#robotics Logs

Aug 12 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:07 MrCurious http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim
00:07 MrCurious an addiction
00:07 MrCurious you walk through the land
00:07 MrCurious do some quests
00:08 MrCurious trade items find some shit
00:08 MrCurious then gon a balls out killing spree
00:08 MrCurious kill, taake their shit, and repeat
00:08 theBear oh, 3d d+d, awesome
00:08 MrCurious until you are top dog and all far you
00:08 theBear far too ? he blow his brain in
00:08 MrCurious then you twiddle with the etherial/dimensional balance of teh universe
00:09 theBear i'll just stick to the occasional racing car game thankyouverymuch
00:09 MrCurious cant expect that game to revolutionize your life
00:09 theBear and i'll stick to one at least 10 years old so i don't need a new computer to run something that's basically the same as it woulda been 10 years ago
00:09 MrCurious this one will teach you how to shout like dragons!@
00:10 theBear d+d will only revolutionise your life if you getting too much attention from your chosen sex and wanna put an end to it for good
00:10 theBear pfft, like dragons eh ? kinda proves my point
00:10 MrCurious thought that was the theoretical birth control for men called magic the gathering
00:11 MrCurious best part of being 47.... can stay married and dieve into D&D
00:11 theBear anything with craft in the name, or involving quests, or involving +X somethings, or involving dice with more than 6 sides
00:12 theBear pfft, ignore my advice... i've seen it so many times before <sadly shakes head>
00:12 MrCurious she is off playing guild wars II
00:13 MrCurious i rest my case
00:14 theBear good god man, we live in such very different worlds you and i...
00:14 MrCurious control thy domain!
00:33 MrCurious thebear how does it play in your world...
00:33 theBear how does what what in my what ?
00:34 MrCurious theBear: good god man, we live in such very different worlds you and i...
00:35 theBear i know !
00:35 MrCurious i think if the telephone would have been invented in India, it would be called the Patelephone.
00:48 rue_more you said that yesterday
00:48 MrCurious i think i have altzheimers
00:48 rue_more I finished assembling my hakko iron station, I think it came out great
00:49 MrCurious pictures!
00:49 MrCurious this place needs a wall of BRAG
00:49 rue_more heh
00:49 MrCurious a shrine of inspiration
00:49 MrCurious a monicle of mechanization
00:54 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/hakko1.jpg
00:55 rue_more the blue swtich, the iron, and the controller were from china (ebay and alibaba)
00:56 rue_more apple IIe floppy case, transformer from a hospital bed, fuse from (god knows) and computer power connector
00:56 rue_more oh, and a chunk of faceplate aluminum from a large medical device
00:57 theBear nice ! and i just noticed, that's what my iron is copied from
00:57 theBear same plug, same dial (only single scale tho), same knob, same led position
00:58 rue_more controller is $13 on ebay
00:58 rue_more parts are EVERYWHERE
00:58 theBear even same cal hole i think
00:58 theBear can't see from here, cos it's really far away AND there's a door in the way
00:58 rue_more whats your brand?
00:58 rue_more yea, there is a cal hole right under the knob
00:58 rue_more small pot
00:59 rue_more <1 turn
00:59 e_more wonders why there is a sparkplug on the
00:59 rue_more oh, I think I was metering it
01:00 rue_more cracked, few Mohms leakage
01:00 rue_more no, thats a truck plug...
01:00 theBear doesn't even have one <grin> looks like they stopped selling it too
01:01 rue_more the tip/cord was just $7
01:01 rue_more pen/cord
01:01 rue_more I think the tip is steel tho, dont like it, gonna make a brass one
01:01 rue_more :) lathe... cool thing to have
01:02 theBear hmmm, wonder how it'll go without plating
01:02 rue_more resharpen twice a year till I need to make a new one
01:04 rue_more I should probably make a bunch at once if I'm gonna make them
01:05 rue_more I gave it 1M to ground too, from the tip case
01:05 theBear ooooh, esd safe, fancy fancy
01:05 rue_more that way I can zap stuff with the iron I'v already brought up to my body potential
01:05 rue_more :)
01:06 rue_more funny, I didn't think to incorperate the arm band I have into it
01:08 rue_more oh there is this too..
01:09 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/p1050489.jpg
01:09 rue_more optic encoder for measuring engine rpm :)
01:09 rue_more 2ppr
01:09 theBear it's pretty !
01:10 rue_more it works too 3000rpm
01:10 rue_more +-
01:11 theBear oooh
01:13 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/constcurr.jpg
01:13 rue_more my constant current jig for testing battery capacity
01:13 rue_more but its tooo big, I really only need one that goes up to an amp
01:13 rue_more (for 20hr rates)
01:13 rue_more I'v run that thing up to 5A so far
01:14 rue_more it should handle 10
01:14 theBear ooh, your giant hollow resistor has pretty wiggles on it !
01:14 rue_more taht the element!
01:14 rue_more its 1R
01:14 rue_more 270W?
01:14 rue_more iirc?
01:15 theBear yeah, it's about that size... i think i got two 50 or 100w maybe 4 or 8ohm ones
01:15 theBear but not with pretty wiggles
01:15 theBear but err, why have that AND the fet/transistor ? why not just silicon ?
01:16 rue_more constand voltage
01:16 rue_more the 1R is the current sense resistor
01:16 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/blocks.jpg
01:17 rue_more who can find my clever use of resistor colour code?
01:17 theBear lol ok, that's a serious shunt
01:18 pythonsnake rue_more: hey
01:18 theBear err, i'm half colourblind, it looks like a mistake use of colour code, but i'll use context to pretend i see it right :)
01:18 theBear and it layers :)
01:18 theBear wtf are they for anyway ?
01:18 rue_more blocking up the truck I'm converting to electric
01:18 rue_more and general blocks
01:19 theBear furry muff
01:20 pythonsnake rue_more: would you get a boe bot or a vex if money wasnt a problem?
01:20 rue_more show me vex
01:20 Jak_o_Shadows If i had no access to proper tools, vex
01:21 theBear rue_more, show him a pic of your little robot family, i think he's underestimated how long you been doing this
01:21 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robot_family2.jpg
01:21 rue_more I should update it tho
01:21 rue_more there are atleast 4 more now
01:22 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/clawbot-mobile-robot-w-gripper-kit-7.html rue_more
01:22 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, it seems well-built enough and stuff, but if you had the tools, you could make it. a 3D printer could easily make the geras/gripper
01:23 theBear mmm, that looks like a very usable kit, but you might kinda see how rue isn't the kind to buy kits so much as use what he has around
01:23 rue_more the vex has better mechanical, I think the boebot has better programming stuff
01:23 pythonsnake theBear: do you think I should start with non-kits?
01:24 rue_more what have you built already?
01:24 Jak_o_Shadows If you start with a kit, choose the right kit. If not starting with a kit, get a uC (msp430 or arduino or other), and some servos for wheels.
01:24 pythonsnake rue_more: nothing
01:24 Jak_o_Shadows Don't bother faffing about with a proper motor driver
01:24 rue_more then I'd say kit
01:24 theBear pythonsnake, not unless you got a lot of tools and 'junk' already around
01:25 rue_more if you were into it enough to have already tried to build stuff, then I'd say scrounging is fine
01:25 MrCurious continuous rotation servo;s BOOOOO
01:25 MrCurious get a nice gear motor with a quadrature encoder
01:25 theBear or at least a reasonable modicum of tools (a modicum is a very small amount <grin>)
01:25 MrCurious at least TRY to do it right
01:25 Jak_o_Shadows MrCurious: Yeah, but it's a heck load easier than a proper motor driver, and you can still sort of use them afterwards
01:25 pythonsnake I dont think I have any junk
01:26 MrCurious and beer. the thinking phase will require beer to lubricate the mind
01:26 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: what's the 'right' kit?
01:26 rue_more its about foundation knowledge, getting results with as little foundation required as possable to grow your interest
01:26 Jak_o_Shadows pythonsnake: One that can get you going straight away, but you can incrementally upgrade
01:26 theBear don't forget elbow grease, that lubricates the elbows
01:26 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: yes, that!!
01:26 rue_more if you were overflowing with interest, you could be building (or trying) robots with pencils, paper, and hot glue
01:26 pythonsnake modulable
01:27 rue_more could//would
01:27 rue_more I hate my cooking
01:27 pythonsnake rue_more: improssibru
01:28 rue_more the vex kit definitly has cooler mechanical
01:28 rue_more programming is the easiest to get into, then electronics, then mechanical
01:28 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/dfrobotshop-rover-v2-autonomous-5.html ?
01:29 pythonsnake rue_more: im already into programming
01:29 Jak_o_Shadows I'd argue with the right tools proper electronics becomes harder
01:29 theBear that'
01:29 Jak_o_Shadows pythonsnake: Those tracks are rubbish
01:29 theBear that's what i was thinking
01:29 Jak_o_Shadows Apart from that, goodish
01:29 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/vex-protobot-kit.html ?
01:29 pythonsnake discontinued but it looks cool
01:30 theBear once you 'get' the basics, mechanicals are pretty straightforward if you remember highschool physics, but electronics you can study for a lifetime and still not know everything
01:30 Jak_o_Shadows The tamiya twin motor gearbox is good, but the tracks slip off unless it's perfect, and they're not that strong
01:32 pythonsnake are those bipeds good
01:32 pythonsnake from lynxmotion
01:32 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/lynxmotion-brat-black-biped-kit-combo-1.html
01:32 MrCurious looks spensive
01:32 Jak_o_Shadows They wouldn't move very fast, and no proper motor control means you can't later convert it to something else easily
01:33 pythonsnake MrCurious: indee
01:33 pythonsnake d
01:33 MrCurious ebay has nice dual shaft servo's with brackets for $14
01:33 theBear hmm, what's the deal with that clawbot ? says motors and motor controllers etc, but no 'brains' or details of how to drive the motor controllers
01:34 rue_more where?
01:34 pythonsnake NOTE: A VEX Robot Control System is not included with this kit. Combine the Clawbot Kit with a VEX control system or consider a Robot Starter or Classroom & Competition Kits for a complete working robot.
01:34 pythonsnake theBear: ^
01:34 Jak_o_Shadows BTW, if you've got an old computer power supply, they make decent power sources so you're not chewing through batteries
01:34 pythonsnake rue_more: http://www.robotshop.com/ca/clawbot-mobile-robot-w-gripper-kit-4.html
01:34 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: sounds dangerous
01:34 pythonsnake i got this really really old not even atx power supply
01:34 rue_more A.T.
01:35 Jak_o_Shadows Nah, it's quite common. They have fuses, you just need to be reasonably careful that stuff is plugged in right.
01:36 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: how would i connect them
01:36 Jak_o_Shadows I just use wires shoved into the molex connectors.
01:36 MrCurious why start small... clearly you are wanting to build an empire AT-AT...
01:37 pythonsnake isn't that a bit too much for robots?
01:37 pythonsnake hm seems like vex is the way to go
01:37 pythonsnake hey how about lego mindstorms?
01:37 theBear hmm, a vex control system eh
01:37 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/30A-range-Current-Sensor-Module-ACS712-Module-NEW-/130704794707
01:37 theBear anyway, i feel like a lite down, so, seacrest out
01:37 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/20x-Gold-Banana-Plug-Connectors-For-Amplifier-Speaker-Audio-Cable-Binding-Post-/190865944226
01:37 Jak_o_Shadows mindstorms are expensive
01:37 MrCurious i have some of those
01:37 rue_more what is the better $3ish item?
01:38 Jak_o_Shadows The plugs.
01:38 rue_more hmmm
01:38 MrCurious harvest motors from dead printers
01:38 MrCurious once you have enough
01:38 MrCurious get motor driver boards off ebay
01:38 MrCurious then get a 10dof board off ebay
01:39 pythonsnake MrCurious: dude im not that pro
01:39 MrCurious then get a bunch of arduino nano's off ebay
01:39 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: I have about 300$?
01:39 MrCurious then create
01:39 MrCurious learn by doing
01:39 MrCurious baby steps
01:39 MrCurious goal 1 make motor turn
01:39 Jak_o_Shadows pythonsnake: I've spent far less than that, but I probably need to spend about $80 to get stuff working relaly well
01:39 MrCurious goal 2 make 2 motors turn
01:39 MrCurious goial 3 make a robot that can take command like right 45 forward 10 left 10
01:40 pythonsnake MrCurious: the thing is that i dont even have oldp printers
01:40 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: more is better? :D
01:40 rue_more two 5/6 wire 12V steppers, an ULN2803, and an avr, your off to the races
01:40 MrCurious others do
01:40 MrCurious and they often ownder how to get rid of them
01:40 MrCurious garbage, recycling
01:40 Jak_o_Shadows http://www.robotshop.com/ca/dfrobot-4wd-arduino-platform-encoders.html seems ok. Needs the electronics though.
01:40 MrCurious put an add up on craigs list
01:40 Jak_o_Shadows Well, yeah, more money is better
01:41 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/4wd-remote-control-robot-kit-android-compatible.html
01:41 pythonsnake android!
01:41 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah. Not too difficult if you feel like programming everything. Buy a bluetooth->serial module off ebay for $10
01:42 pythonsnake MrCurious: im in a poor country though
01:42 Jak_o_Shadows I mean, that does have a camera though
01:42 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: the one you linked would ned soldering?
01:43 Jak_o_Shadows It doesn't come with electronics, but not neccessarily
01:43 Jak_o_Shadows Also, ultrasonic sensors, they cost about $2 from ebay. Also, they're cool
01:45 pythonsnake electronics?
01:45 Jak_o_Shadows Most of the brains that actually tell it to move
01:45 rue_more you have to use the microcontroller to time the reflection signal
01:46 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/productinfo.aspx?pc=RB-Rbs-118&lang=en-US
01:47 rue_more theBear, any interest in the battery discharge curve I did?
01:49 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: so i get that control roobot kit and a microcontroller?
01:50 pythonsnake motor controller and mcu?
01:50 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, I think.
01:50 Jak_o_Shadows But it looks like a reasonably solid base.
01:52 pythonsnake hm
01:52 pythonsnake with the vex clawbot would i be able to make it like a wandering bot?
01:52 pythonsnake grabbing stuff around
01:52 pythonsnake camera
01:53 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, theoretically. Grabbing stuff it sees is a decent programming challenge. Also, watch video reviews of stuff, it'll give you a better idea of what you get
01:54 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: the boe bot seems to be more supported
01:54 pythonsnake more videos
01:55 pythonsnake maybe i should get the lego
01:55 pythonsnake lots of videos
01:55 Jak_o_Shadows Expensive as heck though, and not too adaptable really
01:56 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: wuut
01:56 pythonsnake I thought it was THE kit
01:57 rue_more http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/discharge.png
01:57 Jak_o_Shadows what, mindstorms?
01:57 rue_more if you calculate it out, the battery is like 6.2Ah
01:57 pythonsnake yes
01:57 pythonsnake Jak_o_Shadows: let's say that i can only buy stuff one time
01:57 pythonsnake i mean, next week i wont be able to buy any robot parts
01:57 pythonsnake one-time so i gotta get something really extensible without extra parts
01:58 rue_more hmm
01:58 rue_more vex has a non-extensable controller, and the boeot has non-exentable mechainca
01:58 rue_more mechanics
01:58 pythonsnake rue_more: i can buy the extra parts now, but not later
01:58 pythonsnake do i make sense
01:59 rue_more buy the vex kit and also get an arduino
01:59 rue_more then
01:59 rue_more vex + arduino should totally rock
01:59 rue_more and happy birthday :)
02:00 pythonsnake not really my birthday, just a yearly buy :P
02:00 rue_more theBear, do you agree, vex kit + arduino?
02:00 pythonsnake rue_more: the vex clawbot and the dfrobot 4wd?
02:00 rue_more the arduino can controll servos
02:01 rue_more vex bot, and an arduino controller
02:01 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Arduino-Compatible-Mega-R3-2560-ATMEGA-Funduino-Fast-US-Shipping-/251314174880
02:02 rue_more wonder if thre is an arduino with a servo shield
02:02 zap0 rue_more, got one on order too :)
02:02 zap0 there are heaps of servo boards.
02:03 rue_more any sold with an arduino?
02:03 zap0 http://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1311.R1.TR1.TRC0.A0.Xarduino+servo+&_nkw=arduino+servo+shield&_sacat=0&_from=R40
02:05 rue_more pythonsnake, I think you have to buy the arduino and a servo shield seperate
02:05 rue_more the servo shield will let you plug the vex stuff right in with almost no trouble
02:06 Jak_o_Shadows servo shield wont' cost much
02:06 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/ardublock-sensors-dfrduino-kit-2.html :O
02:06 rue_more they are about $7
02:06 rue_more the arduino is about $20
02:06 rue_more yea, if you can do that, yea
02:07 pythonsnake rue_more: if i can do arduino + servo shield?
02:07 rue_more just the aruino and servo shield, bought seperatly, would be about $30
02:08 rue_more that kit comes with all sorts of sensors you could have fun mixing with the robot arm
02:08 rue_more becase of the way vex is, you can mix them easy
02:08 pythonsnake price is not really a problem >:D
02:08 rue_more taht arduino kit uses a socketed arduino, so if you blow it up, you can just put in a new chip
02:09 pythonsnake hm, maybe i should search for a kit with a camera too
02:11 pythonsnake hey maybe a screen too
02:11 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/dfrobot-dfrduino-mega-kit.html
02:11 pythonsnake rue_more: ^
02:12 pythonsnake mega shield
02:12 rue_bed it'll take a year to get past the first arduino kit
02:13 rue_more that seems waaaay overpriced
02:13 pythonsnake i may to stuck without being able to get robot parts for years :P
02:14 rue_more the other one is much closer to a good deal
02:14 pythonsnake s/to/be/
02:14 rue_more yo uneed some to ship to strange places?
02:14 rue_more you know your budget, go with what you will
02:14 rue_more vex has good mechanical
02:14 rue_more arduino is a good controller
02:15 pythonsnake rue_more: yeah, strange places
02:15 rue_more make sure there are provisions for the arduino to operate servos and you should have a great kit
02:15 rue_more I have to go to bed
02:15 rue_more 3 hours ago
02:15 pythonsnake do non-servos work
02:15 pythonsnake just shields
02:16 rue_more "shield" is a term for a stack-on board that does things
02:16 pythonsnake oh, ok
02:16 pythonsnake ah
02:16 pythonsnake cool
02:16 rue_more so a "servo shield" will allow your arduino to operate servos
02:16 pythonsnake that's very exciting :D
02:17 rue_more I think the vex has a really, really basic controller
02:17 pythonsnake the arudu kit
02:17 pythonsnake Ardublock
02:17 pythonsnake doesnt have a servo shield i think
02:18 rue_more I think its a better deal, and you can chinge hte microcontroller if you blow it up
02:18 rue_more http://www.robotshop.com/ca/ardublock-sensors-dfrduino-kit-2.html
02:18 rue_more that kit does have servo controlers
02:18 pythonsnake IO Expansion Shield
02:19 pythonsnake IO Expansion Shield == servo shield?
02:19 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-V5-IO-Expansion-Xbee-Bluetooth-SRS485-Shield-/200798119696
02:19 rue_more thats the same one isn't it?
02:20 rue_more - 6 PWM output with power, GND and signal <-- should be servos
02:20 pythonsnake http://www.dfrobot.com/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=DFR0088&product_id=264#.UgiJSpLIuxo
02:20 rue_more yup
02:21 pythonsnake yeah the same
02:21 rue_more heh, $18 vs $10
02:21 pythonsnake those are so exciting
02:22 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/seeedstudio-ardx-arduino-starter-kit.html
02:22 rue_more no servos in that kit
02:22 Jak_o_Shadows Breadboards are useful
02:22 rue_more they also only cost $8
02:23 rue_more http://www.robotshop.com/ca/ardublock-sensors-dfrduino-kit-2.html
02:23 pythonsnake how about seeedstudio + external servos
02:23 rue_more that and the robot vex kit still look the best to me
02:24 rue_more the vex kit came iwth like 4 servos didn't it?
02:24 rue_more have to go to bed, gnight
02:24 pythonsnake checking
02:24 pythonsnake oh ok
02:24 pythonsnake thank you very much for the help
02:25 pythonsnake gnu'ight :)
02:25 Jak_o_Shadows Solder, not sodder
02:30 pythonsnake soober
02:30 pythonsnake sobebr
02:30 pythonsnake sobber
02:35 pythonsnake + http://www.robotshop.com/ca/dfrobot-sensor-set-4.html
02:46 RifRaf my neighbour http://www.coffscoastadvocate.com.au/news/search-man-who-ran-traffic-wreck-scaled-down/1979445/
02:55 zap0 probably drunk/stoned/both
02:55 RifRaf on is way home from a doof
02:55 zap0 likely.
02:55 RifRaf thankfully he had dropped his passengers off just before, they would have died for sure
02:56 zap0 probably saw a giant squid chasing him, so he crashed into a huge marshmallow (that just happened to actually be a tree)
02:58 RifRaf heh, when i drove past and saw it had no idea how it happened, but must have been going rather quick
02:59 RifRaf then i got home and suddenly police and ambos started turning up looking for him, dunno if they found him yet, is all quiet next door
03:15 pythonsnake http://www.idesignsol.com/products/dual-control-starter-kit-6738
03:15 pythonsnake why so expensive
03:16 RifRaf cause its vex?
03:33 RifRaf 30°C here today, not bad for mid winter
03:44 pythonsnake RifRaf: i mean
03:44 pythonsnake if you get the parts separately it costs way less
03:45 RifRaf maybe thats for suckers that want to buy a kit
04:01 pythonsnake hey anyone used a clawbot here?
04:01 pythonsnake from vex
04:11 RifRaf pythonsnake, have not seen any vex users here
04:12 Jak_o_Shadows Stuff you RifRaf and your 30C
04:12 pythonsnake RifRaf: oh crap
04:12 pythonsnake i thought it was very popular and suppored :(
04:26 pythonsnake hey
04:26 pythonsnake if i use an arduino controller i can use arduino-compatible sensors right?
04:28 RifRaf you can use any sensors
04:28 RifRaf they don't need arduino branded on them
04:30 pythonsnake RifRaf: what about vex controllers?
04:30 pythonsnake only vex sensors?
04:30 RifRaf no one uses vex, have no clues
04:30 pythonsnake what do you use
04:30 RifRaf any sensors should work once again thoug, you may have to write some code if you cannot find a library\
04:31 RifRaf i use avr
04:31 RifRaf which means i use several types of arduino at times
04:31 RifRaf cause they are cheap, buts its still just an AVR on a pcb
05:04 pythonsnake ok how about that
05:04 RifRaf ?
05:05 pythonsnake I get a clawbot, a decent arduino kit, a boebot, a sensors kit, a led screen, and a camera
05:05 pythonsnake I start with the boebot and the arduino, and when I can i'll switch to the clawbot
05:05 pythonsnake http://www.robotc.net/wiki/Tutorials/Arduino_Projects/Mobile_Robotics/VEX/Connecting_A_VEX_Motor
05:06 pythonsnake VEX Cortex Microcontroller $249.99!
05:06 RifRaf pythonsnake, do you code? and what are you trying to make?\
05:07 pythonsnake RifRaf: I'm trying to get a decent pack tinker with. I code python yeah
05:07 pythonsnake my idea now is to start with a relatively simple bot that grabs stuff
05:08 RifRaf well you should learn some C, and get an avr and a few servos
05:08 pythonsnake it's not like i can access a robot store everyday so i try to get the max :P
05:08 RifRaf then move to bigger motors if you need and make or get some motor drivers
05:08 pythonsnake avr makes kits?
05:09 RifRaf no, forget kitds
05:09 pythonsnake why
05:10 RifRaf because they are full of stuff you probly won't use, but if you have a big budget fill your boxes up with kits
05:10 RifRaf learn how to make a servo work from a microcontroller, you can do that with $10 of parts
05:10 RifRaf then you can biuld from there
05:11 pythonsnake I'm on a big budget :D
05:11 RifRaf well buy buy buy, but you won't learn as much as starting simple, to make an arm and gripper first start by learning how to make one servo or motor move where you want, then it gets alot easier
05:12 pythonsnake RifRaf: the problem is that I can only access the robotics store for a limited time
05:13 pythonsnake I'm not even sure if I have a complete pack
05:13 pythonsnake complete/compatbile
05:15 RifRaf there is no complete pack, they all misss something, unless you make exactly what they make, and thats boring
05:15 RifRaf so, learn to control a simple motor and get that right, then you will know better what you need
05:16 pythonsnake so what do i buy first
05:16 pythonsnake an arduino and a motor?
05:16 RifRaf a breadboard and a DIP avr and a bag off breadboard wires
05:16 RifRaf or an arduino if you want
05:17 pythonsnake and i'll be able to do what with it?
05:18 RifRaf get some leds too, you will learn a heck of a lot and what you can do just depends on you
05:18 RifRaf an simple avr can do a hell of a lot in the right hands
05:18 pythonsnake what's an avr ffs
05:19 RifRaf the microcontroller on an arduino
05:19 pythonsnake wait, so it cant even move? :(
05:20 RifRaf http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+an+AVR
05:20 RifRaf made by atmel
05:24 RifRaf pythonsnake, maybe you should start with lego
05:25 pythonsnake RifRaf: lego is damn expensive
05:25 RifRaf but it does not require too much thinking
05:25 RifRaf if you want to do real robotics start thinking
05:25 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/productinfo.aspx?pc=RB-Plx-261&lang=en-US
05:25 pythonsnake what's wrong with that?
05:26 RifRaf dunno, sorry i am busy again, trying to make things :)
05:26 pythonsnake if i mount the botbot on the vex
05:26 pythonsnake boebot*
05:28 RifRaf pythonsnake, have you made leds blink yet?
05:28 pythonsnake RifRaf: nope
05:28 RifRaf ok let me know when you get there, no point in continuing this for now
05:29 RifRaf the best thing you can do if you are serious is make a led blink
05:29 RifRaf from any microcontroller
05:29 pythonsnake yes
05:29 pythonsnake but i try to anticipate
05:30 pythonsnake as i said im here only for a limited time so i cant access the shop store for a long time
05:30 RifRaf all journeys start with the first step
05:30 pythonsnake i live in some dark places where you cant ship to
05:32 RifRaf the led will give you some light when you get it blinking
05:34 RifRaf make a led blink, then make it blink faster with somerthing like pwm, and then you are very close to making a motor do what you want
05:35 RifRaf but if all you want is vex etc this is not really the place to get help\
05:36 pythonsnake http://www.robotshop.com/ca/ardublock-sensors-dfrduino-kit-2.html ?
05:40 RifRaf am sure it wil come with some instructions to help you get going
05:41 pythonsnake instructions are bad?
05:41 RifRaf instuctions are to follow what someone has already done
05:41 RifRaf boring
05:45 RifRaf but at least you will get something working, and that might encourage you to learn
05:49 pythonsnake i cant get started without any instructions...
05:50 theBear why not ? ain't you got a imagination ?
05:50 SquirrelCZECH :D
05:51 SquirrelCZECH theBear: not everybody got enough of imagination....
05:51 SquirrelCZECH or not every imagination is trained in that way :-)
05:51 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: how is your project working?
05:51 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, making a frame for the parts now
05:51 theBear if you wanna make robots you must have ideas
05:52 RifRaf hopefully will get printing within a week or so
05:53 SquirrelCZECH nice! :-)
05:53 pythonsnake is it taht they dont mention it or these dfrobot kits don't include resistors
06:00 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: I am looking forward to it ;-)
06:01 RifRaf yep many are, most just so they can say 'i told you it would not work'
06:01 RifRaf but i say 'screw them'
06:02 RifRaf currently no ones knows, so they just want to be negative, everyone that has made a threadless ballscrew so far seems to think it at least has some potential
06:03 SquirrelCZECH :D
06:04 SquirrelCZECH I think that theoretically .... it is ok
06:04 RifRaf its exciting to be a part of something new, i am not the only crazy one thank goodness
06:04 SquirrelCZECH so there is only one logical step.... make it! :-)
06:04 RifRaf yep
06:05 RifRaf am trying as fast as i can, but work gets in the way all the time
06:05 SquirrelCZECH :D
06:06 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: don't rush it
06:06 SquirrelCZECH making everything too fast makes it bad...
06:06 RifRaf lol, i don't think i could go any faster, i made all these last weekend, http://imagebin.org/267164
06:07 pythonsnake RifRaf: what's the next step after the leds?
06:07 RifRaf but is good to have the day at work to be able to think over things, and then remake the parst each night
06:07 RifRaf pythonsnake, i'll tell you when you get there
06:07 RifRaf well i already did a few times
06:08 pythonsnake ok
06:08 pythonsnake but i need to buy all the parts now
06:08 RifRaf make led blink, make led blink with pwm, them use pwm to make motor move with variable speed, then get ideas
06:09 RifRaf no you don't, as far as i know the world will not end tomorrow
06:09 SquirrelCZECH :D
06:09 SquirrelCZECH pythonsnake: leds, servo...
06:09 pythonsnake RifRaf: i live in a place where shipping costs very high
06:09 SquirrelCZECH pythonsnake: it's more like, what you want to build?
06:09 pythonsnake a bot that grabs stuf
06:10 SquirrelCZECH pythonsnake: arduino, some leds, some motor controller, servo
06:10 RifRaf pythonsnake, many people do, you could alway start ripping apart broken electronics to get parts, you have a computer so i am sure there are old broken ones around, printers ect
06:10 RifRaf pythonsnake, want a robot arm that picks things up, i'll sell you one i made, $250?
06:11 pythonsnake :-(
06:11 SquirrelCZECH pythonsnake: you mean rover with arm or just arm?
06:11 RifRaf it stil won't do anything for you unless you learn though
06:11 pythonsnake SquirrelCZECH: rover
06:11 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: I think that in his state
06:11 SquirrelCZECH buying some of these "sets"
06:11 SquirrelCZECH is OK... O:-)
06:12 RifRaf wellthen buy them and read the instructions and stop annoying us with silly questions
06:13 RifRaf pythonsnake, this site has decent beginner instructions and parts http://www.adafruit.com/products/68
06:13 SquirrelCZECH yes
06:14 SquirrelCZECH pythonsnake: can you build the rover itself? if you can, made so
06:14 RifRaf then you can start with http://www.ladyada.net/learn/arduino/lesson1.html
06:16 RifRaf if that seems too much work then give up now and take up drugs or something instead, they are easy way to pass the time
06:17 RifRaf especially if you have a big budget
06:17 GargantuaSauce drugs and robots are not mutually exclusive<
06:17 theBear it's true
06:17 RifRaf lol tell me about it
06:18 eBear winks knowingly at his countr
06:18 pythonsnake RifRaf: that starter pack == http://www.robotshop.com/ca/arduino-starter-kit.html ?
06:18 theBear don't forget the liquor, i AM the liquor
06:19 pythonsnake RifRaf: hey that's an interesting lesson
06:19 pythonsnake but led without resistors?
06:20 RifRaf i am on the beer this week, giving up the port for a bit, hence my excessive typing
06:21 GargantuaSauce http://pastebin.ca/2371848 here's a random list of learning equipment i built for someone else
06:21 GargantuaSauce i'd recommend avoiding kits like the above<
06:22 SquirrelCZECH pythonsnake: if it is 5V led
06:22 RifRaf GargantuaSauce, he is all yours :0
06:22 SquirrelCZECH it doesn't need resistor :D
06:22 rgantuaSauce runs
06:23 Jak_o_Shadows SquirrelCZECH: Uh, shouldn't you more worry about current than voltage..
06:24 SquirrelCZECH maybe?
06:25 Jak_o_Shadows As long as you're quick you can pretty much get away with it lol
06:25 RifRaf leds need resitors to limit current, unless you have a perfect voltage for it, but thats just silly
06:25 pythonsnake free shipping?! SquirrelCZECH
06:26 pythonsnake 'Yes! DX offers free world wide shipping on all items!'
06:26 pythonsnake wow
06:26 Jak_o_Shadows It will take them a while to ship typically
06:27 pythonsnake how about taxes and all
06:27 RifRaf you are beginning to sound like a troll
06:27 pythonsnake sorry...
06:27 Jak_o_Shadows Uh, i've never had stuff taxed on import
06:28 GargantuaSauce i pay duty on stuff from the states but not from china
06:28 GargantuaSauce guess which of those countries canada has "free trade" with?
06:29 Faek China!
06:29 RifRaf china loves us, because they rape and pillage our resources, but when i can buy back our metal cheaper than i can get it here with free shipping i don't have much choice
06:31 Jak_o_Shadows Yep
06:32 RifRaf 4 days to get 10 stepper motors from china that would cost me 5X the cost if i got them locally, i dunno how it works
06:33 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, it's completely silly. I'd love to buy stuff locally, but...
06:34 RifRaf was chatting to the manager of the local post office, he says we pay with our taxes so that china can ship fre to us, there is some big deal happening
06:34 Jak_o_Shadows Get rid of that and local would be a heck load more competitive
06:34 RifRaf we pay them so they can ship for free
06:35 pythonsnake GargantuaSauce: cool list
06:35 Jak_o_Shadows I wonder if that goes all the way up to stuff like the great wall cars
06:35 RifRaf more than likely
06:38 pythonsnake i dont get it; what's wrong with kits if i just use them as if I bought them seperately and toss out the instructions?
06:39 GargantuaSauce you're paying twice as much as you should, and funding the production of kits that cost twice as much as they should
06:40 pythonsnake GargantuaSauce: how much is your custom kit including the advanced stuff and the tools?
06:40 RifRaf :)
06:40 GargantuaSauce well there is a $350 oscilloscope in that list
06:40 GargantuaSauce prune it based on your needs
06:41 GargantuaSauce and then compare the cost
06:41 GargantuaSauce (and value)
06:52 pythonsnake GargantuaSauce: motors but no wheels? :P
06:52 RifRaf omg :/
06:52 GargantuaSauce i didnt say it was a comprehensive or complete list
06:53 GargantuaSauce also you should scavenge as much as possible
06:53 GargantuaSauce it's always always the cheapest option
06:53 RifRaf whels are round thongs. look around you
06:53 RifRaf things*
06:53 GargantuaSauce and shoehorning two random things together is a good skill to build
06:55 pythonsnake heh, even cardboard boxes work too then
06:55 pythonsnake cut
06:55 GargantuaSauce one of my things uses a pair of lids from protein supplement jars
06:55 RifRaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIkj6OUEQSM
06:56 RifRaf some lids that were on some takeaway food or something made fine wheels
06:57 RifRaf the fancy cnc cut inner ones were too small and would not be required
07:00 pythonsnake those are plates?
07:00 RifRaf lids
07:01 pythonsnake oh, nice
07:01 pythonsnake is it common to use super glue?
07:02 GargantuaSauce hot glue :)
07:02 RifRaf pythonsnake, wanna buy this arm? has potential, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VhbpxO4LIU
07:03 pythonsnake why would i buy one
07:04 RifRaf because i will pull it apart and call it a kit if you like
07:04 RifRaf and will save you months of research
07:05 RifRaf it took more than a few nights to make that
07:05 pythonsnake what do you solder on btw? breadboards?
07:05 RifRaf but you could expand on the ideas and make it heaps better
07:05 GargantuaSauce i use perfboards but should really get around to etching some PCBs
07:05 RifRaf breadboards are solderless devices
07:06 RifRaf i make my own pcbs as well, then get chine to make the pretty ones
07:06 pythonsnake what do you solder then
07:06 RifRaf because they do it cheaper than my time is worth :/
07:07 RifRaf i solder shit all day long, mainly leds in big arrays to make pretty signs
07:08 pythonsnake ah
07:08 pythonsnake soldering is not for testing i guess
07:09 theBear sure it is
07:09 theBear you can unsolder
07:09 theBear and it's way quicker and more reliable than twisting wires or crap like that
07:09 GargantuaSauce it gets messy fast...generally you want to breadboard the circuit first
07:10 RifRaf breadboard ftw, fastest way to make blinken led and thats what you need
07:10 RifRaf and you will learn something
07:11 RifRaf or lots more than something really if you get it blinken
07:15 RifRaf grr, not an m3 nut in sight, cept nylocks and i don't want them right now :/
07:15 fRaf pulls apart some proj
07:15 GargantuaSauce i went to fastenal and spent like $80
07:15 GargantuaSauce now i do not lack nuts
07:16 RifRaf GargantuaSauce, i'll look it up, is unfamiliar
07:16 GargantuaSauce it seems to be the only hardware store in my city that has a reasonable selection of metric shit
07:18 RifRaf oh its a shop, i visit the local boltorium often and spend similar amounts, but i forgot to get more m3 nuts last week
07:19 RifRaf they seem to dissappearin to the carpet, when i hear them when i vacuum, but to blind to find em on floor these days
07:20 pythonsnake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sScBbIZrJEw
07:20 pythonsnake what kind of sensors are those
07:20 pythonsnake IR?
07:21 Jak_o_Shadows Uh, i mostly twist wires together
07:21 Jak_o_Shadows Mostly cause I can't be assed going outside to solder.
07:23 pythonsnake get a soldering kit?
07:23 Tom_itx those look like homebrew IR since he's got a shield around them
07:24 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/sumo_files/sumo_electronics_index.php
07:24 Tom_itx bottom
07:24 Tom_itx or something like it
07:25 pythonsnake proximity sensor
07:26 SquirrelCZECH hmm
07:26 uirrelCZECH feels we
07:26 SquirrelCZECH for most of the robotics guys, it's more natural to actually build electronics for their robots
07:26 RifRaf SquirrelCZECH, heart attack maybe?
07:26 SquirrelCZECH specific circuits etc...
07:27 SquirrelCZECH all-in-one PCB for "robot sumo" ....
07:27 SquirrelCZECH but for me it's more natural to .... buy arduino, attach servos, attach DC regulator I bought, attach sensor and program it :D
07:29 RifRaf sure, i do the same, but always good to have learnt from a mega8 or so in a breadboard first, makes the rest easier once you know what actually going on
07:31 RifRaf my first blinkemn leds were at 12 years, with 2 caps, 2 transistors ans a couple of resistor and 2 leds, used to sell em as fake car alarms
07:32 RifRaf housed in a cut down film cannister
07:33 GargantuaSauce http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Transistor_Multivibrator.svg this one?
07:33 RifRaf actually maybe there was no transitirs, stil have one somewhere, all dead bug style
07:33 GargantuaSauce that was my first circuit too :D
07:33 RifRaf GargantuaSauce, it really does start with a blinking led :)
07:35 RifRaf GargantuaSauce, i believe that could be the same circuit :)
07:36 GargantuaSauce i still have it somewhere, twisted leads on a big plastic grid board thing
07:37 fRaf gets the mims enginners notrebook off the shelf, geez i love the smell of this t
07:37 RifRaf circa 1982 :)
07:38 GargantuaSauce i grew up on Getting Started In Electronics
07:38 RifRaf wow its a first edition second print
07:38 theBear hmm, that's the big green one ? i got one of those
07:38 theBear most of the mini-notebooks too
07:38 RifRaf yellow
07:38 theBear mims makes good books
07:38 theBear i meant getting started one
07:38 RifRaf have others but none are green that i know
07:39 RifRaf oh
07:39 theBear you older than me, i didn't get books about electronics before i was 2
07:39 GargantuaSauce yeah...it's green and looks like a photocopied notebook
07:40 theBear yeah, got a triac dimmer on the last page or so
07:40 RifRaf found a green one, 'bugging , and its prevention' 1988
07:40 theBear yeah, tbh even when i was under 10 i wasn't much into electronics books :)
07:41 RifRaf then i have the 600 page floyd books fmom 1985 when i actually did go study electronics in sydney
07:41 RifRaf man there is some crazy maths in those
07:41 theBear damn ! you got a formal education ? bastard !
07:41 theBear i had to learn the finer points in stupid irc !
07:44 RifRaf it was not an easy education, had to do it in my druitt living on $50 a week, i only made it 10 months
07:44 RifRaf then a week on central station till i got enough coin from parking meters to get back up here
07:45 RifRaf but those were the days
07:46 theBear oooh the druitt, that starts to sound familiar, my memory ain't what it is when i ain't crippled
07:47 RifRaf yep mount druitt, westie heaven, but scary place back then
07:47 theBear scary place now <grin> i used to close up at st pats some fri/sat nights, WAY worse than weekdays
07:48 theBear probly wasn't called that back then, but the pub pretty much opposite the station
07:48 theBear you gotta be a theBear to do that more than a few times
07:48 RifRaf heh
07:49 RifRaf i know the station, used to be nice to get on the train
07:49 theBear totally :)
07:51 pythonsnake there are beard boards shields
07:51 pythonsnake breadboards
07:51 RifRaf and maybe even bearded sheila broads
07:51 theBear i prefer the first one
07:51 theBear lol
07:52 eBear giggles some
07:52 pythonsnake bear boards
07:52 RifRaf bored bear
07:52 theBear nah, it's shifting to drunk, even managing to pay some attention to the video on the other screen
07:52 GargantuaSauce board beer
07:54 RifRaf pythonsnake, you have managed to turn us into a bunch of unproductive drunks
07:54 RifRaf i got nothing done the last 2 hours and now am even on the port
07:54 theBear hey ! i'm a drunk cripple ! and i didn't need any help !
07:55 RifRaf you really just need to get something and do something with it, everything you have posted will do something, so do it
07:56 RifRaf theBear, still getting some work fixing things?
07:56 pythonsnake indeed
07:57 theBear yeah, few fones and lappies most weeks, fills in the alcahol and cigarette gaps, lets me indulge in beer once in a while, which is nice
07:57 theBear i miss being a beer drinking alcaholic
07:57 theBear oh i miss it
07:58 theBear now i'm just a shitty wino :(
07:58 RifRaf i was on the beer tonight
07:58 theBear i know ! don't rub it in :(
07:58 RifRaf my way of stopping port, but have relapsed
07:58 pythonsnake would you recommend those prototype shields?
07:58 theBear i did save one for breakfast.. bacon and eggs just aint bacon and eggs without beer
07:58 RifRaf and i just realised its a work night
07:59 theBear oooh, gettin late there :)
07:59 RifRaf only 11
08:00 theBear hmmm, i dunno who this wendy in the video is, but she's kinda pretty
08:01 theBear ahh, she's the greencard wife ... it's parks and recreation
08:04 RifRaf pythonsnake, actually i am sorry, its the m3 nuts that stopped me from gettng things together i realise now
08:04 RifRaf because i just tryed again
08:05 RifRaf but you did make me feel like drinking
08:05 pythonsnake tried what
08:06 RifRaf tried screwing these joints together on me new printer
08:06 RifRaf need em for the couplers from the stepper motor to smoothrods
08:07 pythonsnake i made you drunk?
08:08 RifRaf nope, that would likely happen anyway
08:09 RifRaf but maybe i had one more than normal :)
08:10 RifRaf i cannot believe what a difference 0.02mm wider has made for this stepper fitting, fits so much better
08:10 RifRaf was stressing the motor out a bit before when pushing them on
08:48 pythonsnake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfijFH1Uopo
09:08 rue_more I thik the vex might be better, with arduino
09:12 rue_more pythonsnake, vex mechanical is better because they are generic peices, not specific to building one thing
09:38 pythonsnake rue_more: wb ! :)))
09:38 pythonsnake rue_more: I'm not sure how to run the vex with a uno
09:41 R0b0t1 The vex machine stuff you simply supply the servo signal to it
09:41 R0b0t1 like, motors and such
09:41 R0b0t1 accepts standard servo input
09:41 pythonsnake R0b0t1: trashing the vex motors?
09:42 R0b0t1 ?
09:42 R0b0t1 No you keep them as vex motors
09:42 pythonsnake ah, and I add servo
09:43 R0b0t1 no
09:43 R0b0t1 the vex motors ARE servos
09:45 pythonsnake R0b0t1: yes; however i've read that they aren't like the standard ones with arduino
09:45 pythonsnake http://www.robotc.net/wiki/Tutorials/Arduino_Projects/Mobile_Robotics/VEX/Connecting_A_VEX_Motor
09:45 pythonsnake "The new VEX motors are 'Two-wire motors' - they have only two wires. These are simple DC motors with no internal mechanism for speed control. To properly control these motors via PWM with the Arduino, we will need to use the VEX 'Motor controller 29' which accepts the same inputs as the three wire motor, and converts it to steady voltage for the 2-wire motor using an electrical device called an H-bridge."
09:46 R0b0t1 You need to drive them with a controller which accepts PWM
09:47 pythonsnake http://www.vexrobotics.com/276-2193.html
09:47 pythonsnake included
09:48 pythonsnake 2x
09:51 pythonsnake R0b0t1: http://www.robotshop.com/ca/sfe-arduino-inventors-kit-4.html
09:51 pythonsnake rue_more: ^
09:51 pythonsnake looks more complete rue_more
10:12 pythonsnake rue_more: should I worry about whether the arduino would fit into the chassis?
10:42 pythonsnake rue_more: how about getting the boe bot, an arduino kit, and the clawbot?
17:05 GuShh_ hmm 1.5mm off on the spindle by the washer, 3.4mm off (more or less) on the outer diameter of the right side mount / bracket for the wheel, that just translates to enough wobble that it's giving me unreliable cuts... I know it's not a precision machine but it shouldn't be this way off (and it's a 14 inch wheel, if we're getting ~3mm off at near the center, imagine after 14 inches of swing...)
17:07 GuShh_ as the wheel is 1/8 thick, with all that wobble I might as well use a handsaw while being blindfolded.
17:10 GuShh_ can't test the motor shaft as it's slotted on both sides, the spacer has play in it so there's no way to test it reliably, even then using the inside flange of the shaft I got ~0.4mm off, I could live with that. it's a mounting issue, but there's also some tilt on the hinge... sigh.
17:13 GuShh_ I'm not sure if the paint could be the culprit, it's way off unless it's powder coat, then it's possible.
17:14 GuShh_ time for some sheet glass and sandpaper to find out...
19:51 pythonsnake GuShH: :(
19:51 pythonsnake can I get a chassis at least?
19:52 thonsnake wonders how one wouldstick a gripper to a r
20:13 pythonsnake you guys make your own arms too?
20:14 GargantuaSauce i grew mine
20:16 Faek Ive had mine as long as i can remember
20:17 robotustra yet another robot arm constructor :)
20:17 RifRaf or arm kit buyer
20:18 robotustra yep
20:19 robotustra pythonsnake: would you like to buy a robot arm?
20:19 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/266475 you can buy that one
20:20 robotustra or this one :) http://picpaste.com/pics/palm-asm-pic3-vhoQA1Yv.1376355898.png
20:22 RifRaf thats just a hand, how would he attach it :P
20:22 robotustra it's his problem :)
20:22 robotustra he have to do something by hands finally
20:23 GuShH I propose #robotoybuyer
20:39 pythonsnake http://www.amazon.com/Wild-Thumper-6WD-Chassis-Black/dp/B007R9UUM0
20:46 GuShH pythonsnake: try #consumer
20:53 pythonsnake GuShH: I dont get it, I'm trying to build a robot without a kit and you still hate me :(
20:54 GuShH hate?
20:54 GuShH do whatever you want.
21:06 ShH offers pythonsnake a cup of magic co
21:11 thonsnake drinks it and
21:20 MrCurious woo hoo dual axis servo's arrived
21:21 RifRaf dual axis?
21:22 MrCurious http://www.ebay.com/itm/181177087542?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
21:22 MrCurious one is a dead pin, but it stops bad tension on teh powered one
21:22 RifRaf so its really just a single axis
21:22 RifRaf with extra mount
21:22 MrCurious and teh brackets fit nice
21:23 RifRaf was hoping it might have another motor at 90°
21:23 MrCurious to what end?
21:24 GuShH it's a single axis... dual shaft
21:24 GuShH "extended"
21:24 MrCurious going to make hexapod legs much easier
21:25 GuShH starting another project without finishing the previous?
21:25 MrCurious revisiting a prior project
21:25 RifRaf yeah i just made my own from standard servos like that
21:25 MrCurious it was one of the first robots
21:25 MrCurious i was not happy with the results
21:25 RifRaf it makes the servos work alot better
21:25 GuShH you never are
21:26 MrCurious but at $13 ish per servo and bracket kit
21:26 MrCurious screams comodity
21:26 GuShH or it might scream "I'm too lazy to figure out the right way" :p
21:26 RifRaf GuShH, good job with the coffee :)
21:27 MrCurious GuShH: sip more coffee
21:27 GuShH no coffee
21:27 MrCurious but its free trade
21:28 GuShH isn't it "fair" trade?
21:28 GuShH it's horrible.
21:28 MrCurious thats subjective no?
21:28 MrCurious did you add sugar?
21:28 GuShH "I'll buy you the beans for free, or I'll shoot your family"
21:28 GuShH fairtrade(tm)
21:28 GuShH no, they're roasted with sugar.
21:28 GuShH why add more
21:29 MrCurious and it makes bitter coffee?
21:29 GuShH I don't know what bitter coffee is
21:33 GuShH MrCurious: rule of thumb, if your coffee requires sugar.. it's bad coffee.
21:33 GuShH or not coffee at all.
21:35 robotustra drug addicts :)
21:36 robotustra tired to read about patterns
21:36 GuShH robotustra: not really
21:36 GuShH read this http://www.foodrenegade.com/your-coffee-has-ground-up-bugs/
21:36 GuShH they also add all sorts of waste products as filler.
21:36 GuShH (it's not that they add bugs, insects are naturally there)
21:37 MrCurious oh no! we only get bad coffee in america
21:37 GuShH I've got the scent of sunflower beans or derivatives of, from regular ground coffee... soy is harder to identify, but it shows up as whiter stuff....
21:37 MrCurious or we are fat and hooked on sugar
21:37 MrCurious my money is on #2
21:38 GuShH I can't drink the filtered stuff it's a slow way of killing yourself.
21:38 GuShH I think what's left over from a regular espresso shot (the puck) is what you are buying as coffee >_<
21:38 GargantuaSauce living is a slow way of killing yourself
21:39 MrCurious not being a coffee drinker, cant really comment
21:39 robotustra the solution is --- not to drink coffee
21:39 GuShH oh it's everywhere
21:39 MrCurious my beverage is made from the synthetically distilled or manufactured caffine
21:39 GuShH soy, sweeteners, all kinds of shit you consume daily
21:39 GuShH all meant to lower costs
21:39 GuShH and increase yield
21:39 robotustra MrCurious: look at the link
21:39 GuShH MrCurious: and tourine?
21:40 GuShH taurine, whatever you call it. the shit they put on RedBull, etc.
21:40 GuShH Oh, and cat food.
21:40 GuShH Indeed.
21:40 GuShH It's what makes the cat want more and more of that crap they call food. And what makes you want to drink more of that sweetened spit.
21:43 GuShH robotustra: mixed with alcohol it's a sure way of becoming impotent within a few years, too. increasing consumption of "aid" pills, increasing your risks of heart failure among other issues... what a nice purge cycle
21:43 GuShH I'm glad so many people drink the stuff uncontrollably. It's how we'll deal with over-population.
21:47 robotustra GuShH: true
21:49 MrCurious yum! biugs!
21:52 ace4016 GuShH, interesting that you read food renegade as well...
22:02 MrCurious EYE CANDY! http://mindtrans.narod.ru/hands/hands.htm
22:15 RifRaf bastards
22:15 RifRaf thats a lot of hands :/
22:16 MrCurious ok, nice servos :) pololu is driving it nicely
22:17 RifRaf it would be so much better if a few us us could combine skills to make a decent hand
22:17 MrCurious i concur
22:18 RifRaf well i for one would be in for it
22:18 MrCurious RifRaf: robotustra has pointed out to me the key to arm joints is the harmonic drive system
22:18 MrCurious sadly, i cant find a cheap source
22:18 RifRaf will look into it, lunch time now, must eat
22:31 GuShH ace4016: why is that?
22:33 GuShH MrCurious: so, about bitter coffee.. if you over-extract the espresso, you get the bitter notes... (and more caffeine) if you under-extract, you don't but of course you "waste" some of it... temperature plays a role as well.
22:34 GuShH RifRaf: make a robot hand barista!
22:47 RifRaf workmate just drilled right through his finger
22:48 RifRaf nice big cordless thats stops for nothing
23:10 GuShH RifRaf: nice
23:11 GuShH touched any bones?
23:12 GuShH bit most likely went past the side
23:12 RifRaf he is at hospital but was messy apparantly
23:12 RifRaf yep hopefully
23:12 GuShH it's always messy
23:18 RifRaf 2 more panels to go , yay, then i have done 1 tonne of panels in a few days
23:20 GuShH RifRaf: panels? mdf for kitchen cabinets or what?
23:20 GuShH doors...
23:20 GuShH eek, mdf door... let a stranger break in with the use of a mere cup of water!
23:21 GuShH incredible, I couldn't find a used cheapie drill press that didn't cost as much or more than a new one of equivalent quality.
23:21 GuShH People are nuts.
23:21 RifRaf acm panels for a biulding cladding
23:21 RifRaf the aluminium composite stuff
23:22 GuShH on one hand I could wait until I get a mill and use that, but then again for rough work a drill press is a must
23:22 RifRaf he just got back from hospital already, musta got right in, went into fingertip and out through fingernail,
23:22 GuShH and the bone?
23:22 RifRaf appears to have missed it
23:22 RifRaf was only an 3mm bit
23:22 GuShH typical drill accident!
23:23 GuShH similar to sewing machine accidents heh.
23:23 RifRaf holding material with left hand and drilling with other
23:23 GuShH except those give me the chills.
23:24 GuShH RifRaf: any tips on chopsaws?
23:24 RifRaf like a drop saw?
23:24 GuShH abrasive 14 inch chop saw
23:24 RifRaf oh thats reminds me, i need to get this hardened rod cut today
23:24 GuShH I guess like a drop saw (miter saw) but just for steel and fixed head
23:25 RifRaf 5 minutes with hacksaw and i didn't even mark it
23:25 RifRaf yep, well clamp your parts well
23:25 GuShH no, but with regard to quality of cut
23:25 RifRaf we have one here for aluminium and a disk one for steel, and a big giant hacksaw thing for big beams and stuff
23:25 GuShH the 3mm wheel that came seems to be rather crappy and I suspect the entire mount is off by 3mm
23:26 GuShH 3.5 or so tilted
23:26 RifRaf sounds cheap, and dangerous
23:26 GuShH it's a black and decker, just slightly cheaper than the makita
23:26 GuShH and it looked exactly the same as the dewalt
23:26 RifRaf hrm, needs setting up better than?
23:27 GuShH I bet they all come from the same factory
23:27 GuShH the motors were exactly the same, just a different grill / cover, even the mounting holes matched
23:27 GuShH I was disgusted by that so I got the B&D
23:27 GuShH (had all 3 lined up, it's all the same crap)
23:28 GuShH I'm pretty sure DeWalt has a better "professional" line of these, but I'm also pretty sure I can't afford them :p
23:28 GuShH a cold saw would've been niceer
23:28 RifRaf i don't use them alot so cannot help much, but could ask for some tips from those that do
23:28 GuShH just investing in tooling for a startup
23:29 RifRaf i jammed the blade once and snapped a few teeth, that scared me
23:29 GuShH if I wait any longer I won't be able to obtain anything.
23:29 GuShH carbide disc?
23:29 GuShH I'm not sure what's the big difference with a cold saw, speed?
23:29 GuShH faster or slower?
23:30 GuShH they specifically mention "do not use steel carbide or any other metal discs"
23:30 GuShH "do not cut wood"
23:31 GuShH ok, so slower speed on a dry cut saw vs chop saw (abrasive)
23:31 GuShH I bet I could sacrifice torque by running it at 110v and get away with a carbide wheel.
23:31 GuShH a diode in series might just be enough. why not, am I nuts?
23:32 GuShH it is after all a universal brushed motor.
23:32 RifRaf i'll see what blade, it chops aluminium all day so must be ok
23:33 GuShH thing is a blade worth buying isn't terribly cheap, so it could be a wasteful experiment if it doesn't work out heh
23:35 GuShH seen photos of the two actual units, they look pretty much the same except for the blade cover... internally it must have a different reduction gear and that's all.
23:35 GuShH but they cost almost twice.
23:36 RifRaf well they tell me the drop saw well 10 disk will cutthis ok easy, so will try after work
23:36 RifRaf with*
23:37 RifRaf hacksaw would not even mark it
23:37 GuShH I understand the theory behind the two units, I disagree with paying more for virtually the same thing though.
23:37 GuShH if a series diode will give me less speed (and loss of torque, which shouldn't matter that much if it means clean cuts) then that's what I'll do.
23:38 GuShH could even use a big power dimmer, don't have a variac to play with
23:41 GuShH RifRaf: it's one of these http://www.tool-market.gr/tool.php?lang=en&id=568 see, the speed on the dry saw is half of the abrasive saw...
23:42 RifRaf yep looks similar to what they just showed me, cept this one is bigger and older
23:42 GuShH the vise uses a half nut and works fairly well, the other used a cam lock, tried it and wasn't impressed.
23:43 GuShH belt driven?
23:43 RifRaf nope don't think so, i'll use it after work and get some details
23:43 GuShH industrial ones were / are belt driven, pretty cool as you can modify them easily
23:45 RifRaf if it chops this hardened rod i'll be impressed
23:45 GuShH with carbide tipped blade it will
23:46 GuShH won't even get hot!
23:50 Ademan GargantuaSauce: how's the (hexapod?) robot?