#robotics Logs

Jul 02 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:19 RifRaf made my first openscad model today, it is actually pretty cool
00:21 RifRaf the solfware, not my model, thoug it has turned out ok too, sg90 servo holder without screws
00:21 RifRaf software*
01:22 Jak_o_Android I've been thinking that I'd 3D print the servo holders for the robot arm, that way the frame can be simple aluminium extrusion i already have.
11:31 the_jester greets to all
11:31 the_jester any users from vancouverr?
11:32 the_jester im trapped in van for hospital stuff for the next 15-20 days
11:38 LoRez which one?
11:40 the_jester lol, vancouver canada
11:41 the_jester i didnt think vancouver washing was relevant anymore
11:55 the_jester Hello RifRaf
13:24 GuShh_ RifRaf: taking the apron and leadscrew out. It's not like I thought it would be, there's no way to slide it off to the right, you have to remove the two roll pins on the coupling by the gearbox... at least they were easy to punch out, now it's all taken apart. No grease whatsoever in the apron, just a bit of light oil that I applied when I first got it. Scary... it's all pretty much dry in there.
13:24 GuShh_ At least I'm taking pictures and writing it down, maybe someone could use the information (it's nowhere online)
16:03 RifRaf GuShh_,nice, looking forward to your info, i need to take out leadscrew and repair some damage to it so will be good to know how
16:28 GuShh_ RifRaf: actually without removing the apron it's very easy to remove the leadscrew, just punch the right roll pin from the coupling near the gearbox, remove the mount / bracket on the far right and it should slide right off through the apron, assuming the halfnut is not engaged. Had I known this I would've taken it apart before I removed the saddle and left the apron supported by some scrap wood heh...
16:30 GuShh_ To remove the nut on the leadscrew by the mount I had to use a cotton rag and a vise grip, set just so it would hold the leadscrew while I torqued the nut off. If you have an impact wrench then there shouldn't be a need to hold it... Couple impacts and it should pop right off.
16:42 GuShh_ I'm puzzled, what's a "conical" parting blade?, I asked for a quote on a parting blade and the holder, they gave me an option for straight or "conical"... the hell?
16:44 GuShh_ maybe they mean round nosed?, what's the advantage?
17:52 GuShh_ Heh http://i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/052/247/424/424247052_018.jpg I thought they had an smt LED in there at least
17:52 GuShh_ that's even worse construction than expected
17:52 GuShh_ I wonder how much power dissipation these SSR have at 10A
17:53 GuShh_ http://www.fotek.com.hk/solid/SSR-1.htm
18:13 GuShh_ First pink lathe I've ever seen http://homepage3.nifty.com/amigos/knurl2/t-img_8838.jpg
19:24 GuShh_ ooh nice http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sherline-3004-Knurling-Tool-Holder-w-Knurls-/300925890595?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item461094b023
19:25 GuShh_ rather limiting in diameter but nice idea
19:32 Tom_itx i've used similar but gear driven on large lathes
19:33 Tom_itx also used bump knurls but don't turn out quite as nice
19:42 GuShh_ Tom_itx: I was looking at something that wouldn't put a lot of stress on the little lathe, those seem nice but they are rather limiting due to the bolts/screws across them.
19:51 Tom_itx yeah i wasn't too impressed with the bolt in the way
19:52 Tom_itx better to make a C type holder with adjustment at the back of the C for the diameter knurl you want
19:52 Tom_itx and mount it at the rear pivot of the C
19:54 Tom_itx -----|
19:54 Tom_itx | O
19:54 Tom_itx |
19:54 Tom_itx o|
19:54 Tom_itx | O
19:54 Tom_itx |____|
19:55 Tom_itx ours were internally gear driven knurls with setscrew adjustment at the rear mount for the diameter
19:57 Tom_itx http://knurls-sst.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=popup_image&pID=100
19:57 Tom_itx a cheaper version of it
19:57 Tom_itx those aren't gear driven
19:58 Tom_itx we used to roll threads in a similar way
20:11 rue_house so I been asked to make a pipe inspection robot
20:11 rue_house 4km of 24" pipe
20:12 rue_house I'm looking into fiber cable with power conductors
20:12 rue_house see whats available and how much it weighs
20:14 rue_house Tom_itx, can I put you on a list of suppliers for custom cnc parts?
20:14 rue_house ooo thats big pipe
20:21 Tom_itx rue_house what kind of custom parts?
20:22 Tom_itx haha this software low pass filter works great on my hand wheel.
20:22 Tom_itx really smooths out the cogging in the steppers when single stepping manually
20:24 Tom_itx http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/ilowpass.9.html
20:35 Jak_o_Android More importantly, whats in the pipe
20:42 Tom_itx http://www.electronicsam.com/images/emco/emco.JPG
20:42 Tom_itx why can't i be so lucky?
20:54 rue_house `I used one of thsose
20:54 rue_house they literally use tapes
20:54 Tom_itx our first bridgeport was set up with a tape reader
20:55 rue_house tom, prolly parts cut out of 1/4 alum plate
20:55 Tom_itx where's this list gonna show up?
20:55 rue_house whats your table size?
20:55 Tom_itx not very big
20:55 rue_house Jak_o_Android, water
20:55 Tom_itx lemme check
20:56 Jak_o_Android Thats not too bad, least it's nothing any thicker.
20:57 Tom_itx about 8 x 7
21:07 robotustra moved finaly
21:07 robotustra what a disaster
21:08 robotustra I could not imagine that we've collected so much shit in a 3 years
21:50 GuShh_ robotustra: try flushing it next time
21:54 MrCurious test
22:09 MrCurious Egypt seems to be broken for now
22:20 GuShh_ MrCurious: it always was
22:20 GuShh_ Just because it doesn't make it to the news doesn't mean it's not happening
22:20 MrCurious ok, whats next down from broken?
22:21 GuShh_ Brazil?
22:21 GuShh_ heh
22:21 MrCurious angry
22:21 robotustra salut
22:21 GuShh_ the russian man
22:21 MrCurious proactively annoyed
22:21 robotustra do you mean hungry?
22:21 Skwint brazil is bucking the trend though
22:21 MrCurious who you calling a salut
22:21 GuShh_ why did I read that as "slut" ?
22:21 MrCurious dont be hungry around the chilean
22:21 GuShh_ Who is the Chilean?
22:22 MrCurious sal-ut
22:22 robotustra may be because you a pevert?
22:22 MrCurious sa-lut
22:22 robotustra salope
22:22 GuShh_ salami
22:22 GuShh_ robotustra: did you finish moving your shit?
22:22 GuShh_ made some nice swirls on the walls?
22:23 GuShh_ finished it up with a smear
22:23 GuShh_ robotustra: still stressed?
22:23 MrCurious or are you still packin shit
22:24 GuShh_ nah you are the fudge packer here
22:24 GuShh_ :o
22:24 GuShh_ lol
22:24 GuShh_ top gear s20x01 was weak.
22:25 GuShh_ robotustra: welcome back russian man
22:25 robotustra this focking win8 deside to reboot whenever it wants
22:25 robotustra I finally moved
22:26 GuShh_ yes, you've said it about 3 times now.
22:26 GuShh_ I moved 1.7 years ago
22:26 GuShh_ it was frustrating, expensive and very annoying.
22:26 robotustra for me it was just long
22:26 robotustra tired like a dog
22:27 GuShh_ 3 months for me
22:27 GuShh_ that's how much time I had to pack everything up, find a new place, etc.
22:27 robotustra MrCurious: why are you angry?
22:27 GuShh_ better not think about it all
22:27 GuShh_ robotustra: he can't get his rooster up
22:28 MrCurious i am happy today!
22:28 robotustra why?
22:28 GuShh_ that means he's on drugs today
22:28 MrCurious a company found me on linked in and is asking if i am interested
22:28 robotustra beer?
22:28 MrCurious not yet
22:28 GuShh_ linkedin works?
22:28 MrCurious but i like the direction your thinking in
22:28 MrCurious yeah
22:28 GuShh_ I thought it was only useful for losing your details and password
22:28 MrCurious this would be 2nd interview i got off it
22:28 GuShh_ I've got some strange mails from there
22:28 GuShh_ and I'm not talking about the phishing ones
22:29 robotustra Now I have good appartment, and now I have to find good job to never move again
22:30 GuShh_ new appartment is strong?
22:30 robotustra yep, concrete
22:30 robotustra not plywood shit
22:30 GuShh_ russian concrete
22:30 robotustra whis shaking floors
22:30 GuShh_ hey american construction has it's up sides as well
22:31 GuShh_ like, you can remodel the house with your bare dick.
22:31 GuShh_ just punch holes here and there.
22:31 robotustra sure
22:31 GuShh_ then a tornado comes and you are left butt naked in the middle of nowhere.
22:31 Shh_
22:31 robotustra oh, my dick it not so strong as yours, but I'm agree
22:32 GuShh_ You are mistaken. My hammer is called Dick.
22:32 GuShh_ I use Dick for a lot of things.
22:32 robotustra yes, after thar they make surprised faces
22:32 GuShh_ well, wooden construction works.
22:32 robotustra they do a lot of GDP
22:32 GuShh_ they sit on a few faults, so brick and mortar wouldn't last long with the earthquakes
22:33 GuShh_ not much you can do against tornados... just, live underground then.
22:33 robotustra my friend name them "GDP genetators"
22:33 GuShh_ Actually I'd love to live in an old nuclear silo.
22:33 GuShh_ Like the ones they converted into apartments
22:33 GuShh_ genius.
22:33 robotustra I can tell you, no tornado can damage concret buildings
22:33 Shh_ eyer
22:34 GuShh_ We shall see.
22:34 robotustra glasses
22:34 robotustra windows
22:34 robotustra and that's it
22:34 robotustra but it cannr ruin it or blow away
22:34 GuShh_ yes it can.
22:34 robotustra example
22:35 GuShh_ very heavy objects become airborne during a big tornado
22:35 robotustra give me an example
22:35 GuShh_ shall it crash against the building, it would crack like an egg.
22:35 robotustra give me a lonk
22:35 robotustra link
22:35 GuShh_ I'm not making it up...
22:35 GuShh_ Also "concrete" is too vague.
22:35 robotustra so, you words is a fantasy yet
22:35 GuShh_ sigh.
22:36 robotustra look at the fotos of latest tornado in US
22:36 GuShh_ wood flexes and absorbs a lot of the movement a concrete building would not be able to.
22:36 robotustra all concrete buildings survived
22:36 GuShh_ foundations go "crack" and the rest goes "poof"
22:37 GuShh_ just because you can see what looks like an "ok" building doesn't mean it "survived"
22:37 GuShh_ chances are none of them were clear to enter.
22:37 GuShh_ it takes several inspections to clear a building after such events
22:37 GuShh_ specially if there are visible fissures
22:38 GuShh_ robotustra: here at least we don't suffer from many earthquakes at all... just a few side-effects from distant volcano eruptions (god damn you chile)
22:38 GuShh_ (seriously, damn you)
22:38 GuShh_ so most houses and buildings here are reinforced concrete, brick, mortar, etc.
22:38 robotustra did you saw ancient construction in Chili and peru?
22:38 GuShh_ but you have to also account cost and availability of materials.... wood was (possibly still is) very cheap in the US
22:38 GuShh_ that was rock
22:39 robotustra from big megalits?
22:39 GuShh_ not concrete.
22:39 robotustra yep big stouns
22:39 GuShh_ next thing you're going to compare your apartment with the pyramids ?
22:39 robotustra just fir to each other
22:39 GuShh_ I wonder how well insulated those buildings were
22:39 robotustra BTW
22:39 GuShh_ old brick houses are very inefficient
22:40 GuShh_ you'd think bricks are good insulators, but they suck up moisture and then you've got the openings (windows, chimneys, etc) all of which amount to loss of energy
22:40 robotustra do you know, that it was the only one layer taken from Big pyramide to build a city Kair?
22:41 GuShh_ ?
22:42 robotustra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairo
22:42 robotustra Cairo
22:42 GuShh_ bah where's RifRaf!
22:42 GuShh_ http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3733f.jpg -- http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3740f.jpg
22:42 robotustra 1 layer of blocs
22:42 robotustra blocks
22:43 GuShh_ Legos?
22:43 robotustra I mean that not egyptians had built it
22:43 GuShh_ The way China works .. I'll never understand it
22:44 GuShh_ They spray-paint the final colour rather ok, but the rust converter is either applied with a brush or sprayed half-assed
22:45 GuShh_ and instead of using an all in one paint to save time, they still do it the old fashioned way (well, I too paint steel like that, but for other reasons)
22:45 GuShh_ I actually use the rust converter as a filler and a primer
22:46 robotustra what do you emulate?
22:46 GuShh_ ?
22:46 robotustra rusty steel?
22:47 GuShh_ robotustra: ?????
22:48 GuShh_ I actually had to repair and repaint the fan cover from the motor
22:48 robotustra nm
22:48 GuShh_ I should've complained about it but I let it go.
22:48 robotustra Fe2O3 is the most stable filler
22:48 GuShh_ I'll show you some pics
22:48 robotustra ok
22:49 GuShh_ it's always a good excuse to use the spray gun heh
22:52 GuShh_ robotustra: how it was http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3713f.jpg, after working the metal http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3716f.jpg, 2 wet coats of rust converter http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3721f.jpg, two wet coats of high temperature black gloss http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3722f.jpg I wasn't running an air filter so I got some speckles from the oil in the air... not a big deal, this thing won't be seen I just couldn't let it stay the way it was though.
22:52 GuShh_ can you believe that thing is "new", the AC motor from my wood lathe came in excellent shape, this one didn't
22:53 GuShh_ then again this one is cast iron, the other one is extruded alu.
22:53 GuShh_ (I thought it was a rough aluminum casting, but it's not)
22:53 GuShh_ Do I have OCD?
22:55 Shh_ nudges robotu
22:57 GuShh_ Could've used bondo instead, but that's for quitters.
22:57 robotustra what is OCD?
22:57 GuShh_ obsessive compulsive disorder
22:58 robotustra :)
22:58 robotustra I don't know you
22:59 robotustra chinise sometimes do strange things
22:59 GuShh_ the cover had been damaged, not sure if in transit or at the factory, they applied some random paint on top of the chipped paint to cover it up...
22:59 GuShh_ that's just not acceptable for me
23:00 GuShh_ it was in worse shape inside.
23:00 robotustra I bot a IR laser
23:00 robotustra 1 W
23:00 robotustra they send me some strange stuff
23:00 GuShh_ ?
23:00 GuShh_ I wonder if someone ever got a drilldo by mistake
23:00 robotustra and power supply for 0.5 W only
23:01 GuShh_ "I ordered a 1W IR Laser and I got a DeWalt Drilldo instead!"
23:01 robotustra :)
23:01 robotustra finally I sen this shit back
23:01 robotustra Oh, I have to change my adress on paypal
23:02 robotustra I forget about it
23:09 GuShh_ robotustra: heh fun...
23:09 GuShh_ I kept remembering different sites and services to update, several months after moving
23:09 GuShh_ bah had another pic for Rif... http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3703f.jpg
23:10 GuShh_ Don't try this at home