#robotics Logs

Jul 26 2013

#robotics Calendar

03:16 RyanS I couldn't agree more. I have no idea actually
03:21 theBear i'm a 'qualified' and experienced pushbike mechanic, and wheelsmith :)
03:23 theBear https://sphotos-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1044540_491245800951100_1163991472_n.jpg
03:24 RifRaf wondered how they happened
03:24 theBear totally :)
03:35 RifRaf todays gripper, lovin the new rivets, these weigh next to nothing http://imagebin.org/265639
03:36 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/265640
03:36 Jak_o_Shadows Nice how you just straight attach the arm to the servo
03:36 theBear ooh, they actually 'rivets' or meltey things ?
03:36 RifRaf i melt them, just bits of filament
03:36 Jak_o_Shadows Meltey things is the most technical term ever.
03:36 RifRaf with soldering iron at 210C
03:37 RifRaf firmer then screws, and they cannot come loose
03:37 theBear hey, tell me ANYONE didn't know what i meant, and i'll stop making up similar terms :)
03:37 RifRaf just snip off and replace if you need to change something
03:40 RifRaf the melty things are also way lower profile then nuts and bolts
03:40 RifRaf so the servo holding meltys fit right under the gears easy
03:41 Jak_o_Shadows Did you print out a pattern for the servo knob to stick into, or just an interference fit?
03:43 RifRaf press fit, works fine, working on a spline, is hard to print
03:43 RifRaf but getting some support in the right places will work, have using plexi servo horns like this for ages fine as well
03:43 RifRaf the screw adds alot
03:44 Jak_o_Shadows Just left a small dent for the hole, or did you just make that afterwards
03:45 RifRaf i will do the next on a hot spline from metal gear mg90, and then willbe perfect
03:45 RifRaf all printed
03:45 RifRaf so melt the spline in afterwards
03:46 RifRaf but is not required for me testing, things are moving fine, the rivets are maybe a bit too tight in parts though, so might relax them abit with some heat later
03:47 RifRaf this was more of an assembly test, to see if the levels were right, and no complaints, might make the gripper more aggressive though
03:47 RifRaf and was only a 45 minute print for all the parts, could gone faster but wanted some quality
03:48 Jak_o_Shadows and it's not as if you watch it print. At least not the tenth time you're printing
03:48 Jak_o_Shadows first time though
03:49 RifRaf heh you'd be amazed at how much i still watch it
03:49 RifRaf these days though is good to use the time to get other things done, but is messmerising
03:50 RifRaf i do just though out all my tests rather than trying to keep them now, the place gets too untidy
04:48 RifRaf cut some instrument covers for an old car today from 6mm plate, they turned out sick
04:49 RifRaf 1929 buick
04:50 theBear wtf ! where did you get a 1929 buick ?
04:50 RifRaf had to get special bits you'd normally use for wood, but with a small final cut they turned out sweet
04:50 Jak_o_Shadows I second the bear.
04:51 RifRaf old dude metal worker came in last week with some broken parts that could not be got anymore
04:51 RifRaf he is restoring it
04:51 theBear lol, so you snuck away some of it and sliced it into pieces, nice work !
04:51 RifRaf and today he brought in the plate, i had yesterday to test the bit with acrylic but it sure warmed up the ally plate, looks better than the original cast iron
04:52 RifRaf nice curved bits to get the shape
04:52 RifRaf wish i had pics :(, but he took some so will get em
04:56 RifRaf was good to amaze the dude with some new tech though, used to doing all the fabricating by hand
05:41 Gargantuasauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69U-hAggWjM
05:58 RifRaf i was wasted enough to enjoy 3 minutes of it, thanks, oh its still going in the background
05:59 RifRaf back to the sweet semi silence of the reprap
10:57 Skwint
10:57 Faek No
11:17 GuShH FreezingCold: damn right it's freezing cold outside!
11:18 FreezingCold GuShH: it was like 15C last night
11:18 GuShH not here!
11:24 GuShH robotustra: just a teaser of my shitty welds http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3830f.jpg doesn't matter though, I'll be grinding most of them flat for fit, except inside corners... the frames so far are solid, can't wait to put them all together. To fit the sides I'll have to grind them flat as well, even though I'm almost vertical there's always some material piling up, this is where TIG shines, but I don't have TIG to shine with.
11:26 GuShH They have a promo at the hardware store... buy a generic tig and take an auto darkening helmet for half the price, but that still requires gas. I wanted the plasma cutter instead of the tig, with the promo... they refused, even though the plasma cutter costs 40% more... idiots. I was going to buy everything from them at once, instead of having to waste time and money ordering from different places.
11:27 GuShH been looking at combination tig + plasma, only found one.. way too expensive. Might as well buy the two separate then.
11:27 GuShH neither have any of the useful functionality you'd find on expensive rigs...
11:27 GuShH can't set any parameters.
11:28 GuShH plus until I finish the wiring and the new panel, I can't really run any of those inverter machines without risking them to blow up due to undervoltage.
11:28 GuShH they runaway very easily under those circumstances, almost no protection whatsoever on the cheap units.
11:31 GuShH I'm not even sure you can switch polarity on these cheap TIGs at all
11:31 GuShH you can't set HF parameters, no ramps, no nothing. I bet working with ALU would be a hassle with those machines
11:31 GuShH they're pretty much the same friggin machine, but with added user interface and different firmware, but you pay a lot more for them.
11:33 GuShh_ hmm stuff in NZ isn't cheap, or maybe it's just this site
11:35 GuShh_ what a piece of crap http://www.techweld.co.nz/files/resources/Brochure/XA-CUT40.pdf consumables are cheap (tip, etc) though
14:06 poli Hello my good people of #robotics!
14:11 robotustra hi
14:14 GuShh_ fucking china again with their generic cutting discs
14:14 GuShh_ ran out of the good stuff, decided to use one of those crappy ones I bought the other day... chips flew off the disc, hit me everywhere. what a piece of shit
14:14 GuShh_ and they actually cost the same
14:16 robotustra who is guilty?
14:16 robotustra you are
14:17 robotustra buying chip stuff you thow your money
14:18 robotustra buying good stuff - you acquire
14:43 GuShh_ robotustra: you never read full sentences do you
14:43 GuShh_ they cost the same, and yet they're complete trash
14:44 GuShh_ the Bosch ones are a few cents cheaper, in fact.
14:44 GuShh_ on 1 and 1.2mm 115mm
14:44 GuShh_ and when there are none available, due to lack of stock, you buy whatever is available.
14:44 GuShh_ the common sheep would think "oh it costs a few cents more, it must be better" bullshit
14:44 GuShh_ price is not always a quality factor
14:44 Tom_itx it's still your fault
14:45 GuShh_ Tom_itx: elaborate
14:45 Tom_itx naw
14:45 GuShh_ is it my fault shops close early too
14:46 GuShh_ and they never stock anything
14:46 Tom_itx just felt like blaming somebody
14:46 Shh_ c
14:46 GuShh_ I don't understand why they close so early.
14:46 GuShh_ the courier that sent me those lathe tools closes at 5PM
14:47 GuShh_ Also when someone in Argentina tells you they'll be at your door from 14 to 16pm, assume they'll arive at 20-22pm
14:47 GuShh_ Last thing, late at night. Everything is left for tomorrow here.
14:47 GuShh_ "No worries, they need us"
14:48 GuShh_ Anyway absolute favorite on 1 and 1.2mm are Dewalt followed by Bosch, couldn't find anything better so far. We'll see when I get that chop saw for future projects in what kind of troubles I'll get with those discs.
14:49 GuShh_ also, robotustra go finish your alien robot already.
14:49 robotustra yep, it's your faulty chose :)
14:49 GuShh_ you're lucky to be in Canada, or else!
14:49 robotustra my fingers tired :)
14:49 robotustra the clay is too firm
14:49 GuShh_ Too much typing weird sentences on YouTube?
14:50 GuShh_ modelling clay?
14:50 robotustra yep
14:50 GuShh_ it must be rancid, it's your fault.
14:50 robotustra http://oi42.tinypic.com/2s6pjy0.jpg
14:50 GuShh_ go away and think about your choices in life.
14:50 GuShh_ robotustra: lol
14:50 robotustra I bougt it first time a year ago
14:50 robotustra :)
14:50 GuShh_ the clay does get old
14:51 robotustra he he
14:51 MrCurious send it back to the 70's to probe people. they will love it!
14:51 robotustra not this one
14:51 GuShh_ lol
14:51 GuShh_ will you paint it grey?
14:51 GuShh_ looks like a fun thing to airbrush
14:51 GuShh_ should have most of the texture on the clay, but you can add a lot of detail with paint
14:51 robotustra I don't think so
14:51 GuShh_ bah
14:52 GuShh_ proportions are just about right, for what we assume to be a hollywood alien.
14:52 MrCurious i can see you in the eyes...
14:52 GuShh_ now of course MrCurious and I are processing the reflection off the eyes to obtain a photograph of yourself
14:52 GuShh_ MrCurious: idiot
14:52 MrCurious wonder how hard it would be to correct that reflection
14:52 GuShh_ Haha
14:52 Shh_ wipes
14:53 robotustra anyway, it's still looks like chineese
14:53 GuShh_ MrCurious: sadly, not enough resolution.
14:54 GuShh_ nostrils need work
14:54 robotustra I will add some clay to nose anyway
14:54 MrCurious the smile... i know that smile... that is a post coitus smile...
14:55 MrCurious he has been probin...
14:55 robotustra :)
14:55 robotustra anal probing for sure
14:55 GuShh_ MrCurious: it would be hilarious if the reflection was that of an actual alien
14:55 MrCurious you know... automating medical procedures with robotics... i think you just nailed the robo form for the proctologist-bot
14:56 GuShh_ but all we got is a slightly overweight russian using a tripod mounted camera
14:57 poli Anyone messed with those IMU6420?
14:57 poli Really interesting for small scale robotics.
14:57 GuShh_ MrCurious: http://gushh.net/tmp/robotustra.jpg that's his best picture so far.
14:58 GuShh_ not the correct transformation though
14:58 MrCurious poli: not that one, but i have some c++ i2c code to read from a $10 ebay 10DOF board
14:59 poli MrCurious: Can you share? :)
14:59 MrCurious you look emaciated robotustra are you eating enough?
14:59 MrCurious https://github.com/unwin/Robot-Playground
14:59 MrCurious see the i2c dir
14:59 poli MrCurious: Thanks!
14:59 GuShh_ http://gushh.net/tmp/robotustra2.jpg << that's more like it
14:59 GuShh_ as you can see, there isn't enough data.
14:59 MrCurious not saying its good, or done
14:59 MrCurious its a start
15:00 poli MrCurious: I just bought a couple of those 10DOF I2C 2 days ago... :)
15:00 poli US$12 acutally
15:00 GuShh_ if he had front lighting we would've got a better result.
15:00 GuShh_ robotustra should be laughing his ass off...
15:01 MrCurious yeah, i have 3, had 4, but there was a incident...
15:01 MrCurious always buy spares
15:01 GuShh_ he likes to burn shit for fun
15:01 GuShh_ that's why he's called Mr Curious
15:01 poli I always do.
15:01 MrCurious there is some code i think from google that synthesizes the accel, gyro and magnetometer together to form a unified motion
15:01 poli Curiosity burned the circuit/
15:01 poli ?
15:01 MrCurious i have been meaning to incorporate that
15:02 MrCurious tried powering it with arduino pin
15:02 MrCurious made a mistake :D
15:02 poli Like an extended kalman filter?
15:02 MrCurious could be
15:03 MrCurious but it uses the diff sensors to augment the others
15:03 MrCurious and gives a far more accurate reading of motion and orientation
15:03 robotustra MrCurious: did you saw this smile before?
15:03 MrCurious yes i have
15:03 MrCurious my proctologist had that very smile
15:04 MrCurious mental note.. you need to make the finger tips light up
15:04 GuShh_ robotustra: is that a teddy bear next to you?
15:05 MrCurious oh no! he wasnt wearing clothes... cannot unsee....
15:05 MrCurious never photograph reflective surfaces nude!
15:06 poli Great I did not realise that
15:06 poli Mental note: never open GuSh's image files.
15:06 GuShh_ he's not naked
15:07 MrCurious thats not his finger...
15:07 poli That's what I would want to believe had I seen that picture, too.
15:07 GuShh_ imposing both channels (eye 1 and eye 2) didn't yield extra resolution at all
15:08 GuShh_ but there's surely a teddy bear next to him, it's not a dog.
15:08 GuShh_ http://gushh.net/tmp/robotustra3.jpg
15:08 GuShh_ ok enough of that, back to welding heheh
15:08 robotustra :)
15:09 robotustra pricks
15:10 GuShh_ robotustra: is the powershot A510 any good?
15:10 robotustra still works yes
15:11 GuShh_ MrCurious: we've determined robotustra is not the paranoid type
15:11 robotustra 2005 year
15:11 MrCurious yup
15:11 GuShh_ robotustra: uses AA, so yeah it should still work :p
15:12 GuShh_ cameras from that era with specific battery packs are long dead most likely
15:12 robotustra did you see my hiry balls on picture?
15:12 GuShh_ problem with today's entry level cameras, they're interpolating the shit out of those sensors to claim higher "mega pixels" although the craze is not as bad as it used to be
15:13 GuShh_ robotustra: had it been a 12mp picture, we could have easily seen them.
15:13 GuShh_ but at 3.2mp, no joy
15:13 GuShh_ this is why you need to upgrade! so you can share those hairy bawlz with the rest of freenode
15:14 Shh_
15:14 GuShh_ ok 3 more cuts, few welds here and there.... and I can actually begin the finishing work on the stand
15:14 robotustra GuShh_: I suspect you are shemale
15:15 GuShh_ the fuck
15:15 GuShh_ what makes you think that?
15:15 GuShh_ now you trully earned an ass kicking.
15:15 robotustra your attention to the reflection of my balls
15:15 GuShh_ lol
15:15 MrCurious yes, a shemale who escaped from brazil to argentina, where (s)he runs a machine shop making lathe porn
15:15 GuShh_ o.O
15:16 GuShh_ you two need help.
15:16 GuShh_ I do too, thanks to you.
15:16 robotustra take your pill first
15:16 poli Someone is obsessed with shemales here... I will not point fingers, though.
15:16 GuShh_ robotustra: no, I don't want my boobs to grow any bigger, as per your shemale fantasy
15:16 GuShh_ poli: yeah robotustra has a thing for wigged sausage
15:17 GuShh_ it's ok, I wonder if his kids were stolen or adopted somehow though
15:17 GuShh_ you know shemales can legally adopt, in a way, here in argentina?
15:17 GuShh_ kind of weird.
15:17 GuShh_ for the child that is
15:17 GuShh_ don't you think
15:17 robotustra yep by alien
15:17 GuShh_ as would be to look at your dad making an alien head out of clay 24/7
15:17 poli we already have homossexual marriages going on here
15:18 GuShh_ long beard, flies around him, food on the floor
15:18 poli so not really weird to allow adoption
15:18 GuShh_ poli: and divorces?
15:18 poli not anymore at least
15:18 GuShh_ they wanted to get married, then they faught to get divorced
15:18 GuShh_ hilarious.
15:18 poli divorces too
15:18 GuShh_ now they even want shemale bathrooms in gyms and restaurants
15:18 poli no law pro it
15:18 GuShh_ the hell.
15:18 poli but given there was no law against it, now they are doing it
15:18 MrCurious lets wait patiently till the alien robot is done. then we can see if he made a shemale out of it...
15:18 GuShh_ speaking of which
15:19 GuShh_ why isn't MrCurious' robot done?
15:19 GuShh_ MrCurious: just put a cheap wig on it, done.
15:19 GuShh_ instant shemale-anything
15:20 GuShh_ poli: we have a famous shemale on tv too
15:20 GuShh_ do you have stars like that? (outside of the pr0n industry)
15:20 MrCurious my robot will not be complete until it possesses the "shatner wig"
15:20 GuShh_ she has a daily tv show during lunchtime
15:20 GuShh_ she, he... I don't know man.
15:20 MrCurious the shatner wig will give it amazing powers of appeal.
15:20 GuShh_ I think that's another excuse
15:20 GuShh_ like, it's cold outside and the grass is too sharp
15:21 poli We had a operated transsexual in the media for some little time one or two years ago. BigBrother thing.
15:21 poli But not anymore.
15:21 GuShh_ poli: this is our celebrity shemale https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1LENP_enAR520AR520&q=florencia+de+la+v&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49784469,d.cGE,pv.xjs.s.en_US.MpiVkF51mpA.O&biw=1440&bih=799&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=es-419&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=19byUc_7OeSCjALt74HwAg
15:21 GuShh_ lawl
15:22 GuShh_ That "thing" is on tv, every day.
15:22 GuShh_ go figure why I don't like TV at all, that and just absolute shit everywhere.
15:24 poli damn
15:24 robotustra I have myself reflected on one of my video on youtube
15:24 poli I forgot my promise not to open your image links!
15:24 poli My retina
15:24 poli will never be the same
15:25 robotustra is it tranny?
15:26 robotustra I know what are you DOIN now
15:26 MrCurious thats a man man!
15:27 GuShh_ haha
15:27 GuShh_ dude robotustra if you can't tell you need help.
15:28 GuShh_ MrCurious: yeah, there are lady boys, and men with wigs on. the latter is applicable in this case.
15:28 Shh_ shud
15:28 GuShh_ so, manly shit. robots, welding, the lot.
15:28 MrCurious robots!
15:28 GuShh_ seen the video of the train in spain?
15:29 GuShh_ doing 200KM/h and derailing
15:29 GuShh_ dude was drunk.
15:29 MrCurious sounds intense
15:29 GuShh_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpCy0Jmea7U
15:29 GuShh_ it ate the camera.
15:30 GuShh_ he survived pretty much without a scratch...
15:30 GuShh_ "there are no radars in this zone, I can hit 200 easily" his words
15:30 MrCurious dang
15:30 GuShh_ plenty dead I assume
15:30 GuShh_ I'm surprised they can still run trains in Spain, given their economy heh
15:30 GuShh_ 77 dead
15:31 GuShh_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A1nM9Pif4E
15:31 MrCurious its too much!
15:31 GuShh_ couldn't find any gore...
15:31 GuShh_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7C1PtEoH6k just pics
15:32 GuShh_ I still think the train going through water was a lot more impressive, the one in argentina...
15:33 GuShh_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyHZuOWgCdI not sure where that was, looks like south... the worser parts.
15:33 GuShh_ "here I come motha fucka"
15:34 GuShh_ this is the reality of heavy rainfall and the lack of maintainance in the city, due to politicians stealing every cent from every budget.
15:34 GuShh_ oh ok that's in Palermo, I see now.
15:35 GuShh_ actually at the top, that's not a highway it's another train track.
15:35 GuShh_ (let's just say they didn't want their vehicles flooded)
15:35 GuShh_ floods are common in many cities, but they could be avoided here, if it weren't for these weasels.
15:42 robotustra "Krishna, I'm sorry that I draw your attension of driver, but I'm really drive crasy: there are 100 of relatives down here, will I spoil my carma if I kill them all?" "-There is no carma - The strongest survives only.." http://www.cacodaemon.org/content/arjuna.jpg
16:01 RifRaf interesting idea, ima make some http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:112718
16:03 poli RifRaf: indeed
16:06 poli MAkes you think: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23455128
16:16 robotustra makes you think either http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57595529-38/feds-tell-web-firms-to-turn-over-user-account-passwords/
16:56 poli so any implementations of an extended kalman filter I could use? :)
17:43 MrCurious we live in amazing times http://www.ebay.com/itm/2013-NEW-CE-FDA-Fingertip-Pulse-Oximeter-Blood-Oxygen-PR-SPO2-monitor-OLED-/111034306205?pt=UK_BOI_Medical_Lab_Equipment_Medical_Equipment_Instruments_ET&hash=item19da290e9d
17:54 RifRaf this has survived 6 years or more outside and still feels the same as when made http://imagebin.org/265701
17:56 MrCurious plaster?
17:57 RifRaf no silylis, feels just like skin
17:58 MrCurious you should tell robotustra where to source some...
17:58 poli I know why: it couldn't get any uglier, so that's how it will remain for the next million years.
17:58 RifRaf was an invention from mixing common compounds
17:58 MrCurious be ideal for his bot face
17:58 RifRaf yes it would be
17:58 MrCurious i cant find teh recipee or source on google
17:58 RifRaf cause its in my head only :)
17:59 MrCurious quick, download it before you die!
17:59 RifRaf i even kept a few tubes of the working stuffs so will make a new one that will fit the printed eyes and stuff better
18:00 MrCurious guessing your not going to share the recipee
18:00 RifRaf when i mix these parts of one is common silicon it foams into this magic stuff
18:00 MrCurious silicone and alkiseltzer and water
18:01 RifRaf but never feels like silicon again, and sets in minutes as well
18:01 MrCurious flexable?
18:01 RifRaf nope the other parts involve the correct till of flexible hole filler
18:03 RifRaf yes flexible but firm also, at 3mm thick or so is easy to poke a finger into like your cheek, at 10mm thick is more like your cheek bones or jaw
18:04 RifRaf but the stuff has stood the time test, and you can make it in a variety of skin tones to since they just happen to use similar colours for filling gaps
18:09 robotustra RifRaf: what stuff do you use?
18:10 RifRaf well you need to experiment, not just any brands worked, but start with tubes of clear silicon and flexible acrylic gap filler, mix in equal amounts and work fast
18:11 RifRaf i made plaster mould first
18:11 RifRaf from a face i had to make first, similar process to wat you are doing :)
18:12 MrCurious the train, in spain. keeps the passengers mainly in pain.
18:16 robotustra one guy from England told that he used this Gel for moulding face of his robot : http://www.gurumakeupemporium.com/epages/BT4080.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/BT4080/Products/411/SubProducts/411-0001
18:18 robotustra this head http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heLjRtGu6xY&list=TLOhse85cT0n8
18:27 RifRaf looks good, mine is not stretchy like that
18:28 robotustra but real skin is stretchy
18:29 RifRaf indeed
18:30 robotustra but there is one bad thing about artificial skin - it cannot do selfrepair
18:32 RifRaf heh , nope not yet, i found all the parts to make this threadless ball screw within 2 meters of me, handy
18:33 RifRaf just gotta wait for the housing to print, did the part for bearings i don't have first time
18:44 robotustra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gVfjF3o1os
18:45 robotustra RifRaf: do you think that threadless ball scrue will be presize?
18:46 RifRaf from what i had read yes
18:47 RifRaf will soon be able to experiment
18:47 theBear wtf ? how does a threadless ballscrew work ?
18:48 MrCurious now i want an irobot head
18:48 theBear tiny angled 'tyres' maybe ?
18:48 RifRaf apparently the same concept is used on some big machinery, i am thinking linear actuators
18:48 RifRaf angled bearing theBear
18:48 theBear hmmm, interesting !
18:48 RifRaf theBear, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:112718
18:48 RifRaf is a bit of info in some of the comments
18:49 robotustra MrCurious :) madness
18:49 robotustra head hunter
18:49 RifRaf i figured best way to find out if they work is just make some
18:49 robotustra I have rods
18:50 theBear no real reason they shouldn't, it'll just depend on grippiness vs load
18:50 robotustra I can try to make something like this
18:50 RifRaf have enough bearing to try some double ones, so 6 bears per screw
18:50 RifRaf bearings :)
18:50 robotustra theBear: I think the grip can be good - remember railways?
18:51 theBear hmm, they say no expensive screws, but last i checked shiny straight rods weren't too cheap either :)
18:51 theBear yeah, i remember trains, they got lips on the inside of the tracks and fixed axles that slip so they can go around corners :)
18:51 RifRaf well i just happen to have alot of 8mm rod around from reprap stuff
18:51 theBear hooray
18:52 theBear hmm, so you somehow preload the bearings or spring them maybe ?
18:52 RifRaf its not that expensive when you buy our metal back from china
18:52 RifRaf am making one that has tensioning screw
18:53 theBear probly, i become even more thrifty after a couple years with only a few months i was able to work
18:53 theBear hmmm, i can see that working.... nice
18:53 theBear grr, stupid weather, almost 2 straight days of sideways rain hitting my window :(
18:54 RifRaf sunny saturday morning here
18:54 theBear i spose i should open up this silly looking laptop and try to workout how my buddy made the 'trayless' cd drive all scrapey and non-ejectey
18:54 theBear mmm, it ain't dark anymore, but you is in the future
18:55 theBear actually the camera makes it look kinda like the sun is up
19:22 RifRaf this leadscrew idea is working great with a 10mm smooth rod, there is no slip unless you apply excess force
19:23 robotustra or lubricate it :)
19:24 RifRaf will try
19:25 RifRaf works great lubed up with oil
19:25 RifRaf you can see the evenly spaced screw pattern
19:26 RifRaf and full contact between bearing and rod
19:27 robotustra I see
19:27 RifRaf will be even better with 6 bearings so making other half now
19:28 GuShh_ theBear: maybe he put in two dvds at once
19:29 GuShh_ then forced a floppy disk in for good measure
19:29 GuShh_ 5 1/4 nonetheless!
19:30 theBear hmm, knowing him maybe he did :)
19:31 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/265706
19:32 RifRaf there is really zero backlash
19:33 GuShh_ rollerskate bearings?
19:33 GuShh_ don't say zero, there ain't such thing!
19:33 RifRaf just some tiny ones i had in bearing box, 10mm od, 5mm id, remote control cars i think
19:33 Shh_ fr
19:33 GuShh_ hmmm
19:33 RifRaf well i cannot feel it, so is like zero to me
19:34 GuShh_ I can't feel CO2 either
19:34 GuShh_ but if it's there, in big enough quantities...
19:34 RifRaf well compared to a nut on a threaded rod its zero
19:35 GuShh_ RifRaf: what's a typical aussie meal?, not including theBear's.. starts with breakfast, milk and cigarettes (floating)
19:35 GuShh_ those formed nuts and rods are crap!
19:35 RifRaf and even compare with some leadscrews i have have that i though were pretty good
19:35 GuShh_ you could've made your own though
19:36 RifRaf meat pies, sandwiches, steak chips, i dunno, all sorts of stuff
19:36 GuShh_ That's just regular food
19:36 GuShh_ Nothing aussie specific?
19:37 RifRaf i just eat food, feeling like a bacon and egg roll with bbq sauce at moment so might have to goto town soon
19:37 GuShh_ mhh
19:37 RifRaf and think about an idea for this leadscrew
19:39 GuShh_ lathe stand frames 90% welded, just need to weld the cross beams to obtain each column, the top is already welded, needs a couple parts welded on, leaving those for later so I can get it all aligned with the columns.
19:39 GuShh_ then I need to cap and grind everything down, weld the extension "feet" and figure out where to get machine mounts for the whole thing...
19:39 RifRaf good good, get that last 10% done then so you can make things
19:40 GuShh_ it's not that simple. I still don't have a place for it
19:40 GuShh_ Might get a plasma cutter and get rid of that big old safe.
19:41 GuShh_ doubt I could rent one...
19:42 theBear GuShh_, nothing much specific, mainly stuff that's common in at least 3 other 1stworld countries... i spose we got anzac biscuits, at least a couple days a year, they're kinda cool, but not really a meal
19:42 GuShh_ 1st world... that's irrelevant, look at the US they eat all kinds of literal shit.
19:42 GuShh_ fat on top of fat.
19:43 GuShh_ oatmeal and coconut biscuits?
19:43 GuShh_ not sure if they're the same... we have those, also with raisins.
19:44 RifRaf getting almost exactly 1mm of linear travel per revolution, 1.07
19:46 theBear yeah, but they're fat fucks
19:46 GuShh_ lol
19:46 theBear well they don't sound delicious when you say it like that... they kinda a little soft and chewy and friggin awesome
19:47 GuShh_ I like oatmeal and I like coconut...
19:47 GuShh_ bah not all of them are chewy here
19:47 GuShh_ some are dry as hell
19:47 theBear hmm, lets see if vmware can do a different lan subnet/prefix to the machine it runs on
19:49 GuShh_ it should
19:49 GuShh_ bah tomorrow is my birthday
19:50 MrCurious happy birthday!
19:50 Shh_
19:50 GuShh_ You can have the cake.
19:51 GuShh_ It's annoying, people that never actually talks to you dare call you in your birthday
19:51 GuShh_ Why not call some other time, ffs. Oh that's right, they call when they need something.
19:51 Shh_ shakes
19:52 Jak_o_Android Lots of syrup in anzac biscuits, preserves em and keeps them soft
19:52 untivity wants to join GuShh_'s birthday pa
19:53 GuShh_ no party really.
19:53 Jak_o_Android also, we largely just use different terms from america
19:53 GuShh_ Jak_o_Android: well for preserving you'd most likely use honey instead
19:53 GuShh_ I love stuff with honey in it
19:53 GuShh_ but real honey, none of that corn syrup shit.
19:53 GuShh_ people are so ignorant when it comes to honey
19:53 GuShh_ just in general.
19:54 Jak_o_Android i generally eat them before i get that problem
19:54 Shh_ has his cheap source of real h
19:54 GuShh_ I should ask to see if they sell the bees wax also
19:54 GuShh_ good for woodworking.
19:55 Jak_o_Android also, australian honey is good, we dont have some of the bee bugs, due to island nation
19:55 ubuntivity Good morning everyone :)
19:55 GuShh_ depends on what type of honey
19:55 GuShh_ ie. from which trees / flowers
19:56 ubuntivity Are there any good sites/resources to learn making robot circuits from scratch? (no PIC or other programmable controllers)
19:56 GuShh_ dunno
19:56 GuShh_ maybe some stuff on the topic?
19:56 Jak_o_Shadows First question: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Second Question: do you have the analog circuit theory for it?
19:57 GuShh_ Jak_o_Shadows: I think it's very hard to come by programmers and mcus in general where he lives
19:57 ubuntivity GuShh_ answered my first question :)
19:58 GuShh_ it's hard enough in Argentina (well, very expensive) think about Iraq.
19:58 ubuntivity But what do you mean by "analog circuit theory"? you mean a pre-made design?
19:58 robotustra ramadan
19:58 Jak_o_Shadows You limit yourself a lot though, unfortunately. No digital sensors (ultrasonic sensor instance), more difficult analog sensor readings. Bump sensors would still work fine.
19:58 ubuntivity robotustra, hello from inside Ramadan ;)
19:59 ubuntivity Bump sensors are probably the only ones I'm gonna find here :/
19:59 ubuntivity Or, in fact, extract from old/broken devices
20:00 Jak_o_Shadows Hmm, how would you do motor control purely from digital logic chips?
20:00 Jak_o_Shadows Just power wise.
20:01 GuShh_ AND, NOT, etc.
20:01 GuShh_ they're all conditions
20:01 ubuntivity I don't need fine-control of the motor speed, just On and Off is pretty much enough
20:01 GuShh_ you can make anything you can code, in analog.
20:01 ubuntivity and I have a general knowledge about Logic gates and TTL ICs
20:01 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, then how do you feed that to a speed control? Just like normal I suppose
20:01 GuShh_ Jak_o_Shadows: and even simpler, how do you reckon old electric toys worked?
20:01 GuShh_ why would you need speed control on something that simple
20:02 GuShh_ you've been spoiled.
20:02 ubuntivity Thats a very pretty concept, GuShh_! It brightened my day since I love programming!
20:02 GuShh_ you should've come when I was welding the lathe stand, you would've been brightened alright.
20:02 ubuntivity (Programming i.e. Coding)
20:03 robotustra robotics != programming
20:03 ubuntivity I think I have to spend more time on IRC (specifically this channel)!
20:03 ubuntivity but some PICs also can be programmed (which isn't what I do)
20:03 ubuntivity I have to go for few minutes and coming back soon (BRB) :)
20:04 GuShh_ robotustra: you alien weirdo!
20:06 robotustra I don't care
20:07 robotustra we has
20:07 robotustra :)
20:08 Jak_o_Shadows Also, any wireless link in a car, of any kind, should be completely separate to the drive by wire stuff.
20:09 Shh_ wonders if Jak_o_Shadows wasn't born in an analog
20:11 untivity is back (if that will make any differe
20:17 robotustra ubuntivity: annunaks
20:18 ubuntivity robotustra: http://www.abstrusegoose.com/
20:19 robotustra ubuntivity: true
20:20 ubuntivity and good timing for it being the most recent comic, too!
21:46 GuShh_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy1w6rTpC2g heh
22:04 MrCurious and stepper driver program modified to use timer to service the stepper driver
22:11 poli now I like high charts sooooo much
22:11 poli but not
22:28 MrCurious so THATS what that button does...
22:47 MrCurious hmmm code some c++ or drink some beer
22:47 MrCurious perhaps BOTH!
22:48 GuShh_ hmm nobody told me carbide wasn't good for interrupted cuts!
22:48 robotustra but show me that code after
22:52 robotustra because you have to reheat all area again
22:53 MrCurious heh
22:54 robotustra beer?
22:54 GuShh_ lol, how can you trust an article on grinding hss bits if the guy can't even center his tool properly? http://www.steves-workshop.co.uk/tips/toolgrinding/toolcutting.jpg
22:54 GuShh_ (that little nipple on the face cut proves this)
22:54 GuShh_ I doubt it wasn't faced all the way, it just wasn't centered.
22:55 GuShh_ and no coolant on steel, hss..
22:55 MrCurious oh! robotustra have you seen the movie Heavy Metal?
22:56 robotustra no
22:56 MrCurious i would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy
22:56 MrCurious you should watch it with some nice drink :)
22:56 MrCurious it is a classic movie about the struggle between good and evil
22:56 MrCurious ...with music
22:57 GuShh_ who the hell turns rebar? http://www.model-engineer.co.uk/sites/7/images/member_albums/70685/dscf1044.jpg
22:57 MrCurious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2_gOpU0eWU
22:57 MrCurious that looks like FOUND steel to me
23:02 GuShh_ MrCurious: it's rebar though, was looking up carbide + interrupted cut
23:02 GuShh_ lots of views on it... might just have to try it myself
23:02 GuShh_ rebar is like women, some are fine, others are full of shit.
23:05 MrCurious worse found steep can cost you is the cost of teh tool
23:11 GuShh_ FUCK
23:11 GuShh_ just tried denatonium
23:11 GuShh_ halp
23:11 GuShh_ shit that's bitter shit!!!!
23:16 MrCurious this stone IPA is most refreshing
23:17 robotustra did you see that? http://fear.rainbow.by/~onick/2.avi
23:18 GuShh_ gpt some for the cat
23:18 GuShh_ but had to try it first
23:18 GuShh_ that shit is potent. I couldn't feel my tongue!
23:19 GuShh_ should market it as liquid cocaine and just have a laugh at their faces.
23:26 robotustra molitva: привет
23:27 robotustra чего такой ник?
23:27 GuShh_ ñññ
23:29 robotustra GuShh_: molitva - it's word in russian
23:29 robotustra I suppose he or she is russian
23:31 GuShh_ what does it mean?
23:31 Faek Ballmer curve?
23:31 GuShh_ let's put denatonium in ballmer's cocaine!
23:31 GuShh_ brb coffee... well, first I'm going to need something sweet.. what's the opposite of denatonium?
23:32 robotustra Ballmer is here?
23:34 GuShh_ Lugduname