#robotics Logs

Jul 27 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:39 GuShh_ unless he sells them, that's way overkill.
00:52 poli It is very important to have lots of stuff on the bench
00:52 poli well, bed time
00:54 GuShh_ poli: no, that's overkill
00:54 Jak_o_Shadows Just saying, how do those work?
00:54 GuShh_ which of the 1000 featured instruments
00:54 Jak_o_Shadows Normal digital calipers may be varying resistance?
00:54 GuShh_ some of which the guy probably used once in his life.
00:55 GuShh_ capacitance mostly
00:55 GuShh_ depends
00:55 Jak_o_Shadows ah, yeah, that makes sense as well
00:55 GuShh_ mitutoyo has some fancy way of doing things...
00:55 GuShh_ they boast about it on the brochures
00:55 GuShh_ bah I can't find machine mounts anywhere
00:56 GuShh_ I don't even know what they're called in Spanish to begin with
00:58 GuShh_ Looking at the mounts used on pool tables now... maybe I could adapt those
01:01 RifRaf damn these ball screws are good with 6 bearings
01:02 GuShh_ did you use the same cheap bearings you used before?
01:02 MrCurious fuck!
01:02 MrCurious sin/cos are in radians
01:02 GuShh_ are they packed with grease or bone dry :p
01:02 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, <3 radians
01:02 GuShh_ MrCurious: no biggie
01:02 RifRaf yep, but with 8mm rod and smaller mount
01:02 RifRaf oiled, i cannot slide it by hand
01:03 RifRaf but turns well
01:03 GuShh_ MrCurious: you can convert with a single multiplication to degrees... and vice versa...
01:03 GuShh_ I still don't understand why you'd be upset.
01:04 GuShh_ want my macros?
01:04 GuShh_ RifRaf: you are the opposite of this guy http://www.micro-machine-shop.com/mensuration_instruments.htm
01:04 GuShh_ "by hand" vs "1000 instruments" :p
01:05 GuShh_ RifRaf: have you greased the bearing for the belt tensioner on the lathe? it came dry on mine.
01:05 MrCurious very nice
01:05 RifRaf 4.14mm per revolution in current design, so pretty fast
01:05 MrCurious measurement porn!
01:05 MrCurious the rule...
01:05 RifRaf i greased most moving parts
01:07 MrCurious 0.01745329251
01:07 GuShh_ MrCurious: I PMed you the macros, double resolution.
01:07 GuShh_ just because.
01:08 MrCurious i had it in already. i did the math
01:08 GuShh_ MrCurious: if you had a smart enough compiler you wouldn't have to bake these variables into constants like that
01:08 GuShh_ would certainly make for more readable code...
01:09 GuShh_ or just use a const defined
01:09 GuShh_ with the actual math involved
01:09 GuShh_ better than a hard coded number
01:09 MrCurious mine is still slightly off
01:09 GuShh_ it's obvious until it isn't, then you wonder where that number came from..
01:11 GuShh_ RifRaf: have you ever used any of the mini mills available?
01:11 RifRaf awesomeness http://imagebin.org/265716
01:11 Shh_ like
01:11 RifRaf GuShh_, not really
01:12 GuShh_ but I question how long it'll last with that rod
01:12 RifRaf it really does not slip, would need more force than i wanna put on the bearings
01:12 RifRaf they reckon wearing is great
01:12 Jak_o_Shadows oooh, cool looking
01:12 GuShh_ it doesn't slip, but does it boxer?
01:12 RifRaf is a hardened smoothrod
01:12 RifRaf boxer?
01:12 GuShh_ underwear.
01:13 GuShh_ don't tell me the aussies gave it a different name :(
01:13 RifRaf is all very firm, zero backlash :)
01:13 GuShh_ you've said that sir, you must be getting old!
01:13 RifRaf i had to resay it
01:13 RifRaf cause its true
01:13 GuShh_ is this in their mainstream version or is it something you are experimenting on
01:14 RifRaf just some dudes new version of an old idea, but i am redoing it in openscad because i cannot do the autocad 3d stuff yet
01:14 GuShh_ ...and how long did it take you to print this one
01:14 GuShh_ as in, for how long were you staring at the machine.
01:14 RifRaf 30 minutes
01:15 GuShh_ hmm which autocad of the 3000 versions they have
01:15 RifRaf no stare, been designing and makeing ballscrews, got 2.5 now, next one should do 20mm per rev, the bearings are at 38.5°
01:15 GuShh_ Would be neat to have multiple extruders in one machine, to speed things up
01:16 RifRaf yes Gargantuasauce has that
01:16 GuShh_ so print once, get 3 parts
01:16 RifRaf and i was planning on it for next printer
01:16 RifRaf yep
01:16 Gargantuasauce you cant really print multiple parts at once unless the extruders are far enough apart
01:16 GuShh_ 3 times the current, 3 times the everything heh
01:16 GuShh_ Gargantuasauce: you should be able to
01:16 Gargantuasauce and if they're far enough apart it means you're limiting your build area a lot
01:16 GuShh_ I wouldn't care for color.
01:16 GuShh_ Just upscale it.
01:17 RifRaf i am making 400x400 biuld area for it
01:17 Gargantuasauce yeah, just upscale it
01:17 Gargantuasauce excellent advice
01:17 Gargantuasauce get on it
01:17 GuShh_ Go ahead. I'll watch you spend money on it.
01:17 GuShh_ Their basic designs are not good for higher loads.
01:19 GuShh_ These pool leg mounts are crap.
01:20 GuShh_ In theory my slate pool table weighs a bit more than the lathe, but those mounts are way too big.
01:31 RifRaf GuShh_, as for measuring tools am i am never without a digital vernier and 8 meter tape, got multiples everywhere, and a scale rule, don't use much else
01:32 RifRaf a few metal rulers laying about as well and a micrometer that rarely gets used
01:33 MrCurious seems my beer intake has exceeded my math reasoning. cant juggle wheel_dist_from_center, diamater, and cm_per_step into how many steps to rotate 90 deg
01:34 MrCurious may have to do that one emperically :)
01:34 RifRaf time for more beer then
01:34 MrCurious clearly
01:34 MrCurious managed to code the polar -> rect conversion
01:40 MrCurious and command/string parsing wrapped up
01:46 MrCurious funny. i tend to hang out in circles where i can ask which is bitwise & or &&, and always get a correct answer
01:52 eadthem well techinicaly there both bitwise
01:52 MrCurious no one is logical i believe
01:52 eadthem just one means the boolian AND
01:52 eadthem and the other means do the mathmatical AND.
01:52 MrCurious 1 && 2 = 0
01:52 MrCurious 1 & 2 = 1
01:53 eadthem 1 && 2 = true
01:53 eadthem 1 & 2 = 0
01:53 MrCurious did i get it backwards
01:53 Curious points at the beer.... the beer di
01:53 eadthem & is for binary math
01:53 eadthem || and && are bitwise operators of logic
01:54 MrCurious && is logical, & is bitwise
01:54 MrCurious i had it right :D
01:54 eadthem yes
01:54 eadthem but i still say there both techicaly working with bits
01:54 eadthem :p
01:55 MrCurious bitwise means bit math, logical means true/false
01:55 MrCurious the logical doesnt work with bits.. its if any bit is on its 1 if not its 0
01:56 eadthem it is a bit its just not your datas bit
01:56 eadthem mmm i think i need to go to bed
01:56 eadthem before i confuse my self :p
01:56 MrCurious guy on tv running a maze with his robot
01:56 MrCurious it has a laser range finder...
01:56 MrCurious thats totally like cheating
01:56 Jak_o_Shadows expensive.
01:57 eadthem someone needs to make a opensource lidar system
01:57 eadthem cya
01:57 MrCurious if i could get one for < $50 i would cheat too
01:57 MrCurious peace
02:18 summersault which accelerometer is recommended?
02:19 summersault it is for inverted pendulum operation
02:48 RifRaf adxl345 is ok, am also using another that has gyro inbiult with accel
02:49 RifRaf mpu3050 is a nice cheap gyro accel combo too
02:57 summersault RifRaf, mpu3050 has accelerometer and gyro?
03:00 MrCurious how much?
03:00 MrCurious can it compete with the ebay $12 10 DOF ?
03:03 summersault i am in doubt of buying a imu or an accelerometer...
03:05 MrCurious http://www.ebay.com/itm/10DOF-9-axis-Attitude-Indicator-L3G4200D-ADXL345-HMC5883L-BMP085-Module-Arduino-/321137431973?pt=Home_Automation_Modules&hash=item4ac54855a5
03:08 RifRaf yes it has both, and clever signal processing, about $5 or so a unit
03:09 summersault should i buy a IMU or an accelerometer?
03:10 RifRaf if you just need accel and gyro then why have all the others, if you think you may want more sensors get the 10dof one
03:10 RifRaf personally i have used all the simple units alot more then the 10dof one
03:10 RifRaf get a few they are so cheap
03:10 Curious appologizes and backs away from the conversatio
03:11 RifRaf and work out what you can interface best with
03:11 summersault rifraf do you have a link?
03:12 RifRaf nhttp://lmgtfy.com/?q=mpu+3050+ali+express
03:12 RifRaf http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mpu+3050+ali+express
03:13 MrCurious bahahahaha
03:13 MrCurious shitty prices
03:13 MrCurious look on ebay
03:15 summersault invensense or adxl ?
03:16 RifRaf adxl works fine for me
03:16 RifRaf but its a bit lacking when used alone
03:18 RifRaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv-yhr7GGdg
03:22 summersault they sell mpu 3050 as a gyro only...
03:23 RifRaf oh maybe i am forgetting something or confusing it
03:26 summersault there is an interface for an accelerometer
03:27 RifRaf i may have plugged in the adxl345 to it
03:28 RifRaf but i have another that is integrated
03:29 summersault thats why i ask the link =P
04:01 RifRaf sorry its mpu 6050
04:39 RifRaf redesigned in openscad for 6 bearings and a mount plate http://imagebin.org/265719
04:39 RifRaf should be 8mm per rev, printing now, the 20mm was too much, that did mark the rod
08:32 poli Hello my good people of #robotics!
08:33 Faek Hello poli
09:36 robotustra worms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi06u99UaOk
10:14 robotustra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNdnjUWy7Yw#at=105
10:34 billmania robotustra: Some of those are very impressive, artistically. I still wouldn't want to be permanently marked by any of them though.
10:50 robotustra me too
10:50 robotustra I don't understand that
13:07 robotustra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OPSbF6kM9k
13:10 GuShH robotustra: you need a job asap
13:10 GuShH let's see if I can find a good autodarkening helmet today...
13:18 MrCurious how about that. my leap motion has arrived
13:33 robotustra he he
13:33 robotustra lucky
13:33 MrCurious next step. work out what its useful for
13:33 robotustra I'm playing with NiTi
13:34 robotustra thread
13:35 MrCurious whats that
13:37 MrCurious computer threads, or actual thread?
14:27 MrCurious the leap motion isnt all that
14:55 MrCurious anyone done anything cool in the past 24 hours?
14:57 Curious pokes GuShH with a chunk of re
15:08 robotustra me
15:08 robotustra me!
15:13 RifRaf i made cool ball screws and redesigned em in openscad
15:19 MrCurious sweet!
15:20 MrCurious is that the ball screw that uses 6 bearings?
15:20 MrCurious http://www.ebay.com/itm/321173382826?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
15:23 RifRaf MrCurious, yes like this http://imagebin.org/265716 but have newer one now, and redoing it again
15:23 RifRaf trying to make a 100mm pitch
15:23 RifRaf 10mm
15:24 MrCurious is it repeatable, positionally accurate, and backlash free?
15:24 RifRaf bearing angle should be 11.478°
15:24 RifRaf yes
15:24 RifRaf zero backlash, no slip and repeatable
15:25 RifRaf hrm 11 degrees can't be right :/ made a 20 degree version that has about 8mm pitch
15:26 MrCurious probably not suitable for anything but a 3d printer
15:27 MrCurious the back-pressure on a cnc may cause it to slip
15:27 robotustra RifRaf: what is the diamiter of your rod?
15:27 RifRaf 8mm, and did one with 10mm too
15:27 robotustra I'll tell you the angle
15:28 robotustra 8mm?
15:28 RifRaf yep
15:28 RifRaf i have this angle = asin(pitch/(2*PI*radius));
15:28 robotustra yep
15:28 robotustra correct
15:28 RifRaf pitch desired is 10mm and radius is 4mm, i think i used diameter instead
15:28 robotustra no
15:29 robotustra it should be atan
15:29 robotustra atan(pitch/2*Pi*radius))
15:29 RifRaf i dunno, will try again, i don't know my trig
15:29 RifRaf what answer does that give you? something like 22°?
15:29 robotustra 1 sec
15:29 RifRaf thats whay i am expecting
15:30 RifRaf MrCurious, i bebieve i could lift a 20kg weight without slipping
15:30 RifRaf with 6 x 10mm od bearing on a 8mm shaft
15:31 robotustra 21.696966
15:31 RifRaf sounds on the money
15:31 robotustra degree
15:32 RifRaf and you used atan not asin?
15:32 robotustra atan
15:32 RifRaf i have no idea what that difference whould be :)
15:33 robotustra RifRaf: sin(x) = a/c; tan(x) = a/b;
15:33 robotustra c is hipotenuse
15:33 RifRaf will be good to see how close i get to a 10mm pitch, as long as its consistant though does not matter if its a bit out, software should compensate
15:34 robotustra yep
15:34 robotustra just find right number of steps per 10 mm
15:35 RifRaf yep
15:35 robotustra what is the length of rod?
15:35 RifRaf but with 10mm pitch should be able to still move about 100mm/sec in X and Y axis
15:35 RifRaf 500mm test peice
15:36 RifRaf using nema17 steppers
15:36 robotustra it's too fast for them I think
15:36 robotustra byt may be
15:36 robotustra but
15:37 robotustra 10 revolution per second
15:37 RifRaf trying to find out now, yep, and seems max for nema17 is about 3000 rpm, i was using 600
15:37 robotustra 2000 steps
15:37 robotustra per second
15:38 MrCurious i think it would be interesting to see that perform a repeatability test perhaps 1000 cycles, and assert 10 points along the travel (automated of cource)
15:38 RifRaf too fast?
15:38 robotustra 16 kHz
15:38 robotustra fast
15:38 RifRaf MrCurious, yes it will be interesting
15:38 MrCurious please forgive my skepticism
15:39 robotustra the guy outside listening electronics
15:39 RifRaf MrCurious, if you had a few on your desk you'd think different
15:40 robotustra I think that erorrs can be because of bearings themself
15:40 RifRaf you would swear they had a thread
15:40 robotustra may be I'll use this technique for 3D printer
15:40 MrCurious i would want it made from aluminum or steel to prevent eventual stretch from the PVC
15:41 robotustra can you mill 21.6969 degree on your mill?
15:41 MrCurious i cant
15:41 MrCurious i can barely master strait...
15:41 robotustra and I can
15:42 robotustra I have sine vise
15:42 MrCurious so you could fab one out of aluminum to test wtih....
15:42 robotustra yes I will do it but after robot's head
15:42 MrCurious i have a similar vise
15:42 robotustra so you can
15:44 Tom_itx http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/5pcs-NEMA17-78-Oz-in-CNC-stepper-motor-stepping-motor-1-8A/704350_554160664.html
15:44 Tom_itx alot of reprappers use those
15:44 RifRaf robotustra, yes, it may need bigger bearings, but have seem talk of these lasting well, and the datasheet here talks of millions of hours of use
15:44 RifRaf http://www.zero-max.com/rohlix-linear-actuators-c-24-l-en.html
15:45 robotustra Tom_itx: it's exactlu what I have on my mll
15:45 RifRaf got a box of 10 here to play with
15:45 robotustra exactly
15:45 Tom_itx mill!!
15:45 Tom_itx a bit puny for a mill
15:46 robotustra but I have 1:3 reduction
15:46 Tom_itx still
15:46 Tom_itx must run alot slower feedrates
15:46 robotustra and 1:10 scrue
15:46 MrCurious those steppers look just like the ones i use in my robot base :D
15:46 robotustra my max feedrate is about 450 mm per minute
15:48 robotustra Tom_itx: and they work now at 1A about
15:49 Tom_itx i got mine set around 3A iirc
15:49 Tom_itx nema 23
15:49 Tom_itx double stack
15:50 Tom_itx i could go higher but see no reason to
15:50 Tom_itx are yours 24v?
15:50 robotustra what is your maz end mill diameter?
15:50 robotustra no 12 V
15:50 Tom_itx crap
15:50 Tom_itx i'm at 48v
15:51 Tom_itx i dunno, i may have some 1/2" holders
15:51 robotustra what russians can do at 12V americans cannot do at 48V
15:51 RifRaf i use a 50mm OD tool to skim bed at 300mm/sec
15:51 Tom_itx 40000 steps per inch
15:52 robotustra ORLY?
15:52 Tom_itx gecko drivers
15:52 robotustra show me your mill pls
15:52 robotustra I have only 6000 per inch
15:53 robotustra my mill is to make toys only
15:56 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Boxes/milling1.jpg
15:56 Tom_itx that's with the old steppers
15:57 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/psu_index.php
15:57 Tom_itx the new power supply
15:58 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/control4.jpg
15:58 Tom_itx using those mesa cards i showed you
15:58 robotustra I don't think you need 40000 steps per inch
15:58 Tom_itx that's what it works out to regardless
15:59 Tom_itx 10 microstep drivers
15:59 Tom_itx 20 tpi screws
15:59 robotustra yep
15:59 Tom_itx run very smooth
15:59 Tom_itx and cool
15:59 robotustra but this motor cannot keep 10 mictosteps
16:00 Tom_itx with good drivers i bet it would
16:00 robotustra what is the error of positioning of this stepper?
16:00 Tom_itx the geckos also have idle current shutdown
16:00 robotustra tell me please
16:01 Tom_itx ?
16:01 Tom_itx the step angle?
16:01 Tom_itx 1.8 deg
16:01 robotustra yes, but the error of positioning
16:01 Tom_itx i dunno
16:01 robotustra I know
16:01 robotustra and it's 0.5 degree
16:02 robotustra your 10 microsteps has no meaning
16:02 Tom_itx it does
16:02 robotustra max half of step
16:02 robotustra ORLY?
16:02 Tom_itx they use a DSP inside the driver to smooth the stepping
16:02 robotustra it does sound
16:02 robotustra did you check it?
16:02 Tom_itx nope
16:02 robotustra with micrometer?
16:03 Tom_itx it was so much better than the originals i wasn't worried about it
16:03 MrCurious microstepping hasnt worked for shit with the drivers i have.
16:03 robotustra mine is alos has 16 microsteps
16:03 Tom_itx you get a gecko you'll never go back
16:03 robotustra but I don's care really
16:03 MrCurious i have heard good things about gecko's
16:03 Tom_itx there's also a similar euro brand
16:04 robotustra my robot head is watching at me
16:04 MrCurious dont blink!
16:04 MrCurious thats when they probe you...
16:05 robotustra it has no hands yet
16:06 robotustra that will be a moment when I should not turn with my back to him
16:07 Tom_itx robotustra, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhU7S8kifJ4&feature=youtu.be
16:07 Tom_itx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CEqokrtFI4&feature=youtu.be
16:07 Tom_itx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGuV86Su430&feature=youtu.be
16:10 MrCurious why do i keep finding myself watching CNC porn
16:11 robotustra what is the diameter of end mill?
16:11 Tom_itx on the box iirc .032"
16:11 robotustra is your chuck precise?
16:11 Tom_itx yeah
16:12 robotustra did you test it?
16:12 Tom_itx i use collets
16:12 Tom_itx yes
16:12 Tom_itx with a last word dial
16:12 MrCurious why does the channel topic only ever have tom's page... why never gush's page
16:12 Tom_itx i have seniority
16:13 Tom_itx rue probably set it
16:13 MrCurious :P
16:13 robotustra mine old test with oldvise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ5ZBhx9ihg
16:14 robotustra no I can mill much faster
16:15 robotustra about 2 cm per second
16:15 robotustra with 1/8 mill
16:15 Tom_itx you're mill is bigger
16:15 robotustra 1.5 mm depth, 30-50 %
16:15 robotustra yep
16:16 robotustra and spindle is more powerful, but not as rigid as yours
16:17 Tom_itx is that a chinese spindle?
16:17 Tom_itx and mach 3?
16:17 robotustra yep
16:18 Tom_itx you should consider linuxcnc
16:18 Tom_itx it's free and awesome
16:18 robotustra MrCurious: not every porn is better than amater cnc porn made on your own
16:19 robotustra Tom_itx: one day
16:19 Tom_itx there's a large community of support too
16:20 robotustra I'm asocial and don't want to contribute to comunity :)
16:21 Tom_itx but you're on irc already
16:21 Tom_itx  /j #linuxcnc
16:21 robotustra yep, and what I see
16:22 robotustra It's finished with the situation when I learn everything with myself and start to teach others :)
16:23 Tom_itx i used to program / run the big ones and now just use the sherline to learn linuxcnc and have fun
16:23 Tom_itx still have the cad cam
16:24 robotustra what cad?
16:24 Tom_itx smartcam
16:24 robotustra how do you generate g-codes?
16:24 Tom_itx mine is pretty old but it still works
16:24 Tom_itx it has a post
16:25 Tom_itx i can modify a post for nearly any machine
16:25 Tom_itx it won't do 5 axis though
16:25 Tom_itx http://www.smartcamcnc.com/
16:27 Tom_itx http://www.smartcamcnc.com/Technical_Support/CodeGen/ts_cg_index.php
16:27 robotustra how much is it?
16:27 Tom_itx i've got all those
16:27 Tom_itx it was ~8k back then
16:27 robotustra any cracks?
16:27 Tom_itx i'm sure somebody has
16:28 Tom_itx i'm not sure how they key it now but then they used a parport dongle
16:28 Tom_itx i got around that pretty quick
16:29 Tom_itx it does full 3d surfaces etc
16:29 Tom_itx and lathe
16:29 robotustra I can do 3D in T-flex also
16:29 Tom_itx i've got a semi working both lathe and mill post for linuxcnc
16:29 robotustra I don't see any reason to change one for another
16:30 Tom_itx no probably not if you alredy have it
16:30 robotustra I almost don't use 3D
16:30 Tom_itx we did aircraft parts so used it alot
16:30 robotustra ah
16:30 robotustra ok
16:31 Tom_itx not much flat on an airplane
16:31 robotustra for most of my stuff 2D-2.5D is more than enough
16:32 robotustra airPLAIN
16:33 robotustra are you working for NASA or Boing?
16:34 Tom_itx my friend did work mostly for cessna
16:34 Tom_itx boeing was here as well but was bought out by Spirit
16:35 robotustra I know cessnas
16:35 robotustra now they go reactive?
16:35 Tom_itx the citation is hard to beat
16:35 Tom_itx for a small business jet
16:42 robotustra Tom_itx: I have only 0.5 year of milling experience
16:42 Tom_itx i've got a bit more than that but i don't do it every day anymore
16:43 robotustra this year I think I did more than 200 hours of milling
16:44 robotustra every weekend and not only
16:50 MrCurious i have pepsi again. consciousness has been restored
16:52 MrCurious wonder how humans managed productivity before caffine and sugar
16:53 ubuntivity By music, MrCurious !
16:54 Curious puts some funk in his t
16:56 untivity is listening carefully trying to hear the leak from the headphon
16:57 MrCurious she's a brick.... house...
16:59 robotustra MrCurious: you took a doping to waste the time?
16:59 MrCurious huh?
17:00 robotustra I mean you are returned your consciousness to be lazy?
17:00 MrCurious exactly
17:00 MrCurious working on getting my sugar and caffine levels back up to opperating levels
17:00 botustra thining about going to shop to buy some cocacola and phistaho icec
17:01 MrCurious trying to work out why high speed rail doesnt use 3 rails in a triangle formation
17:01 MrCurious ice cream...
17:01 robotustra I scream and you scream
17:01 MrCurious seems like the UK is very concerned with what the brits are wanking to...
17:02 MrCurious i guess big brother UK was so popular they decided to make it a national policy...
17:06 MrCurious http://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/07/27/0051224/uk-isp-filter-will-censor-more-than-porn
17:06 MrCurious sucks to live in soviet UK now.
17:10 robotustra MrCurious: in formar USSR there were no sex but people knew how to do kids
17:12 Skwint Dozens of companies of very talented techies have failed, consistently, to prevent primary school children getting round their porn filters. Google, undisputed kings of the worlds data, are unable to prevent me receiving hair enlargement pills from nigerian bankers. The UK government, building on such successes as the multi billion pound NHS computer system, which almost works as well as pencil and paper, are going to show them how it's done!
17:12 Skwint And when they are through censoring the internet, the house of commons are going to troop down to brighton beach and yell at the tide.
17:16 robotustra humans are rediculous - one allow gay marrige - others forbid porn
17:16 robotustra And I have to live among these idiots
17:23 robotustra "I hope now you understand what kids are needed for" http://i.ucrazy.ru/files/i/2011.11.5/1320504492_007.jpg
17:47 RifRaf new version, bit chunkier and 21.6969° angles for bearings http://imagebin.org/265758
17:48 RifRaf and things should be more centered, slowly learning this openscad
17:51 ubuntivity is that an open source cad software?
17:51 Tom_itx what is it?
17:53 RifRaf yes opensource, Tom_itx threadless ballscrew with 10mm pitch
17:54 Tom_itx how long did it take to 'write' that part?
17:55 robotustra http://picpaste.com/pics/IMG_6099-vDmCdhV0.1374964831.JPG
17:57 Tom_itx that's what i don't like about oscad
17:58 RifRaf about an hour or 2
17:58 RifRaf have rewritten it this morning
17:59 RifRaf and had to learn about rotation and stuff
18:00 RifRaf robotustra, looking good
18:00 Tom_itx you must be likin your reprap by now
18:00 RifRaf yep, starting to be more creative with it
18:03 Tom_itx what do you do about the ABS fumes?
18:07 RifRaf don't notice them
18:48 RifRaf pitch works out pretty spot on 10mm :)
18:49 Tom_itx guess i don't get how that part works
18:50 RifRaf simple explanation on here http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:112718
18:50 RifRaf some nore in the comments
18:50 RifRaf am making my own though because i could not edit the 3d dxf file there
18:50 Tom_itx guess they haven't given up on thingiverse yet
18:51 RifRaf and the add mounting points and make em 2 sided
18:52 RifRaf this is an earlier one i made, amd reprinting this one again, http://imagebin.org/265716
18:52 Tom_itx threaded rod?
18:52 RifRaf no its smooth rod
18:52 RifRaf but you would think its threaded
18:52 Tom_itx huh
18:52 Tom_itx doesn't slip?
18:52 RifRaf and i can make it any pitch
18:52 RifRaf no slip
18:52 RifRaf is amazing
18:52 Tom_itx no good for milling
18:52 Tom_itx no holding force
18:53 RifRaf is good for something, am gonna find a use
18:53 Tom_itx no force on repraps
18:53 RifRaf has great holding force, i could not make it slip when tight
18:53 RifRaf could lift 20kg object easy i suspect
18:54 Tom_itx so there's bearings on both sides
18:54 RifRaf but for smoother use is better a bit looser
18:54 RifRaf yes in my ones
18:54 Tom_itx what size bearings?
18:54 RifRaf 6 bearings
18:54 RifRaf 623, 10mm od
18:54 Tom_itx roller skate bearings?
18:54 RifRaf nope smaller
18:54 RifRaf well maybe, have never had roller skates
18:55 RifRaf smaller than skateboard
18:55 RifRaf i got 50 for $14 yesterday
18:55 RifRaf the ones i have now to test have a 5mm id, so had to print a sleeve for them to go on the m3 screws
18:56 Tom_itx vxb?
18:56 RifRaf so will only be better with the proper new bearings
18:56 Tom_itx http://www.vxb.com/
18:57 RifRaf i just shop at ali express for this sorta stuff
18:57 RifRaf free shipping generally
18:57 Tom_itx yeah, they're just brokers like amazon etc
18:59 Tom_itx what angle is the ball surface to the flat?
18:59 RifRaf 21.2929° at moment
18:59 Tom_itx i see the site shows 2 different ones
18:59 RifRaf i made me own
19:00 RifRaf there calcs are off
19:00 Tom_itx 2 different angles on the round parts
19:00 Tom_itx how did you calculate it?
19:00 RifRaf they use an asin instead of atan
19:00 RifRaf will show you me code if you want
19:00 robotustra RifRaf: whong angle
19:00 robotustra should be 21.6969
19:00 Tom_itx i wouldn't get oscad
19:00 RifRaf // angle = atan(pitch/(2*PI*radius));
19:00 RifRaf // where radius = the radius of the smooth rod (4), and pitch (10) = the desired mm/rotation.
19:00 RifRaf // 21.6969 = atan(0.3978873)
19:01 robotustra yep
19:01 RifRaf robotustra, was my type
19:01 RifRaf typo
19:01 robotustra ok
19:02 poli Hello my good people of #robotics!
19:02 RifRaf robotustra, the angle worked as well with first test
19:02 RifRaf 100mm for 10 revs exactly
19:02 Tom_itx it would be pretty easy to make a jig to mill those like they did it
19:02 Tom_itx is yours 3 piece or 1?
19:02 RifRaf Tom_itx, make some
19:03 RifRaf single piece for 6 bearings
19:03 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/265758 the base has recepticles for other 3 bearings
19:03 Tom_itx is one side a different angle from the other?
19:03 RifRaf no
19:04 Tom_itx looks like theirs is
19:04 RifRaf equal, well thats my intention, i just added an offset to try achieve it better
19:04 robotustra not millable
19:04 RifRaf i want equal tension on each side with the one tensioning screw
19:05 RifRaf robotustra, this is why i am loving reprap, all the things i could not machine are now possible :)
19:06 RifRaf with a jig to get the angle would be millable
19:06 RifRaf but would be a pain
19:06 Tom_itx just a sine plate
19:06 Tom_itx and rotate the part 3 times
19:06 RifRaf yep
19:06 RifRaf then flip and do other side
19:07 Tom_itx their ver would be easier to mill than yours
19:07 Tom_itx probably
19:07 RifRaf i just press go on printer and it pops out 45 minutes later
19:07 RifRaf yep, need a bit of support to get a decent bearing holding face, but is working well
19:07 Tom_itx you should make several at once
19:08 RifRaf still prototyping, so making small changes each time
19:08 RifRaf then i will when happy with design
19:08 RifRaf and make a reprap
19:09 Tom_itx so you could reprint with different angles to change your lead pitch
19:09 Tom_itx is the angle the same as the pitch you want?
19:09 RifRaf the rod rolls down though the ball screw under its own weight just like it has a good thread when held verticle
19:10 RifRaf Tom_itx, yes have tryed a few, at moment going for a large pitch
19:10 Tom_itx well you should on a reprap
19:10 RifRaf no, 21.6969° for 10mm pitch with 8mm smoothrod
19:11 RifRaf so at even 300rpm on the stepper should get 50mm/sec. which i print at alot
19:11 Tom_itx that's not that fast for a stepper
19:11 RifRaf am hoping that
19:12 RifRaf any faster is a bones
19:12 RifRaf bonus
19:13 robotustra 8mm rod for 500 lengs - is it enough of strength?
19:13 RifRaf need to design motor mount and shaft holder for it next
19:13 Tom_itx are the holes threaded to hold the bearings in?
19:13 RifRaf robotustra, not really, for Z is fine
19:13 RifRaf i normally use 10mm
19:14 RifRaf for X and Y so should really change the design soon and use 10mm again
19:14 robotustra how many printers did you already made?
19:15 RifRaf Tom_itx, no thread, is washer on the part then bearing, a m3screw with nylock goes through and holds both bearings firm
19:15 RifRaf robotustra, made this one 3 times, and 1/2 a big one
19:15 RifRaf only been doing it a couple of months
19:16 RifRaf made many many frames
19:16 RifRaf am happy with design now though
19:16 Tom_itx so the opposite side is held with the same screw?
19:17 Tom_itx is there a shoulder on the inner bearing race so it doesn't drag on the fixture?
19:17 RifRaf need me lathe so i can drill a hold into these rods to mount motor shaft
19:17 RifRaf hole*
19:18 Tom_itx you got a lathe
19:18 Tom_itx don't you?
19:22 Tom_itx wanna send me your file to look at?
19:37 RifRaf yes so only 3 screws per bearing
19:37 RifRaf you want the openscad file?
19:38 RifRaf have a lathe but not here
19:38 RifRaf http://pastebin.com/Axg81yFB
19:39 RifRaf you will need to find roundCornersCube.scad and stick it in some folder as you save the file
19:39 RifRaf same*, just makes rounded corners a bit easier
19:39 Tom_L k
19:40 Tom_L do you just use a txt editor to make the files?
19:40 RifRaf paste it into openscad
19:40 RifRaf i work in there
19:40 RifRaf and save as ballscrew.scad or something
19:41 Tom_L i prolly should look for a newer scad ver
19:41 Tom_L i bet one is out there
19:42 RifRaf this is roundCornersCube.scad http://pastebin.com/h3KRB1EP
19:42 RifRaf any version should workl
19:44 RifRaf did it work?
19:46 Tom_L i grabbed a new ver of scad... installing
19:47 MrCurious i picked my scad
19:47 RifRaf you'll see i have changed more stuff already
19:48 Tom_L no flange
19:48 RifRaf made hex nuts instead of just circles
19:50 Tom_L why?
19:51 RifRaf to hold nuts, and they print easier
19:51 RifRaf than a cylinder
19:51 Tom_L you don't want a mounting flange?
19:51 RifRaf its there
19:51 RifRaf i dunno why you cannot see it
19:52 RifRaf did you install the second file
19:52 Tom_L yup
19:52 Tom_L in the same dir
19:52 RifRaf so you see any rounded corners?
19:52 Tom_L don't see what it does
19:52 Tom_L no
19:52 RifRaf check the name, maybe reopen the file
19:53 RifRaf it allows me to do roundCornersCube (12,20,12,2); instead of cube.. to get radius corners
19:53 RifRaf 2mm radius in that case
19:54 Tom_L the flange is visible now
19:54 RifRaf cool
19:54 RifRaf now excuse my attemp at code as usual
19:55 Tom_L what are the mounts on the sides for?
19:55 RifRaf just getting pic of pic
19:55 RifRaf the 4 holes?
19:55 Tom_L no
19:55 Tom_L the 2 on the sides
19:55 RifRaf the single hole?
19:55 RifRaf tensioning screw
19:55 Tom_L no not that one
19:56 Tom_L there are 2 on the sides as well
19:56 RifRaf just the dips in the sides? to make it easier to use screw driver
19:56 Tom_L maybe the hex extends up from the base
19:57 Tom_L you should shorten that
19:57 RifRaf add a # to the start of any line to see the invisable stuff
19:57 RifRaf it does
19:57 RifRaf and then ctrl-s to see changes
19:58 Tom_L i can't tell what line does what
19:58 Tom_L that's why i don't like scad
19:58 RifRaf i have no comments
19:58 RifRaf but i know
19:58 RifRaf the lines near bottom with $fn=6 in them are those hex nut holes
19:59 RifRaf there is for in a row, add a # to the start of those lines to see em
20:00 Tom_L change h to 6
20:00 RifRaf and change h=12 to a lower number to make em short
20:00 Tom_L and it's ok then
20:00 RifRaf well done :)
20:00 RifRaf i want the space to put nut on easier though
20:01 RifRaf in case of long screw
20:01 Tom_L not only that, it's metrik so it really sux :)
20:01 RifRaf lol
20:01 Tom_L you know, my cad cam will take metric or inch and output based on the post of the machine
20:02 RifRaf you can use conversion scripts
20:02 Tom_L no need
20:02 RifRaf but my world is all metric
20:02 Tom_L yeah you're upside down too
20:03 robotustra does openscad permits to do assembleys?
20:03 Tom_L i doubt it
20:03 Tom_L it's a pretty basic cad program
20:03 RifRaf yes but pretty cool what a few lines can make
20:04 RifRaf and i bet some person that could actually use it could do it in 20% of those lines
20:04 RifRaf sure it does assemblies
20:04 Tom_L i'm sure it's great for reprappers
20:04 RifRaf and its all parametric
20:04 robotustra i see
20:04 RifRaf you import and use other parts as required
20:04 robotustra so I have to ge it
20:04 RifRaf you must
20:05 robotustra because I invented it in my dreams
20:06 Tom_L do you need to remove the # before you export it?
20:07 RifRaf the resulting part http://imagebin.org/265767
20:08 RifRaf nope
20:08 RifRaf but do F6 before exporting
20:08 RifRaf to compile
20:08 Tom_L yeah
20:08 Tom_L your prints aren't too bad considering the time you've been at it
20:08 RifRaf thanks
20:09 robotustra cool, I draw a cube
20:09 Tom_L is your backlash all acounted for?
20:09 RifRaf there is no backlash
20:09 Tom_L black is hard to photograph
20:10 RifRaf oh on my printer?
20:10 Tom_L yeah
20:10 RifRaf yes black is very hard
20:10 Tom_L if i hadn't seen the file i'd say... wtf?
20:10 RifRaf i will be replacing a few bearings but i can get very nice results still if i take the time
20:11 RifRaf i'll add the bearings now
20:11 Tom_L oScad version 2013.06
20:11 Tom_L is what i got
20:12 RifRaf yeah mine is 2013.01
20:12 RifRaf robotustra, all starts with a cude, then you add more bits and take others away
20:13 RifRaf cube*
20:16 robotustra that's why I don't like 3d printers yet
20:17 robotustra looks like not accurate
20:17 robotustra what is the layer thikness?
20:17 robotustra 0.2?
20:17 robotustra mm
20:19 robotustra but some printers on 0.1mm do quite nice look
20:20 Tom_L RifRaf, how do you specify the cylinders on an angle?
20:21 robotustra I think he does 2 rotarions and 1 translation
20:23 RifRaf they are a union of 3 cylinders then rotated by thre calculated angle, rotate ([bearingangle,0,70])
20:24 RifRaf and somehow i got ot so if the last number is 60 different they form equalateril triangle
20:24 RifRaf its all a hack :)
20:24 RifRaf but thats how i get through all my coding
20:25 RifRaf this new verion is great but the bearings are not running on the face of rod as flatly as i'd like
20:26 RifRaf lets see how close to 10mm pitch it is
20:27 Tom_L oh so the OD is supposed to be flat on the rod?
20:28 Tom_L the way it looked at first the edge was touching
20:28 RifRaf lol, 200.0 travel for 20 revolutions
20:28 RifRaf can't get better than that
20:28 Tom_L that's a bit much isn't it?
20:28 RifRaf gotta love maths
20:28 RifRaf is 10mm pitch
20:28 RifRaf thats wat the aim was
20:28 Tom_L oh
20:29 Tom_L why aren't the bearings flat on the rod?
20:29 RifRaf these things have so much potential
20:29 RifRaf um still pondering that
20:30 RifRaf some are, maybe i just need to tighten things up
20:34 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/265769
20:34 RifRaf pretty fast to assemble
20:35 Jak_o_Android I think I'd struggle using openscad. I got my start using blender, so id probably prefer things a little more graphical
20:36 RifRaf Jak_o_Android, i didn't think i had a hope in hell when Triffid_Hunter first showed me openscad
20:37 RifRaf but then i wanted to make something, and it made usable stl files so i bit the bullet
20:37 RifRaf i try learn a few new things for each model
20:37 Jak_o_Shadows Cool thing about openscad, as opposed to inventor which i'm familiar with, is that when you share the files, more people can use them.
20:38 RifRaf but was able to make usable things from day 1
20:38 RifRaf i used to know inventor, but am lost there now, so just sketchup for 3d stuff
20:38 robotustra how to set my folder to my library?
20:38 RifRaf need to learn more 3d autocad
20:39 RifRaf robotustra, best to have the library in same folder as project
20:39 Jak_o_Shadows I still don't know if I like the ribbon interface.
20:39 RifRaf thats all i do for now
20:41 RifRaf openscad make better stl files than sketchup
20:41 RifRaf have to repair all the sketchup ones normally
20:44 RifRaf but am gonna use sketchup to model these angles and bearing now to find where this issue is coming from
20:44 robotustra cool
20:44 RifRaf need to do at 10x scale though to be able to get accurate small mesurments
20:45 robotustra I grab some your files ant they showed something
20:45 RifRaf yay
20:45 robotustra but not exactly the part you shewed
20:45 RifRaf it you have no rounded edges on the cubes then its the library
20:45 RifRaf same issue tom had
20:46 robotustra I added it
20:46 RifRaf i only changed some holes to hex, show should be generally the same
20:46 robotustra and still
20:46 RifRaf the roundCornersCube.scad must be in same folder and is case sensitive
20:47 RifRaf that will be the issue
20:47 robotustra when I inserted library file into the code - it was look like yours, but not exacly like yours
20:47 RifRaf oh you are making your own file?
20:47 robotustra no
20:47 robotustra I just did what you gave
20:48 RifRaf ok, can you show what it does look like
20:49 Tom_L learn solidworks
20:49 RifRaf if its generally a cylinder shape then the library is not there correctly
20:49 robotustra how to export view?
20:49 RifRaf do you have spare licenses Tom_L?
20:50 RifRaf i just do screenshot
20:50 robotustra ah
20:50 robotustra it's a cylonder shape
20:50 RifRaf it cannot find roundCornersCube.scad
20:50 Tom_L RifRaf
20:51 RifRaf its not a standard part of openscad, just makes it easier to round the cube edges
20:51 robotustra oh, now I see it correctly
20:51 robotustra I misspelled the file name
20:52 RifRaf :)
20:52 robotustra roundConrerCube.scad
20:52 robotustra cool
20:52 robotustra now I can modify it :)
20:53 RifRaf yep have fun with it
20:53 RifRaf then i'll try print it :)
20:53 RifRaf i am not a coder but you should be able to see what i am doing with your skills
20:53 robotustra I didn't make printer yet
20:54 RifRaf yes but with your knowledge you may be able to make it better
20:54 RifRaf and i can then print your modifications
20:54 robotustra I don't know
20:54 RifRaf you know the maths, i can send you some to try out
20:55 RifRaf i think i need to get the 2 bearings closer
20:55 RifRaf or use separate mount for each maybe
20:56 RifRaf i think becuase or the spacing and the angle of rotation along the 1 axis is making the bearing face not line up correctly
20:57 RifRaf because of*
20:59 robotustra OMG
20:59 robotustra what did you make
20:59 robotustra your bearing should be in air
21:00 robotustra they does not touch the rod
21:00 robotustra ot they touch it not in the middle
21:00 RifRaf correct
21:00 robotustra but they are not
21:00 RifRaf one the edge too much
21:00 RifRaf on8
21:01 RifRaf on*
21:01 RifRaf i must correct this
21:01 robotustra and I know why
21:01 RifRaf i should should share the one screw to mount 2 bearings?
21:01 RifRaf should not*
21:01 robotustra no
21:02 robotustra you have offset bearings a little
21:02 robotustra your cuts
21:02 Tom_L you would have to have everything exactly right to use 1 screw for 2 bearings
21:02 Tom_L otherwise you would have problems that you're having i believe
21:03 RifRaf tom but imagineif it was 40mm wide, then the bearing would not touch and be in air
21:03 robotustra no he will not be able use 1 screw for 2 bearings
21:03 Tom_L what is your reasoning why?
21:03 RifRaf yep, i need to made the bottom bearings have there own mounts and remove the offset
21:03 robotustra yes
21:03 Tom_L so the center of each bearing is parallel
21:04 RifRaf without and offset one set would be correct and the other in air
21:04 RifRaf have tryed that, so added offset, and now problem is shared
21:04 RifRaf so need to make em separate
21:05 robotustra Tom_itx: when you have some angle between two cylinders - you have to put touch point at right plac
21:05 robotustra e
21:05 RifRaf each bearing will be firmer that way too
21:05 Tom_L robotustra so one will always touch and the other won't
21:05 robotustra now it's exactly in the holder between two bearing
21:05 robotustra whi this configuration yes
21:06 Tom_L the opposing bearing point of contact needs to be parallel to the smooth rod
21:06 RifRaf i am just learning this stuff you see, and just learned a good lesson
21:06 robotustra yes
21:06 RifRaf i know how to fix it
21:06 Tom_L the 2 bearings must be in alignment
21:06 RifRaf will just take me some time
21:07 RifRaf Tom_L, the two bearings opposing each other will not be on the same axis
21:08 Tom_L no but the point of contact will be parallel to the smooth rod
21:08 RifRaf yep
21:08 RifRaf when i fix it
21:08 Tom_L that's why one bolt won't work
21:08 RifRaf lucky its only 12pm
21:08 Tom_L and the weekend
21:08 RifRaf indeed, i know that now
21:09 Tom_L that's why they designed it with the 2 discs
21:09 RifRaf i guess, to make it easy
21:09 Tom_L how hard is it to mirror in scad?
21:09 RifRaf but who needs easy
21:09 RifRaf as easy as typing mirror ()
21:10 RifRaf but i need to think first
21:10 RifRaf unless you wanna try and beat me there which won't be hard
21:10 Tom_L naw i'm just sittin here being lazy
21:11 RifRaf removing the offset for one side was as easy as offsetdistance = 0;
21:11 RifRaf cause i know one side worked that way
21:12 robotustra what is the units?
21:12 RifRaf mm
21:13 Tom_L fathoms
21:17 Tom_L for absolute non slip, get bearings with a 60 deg v outer race and use threaded rod
21:17 Tom_L cut your thread to whatever pitch you prefer
21:20 RifRaf the whole idea is to have no thread
21:21 Tom_L for reprap, yes
21:21 Tom_L it could also be adapted with thread for a mill so it would have no chance of slipping
21:21 Tom_L with zero backlash
21:21 robotustra it's slow to compile
21:21 RifRaf gonna move to 10mm rod now , need more room
21:22 RifRaf robotustra, only because of the hull () , change to union() to make faster
21:22 RifRaf but changes shape a bit
21:22 Tom_L got a new file for me yet?
21:23 RifRaf nope, still working on it
21:23 Tom_L rookie
21:23 RifRaf the round corners add time as well
21:24 Tom_L i'm kinda likin this new router i got
21:24 Tom_L damn tired of off the shelf crap
21:25 RifRaf http://pastebin.com/2R2b7B1W
21:25 robotustra it's slow because of python, not because of hull
21:25 RifRaf but still need to get things right
21:25 RifRaf it does take a few minutes to compile complex things here as well
21:26 RifRaf is all fast when you can keep things basic
21:26 robotustra I don't think it's complex
21:26 Tom_L dammit you still didn't fix the bottom hex
21:26 RifRaf my code would still be way inefficient though
21:26 RifRaf am sure many things only need to be said once and translated
21:27 RifRaf but it gets the job done
21:27 RifRaf i like it tom
21:27 RifRaf add a bit of shape to it
21:27 RifRaf feels nice
21:27 Tom_L go look at a pencil sharpener and you'll see something similar
21:28 RifRaf yep
21:28 Tom_L only not parallel
21:29 Tom_L scad doesn't have search and replace?
21:29 RifRaf nope, it does not have alot at all :)
21:30 RifRaf not even a button to click
21:30 RifRaf ok i need a need angle
21:30 RifRaf for m10
21:33 RifRaf 17.6567°
21:39 robotustra http://picpaste.com/pics/part1-dz0xpslv.1374978271.png
21:39 robotustra I would make like this
21:39 robotustra unless you are bearing king
21:39 RifRaf ok?
21:39 RifRaf nope, not bearing king
21:40 robotustra two holders
21:40 Tom_L that's what the original design did
21:40 Tom_L but made it in 2 halves instead
21:40 RifRaf yes i could do that
21:41 Tom_L so take their files and mod them for 10mm
21:41 RifRaf but its been don't though not in openscad
21:41 RifRaf i dunno how to do the 3d stuff in autocad
21:41 Tom_L ?
21:41 Tom_L import the file
21:41 RifRaf they only have dxf files
21:41 Tom_L what format do you need?
21:41 RifRaf it didn't import nicely
21:41 Tom_L i can translate it i bet
21:41 RifRaf openscad
21:42 robotustra I still not sure if the touching point is in the middle of the bearing
21:42 Tom_L it won't import other formats?
21:42 RifRaf robotustra, i am not sure yet either, stil need to model it in cad so i can see it better
21:42 RifRaf well sketchup
21:43 RifRaf it''l show me what angle is best
21:43 RifRaf Tom_L, it can import a 2d dxf i think
21:43 Tom_L what is .csg?
21:43 RifRaf but am already deep into me own version so gonna finish it
21:43 RifRaf some engine
21:44 RifRaf i just crashed before, wat angle did i type?
21:44 Tom_L <RifRaf> for m10
21:44 Tom_L <RifRaf> 17.6567°
21:44 RifRaf cheers
21:44 RifRaf everything just froze after that
21:47 Tom_L it sucks they will export but not import
21:48 robotustra RifRaf: http://pastebin.com/686ksQua
21:50 eadthem mmm squareing a block of wood that is 2x taller than my table saw blade in every direction
21:50 eadthem now i see why pepole spend money on jointers
21:50 m_L gives eadthem a
21:52 eadthem i see how you are
21:53 Tom_L but it's a good file
21:58 RifRaf robotustra, yep i see, i will try later, but it appears i just need to offset correctly to need flat surface contact again
22:24 RifRaf try this, put a simulated rod in to see changes in offset, http://pastebin.com/qP3KF6uf
22:32 robotustra it looks ok
22:33 robotustra did you put rod there?
22:33 GuShH yey got the helmet
22:34 GuShH neat stuff, I feel like setting the old one on fire, but maybe I could find a use for it.
22:34 GuShH camera?
22:34 RifRaf have tweak the offsets even more now
22:34 RifRaf almost ready for a print
23:14 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/265775 printing now
23:15 robotustra trying to rotate it on webpage :)
23:15 RifRaf heh, would you like current code?
23:16 robotustra no thanks
23:16 robotustra too much for me today
23:16 RifRaf no worries, already pasted it though http://pastebin.com/e8gD2pts
23:17 RifRaf the bearings barely touch in just the right places
23:17 RifRaf so with tension should be good
23:18 robotustra ugu
23:19 theBear i hold most of my tension in my shoulders :)
23:21 Gargantuasauce a webgl openscad viewer would be nice
23:21 RifRaf so would a way to be able to use it on android
23:22 RifRaf Gargantuasauce, what do you think of this threadless ball screw thing if things are positioned well
23:23 robotustra I think there is something like this on thingsuniverce?
23:23 RifRaf yes it was featured just the other day robotustra
23:23 RifRaf thats when i looked seriously at it
23:23 Gargantuasauce that strikes me as a big 'if'
23:24 theBear heh, i think that's what she said
23:24 Gargantuasauce i think it will be very hard to have it not slip around
23:24 RifRaf well the thingyverse ones printed and worked pretty much as described, am still going for perfection with my design
23:24 RifRaf this one looks promising though
23:24 theBear hehe, downloading plastic parts over the net, you're living in the future !
23:25 RifRaf have the pitch perfect, just not the optimal point of bearing contact
23:25 theBear a bright science fictioney future
23:25 RifRaf theBear, yep a few years back we would only have wished for it
23:25 theBear in the future everything is chrome !
23:25 theBear i seen a spongebob about it
23:26 Gargantuasauce apparently chrome for android supports webgl so we could get two birds stoned at once with a browser-based openscad compiler
23:26 RifRaf i love the rapid prototyping side, an hour ago had a major flaw, now the fixed version is printing
23:26 theBear i do like birds, they're easier when they're high :)
23:27 RifRaf i work slow high but get there when i have the whole weekend
23:27 theBear that'd be a challenge, go get two birds stoned in one smooth action
23:27 theBear watch them flying all skew whiff
23:28 rgantuasauce adds this to the miles-long list of things he will never get around to d
23:28 RifRaf Gargantuasauce, so are you over in sk for the 60th aniversary? so that in news
23:28 RifRaf saw*
23:29 theBear 60th of what ?
23:29 Gargantuasauce i was in seoul on thursday and there was a big political rally
23:29 RifRaf end of the war or something
23:29 theBear lol politicians in racing cars eh ?
23:29 RifRaf even though you wouldn't know it
23:29 Gargantuasauce the end that both sides called victory
23:29 Gargantuasauce and that wasnt actually an end
23:29 RifRaf yeah
23:29 theBear coure i wouldn't know it, i wasn't there, and i wasn't even here !
23:30 theBear when will there be an end to the misery and bloodshed ? <slowly shakes head>
23:30 theBear <kamahl voice> why are people so unkind ?
23:30 Gargantuasauce there was also a smaller group of people that supported nk in some fashion and there was as many police watching them
23:31 theBear oh wow, it's you, making sense for a chance
23:31 theBear change
23:31 Gargantuasauce sure
23:32 theBear hehe
23:32 Gargantuasauce i will not stand to hear these ridiculous accusations
23:33 eBear gig
23:39 GuShH theBear: how's the back
23:39 ShH offers a
23:42 MrCurious careful... beer leads to lost evenings stumbling the unspeakable parts of brazil...
23:50 RifRaf you can see the virual point of bearing contact in this image http://imagebin.org/265780
23:50 RifRaf not gonna get much better
23:50 RifRaf virtual*
23:50 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, that's rolling bearings isn't it
23:50 robotustra adam savage words: "raw collaboration between fanatics"
23:51 RifRaf yes roller bearing on the green shaft
23:52 MrCurious wonder what it takes to cure this robotic obcession?
23:53 MrCurious anyone know anyone who has been cured?
23:53 Gargantuasauce i really wish i'd brought just some basic materials with me, even just a microcontroller
23:54 Gargantuasauce getting major robowithdrawal
23:54 MrCurious your in korea...
23:54 MrCurious order an odroid-u2 or x2
23:54 Gargantuasauce or maybe my real laptop so i could have worked on my gpu stuff
23:54 MrCurious quad core 2ghz arm goodness
23:54 RifRaf Gargantuasauce, surely tech costs next to nothing there
23:54 Gargantuasauce electronics are actually way more expensive
23:55 RifRaf wow
23:55 MrCurious but its sold from korea
23:55 MrCurious was only like $90 us to buy it from korea
23:55 Gargantuasauce you can get most samsung stuff cheaper in the us than here
23:55 Gargantuasauce etc
23:56 Jak_o_Shadows I wonder if it's possible to make a balancing robot with only one wheel...
23:56 MrCurious that sounds like an unfair trade practice that needs reporting!
23:56 Gargantuasauce wheel? no. 2dof roller? yes
23:56 MrCurious jack, yes
23:56 MrCurious but its cooler when you do it on a ball using 3 wheels
23:57 Jak_o_Shadows Well, more accurately, I have one motor, of a decent size, attached to a wheel, straight on the axle.
23:58 MrCurious you will need a 2nd motor to swing a weight side to side i would expect
23:59 MrCurious wonder if you could spin up some flywheels to exert force (right hand rule of momentum)