#robotics Logs

Jul 29 2013

#robotics Calendar

01:13 Gargantuasauce every day is one day closer to friday
08:49 poli Hello my good people of #robotics!
09:20 robotustra hi
09:37 rue_house its a time of day thing
09:37 Faek Hello
09:37 rue_house hey
12:03 electronplusplus what's the robot available for programming?
12:03 electronplusplus the best*
12:17 robotustra it depends on what kind of robot
12:18 GuShH lawl
12:19 GuShH robotustra: I guess he was sent from ##electronics
12:19 robotustra by whom?
12:20 robotustra I think this sent was not so ultimate
12:37 electronplusplus GuShH: nop
12:39 GuShH electronplusplus: that kind of question makes me want to hit you with a stick
12:39 GuShH it's like asking what's the best car available for crashing against a wall.
12:40 GuShH I'm not sure people around here spend 1000s on commercial "robots"
12:40 GuShH they build them from scratch, to their own specifications. like you should.
12:40 GuShH I'd rather spend the money on books, materials and tools to build one
12:40 GuShH than buy one of those plastic toys.
12:44 Gargantuasauce http://xn--d-bga.su/gob.png Gob's program. OISC edition.
12:46 GuShH Gargantuasauce: very mature
12:46 Gargantuasauce thank you
12:47 Gargantuasauce it's an AD reference, fwiw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbnjusltDHk
12:50 GuShH the hell.. almost 20 bucks for each machine mount... and I need 8... no thanks. not even at 6 units I'd consider buying them.
12:50 GuShH if I could find a good source for the rubber bits I'd just make my own
12:59 MrCurious hide your condoms... GuShH is out for rubber
13:04 electronplusplus GuShH: I'm looking for a programable humanoid.
13:05 electronplusplus cheaper than nao
13:16 MrCurious same capabilities, or a cheesy metal and servo kit do?
16:18 MrCurious i wish i was a new york mayoral wiener, 'cus everyone would have pictures of me....
16:21 robotustra :)
17:21 poli Hello my good people of #robotics!
17:21 ace4016 hola
17:57 MrCurious and moveto 300cm, 10 degrees now moves in a strait line!
17:57 MrCurious moveto10,0
17:58 MrCurious now i am pleased :D
18:08 MrCurious 3.4mph
18:17 MrCurious wishing i had a gymnaseum to do some testing with this omni bot now
18:19 robotustra where is promiced roboporn?
18:20 MrCurious too soon
18:20 GuShH robotustra: try f******machines.com
18:21 robotustra GuShH: you don't understand russians jockes so far
18:21 GuShH So far I can't understand most of what you say
18:22 MrCurious still something wrong when i change maxspeed, max accel goes to ifinity
18:22 GuShH Pffft. Most of the stand has been finished but now I want shelves, doors maybe even a drawer... it's going to take a loooong time.
18:23 robotustra MrCurious: division by zero
18:23 GuShH why aren't you sanitizing your code
18:24 MrCurious i am understanding the nature of the bug
18:25 MrCurious had max accel as a factor of max speed
18:25 MrCurious and at high speeds, that just ended bad
18:27 robotustra fixed?
18:27 MrCurious yeah
18:32 MrCurious i think the pope just changed the rules on gay...
18:36 GuShH MrCurious: ?
18:36 GuShH he said he can't judge
18:36 MrCurious he IS the church
18:36 GuShH so?
18:36 MrCurious so the church now is ok with the gay no?
18:36 GuShH I don't think that's how it works
18:36 GuShH also who cares.
18:37 GuShH it's all made up.
18:37 MrCurious cnn cares!
18:37 GuShH bleh.
18:40 GuShH MrCurious: I'd be more worried about that 6 year old boy wanting to get a woman's ID
18:41 MrCurious is that in brazil?
18:41 GuShH ie. pre-teen ladyboy wants to legalize. I think the parents should not be allowed to keep the child
18:41 GuShH no clue where.
18:41 MrCurious i could see those bathroom privs being beneficial to a 6 year old...
18:41 GuShH at 6 years old he can't possibly decide.
18:42 MrCurious you really do have your finger on the ladyboy pulse there GuShH
18:42 robotustra confirmation
18:42 GuShH no, it was just on the news
18:42 robotustra for cathlics I think 14 yo
18:42 MrCurious the lady-boy-news-network TLBNN>
18:42 GuShH regular news channel.
18:43 robotustra MrCurious: moveto10,366 also works?
18:43 GuShH there seems to be a few at least, not just the one.
18:43 MrCurious yes
18:43 MrCurious that will be same as moveto 10,6
18:44 GuShH So now "Gender Identity Disorder" is a thing?
18:44 MrCurious only when you make it one LOL
18:44 robotustra and moveto40,-9?
18:44 MrCurious same
18:44 MrCurious theta does not ever cause a rotation
18:45 MrCurious the sin/cos functions sanitize it for me
18:45 GuShH MrCurious: will your robot have a gun mount?
18:45 MrCurious its required, isnt it
18:45 MrCurious but i was going to start with a taser
18:45 MrCurious more hands on
18:45 GuShH It's so top heavy I think a fart would throw it off balance
18:45 MrCurious this robot likes to do its own wet work
18:46 MrCurious i would moun t the gun near its base
18:46 robotustra MrCurious: what is the comand for your robot to move (x=30,y=60) and rotate CW at 45 degree?
18:46 MrCurious like a crotch gun...
18:46 GuShH to shoot people's feet
18:46 GuShH robotustra: did you finish that freakish head?
18:46 MrCurious robotustra: dont have the rotate and move yet
18:47 robotustra MrCurious: and why are you relaxing here yet?
18:47 MrCurious though in theory, you can do a moveto100,45 then a rotate45
18:47 MrCurious they SHOULD be addative
18:47 robotustra no
18:47 robotustra it should be in the same time
18:47 MrCurious yes
18:47 MrCurious it will be at same time
18:47 GuShH moving to XY requires turning at least once.
18:47 GuShH unless the new vector is equal to the old vector
18:47 robotustra GuShH: clay comes tomorrow
18:47 GuShH robotustra: excuses
18:48 MrCurious unless you just go strait to point xy, and rotate 1/8th turn in route
18:48 robotustra old clay just finished
18:48 MrCurious get on the polar bandwagon
18:48 GuShH should've ordered before you used it all
18:48 MrCurious we move in polar, we dont move in cartesian
18:48 MrCurious we are all turtles!
18:48 GuShH we != robots
18:49 robotustra GuShH: where is your stand than?
18:49 GuShH movement to the nearest point doesn't always work in real life.
18:49 GuShH robotustra: I told you already
18:49 GuShH I'm thinking about the shelves and drawer.
18:49 robotustra raining
18:49 Curious breaks out thekraftwerk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY0T07hxJYM
18:49 GuShH no, I said one column is finished, the other needs the 4 cross beams welded and it'll also be finished
18:49 MrCurious that is the solvers problem to break it into steps
18:50 MrCurious this is at the layer of a primitive controler
18:50 GuShH but that doesn't mean it's done, I want doors, so that means frames.
18:50 GuShH hinges.
18:50 MrCurious multi-layer approach
18:50 GuShH etc
18:50 MrCurious if you try to do it all on a 8 bit arm, you will needlessly torture yourself
18:50 GuShH got a quote on the machine mounts, they're too expensive
18:50 GuShH I'll make my own and in the meantime I'll try to buy some thick rubber instead
18:50 robotustra GuShH: today I had some sprinkler system tests
18:51 GuShH I've got like 100 usd in machine mounts alone, too much
18:51 robotustra my firmware works fine
18:51 robotustra with currend sense
18:51 robotustra current
18:51 GuShH the mounts could be made out of aluminum a 1/2 inch bolt and some thick rubber
18:51 robotustra and short circuit detect
18:52 GuShH robotustra: you should pump vodka and test with that.
18:53 robotustra sorry, I'm not true russian
18:53 MrCurious vodka powered killbots... we could easily conquor russia!
18:53 MrCurious but we would need a rum bot to take out S.A.
18:55 GuShH but... I want a beer bot
18:56 GuShH robotustra: I think the door frames, the doors, shelf mounts, the shelves... and the drawer will take more time than everything else combined
18:57 GuShH assuming I've got enough materials left.
18:57 GuShH bah if I can score another free delivery I'll order more L profiles, they're the cheapest stuff you can get.
18:57 GuShH aside from rebar
18:59 GuShH the rebar these guys sell is 420 grade
19:01 GuShH which I'm not entirely sure what it means, since the only 420 I know of is stainless.
19:08 poli heya
19:12 rue_house 420 is stainless
19:12 rue_house maybe its someones own system
19:12 Tom_itx never heard of stainless rebar
19:13 GuShH rue_house: the rebar says 420 grade on the side, then 6 for 6mm and the brand on the other side
19:13 rue_house sounds pricey
19:13 GuShH it's NOT stainless.
19:13 rue_house usually rebar is mae of the cheapest stuff available
19:13 GuShH it has a grade, but I don't know this number.
19:13 GuShH rue_house: I like to think it's made from the leftovers heh
19:15 rue_house iceweasel imploded again
19:16 rue_house I dont think crashing is a good memory managment technique
19:17 Tom_itx Grade 420 (Grade 60) bars
19:17 Tom_itx must also show a minimum
19:17 Tom_itx yield designation grade mark
19:17 Tom_itx of either the number “4”
19:17 Tom_itx (“60”) or one grade mark line
19:17 Tom_itx continued for at least five
19:17 Tom_itx deformation spaces.
19:17 Tom_itx
19:17 rue_house something new!
19:18 Tom_itx and now you know
19:18 GuShH what if the rebar doesn't say?
19:18 Tom_itx then it probably came from china
19:18 Tom_itx and is made of lead
19:19 GuShH lol
19:19 Tom_itx or depleted uranium
19:19 rue_house you could diffuse it in there enough to keep the levels in acceptable levels and still get rid of a lot
19:20 rue_house I hate OCR pdf's
19:21 rue_house well now I know how to know if the rebar I'm welding to is weldable or not
19:24 GuShH rue_house: this 420 stuff welds very nicely
19:24 rue_house http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/28080533AN106.pdf
19:25 GuShH rue_house: do you have a hickey bar?
19:26 rue_house yes, 3/4"
19:27 rue_house ridgid
19:27 GuShH why is it called hickey though
19:27 rue_house dunno, maybe the old guys are trying to make the newbs giggle
19:28 GuShH heh
19:32 poli rue_house: OCR? What OCR? That's just image.
19:39 rue_house badly turned into text
19:42 MrCurious i have heard of hickey bars
19:42 MrCurious but not in years
20:30 poli Ok
20:30 poli http://missingm.co/2013/07/identical-droplets-in-the-digitalocean-regenerate-your-ubuntu-ssh-host-keys-now/
20:30 poli That was even worse than the debian valgrind scandal.
21:17 MrCurious i wish the news would stop talking about howmayor candidate anthony wiener he should pull out....
21:21 MrCurious glad he didnt float a health care program the thought of talking about weinor-care ....
21:21 GuShH It got old after the first joke
21:21 GuShH Let it go, dude got enough growing up in school I bet.
21:23 MrCurious yet still he seeks the news camera...
21:53 GuShH robotustra: seen any good bench grinder stand designs out there?
21:53 GuShH that aren't just a pole with two chunks of random steel plate on it
21:54 Tom_itx i used an old rim
21:54 GuShH I guess I could use old brake discs
21:54 Tom_itx rim is more stable
21:54 GuShH I've got a few and never found a use for them
21:54 GuShH these are pretty big
21:54 GuShH and rims could be even smaller, you didn't specify size!
21:55 ShH fr
21:55 GuShH Funny, commercially available stands cost more than my grinder. I know some of those are meant to be used with 3 phase grinders, but still
21:57 GuShH Tom_itx: is the rim (I'm assuming 15) stable enough or does it wobble if you try a coarse grind
21:58 Tom_itx and it gives me something to rest my foot on
21:58 Tom_itx if you're worried, bore a 3' hole and encase it in concrete
21:59 Tom_itx it's sturdy enough to probably stall the grinder but i've never tried it
21:59 GuShH I have an old coat hanger upstairs... the base is filled up with a dark, glassy substance. Almost like tar
21:59 GuShH very heavy stuff though
22:00 GuShH bah just trying to find an excuse to utilize the leftovers. Right now the grinder is on a shelf.
22:01 Tom_itx well mine were leftovers so..
22:02 GuShH For some reason round bar is cheaper than rebar of the same size, unsure about grades.
22:02 Tom_itx what do you need rebar for?
22:03 Tom_itx i use it for garden stakes
22:03 GuShH oh, using it to reinforce the ground near the gate, with concrete.
22:03 Tom_itx heck, just use wire
22:03 Tom_itx if it's a slab
22:04 GuShH already got the rebar, but I kept looking at prices in case I have to order again
22:04 GuShH garden stakes sounds interesting
22:04 GuShH and cheap
22:04 Tom_itx or use 3500 rock and you won't need anything
22:05 GuShH HAhahaa http://thefrugalcyclist.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rebar_bike_01.jpg?w=595
22:05 Tom_itx they don't allow rebar in the gutters of a drive here
22:06 GuShH http://noma-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/content/dezeen_Poligono-by-Losgogo_ss_6.jpg
22:07 GuShH heh people get creative with rebar
22:07 Tom_itx i need to find some wire mesh cheap
22:08 GuShH and I need cheap expanded metal mesh
22:08 Tom_itx that diamond mesh stuff.. forget what it's called
22:08 GuShH oh probably the same
22:08 GuShH I want the small stuff
22:08 GuShH also for the gate.
22:08 GuShH http://www.mastershield.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/expanded-metal.jpg
22:09 GuShH Never ordered any of that, I wonder if the smaller type comes unexpanded
22:09 GuShH I've seen the aluminum ones come in tight packages
22:10 GuShH But surely steel requires a lot more force to spread, possibly some tooling.
22:10 GuShH So it must come rolled?
22:12 Tom_itx i want the flat stuff
22:12 Tom_itx same idea though
22:12 GuShH ...I want anything to cover the open areas, small enough so you can't fit anything through.
22:12 Tom_itx comes in sheets
22:13 GuShH I've seen small sheets sold in car stores... for "tuning" really expensive...
22:14 Tom_itx i'll got to the salvage and get some
22:14 GuShH all bent up and rusty? :p
22:14 Tom_itx no
22:15 GuShH all rusty and straight?
22:15 Tom_itx they sell new stock as well
22:15 Tom_itx but i'll find a used piece
22:15 GuShH half rusty, half bird poop
22:15 Tom_itx for what i need it's fine
22:15 GuShH bah I need to find a place like that.
22:18 Tom_itx i found my I beam for the patio there as well as the posts
22:18 Tom_itx all used stuff
22:23 Tom_itx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBqvrg1Npp4
22:23 Tom_itx couldn't find a jpg
22:23 Tom_itx but that's what i'm after
22:23 GuShH when they stole my brother's jetta front grill that's pretty much the stuff he used temporarily while he sourced the OEM parts
22:23 GuShH it was aluminum though
22:24 GuShH and smaller.
22:24 GuShH should've seen the looks he used to get.
22:24 GuShH (mostly of disgust)
22:54 rue_house I think a synchronous buck converter can be used in reverse as a boost dc braking controler
22:55 rue_house perfect for EV