#robotics Logs

Aug 31 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:01 rue_house low runtime, auto bypass, check MOV's and low AC output
00:02 rue_house that tells a pretty good story there
03:07 rue_shop2 I thik I need to make a blinking light
04:10 rue_more root fs is ro again, I think I better buy a new ssd
04:15 rue_house grr
04:15 rue_house 4 chip program errors
04:27 RifRaf pretty new frames http://imagebin.org/269313
04:29 rue_house heh, yep
04:29 RifRaf most just slapped together without screws, they hardly need em, nice press fit
04:30 rue_house I think my ssd is failing
04:30 rue_house ooo should still be under waranty too
05:17 uehuehue o/
05:18 Faek 'lo
05:29 RifRaf i want a cnc router
05:29 RifRaf and a laser cutter, and a waterjet
05:30 RifRaf a cnc mill would not go astray
06:01 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: why so many different?
06:01 SquirrelCZECH WOW
06:01 SquirrelCZECH that frames.... that is yours? :D
06:01 SquirrelCZECH looks awesome
06:03 RifRaf yep mine
06:03 RifRaf well i figured people would like different colours
06:04 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: what was the price again? :D
06:05 SquirrelCZECH austria... not big price for shippment to czech republic I hope
06:06 RifRaf heh try australia sir :)
06:06 SquirrelCZECH oh
06:06 SquirrelCZECH O:-)
06:07 SquirrelCZECH that makes the price much "bigger" I suppose
06:07 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: are you willing to share your cad files? O:-)
06:07 RifRaf yep it doubles the price unfortunatly, costs about %50 to send :(
06:08 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, soon, i need to fund some cnc parts first before i lose again as usual
06:18 KongfuPanda RifRaf, what's a CND mill?
06:18 KongfuPanda CNC*
06:18 RifRaf a mill that you do not have to manually use
06:18 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: ok ok
06:19 RifRaf cuts metals and other stuff into shapes
06:19 KongfuPanda oh I see
06:19 KongfuPanda and why is that useful for an ordinary person?
06:19 RifRaf in 3 dimensions, well 2.5D
06:19 RifRaf unless you have lots of money
06:20 RifRaf KongfuPanda, i like to make things
06:20 RifRaf most ordinary people just like to buy things
06:20 KongfuPanda isn't a 3D printer better?
06:20 RifRaf i don't think i am that 'ordinary'
06:20 RifRaf sure, if you like plastic
06:20 RifRaf i like metal
06:21 KongfuPanda heavy metal?
06:21 KongfuPanda (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
06:21 KongfuPanda Mhahah
06:21 RifRaf oh yeah
06:22 RifRaf my future son in law is going to europe on wednesday to show you guys some good aussie metal music
06:24 RifRaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waRGV3U8Rh8
06:24 madmaxx YouTube Title: In Hearts Wake - Divination (FULL ALBUM) Views: 28,290 Length: 34:50 User: James Kent
06:24 GuShH KongfuPanda: rule of thumb, if you don't know what it is... chances are you don't need it.
06:24 RifRaf who is madmaxx?
06:25 KongfuPanda GuShH, that's true . Have you checked that video? 95Mb
06:25 GuShH don't know but scripts tend to annoy me
06:25 GuShH KongfuPanda: I did, not much going on but I see what you built (or had built) looks neat
06:25 RifRaf GuShH, almost everything annoys you except a perfectly working machine
06:25 KongfuPanda GuShH, you approve ? !!!
06:26 KongfuPanda (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
06:26 GuShH KongfuPanda: it does what it should do
06:26 GuShH RifRaf: that's true
06:26 KongfuPanda yeah, I guess :)
06:26 GuShH for instance I'm currently annoyed at the broken ball valve on my air compressor
06:27 GuShH more annoyed at the possibility of it shooting against my knee, had I not put my hand where I did.
06:27 GuShH poor design in general annoys me.
06:27 RifRaf damn these kids seem alot more popular since i last looked for them a few months back
06:27 KongfuPanda GuShH, oh no ! it's very dangerous by the sound of it
06:27 fRaf puts the proper c
06:27 GuShH a bit my fault, but I blame China again.
06:28 GuShH RifRaf: the one that goes "ARRR ARRR ARRRR" and it sounds like someone is rear ending a cat multiple times?
06:28 RifRaf thats the one
06:29 RifRaf new album getting made next month, have heard some of it, they tell me its all different but to my old ears is hard to tell
06:29 GuShH Imagine if I woke up to that every day
06:29 RifRaf great way to start the day
06:29 GuShH ...or I'd turn into a mass murderer.
06:29 RifRaf hey its called positive hardcore
06:29 GuShH what makes it positive?
06:29 GuShH the voltage on their guitars?
06:30 RifRaf the lyrics if you can hear them
06:30 RifRaf and most kids can, so much energy at the live shows, i love watching it
06:30 GuShH so instead of saying "rape rape murder war kill kittens and kill bill" it says "don't rape rape murder war kill kittens and kill bill" ?
06:31 RifRaf lol
06:32 RifRaf i'd type you some from the album sleeve but would take too long, am sure they are online
06:33 RifRaf it grows on you after a while
06:33 GuShH just like Cancer
06:33 RifRaf heh
06:33 GuShH that fucking thing they won't cure for money
06:34 GuShH unless you REALLY have money, then they'll make you sign an NDA and stick a needle up your arse.
06:34 RifRaf this is a peaceful track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS-j1AiTqgk
06:34 madmaxx YouTube Title: In Hearts Wake - LORELEY (The Lovers) - Official Music Video Views: 113,512 Length: 3:28 User: UNFD
06:35 GuShH and if research really exists, I wonder how less efficient everything really is ever since youtube exists.
06:35 RifRaf kifs bf is the one you can actually hear sing, bass guitar
06:35 GuShH "ok, so the mice go into this cage... now let's take a 10 minute pause to watch some dude shooting mice with his airsoft rifle"
06:37 RifRaf watch it for the footage, some nice bits of the local beaches etc
06:37 GuShH what about the local bitches?
06:38 RifRaf search for doofs
06:38 GuShH they sound ok-ish but this is not heavy metal.
06:39 RifRaf nope its positive hardcore, fairly removed from metal
06:39 GuShH more like kids after watching MTV post 1995~
06:39 GuShH so after this they go to church and get the groceries?
06:39 fRaf needs to go doofing again, has been a year or more since a good
06:40 GuShH doofing sounds like what a group of furries would do when nobody is watching
06:41 GuShH but there's already a name for that
06:41 RifRaf probably not far off, but is pretty awesome to be there
06:41 GuShH I like how hard they try to pretend everything they do is not centered around sex heh
06:41 RifRaf i dunno if the same scene is overseas, there are all outdoors and generally illegal
06:42 GuShH probably
06:44 GuShH so most inverter welders are 85% efficient, how less efficient are transformer based welders?
06:44 GuShH that is, fully analog ones.
06:44 GuShH copper windings
06:45 RifRaf dunno, watching doofs
06:46 RifRaf more than a month drug free and its my birthday in 2 hours, something is not right, there is a party up the road, might have to go check it out
06:47 RifRaf instead am sitting here making a stupid printer farm
06:49 GuShH RifRaf: for a guy whos into heavy metal, you certainly don't know much about welders!
06:49 ShH g
06:51 GuShH this was written by a clueless cunt (ie. marketing person) so it's not helpful http://www.lincolnelectric.com/en-za/support/process-and-theory/Pages/inverter-power-detail.aspx
06:51 RifRaf GuShH, i do know to wear proper glasses and clothing that covers you properly
06:51 GuShH check out that last bullet point "The smaller size of the components inside the inverter machine translate into less heat to dissipate and again, greater efficiency"
06:51 GuShH lawl
06:51 GuShH RifRaf: hey I do as well, I wear cotton and leather when I weld, except for a couple days ago where I didn't put any sleeves on
06:52 GuShH and I invested in an auto-darkening helmet...
06:52 GuShH (which I love)
06:52 GuShH (not to the point where I would bring it to bed though)
06:52 RifRaf i noticed, i uesed to thing the big leather jackets at work were for show till i tryed short sheeves myself don't worry
06:52 RifRaf oh boy, the jack daniels appears to be correctly infecting my spelling
06:53 RifRaf got a 1 litre bottle todaty
06:53 GuShH ok so 70% efficiency for a good transformer welder is not uncommon
06:53 GuShH possibly 65%
06:53 RifRaf well 2 of them, had to give me boss something for letting me chop shit up all day
06:53 GuShH that's a great boss
06:54 RifRaf had 6 hours on the router and all the offcuts i wanted
06:54 GuShH he now needs to give you a rise and he'll be even better.
06:54 RifRaf well he is in for a rude shock soon, so trying to ease the pain
06:55 GuShH "I'ma leave you to print plastic things and thongs"
06:55 RifRaf lol
06:55 RifRaf do you know wat a thong is over here?
06:56 RifRaf you wear em on feet, not waists
06:56 GuShH the joke still works
06:56 RifRaf it does :0
06:57 ShH wants a tig s
06:57 RifRaf can get you some recommendations if you like, there are 3 at work
06:57 RifRaf i know they like double roller feeders
06:58 RifRaf or maybe thats the mig
06:58 RifRaf but they hate when the wire gets twisted up in the feeder
06:58 GuShH yeah that's the mig
06:59 GuShH tig is more of my thing
06:59 RifRaf the tig where where they get to sit all nice and quiet and work on delicate stuff
06:59 GuShH if I want shit sprayed all over I can always use stick.
06:59 GuShH (actually that's not fair, I should take some pics of my latest welds...)
06:59 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: byw:
07:00 SquirrelCZECH btw:
07:00 SquirrelCZECH I suppose there are no hackerspaces in your location?
07:00 GuShH well you can weld big not so delicate stuff too
07:00 RifRaf i could show you some nice welds, not mine, but they are pretty good at welding
07:00 GuShH nah they have to be YOURS
07:00 RifRaf i can spot weld aluminium
07:01 GuShH I think my cat can spot weld as well
07:01 RifRaf but only did it for something to do, the sings are still hanging on the sides of some biulding
07:01 GuShH after I set it up for it
07:01 RifRaf yep, is easy once you get going
07:01 RifRaf i thought i was clever though :)
07:01 RifRaf bzzt bzzzt bzzt
07:01 GuShH oh this reminds me... went past a metal fab place.... their sign looked like it was made by a blind 5 year old kid
07:02 GuShH made me want to wreck the place.
07:02 RifRaf you wait till i show you my beer bottle sign
07:02 GuShH do it
07:03 RifRaf i cannot believe its going into a burger joint with an alchohol license, someone is gonna get hurt
07:03 RifRaf it like 7 meters wide, 380 beers bottle spelling the word Attitude
07:03 GuShH sadly you can't buy good welders here without having to leave a kidney behind
07:03 RifRaf all set in resin, but only the bottle 15mm of the bottles
07:04 RifRaf and red leds behind it all
07:04 RifRaf at arms reach from the patrons
07:04 RifRaf bottom 15mm*
07:04 GuShH hmm
07:04 RifRaf is scary
07:04 GuShH why not welded?
07:05 GuShH oh the bottles are glass?
07:05 GuShH not alu
07:05 GuShH jeez.
07:05 RifRaf the frames around each letter are welded. hard to weld glass
07:05 RifRaf yes all glass,
07:05 GuShH bleh
07:06 RifRaf but i am only making it, i take no responsibility, made it the way they wanted
07:06 GuShH that's not... fair
07:06 RifRaf somehow the shooping centre approved it
07:06 GuShH holy shit these miller tigs are expensive
07:06 GuShH and they're all used
07:06 RifRaf will try find some brand names for you on monday
07:07 GuShH doubt I'll be able to source them here
07:07 GuShH plus I can't afford brand names
07:08 RifRaf well will try get some images of wat they think is good then
07:09 RifRaf most of them complain about the tools all the time instead thoug
07:10 GuShH 5k usd for a used syncrowave 250
07:11 GuShH that's a real serious tig setup, but way out of my reach
07:11 RifRaf just went outside to get my other camera from car, the neighbours hopefully enjoy some positive hardcore because they sure have been getting it :)
07:11 GuShH lol
07:13 GuShH RifRaf: miller, hobart, etc. those are some of the brands I'd look at if I had the money
07:13 GuShH lincoln electric..
07:13 RifRaf ok, they don't ring bells for me sorry
07:19 RifRaf GuShH, an early mockup odf a letter, they now have nice black frames , no labels and aligned caps, had to cap 400 bottles the other day by hand :/ http://imagebin.org/269330
07:20 GuShH neat
07:20 GuShH why cap them at all? for outdoors?
07:20 RifRaf yepo, is alot brighten irl though, crap camera
07:20 RifRaf nope inside a hamburger shop
07:21 RifRaf they wanted all the caps to be aligned
07:21 GuShH o.o
07:21 RifRaf so the brewery sent enpty bottles on cartons and packets of caps for me to put on :/
07:21 RifRaf in cartons*
07:21 RifRaf they looked like the real deal, but were all empty
07:21 GuShH oh boy oh boy a dukes of hazzard horn on sale
07:22 GuShH always wanted a general lee! :(
07:22 RifRaf those bottle i sent back and made them wash and remove the labels, it was obvious they were enjoying drinking them, and i had already offered myself for that part of the job
07:23 RifRaf they came back al clean :) , the dukes rule
07:24 RifRaf i bet its not an original horn, there were heaps around
07:24 GuShH of course it's not original
07:24 GuShH what did you expect for a bit over 100 bucks heh
07:24 GuShH but for a regular car I'd be more tempted to install a train horn.
07:25 GuShH you know, for those annoying moments where you wish you had a train horn.
07:25 RifRaf yep
07:25 GuShH or at least a big truck one.
07:26 ShH likes horns in gen
07:26 RifRaf found some footage of my router in action, went looking for my earmuffs as soon as it started
07:27 RifRaf wonder how to upload it, is a biggeish file for not alot of action
07:28 RifRaf but hella noisy
07:29 RifRaf heh the suckers assembling all the panels i cut http://imagebin.org/269331
07:29 GuShH youtube
07:30 RifRaf i have to wire up the leds though
07:30 GuShH my eye went straight to the girl pinned on the wall
07:30 RifRaf wil try
07:30 GuShH what suckers?
07:30 RifRaf lol
07:30 RifRaf well is better than me doing it
07:30 GuShH oh yeah there are people and other stuff in the picture
07:30 RifRaf lol
07:30 ShH zooms
07:31 GuShH the entire toyota sign was vacu-formed?
07:31 GuShH or all cast
07:31 RifRaf yeah, we don't do that part, each letter is
07:31 GuShH remember when they made these in steel with ceramic coating
07:32 GuShH now they sell for big bucks
07:32 RifRaf heh those signs cost alot
07:32 GuShH they end up in some rich guy's garage
07:32 GuShH or behind his garage.
07:33 RifRaf yep the short dude with the beard, he has a garage full of every failed sign, i dunno where he puts em, collects all of them, we do a few different brands
07:34 RifRaf will have to go and have a look one day
07:35 RifRaf thats the assembly area. the whole factory is like 20 times that size, space for multiple pylons etc
07:35 GuShH hrm
07:35 GuShH and what else do you guys make?
07:35 GuShH and what else don't you make heh
07:36 RifRaf just big signs, for big city biulding and stuff, cranes, supermarkets
07:36 GuShH ..wonder if I'll be able to find some replacement ball valves for the compressor today
07:36 GuShH I needed to start painting the stand
07:36 GuShH it's been primed a couple times, but I'm still sanding and working out bugs
07:37 Jak_o_Android I can guess your opinion on the government and manufacturing and stuff lol
07:37 GuShH RifRaf: lots of work or very paused?
07:44 RifRaf i made this http://cmcsigns.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/CMC-Park-Beach-Plaza-001.jpg
07:44 GuShH who made the display
07:44 RifRaf china :)
07:44 GuShH bah
07:44 RifRaf i had to wire it, and fix the temp sensors till they displayed correctly
07:44 GuShH that's one big sign
07:45 RifRaf and cut every panel to fit within a mm, without being there to install it
07:45 GuShH oh you mean it shows the actual temperature?
07:45 GuShH unlike every sign I've seen out there
07:45 RifRaf yep
07:45 RifRaf they complained till it was perfect
07:45 GuShH lol
07:45 Jak_o_Android They're fairly common.
07:45 GuShH "it keeps showing 666C"
07:45 RifRaf heh
07:46 GuShH there are limitations and lots of guidelines for such signs here.
07:46 RifRaf ir shows full grahpics, is a nice big rgb led screen
07:46 GuShH you actually have to pay a tax fee for each sign.
07:46 RifRaf the temp is just every 30 seconds or so
07:46 Jak_o_Android Always liked them. One that I see regularly shows the temp inside the carpark though. I often refuse to believe it is as warm as the sign says it is.
07:46 RifRaf thats one of the biggest in town, well it is
07:47 GuShH lol
07:47 RifRaf 17.5 meters high, 7.5 meters wide and 120 mm deep
07:47 RifRaf 1200
07:47 GuShH again, eye went to the bird on the left, then the sign.
07:47 RifRaf i had to crawl inside a few times
07:47 GuShH inside the bird or the sign?
07:48 RifRaf inside the sign, was scary
07:48 RifRaf at least the led screen open to the outside, so you get to then with cherry picker
07:48 GuShH yes, tells us all the secrets about this sign
07:49 RifRaf well it's faded memory now, wired it up to last 20 years
07:49 GuShH what's the access code to the nuclear fallout bunker that lies underneath the sign, we all know it's there. just tell us already
07:49 RifRaf has some decent cables
07:49 RifRaf heh
07:50 GuShH you don't have eco-guys bothering you about the signs?
07:50 RifRaf and then you have the carparks around the joint
07:50 GuShH well not you, but whoever commisions them
07:50 GuShH "it polutes the landscape"
07:50 RifRaf i went to the optemetrist last week, and she told me lotsa people complain that it too bright
07:51 RifRaf and i said we already turned it down, was twice as bright when installed
07:51 GuShH that can be a problem if you are driving
07:51 RifRaf duistracts people apparently
07:51 RifRaf yep
07:51 Jak_o_Android Hmm, do tell us how to get the screens open, how they work, and how to drop a new driver in to show our own stufd
07:51 GuShH I wonder how many people did you indirectly kill with the sign
07:51 RifRaf it used to be really bright, when animations play on the screen is totally distracting
07:51 GuShH yes, we want to display porns on it.
07:52 RifRaf lol
07:52 RifRaf is four $20K screens joined together on each side
07:52 GuShH Jak_o_Android: we could sell them for 5 a pop right
07:52 RifRaf they can do some pretty awesome visuals
07:53 RifRaf alot to display the temp
07:53 Jak_o_Android I figure if you rock up with a cherry picker while wearing high-vis stuff, were good
07:53 GuShH lol
07:53 RifRaf lol, just don't forget to sign in, or the security will be on your back before you know it
07:53 GuShH I say if that's all it displays, waste of money
07:54 RifRaf GuShH, it displays ads for all the places inside all day, i was only worried about the temp when i took the pic
07:54 GuShH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbd2DucRe1M ha!
07:54 madmaxx YouTube Title: Mike Rowe on QVC - Lava Lamp Views: 744,637 Length: 1:27 User: brinydeep
07:54 RifRaf nice mid summer temp here
07:55 RifRaf who owns madmaxx again?
07:55 RifRaf better not be that tom dude, i already have a grudge against silly zbot
07:56 GuShH don't know
07:57 RifRaf i spammed that silly bot dso much the other night when drunk, but not wasting today on it
07:59 RifRaf GuShH, why do you watch this stuff, and wtl makes you find it?
07:59 GuShH I didn't, it just showed up
07:59 RifRaf heh
07:59 GuShH on the front page, which I rarely visit
07:59 GuShH I would question who uploads them
08:00 GuShH and who on earth turned these digital
08:00 RifRaf indeed
08:03 GuShH ahh more like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXt69bz6i5o
08:03 madmaxx YouTube Title: Thrufeed Thread Rolling Views: 16,104 Length: 1:44 User: TeskerMFG
08:04 GuShH wonder how long those dies last for
08:05 GuShH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bclnb_Cp4sE
08:05 madmaxx YouTube Title: Model 740 Large Acme Rolling Views: 5,453 Length: 3:13 User: TeskerMFG
08:05 RifRaf hrm, so thats how they do it
08:05 GuShH that's one big acme
08:06 GuShH for a roller, wonder if they can go any bigger
08:06 RifRaf pretty neat, and that s the last thing i see till i hit double figures again
08:06 RifRaf night now
08:08 thefinal what kind of locomotion is considered the best for an all terrain robot?
08:08 RifRaf wat a fun job that would be
08:09 RifRaf thefinal, hovercraft
08:09 thefinal RifRaf: not really all terrain..
08:09 RifRaf with big wheels, stepping ability and jet propulsion
08:10 RifRaf you didn't let mne finish
08:10 GuShH that's what she said
08:11 thefinal tracks: they are almost fine but limited in some condition, 2 legs: oh please, totally inefficient nowadays, hexapod: could be but, wheel: doesn't deal well with many terrain conditions
08:11 GuShH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A2pQnjeY28
08:11 madmaxx YouTube Title: Carpenter Technology: Cold Rolling PremoMet Alloy into a Gear Views: 6,439 Length: 3:20 User: CarpenterTechCorp
08:11 RifRaf thefinal, you may want to include a diamond bladed cnc cutter for the tough peaks and be sure to be able to float when required
08:13 GuShH RifRaf: he should also strap a couple sharks to it, for good measure
08:14 RifRaf some nice mean tyres to get through the mud and some slicks for the highways, thefinal are you headed for mars or pluto, the temperature may influence the final considerations
08:14 Faek And the lasers
08:14 RifRaf do not forget the lasers!
08:18 RifRaf i think thefinal got lost in the technicalities, i could offer you a pair of thongs, they do great at most terrains
08:18 GuShH >_<
08:18 RifRaf but you'd likely try and strap them to your butt
08:18 GuShH haha
08:24 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: did you ever thought about making the plastic corners of X axis on prusa i3 from "cutted metal" ?
08:24 SquirrelCZECH I mean
08:24 SquirrelCZECH it would take about 4 pieces? (same system as for motors on Z axis)
08:24 SquirrelCZECH per corner
08:25 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, yep, could make the whole thing on a cnc, but that defeats the purpose
08:25 SquirrelCZECH yep
08:30 RifRaf just saw some obvious things that would make it harder, the general parts do work for a reprap just fine
08:32 GuShH this all sounds like someone buying a fiat 600 and spending all sorts of cash trying to make it into a beyron
08:33 SquirrelCZECH O:-)
08:33 GuShH sorry it's veyron
08:33 GuShH And one of the least used words in English I would imagine.
08:33 fRaf populates the sleeping playlist from incubis, are you in, and passes
08:36 RifRaf GuShH, i'd have to google it, and thats too much work right now, am sure its a plausible word in the right place
08:36 RifRaf epic
08:37 RifRaf You will never understand 'cause it happens too fast
08:37 RifRaf And it feels so good its like walking on glass
08:38 RifRaf i think i have another drink left in me
08:38 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: yep
08:39 SquirrelCZECH but I personally will spend some time
08:39 SquirrelCZECH trying to make reprap better O:-)
08:39 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, are you really making one?
08:39 SquirrelCZECH yep
08:39 SquirrelCZECH just can't know because I am busy with another project
08:39 RifRaf well start with a known working desing before you reinvent the wheel
08:39 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: why do you think I am so curious about your parts? :D
08:39 SquirrelCZECH yep
08:40 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: you mean not using your frame? nah....
08:40 RifRaf my parts come from a working design
08:40 SquirrelCZECH so I can use them! :-)
08:40 RifRaf and the frame works
08:40 RifRaf i will send you the cads
08:40 SquirrelCZECH but thing is that things I found not "good" about reprap are ... different things than it's construction
08:40 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: thanks a lot!
08:41 RifRaf not tonight though, cause i am hyper drunk,. or at least a bit more than normal
08:41 SquirrelCZECH ok ok, I will be only happy when I will be able to get better frame than the default one
08:41 SquirrelCZECH and yours looks much better
08:41 RifRaf thanks
08:41 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: but! can I ask you about something?
08:41 RifRaf its just a simple frame though
08:41 RifRaf sure
08:41 SquirrelCZECH what exactly do you do to make parts out of reprap "smooth"
08:42 SquirrelCZECH you used some kind of vapor or ... ?
08:42 RifRaf vapour ftw
08:42 RifRaf have you seen the differnece
08:42 GuShH it's such an old method
08:42 SquirrelCZECH nope
08:42 SquirrelCZECH just curious about making parts better
08:42 GuShH used in acetate parts manufacturing
08:42 GuShH say screwdriver handles, etc. after lathe operations...
08:42 GuShH and fapfap kids are still drooling over it, funny.
08:43 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: ho exactly you do it?
08:43 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: O:-)
08:43 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/268709
08:44 SquirrelCZECH yep
08:44 SquirrelCZECH looks much better
08:44 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, i have a big jar i sit on the horbet at 110C. and dip the parts in vapout for a few minutes, depending on how bad they are
08:45 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: looks more like awesome...
08:47 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: just put it into the thing?
08:47 SquirrelCZECH hmm
08:48 RifRaf the same bit before and after, a fail to a win
08:48 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/269340
08:48 SquirrelCZECH WOW :D
08:48 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: just curious about using it on technical parts
08:48 SquirrelCZECH you know.
08:48 RifRaf and thats just a rough thing, not trying to proove anything
08:49 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, it makes parts far stronger and robust
08:49 SquirrelCZECH yep
08:50 RifRaf i would keep the parts for shafts etc untreated with plugs where they go in, but you could always just ream out the holes with a drill bit after the acetone has cured
08:50 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: more like what it does with dimensions?
08:50 RifRaf it softens untill cured
08:50 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, it just averages then out
08:50 RifRaf no bigger or smaller
08:50 SquirrelCZECH yep
08:51 SquirrelCZECH that sounds awesome
08:51 RifRaf i'
08:51 RifRaf i'll be doing to my the sexy printer farm parts
08:51 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: thing that I would like to change about my reprap
08:52 RifRaf so they look and work like injection moulded parts]
08:52 SquirrelCZECH is moving it more to "factory"
08:52 SquirrelCZECH I press ctrl+p on my computer
08:52 SquirrelCZECH and after few hours, I will get email
08:52 SquirrelCZECH and I will found part in box near the reprap
08:52 SquirrelCZECH after vapouring of course! :D
08:53 RifRaf my factory http://imagebin.org/269311
08:53 SquirrelCZECH wow :D
08:54 RifRaf no room to move in here anymore
08:54 SquirrelCZECH I think that made the price of one "set" really low?
08:54 RifRaf lol, you don't know just how much effort went into that plie
08:56 RifRaf its not like i press a button and it pops out, every time a bit get stuck on the cutting tool the whole factoty vibrates
08:56 RifRaf have to watch and hold all the parts just about
08:56 RifRaf the small bits especially
08:57 RifRaf having just a small bit wrapped around the bit at 18k rpm is scary, i turn my back and wait for the machine to stop, it normally pops off and flies across the room at about 5k
08:58 RifRaf is amaxing what a carbide bit with put up with
08:58 SquirrelCZECH nah
08:58 SquirrelCZECH I see that same problems everywhere...
08:58 RifRaf omg please excuse the typos, i am drunk
08:58 uirrelCZECH got similar experiences with his equip
08:58 SquirrelCZECH but it's just drill :-)
08:59 RifRaf jack daniels is my friend tonight
08:59 SquirrelCZECH :D
08:59 RifRaf these $60 bits put up with a hell of alot, even at 3mm, 6mm is near impossible to snap
09:01 RifRaf but i can, is nice that they stop spinning pretty fast when broken, most just break and sit in the the part being cut, but parts flying across the room are the worst
09:02 RifRaf i scare workmates :) , and try to make sure they have glasses etc on when they come near me
09:03 robotustra he he
09:03 RifRaf i would not do anything without saftey glasses, some stupid people don't, but i have the scrathes on my glasses to prove i would not have eyes
09:05 RifRaf i have to stare at the stupid bit all day and be a few mm away from an onslaught of hot chips all day , not always but for some things you have to watch it
09:05 RifRaf cannot use vacuum exteaction when cutting aluminium and stain for example
09:05 RifRaf stainless*
09:06 RifRaf or it would get clogged up with cutting fluid
09:06 RifRaf i love it though
09:10 RifRaf my neighbours must love me tonight
09:10 Faek Shit i know that song - sort of, that's unexpected
09:10 RifRaf And now you do what they told ya ...
09:12 RifRaf Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me ...
09:13 RifRaf omg stuff is falling down around me, think its a bit loud :)
09:14 RifRaf omg this song is awesome, spoonman, soundgarden
09:15 fRaf hits double figures for the 4th time, yay m
09:16 SquirrelCZECH hmm
09:17 RifRaf 44 and still rocking harder than bitches 1/2 my age SquirrelCZECH
09:17 SquirrelCZECH :-)
09:17 uirrelCZECH is 19 only
09:17 GuShH SquirrelCZECH: I think he meant that for me
09:17 GuShH but technically I'm a bit older than half his age
09:17 RifRaf GuShH, you wish
09:17 RifRaf indeed
09:17 GuShH shut up old man!
09:18 RifRaf lol, tyry stop me
09:18 GuShH I'ma step on your lawn!
09:18 SquirrelCZECH http://www.eredirocca.it/en/catalogo/modelli/gigantisagom.htm
09:18 SquirrelCZECH the one on the bottom
09:18 SquirrelCZECH "GPF9"
09:18 SquirrelCZECH I think you do not know weight of thins thing?
09:19 RifRaf i never thought i would ever be here, but would have missed out on so much if i didn't
09:19 uirrelCZECH knows it's volume, but not weight
09:20 RifRaf as pearl jam once said, i'm still alive!!
09:21 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
09:21 madmaxx YouTube Title: Portal - 'Still Alive' Views: 18,709,446 Length: 3:06 User: OverTheGun
09:21 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, are they all dildos or am i on the wrong page?
09:22 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: it's helium baloon
09:22 SquirrelCZECH ... :-)
09:22 RifRaf oh :) , i am listening to pearl jam right now already
09:22 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: I can't say if somebody would nee dildo 2.2 meters long and 0.5 meters wide
09:22 RifRaf heh
09:22 RifRaf robots of the future may
09:23 GuShH SquirrelCZECH: if you model it as a cylinder you can easily come up with a volume estimate
09:23 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: like I said, I know volume
09:23 SquirrelCZECH but I do not know weight
09:23 SquirrelCZECH btw: volume is 460 l
09:23 GuShH if you ignore the length of both rounded ends, you just calculate an extra volume for a sphere and add it to the volume of the cylinder
09:23 GuShH weight of what
09:23 SquirrelCZECH the baloon :D
09:23 SquirrelCZECH like I said... volume is googleable
09:23 RifRaf i was talking to a girl about 3d printers the other day and i just know she wanted to make sex toys
09:23 GuShH what are you going to fill it up with
09:24 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: helium
09:24 SquirrelCZECH but I need to know, the weight so I would now
09:24 SquirrelCZECH how much weight, it can lift :-)
09:25 SquirrelCZECH GuShH: just need to know how much weight it can lift
09:25 SquirrelCZECH so I need how much weight it have
09:26 GuShh_ what the fuck freenode
09:27 RifRaf cochise, how did all these good songs just appear
09:27 RifRaf at least i gave my boss the same poison i am on, so hangovers are a must for monday
09:28 SquirrelCZECH :D
09:28 RifRaf but i have special poisons saved
09:31 RifRaf i must behave, almost told the gun freaks in reprap to try a 20" butt lpug cause that would fuck them up more than a plastic gun
09:31 RifRaf but herer i only have that stupid zlog to fuck up my life
09:31 fRaf resorts to
09:32 RifRaf or else my poor neighbours wil never sleep tonight
09:33 RifRaf lets hope i never run for prime minister
09:34 RifRaf even though i could do a much better job than those lying cun#s
09:34 RifRaf did i inhale, you bet the fuck i did
09:45 fRaf put everyone to sleep or scared em awa
10:03 SquirrelCZECH :D
10:06 GuShh_ RifRaf: LOL
10:13 KongfuPanda GuShh_, free note doesn't like you?
10:14 KongfuPanda freenode*
11:12 rue_house must be on an apple device
11:22 Tom_garage mkay, yard is done
12:27 robotustra how much current could be drawn from PORTB safely from atmega32u4?
12:27 robotustra 20 mA?
12:28 robotustra in total or from 1 pin?
12:39 ckkitten bounces about i
15:16 rue_house I wouldn't draw 20ma/pin from more than 1 pin of a port
15:16 rue_house blow it for sure
15:16 rue_house somewhere in the datasheet it says the pin/port/chip limits
15:56 MrCurious another slow day in paradise
15:57 MrCurious still no definitive action on yria
15:57 MrCurious syria
16:09 Tom_itx you don't think the leadership actually has balls enough to do anything do you?
16:10 MrCurious i think they do
16:11 Tom_itx avoided all situations so far
16:11 MrCurious its just nice not to attack country I because country A did something
16:11 MrCurious chemical weaapons man!
16:11 MrCurious oh the humanity
16:11 MrCurious and wasnt syria in te axis on eivl?
16:25 GargantuaSauce_ i think they've been chomping at the bit for awhile, just needed an excuse to attack
16:30 MrCurious i thin its congress who lacks the balls
16:30 MrCurious why should the do-nothing congress do anything now?
16:31 MrCurious they will probaby just have another repeal obammacare vote and call it a dy
16:32 MrCurious these daays, as far as value for cost... congress is pretty much a welfare program for rich white guys who no longer represent the people
17:01 RifRaf bass season is open, know how i am spending the day
17:08 GargantuaSauce_ dubstep?
17:09 RifRaf no sir, http://www.nativefish.asn.au/bass.html
17:13 GargantuaSauce_ are you sure
17:13 GargantuaSauce_ how about bass solos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIyvB2nxaD0
17:13 madmaxx YouTube Title: Necrophagist - Only Ash Remains (HQ) Views: 3,825 Length: 4:13 User: WhoreToAChainsawTAIM
17:13 RifRaf a floor full of fishing gear says yes
18:53 GuShh_ RifRaf: at least we've got something in common, fishing
18:53 GuShh_ still remember my first rod and reel combo
19:15 MrCurious i heard there is a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking stupid.
19:16 Tom_itx only difference is if you have a string in your hand
19:26 MrCurious lol
19:27 MrCurious sky looks super dark. think i am going to go chase a t-storm
21:18 rue_house why are garden fresh hashbrowns SO much better than normal ones?
21:23 RifRaf well that was a great morning, no fish but was great exploring a few km around me