#robotics Logs

Sep 26 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:09 dumbass-afk parity is sector by sector AND file parity
00:12 rue_house I'd software mirror raid two drives of similar size and differnt make
00:12 dumbass-afk that's item 1) then?
00:12 rue_house software raid
00:12 rue_house if you use hardware raid, and the controller goes, your scerwed
00:12 dumbass-afk why software on the two drives and not hardware?
00:13 rue_house with software raid, you install new software on a new computer, plug in the drives and your up and running
00:13 dumbass-afk umm, if the chips the software runs on dies, youa re equally screwed
00:13 rue_house drives plugged into a system normally, software does the raid bit, its not done by hardware
00:14 dumbass-afk to be clearER, the modules each look like one drive to the computer
00:14 rue_house no chips doing raid, drivers doing it
00:14 dumbass-afk the module can be a u-ata mobo, or dedicated hardware, the computer will not know
00:15 dumbass-afk please explain why you don't like chips doing it, when software runs on chips
00:15 rue_house beause I'v seen when hardware raid fails
00:15 rue_house the data on the drives is specific to the firmware on that card
00:15 rue_house and the card is not made anymore
00:15 rue_house and not available
00:15 rue_house so your data is lost
00:15 dumbass-afk is not required to be specific
00:15 rue_house if your maiing it, do anyting
00:16 rue_house making
00:16 rue_house I use software raid on my linux macine
00:16 mbass-afk
00:16 rue_house I'm not concerned about speed, I need the data to never go away :)
00:17 rue_house I have an SSD for my OS drive, that takes care of speed for me
00:17 dumbass-afk me too, and these puters psu will not support all the dives i have, and it can take hours to get some drive dir listings
00:17 rue_house its easy to make a raid fs network drive with drives, mobo, and linux
00:18 rue_house for me, anyhow
00:18 mbass-afk
00:18 rue_house do you hav a play machine we could try and make you one?
00:19 dumbass-afk not really, i was going to put 2 drives in each slot of a TM506 mainframe, with diff psu, diff backplane
00:19 dumbass-afk plug into desktop boxes as needed
00:19 rue_house if you want to put togethor a raid linux box for file storage, do say so
00:20 dumbass-afk this will make them very easy to swap out, add to, change, etc
00:20 rue_house the shop fileserver was a p133 for a long time
00:20 dumbass-afk i think if i went software, i'd need to use those mini-atx like Tom has, or someting smaller, just to fit the mainframe
00:20 dumbass-afk mini-itx
00:20 rue_house I'm gonna head to bed
00:21 dumbass-afk and i dunno those are small enough, or fast enough
00:21 rue_house I just finished a major battle with my sql database
00:21 rue_house all because of a flimsy ssd drive
00:21 dumbass-afk i thought your C:\ ssd was your salvation?
00:22 rue_house the od runs from an SSD, I dont raid that
00:22 rue_house os
00:22 rue_house all my data is on a mirrored set of magnetic drives
00:22 rue_house Personalities : [raid1]
00:22 rue_house md0 : active raid1 sdc2[0] sdb2[1]
00:22 rue_house 955777982 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]
00:22 rue_house 1T :)
00:22 mbass-afk points to the ~200 29f400ab flash chips she got for
00:23 rue_house ooooo
00:23 rue_house 1M cycle life?
00:23 dumbass-afk i don't remember
00:23 rue_house dip? smt?
00:23 dumbass-afk my be more, i have not dug thrut he whole pile yet
00:23 dumbass-afk dip
00:23 rue_house COOOL
00:24 rue_house are they old MB chips?
00:24 rue_house or new/
00:24 rue_house ?
00:24 dumbass-afk old, i have prolly had them sitting here 8 yrs
00:24 rue_house 4M?!
00:24 dumbass-afk they were prolly used for 5 yrs before than, erased maybe 10 times
00:25 rue_house well, i wanted to play with the pullies, but I have to go to ned
00:25 rue_house and make a new keyboard
00:42 dumbass-afk 3 TM506 in this pic : http://dos4ever.com/uTracer3/nickdesmith.jpg
00:47 dumbass-afk http://tubecrafter.com/
08:39 curl heyya people
08:42 Faek Gi
08:42 curl any good docs on the frontiers of robotics?
08:46 curl I was actually wondering how much math robotisc engineers use
09:08 rue_house i think they use more than common sense, sometimes
09:15 curl lol
09:15 curl true
09:21 zap0 i didn't think i'd be leaving #electronics to go to #robotics to get away from lunatics ;)
09:23 GuShH "I knos the NSA is torturing Santa, but they're keeping us safe!" lol
09:25 DagoRed zap0: common reason to leave #electronics is to 1) discuss real electronics and microcontrollers and 2) the cool people are here anyway.
09:26 rue_house zap0, thats why I dont hang out there
09:26 rue_house cause we kick out and ban the major trolls
09:28 rue_house wow, GM twistlock cluster adapters from china aren't cheap
09:28 ShH calls Major Troll from the
09:29 GuShH rue_house: what happened to your electric truck idea
09:29 rue_house I'm working on it
09:29 GuShH what's the new idea for power
09:30 rue_house I just got the pulley set to do the first test
09:30 rue_house I'm waiting on more battery samples
09:30 ShH raises an eye
09:30 rue_house uh...
09:30 GuShH Did you decide on a motor?
09:30 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/p1050583.jpg
09:30 rue_house I'm still testing vacuum cleaner motor idea
09:31 rue_house thats 8:1 to convert something small at home
09:31 GuShH those look like they came right out of a chinese lathe heh
09:31 rue_house yea, with lots of oil
09:31 GuShH vacuum cleaner motors, that is universal motors?
09:31 GuShH I'm not a big fan of those. might was well use power drills.
09:32 GuShH your keyboard is missing the all important windows key sir. your computah may already has virus.
09:33 GuShH would you like us to install this .net dependent, resource hogging, poorly developed antivirus for you?, it's only 17GB
09:34 rue_house univ, yup
09:34 GuShH rue_house: I tried to dim a vacuum cleaner motor down to low RPMs and I could never get it to work unless I started at high RPMs first
09:34 DagoRed OMG.... brilliant idea http://goo.gl/MNJr8G
09:34 GuShH and the torque was non existing as it's brushed
09:34 rue_house on dc, they work great, lots of torque
09:35 GuShH not on the low end
09:35 ShH pictures rue_house at the side of the road swapping out brushes, face all black with s
09:36 GuShH that reminds me.. they don't give you brushes anymore with any tools
09:36 GuShH what the hell
09:36 rue_house I think the stall torque was like 200kg-cm
09:36 rue_house I'm taking all the numbers
09:37 rue_house the test is to make sure things like brushes aren't a problem
09:37 rue_house 35 vaccuum motors = ~80hp
09:37 GuShH but you've been going in circles, from tiny RC motors to I forgot what and now vacuums
09:37 KongfuPanda hello channel
09:37 GuShH oh and it must be one hell of a noisy power delivery system
09:37 GuShH hi KongfuPanda
09:37 GuShH even at low RPM they sound like a chinese drill
09:38 GuShH rue_house: what type of bearings do they use
09:38 GuShH it's not the same to have a static load vs a dynamic load, with pulleys
09:39 ShH wonders why they suggest popcorn http://www.starbucksstore.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-Starbucks-Site/default/Product-Show?pid=%20VM_ANNIVERSARY
09:39 GuShH pretty good blend, if brewed at home by someone who knows how coffee should be brewed. ie not the kids behind the counter at starbucks
09:40 GuShH they managed what I thought would be impossible, to make bad coffee with a 10-20k machine
09:41 GuShH rue_house: so now you need a tensioning system, you'll have multiple pulleys, multiple belts, lots of moving parts and failure points
09:41 GuShH a lot more than the engine you are replacing
09:42 GuShH and I don't know how you're going to fit that inside the truck
09:42 rue_house yea yea
09:42 GuShH unless they're tiny toy motors
09:42 rue_house and I'll save over $10000
09:42 GuShH the ones I have here are pretty big
09:42 GuShH kept them for a fume extractor project, but they're too noisy
09:42 GuShH rue_house: over what period?
09:43 GuShH you might die the day after you finish it
09:43 GuShH you would've spent more.
09:43 rue_house talk later, im going to work!
09:43 GuShH have fun
09:43 GuShH today I shall finish the stand, at least in a way that allows me to use it. the doors and shelves can come later on.
09:44 GuShH it's been said, it has to get done now.
10:10 dumbass-afk they work great at low end with a good controller, which is why i build my own
10:12 dumbass-afk i showed a guy a dc motor i had turning only 30rpm, he made fun of it just like you do, i bet him he couldn't make it stop turning with the biggest pipe wrench he had
10:12 dumbass-afk the motor picked him up and threw him against the wall, at 30 rpm , steady
10:14 dumbass-afk i designed in a small dc motor , just 1 inch x1 inch x 2 inches, to replace a large air motor, everyone said "it has no torque, just look at it" , so i set it to ~30 rpm too, bet him he couldn't stop it, he grabbed it with bare hands, it peeled skin off one finger
10:14 dumbass-afk neither motor was a gearmotor
10:17 dumbass-afk i pointed to the pwr supply, told him it was a 24vdc 30amp supply i had built, i left the room, i came back, he said it wasn't because he had set a screwdriver across it and it didn't spark
10:17 dumbass-afk so i pulled the current protection chip, and told him to do it again
10:17 dumbass-afk it blew 1/8 inch off a large screwdriver
10:18 dumbass-afk and, all that power had gone thrut he pass transistor, and it wa still good
10:19 dumbass-afk you people may prefer me to be a dumbass in here, and make fun of me and deride and disrespect me, but i was doing this shit in the 1970's and 80's
10:19 dumbass-afk including converting a VW Beatle to battery power
10:19 dumbass-afk ~1975, 76
10:31 dumbass-afk woah, that's impressive :
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/130926084311-01-green-bay-bridge-0926-story-top.jpg and to think no one saw it coming?
10:58 theBear we aren't normal people or teenagers or idiots, you ain't gettin any sympathy acting like that
11:01 DagoRed so true theBear
12:04 dumbass-afk bear, i wasn't after sympathy, i don't care any
12:05 dumbass-afk i'll keep this nick as long as you believe i am a dumbass
12:06 dumbass-afk if you think i am something else, i'll change to that
12:13 dumbass-afk a week ago i talked to rue about splitting something on ebay, so i bought the item, rue was to get 500 pcs, we discussed it, so now that i have the item, he wants only 40, and then this morning he won't give me an address to send it to..... every time i try to collaborate i get screwed that way, so i AM a dumbass, after all, you guys don't get done that way
13:03 GuShH dumbass-afk: you've run out of victim cards to play with, please choose another card. thank you.
13:04 GuShH dumbass-afk: seriously, I don't trust on anyone's word ... but I expect others to trust mine, it's complicated.
13:04 GuShH I've been played before but I haven't played anyone nor do I intend to
13:05 GuShH for instance I promised I'd send some parts to someone here on freenode and I did, I actually had to pay twice for shipping as it bounced back the first time, for no good reason.
13:06 GuShH problem with trust is worldwide..
13:06 GuShH I expect some local sellers to trust my word and send me whatever I ask them for so I can pay upon delivery, but they won't release the merchandise until it's paid for, in cases where they're just individuals I cannot trust them
13:07 GuShH big stores sure, they have no reason to take my money and not send the item
13:07 GuShH very few people have the talent to know when someone is trustworthy or not
13:08 GuShH and via text, it's rather impossible except you can determine a few aspects based on grammar, the way they're expressing themselves, etc.
13:09 GuShH places that do trust me, surprisingly a medium sized steel / construction store that will send me anything I ask for via email, no need for phone calls or heading over to their place first. there's another medium sized store that sells tools and hardware in general, they will also send me anything and expect me to pay upon delivery. to me that's how it should be, trust me and I'll trust you.
13:10 GuShH of course if I opened accounts with some other places they would at least doubt a bit less, but I don't like that.
13:11 GuShH here's another thing I expect, companies (small medium or big) to answer via email within the day, hopefully within the hour. some of these guys do that and I appreciate it.
13:11 GuShH not just a dispatch email or automated response, they actually take the time to help you out
13:11 GuShH it's in their best interest, too bad most places are in charge of clueless dipshits
13:13 GuShH I had an argument with the manager of your equivalent HF store, I wasn't the only one angry at the office, we were 3 in line expecting a full refund over dud merchandise, but they had recently changed their policy (no more refunds) ... we argued the competition still has the policy and they still advertise it, to which the manager answered "we don't care about the competition" ... that's when you know they're actually retarded a
13:13 GuShH nd there's no point in talking anymore.
13:14 GuShH if only I were more like theBear lately
13:16 GuShH back to work... hey at least I finished another project today, the outlet I installed outside is now functional with it's own breaker, yey.
19:02 Jak_o_Shadows Neighbour has hard rubbish
19:02 Jak_o_Shadows Scored a desk, ancient laptop (for parts I think mostly), a decent sound system (possibly for parts, I already have one).
19:10 GuShH Jak_o_Shadows: experiment: throw it all away and see how long it takes for someone to come here and say they've found a desk, ancient laptop and a sound system
19:12 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, I was going to go through it, cut it, and put it back out
19:12 Jak_o_Shadows excludigni the desk. That's my electronics workstation now
19:13 GuShH lol
19:13 GuShH good score then
19:15 Jak_o_Shadows Laptop has a trident GPU, 4GB HDD, 64MB RAM, and a celeron
19:15 GuShH heh dead battery I presume
19:15 GuShH hmm spent a few hours drilling the holes for all the rivets on the lathe stand, I underestimated how long it would take... about 200 holes in total
19:15 Jak_o_Shadows possibly. I just need to find a barrel jack. I think the computer PSU should be able to supply it
19:16 GuShH 3mm -> 3.5mm -> countersink
19:16 GuShH err 3.25 actually, I broke the last 3mm
19:16 Jak_o_Shadows You've got a drill press at least though?
19:16 GuShH yeah but this was on the structure
19:16 GuShH with a hand drill
19:16 GuShH I did all the sheet metal holes with the press a few days ago
19:16 Jak_o_Shadows ouch.
19:16 GuShH was fun
19:16 GuShH I don't have a magnetic drill, never seen one but I just know they're way too expensive anyway
19:17 GuShH I could probably make one out of a cheap drill press...
19:17 GuShH but it would be cumbersome
19:18 ShH doesn't mind anyway... he's looking for a milling mac
19:19 GuShH Jak_o_Shadows: what was wrong with the desk?
19:20 Jak_o_Shadows Old fashioned. The beech laminate is darker than current style. Also, I believe the top section may have broken off, there's holes for it at least
19:20 GuShH hmm
19:23 Jak_o_Shadows I really need to buy a bunch of barrel jacks
19:28 GuShH Jak_o_Shadows: what for?
19:29 GuShH general projects?
19:30 Jak_o_Shadows Just so I don't have to diassemble stuff just so I can power it
19:31 GuShH hmm I knew the chopsaw wasn't too bad, it was the cutoff wheel it came with that sucked, got a dewalt one and it cuts like butter, leaves almost no burrs
19:32 GuShH just need to figure out the slight angle on the cut, it's either because of the uneven floor or there's a manufacturing error on the mount
19:32 GuShH let's just say the base flexes as it's not cast iron, just stamped steel
19:32 GuShH (well iron flexes as well, but it would be thicker and thus flex less...)
19:33 GuShH thing is already way too heavy as-is, couldn't imagine it any heavier
19:44 Jak_o_Shadows Hey, it's an odd battery pack that's not made of round cells
19:47 Jak_o_Shadows bugger. The barrel jack is soldered straight to the MB
19:48 Jak_o_Shadows also, it has a modem :D
19:49 GuShH Jak_o_Shadows: what is the pack made of?
19:49 GuShH is it like a lithium pack
19:50 GuShH but back then it would've been nimh at best
19:50 Jak_o_Shadows Li-ions. 10.8V, 4000mAh
19:50 GuShH that's not so old
19:51 Jak_o_Shadows according to my DMM, the battery pack is dead flat.
19:51 GuShH at least one cell is dead
19:53 Jak_o_Shadows I'm more interested in trying to boot it up.
19:55 Jak_o_Shadows Any tips on faking the male bits of barrel jacks?
20:00 Jak_o_Shadows Right, battery pack open. It's 9 1.2V cells
20:01 Jak_o_Shadows Somewhat predictably.
20:02 Jak_o_Shadows If I gut the battery case, put in my own voltage from there, will that possibly work?
20:10 GuShH Jak_o_Shadows: 1.2 sounds like nicd to me
20:10 GuShH 1.4 or so is for nimh
20:10 GuShH it's vintage enough to be cadmium, like some of my cordless screwdrivers heh
20:11 GuShH (which still work by the way)
20:12 Jak_o_Shadows It definitely says li-ion on the outside of the pack lol
21:28 Jak_o_Shadows ok, screw trying to get this laptop working, parts time.
21:29 Jak_o_Shadows and by parts I mean CD drive, floppy disk drive, perhaps some leds and switches
22:35 MrCurious woo hoo got an interviewwwwwww
22:37 MrCurious is it just me, or does talk news make everyone want to ppress a knitting needle through their ear holes...
22:37 MrCurious going to put it on all star wrestling to protect my sanity
23:55 Curious pulls the knitting needle