#robotics Logs

Sep 02 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:15 GargantuaSauce_ man, where would I be without hot glue...
00:15 rue_shop2 I'm blue
00:15 rue_shop2 but the plotter pen now works
00:15 rue_shop2 ... the blue one anyhow
00:19 MrCurious rue. did you see my link abouot harmonic drive that is printable by 3d printer
00:20 rue_house no
00:20 rue_house sounds logical
00:22 MrCurious http://www.projectbiped.com/projects/harmonic-drive
00:25 rue_shop2 oh, its not free?
00:25 rue_shop2 thingverse dosnt have one?
00:26 rue_shop2 i wonder if 3d printable copyright is going to be the biggest issue among 3d printable objects
00:26 rue_shop2 "I made one just like yours but its free"
00:26 rue_shop2 WHERE IS MY T?
00:27 rue_shop2 ok, board etching, its been a LONG time...
00:27 rue_shop2 humm....
00:27 rue_shop2 etching tank...
00:27 rue_shop2 where IS that tank...
00:27 rue_shop2 what did that tank look like...
00:27 MrCurious i think the plans are free
00:27 rue_shop2 I think right now its a juice container
00:28 rue_shop2 I started a box of wire, it currently consumes about 10% of the shop volume
00:28 rue_shop2 how does this happen?
00:29 rue_shop2 I SEE IT!
00:29 rue_shop2 its at the back of the shelf... preparing to go in...
00:29 MrCurious looks dangerous
00:29 MrCurious you go first
00:30 rue_shop2 if I dont come back, call for help
00:30 MrCurious let me know if you see a picture og GuShH on theside of the carton
00:30 rue_shop2 ok I got it
00:30 rue_shop2 now, lets see
00:30 rue_shop2 I need the voltage booster for the heater...
00:31 rue_shop2 that should be under the hot wire foam cutter, but its not
00:32 rue_shop2 found! it was on the floor
00:32 rue_shop2 what else is part of this...
00:32 rue_shop2 bubbler tube is in it...
00:33 rue_shop2 I wonder where the etchant went...
00:34 MrCurious why dont pictures form in my head when i read your words rue!
00:34 rue_shop2 I put it somewhere dark
00:34 rue_shop2 and safe...
00:34 MrCurious i just get a confusing blur of images, one disolveing into another
00:34 rue_shop2 hmmm
00:34 MrCurious and a smell of fruit juice
00:35 rue_shop2 can i etch with fruit juice?
00:35 MrCurious i suppose if you find a way to concentrate it
00:36 rue_shop2 could you work on that for me?
00:36 MrCurious or make a babttery with it, and electrically etch using a reverse metal-plating method
00:36 rue_shop2 it would be cheap, I like that
00:36 rue_shop2 electrostatic electroetching!
00:36 MrCurious upside.. you cacn easily recover the coper :)
00:37 MrCurious of courcec... it would fail if there wasnt a path to islands as they formed
00:37 MrCurious yeah, wouldnt work
00:38 MrCurious thats like the third great idea today ruined by PHYSICS
00:38 MrCurious we should band that shit
00:38 rue_shop2 I found a bottle of light blue fluid in the back corner of the fire shed marked "ok oct 1012"
00:39 rue_shop2 HEY! physics stops you from floating into the vacuum of space, pay it some respect
00:39 MrCurious never know where strong electrostatic forces will lead us once the weak grvitational force is out of the way
00:39 MrCurious http://www.projectbiped.com/prototypes/rofi
00:39 MrCurious you need one of these rue :)
00:43 rue_shop2 where did the air go?
00:43 rue_shop2 meh
00:44 rue_shop2 I have a lot of robots Iv not been to the software on yet
00:44 rue_shop2 where did the air go?
00:45 rue_shop2 aha, I just worked out why its so dark out
00:49 rue_shop2 wonder what happened to the wrench I put in my pocket this morning...
00:49 GargantuaSauce_ http://workman-industries.net/images/hexapod/hexapencil.jpg check out this construct of unparalleled quality
00:49 GargantuaSauce_ held together with rubber bands and hot glue
00:52 rue_shop2 I was promised rubber bands! where the hell are they!!!
00:52 rue_shop2 and why did he use meccano when he could have used pencils!
00:52 GargantuaSauce_ holding the electronics onto the frame
00:52 GargantuaSauce_ pencils don't have nice strong holes for bolts
00:52 rue_shop2 thats STUPID, should have used them for counterbalance
00:52 rue_shop2 dosn't anyone know how to do anything anymore?
00:52 GargantuaSauce_ apparently not
00:53 GargantuaSauce_ i need to make a controller with a couple of knobs on it so i can tweak the offset for each servo individually without compiling and flashing a bajillion times :/
00:54 rue_shop2 bah, my tools are junk, would you beleive I had to PLUG IN THE HEATER before it would turn on?!?!?!?!?
00:55 GargantuaSauce_ set it on fire
00:55 GargantuaSauce_ for a wireless heating mode of operation
00:55 GargantuaSauce_ service life may be decreased though
01:03 rue_shop2 hmm what temp shoudl I do ammonium persulfate at
01:03 rue_shop2 "35-45 degrees Celcius."
01:03 rue_shop2 that not much
01:04 GargantuaSauce_ ive heard 50C for that
01:08 rue_shop2 need a rinse tank...
01:11 rue_shop2 temp was set pretty low on the heater...
01:27 rue_shop2 35-45, I'm at 42ish now
01:30 rue_shop2 test etch is ok!
01:32 GargantuaSauce_ what are you using as a resist/mask?
01:32 rue_shop2 marker
01:33 rue_shop2 via plotter
01:33 GargantuaSauce_ cool
01:33 rue_shop2 and FAST
01:33 rue_shop2 and comes out first time, no 14 re-transfers in a row to try to get a good mask
01:37 rue_shop2 ok first board is printed and etched
01:38 rue_shop2 START A LINE!
01:39 rgantuaSauce_ grabs a credit card and a razorb
01:41 SquirrelCZECH hi boys, how are you?
01:42 rue_shop2 interesting etching method yo uhave there
01:44 rue_shop2 2nd board almost finished
01:44 rue_shop2 I forgot that if I'm not on the ball it gets ahead of me
01:44 rue_shop2 etches them as fast as I can print
01:44 GargantuaSauce_ god damn i hate random drunk people on the street
01:45 GargantuaSauce_ some bright soul just kicked a tv that was on the curb right into the middle of the road
01:46 rue_shop2 2nd board done, next!
01:46 rue_shop2 did they take the flyback transistor out first!?!?!?!?!
01:48 GargantuaSauce_ if they did they were pretty quick about it
01:53 rue_shop2 oops overetched that one
01:58 rue_shop2 aha 55c+ is tearing off the masking
01:58 rue_shop2 hehe
02:02 rue_shop2 ok thats 5 boards, 6th is in the tank
02:02 rue_shop2 ...
02:02 GargantuaSauce_ strong oxidizers are kind of terrifying
02:05 rue_shop2 feels nice to make a pcb again, havn't since oct 2012
02:05 GargantuaSauce_ i need to start making those
02:06 GargantuaSauce_ still in the stage where i do layout and experimentation and construction all at the same time on perfboard though
02:06 GargantuaSauce_ aaand still procrastinating on learning an EDA or two because i know i will hate all of them
02:09 rue_shop2 ?
02:09 rue_shop2 eagle is just fine
02:09 rue_shop2 if you can get toner transfer to work
02:11 GargantuaSauce_ i have a bad relationship with software
02:16 GargantuaSauce_ i was also kinda thinking of replicating this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi4P-Bwc6g8
02:16 madmaxx YouTube Title: Homemade Laser Exposer Views: 22,710 Length: 18:55 User: grobstoller
02:20 rue_shop2 do not look into laser with remaining good eye
02:20 rue_shop2 hmm, shal lI silk them...
02:34 rue_shop2 yay I have my new motor driver
02:34 rue_shop2 ok where is my gear for drilling these thigns
02:37 rue_shop2 mmm what a nice little board, hope it works first time
03:05 rue_shop2 mm fine time to discover that the fuse holder part I used in the layout is something I dont have in the shop
03:07 GargantuaSauce_ not a problem that can't be solved with a solder bridge :V
03:07 rue_shop2 I hvae a ptc I can use
03:07 rue_shop2 pads on the terminal blocks could be a bit bigger
03:08 rue_shop2 I designed with all 1206/0806- smt resistors, so here is hoping I have all the values around that I need
03:41 rue_shop2 never that apparent how sparse a board is till your populating it
03:57 Tom_itx it's why you get one of those $10 assortment packs off ebay
03:57 Tom_itx to fill in the blanks with
03:58 Tom_itx i haven't made a board in a while...
03:58 Tom_itx hmm
04:06 rue_shop2 :) I found everything I needed
04:06 rue_shop2 between a cdrom board and a telephone system board
04:06 rue_shop2 unspillable!
04:13 rue_shop2 heh, 9 smt resistors and the pcb is only marginally smaller than the protoboard version
04:16 rue_shop2 2sc3746
04:18 rue_shop2 hfemin is 70! nice!
04:18 rue_shop2 5A 60V
04:19 rue_shop2 and they were in the junk bin!
04:19 rue_shop2 or should I just use the mje3055
04:21 rue_shop2 hfe min on the mje3055 is 2
04:21 rue_shop2 _2_ !?
04:22 rue_shop2 oh sorry, 5, but thats still ****
04:55 rue_shop2 nuice
04:55 rue_shop2 nice even
04:55 rue_shop2 I like the way this came out
04:56 rue_shop2 +- a few little tweeks
04:57 rue_shop2 and its only 3am, hmm what to do with the rest of the night
05:02 rue_shop2 hmm I have no idea how I got the etchant from that tank into that bottle
06:07 osoba guys, imagine Vs isnt there (replace it by wire), what would be V1 if R1=R3=100ohm, Is = 0.5A? https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/circuits%2Fproblem_bank%2FModule%202%2Fprob2_80.png
06:07 osoba R2 = 200ohm
06:08 osoba i keep trying things but i end up with the wrong answer always
06:13 osoba hmm nevermind
06:13 osoba apparently the current stays the same when it passes through a resistor (in this case R2)
06:14 osoba so the current at R1 is I1=R3*Is/(R1+R3) = 1/4 and V1=-I1*R1
06:18 Faek Is? IshortL
06:19 Faek ?
07:26 Tom_itx hah, new round of homework kids
10:29 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Electromechanical_Components/Motors_and_Controllers/DARPA_s_working_on_a_drone_that_could_lift_cars_right_off_the_ground_and_fly_them_away.aspx
13:15 osoba Is = i source
13:15 osoba @ faek ....who isnt her so why am i bothering
13:16 osoba here*
13:34 rue_house well I have 2 motor drivers now
13:34 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/motordriver/p1050545.jpg
13:34 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/motordriver/p1050532.jpg
13:35 Tom_itx where'd you get the heatsinks
13:35 rue_house from the heatsink bin
13:35 rue_house one of them is from some kinda regulator box
13:35 rue_house the other is from an impact printer
13:36 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/heatsink_bulk.jpg
13:36 Tom_itx i got a bit of that left
13:36 Tom_itx ( quite a bit actually )
13:36 rue_house ooo nice
13:36 rue_house not worth 100 megapixels tho....
13:36 Tom_itx scrap yard find
13:36 rue_house !!! COOL
13:37 Tom_itx ~8' of it
13:37 rue_house wow, who do you have scrapping that in your area!?
13:37 Tom_itx x 5" iirc
13:37 Tom_itx aircraft
13:37 Tom_itx most likely
13:37 rue_house oooo
13:37 rue_house sweet
13:37 Tom_itx it had a purchase order stuck on it
13:37 rue_house :) cool
13:38 Tom_itx so i purchased it
13:38 rue_house it was ordering you to!
13:38 Tom_itx used a piece on my cnc drivers
13:38 rue_house ok, shower! bbl
13:38 Tom_itx the rest is in the bin
13:39 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/control2.jpg
13:41 MrCurious http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1387330585/hex-a-copter-that-anyone-can-fly
14:19 rue_house looks good
15:37 rue_shop2 SWEET
15:37 rue_shop2 I had two modular power supplies with 24V modules, I was able to put 2 24v modules in one supply, and they have isolated outputs ;)
15:37 rue_shop2 now I have my +- 24V
15:39 Tom_itx http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=870_1377954297
15:40 rue_shop2 someonme you kniw?
15:40 Tom_itx nope
16:04 rue_shop2 when I applied the supply to the driver nothing blew up!
17:01 MrCurious no smoke?
17:01 MrCurious how do you know it didnt work then...
17:13 MrCurious OMG. women on craigslist are selling used, positive pregnancy tests for $25
17:13 MrCurious evil
17:13 MrCurious for 25, you can trick your BF into marriage... because that always ends well
17:44 rue_shop2 do they sell pillows too?
17:51 robotustra you can buy used pants from them and do a pillow
17:52 MrCurious pillow-pants... hmmmm that could be HUGE!
17:53 Oats Hello
17:57 Oats I am interested in robotics; I have experience with programming in C and PHP, I've studied introductory physics covering EM, my level of math knowledge is calculus and some knowledge of vectors and matrices (from intro to vectors and matrices), and I've informally studied lots about electronics and motors on wikipedia. Can anyone recommend a PDF of set of online lectures or something of the sort for me to learn about robotics based on th
17:57 Oats ve provided enough information, thank you.
17:57 Oats PDF or set of online lectures*
17:58 MrCurious have you consultedd the google
17:58 Oats yes
17:58 Oats I typed introduction to robotics pdf, and got a bunch of files, but I wasn't sure which was best for me.
17:59 MrCurious what aspect of robotics do you want to learn?
17:59 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/pdf/robot-kinematics.pdf
17:59 Oats I thought that some in this specialized chat might be more knowledgeable than I and be able to provide advice on what to study from.
18:00 MrCurious inverse kineomatics
18:00 MrCurious force feedback
18:00 MrCurious gait theory
18:00 Tom_itx ^^
18:00 MrCurious topics inn robotics?
18:00 Oats Will that teach me about the functioning of a robot and prepare me for the construction of an actual robot?
18:01 Oats MrCurious: refer to my last message
18:01 MrCurious its a broad topic. you need to refine it down some
18:01 MrCurious to what kind of robot you want
18:02 Oats I'd like to learn enough to understand how to build a (small?) anthropomorphic robot that can sense objects around and move based on instructions given and its sensors.
18:03 Oats But I'm more so needing a resource to learn how to directly communicate with the robot and have it perform tasks.
18:03 Oats I understand that digital image and video processing is another topic.
18:03 MrCurious so a biped
18:03 Oats Yes, I think.
18:03 MrCurious with computervision
18:04 MrCurious a 10 dof sensor
18:04 Oats Yes.
18:04 Oats 10 dof?
18:05 Oats What are each of the degrees of freedom referring to?
18:05 MrCurious i googled aanthropomorphic... u google 10 dof
18:05 MrCurious 3 accel, 3 gyro, 3 compas, 1 altitude
18:05 Oats oh ok
18:06 MrCurious good for "oh shit i am mfalling, i should compensate"
18:06 Oats So can you recommend a pdf or set of lectures that will teach me how these work and how to build one?
18:07 MrCurious if you find one, let me know
18:07 MrCurious check out letsmakerobots.com
18:08 Oats hm
18:10 Oats I don't see the tutorials section there.
18:14 rue_shop2 the 24V 25A supply I have goes into "overload" when I use my motor driver on it, but its not overload, the pwm flyback is pushing the voltage up and its flipping out
18:17 Oats So there is no recommendations?
18:17 Oats are*
18:17 rue_shop2 Oats, what do you want to know
18:18 Oats [18:42] <Oats> I am interested in robotics; I have experience with programming in C and PHP, I've studied introductory physics covering EM, my level of math knowledge is calculus and some knowledge of vectors and matrices (from intro to vectors and matrices), and I've informally studied lots about electronics and motors on wikipedia. Can anyone recommend a PDF of set of online lectures or something of the sort for me to learn about robot
18:18 Oats et.
18:19 Oats The goal would be to learn how one works and how to make a (biped?) robot
18:19 Tom_itx the pdf i posted has alot of math and theory
18:19 Oats The page you linked would not load.
18:20 Tom_itx how come?
18:20 Tom_itx it's rather big
18:20 Oats Google Chrome opened up the PDF viewer and the tab froze.
18:21 Oats And for this specific case I am looking more so for a practical guide than one discussing the theory of the topic.
18:23 Oats Would you please be able to recommend a pdf or set of lectures?
18:23 Tom_itx nope
18:23 Oats (sorry for repeating this, I am hoping others who may have an answer too may see it come up)
18:24 Oats rue_shop2
18:24 Oats What about yo?
18:24 Oats you*
18:26 GargantuaSauce_ bipeds are super hard, that is a good long-term goal but there are a lot of steps to cover first Oats
18:26 Oats Oh ok
18:26 Oats Would the simplest be a roller?
18:27 Oats Thank you for your realistic yet encouraging response.
18:27 GargantuaSauce_ yeah probably a differential drive
18:27 GargantuaSauce_ my suggestion is to start with basic embedded development
18:27 GargantuaSauce_ get a microcontroller dev board (my suggestion is the stm32f4 discovery but there are plenty of other options) and a couple basic peripherals
18:28 GargantuaSauce_ and a breadboard and some components
18:28 GargantuaSauce_ i have a list somewhere let me find it
18:28 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/lightseeker/lightseeker_index.php
18:28 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/maxbot/maxbot_index.php
18:28 Tom_itx just scratch build something
18:28 Tom_itx that's what rue n i do
18:29 GargantuaSauce_ "just"
18:30 Tom_itx at's right
18:31 Tom_itx instead of following what someone else already did, make something unique on your own
18:38 GargantuaSauce_ Oats: http://pastebin.com/7z36KN45 not a definitive list by any means, just some stuff to think about
18:38 GargantuaSauce_ also it is highly benificial to scrounge parts
18:39 MrCurious i tried to be realistic and encouraging
18:39 Oats Hello, I am back; I was eating.
18:39 MrCurious i failed
18:40 MrCurious oats: i wantedd to make a bot in 2 months. .easy enough. its been 2 years and its still not completed
18:40 Oats Thank you
18:40 MrCurious robots are a vast topic, rife with rabbit holes you can fall down annd lose months and years on
18:41 MrCurious also you should hang out here for a week or so
18:41 MrCurious see what people say, work on, learn from them
18:41 Faek See what people ssy
18:41 MrCurious get a feel for whats hard and whats easy
18:41 Oats Well, I'm sure systems are complicated, but in the end they make sense (as long as I study them enough).
18:42 Oats Unfortunately I'm not good enough to do things without paper and I get lost when thinking of complicated systems :p.
18:42 MrCurious i do ots of google searches, once i learn the interesting robot words. i aalso do google image searches to find just what i am looking for. sometimes filtering by image can get you there quicker than reading
18:42 MrCurious baby steps. just like programming. take a big hard problem, and keep dividing it up until it is somposed only off small solvable pieces
18:43 MrCurious also... buy an arduino or clone
18:43 MrCurious good first step
18:44 MrCurious some motors, dc, stepper, geared, servo
18:44 MrCurious learn how things work
18:44 GargantuaSauce_ my advice is to stay the hell away from the arduino software environment
18:45 GargantuaSauce_ if you particularly want to use the antiquated hardware then programming it as a straight avr micrcontroller is a much better bet
18:45 MrCurious stay away from msp430 and raw avr or pic... unles all you want to do is spend years making the perfect 8 bit ccontrol system that nobbody will ever use.
18:45 Oats GargantuaSauce_: Thank you for that pastebin; I just read through it.
18:45 MrCurious arduino avoids rabbit holes, unless you would rather do sbi/i2c bit banging rather than work at higher levels of image recognition and inverse kineomatics and such
18:46 Oats rabbit holes?
18:46 GargantuaSauce_ none of which you will want to do on such a ridiculously slow microcontroller in the first place...
18:46 Oats What about a Raspberry pi
18:46 MrCurious a rabbit hole is where there are 2 paths to doing something. a fast non optimal vs a long, pperfect, costs many months or $
18:46 Oats If that can be used in this situation?
18:47 MrCurious for robotics ,a beaglebone would be better than a pi
18:47 MrCurious similar price, more io, better support
18:47 Oats because I have access to pi's.
18:47 MrCurious pi's dont have much io
18:47 MrCurious and they arent particularly fast
18:47 Oats ook
18:47 MrCurious with beaglebone's being like $50 odroid-u2/x2's being just over 100
18:48 MrCurious no excuse to cheap out and confine youorself to a pi
18:48 MrCurious unless you are a poor kid and thats your ony option if you want to eat
18:48 Oats I am not poor, but I do not have much money.
18:49 MrCurious difference between $35 and $45
18:49 Oats oh ok
18:55 MrCurious the perk with aruino is its well documented, lots of libraries, and you can start making stuff work fast.
18:55 MrCurious doing it with just AVR tools will require more time and effort for only marginally better results *glares at tom*
18:56 GargantuaSauce_ and the anti-perk is that the libraries do a poor job of leveraging the avr's peripherals and sweep a lot of complexity that actually matters under the rug
18:56 MrCurious they do a total poor job
18:56 MrCurious BUT in reality most of what you will do is turn on a motor, and count pulses
18:56 Tom_itx MrCurious, why do i care?
18:56 MrCurious and its good enough for that
18:57 robotustra Oats: hi
18:57 MrCurious whoa! Tom_itx you looked a lot like GargantuaSauce_
18:57 Oats Hi
18:57 MrCurious my mistake please pass the glare to GargantuaSauce_
18:57 Tom_itx just don't come crying for help
18:57 robotustra oats: are you serious about biped?
18:58 MrCurious if they get sent the non arduino path, they will totally come ccrying for help, then give up completely
18:58 Oats I am interested in understanding how one would work and eventually constructing one, yes.
18:58 MrCurious need to start people off at a suitable difficulty level
18:58 Tom_itx robotustra, all noobs are serious about flying to the moon out of the box
18:58 Tom_itx it just never happens
18:58 GargantuaSauce_ he's already a software guy
18:58 MrCurious the moon... i never.... excellent idea...
18:58 GargantuaSauce_ this isnt someone who doesnt know c and will copy-paste code from blog posts
18:59 m_itx ties a bottlerocket to MrCurious's
18:59 Oats I don't know too much about hardware though
18:59 m_itx and light
18:59 MrCurious i am a software guy too, but i avoid asm and writing my own libs whenever i can
18:59 GargantuaSauce_ who said anything about assembly
19:00 GargantuaSauce_ and say using the stm32 platform you have the option of the vendor peripheral library, one of a couple fully supported RTOSes or one of several HALs
19:00 MrCurious i think universities should make a class in google mandatory
19:00 Faek But assembly is fun
19:01 Faek (i havent done any hardware stuff with it)
19:01 MrCurious hadnt considered stm32 because of that crazy dual row proto board unfriendly layout it has
19:01 MrCurious its not made for people like me
19:01 GargantuaSauce_ you mean breadboard
19:01 robotustra oats, how are you going to make your robot?
19:01 GargantuaSauce_ it works fine on perfboard
19:01 Oats I read a guide for x86 asm a while ago, but have never used it.
19:01 robotustra do you have tools?
19:01 GargantuaSauce_ assembly is off the table, you don't need it
19:02 robotustra what is your budget?
19:02 MrCurious if you have an adapter cable...
19:02 Oats robotustra: I was looking for a pdf or video lectures to get me started
19:02 Oats and someone linked me to materials which I need to buy
19:02 MrCurious it has twin double rows of 0 pins on each side
19:02 MrCurious 20
19:02 GargantuaSauce_ yes it does
19:02 GargantuaSauce_ how does that preclude its use on a perfboard?
19:02 robotustra Oats: I didn't saw such pdf
19:02 MrCurious makes it a total pain
19:02 GargantuaSauce_ you need jumpers to do anything significant anyway
19:02 Oats http://pastebin.com/7z36KN45
19:03 GargantuaSauce_ i have like 5 perfboards that use it here
19:03 MrCurious i gave it away, so it is no longer my problem )
19:03 Oats GargantuaSauce_ linked to that
19:03 robotustra Oats: there is no serious blueprints in internet
19:03 Oats which contains needed materials
19:03 MrCurious nice list. who is this from?
19:03 GargantuaSauce_ me
19:03 MrCurious nice :)
19:03 GargantuaSauce_ and it's not all needed stuff, just options
19:03 MrCurious will pillage it later tonight
19:04 Oats I went to a hackerspace last week for the first time
19:04 robotustra oats, what specs will be for your robot?
19:05 MrCurious nice! my 4 servos with brackets come on tues
19:05 Oats robotustra: What do you mean?
19:05 robotustra parameters, height, weight, DOF
19:05 robotustra setsors
19:05 robotustra sensors
19:05 Oats I think I'll figure out about all the specifications after I learn more about robots.
19:05 robotustra power
19:05 robotustra ok
19:06 MrCurious yeah, power is an important one
19:06 Oats I am completely new to this as I stated when I entered.
19:06 Oats stsors?
19:06 Oats setsors*
19:06 robotustra ok, then, why do you deside to start with robots?
19:06 MrCurious solve that one first skip to end and get lipo packs from ebay (mac book pro batteries $20 for 3S)
19:06 robotustra sensors
19:07 robotustra oats, what is your aim
19:08 Oats I told you; to learn about and eventually construct a biped robot.
19:09 Faek Dont use a fuck off massive motor to get it to move
19:09 MrCurious oats, he came late to the talk...
19:09 Faek That you scavenged from a drill
19:09 MrCurious drill motors are inefficient and noisy
19:09 MrCurious shitty gear boxes
19:10 Oats MrCurious: he asked earlier and I responded to him directly
19:10 robotustra ok
19:10 Oats but yes, that is my aim
19:10 MrCurious oh sry. we are al fiends here
19:10 robotustra learning 0 it's not an aim
19:10 MrCurious friends
19:10 robotustra learning - it's just a need
19:11 robotustra what will you do with these knoledge after
19:11 robotustra I'm just curious
19:11 Faek Impress my friends and neighbours and win quiz nights
19:11 Faek (you guys should probably not pay attention to what i say)
19:11 robotustra I just want to know more about your desires
19:12 Oats to eventually construct a biped robot
19:12 robotustra so, and what you will do after whith it?
19:12 GargantuaSauce_ ride it into the sunset
19:12 GargantuaSauce_ duh
19:12 robotustra what qhalities of the robot will satisfy you?
19:12 robotustra qualities
19:13 MrCurious yeah, sincce i learned how to make robots, i quit my day job, and live off contest prizes from bars
19:13 robotustra :)
19:13 MrCurious (psst... A: take over the world)
19:13 GargantuaSauce_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clnVJXBk7Qo
19:13 Oats Those such that I can have it do things a person might
19:13 MrCurious or replicate more until the world turns to gray goo
19:13 Oats but that is a very far off goal
19:13 Oats probably years away
19:13 GargantuaSauce_ certainly years away
19:13 robotustra but you are young
19:14 robotustra you have to make at least 40 years plan
19:14 MrCurious galactic pretty boy.... not t\e least bit gay at all...
19:14 GargantuaSauce_ dazzling the stage
19:14 MrCurious oh yeah. how old is oats. that will hint at hiw big his sum of experiences are
19:15 Oats I am newly 16
19:15 MrCurious thats a bit late to be getting into robotics
19:15 GargantuaSauce_ lol
19:15 robotustra Oats: so, you have to answer all these questions before you start any buildings
19:15 Oats Indeed
19:15 MrCurious should have storted around 8 or 9 max
19:15 Oats I have some friends who have been working with robotics since they were 11/12
19:15 MrCurious what is the air speed of a laden swallow.
19:15 robotustra sure
19:16 GargantuaSauce_ i wish i'd picked this stuff up properly at 8
19:16 robotustra 16 and biped - is very unusual compination
19:16 Oats I guess it's a lot more accessible nowadays
19:16 robotustra may be better to start from hexapod?
19:16 MrCurious i waited till age 45 to start i will never amount to much
19:16 GargantuaSauce_ start with a differential drive
19:17 GargantuaSauce_ wheeled robots aren't quite as keen on tearing themselves apart
19:17 MrCurious http://www.dhgate.com/product/dhgate/153877963.html?utm_source=pla&utm_medium=GMC&utm_campaign=fmt-model&utm_term=153877963&f=bm%7c153877963%7c102014-RemoteControlLine%7cGMC%7cAdwords%7cpla%7cfmt-model%7cUS%7c102014011-RCEngines-Parts-Accessories%7cc%7c&gclid=CNWI5ZGwgLkCFWNxQgodhnAA9Q
19:17 MrCurious it went up AGAIN!
19:17 MrCurious set goals... get ball into net. do dance. then build to meet the goal
19:17 GargantuaSauce_ if you keep linking that i'm going to end up dropping $200 on the damn things
19:18 MrCurious my 4 arrive tomorrow. caan let you know how they are
19:18 Oats GargatnuaSauce_: Any link to a tutorial or pdf that teaches about differential drives.
19:18 Oats namely differential drive based robots
19:19 MrCurious could do a harmonic drive robot... but that will be efficient and expensive
19:19 robotustra omni wheels
19:19 GargantuaSauce_ i dont think you're really going to find any resources that aren't either particularly theoretical or really dumbed down sweeping stuff under the rug practical
19:19 MrCurious i have driver code for omni wheeled bot
19:19 GargantuaSauce_ for specific types of robot
19:19 robotustra 16 yo
19:19 robotustra what is your budget?
19:19 robotustra $200?
19:19 GargantuaSauce_ the math defining their kinematics is quite simple though
19:19 MrCurious also... you will need to get a few jobs... robots are expensive
19:19 robotustra pocket money
19:20 MrCurious and you will likely have to give up women for at least 20 years
19:20 Oats I have about 2k in my paypal
19:20 GargantuaSauce_ forward velocity is proportional to the sum of the two wheels' rotation
19:20 GargantuaSauce_ steering is proportional to the difference
19:20 robotustra 2k is not so bad
19:20 robotustra but you'll spend for tooling them pretty fast
19:20 robotustra 1 cnc mill + 1 3D printer
19:21 GargantuaSauce_ lol stay away from that stuff for now
19:21 GargantuaSauce_ those are examples of the rabbit holes MrCurious mentioned
19:21 GargantuaSauce_ you could spend all your time just dicking with a reprap
19:21 robotustra you'll not do a lot with files and hammer
19:21 MrCurious oh yeah... cnc/3d printers... buy those ready made. from scratch takes forever
19:21 MrCurious yeah
19:21 Oats My library, a few blocks away, has a 3D printer.
19:21 GargantuaSauce_ he has access to a hackerspace anyway
19:21 Oats Makerbot
19:22 Curious points at a half completed cnc and half completed re
19:22 MrCurious lucky
19:22 Oats I am also the developer for a 3d printing model start up
19:22 robotustra how much is one?
19:23 robotustra what are parameters of this printer?
19:23 Oats albeit I don't work with 3d printing much; just helping someone with their web platform
19:23 Oats I've just seen it when walking around the library; I don't recall specifications.
19:23 Oats The hackerspace I went to also has a 3d printer, and a laser cutter.
19:26 GargantuaSauce_ yeah so you dont need to worry about buying/building those money/time sinks
19:26 Oats ook
19:26 GargantuaSauce_ anyway again start with just straight embedded development
19:26 robotustra laser cutter for plywood?
19:26 GargantuaSauce_ before you even start worrying about the physical systems
19:26 GargantuaSauce_ blinky led is absolutely the first step
19:27 robotustra yep it's like "hello world" program in robotics
19:27 Oats Like controlling an array of LED's?
19:27 robotustra at least 1
19:27 GargantuaSauce_ well, just one for starters
19:27 Oats oh ok
19:27 Oats I wish I had gotten into hardware earlier.
19:43 rue_shop2 Oats, sorry I left, save me reasing thru all that, what you looking for again?
19:44 Oats A non-purely theoretical introduction to robotics
19:45 Oats but I guess I'll save that for later
19:45 Oats since there is stuff I have to learn before that
20:25 Oats What do you all do for a living?
21:08 GargantuaSauce_ i am a "research assistant" at the uni at which i got my bachelors in computer science
21:08 GargantuaSauce_ ie i get whored out to local industry
21:13 Oats ook
21:14 Oats I've gathered ~60 wiki articles on computer hardware and embedded systems
21:14 Oats guess I'll be on my way
21:14 Oats TTYL
21:15 MrCurious come backc soon
21:15 MrCurious :)
21:27 MrCurious after grinding a bolt on a grinder, remember its HOT
21:27 MrCurious do not test this with your finger
21:30 Tom_itx how hot was it?
21:31 GargantuaSauce_ i wish i had a grinder
21:31 GargantuaSauce_ and a drill press and a cnc mill and an arc welder and and
21:31 Tom_itx you know the rules?
21:32 GargantuaSauce_ and so do I
21:33 Tom_itx do you?
21:33 GargantuaSauce_ a long term commitment's what i'm thinkin' of
21:33 GargantuaSauce_ you wouldn't get this from any other guy
21:33 Tom_itx he who dies with the most toys wins!
22:33 rue_house damn, I'm gonna need a bigger shop
22:34 rue_house food for me and new litter for the kitties
22:34 rue_house the cats left a snake tail in the house, I'm gonna be really upset if I find the rest of it later