee-_JM
21:07 Jak_o_Shadows They're not particularly designed to be moved more than once or twice are they.
21:07 GuShH lathe or the knee mill?
21:08 GuShH that's the type of mill everyone wants to have, but all the companies are pretty much throwing away
21:08 Jak_o_Shadows anything like that.
21:08 GuShH yeah, at least half a ton
21:08 GuShH you can strip it down but the castings are huge
21:08 GuShH a lot of expense goes into moving it from A to B
21:10 GuShH so even if I could afford one, I have no place for one and no means to move one. You can sort of roll them around using small cuts of pipe on the floor, assuming it's an even floor (or even-ish) and can take the load, but it's a dangerous deal.
21:10 GuShH but hey it's free to watch them online.
21:11 GuShH well it's not really free come to think of it.
21:11 katsmeow-afk it is made of parts,, can't yu pick a place you want such a machine, then append parts till you have one?
21:11 GuShH says the person who owns one but left it to rot?
21:11 katsmeow-afk attack me, yep, go for it
21:12 GuShH no I can't really afford one, so no point in talking about it.
21:12 Faek Woo its starting up again!
21:12 ek grabs pop
21:12 katsmeow-afk better to let it rot than rotts rip my legs, hands, and face off
21:12 GuShH dogs can go missing
21:12 GuShH happens all the time
21:12 katsmeow-afk then i'd be missing
21:12 GuShH people can also go missing.
21:13 GuShH I would've cleared out town a long time ago
21:13 katsmeow-afk i tried
21:13 GuShH one by one or all at the same time?
21:13 katsmeow-afk me
21:13 MrCurious i have personally had sox go missing
21:13 GuShH sox?
21:13 GuShH socks?
21:14 MrCurious is that how your people spell it
21:14 GuShH what are you talking about?
21:14 Jak_o_Shadows who the heck spells socks as sox?
21:14 MrCurious trolls?
21:14 GuShH 1337 k1dz
21:14 GuShH same as they spell suck as sux
21:14 MrCurious posers
21:14 tsmeow-afk has had enough and puts the trolling verbal attacker on ig
21:14 GuShH yeah just like you!
21:15 MrCurious the joy of soxx
21:15 GuShH if only katsmeow-afk would do that in real life
21:16 MrCurious whoa obama phoned rouhani for 15 minutes
21:17 katsmeow-afk man, what extremes to go to to avoid a war
21:17 MrCurious you war hawk?
21:17 katsmeow-afk no
21:18 MrCurious i coud go for a war free golden age...
21:18 katsmeow-afk but i bet John McAin is going to have nitemares tonite
21:18 katsmeow-afk McCain
21:18 GargantuaSauce less geopolitics more robots
21:18 MrCurious like he will sleep
21:18 rgantuaSauce cracks the
21:19 MrCurious he will be in a hole under his house shivering with a bmboo stick shouting out whos there all night
21:19 GuShH This turned into #oldpeople
21:19 MrCurious get off my lawn!
21:20 katsmeow-afk GargantuaSauce , so why has nothing been done on the hobby scale to make better robots?
21:20 GuShH place smells funky and all the candy have stuck together, yep.. #oldpeople
21:20 MrCurious smells like raancid old spice
21:20 GuShH old spice used to be better
21:20 MrCurious ... and lavendar
21:20 ShH
21:20 GargantuaSauce i think your loaded question is built upon incorrect assumptions
21:21 GuShH MrCurious: how's the weather then?
21:21 GargantuaSauce i can buy a $12 microcontroller that executes more than a hundred million instructions per second
21:21 MrCurious really going to make me do some metric conversions.... just a sec
21:21 katsmeow-afk umm, buying one avr != building a better robot
21:21 GuShH I can take Farenfail
21:21 GargantuaSauce i can buy a $15 sensor board with 10dof
21:22 MrCurious 22C 72F, Fire storm warning for next 24 hours
21:22 MrCurious you?
21:22 katsmeow-afk $15 sensor bd with 15 servos on it?
21:22 GuShH 16°C .. might rain
21:22 MrCurious we could use that rain
21:22 GuShH you could be working on your projects, it's not hot.
21:22 GargantuaSauce no two inertial sensors, magnetometer, baro
21:22 katsmeow-afk does that make a robot?
21:23 GuShH I have established kat to be the real troll...
21:23 GuShH And the first one to personally attack, whether directly or indirectly.
21:24 katsmeow-afk no one here but zhanx, who isn't here, has built ONE working spider?,, and zhanx built TWO ?
21:24 GargantuaSauce i have a functional hexapod on my living room floor
21:24 GuShH trolling++
21:24 GargantuaSauce built with off the shelf parts
21:24 GargantuaSauce for less than $250
21:24 GuShH GargantuaSauce: do you ever step on it?
21:24 GargantuaSauce i trip over it occasionally
21:24 Jak_o_Shadows My robot is waiting for me me to program android. Unfortunately, that's reasonably painful, so I haven't yet.
21:24 GuShH lol
21:25 katsmeow-afk GargantuaSauce , program it to get out of the way, and then resume it's errands
21:25 katsmeow-afk what are it's errands?
21:25 GargantuaSauce it doesnt have fancy control yet, that is coming sooner or later
21:26 katsmeow-afk canit vaccuumm? , or at least ride the roomba and tell it where to go and changeit's baggies?
21:26 GargantuaSauce right now i am working on a link-layer protocol for its radio communication
21:26 katsmeow-afk aaaarrrrrgggggggg
21:26 katsmeow-afk that's reinventing the wheel
21:27 Jak_o_Shadows I'm looking at doing plain old remote control, but I want to do fancy curves and functions on the input from android before sending it.
21:28 GargantuaSauce i have a lot of ground to cover before i can start actually breaking new ground
21:28 tsmeow-afk picked up 3 more motors t
21:28 GargantuaSauce doing onboard IK was a good start though
21:28 Jak_o_Shadows I have an old 2.5" laptop HDD i am going to take apart, as well as a CD drive (LASER LASER LASER BLINDNESS), and I have a cool floppy disk drive.
21:28 katsmeow-afk the TM500 plugins i am making will house the temp test psus and testers for the testbed 4x4 wheeled platform
21:28 katsmeow-afk (s)
21:29 Jak_o_Shadows GargantuaSauce: I need to look into making my own IK, at the moment i'm just using blender.
21:29 GargantuaSauce it's super simple for 3DOF legs
21:29 Jak_o_Shadows I also have to figure out how to mount the robot arm onto the robot.
21:29 Jak_o_Shadows ah, i've got a 5 DOF arm.
21:29 GargantuaSauce yeah so it actually requires some iterative gradient descent approach
21:30 katsmeow-afk arm,, operating while moving, the COM moves around a lot, how to keep it stable?
21:30 GargantuaSauce i am going to be doing that for 4dof legs soon
21:30 Jak_o_Shadows katsmeow-afk: Clarify that? How do you keep the movement stable, or the actual motion stable?
21:31 tsmeow-afk is sunsure of the words to a
21:31 GargantuaSauce shit's gonna wobble is where she's going with that
21:31 GargantuaSauce and the answer of course is who gives a hoot
21:31 GargantuaSauce start by putting it together and then look into improving it once the limitations are enumerated
21:31 katsmeow-afk lets say i have a "body" (a spar, really), with an arm on it, on a wheeled platform, and at some position i calc the center of mass and attach the spar to the platform at that point
21:32 katsmeow-afk nowany wheeled motion, the spar will stay upright, like a Steady-cam does
21:32 katsmeow-afk but if the arm picks up a jar of peanut butter, the mass point has changed, the motion of putting the jar in the basket while the robot is moving around the store will no longer be *inherently* smooth and fluid
21:33 GargantuaSauce the only way to improve that is with more advanced control i think
21:34 katsmeow-afk i figure i have two choices to stabilse it: flywheel on the spar, or multiple fast strong servoes on the platform-spar joint, plus level detectors all ove the place
21:34 GargantuaSauce which goes back to my answer about how hobby-scale robots are more approachable now
21:34 Jak_o_Shadows If you knew the weight of the jar, would that help?
21:34 GargantuaSauce ie much more powerful computation hardware is cheap
21:34 katsmeow-afk weight of the jar implies level sensors and fast small servoes
21:35 GargantuaSauce and i am not talking about goddamn AVRs
21:35 Jak_o_Shadows You could shove strain gauges on.
21:35 katsmeow-afk Jak_o_Shadows , but the mechanics are still pricey
21:35 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah.
21:36 katsmeow-afk Jak_o_Shadows, yea,, i built the pontoon boat to test strain guages on a sail mast :-/
21:36 Jak_o_Shadows Could you move a counter-weight along the spar?
21:36 Jak_o_Shadows Instead of multiple fast servos?
21:37 katsmeow-afk dynamic counter weights, think moving a weight up/down the spar is feasable?
21:37 tsmeow-afk had not thught of that
21:37 Jak_o_Shadows ooooh, what about a water ballast tank?
21:37 katsmeow-afk can't move water fast enough, it cavitates and sloshes
21:37 GargantuaSauce even just a stubby arm on the other end with a weight on it
21:38 GargantuaSauce with 1 or 2 dof
21:38 katsmeow-afk hmm,,, reverse drive the stubby arm ,, that would work for a limited range like a 2ft arm
21:38 katsmeow-afk picking up a car battery is out of the question tho
21:39 Jak_o_Shadows I don't know what scale you're about, but if you make the joints and connections right, you wouldn't have cavitation. Also, keep air out of the system so it doesnt' slosh so much.
21:39 GargantuaSauce yeah you'd need a different design for something that heavy
21:39 katsmeow-afk the pump sucking on the water resivior in order to pump the water somewhere is the cavitaion area
21:40 Jak_o_Shadows It'd take work. For the sliding weight, could you do it inside the spar?
21:40 katsmeow-afk ooooo, GargantuaSauce , the robot's main indoor power sourse is the counterwight, the batteries themselves,, real flexable arc welding cables :-)
21:40 GargantuaSauce now we're talking
21:41 katsmeow-afk i was going to put them at the corners, inboard of the wheels, but center one or two of them works too
21:41 katsmeow-afk it's a robot conversation :-)
21:41 GargantuaSauce b-but we're reinventing wheels!!
21:42 katsmeow-afk you heard of using the paower source as a dynamic counterbalance before?
21:43 katsmeow-afk anyhoo, i figure if i can deploy the think to Walmart for groceries (remote control), i will have caught up with 1980 or so
21:44 katsmeow-afk i have a couple 2watt 475Mhz(?) radios i ben meaning to test for range into the building from the parking lot
21:44 katsmeow-afk lil stubby 2" antennas
21:45 GargantuaSauce seems a bit short for that frequency
21:45 katsmeow-afk i don't know how much telemetry i canpush thru without band splatetr yet
21:45 GargantuaSauce or are we talking about the coiley ones with disappointing characteristics
21:45 katsmeow-afk yeas
21:46 katsmeow-afk hmm, 475 is 2ft
21:48 katsmeow-afk ok, so longer antenna is needed, shouldn't be aproblem with a 4 or 5ft tall robot, i can hang a pendant on it as decoration or something
21:48 GargantuaSauce an actual helical antenna might be a good idea
21:48 Jak_o_Shadows a flag!
21:48 katsmeow-afk around here, it would haveto be a confederate of a usa flag
21:49 katsmeow-afk no other square flags allowed, but triangles can be anything, afaik,, football teams preferred, of course
21:49 katsmeow-afk video may be an issue
21:50 Jak_o_Shadows If you want it on hackaday, put a hackaday flag on it
21:50 Jak_o_Shadows That'll get you there instantly
21:50 katsmeow-afk prolly need proof of concept tho?
21:50 GargantuaSauce this is hackaday we're talking about
21:51 GargantuaSauce slap an arduino in there and you're gold
21:51 katsmeow-afk o,, i was thinking ,,, that funding place
21:51 GargantuaSauce same deal for kickstarter
21:51 katsmeow-afk i meant to ask rue if he was going to make those toothed-belt pulleys or not
21:52 katsmeow-afk "made for any size belt or shaft!"
21:54 katsmeow-afk what are your thoughts on filling the tires with cement so they won't flex, bounce, oscillate, or go flat?
21:56 katsmeow-afk savet for a later day, if it's a problem?
21:56 GargantuaSauce sounds like a good way to lower your center of gravity but you dont necessarily want a huge moment of inertia around the vertical axis
21:56 katsmeow-afk the cement would be a small portion of the batetry weight, i suspect
21:57 Jak_o_Shadows Pure cement seems a bad idea, that removes any suspension.
21:57 katsmeow-afk altho i was not going to use large batteries
21:57 Jak_o_Shadows You'd want something quite firm, but with a little give.
21:58 katsmeow-afk the more give in the system, the more the absolute position of the base of the arm becomes important
21:59 GargantuaSauce i imagine the flex of the arm and slack in its joints would be more significant than the tires compressing
22:00 katsmeow-afk true, but any more or less significant?
22:00 Jak_o_Shadows Why not just use some sensors and adjust in control?
22:00 katsmeow-afk this finger i built is very low flex, being steel and pressed-in ball bearings
22:01 katsmeow-afk Jak, may be required to do that
22:01 GargantuaSauce well what i would say is that robust control would be more approachable than making the platform perfect
22:01 katsmeow-afk oh, i know it cannot be perfect, but the the world it will move around in isn't either
22:02 GargantuaSauce all the more reason to have a fuckton of sensors
22:02 katsmeow-afk there'sa area in the local Walmart, peple tend to fall, and they don't know why, but there's a 1" rise in the floor in that area, if you are not in the practise of picking up your feet a good heigth, you stumble
22:02 GargantuaSauce heh
22:04 GargantuaSauce well on that note i'll tell you what my main goal for my hexapod is currently
22:04 tsmeow-afk lis
22:04 GargantuaSauce there's a step down from the living room into the hallway of like 4-5 inches
22:05 GargantuaSauce i want it to use vision and have enough autonomy to respond to a "go over there" command by walking over to the drop, sizing it up, and stepping down
22:06 katsmeow-afk or simply remembering it's there and hopping over it?
22:06 GargantuaSauce ideally this would be applicable to walking on any rough terrain by planning where each footstep goes in worldspace
22:06 GargantuaSauce no fuck that
22:06 GargantuaSauce a priori environment models are so goddamn boring
22:06 katsmeow-afk yeas, but faster
22:06 GargantuaSauce and inherently limiting
22:07 GargantuaSauce and so so error prone
22:07 katsmeow-afk let the robot fiure it out, and when to execute,, but the vision system is interesting
22:07 GargantuaSauce i will probably implement it with a ghetto lidar
22:07 GargantuaSauce ie a camera + laser line
22:07 Jak_o_Shadows Get it to record a map and remember it. SLAM
22:07 katsmeow-afk zhanx was adding video cameras, and wasn't orlok importing vision into his puter?
22:07 GargantuaSauce yes slam is the plan
22:08 tsmeow-afk imagines the robot lidar'ing a sleeping cat while anoter cat prepares to po
22:09 Jak_o_Shadows I like the idea of the LG robot vacuums, they video the roof and navigate from there.
22:10 katsmeow-afk looking str8 up at the lites??
22:10 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah.
22:10 katsmeow-afk er, the ceilings, not the roofs?
22:10 Jak_o_Shadows yeah, that.
22:10 Jak_o_Shadows I think it works well, until a cat wearing a shark suit sits on it.
22:10 katsmeow-afk how do they not lose cameras, or auto-iris the whole place away?
22:11 katsmeow-afk a few yrs ago, Riff and rue were selling a 6-legged robot on eay
22:11 katsmeow-afk ebay
22:12 katsmeow-afk that would be a really cheap testbed
22:12 Jak_o_Shadows It also has a bunch of ultrasonic and infra-red sensors, and a down pointing camera
22:12 tsmeow-afk nods slee
22:14 katsmeow-afk arrg,, i need to measure some of the street/sidwalk grates around town, see f the robot wheels will fall into them, some wheelchairs did, humans got hurt
22:14 katsmeow-afk of course, one was built like a cattle grate
22:15 katsmeow-afk with pipe even, no one could walk on it
22:15 GargantuaSauce if you're going to be moving some real mass around and especially outside you should probably go with some pretty wide tires
22:15 GargantuaSauce i am visualizing this thing as about the dimensions of a ride-on mower
22:16 GargantuaSauce oh fuck i forgot i have an electric wheelchair in my parents' basement
22:16 GargantuaSauce scored that before i went off to korea
22:16 katsmeow-afk 8" tall, 3" across, mostly round-faced, not flat, to lower the rolling resistance
22:17 katsmeow-afk i was going to aim for 3ft wide, 4ft long, not just for grocery shopping, but also carrying a weedwhacker around the yard
22:18 katsmeow-afk there's one robot thatfolds up to ~2x2ft, and can move it's wheels out to like 4x4ft, i forget it's nick, but it seems aweful complexe for me atm
22:19 GargantuaSauce yeah start simple for sure, 4 wheels and a rigid platform
22:20 katsmeow-afk flex platform?
22:20 katsmeow-afk i'd hate to park on the floor rise in the store and be teeter-tottery there
22:20 katsmeow-afk or on a pebble, or a kid's toe
22:21 MrCurious always afk, but the first part of the name changes... odd
22:21 tsmeow-afk goes to bed, g
22:22 GargantuaSauce maybe a simple suspension system on the size opposite the arm
22:22 GargantuaSauce side*
22:23 GargantuaSauce okay so i think i'm going to do TDMA instead of MACAW for an rf link
22:23 GargantuaSauce i'd probably get better performance out of the latter but it's so damn complicated