#robotics Logs

Aug 24 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:00 RifRaf cause i made the frame to do just over 200mm
00:00 RifRaf been a while since i printed anything that high though, got fingers crossed
00:01 rue_house RifRaf, are you using scad?
00:01 RifRaf scaled both models to be even and be as big as possible
00:01 RifRaf yes openscad is good
00:01 rue_house hmm
00:01 RifRaf those were not mad ein openscad though :)
00:02 rue_house no, I know you used your 3d scanner on live, nude models :)
00:02 RifRaf all the printer parts i been designing have been though
00:02 RifRaf heh
00:02 rue_house :;)
00:02 rue_house ok wanna do some scad with me for a bit?
00:03 RifRaf ok
00:03 rue_house lets make a 4cm cube...
00:04 rue_house ok I started the program
00:04 RifRaf cube {[40,40,40]};
00:04 rue_house done
00:05 rue_house do I have to save it?
00:05 RifRaf heh i think thats wrong, yes vsave
00:05 GuShH RifRaf: got a replacement, seems better... but the fan cover on the motor was smashed and the motor wouldn't turn! that's my luck.
00:05 rue_house saved
00:05 RifRaf cube ([40,40,40]);
00:05 GuShH I said the hell with it and fixed it in a few minutes, but still... what luck.
00:06 RifRaf wring brackets before
00:06 RifRaf wrong*
00:06 rue_house do I get to fixed
00:06 GuShH that's at origin 0,0,0?
00:06 rue_house what next
00:06 GuShH do you push matrixes or is it a dumb-ass system
00:06 RifRaf starts there, is you want it centered then,
00:06 rue_house I dont see anything
00:06 RifRaf cube ([40,40,40], center=true);
00:07 RifRaf i do
00:07 rue_house oh
00:07 rue_house I dont..
00:07 rue_house where shoudl I see it?
00:07 GuShh_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoqSas2uFKw
00:07 RifRaf on the right panel
00:08 rue_house oh I turned on animate, and I see it now
00:08 rue_house how do I update the panel
00:08 RifRaf crtl s
00:08 RifRaf ie, save
00:09 rue_house the image didn't change
00:09 RifRaf its just a cube
00:09 rue_house oh, I tured on 'auto reload and compile"
00:09 rue_house I made its size different
00:09 rue_house as a test
00:09 rue_house ah, the auto changes it every time I save
00:09 rue_house yay
00:10 rue_house okok
00:10 rue_house lets do I sphere with the bottom cut off
00:10 rue_house at middle
00:12 RifRaf i need to print a cheat sheet, you know what my memory is like,
00:12 rue_house np
00:12 rue_house is there an url for the cheatsheet src?
00:13 RifRaf GuShh_,something for you http://www.instructables.com/id/microwave-smelter/step2/science-disclaimer/
00:13 RifRaf yes, will find it
00:13 GuShh_ I don't browse those sites!
00:13 RifRaf http://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/
00:14 rue_house pff, microwave smelter
00:14 rue_house why not make an induction smelter?
00:15 RifRaf ima make one rue, wonder if it can do aluminium
00:15 rue_house with an induction you can
00:16 rue_house easy, I'm trying to find time to make one
00:16 RifRaf ok, will have a look later for induction
00:16 GuShh_ hmm
00:17 rue_house RifRaf, you know the old dumb dc-dc converters with the pushpull transformer drivers?
00:17 rue_house or the really dumb old dc inverters
00:24 R0b0t1 The hash? Of what?
00:25 RifRaf translate ([0,0,8]) cylinder (r=4, h=10, $fn=60, center=true);
00:25 RifRaf add that line to the end
00:25 RifRaf oh we made a nipple :)
00:26 rue_house hmm, mine came out a rivet, but I didn't follow the instructions :)
00:26 RifRaf $fn is for fineness, 60 gives it 60 facets
00:26 rue_house ok, hmm
00:27 rue_house thats a fine crash course
00:27 RifRaf you know \me, super coder :)
00:27 rue_house :)
00:27 rue_house I should be able to putz along from there
00:28 RifRaf yep, hace a play
00:28 rue_house its REALLY too bad they didn't use povray format, there are a LOT of things they could do
00:28 RifRaf to combine parts you can use things like union () and hull ()
00:28 rue_house including use of all the povray modelers
00:28 rue_house hull makes a shape hollow?
00:29 RifRaf nope makea complex shape
00:29 RifRaf will make something
00:30 RifRaf hull () {sphere (10, center = true);
00:30 RifRaf translate ([0,0,8]) cylinder (r=4, h=30, $fn=60, center=true); }
00:30 rue_house k
00:30 RifRaf the sphere and cylinder are merged along common faces, i dunno how to explain it
00:31 RifRaf buts thats how you make cooler shapes
00:31 rue_house mmm no convex surfaves
00:31 rue_house k
00:31 rue_house can you put in triangle meshes do you know?
00:31 RifRaf then there is minkowski()
00:32 RifRaf i think the stl export does that part
00:32 rue_house that locked a processor u
00:32 rue_house up
00:32 rue_house :)
00:33 rue_house its ok, I ahve 2 others
00:33 rue_house cool, k
00:33 RifRaf heh, i don't use that much
00:34 RifRaf froze mine up too for watever reason
00:34 RifRaf mmm, this girl has a nice butt at 0.12mm
00:35 rue_house so, once you have a model you output to STL
00:35 rue_house how do you slice?
00:35 rue_house or doe the stl go into ...
00:35 RifRaf load the stl into pronterface etc
00:35 rue_house oh, directly, ok
00:35 RifRaf yes, compile first though! f6
00:35 rue_house and in there you can set the fill amount?
00:36 RifRaf yep, in your slic3r settings
00:36 rue_house pronterface uses slic3r?
00:36 RifRaf yes, best to get the pronterface that includes slic3r
00:37 rue_house oh, pronterface is a python program isn't it...
00:37 rue_house download...
00:37 RifRaf yep
00:38 rue_house whats your pronterface ver
00:38 RifRaf there is a nice packaged version that just works
00:38 RifRaf not sure, but can find where i got it
00:40 RifRaf https://github.com/kliment/Printrun get the precompiled versions, scroll down
00:41 RifRaf hrm , but i dunno for lin sorry, i use win, its all simple :)
00:42 rue_house just trying to get the version from the shop fileserver going to know what version it is
00:44 rue_house rif, does your pronterface HAVE a version number anywhere on it?
00:46 RifRaf nope
00:46 rue_house mine either
00:46 rue_house huh
00:46 RifRaf well not that i can see, will dig deeper
00:46 rue_house I'm guessing the developer is pre-version
00:46 RifRaf you should join #reprap, they are very helpful
00:46 rue_house I only hit the stage of my life where I version my code about a year ago
00:46 rue_house I know
00:47 RifRaf i'll help where i can but they are way better
00:47 rue_house but I drag my feet too much
00:47 rue_house I was gonna stay up all night, but I was prepped for a tooth crown today and I need to rest and heal
00:47 RifRaf the developers are in there and can give better answers
00:48 rue_house np, were doing great
00:48 rue_house well
01:02 MrCurious1 lets see if THIS fixes my connect/disconnect issue in ubuntu
01:03 RifRaf nope :)
01:04 rue_house I updated and it has a version undr the menu ?
01:04 rue_house so you might wanna update :)
01:04 RifRaf but it works, so not yet
01:05 rue_house well dont ditch the old version
01:05 RifRaf this file i am printing is 40mb of gcode
01:05 RifRaf the stl was 20mb
01:06 RifRaf if it does that i am very happy, biggest print so far
01:06 rue_house ok lets walk thru this
01:06 RifRaf i use rephost earlier and just got a pair of boots
01:06 rue_house from scad, I compile?
01:06 RifRaf yes, then export to stl
01:06 RifRaf and then load the stl into pronterface which will slice it via slic3r
01:07 MrCurious wifi keeps cycling
01:07 rue_house 2 monitors is sweet
01:07 RifRaf on wifi here and have less disconnects than at work on adsl2
01:09 rue_house damn, I cant install all the python stuff on this machine, it wants to upgrade libc6, which is ALWASY trouble
01:10 RifRaf i started will all the python stuff, was so much easier using the compiled version on windows though
01:10 RifRaf just had to install 1 program
01:11 rue_house yea
01:11 rue_house I better do a libc6 upgrade on my machine, i have to be carefull, once it cause a filesystem glitch, lets not go inot details
01:15 RifRaf rue_house, most of the gurus come online later, kliment has not been on today that i have seen
01:15 rue_house ok
01:15 rue_house I have the right version now, I need to install the rest of the python dependencies
01:15 RifRaf k
01:15 rue_house I'll pay with tht later
01:16 rue_house play that
01:17 RifRaf hopefully Triffid_Hunter finds a place soon, his knowledge is missed
01:17 rue_house oh, he get kinda homeless?
01:18 RifRaf yeah, can still email him, i heard from him about 3 days ago and still the same situation
01:25 rue_bed he move to nowhere?
01:25 RifRaf in temporary places with bad internets
01:26 RifRaf and you may want to ignore shaun413, the ultimate goose
01:31 RifRaf gotta go cut a few bits of threaded rod, making more printers while waiting for this print, got 4 on the biuld at moment
01:32 RifRaf nice ones, all stainless and solid aluminium frames
02:17 MrCurious1 odd. a continuous ping keeps the wifi from dropping
02:19 R0b0t1 Last Wifi issue I had is it would sometimes hop channels into oblivion
02:19 R0b0t1 I think due to spurious noise
02:20 MrCurious1 i think faulty hardware
02:51 RifRaf 6 hours printing http://imagebin.org/268603 http://imagebin.org/268604
02:52 theBear hehe, you workin up to a fullsize sexdoll or something ?
02:52 RifRaf lol
02:52 RifRaf just some pieces for the pool room
02:53 theBear ahh, that's goin' straight to the pool room !
02:53 theBear nce
02:53 theBear u
02:53 RifRaf :)
02:53 theBear damned sober fingers
02:53 RifRaf nice to have people that understand my humour :)
02:53 theBear i do what little i can
02:54 MrCurious1 just bought a baofeng 2m/440 2 way radio for $32
02:54 RifRaf 6 hours for a pair of boots seems like alot, lets hope the next 6 hours make its worthwhile, and that i don't have a power failure or any of a dozen things that could go wrong still
02:55 theBear are they giant, or just super tiny layers ?
02:55 RifRaf MrCurious, might be more reliable than your irc client
02:55 RifRaf 200mm tall when done, and printing at 0.12mm layers as well
02:55 theBear interesting
02:56 theBear now i gonna have a delirious sober not-nap again
02:56 RifRaf there are a few tiny defects so far, but none that will distract from the final image, unless you have a fetish for heels
02:57 MrCurious1 theBear: sobriety can be cured these days!
02:57 theBear WHO TOLD YOU !?!?!?
02:57 theBear not without money
03:00 MrCurious1 make your own
03:00 MrCurious1 there is no money in prison, and they manage toilet-wine....
03:01 MrCurious1 maybe use a pot instead of a toilet....
03:02 MrCurious the ping helps the wifi issue, but doesnt solve it
05:06 theBear RifRaf, http://thefuckingweather.com/?where=YPPH&unit=c
05:51 KongfuPanda hello
05:51 KongfuPanda I got these new micro servos with metal gear. The are sooo much better than plastic gears..
05:52 KongfuPanda I should have used them in the beginning
05:52 KongfuPanda I think I'll end up replacing all 18 servos on my hexapod with metal servos
05:53 ngfuPanda cheapest is the dearest in the w
05:53 ace4016 heh
05:54 KongfuPanda ace4016, morning
05:55 ace4016 morning
05:55 KongfuPanda ace4016, do you know much about servos ?
05:59 SquirrelCZECH :D
05:59 SquirrelCZECH metal is always better!
05:59 SquirrelCZECH :-)
05:59 SquirrelCZECH hmm
06:00 SquirrelCZECH why everybody likes hexapod so much?
06:03 SquirrelCZECH but as I look at these machines....
06:03 SquirrelCZECH makes me want study animals bones and biceps
06:11 ace4016 hrm, he already left
06:16 SquirrelCZECH hmm
06:16 SquirrelCZECH still do not understand why they want to build hexapods
06:17 SquirrelCZECH but it's just the thing that it looks non-interesting to me
06:18 ace4016 hexapods looks cool and impressive
06:18 ace4016 and i suppose they have a myriad of gaits you can program into them
06:18 ace4016 or different gait producing schemes
06:19 ace4016 though you can do that with any legged machine
06:21 SquirrelCZECH :D
06:21 SquirrelCZECH on the other hand
06:21 SquirrelCZECH it's true that I was always really impressed only by fast or flying machines :-)
06:21 ace4016 :P
16:42 GuShH MrCurious: no wonder you couldn't drill shit with the drillpress you got, it's a dud... just like the first one I got
16:42 GuShH should've got a replacement when you could
16:43 GuShH the difference between two units (just two) is night and day, no qc whatsoever