#robotics Logs

Sep 05 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:23 MrCurious another riddik movie?!?! there should have been only one... the second one...
00:24 GargantuaSauce_ reviews arent good either
00:24 GargantuaSauce_ i am very disappoint it's not living up to chronicles
00:24 MrCurious kind of hard to top a space plague of the holy half dead..
00:25 GargantuaSauce_ this is true
00:25 GargantuaSauce_ did you play the games? they were both kind of awful and i enjoyed them thoroughly
00:25 MrCurious no
00:25 MrCurious games are a waste of valuable processor time
00:26 MrCurious unless they are skyrim or wc3
00:26 Faek Or digimon world 2003
00:34 MrCurious if you have a time machine, could you steal something, insure it, then steal it from yourself, return it to where when you got it, and collect insurance work?
00:35 rue_house I finished attaching the lugs I had and he haded me the wire he was working on and left
00:36 MrCurious so you attached remaining lugs and left also?
00:36 rue_house after mostly attaching the first wire I noticed I was bleeding, seemed to be one of those "sharp enough to not have noticed and bleeding heavy" things
00:36 MrCurious or it there a plot twist?
00:36 rue_house licked it off and looked for the wound
00:36 rue_house as I did so I notied drops on the floor
00:36 MrCurious you licked his blood!
00:36 MrCurious vampire!
00:36 rue_house then I look over to hear someone ask the boss if he was ok
00:36 rue_house and him standing there with a papertowel wrapped around his hand
00:37 rue_house that disturbed me for the rest of the day
00:37 MrCurious hmmmm
00:37 MrCurious not good
00:37 MrCurious now that you have tasted blood, none will be safe around you again ever
00:37 rue_house the tought went thu my head
00:38 rue_house you NEVER give a dragon taste of human blood
00:38 MrCurious might be time to ask your boss if you tasted aids or hepatitis
00:38 SleepersTide` MrCurious: there are much more efficient ways to make money with a time machine
00:38 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yC7HwPh6Es
00:38 MrCurious or some other nasty disease
00:39 rue_house he says he's ok
00:39 MrCurious awkward
00:39 MrCurious can you demand a blood test? or wait 6 months and test yourself, then let him know he has the aids
00:40 MrCurious if you start having romantic sexy dreams about him, he is probably a vampire.
00:45 MrCurious wow, that is one disturbing 20 year long clowd hanging over you
00:55 rue_house he's fine, but its still disturbing
00:56 GargantuaSauce_ well he definitely screwed up in leaving blood everywhere and not telling you or at least swearing or something
00:56 GargantuaSauce_ you should definitely mess with him in the above vein :)
00:57 GargantuaSauce_ i wish that pun had been intentional, i would have applied it better
01:03 MrCurious you should at least find out his gender preference and promiscuity level. and if he is big on IV drugs
01:10 MrCurious anyone here play elder scrolls skyrim or oblivion?
01:11 Faek I have, not recently
01:12 MrCurious after playing it, i have discovered i have a odd compulsion to pick flowers when i pass them in the real world
01:12 Faek Haha
01:14 MrCurious was very strange until i worked it out
01:15 MrCurious finger itches, and i have scratched the whole hand until its 50% numb, and still it itches
01:20 GargantuaSauce_ i played it and oblivion a bunch and i noticed the same compulsion
01:20 GargantuaSauce_ it was very strong when i was playing 4-5 hours a day
01:22 MrCurious oh no... doomed... http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/09/syria-joel-rosenberg-damascus-countdown-magog
01:22 MrCurious nice to know i am not the only sufferer
01:36 rue_bed theBear, you into helping me with that electric drive parts search?
02:13 rue_bed theBear, tell me if your not into it, I'll try to enlist kat :)
02:37 theBear i ain't into anything with this stupid sniffly nose sore head, i know that much... and if kat is more accessible, i sure ain't worried... friggin sore head people makin' me be the bad guy, chasing and threatening... maybe it's been too long since i made an example of someone, tho i suppose that can always be fixed
08:19 GargantuaSauce_ ow ow ow ow
08:19 GargantuaSauce_ hot glue burns are the worst
08:24 Tom_itx weld slag in your boot rates right up there
08:26 GargantuaSauce_ i would imagine that's pretty shitty too but this is right on my fingertip
08:47 SquirrelCZECH CHRISTMAS!
08:48 uirrelCZECH just received package with electronics for airship... you know that fee
08:51 GargantuaSauce_ airship?
08:51 GargantuaSauce_ like, a lighter-than-air craft?
08:57 SquirrelCZECH yep
08:57 SquirrelCZECH helium
08:59 GargantuaSauce_ coool
09:01 GuShH lol
09:01 GuShH SquirrelCZECH must live in a steampunk country!
09:01 SquirrelCZECH nope
09:01 uirrelCZECH is still children in his
09:01 SquirrelCZECH :-)
09:01 GuShH package delivered by copper lined parachute
09:01 GuShH decorated with brass for good measure
09:01 GuShH ....retards.
09:02 GuShH anyone going to huge extremes, doing whatever, just annoys me.
09:02 SquirrelCZECH :D
09:06 GuShH SquirrelCZECH: so now you have all the parts to finish your project?
09:08 SquirrelCZECH not at all! :D
09:09 GuShH fck
09:09 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: I have to make another parts for sceleton (it's rigid one)
09:09 GuShH at this rate you'll never finish!
09:09 SquirrelCZECH create program for arduino
09:09 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: just working as fast as I can
09:09 SquirrelCZECH I can faster, but only for shorter period of time, after that I need brake
09:09 ShH busts out the
09:09 SquirrelCZECH so I just work in most effective way :-)
09:10 GuShH working the most effective way is not working
09:10 GargantuaSauce_ ive been awake for close to 24 hours and working on my hexapod for most of that
09:10 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: I am 19 years old and my doctor allready defined my back and collar like that one of 40 years old secretary
09:10 GuShH GargantuaSauce_: yeah but you are insane
09:11 SquirrelCZECH so
09:11 SquirrelCZECH I force my self to take breaks and things like that
09:11 GuShH don't worry my back also has problems
09:11 GuShH as does theBear's
09:11 SquirrelCZECH because otherwise I could have big health problems really soon
09:11 GargantuaSauce_ no contention from me on that point
09:11 SquirrelCZECH and thing is
09:11 ShH lives in constant pain since he refuses to take medications or
09:12 SquirrelCZECH that if I do not take breaks ... quality of things what I do goes lower
09:12 SquirrelCZECH which is something... I can't allow! :D
10:50 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj9gFFyR3-Y
12:06 GuShH GargantuaSauce_: nice, but let's talk about that mess of yours
12:22 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: mess is sign of intelligence
12:22 SquirrelCZECH because only genius can handle complete chaos!
12:22 SquirrelCZECH :-)
13:42 ngfuPanda slaps GuShH across the
15:48 ngfuPanda pokes G
16:44 KongfuPanda my new servos have arrived
16:44 KongfuPanda but I'm too tired to do anything
17:15 GuShH KongfuPanda: oh?
17:19 GuShH Hmmm what's the standard thread size / pitch for common car oil filters?
18:29 PraetorianTMOTC Hey all, has anyone done anything with DIY robotic bartenders?
18:29 GuShH PraetorianTMOTC: yes, we got drunk.
18:30 ShH idly pukes on theBear's trash
18:33 GuShH robotustra's robo-bartender came out gay though
18:35 robotustra hm
18:35 robotustra I don't have any robot yet
18:35 robotustra reading about atmega128 to work with SPI
18:36 Tom_itx PDI PDO
18:36 Tom_itx for programming, not spi
18:36 robotustra PE0
18:36 Tom_itx don't let that confuse you
18:37 robotustra PE1
18:37 Tom_itx uh huh
18:37 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/mega128.jpg
18:38 robotustra nice, but I have a board
18:38 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/atmega128_exp_1.jpg
18:38 Tom_itx i have 2
18:38 Tom_itx :)
18:39 robotustra I would better be silent
18:39 Tom_itx why?
18:39 robotustra looks like china made
18:40 Tom_itx the board was
18:40 Tom_itx i soldered it
18:41 robotustra anyway I use it just for tests ans after I'll use smaller one with atmega32u4
18:41 robotustra I need to test optical sensor
18:41 GuShH boo I need a proper water trap for the compressor :(
18:41 GuShH and a better air filter...
18:41 GuShH was thinking adapting an oil filter, since it's cheap and readily available
18:43 robotustra port b alternative functions
18:44 PraetorianTMOTC Yeah I just got one of the partyrobotics shot bots and was looking at making a bigger version DIY
18:45 PraetorianTMOTC essentially it's just a peristaltic pump
18:45 PraetorianTMOTC they actually offer a multi pump for cocktail mixing but I figured I'd give it a go myself first
18:45 Tom_itx robotustra, 32u4: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/atmega32u4/atmega32u4_1.jpg
18:46 GuShH PraetorianTMOTC: alcoholic!
18:46 robotustra Tom_itx: what is the size of first PCB with atmega128?
18:46 PraetorianTMOTC GuShH: Haha, shhhhh
18:46 Tom_itx .6 wide
18:46 Tom_itx dunno how long
18:47 Tom_itx count the pins, they're .1 spacing
18:47 robotustra bad soldering
18:47 GuShH PraetorianTMOTC: try one of these http://www.timberland-supply.com/Images/HondaPE/WT40.gif plus one of these http://image.ec21.com/image/op00000857/oimg_CA00197122/Intravenous_Catheter.jpg
18:47 Tom_itx i didn't make that one
18:47 Tom_itx got it from a dude
18:48 robotustra I ordered this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/310634777706?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
18:49 robotustra looks like almost the same
18:50 Tom_itx probably so
18:51 robotustra may be yours is better because it could be burned through SPI
18:52 Tom_itx you're looking at 2 different chips there
18:52 Tom_itx that link is a 32u4
18:52 Tom_itx the first one i linked was a mega128
18:52 Tom_itx the last one i linked was a 32u4
18:52 robotustra I know it
18:52 Tom_itx which doesn't have an isp header on it
18:52 Tom_itx but you can still grab the pins and program it
18:53 robotustra yep
18:53 Tom_itx so what you said didn't make sense to me
18:53 robotustra I did it for spark fun board with atmega32u4
18:54 robotustra which had the isp header which didn't worked as needed
18:54 Tom_itx why not?
18:54 robotustra because ISP loader had a bug
18:55 robotustra it started loader every time I plugged it to usb port
18:55 robotustra instead of running my application
18:55 robotustra already downloaded to the memory
18:56 Tom_itx did you compile it to load in the right place?
18:56 robotustra it WAS already in the memory when I bought it
18:56 robotustra and it was at right address
18:56 Tom_itx alot depends on the state of HWB and reset
18:57 robotustra you told me already that
18:57 Tom_itx i did?
18:57 robotustra 6 months ago
18:57 robotustra no, only 4 months ago
18:57 Tom_itx unless it's a custom bootloader
18:57 robotustra no
18:57 Tom_itx the only time it will enter boot is with HWB low and pushing reset
18:57 robotustra it was a bug and I wrote them
18:58 robotustra yep it should be like this
18:58 robotustra they send me new BL
18:58 robotustra which I didn't tryyet
18:58 Tom_itx did you load it?
18:59 robotustra no
18:59 robotustra I use ISP programmer
18:59 robotustra bootloader has no sense for me
18:59 robotustra just waist of the space
19:01 robotustra the thing which works only once is not needed
19:02 robotustra I like first board with atmega128
19:03 robotustra may be make it shorter
19:04 robotustra and put outputs more compact
19:05 Tom_itx might be tough if you want .1 spacing
19:06 robotustra I think I can handle smaller distance
19:13 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIxgPEVjxiA
19:19 robotustra let him do the same without central hole drilling
19:22 GuShH GargantuaSauce_: that's the smallest lathe I've seen to date
19:22 GargantuaSauce_ well duh, you don't need a big one to trim down cookies
19:23 GuShH you don't need a lathe to trim down cookies, period.
19:25 GuShH now this I like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBw618geqyI
19:25 GargantuaSauce_ yup
19:25 theBear firefox comes with an internal lathe for that purpose
21:12 GuShh_ Hrmmmm
21:32 MrCurious I am so tired of this War On Trevor....
23:42 monkers hello?
23:44 monkers I'm making a robot... i have a battery for the motors, but was wondering if those 'usb battery packs' are an option for running the other usb devices (arduino, pi, video cam, etc). They are rated at 5v 10000+ mah and typically have 1A and 2A ports to connect devices. any thoughts?
23:46 monkers http://www.ianker.com/product/79AN7904-BA