#robotics Logs

Sep 04 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:05 GargantuaSauce_ time to spend four hours on mcmaster
00:05 MrCurious perhaps this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/100-pcs-M2-5-8-Screw-self-tapping-screw-Cross-Head-Screw-screws-/270871975643?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f113a56db
00:06 MrCurious for $3 i will gamble
00:43 rue_bed self cross-threading screws?
00:45 theBear no no, angry
00:47 rue_bed anger? but... it wont come out!
00:48 rue_bed awe, I was gonna write code for the TLC5940 today
00:48 rue_bed damn
00:48 rue_bed I wonder if I should try writing 8051 dc servo code
00:53 rue_bed I wonder if I could get an 8051 to do 16 servo loops at once
00:56 rue_bed iirc, tiny26's make THE cheapest multichannel adc's
00:56 rue_bed sad to use them for just an adc :)
01:08 MrCurious tiny26?
01:09 MrCurious too many pins
01:30 rue_bed ADC
01:30 rue_bed iirc its a 12 channel adc, it costs less than any other 12 channel 10 bit adc
01:37 MrCurious first there was obama care
01:37 MrCurious now the syria vote i dub Obama-Dare
01:44 rue_bed uino-BOOTLOADER-DIP-Socket-16MHz-crystal-Kit/631820499.html
01:45 rue_bed er
01:45 rue_bed http://www.aliexpress.com/item/ATMEGA328P-PU-without-Ar-duino-BOOTLOADER-DIP-Socket-16MHz-crystal-Kit/631820499.html
01:45 rue_bed please read that for me, I think I'v gone insane or someting
01:45 rue_bed it seems to me, thats 8 arvs, crystals, and regulators for $5
01:47 GargantuaSauce_ No 8PCS ATmega328P-PU Only 1pcs!!!!!!!!!!
01:48 GargantuaSauce_ it also says without bootloader in the title and with uno bootloader in the description
01:49 rue_bed oooh
01:49 rue_bed the 8 is the component count!
01:49 rue_bed thanks
01:49 GargantuaSauce_ yeah that is a really fucky product listing
01:49 rue_bed but I think thats still pretty good for $5
01:50 GargantuaSauce_ ehh maybe
01:50 rue_bed $3.30 ea for avr on digikey
01:52 GargantuaSauce_ yeah but from dk you get an mcu that is definitely new and properly handled
01:52 GargantuaSauce_ and packaged in a sane manner
01:53 rue_bed so far I'v had great luck with china
01:54 GargantuaSauce_ in any case i imagine you're going for at least half a dozen MCUs so i'd suggest sourcing all the things in that kit separately because you'll get a better price
01:54 rue_bed digikey rules on shipping, I'm in the middle of nowhere and stuff arrives day-after-next
01:54 GargantuaSauce_ oh so have i, i've bought plenty of components from aliexpress
01:54 GargantuaSauce_ there is a definite element of you get what you pay for though
01:55 rue_bed I'm trolling for atmega324 dip, as my upgrade from mega32
01:55 rue_bed it looks like I'm gonna pay good for dip, tqfp44 is cheap
01:55 rue_bed unless I can find dirt cheap tqfp sockets
01:55 rue_bed heh
01:55 rue_bed (I'm looking now)
01:56 rue_bed that or I give in and finally set myself up a rework station
01:56 GargantuaSauce_ you can definitely find em for like half a dollar
01:56 rue_bed which isn't so bad
01:56 rue_bed cant find dips cheap
01:56 GargantuaSauce_ yeah they're pretty antiquated at this point
01:56 rue_bed the 324 goes down to about $2.50ea in tqfp
01:56 GargantuaSauce_ only ICs that are cheaper in dip are eeproms
01:57 rue_bed I DO burn up chips every so often
01:57 GargantuaSauce_ if you want a cheap hot air station, i have an 858D which was less than 60 bucks
01:57 GargantuaSauce_ and it seems to do the trick
01:58 rue_bed I dont know what a smt kit is
01:59 rue_bed I think its a heating plate and a hand set of some kind, air or formed tips
01:59 rue_bed heh, china is a fine liquidator, if I dont upgrade to 324, I can get 32 really cheap
02:10 rue_bed I'm down to 2.20ea on atmega32
02:12 rue_bed it looks to me like I should use this opportunity to slip into a smt station
02:12 rue_bed you wanna propose some tools?
02:15 rue_bed oo $14 for a tqfp44 socket
02:18 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.ebay.ca/itm/360680153625
02:19 rue_bed oh damn, wait, whats the pitch on a tqfp! its higher than 25 thou isn't it?
02:20 rue_bed er, I can do 50 thou pitch on my plotter...
02:20 GargantuaSauce_ tqfp defines the type and placement of the pins, not the pitch
02:21 rue_bed I dont think this is an in-bed-before-sleep excersize
02:21 GargantuaSauce_ .4-.8mm
02:23 rue_bed so 31 thou best case
02:23 rue_bed I can do 31 thou pitch
02:35 GargantuaSauce_ lol
02:35 GargantuaSauce_ i have a little servo tester that i guess just uses an rc timer to generate the pulse
02:35 GargantuaSauce_ cause the length varies with voltage
02:36 GargantuaSauce_ aaaand of course when it tells the servo to move, the voltage drops a little as it draws current to move
02:36 GargantuaSauce_ seeee where this is going?
02:37 rue_bed I was supposed to just be finding avrs
02:37 rue_bed GargantuaSauce_, cant be 555 based then
02:37 rue_bed why wouldn't they just use a 6 pin micro or someting?
02:39 GargantuaSauce_ it could be a micro i guess, it's a little 14 pin smd package
02:39 GargantuaSauce_ cant get the lighting right to read it
02:40 GargantuaSauce_ in any case the duty varies with input voltage
02:40 GargantuaSauce_ i figure it's just a quad comp but it could be an mcu
02:40 GargantuaSauce_ the output seems a little steppy as i turn the pot which could support that theory or the pot could just be shit
02:52 rue_bed so alibaba had the best price on mega32, and digikey seemed to have the best price on mega324
02:52 rue_bed (dip)
02:52 rue_bed are there more than 3 discretes?
02:53 rue_bed a comparitor circuit would prolly be all over the map with voltage
03:07 GargantuaSauce_ mmm theres just 3 caps and a resistor, now that i look at it properly
08:49 rue_house theBear, any interest in helping me out finding synchrobelts?
08:49 rue_house is one of the caps a ceramic osc?
09:23 poli Greetings my good people of #robotics!
09:36 delinquentme what kind of gear to gear link to use when I dont need speed or torque ? just accuracy?
10:12 theBear oh that.... didn't i tell you to remind me the next day ? or is that today ? anyway, i still got a sniffly nose and a sore neck and i refuse to think until all that is done with
10:52 kriskropd ed #robotics
11:10 Tom_L http://www.electronicproducts.com/Digital_ICs/Video_Graphics_Audio/This_Smart_Vision_Sensor_Instantly_Learns_What_to_Detect.aspx
15:17 ShH slaps KongfuP
15:19 ngfuPanda squ
15:19 ShH slaps ha
15:19 ngfuPanda attracts attention of po
15:19 ShH slaps the po
15:20 ShH eats their donuts and p
15:24 KongfuPanda stupid internet
15:24 KongfuPanda GuShH, are you in the US? where about?
16:28 delinquentme So I've got this phidgets guy here: http://www.phidgets.com/docs/1063_User_Guide And I'm attempting to get the current limit for it
16:29 delinquentme (its set in software ) ... does it make sense that I should disconnect one coil of this bipolar stepper ... and then gradually up the current in software ?
16:29 MrCurious hope you didnt pay much
16:30 MrCurious i got a phidgits in the beginning
16:30 MrCurious fried one of the 4 stepper ports
16:31 MrCurious wasn't easy to code for on pc end
16:31 MrCurious avr/arduino + a easy stepper is a much better (cheaper) route
16:32 MrCurious but its nice to know i am not the only to make t\e mistake
16:32 MrCurious and back to your question
16:32 MrCurious do NOT disconnect a stepper EVER when in a powered state
16:32 MrCurious it will fry the driver permenently
16:33 MrCurious i am done grumbling :D
16:33 GargantuaSauce_ really? wow
16:33 GargantuaSauce_ i have abused the shit out of my melzi
16:33 MrCurious new object of lust http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2013/09/03/new-products-adafruit-trinket-mini-microcontroller-3-3v-and-5-5v-versions-7-95/
16:33 GargantuaSauce_ and it's taken it without complaint
16:34 MrCurious i blew up an easy stepper driver that way
16:34 MrCurious and a phidgits board
16:34 MrCurious you are welcome to encourage him to do that, but o dont want any of the blow back
16:35 MrCurious you can double the internal oscilator in an avr to get 16mhz without a crystal or resonator?!
16:35 robotustra you mean that object of lust is that girl which is holding PCB?
16:35 MrCurious nail polish no longer asserts gender...
16:36 MrCurious have care...
16:36 MrCurious thinking that would be nice for a usb servo driver or a i2c servo driver
16:37 MrCurious buy one, learn its magic, and then replicate it cheaper without the usb bits
16:40 ShH loctites MrCurious to robotu
16:41 MrCurious guy in school had his cheeks locktighted together
16:41 MrCurious learned cyano acrilate had a solvent that day
16:41 GargantuaSauce_ wat
16:41 GuShH robotustra: maybe it's a guy's hand
16:42 GuShH MrCurious: his butt cheeks?
16:42 GuShH I wonder if alignment is doable at home, not that it's any expensive it's just a hassle
16:42 MrCurious butt cheek alignment??? no. use a profesional
16:43 GuShH car.
16:43 MrCurious oh, yeah, thats cake to do at home IF you have the alignment machine :)
16:43 GuShH but the alignment machine is just to aid the monkey with the wrench underneath
16:43 MrCurious highly trained monkey
16:43 GuShH not really
16:43 GuShH whatsoever.
16:43 GuShH trust me on that one.
16:44 GuShH they're literal monkeys with wrenches.
16:44 GuShH or whatever the actual plural is for monkey, can't think right now.
16:47 MrCurious maybe yours are, but ours study for years!
16:47 MrCurious well, study weed
16:50 GargantuaSauce_ i minored in that
17:02 MrCurious did you pass
17:02 MrCurious out
17:51 delinquentme anyone in here using phidgets with python :D
18:03 robotustra python is slow
18:03 robotustra don't use it
18:03 robotustra c only
18:05 delinquentme how to tell if a stepper is correctly wired up to a stepper?
18:05 delinquentme driver!
18:05 delinquentme erm D:
18:19 robotustra it's just turn right direction
18:19 robotustra what tupe of stepper do you use?
18:19 robotustra type
19:03 ShH wonders if robotustra has finished his weird alien
19:12 MrCurious define finished?
19:13 Faek In a working state, requiring no further work done upon it, until at least 6 months have passed
19:14 GargantuaSauce_ life is finished at conception?
19:16 MrCurious the facade is done
19:16 MrCurious he is working on the animatronics still
19:16 MrCurious he is making quick progress
19:20 MrCurious sure looks like we will have boots in syria soon
19:20 MrCurious !bs
19:21 GargantuaSauce_ there's already US-trained militants on the ground, has been for awhile
19:22 GargantuaSauce_ just not an official sovereign military presence
19:22 GargantuaSauce_ not to mention the US-backed strikes by israel
19:23 GargantuaSauce_ the whole "debate" going on means next to nothing
19:25 MrCurious i dont enjoy politiical theater
19:25 MrCurious and i am war weary
19:25 GargantuaSauce_ you me and pretty much everyone who doesn't stand to profit
19:26 MrCurious wait.... i can PROFIT off of war...
19:26 MrCurious seems like a winning bet...
20:04 MrCurious curious what the list of middle eastern countries we have conflicted with vs the list of those we havent looks like
20:27 ace4016 i don't think we've started anything with turkey, jordan, israel, kuwait....
20:28 theBear stop saying we you fucks !
20:28 ace4016 :P
20:28 ace4016 feel left out?
20:28 theBear no, just insulted :)
20:29 MrCurious turkey is secular or nonsecular
20:29 ace4016 lol
20:29 MrCurious leave the smaller ones till last:P
20:29 theBear you mean sometimes it's whole and other times it's carved ?
20:30 MrCurious meaning national religion in govt or govt seperate from religion
20:30 theBear i don't care ! i don't come here to talk about what your stupid army is doing
20:30 MrCurious what country are you in!.... your so going on the list...
20:31 MrCurious and dont say iraq... we aint falling for that one again!
20:32 MrCurious i havent had this much fun giggling at politicians since bush2 was president
20:32 MrCurious i predict a re-biirth of late night commedians
21:08 MrCurious bill nye joining dancing with the stars is news?
21:08 Faek Maybe
21:08 MrCurious i think max-headroom will appear on the tv any day now
21:08 GuShH MrCurious: #news
21:08 MrCurious i see your #news and raise you a #lathe and #autorepair
21:09 GuShH car has been operational since yesterday
21:09 MrCurious didnt mean to choke out all the robot banter flying here
21:09 MrCurious nice!
21:09 MrCurious easy fix?
21:09 GuShH I don't know
21:09 GuShH if making a hole on your subframe is easy then yes
21:10 GuShH lathe... pfft, let's see you use your mill first
21:10 Faek I do that all the time
21:11 MrCurious happy Rosh Hashanah (you know who you are)
21:11 MrCurious i use my mill yearly!
21:11 GuShH the hell with those jews
21:11 GuShH you barely use the mill as a drill press!
21:11 MrCurious but now its 95 + humidity... barely use th bathroom in weather like this
21:11 MrCurious no, i carve square holes in aluminum
21:12 GuShH for what?
21:12 GuShH where's your cnc!
21:12 GuShH POSER
21:12 MrCurious exposing power switch
21:12 GuShH choose a round switch next time, less trouble.
21:12 MrCurious i'll not take that from a porveyer of lathe based porn!
21:12 GuShH :<
21:13 GuShH I told you the ball valve on my compressor broke off, so I couldn't even work on the lathe stand!
21:14 GuShH Got a replacement already
21:14 MrCurious i am waiting for colder weather
21:14 GuShH Aren't you in a real country? get a portable AC unit then
21:15 GuShH I could've used a propane heater while fixing the car at 3AM on monday
21:15 GuShH It was around 0°C
21:15 MrCurious we have 2 in the house. we are already way over our ac alotment
21:15 MrCurious 32C
21:16 GuShH 20°C is now my ideal temperature, not 25 anymore.
21:16 Faek It was 30C yesterday, down to 18C today
21:16 GuShH 12°C right now outside
21:17 GuShH warm enough to sand, too cold to paint
21:17 GuShH not an excuse, just a reality...
21:19 GuShH asked for a water separator / filter for the air compressor (dual with oiler and regulator) ... dude wanted 70 bucks, it's under 20 bucks on ebay with shipping.... the hell!
21:19 GuShH makes you wonder how these shops survive around here
21:19 Faek Morons/time-critical
21:19 MrCurious isnt that why argentina is spiraling into an inflationary depression
21:19 GuShH It already has
21:19 GuShH 10 to 15% price increase in almost everything every month
21:19 MrCurious whats your money worth now? one wipe or two?
21:20 GuShH not much
21:20 MrCurious so the water filter is basically free
21:20 rue_house one double layer, two single layer ITS YOUR DESCISION
21:20 GuShH oficially one usd is worth 5,6 ARS but it's a lie, more like 8 ARS in reality
21:20 MrCurious if your eonomy is failing, invest in cans of soup. soup holds its value great durring the end of the world
21:20 GuShH one double layer
21:21 GuShH MrCurious: free? if I got paid in USD maybe
21:21 GuShH not many people do.
21:21 MrCurious hmmm
21:21 MrCurious can you get paid in Rials?
21:21 GuShH what's that?
21:21 MrCurious they have a good economy
21:22 GuShH brazil?
21:22 MrCurious brazilian real's
21:22 GuShH It's not so good.
21:22 MrCurious re-als
21:22 GuShH Better but not too good.
21:24 GuShH that's one slutty fake blonde on top of such a nice bike... http://auto.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-470427620-yamaha-r6-600cc-2009-c-accesorios-honda-1000-r1-cbr-kawasaki-_JM
21:24 GuShH otoh I have a hard-on for the R1, not the R6
21:25 GuShH for just 8.000KM that rear tyre is way gone...
21:25 GuShH so must be the clutch.
21:26 ShH takes it MrCurious is too old for this kind of t
21:29 MrCurious yep
21:29 MrCurious used to remember how just that sort of thing worked...
21:30 MrCurious today i saw a bunch of different youths... all looking at their iPhones..... gently stroking them, touching them, carefully focusing
21:31 GuShH lol
21:31 MrCurious man times have changed since i was their age...
21:31 GuShH damn hipsters.
21:33 MrCurious when i was young, being a hipster meant you shot from the hip
21:33 MrCurious no ide what it means now
21:36 ace4016 rue_mohr, http://kotaku.com/oh-its-just-a-17-ton-robotic-bug-1239026222
21:38 GargantuaSauce_ that is much cooler than my hexapod
21:38 theBear billnye ? is that sposed to mean something ? he hangs around in another channel i at
21:39 theBear lol, 140 bucks with a funny lookin girl on top... bargain
21:39 theBear AND an extra decimal 0 for good measure
21:40 MrCurious i bet parking is a bitch
21:41 theBear maybe if you can't park
21:41 GargantuaSauce_ not at all, occupied spots are no problem
21:41 theBear or is that her name ?
21:41 ace4016 lol
21:41 ace4016 park is a korean sir name :P
21:41 theBear hmm, she's only in one picture .... must be two different bikes
21:41 ace4016 or family name rather
21:46 theBear damn that article is ridden with spelling mistakes... it's like rue wrote it
21:46 GargantuaSauce_ this is kotaku after all
21:47 theBear this is madness !
21:48 GargantuaSauce_ no this is e-tabloids
21:56 GuShH theBear: more like 140k ARS
21:56 GuShH 25k usd at official rate
21:57 GuShH don't know what it's worth brand new, don't care...
21:57 GuShH I think you can get a used hayabusa 2008 for a bit over 25
21:58 GuShH ugly ass bike though
22:00 GuShH oh and a death trap if you're an idiot.
22:06 theBear look, it ain't my problem if you fools use dots instead of commas
22:07 GuShH pfft just get used to it.
22:07 MrCurious economy's in a comma oh no! it might be serious
22:07 ShH wonders if theBear has booze to s
22:07 theBear howbout, no
22:07 theBear ambiguity is not for the schoolroom
22:07 MrCurious sung to tune of girlfriend in a coma
22:07 GuShH howbout yes motha fucka!
22:08 theBear and of course i do, but now i'm sober i'm too much of an asshole to share it again
22:08 ShH whips a t
22:08 MrCurious , for decimal seperation never made sense to me
22:08 MrCurious its 10,000,000.00 not 10.000.000,00
22:08 theBear it's not decimal seperation !
22:08 theBear they use dots instead of commas, then if there's a decimal it becomes STUPID
22:08 GuShH look, these dipshits can't code worth shit, so they use a dot. that's the best explanation I could find.
22:09 theBear no better than americans using a comma for a decimal seperator... conventions are good, when they are used
22:09 GuShH damn these kawasakis were ugly http://moto.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-473579657-vendo-urgente-ninja-250-_JM
22:10 theBear 250 was, the big 1000 or 1100 or whatever number it got was a lot better
22:10 GuShH but not cheap
22:10 GuShH 650 or so
22:10 GuShH CCs
22:10 theBear well nah, they got like 4 times as many numbers
22:11 GuShH I can't afford that not even in 10 more years.
22:11 GuShH we're just looking.
22:11 theBear if you use traditional accounting theory i can afford much less than nothing in 10 years, maybe i should spend my money now ? pfft, nah
22:11 GuShH ok here's the 600cc http://moto.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-472100522-kawasaki-ninja-600-r-_JM
22:11 GuShH just as fugly
22:11 GuShH 92-93
22:11 theBear then again, if i keep drinking this little, i can probly afford a house in 10 years :)
22:12 GuShH right 750cc was the suzuki one
22:13 GuShH found a magazine from 1986 featuring lots of neat bikes I still can't afford, how sad is that?
22:14 GuShH if theBear quits drinking... he's going to become 10 times bitchier than me
22:15 theBear there ain't much risk of that, but i'm already on the verge of legally non-alcaholic, and by my standards painfully sober 24/7
22:15 GargantuaSauce_ i am reading GLM's source and lamenting my lack of liquor
22:15 theBear like i always say, tehre's a reason i chose to drink all the time
22:15 theBear ironically there's no real reason i have stopped :)
22:16 GuShH maybe you just forgot to keep drinking
22:16 theBear there's certainly an element of that, but it's never happened before
22:17 GuShH well booze has it's properties.... for instance I worked on the car until 3AM on monday, had 3 shots of whiskey, went to bed... woke up 8-10 (can't remember) and kept working on it until 3-4PM when it was done.
22:18 theBear i'm not sure that's an argument either way, but it certainly has properties, there's no denying it !
22:22 poli Greetings my good people of #robotics!
22:22 GuShH look it's the brazilian dude
22:22 MrCurious prove it! show him your alterations...
22:22 GuShH haha
22:25 GuShH Jawa is still making bikes?
22:28 MrCurious poli: any progress to share?
22:29 GuShH I think grandpa will die before he even finishes his design
22:29 ShH unfilt
22:29 GuShH MrCurious: on the local news... rapist caught, house set on fire.
22:30 GuShH sadly he wasn't inside.
22:30 MrCurious problem solved?
22:30 MrCurious take oout the rapist-nests....
22:30 robotustra baby's also on fire
22:31 MrCurious boom! boom-boom!
22:31 robotustra murder murder murder - KILL KILL KILL
22:32 robotustra gotta go sleep
22:32 robotustra controllers are waiting for me at work tomorrow
22:36 robotustra good night
23:08 morph_ Hello I am wondering if someone can recommend some alternative books the following book? Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis , J. David Irwin, R. Mark Nelms, 9th Edition
23:08 morph_ I like having multiple books on each subjects I take
23:26 rue_house hmm
23:26 rue_house not heard of that one
23:26 rue_house just bring your homework here
23:26 rue_house we like homework
23:26 rue_house but were ethical and wont do it for you
23:26 rue_house we will persist till you know why the answers we gave you are wrong
23:27 Faek I dont think i'd be able to help with engineering stuff
23:45 rue_house I had a disturbing moment at work today
23:46 rue_house me and the boss were working on doing some connections in a breaker panel
23:47 GargantuaSauce_ and someone switched the power on?
23:50 MrCurious and he started BREAK DANCING
23:51 GargantuaSauce_ the 60hz beat is pretty damn fresh
23:51 MrCurious meh, i give 60hz a 7, it has a nice beat, but its hard to dance to