#robotics Logs

Jul 12 2013

#robotics Calendar

07:07 theBear nice
07:08 Skwint saw that ... I like the pastic from banana peels too
07:08 Skwint roll on banana fed 3D printers
07:10 Jak_o_Android I'd settle for being able to recycle prints, even if it is a 5ish step process.
08:47 robotustra morning
10:28 robotustra self made trucks for robot http://samodelniy.ru/samodelnye-gusenitsy-dlja-robota
10:28 robotustra it's in russian, but it's clear how to build it
10:28 GuShH .ru
10:28 GuShH homesick?
10:29 robotustra no
10:29 robotustra I just find good thing to share
10:30 robotustra how to make truks
10:31 robotustra it can be useful for a lot of people in here
10:33 robotustra GuShH: you cannot open this link because it's against laws of your country?
10:33 GuShH lol
10:33 ShH pats robotu
10:33 robotustra he he
10:34 robotustra this site is about self made stuff
10:35 robotustra like instructables.com but not so sophisticated
10:36 robotustra like this http://samodelniy.ru/data/1/medialib/motorcycle/136821580.jpg
10:36 GuShH instructables.com is not sophisticated, it's full of maker fairies and should be put down.
10:44 robotustra why? you tried repeat a couple of things and failed?
10:45 robotustra lol http://samodelniy.ru/kompjuternaja-mysh-vvide-myshi
10:46 GuShH robotustra: it's full of arduino retards, that's why
10:46 robotustra :)
10:46 GuShH lots of useless crap on that site
10:47 robotustra yeah, I agree with you about arduino
10:47 GuShH is that "motorcycle" legally a car in Russia?
10:47 robotustra if you make microcontrollers accessible for dumbs - beware of it
10:47 robotustra no
10:48 GuShH What is it, legally speaking then
10:48 robotustra but you can drive in a villages easily
10:48 GuShH It annoys me that you can't really make a car from scratch where I live
10:48 robotustra it's a "country side" vehicle
10:48 GuShH You'd have to begin by using a real chassis and engine
10:48 GuShH So that limits you a lot.
10:49 GuShH And of course, it has to pass the various emissions and mechanical tests
10:49 GuShH Otherwise you are limited to running from the police and only using it on the weekends to go have a burger across the street heh
10:49 GuShH Oh even the colour of a vehicle presents problems here
10:49 robotustra actually, in theory you can build a car or even tricle in belarus, but you'll stend a LOT of your life in certifying it
10:49 GuShH If you had a yellow car and wanted to spray it black, you'd need to go through a lot of paperwork, legally speaking
10:50 GuShH in theory though you could paint it black and leave the interior original (by the firewall, etc) to prove it was yellow, but that doesn't work legally speaking
10:50 GuShH because you concealed the original colour and that's not legal.
10:50 robotustra the same thing in our country
10:50 GuShH the registration and all papers say it's yellow
10:50 robotustra you can't modify the color
10:50 GuShH so yeah, annoying.
10:51 GuShH robotustra: what happens if you cover it up in vinyl though
10:51 robotustra but I think the only car you can repaint on your own it's WV beatle
10:51 GuShH strictly speaking you are also hiding the original colour, but it's not painted -- you can remove it
10:51 GuShH nah you can paint old pickup trucks and such
10:51 GuShH they're usually in such a bad shape that even the worst paintjob will be an improvement
10:52 GuShH but as with all paintjobs, the preparation is key
10:52 robotustra I don't know about vynil - I think it's allowed
10:52 robotustra you can clain that it's a protection from whatever
10:52 robotustra claim
10:52 GuShH or advertising
10:52 robotustra clame
10:52 GuShH I can paint small parts OK with the spray gun, don't have a lot of experience with big surface areas
10:53 GuShH other than a few metal cabinet doors I've painted
10:53 robotustra I repainted a wing once
10:53 robotustra at home
10:53 GuShH Also I wouldn't touch a car panel because I don't have a proper filtration system for my air compressor, and also the size of the compressor does not meet with the requirements for HVLP on big panels
10:53 robotustra it was quite ok
10:54 robotustra :)
10:54 GuShH err HPLV
10:54 robotustra you are sick with asperger
10:54 GuShH I don't have HVLP sprayguns
10:54 GuShH What?
10:54 GuShH No, they're high volume low pressure
10:54 GuShH I have high pressure low volume
10:55 GuShH These days most people are using HVLP
10:55 GuShH claims of orange peeling are absurd, it's all up to the technique and the correct dilution and mixing of the paint :p
10:55 robotustra and you don't have camera to paint whole car
10:55 GuShH Oh the booth?
10:55 GuShH Yeah, I don't.
10:55 GuShH So aside from the oil speckle from the air line (no filter) I'd also get dust embedded into the paint
10:55 robotustra so, is it raining?
10:56 GuShH You can lower the amount of crap by wetting the floor though
10:56 GuShH Still, not good enough for a car.
10:56 GuShH robotustra: even the sun will ruin your paintjob while it dries
10:56 GuShH I don't know anyone who owns a paintbooth
10:57 robotustra I used sand paper to remove hairs and unevenness
10:57 GuShH they're usually $10.000 (USD) used
10:57 GuShH well, block sanding is another story
10:57 GuShH color sanding
10:57 GuShH etc
10:57 GuShH falls in the "preparation" category, so the actual spraying of paint is a very small part of the process
10:58 robotustra I have big experience with painting and finishing of surfaces
10:58 GuShH if you account for the time it takes to prepare the surfaces and sand between layers
10:58 robotustra and varnishing
10:58 GuShH then the actual spraying is about 20% at best
10:58 GuShH accounting for the fact that you could leave a pattern or drips / peeling due to poor technique (or poor mix)
10:58 GuShH robotustra: used to do it for a living?
10:59 robotustra no, for hobby
10:59 GuShH which reminds me, I need a long air hose.
11:00 GuShH So I ask this store about the bearings of the mills they sell
11:00 robotustra painting with the paint save a lot of space but need more skills that airbrush
11:00 GuShH Asking which type bearings it has
11:00 GuShH Their answer was "they're common bearings, nothing weird, in fact we check them when we receive the machines just to make sure they're right"
11:00 GuShH huh? the fuck?
11:00 robotustra :)
11:00 GuShH I have a feeling these guys are import-whores and nothing else.
11:01 GuShH I also think those tiny mills don't have conical bearings
11:01 GuShH Which is why I asked.
11:01 GuShH They're basically a cheap drill press with an XY table
11:01 robotustra a lot of buy-sell people like this - they cannot answer any serous question
11:02 GuShH Gotta love it when they say "we've sold over 50 of them already" so what? you are still selling shit and your customers are as clueless as you are.
11:02 robotustra I know one thing
11:02 GuShH Yeah well, I don't buy from that kind of seller.
11:02 GuShH Specially knowing what it costs
11:02 GuShH And how much money they make
11:02 GuShH surely they could afford to learn a few things?
11:02 robotustra governments don't like people who buy accurate machines
11:02 GuShH or hire someone who does
11:03 GuShH robotustra: why not?
11:03 GuShH you don't have to make a firearm you can just buy one
11:03 robotustra they think you can make guns
11:03 ShH s
11:03 GuShH you can make a "gun" with a piece of pipe and a 12GA shell
11:03 GuShH so beat it
11:03 GuShH ok then an endcap and a nail
11:03 GuShH you get the idea.
11:03 robotustra whet I bought a deal indicator - they hold it for 4 days at custom
11:04 GuShH they probably indicated their balls with it until the shaft was bent enough to deem unusable for firearm manufacturing
11:04 robotustra and called to ask - why do we need so precise device
11:04 GuShH I haven't got one yet...
11:04 GuShH Trying to see if I can bulk order all I need for the lathe, so I can save on shipping costs
11:05 GuShH I don't think it's raining, but I've yet to wake up properly
11:05 robotustra like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOoUVeyaY_8
11:05 GuShH you shouldn't use powertools when you are sleepy
11:06 GuShH lol fps russia
11:06 GuShH robotustra: do you have a thick accent like the guy on the video?
11:06 GuShH reminds me of GTA
11:06 GuShH IV
11:06 robotustra no, mine english is better a little
11:07 ShH bursts out laug
11:07 GuShH That's a nice shotgun
11:07 GuShH You know, for home defense. And shit.
11:07 robotustra but you can identify that I'm russian anyway
11:07 GuShH I'd probably empty a whole magazine on one guy alone
11:07 GuShH And they'd have to pick him up with a spoon
11:08 robotustra "I'm professional Russian" :)
11:09 GuShH wait, I'd want two not one.
11:09 GuShH robotustra: how much are those?
11:09 robotustra I don't know :)
11:09 GuShH of course I've never seen one...
11:10 GuShH they're illegal here
11:10 robotustra I think it's easy to do at home
11:10 robotustra do you see how it's balanced?
11:10 GuShH robotustra: that's also illegal, to make one.
11:11 GuShH specially a full automatic firearm
11:11 robotustra in canada - it' legal
11:11 robotustra you can make your owd gun
11:11 GuShH robotustra: it's cancelling out the recoil, but that's not a new concept
11:11 robotustra own
11:12 robotustra but I don't see any needs
11:12 GuShH it's about liking guns mostly
11:12 GuShH not shooting people
11:13 robotustra may be if you go to deep forest
11:13 robotustra where bears goes around
11:13 GuShH theBear: that true?
11:13 robotustra :)
11:13 robotustra not IRC bears
11:14 robotustra real one
11:14 robotustra I remember the feeling when I saw a real wild bear in childhood
11:14 robotustra I was in the house, but still
11:15 robotustra it was bad feeling in the stomac
11:15 GuShH oh, he got it's paw through your chest?
11:16 GuShH "mini cooper sweater vest gay" hahaha
11:16 GuShH So true.
11:16 ShH is watching anger manage
11:24 robotustra_ or like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8IGDIujijQ
11:26 robotustra_ defferent english accents http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dABo_DCIdpM
11:36 robotustra_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=WtcvCO7oQuY&NR=1
11:38 GuShH robotustra_: is it raining over there?
11:46 robotustra yeah, why don't you cut material
11:49 GuShH robotustra: 1/4 BSP is 18 or 19 TPI for common pneumatic fittings?
11:49 GuShH I think it's 19
11:49 GuShH Is it even TPI?
11:49 GuShH Since BSP is british standard pipe
11:50 GuShH Oh I see
11:50 GuShH NPT is 18
11:50 GuShH BSP is 19
11:50 GuShH But I could swear I've used both and they worked fine
11:51 GuShH on 120PSI
11:51 GuShH In theory that's a bad idea, but in practice ...?
11:52 robotustra NPT - it's a national pipes threads?
11:52 GuShH not sure
11:52 GuShH possibly
11:52 GuShH national pipe thread yeah
11:52 robotustra I have only one tap
11:52 GuShH national for who :p
11:53 robotustra for aliens of cause
11:53 GuShH if it's american it should've been called APT
11:53 GuShH YPT
11:53 GuShH FMPT
11:53 GuShH FAMPT
11:53 robotustra this threads are conic
11:53 robotustra did you know about that?
11:54 GuShH I said in theory it's a bad idea
11:54 GuShH if both profiles don't match then the mating is not right
11:54 robotustra and BSP I don't know
11:54 ShH sh
11:54 GuShH robotustra: ever tried making your own taps?
11:54 GuShH out of tool steel
11:55 GuShH also I didn't know acme taps existed
11:55 robotustra no
11:55 robotustra I don't have oven
11:55 GuShH cost of some taps is high
11:56 robotustra to treat material after
11:56 GuShH robotustra: it doesn't have to be perfectly hardened
11:57 robotustra I actually did some tools, clamps, some simple cutting stuff for soft materials and plastic
11:57 robotustra but it's just for 1 time use
11:58 robotustra no serious cutting tools or taps
11:58 GuShH we're not talking production tooling either
11:58 GuShH most taps you only use a few times
11:58 robotustra yeah, may be one time I did a tap from one bolt
11:59 GuShH high grade bolt, hmm
11:59 robotustra to make a thread because I didn't have taps with me
11:59 GuShH that's a bit ghetto
11:59 robotustra i did a cut along the axis with a grinder
12:00 robotustra but it wa long time ago
12:00 GuShH lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgAIgSvzitE
12:01 robotustra first thing I did when I came to canada - I bought a set of instruments and taps were also in the list
12:02 GuShH oh I can get them, I just refuse to pay the price if I'm going to use it once
12:03 GuShH he's just threading on nylon...
12:03 GuShH that's the kind of useless video youtube shouldn't allow.
12:05 robotustra_ this tap is bull shit
12:05 GuShH robotustra: this is manly stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=4hVoJjVgoLk&NR=1
12:06 GuShH Look at the size of that hexagon brass stock! that must be worth a LOT of money to begin with
12:07 GuShH probably cast by order
12:07 GuShH err bronze
12:07 ShH
12:07 robotustra yeah, and the at the thread profile
12:07 robotustra I saw this video already before
12:07 GuShH not sure what thread is that
12:08 GuShH robotustra: you spend too much time on youtube
12:08 robotustra SNTP
12:08 ShH slaps robotu
12:08 robotustra yep,
12:08 GuShH oh morse taper reamer set...
12:08 GuShH that's expensive.
12:11 GuShH robotustra: alright I got the dude to admit the "mill" has regular bearings, not tapered
12:11 GuShH son of a peach.
12:12 GuShH that's a glorified cheap drill press.
12:12 GuShH with an xy table
12:12 GuShH what a bunch of dipshits.
12:13 robotustra there is not a lot of stuff to see at youtube actually, as you know
12:14 robotustra and I don't have TV, that's why I usually browse through techno stuff at U-tube
12:15 robotustra but as you told - a lot of garbidge there, not so much useful stuff
12:16 GuShH robotustra: you can look it up, this is NOT a mill zx7016
12:16 GuShH I think you'll agree.
12:16 GuShH it's a drill press with a cheap xy table
12:16 GuShH I can't believe this shit is sold.
12:16 GuShH as a milling machine
12:17 GuShH it has two regular ball bearings on the spindle
12:17 GuShH There's no way you can do anything but drill with that thing.
12:18 ShH is really annoyed
12:32 robotustra yep, it's a shit
12:32 robotustra I have a drillpress from mastercraft
12:33 GuShH robotustra: the asking price for that piece of shit here is 1.300 usd
12:33 robotustra with a few modification I can convert it into mill
12:33 robotustra what?
12:33 GuShH you can imagine why I'd be annoyed.
12:33 robotustra WTF
12:33 GuShH exactly.
12:33 robotustra I bought mine for 79$
12:33 GuShH I'm tempted to call them just to unleash hell and release all this anger.
12:34 GuShH I'd start with "You M&#$#$ F#$"$"#$ C#$%&!"
12:34 GuShH And I'd get all pulp-fictiony on their ass.
12:34 robotustra I didn't got last word
12:35 GuShH robotustra: oh, too many symbols on that last one
12:35 GuShH C**T
12:35 GuShH I get all British when I get all ghetto.
12:36 poli_ Hello my good people of #robotics
12:37 robotustra hi poli_
12:38 robotustra poli_ce?
12:38 poli lol
12:38 poli no, just poli
12:38 poli :)
12:39 robotustra female?
12:39 poli so you guys have any experience with electric linear actuators?
12:39 poli No, the name is Marco Poli ;)
12:39 robotustra I don't have, but I thought about them
12:40 robotustra I planed to do one
12:40 robotustra with rare earth magrens
12:41 robotustra poli: what it the precision of positioning?
12:41 robotustra is
12:41 GuShH robotustra: if it's for a sex toy, not much
12:42 robotustra :)
12:42 GuShH saw a video of one, it was squeaky... required lubrication, ha.
12:42 poli Very low precision, it will be used to move a "chair" with a person on top, so, no precision, but needs to have controlled speed.
12:43 GuShH !
12:43 robotustra what distance?
12:43 GuShH for speed, you can go for a dc motor, or brushed ac with a dimmer
12:44 robotustra yep and a chain
12:44 GuShH depends on torque requirements
12:44 GuShH brushed AC with dimmer has low end torque
12:44 robotustra DC Motor + reductior + chain
12:44 poli The ideia is to be able to move a person that have no strenght in the lower members from a sitted to a standing position.
12:44 GuShH I think that exists, but it probably costs a lot
12:45 poli It is for a standing wheel chair.
12:45 GuShH you probably want a mechanism similar to how a garage door works
12:45 poli It need 100kgf strenght but no precision. I have seen some quite inexpensive ones em ebay.
12:45 poli But no idea if the are worth the maney
12:45 poli money
12:45 GuShH (see how useful garage stuff can be?)
12:45 GuShH you need more than 100
12:46 poli I am thinking on 2 of 100
12:46 robotustra linear actiation will cost a lot
12:46 GuShH you need a lever
12:46 robotustra rebuctor
12:46 poli something on the path of this guy here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Dewert-24V-Stroke-Linear-Actuator-900lbs-4000N-Push-Pull-Force-4-Stroke-/281046555099?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416fae19db
12:46 robotustra two stars + chain + DC motor + reductor
12:47 GuShH again, look at the mechanisms used on garage doors
12:47 GuShH they position the mass from vertical to horizontal.
12:47 poli I was thinking on the mechanisms of hospital beds.
12:47 GuShH can't you gather inspiration from that?
12:47 GuShH overly complicated
12:47 poli Sure I can. I wasn't really the best student of mechanisms in school, but I did get something from it. ;)
12:48 GuShH 4000N is that about 400KG?
12:48 robotustra or theded rod with a gear + nut inside
12:48 GuShH I refuse to google this, I should know this.
12:48 robotustra yes
12:48 GuShH thread would have to be acme or similar
12:48 robotustra about 400 kg
12:49 robotustra 1/2-10 whoud be nice
12:49 robotustra and brass nut
12:49 GuShH one thing to think about is that this is actually a dynamic load
12:49 GuShH unlike the garage door heh
12:49 poli 4000N is about 400Kgf
12:50 GuShH poli: yes but the stroke is too short
12:50 robotustra what is the displacement?
12:50 GuShH if you use a lever they would bend.
12:50 GuShH 4 inches
12:50 GuShH it's a toy
12:50 robotustra no, I'm asking about requirements
12:50 robotustra his requirements
12:50 poli angular motion of the base (sitting part) of the chair of about 85 degrees
12:51 GuShH imagine the lever required to shift a human being using that little thing
12:51 GuShH and if it snaps, you want a safety mechanism built in every joint.
12:51 GuShH racheting gears or something even better.
12:51 poli Oh that was an example, not real thing. First hit I got on google.
12:51 GuShH just saying :/
12:52 robotustra poli, what's your specs, weight, length of displacement and time of displacement
12:52 MrCurious http://blog.reprap.org/2013/07/reprap-morgan-by-quentin-harley-wins.html?m=1
12:52 MrCurious interesting
12:52 GuShH that's probably pr0n, don't click!!
12:52 MrCurious cnc pron
12:53 MrCurious all kinds of contorted motion arangements
12:53 poli I am still trying to figure out how I will do the lifting, I was thinking on something with 4 linear actuators so I can control no only the angle, but also the distance to the floor. The idea is to be able to let the person fully upright so he can pick a walker and walk out of the chair on his own.
12:53 poli The real issue is to lift the person out of the chair.
12:53 MrCurious poli: are you making a extractor for removing dead old people from living rooms?
12:54 GuShH pfahahaha
12:54 GuShH poli: or we could simplify and have the mecanism be an analog of two human arms lifting the person from underneath their shoulders
12:54 GuShH as annoying as it may be...
12:54 robotustra :)
12:54 GuShH MrCurious: C4 works well for that
12:54 GuShH robotustra: see, I go offtopic because of people like MrCurious.
12:54 robotustra dead body mover
12:54 GuShH It's not "ME"
12:54 robotustra lifter
12:54 MrCurious use a loop (like rescue helicopters use) and a engine lift...
12:54 GuShH xD
12:55 robotustra :)
12:55 MrCurious i am on topic...
12:55 GuShH yeah everyone should have an engine hoist
12:55 GuShH the person is NOT dead
12:55 poli An interesting collateral effect would be for the person to be able to stand for stand-up conversations.
12:55 GuShH just doesn't have control of his or her lower extremities
12:55 poli It is really annoying to talk to people standing up when you are sitting down.
12:55 MrCurious monty python "i'm not dead yet..."
12:55 GuShH MrCurious: if you were in that situation how would you design this?
12:56 robotustra :)))))
12:56 GuShH poli: so are you the victim in question, are we going to experiment on you?
12:56 robotustra MrCurious came and all work stalled
12:56 MrCurious http://www.aic.sg/uploadedimages/silverpages/healthcareproducts/product/472/img_Seat%20Assist%20Lifting%20Cushion_634541891361204032.jpg
12:56 ShH draws arcs with his neon sign transfo
12:56 MrCurious http://www.lift-chair-store.com/resources/product/560/picture.jpg
12:56 MrCurious liift the chair... not the person
12:56 poli yes
12:56 GuShH yeah he 4channed us.
12:57 poli lift the chair is the idea
12:57 robotustra I have better idea
12:57 GuShH MrCurious: if you used it turned 90 to the side, it would be marketed as a fart-assist
12:57 MrCurious briliant!
12:57 MrCurious the one cheek sneak power assist
12:57 GuShH YES
12:57 GuShH V12 powered for the outdoorsy version
12:58 poli Something like this last chair link, but not keeping the right angle between the parts, otherwise someone with reduced mobitlity will be forced to the ground.
12:58 MrCurious if i were doing this, i would use 4 gas pistons, and a 12v compressor.... along with some sensing eqpt to keep it from launching granpa
12:58 GuShH poli: without a harness this becomes dangerous real fast
12:58 GuShH MrCurious: no, assume it's for YOU
12:58 poli it needs a seat belt and to be speed controlled.
12:58 GuShH not granpa
12:59 GuShH turn yourself into ironman
12:59 robotustra it should be like crutches: you put them in armpits from the buck
12:59 GuShH poli: it can get bulky real fast though
12:59 MrCurious OH!
12:59 MrCurious exoskeleton?
12:59 robotustra and lift
12:59 GuShH the military have some
12:59 GuShH and it actually works
12:59 GuShH it's awesome
13:00 poli I am thinking on separating the 2 parts of a front car seat, and have the mecanism somehow pivotate the low part aroung a rotation axis that will make it come almost to the upright position.
13:00 MrCurious http://a57.foxnews.com/www.foxnews.com/images/462621/350/450/1_21_honda_walker_face.jpg
13:00 MrCurious you want that....
13:00 GuShH INSIDE the car?
13:00 robotustra one more idea
13:00 GuShH you want to squish people into their cars
13:00 MrCurious the other makers would beat you up....
13:00 GuShH MrCurious: no that's gay crap compared to the military stuff
13:00 robotustra expanding crutches!
13:00 MrCurious canada crutches!
13:00 GuShH eh
13:01 poli that would help, but the person in question is 95 years old, so, I don't think the idea is to just get back to playing soccer
13:01 MrCurious that could be a gret training device for dominant/submissive.... COME!
13:01 GuShH I'd be mortified if this thing failed and the 95 year old person died
13:01 robotustra http://24.media.tumblr.com/2d767d80d1d5d433c4eb38a0457b8a1e/tumblr_mptw9izBuQ1qz7ruco1_500.jpg
13:02 GuShH wtf
13:02 robotustra nm
13:02 MrCurious clearly a miss paste...
13:02 GuShH hey that looks like one of my steel projects
13:02 GuShH haha
13:02 robotustra no, I did it intentionaly
13:02 MrCurious which way does the head go in teh stock? facing to bed or away....
13:02 GuShH I should start making those beds
13:03 robotustra he he
13:03 robotustra I knew
13:03 robotustra you like it
13:03 GuShH MrCurious: it's his bed, he puts a couple hobos underneath and leaves pizza slices throughout the carpet while he has crazy sex with a chipmunk
13:03 robotustra feed from 6' stick
13:04 MrCurious this is why russian mail order brides never work out....
13:04 GuShH oh?
13:04 MrCurious too complicated to operate them
13:04 GuShH they come dead?
13:04 robotustra :)
13:05 robotustra no, they are just like all other girls
13:05 poli I have no idea how this will work, kinematically speaking.
13:05 robotustra poli
13:05 MrCurious so back to poli why is he trying to militarize a 95 year old? is his country out of young people for army?
13:05 GuShH LOL
13:05 poli MrCurious: we need the experience of the old in the battle field ;)
13:05 GuShH "How to weaponize your granpa"
13:06 robotustra grangranpa
13:06 MrCurious grandpa is gonna need some motor assisted gats....
13:06 GuShH and a big cigar
13:06 robotustra I think expanding crouches is my best idea
13:06 botustra go to patent
13:06 GuShH dangerous as well
13:07 GuShH so you want to patent eh? expanding crouches eh... eh? eh!
13:07 robotustra everything being put on high is dangerous
13:07 GuShH me patent nao eh, you go.
13:07 GuShH specially MrCurious.
13:07 MrCurious could treat grandpa to the "full-hawkins" http://www.ilcnsw.asn.au/images/item_images/4338007.jpg?1373011410
13:07 GuShH when hes high...
13:08 MrCurious http://www.streetsie.com/wp-content/gallery/concept-unique-custom-and-antique-wheelchairs/concept-standing-wheelchair-1.jpg
13:08 robotustra MrCurious: out of budget I think
13:08 GuShH MrCurious: that's like the veyron of wheel chairs but it's missing the rocket launcher pods
13:08 GuShH that last one wouldn't work
13:08 MrCurious i have a winner... http://blog.easystand.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/jadieangun1.jpg
13:09 GuShH it's maker sketchup bullshit
13:09 GuShH fuck sake.
13:09 GuShH artsy idiots
13:09 GuShH they've never held a tool in their entire life.
13:10 GuShH MrCurious: I wonder how much that costs
13:10 GuShH 20k?
13:10 robotustra GuShH is old grumbler
13:10 MrCurious make it yourself... just steal the design
13:10 GuShH we could make one for 2k, it would look like shit, but it would work.
13:10 GuShH maybe less
13:10 GuShH look at how it's controlled
13:10 MrCurious http://40kintheuk.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/tank_wheelchair_resized.jpg
13:10 GuShH both "steering wheels" are used to control the motion
13:11 GuShH that's neat
13:11 MrCurious http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Q18pl8U256g/UB1-1O4voNI/AAAAAAAAAJc/gPf8PhJLyGc/s400/Minigun+Wheelchair.jpg
13:11 GuShH lol
13:11 GuShH I think poli has enough options now
13:11 ShH wipes
13:11 MrCurious or if its a 3rd world country... http://cdn-usa.gagbay.com/2012/08/muscular_guy_in_drag_pushes_gun_toting_guy_in_wheelchair-120506.jpg
13:11 poli sure, full of terrific ideas
13:11 GuShH WHAT THE
13:12 MrCurious there is no explain... the japanese helped.
13:12 MrCurious http://cache.boston.com/resize/bonzai-fba/Globe_Photo/2008/07/08/1215570337_1826/539w.jpg this is clearly what you want
13:13 MrCurious wheel chair that turns into a segway
13:13 GuShH poli: get a segway, get some duct tape, boom -- rolling granpa.
13:13 ShH hifives MrCur
13:14 GuShH MrCurious: is he doing a wheelie?
13:14 MrCurious no more being intimidated by taller people in wheel chairs...
13:14 GuShH "gonna make some burnouts on the parking lot on my way out!"
13:14 MrCurious i think this model chair can also do stairs...
13:14 GuShH is it hooked to his brain to know when he's getting upset? so it raises automatically
13:15 GuShH for the black woman edition, it also wiggles your neck and finger around
13:15 MrCurious hoop it to the lower brain... would be more amusing
13:15 GuShH while playing synthesized "oh no yeee diddeeent"
13:16 GuShH MrCurious: you are such an asshole
13:16 MrCurious an odd interface choice, but it could be made to work...
13:16 GuShH poli: so was grangranpa in any war?
13:16 GuShH or in all wars
13:17 GuShH mine went at 90-91
13:17 poli sooo what's the difference between sketchup make and pro?
13:17 robotustra I think he build egipte pyramides also
13:17 MrCurious little bit south park-y http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7NtfSPxRzxM/TkRipiYKdII/AAAAAAAAA8o/L4K2W6I2g9w/s320/south_park_it.bmp
13:17 GuShH poli: they're both for wannabes
13:17 GuShH robotustra: hah
13:17 GuShH robotustra: he designed them
13:17 poli GuShH: No, but he was in the 1932 Constitutionalist Revolution.
13:17 GuShH oh well
13:18 MrCurious how much is the budget for the project
13:18 poli Brazil, you know. We didn't send more than 5.000 troops to any war last century.
13:18 GuShH but you are the o mais grande do mondo?
13:18 poli But my great grandfather fought the belgium front, at the age of 15, WWI.
13:18 GuShH Why are there so many shemales in Brazil?
13:18 GuShH Is it the soy based food?
13:18 GuShH Also Pele sucks and he can't get it up.
13:19 GuShH MrCurious: what episode is that from? I must watch it now
13:19 poli Budget is US$10k
13:19 GuShH You don't need more than 2-3k
13:19 MrCurious and the 1 sentence goal?
13:20 poli You are right. If I weren't ina country that charges 70% taxation on everything. :(
13:20 GuShH Oh well I'm in Argentina
13:20 GuShH we can whine together about it.
13:20 MrCurious first half to make a CNC, 2nd half to make parts and buy motors
13:20 GuShH Now he automatically hates me by the way
13:20 MrCurious GuShH: he wouldnt if you would stop stealing all their good shemales....
13:20 poli One sentence goal: To produce a wheelchair that will make the life of limited mobility persons easier by smoothing the most difficult tasks.
13:20 GuShH Heh MrCurious would spend as little as possible on the actual project and use the rest of the money to buy a lathe
13:21 ShH facep
13:21 GuShH MrCurious: Wha?
13:21 poli lol
13:21 GuShH poli: yeah but when you put it like that it sounds like you should be paying each one of us way over 10K to help you out.
13:21 MrCurious well to make his life easier... you need to motorize it
13:21 GuShH V12
13:22 poli I actually like argentinians. Having your ecnomony back on track and dismissing the populist crazy president would help, but, anyway...
13:22 poli MrCurious: motorized and mecanum wheels
13:22 GuShH poli: if you help me we can make that happen faster than a new shemale is born in Brazil
13:22 MrCurious to lift him, have crutches that rest under hism armpits, and lift and arc forward at a rate of about 0.5cm/s
13:22 poli GuShH: That would be real hard. Seems like shemales are everywhere these days.
13:23 GuShH heh
13:23 GuShH Not here
13:23 robotustra poli: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUMg4KADC0E
13:23 MrCurious yeah, thats what grandpa needs, fully unpredictable motion capabilities
13:23 GuShH Unless my gaydar isn't up to spec
13:23 robotustra by the end of video
13:23 poli Post that online and you will see they invade you. Like they did Spain and Italy.
13:23 robotustra disabled guy in exoskeleton
13:23 GuShH lawl check out how poor the composition of the ironman sequence is
13:24 MrCurious and have the base of the wheel chair be like this... http://www.flickr.com/photos/89612859@N04/8709287136/in/set-72157633649491054
13:24 GuShH they aren't even rotoscoping him properly
13:24 GuShH possibly tracked by a couple bezier points
13:24 GuShH fuck sake, these guys spend MILLIONS
13:24 MrCurious shemales wearing exoskeletons.... terrifying!
13:24 GuShH and they can't make a friggin composition
13:24 GuShH MrCurious: I thought they already weared them
13:25 GuShH MrCurious: your robot won't work for this
13:25 GuShH unless you impale the old person in the middle
13:25 robotustra MrCurious: why didn't you cut these bolts, they irritates my eyes
13:25 GuShH also that's the exo I was talking about when I said military
13:26 GuShH costs several 100ks
13:26 robotustra and hurt my aesthetic feelings
13:27 GuShH robotustra: go cut some thick aluminum blocks with your teeth!
13:28 poli There is actually a pantent describind one interesting mechanism for wheelchairs.
13:28 GuShH robotustra: well... at least 3 threads should be left on each bolt for most applications
13:28 GuShH flush cuts are not a good idea
13:29 GuShH looking good comes after working good :p
13:29 GuShH Yey, I defended a MrCurious.
13:29 poli http://www.google.com/patents?hl=pt-BR&lr=&vid=USPAT6231067&id=lekHAAAAEBAJ&oi=fnd&dq=standing+wheelchair&printsec=abstract#v=onepage&q=standing%20wheelchair&f=false
13:29 GuShH ---- You gain 12 points in skill: Schooling Russian Engineer
13:30 GuShH poli: why are you being so Chinese?
13:30 MrCurious you do realize, if improperly calibrated, you are building grandpa a custom EJECTION SEAT....
13:30 poli chinese?
13:30 GuShH (copying)
13:31 GuShH It's not a simple task... specially with such old people
13:31 GuShH They won't like it
13:31 poli Oh, no, not copying, no. Patents are public documents that incorporate knowledge into the collectives in exhcange of some years of monopoly.
13:31 MrCurious what if his arm gets caught on something... without safeguards, you will pull it off...
13:31 MrCurious perhaps new glasses, a tv, a cable subscription, and a new cat would make a better use of the money for grandpa
13:31 GuShH MrCurious: or if the mechanism fails and he just falls flat on his face
13:31 poli The idea behind giving someone the monopoly on something is to make that thing available to collective use right after.
13:31 MrCurious and some wine
13:32 poli Otherwise, it would make no sense.
13:32 GuShH a couple hookers too
13:32 GuShH and an ironman penis if his doesn't work
13:32 poli So patents are a great source of engineeing information.
13:32 MrCurious viagra...
13:32 MrCurious he will get himself out of the chair after viagra
13:32 GuShH Haha
13:34 MrCurious and to address the human factor.. have you discussed with grandpa his needs? it would be a shame to spend so much on something he does not want, and would only use to please you
13:34 poli There is 1994 patent describing some interesting way of doing it. 1994 means monopoly is alread over at this time.
13:34 GuShH MrCurious: what if this turns into a classic customer-freelancer situation?
13:35 GuShH next thing you know, he will add a feature request for breakdancing.
13:35 poli MrCurious: I help granpa on a weekly basis, and I haven't discussed with him, but I surely know his needs. I will draft a sketch of it and then present him.
13:35 poli First task would be to get some mecanum wheels instead of the differential drive his current chair has.
13:35 MrCurious if you get him to wear a metal back plate, strapped to him, you add a hard surface to him which can be used for mechanical interconnects
13:35 poli Will make his life a lot easier.
13:35 poli Send task would be help in standing up.
13:36 poli *second
13:36 MrCurious give a care to the durability of the wheels in a load bearing, rough terain use
13:37 poli Primary use is indoors, he has better options for outdoor use.
13:37 MrCurious to help him stand... ? http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/Content_2009_07_15__11_18_03/stunner2.jpg2c08161f-6aa6-4b15-b17a-82405ca764d7Larger.jpg
13:37 GuShH like his abrams tank
13:37 poli Folding to transport will be an issue, and his current car works well with his current chair.
13:38 GuShH hrmm http://www.ebay.com/itm/Flexible-Universal-Magnetic-Base-Holder-Stand-For-Dial-Test-Indicator-1741-/370745928529?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56522deb51
13:38 GuShH that's not a lot of clamping force compared to other stands I've seen
13:38 MrCurious dang http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57403813-1/4wd-permoveh-wheelchair-turns-on-a-dime/
13:38 poli he has one of these: http://www.casaortopedica.com.br/catalogo4/loja_tipo2.php?cat_id=37&pro_id=482
13:38 GuShH aeronautical aluminum? heh
13:39 GuShH it's scary how I can read portuguese just fine
13:39 poli He actually improved the design by requesting rigid wheels on the front instead of pneumatic ones.
13:40 poli Isn't it? Scared of being able to communicate with all that shemales out there??
13:40 GuShH Is he like hector salamanca from Breaking Bad?
13:40 poli never watched breaking bad
13:40 GuShH aww
13:40 GuShH you're missing out!
13:41 poli And I haven't still been able to figure out what that pair of rear wheel are for
13:41 poli like 20%+ ramps?
13:41 GuShH I can't see them on the picture
13:41 MrCurious they are for legal protection for the MFG
13:41 GuShH but they're often to aid with inclines
13:41 GuShH so it doesn't roll over
13:42 poli check the video
13:42 GuShH you can pick it up to go up a curb
13:42 MrCurious people always soup up the motors to make them faster... then those wheels are important
13:42 GuShH so at the maximum inclination the safety wheels will touch the ground
13:42 GuShH heh
13:42 poli he acutally enjous that chair VERY MUCH so I suppose something a little better will be welcome
13:42 GuShH rocket launchers.
13:42 poli I am still trying to figure out if the standing part will be of any use
13:43 GuShH this is not for you
13:43 GuShH ask him.
13:43 poli I don't know if it has a pair of 320W motors, or a pair of motors summing to 320W
13:43 poli seems like 640W would be A LOT
13:43 GuShH foder
13:43 GuShH it's 320W total
13:43 GuShH but that's not the real power at the wheels
13:44 GuShH it's like with cars... BHP...
13:44 poli It has electrical "power levels" he can switch.
13:44 poli The joystick seems like it is a binary sensor
13:44 poli so on or off
13:44 poli kinda dumb
13:45 MrCurious would be cool to modify a THERMAN to be the control interface
13:45 GuShH perguntarle o velho?
13:45 GuShH see I can't spell portuguese... I can read it, but not write it. I think I can still communicate though
13:45 poli the one thing that really annoys is the fact that he needs help to fold the pedals up and down
13:46 GuShH spring load them
13:46 GuShH or if he can't move his feet at all, it's time to automate them
13:46 MrCurious that should be easy and inexpensive to automate
13:46 poli he can't move the legs that well, must be assisted
13:46 MrCurious hell.. could go lowtech and just attach a chord to them or a rod that extends to where he can easily reach it
13:47 GuShH so start with that, but ask him first... make a list
13:47 GuShH and improve on it
13:47 GuShH then see if you can tackle the rest
13:47 poli That's the idea.
13:48 GuShH this would be MrCurious if he had any sort of mobility issues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaNuB52_Irc
13:48 GuShH but in fact I think that's just MrCurious in general.
13:48 MrCurious are you saying i resemble a 3 toed sloth?
13:48 poli what are those wheels called? http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57403813-1/4wd-permoveh-wheelchair-turns-on-a-dime/
13:49 MrCurious oh nice
13:49 poli They actually have lateral power
13:49 MrCurious mechanum...
13:49 poli Those are not mecanum
13:49 GuShH oh like the ones used in forklifts?
13:50 poli No
13:50 poli Check it out
13:50 poli different actuation models
13:50 GuShH new forklifts can move to the side
13:50 poli using mecanum
13:50 GuShH they're omni-directional wheels
13:50 poli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sH1a511_q4
13:51 poli those are mecanum
13:51 GuShH http://r3.cygnuspub.com/files/cygnus/image/OOH/2012/FEB/600x400/rearleftwheel_10632766.jpg
13:51 poli the ones in the previous link are something else
13:51 poli those are mecanum too
13:51 MrCurious if they have diagnal sub wheels, they are mechanum. if they have perpendicular sub wheels, they are omni
13:51 poli http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57403813-1/4wd-permoveh-wheelchair-turns-on-a-dime/
13:52 GuShH except airtrax says they're omni
13:52 poli take a look, these one are omni but they make the small wheels move
13:52 GuShH bleh
13:52 MrCurious nope the sub wheels are un powered
13:52 MrCurious its the front and rear wheels being in oposition that vectors the force
13:53 MrCurious grandpa will have a moon-walking wheel chair...
13:54 GuShH needs a boombox
13:55 poli MrCurious:
13:55 MrCurious it needs hover capability
13:55 MrCurious ground effect lighting
13:56 MrCurious hell, lets take a clue from james bond car... deployable smoke, oil, tire poppers
13:56 poli Check it out, when he moces sideways, there is no rotation on the big wheels
13:56 poli have to go to the back
13:56 poli bbl
13:57 MrCurious then it moves sideways, front wheel goes CW, back CCW
13:57 poli thanks for the feedback
14:05 GuShH how the hell is this a LIVE center? http://www.ebay.com/itm/SM2503HC-SEALEY-LIVE-CENTRE-MT2-Lathe-Tools-BRAND-NEW-GENUINE-SEALEY-TOOL-/400483975884?pt=UK_Home_Power_Tools&hash=item5d3eb482cc
14:06 robotustra I don't see any bearing
14:06 robotustra live center for poor argentina people
14:08 GuShH robotustra: says the dude that escaped russia in a crate box
14:08 GuShH by the way a proper live center doesn't have just one bearing.
14:08 GuShH maybe in poor russia they use a single bearing.
14:08 GuShH the only live centers with a single bearing I've seen are for wood working.
14:09 GuShH and they don't last very long
14:10 robotustra I didn't escape
14:10 robotustra I'm a tourist
14:10 GuShH ...who desperately wants to become a canadian citizen
14:11 robotustra it's just cheaper than pay for residenceship
14:11 GuShH robotustra: "You know, CA is not that far away eh!"
14:11 GuShH robotustra is such a gangsta
14:11 robotustra and canadian passport is the most TOURISTS passport in the world
14:12 robotustra :)
14:12 robotustra you cracked me
14:12 robotustra like a nut
14:13 GuShH just bought some 2mm knurling wheels
14:13 robotustra my favorite song
14:13 GuShH (left and right)
14:13 GuShH no holder... we'll see about that.
14:13 GuShH now I can knurl my hotdogs
14:14 robotustra 2 plyers
14:14 GuShH I got the two diagonal for diamond knurling
14:15 GuShH the straight one seems useful for knobs and such but...
14:15 robotustra I think dimond is better
14:15 GuShH robotustra: they were asking 40 USD per, I bought the same for like 6USD
14:16 GuShH (the pair)
14:16 robotustra robbery
14:16 GuShH I know it's the same, because these assholes from the store buy it off eBay
14:16 GuShH they don't pay their taxes and they charge you a fortune for the stuff
14:16 GuShH 40 USD I'd pay for titanium oxide coated ones
14:16 GuShH the pair...
14:16 robotustra smart assed assholes
14:17 GuShH Yeah and when I try to import bigger stuff I get "in trouble"
14:17 GuShH nobody bothers them
14:17 robotustra may be you wanted to say titaniun nitride?
14:17 GuShH yes TiN
14:18 robotustra ask me why I know about it
14:18 GuShH robotustra: I'd make a lot less mistakes if I were a googloid
14:18 GuShH also I spotted fake TiN drillbits at the hardware store the other day
14:18 robotustra I'm not googloid
14:19 GuShH (for the price there's no way they could've been TiN coated)
14:19 GuShH and the color was off
14:19 GuShH it was more yellow
14:19 robotustra I finished solid stales department of physical faculty
14:19 robotustra I finished solid stales physics department
14:20 robotustra and guys from our department they did such coating
14:20 robotustra TiN, ZrN,
14:20 GuShH What's involved?
14:20 robotustra TiZrN
14:20 GuShH I've only ever got as far as anodizing small parts of aluminum heh
14:20 GuShH Never any fancy coatings
14:20 robotustra yep, I did first principles calculation for bulk modulus of these materials
14:21 GuShH Plus on a personal level it's not that simple to come by all the required materials
14:22 robotustra TiN is harder than other combinations
14:22 robotustra but it's also more cracky
14:22 GuShH brittle
14:22 robotustra they add some Zr to that
14:22 GuShH MrCurious is cracky cocainey.
14:23 robotustra he can
14:23 MrCurious srsly gush
14:23 robotustra he leve in heaven
14:23 GuShH ya
14:23 GuShH more like a cloud of farts
14:23 GuShH but sure.
14:23 MrCurious do i call you a Argentinean gorilla....
14:23 GuShH I don't know, wouldn't that be "an" instead of "a" sir?
14:24 MrCurious i stand corrected
14:24 robotustra guerillas
14:24 GuShH colombia?
14:24 MrCurious and crack is so 2000... 2010 is all about the meths
14:24 GuShH why is this protractor advertised as "hot fashion"
14:24 robotustra it's time to listen some forbidden music
14:24 MrCurious because crack doesnt break your brain fast enough...
14:25 GuShH http://www.ebay.com/itm/251269157379?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
14:25 MrCurious robotustra: you must not dance the forbidden dance....
14:25 GuShH look, hot fashion deburring tools also!
14:25 robotustra die antwoord
14:26 MrCurious i see you have "the answer"
14:26 poli soooo
14:26 robotustra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcndl_9AzLk
14:27 GuShH can't find a good deburrer...
14:27 poli I have a 11W motor, nominal speed 5720rpm stall torque 52.5mNm.
14:28 poli Coupled to a reductor 5.4:1 84% max efficiency
14:28 robotustra MrCurious: I get new culture fast and mix it with my own
14:29 MrCurious :)
14:30 robotustra like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3m1KkNpZfU
14:30 poli We are talking of reductor output of 890rpm at 238mNm
14:30 poli is that it?
14:30 MrCurious better version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhmO6NuFMRo
14:31 robotustra :)
14:32 MrCurious very ZEF
14:32 poli So any comments about buying on of these guys? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Maxon-DC-Motor-24mm-Incremental-Encoder-Gear-5-4-1-12V-11W-Arduino-CNC-Robot-/330936925215?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d0d60bc1f#shId&autorefresh=true
14:33 poli No?
14:33 MrCurious looks too small
14:34 poli Oh no
14:34 poli not for the wheel chair :)
14:34 MrCurious probably twist the shaft in two before applying the force you want
14:34 poli for something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sH1a511_q4
14:34 robotustra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_pS46YRMIQ
14:35 MrCurious http://www.robotroom.com/FaulhaberGearmotor.html
14:35 MrCurious those run about $10 US ea
14:36 MrCurious must go buy Al
14:36 poli Aluminum?
14:36 MrCurious as my friend says "god damned robot aint gonna build itself"... or will it
14:36 MrCurious yup
14:36 robotustra MrCurious: did you see self made truks?
14:36 robotustra I posted
14:36 MrCurious chopping useful pieces of aluminum into useless one relieves tension
14:37 MrCurious all turks are self made...
14:37 Curious forces himself to get up and l
14:38 poli MrCurious: I only see US$30 on ebay. Where can you get them by 10?
14:38 robotustra omni wheels are cool
14:39 poli yeah, I love them
14:39 poli takes mobile robotics to another level
14:40 botustra worship to omni w
14:41 robotustra http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/a3Yd8eQ_460sa.gif
14:42 poli no way tat's real
14:43 robotustra why not?
14:43 poli too hollywood
14:44 robotustra :)
14:50 poli http://www.robotnik.es/ilsupload/Robotnik%20_Summit%20XLOmni-e.pdf
14:50 poli 5x400w?!
14:51 robotustra do you know that "Ronotnik" in russian mean "worker"?
14:52 robotustra do you know that "Robotnik" in russian mean "worker"?
14:52 robotustra it's a toy
14:52 robotustra I don't see any seroius application for that
14:52 ace4016 Dr. Robotnik!
14:53 robotustra more correct whould be Rabotnik
14:53 robotustra rabota = work
14:54 robotustra robota - in ukrainian
14:55 robotustra so "robot" - it's slavic derivative from word "work"
15:47 ace4016 robotustra, i though most people knew that
15:48 ace4016 thought*
15:50 robotustra 80% of canadians don't know that birds came from dinosaurs
15:51 robotustra that's why I doubt in your words
15:55 MrCurious back to robot!
15:55 MrCurious i has aluminum
15:57 MrCurious robotustra: what do you have to say about the word automaton then...
16:14 MrCurious holy moly, ebay has mecanum wheels
16:15 GuShH http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Arduino-4WD-100mm-Mecanum-Wheel-Learning-Mobile-Robot-Kit-/221248250241?pt=Educational_Toys_US&hash=item33836c6181
16:16 GuShH http://www.ebay.com/itm/100mm-Mecanum-Wheel-Left-/221242986920?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item33831c11a8&vxp=mtr
16:16 GuShH they're toys though
16:17 MrCurious they are expensive as HELL!
16:17 GuShH yeah compared to the omnis they are
16:17 GuShH and for what it is, not worth it
16:17 MrCurious yeah
16:17 GuShH seems to be using rollerskate bearings
16:17 MrCurious looks like they would not be that insane to fabricate
16:18 GuShH or even smaller ones
16:18 GuShH actually just bought 10 of those bearings
16:18 GuShH we'll see if I can use them to mod the compound handle on the lathe
16:19 GuShH (almost all of the chink lathes use bushings instead of bearings on the handles!)
16:20 GuShH oh, reminds me... I need to buy a bipolar 10A breaker for the lathe...
16:20 GuShH but I can do that at the local store heh
16:20 GuShH not sure if the inrush will make it pop..
16:22 GuShH since nominal is 6 to 7 amps draw after startup, I could expect 15A or so during startup, in theory it should be OK
16:22 MrCurious man, the ebay has me again
16:22 GuShH now, under load.. I'm not sure, we'll see.
16:22 GuShH it's 3/4HP but we're on 220VAC here
16:23 GuShH on 110-120 I would need a 20A breaker heh
16:23 GuShH crazy americans still using 110!... and some asians too.
16:23 MrCurious i got 220 in my garage
16:23 MrCurious i turned it to 2* 110
16:24 MrCurious :D
16:26 GuShH I got three phase 380VAC @ 100A, but the company replaced their breaker for a 60A one, not sure why... but if I ever hit that mark, I'll give them a piece of my mind.
16:26 GuShH (so by the meter they have their own breaker, and on my side - inside the property- I have my own)
16:27 GuShH (theirs is now 60, I think the original one got damaged and they replaced it with what the had, but maybe they're selling more than they can provide?)
16:28 MrCurious its argentina?
16:28 GuShH yeh
16:28 MrCurious 60A is probably the power demands of the whole country...
16:28 ShH eyer
16:28 GuShH you clearly never been to this country
16:28 MrCurious i think we are grounded from going there
16:29 GuShH Wait, are you American? that's the kind of thinking only Americans have.
16:29 MrCurious and brazil says its stinky...
16:29 GuShH Brazil is stinky
16:29 MrCurious well, then they would know!
16:29 GuShH it's full of shemales and rats, no offense to poli
16:29 GuShH no they wouldn't know!
16:29 GuShH it's like if you work gutting fish all day long 5 days a week for a few months, you don't get to smell it anymore
16:31 MrCurious time to go back out.
16:31 GuShH are you sure?
16:38 poli argentinians suck at soccer and they systematically drag the whole region's economy to the sewer
16:38 poli but they are good people
16:38 poli when they are not speaking of course
16:39 poli no offense to GuShH
16:39 poli :)
16:40 GuShH poli: the politicians do that
16:40 GuShH and they're not people
16:40 GuShH they're moving targets.
16:40 GuShH and about the soccer... I couldn't give 7 flying dicks about it.
16:40 GuShH It's a dumb sport.
16:41 GuShH Someone has to cut the snake's head sooner or later
16:41 GuShH WRT economy
16:42 GuShH http://www.amazon.com/Bearing-Shielded-8x22x7-Miniature-Bearings/dp/B002BBICBK
16:43 GuShH I wonder if those will work for a steady
16:47 poli what is this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/MAXON-12v-DC-3w-MOTOR-GEARBOX-60-RPM-LINEAR-ACTUATOR-RACK-MICROSWITCH-/261244515334?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_Supplies_ET&hash=item3cd362f406
16:48 GuShH scrap
17:13 GuShH MrCurious: http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/turbine5.htm lol
18:16 robotustra GuShH: MrCurious have to be drunk this time :)
18:18 GuShH robotustra: or high
20:03 robotustra ping
20:04 zhanx pong
20:13 robotustra hi zhanx
20:14 zhanx sup
20:14 robotustra I didn't ask this question yet
20:14 robotustra me too
20:15 zhanx ok
20:16 robotustra US?
20:17 zhanx today yes
20:17 robotustra alien?
20:17 zhanx nope
20:17 zhanx citizen i think
20:17 robotustra or just a tourist?
20:17 robotustra CA?
20:17 zhanx noo
20:18 robotustra TX?
20:18 zhanx noooo
20:18 zhanx mi
20:18 robotustra mitchegan
20:18 zhanx michigan
20:18 robotustra :)
20:19 robotustra not far form me
20:19 robotustra Detroit?
20:19 zhanx hell no
20:20 robotustra :)
20:20 zhanx i said mi not detroit
20:23 robotustra North Carolina
20:23 zhanx right now
20:23 robotustra are you a solder?
20:23 zhanx nope i dont hold joints
20:24 robotustra FORT BRAGG
20:25 zhanx door kicker yes
20:25 robotustra :)
20:25 robotustra really?
20:27 zhanx my day job is not important
20:28 robotustra like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOoUVeyaY_8&t=131
20:29 zhanx that is ok i guess for its job
20:29 robotustra ok, your hobby is robotics?
20:29 zhanx yes and rue said no talking about my job here
20:31 robotustra he is your commander?
20:31 robotustra I saw the city, looks like miliary base
20:32 zhanx lol no and yes it is
20:32 zhanx rue is the god here
20:33 robotustra but he lives in 10 km from me
20:33 zhanx then your a canuke
20:35 robotustra ??
20:35 robotustra yes I'm from Montreal
20:37 robotustra what does rue allow you to talk about?
20:41 theBear anything i want, but i'm special
20:41 robotustra :)
20:41 robotustra theBear == zhanx?
20:41 theBear err, no
20:43 robotustra theBear: can you please give me the link to your site?
20:44 robotustra USAF
20:45 theBear my site ? all it has is a mirror of an old old old page and text saying "IT WORKS !!!"
20:46 theBear i give you two links tho... http://testing.rememberit.com.au/pics/workvid/ and http://remhttp://rememberit.com.au/insanity-test/emberit.com.au/insanity-test/
20:48 robotustra no, you gave me link before in avr channel
20:49 theBear not to my site.. was probly a random google, what was it about ?
20:50 robotustra if I remember I would not ask you again
20:50 robotustra about PCBs
20:50 robotustra etc
20:50 theBear what about pcbs ? you can't possibly want a link about something you can't remember, that just doesn't make sense
20:54 GuShH robotustra: lies you're not from Montreal, you're in Montreal! posing as a tourist!
20:54 Tom_itx http://kottke.org/13/07/human-powered-helicopter-wins-250000-sikorsky-prize
21:20 MrCurious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1JYHNX8pdo
21:20 MrCurious i dont know what to make of that
21:43 robotustra Tom_itx: they finaly did it, in 80 years
21:46 robotustra I think they spent much more than 250000
21:47 robotustra carbon fiber and tubes are very expencive
21:48 GuShH robotustra: depends on sizes
21:51 robotustra did you see a video with human powered helocopter?
21:54 GuShH robotustra: yes, and?
21:54 GuShH carbon fiber rods of various grades up to 12mm is not that expensive.
21:54 GuShH I have kites with up to 8mm and they were not terribly expensive
21:54 GuShH www.prismkites.com
21:55 robotustra they already do this project for more than 1 year
21:55 MrCurious any comments on this stepper driver? http://www.ebay.com/itm/CNC-Router-Single-1-Axis-3-5A-TB6560-Stepper-Stepping-Motor-Driver-Board-Control-/321160995843?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ac6afe403
21:55 GuShH Heh I was going to get one of these and then the imports were all banned, now people can't even afford a kite http://www.prismkites.com/products-sk-zephyr.php
21:55 robotustra at least 10 people
21:55 GuShH robotustra: and?
21:55 robotustra they already spent more than 250 000$
21:56 GuShH MrCurious: how much is a gecko?
21:56 robotustra for labor and materials
21:56 GuShH robotustra: silly
21:56 GuShH it was mostly used on drugs.
21:56 robotustra GuShH: yes it is
21:56 MrCurious 45 - 65
21:57 GuShH I bet the guy on the bike was all pumped up with juice
21:57 ShH fr
21:57 GuShH probably had a 220 mains cord attached to his arse
21:58 GuShH MrCurious: shouldn't be too bad, any alternatives on that price range?
21:58 GuShH something with all passives instead of an IC
21:58 GuShH discrete I mean
21:58 robotustra I have the same controller for my CNC
21:58 robotustra but for 3 axis
21:59 GuShH only main issue with integrated drivers is when they die, they die.
21:59 robotustra like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/TB6560-CNC-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-Controller-3-Axis-/350823048560?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51aeaee570
21:59 GuShH if it were discrete, you can often revive them.
21:59 GuShH that shit is ancient
22:00 GuShH and overpriced
22:00 GuShH no wonder you spent like 2k on it!
22:00 robotustra http://www.ebay.com/itm/3-Axis-CNC-Router-3-5A-TB6560-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-For-Engraving-Machine/321149918892?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D261%26meid%3D9033848480122724259%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D1088%26rk%3D2%26sd%3D350823048560%26
22:00 robotustra on my mill?
22:00 robotustra in total about 1600
22:01 GuShH ah < 40 is more like it
22:01 GuShH robotustra: now factor in the time
22:01 GuShH "labor"
22:01 GuShH not just materials
22:01 GuShH I'm not saying you're better off buying some chinese crap, because you have to invest time and money on those as well!!
22:01 GuShH and if you are not careful, you end up buying shit
22:01 GuShH like that one I showed you earlier today
22:02 robotustra but the controller works
22:02 robotustra already
22:02 GuShH I like the socket concept on the optos etc.
22:02 GuShH old school
22:02 GuShH you used to see that on modular designs for scope modules, audio processors, etc.
22:03 robotustra let me estimate my milling time
22:03 GuShH maybe in total you're in for about 10k?
22:03 GuShH being reasonable
22:03 robotustra I milled for 3 month almost every day for 4-6 hours
22:03 GuShH what were you milling for so long
22:03 GuShH some commercial product?
22:03 robotustra 90*5 = 450 hours
22:04 robotustra this year
22:04 robotustra prototype
22:04 ShH eyer
22:04 robotustra http://fear.rainbow.by/~onick/CODER.MP4
22:04 robotustra I milled all parts of this device
22:04 GuShH either your feed rates are set to baby your spindle or you're mass producing some sex toy
22:05 robotustra :)
22:05 GuShH ok now did you factor your electrical costs
22:05 GuShH and tooling
22:06 robotustra I get them for free
22:06 GuShH ...also every other extra such as shipping, or your own vehicle costs / fares
22:06 robotustra I mean guy bought them for me
22:06 GuShH ??
22:06 robotustra all mills and drillbits costs me like 100$ no more
22:07 robotustra I melled most of time with 2-3 mills
22:07 GuShH yes but in total and with the time it took you to build and debug everything I think you spent more than 1.6k
22:07 robotustra 1/8"
22:07 robotustra for what?
22:07 robotustra for my cnc mill?
22:07 GuShH your fucking labor to begin with
22:07 GuShH the time.
22:07 robotustra ha
22:07 GuShH jeez. so time doesn't go by in Russia
22:07 GuShH ok.
22:08 ShH shakes
22:08 robotustra I did it in 6 month on weekends
22:08 ShH pictures robotustra chopping some aluminum block with a hacksaw while taking a
22:08 robotustra 24 *2 = 48 days
22:08 robotustra about
22:09 robotustra 48 days * 8 hours
22:09 robotustra 380 hous about
22:09 robotustra to the state it like right now
22:09 GuShH which is unfinished :p
22:09 GuShH at least cooling wise!
22:10 robotustra colling - it's about 10 hours
22:10 GuShH pfft
22:10 robotustra no more
22:10 robotustra I think even 6
22:10 GuShH just put a hose in the toilet, make it go to the spindle inlet, then the pump, then to the kitchen sink.
22:10 GuShH PRESTO
22:10 robotustra I can do it very fast
22:10 GuShH little solenoid valve to flush every now and then so you can get more water.
22:10 robotustra no, I'll do closed cycle
22:10 ShH grants himself an engineering a
22:10 GuShH mine is better.
22:11 robotustra your's is your's and it's always better for you
22:11 GuShH also you can just use the outlet to make a hot cup of tea
22:11 GuShH robotustra: I'm kidding don't you see...
22:11 robotustra I see
22:12 rue_house http://hackaday.com/2013/07/12/the-most-advanced-microwave-youll-ever-own/
22:12 GuShH Yum these oranges from the tree are very nice.
22:12 GuShH I should go out and grab some more, but it's cold outside!
22:12 GuShH rue_house: useless
22:13 robotustra yes
22:13 GuShH I don't need a microwave oven, frozen food is full of crap.
22:13 robotustra what if you forget to put something in MW?
22:13 GuShH what if you forget the cat inside?
22:13 GuShH I threw the microwave oven when I moved
22:13 robotustra or a dog
22:14 robotustra oh, I want crab meat
22:14 GuShH (not before salvaging the internals)
22:14 robotustra <GuShH> YOU DONT HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR
22:14 robotustra How dare you?
22:14 GuShH humour?
22:14 GuShH dunno.
22:15 robotustra in last company I worked we did voice login
22:15 robotustra what a shitty stuff
22:15 GuShH R2D2
22:15 GuShH beep beep
22:15 GuShH fetch me a gun
22:15 robotustra what if your microwave misunderstand you
22:15 GuShH beep beep
22:15 GuShH *boom*
22:16 rue_house I presume they are using google something for hte voice translation
22:16 GuShH maybe blind people could make use of that
22:16 GuShH ...now if only the food would automatically fall into the microwave
22:16 robotustra all voice recognition system are still crappy
22:16 robotustra ALL
22:16 GuShH wait, no... blind people are not that stupid / useless
22:16 GuShH they don't need this crap.
22:16 rue_house I'v been REALLY impressed with dragon dictate on a ___486___
22:16 GuShH they're very capable of operating everything you might have in a kitchen
22:17 GuShH robotustra: I find it easier to press a button, than to talk.
22:17 robotustra rue_house: try it in russian
22:17 GuShH but in russian..
22:17 robotustra and more over
22:17 GuShH everything sounds like you're way too drunk and with some vomit in your mouth
22:17 rue_house I dont speak russian
22:17 robotustra it was a major problem for not native english speaker
22:17 rue_house closest I speak is rushing
22:18 GuShH also it's so threatening all the time, I've never heard two russians talk normally, they always yell at each other
22:18 rue_house hahaha
22:18 robotustra GuShH: are you russian too?
22:18 GuShH so clearly your first problem is clipping / distortion on your analog input
22:18 ShH facep
22:18 rue_house hahaha
22:19 robotustra well
22:19 rue_house I have a text to speech system a russian helped me wiht, after quite a while of trying to work out the phonics, I found out it has a russian accent
22:19 robotustra I'm definetely not
22:19 GuShH robotustra: no, I can't speak Russian.. I don't understand a word of it. Likewise with Chinese and Japanese...
22:20 GuShH If I concentrate I can understand french, portuguese, italian, spanish, english... :p
22:20 robotustra if I concentrate I can understand any language
22:20 GuShH pfft
22:20 GuShH I bet that's not very true.
22:21 rue_house I had to work with a manual translated from itallian yesterday
22:21 GuShH What about some obscure German dialect
22:21 rue_house all meaning was lost
22:21 GuShH heh
22:21 robotustra somebody told about sense of humor
22:21 GuShH should've asked me!
22:21 rue_house simple sentences, that, although correct, meant NOTHING
22:21 GuShH robotustra: actually I can read German
22:21 GuShH most of it.
22:21 GuShH Can't spell a word.
22:21 GuShH I still don't understand Asian languages in general
22:21 rue_house ahh soo!
22:21 robotustra they have simple grammer
22:22 robotustra I have a dictionary
22:22 GuShH without aid
22:22 GuShH no google, no dictionary
22:22 GuShH just yourself.
22:22 robotustra but I know only about 80 kandzi
22:22 robotustra old one
22:22 GuShH I think I'd be OK in most parts of the world, I can order a beer and some food for sure...
22:23 GuShH As for the bathroom, if I can't ask I wouldn't worry too much about it.
22:23 GuShH But you can always use a bit of sign language magic.
22:23 robotustra I can speak with people if I have pen and paper
22:23 GuShH So you draw a toilet?
22:23 robotustra I just draw things
22:23 robotustra easy
22:23 GuShH with a happy face
22:23 robotustra in a second
22:24 robotustra sketch
22:24 GuShH Can you draw me a Mr Hankey?
22:24 GuShH howdy ho!
22:26 GuShH http://media.avclub.com/images/389/389375/16x9/627.jpg?6905
22:28 robotustra argentina toilet humor
22:29 GuShH southpark
22:29 robotustra my kids are kidding like that
22:29 robotustra pipi kaka
22:29 robotustra it's ok for 4 y.o kids
22:29 GuShH haha
22:30 robotustra but fot 40 y.o. kids it's not funny
22:31 GuShH :<
22:31 GuShH http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aa4n8TBGrF4
22:33 robotustra what is the purpose of this video?
22:33 robotustra I saw 20 like this
22:34 robotustra no idea
22:34 robotustra just an engine
22:34 robotustra I even know how it works
22:35 GuShH robotustra: just a demonstration
22:35 GuShH what is the purpose of anything really?
22:36 robotustra good question
22:36 robotustra I read Nicshe to find an answer
22:37 GuShH the welding portion of that project is not that simple
22:37 GuShH I remember seeing ads for small pulsejets on the RC magazines
22:37 robotustra why do you need this engine?
22:37 GuShH I don't.
22:38 robotustra so?
22:38 GuShH why do you need anything then?
22:38 GuShH you die and it's all for nothing!
22:38 robotustra to hit the target
22:38 robotustra nope
22:38 GuShH you just leave a mess behind!
22:38 robotustra you have to create a fluctuation
22:38 robotustra a pulse
22:39 GuShH are you talking about life or still about the pulsejet
22:39 robotustra selfdevelopling process
22:39 robotustra self sustainable
22:39 robotustra life
22:39 GuShH sure, you've got a pressure differential a vacuum and a venturi by the inlet, the rest is tuning the proportions
22:39 GuShH for a reedless design
22:39 robotustra which can exist for some time after life is finished
22:40 GuShH what if you die and that's it
22:40 GuShH no more.
22:40 robotustra pity
22:40 GuShH switch off
22:40 robotustra pity
22:40 robotustra I can't regret
22:40 robotustra after
22:41 robotustra I already did something, but I need more to be done
22:41 GuShH I wonder if the accounts of seeing a white light and all those experiences aren't entirely related to the electro chemical process in the brain as you being to die
22:41 GuShH begin*
22:41 GuShH (they claim it's god... I claim it's not)
22:42 GuShH god is just a man-made concept
22:42 robotustra if god exists - it has to be outside Universe
22:42 GuShH robotustra: but there are multiple universes
22:43 robotustra we can call god a bunch of laws
22:43 GuShH also, I landed on the pulsejet video after that pulsejet kart link
22:43 robotustra GuShH: who told you that?
22:43 GuShH who told you it wasn't like that? heh
22:43 GuShH for all we know there are as many universes as there are grains of sand on earth
22:44 robotustra multiple uneverses can be a hollywood delirium
22:44 GuShH not really
22:44 robotustra ok, do you know what is metagalaxy?
22:45 GuShH robotustra: I think it's your religion playing against you.
22:45 robotustra I'm pagan
22:45 GuShH Oh and I ended up on the kart page because the guy has some articles on a mini lathe (modifications)
22:45 GuShH So you see... I'm not looking them up.
22:45 robotustra you don't know simple scientific definitions, sorry
22:46 robotustra Methagalaxy - is a visible part of universe
22:46 GuShH http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/turbine5.htm >>> http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/lathefix.htm
22:46 GuShH robotustra: assumptions are for the weak minded.
22:47 robotustra I can't speak with you on serious topics
22:47 GuShH pipi kaka
22:47 robotustra it's better to do this with MrCurious
22:47 GuShH robotustra: True, the language barrier won't allow you to.
22:48 robotustra no, it's just lack of your education
22:48 GuShH You can't be positive there aren't other universes, we haven't even seen 0.001% of our own universe, if that. And we're just seeing past events anyway
22:48 GuShH Ohh now he tries to insult me on a personal level
22:49 GuShH I'm sorry, they didn't allow vodka in my school.
22:49 robotustra hm
22:49 robotustra must plan
22:50 GuShH How can you attempt to insult someone's education when yours is lacking in so many levels, specially when it comes down to your communication skills in general?
22:50 GuShH Make an effort!
22:50 GuShH And leave the cheap shots for MrCurious.
22:50 robotustra what's wrong with my communication skills?
22:51 GuShH You remind me of Ralph from The Simpsons.
22:52 robotustra you watch too much cartoons
22:52 robotustra I finished long time ago
22:52 GuShH Just about everyone has watched The Simpsons.
22:52 GuShH And cartoons are fine...
22:52 GuShH Anyone can watch whatever they want
22:52 robotustra everyone but not me, I watched youtube that time
22:53 GuShH And here we have the end result...!
22:53 GuShH :p
22:53 robotustra yep you and me
22:53 GuShH theBear: robotustra thinks cartoons are for kids!!
22:54 GuShH robotustra: You wouldn't be a good professor...
22:56 robotustra GuShH: I can't decide
22:57 robotustra students told me that I was good prof
22:57 robotustra but I can't trust them either
22:58 GuShH Here's an example of you teaching: "So, do you know the emissivity coefficient of cadmium?" -no- "You suck, bye"
22:58 GuShH And you leave the room.
22:59 GuShH You see, it's void of "teaching"
23:01 GuShH what's this site all about? https://www.itembase.com/
23:03 robotustra peu market I think
23:04 rue_bed if the engine is at 5000 rpm, and the transmission ratio is 4:1
23:04 rue_bed 1350 rpm at the outside of the transmission
23:04 rue_bed and if the diff is 4:1
23:05 rue_bed 625 at the wheel
23:05 rue_bed the wheel is what, 18" or so
23:06 rue_bed Circumfrence is : 56.54866
23:06 rue_bed inches
23:06 rue_bed 0.00143611
23:06 rue_bed km
23:07 rue_bed 625 rpm
23:07 rue_bed 0.897km/min
23:07 rue_bed 53km/hr
23:07 rue_bed well 54
23:08 rue_bed at 800 foot-lbs
23:08 rue_bed 9600 inch*lbs
23:09 rue_bed or 1066 lbs pulling force
23:09 rue_bed 483.9 kg
23:09 rue_bed no
23:09 rue_bed yea, no
23:10 rue_bed 4:1 at transmisison, 4:1 at dif, is 16:1
23:10 rue_bed 200 foot-lbs in
23:10 rue_bed 4267 lbs pulling force
23:11 rue_bed 1935kg
23:11 rue_bed truck weighs 1500kg
23:11 rue_bed hmm
23:11 rue_bed its mixed numbers but ok
23:12 rue_bed TOP speed with motor at 5000 rpm would be 53km/hr in first gear
23:12 rue_bed MAX pull force in first would be 1935kg
23:13 robotustra force is measuriong in Newtons
23:13 rue_bed top speed in 5th...
23:13 rue_bed 19350 newtons :P
23:13 robotustra cheater
23:14 robotustra you did your calcul thinking that wheels are not slipping
23:15 rue_bed MAX speed in 5th would be 134km/hr
23:16 rue_bed I also didn't use 9.81
23:17 robotustra do you know that gravity in quebec is less than 9.81?
23:17 rue_bed huh, that means the origional truck prolly cant do more than 125km/hr
23:18 robotustra for sure
23:18 rue_bed quebecers wont even follow the laws of physics, its not a surprise
23:18 rue_bed its an S10 truck
23:19 rue_bed iirc the spedometer stops responding about 500m/sec
23:19 rue_bed (the odometer stops ticking over)
23:20 rue_bed that was fun to test
23:21 rue_bed those numbers really make a truck seem non-awesome
23:23 robotustra 500 m/s = 1800 km/h
23:23 robotustra 1.6 M
23:24 robotustra I don't think they install sich odometers on raptors
23:24 robotustra such