#robotics Logs

Jun 30 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:47 MrCurious no! not offensive at all
00:51 MrCurious "please dont send me back to india, its like one big throbbing comicon, except everyone is dressed in the same costume... indian guy."
01:11 MrCurious big bang theory slays me
01:13 MrCurious http://i.imgur.com/3DJbNnb.jpg
02:16 rue_bed ,m
02:17 RifRaf hi rue_bed
02:34 Jak_o_Android hi
03:08 Asdasdasd [09:52] ##philosophy Cannot send to channel
03:08 Asdasdasd [09:52] *** Cen1nant (~cenina
03:09 Asdasdasd sry
04:04 RyanS rue the DC wheelchair motors approximately 150w, what range of RPM could you get out of them?
04:11 Jak_o_Shadows I don't think you can go straight from power to RPM, not without a little more info
04:14 RyanS It states on the motor 350 rpm but presumably that with the gearbox I'm not sure
06:55 GuShH RifRaf: acetone?
06:56 GuShH don't you lose all the specs by doing that
08:25 RifRaf yep heated acetone, just needs a few minutes in the vapour, parts feel stronger after its evaporated, and so much smoother
08:27 GuShH could feel stronger, as the bonds are tightened, but so it becomes weaker on the surfaces
08:27 GuShH it does look great though
08:28 GuShH the lines that remain from each layer are due to non-uniformity of the stock material or is it due to heat variations?
08:29 GuShH (do they become more apparent the higher printed the part is?)
08:29 RifRaf the surface appears to release tension and bond, far better, the lines left are because i did not leave em in too long, after 10 minutes there are none left, and if the parts were smooth to start would be faster
08:29 RifRaf can swhoe you another non treated faucet handle next to the treated one
08:30 GuShH this all makes me want to put some money aside for a similar project now...
08:30 GuShH damn you all.
08:30 RifRaf in morning, just got up to try do some work on the eye socket gimbal design
08:31 RifRaf yep those parts will be for router at work, to manually hold odd bits down
08:31 RifRaf is M10 nuts etc
08:32 GuShH lol there are entire sites devoted to the motor controllers from the mini lathes... that's how bad they are.
08:50 GuShH hrmmm
08:52 GuShH RifRaf: http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn3697.jpg
08:52 GuShH too bad the motor has a centrifugal switch, not sure if there's any way to use a VFD on it
08:52 GuShH It looks like its configured in star?, so less torque even...
11:00 GuShH who the hell uses M4 nuts! jeez. I have 6mm and 8mm wrenches, no 7mm. I have 7mm sockets, there's no clearance for them... sigh
11:01 GuShH time to cook something up
11:01 GuShH I'm sick of it, every kit out there only includes "common sizes" and if you were to buy every possible size your wall would fall from the weigh of all the wrenches.
11:12 GuShH 7mm socket + tiny vise grip did the job... now I can inspect the caps on the lathe, they are as generic as they get no wonder they fail after a short while
11:12 GuShH no padding inside the shield either
11:18 Gargantuasauce do you not own an adjustable wrench
11:18 Gargantuasauce oh, clearance
11:32 GuShH Gargantuasauce: I have several but nothing would fit, that's why I needed a 7mm combined wrench, but it turns out I don't own a single one... for some reason I have 3 6mm ones...
11:32 GuShH two 8mm...
11:33 GuShH anyway that's been taken care of, I'll just replace with 8mm which is a standard for me.
11:35 GuShH good thing I took the electrical box out to inspect the caps, I'll have to buy a couple replacement caps because I don't want any bangs and smoke coming off the lathe.
11:36 GuShH couldn't even measure them without taking most of the wiring off because they have no tabs no slugs no nothing, just two wires sticking out of the plastic cylinder...
11:36 GuShH that's how cheap they are.
12:12 harris hey guys
12:12 MrCurious GuShH: so you get a new lathe and the first thing you do is re-build it?
12:12 harris anyone know some beginner robotics kits that are cheap
12:13 Tom_itx MrCurious, a necessity
12:14 MrCurious now i think of it. every power tool i have bought has required tuning before adequare results were achieved
12:17 GuShH MrCurious: I wish I could be turning instead of taking it apart and rebuilding it... but as it came, it's not really usable
12:18 GuShH And by doing this I can make absolutely sure everything is greased and oiled
12:18 GuShH Plus understand exactly how everything works
12:19 GuShH Turns out you'd have to do the same with a used lathe anyway
12:19 GuShH Specially if it was taken apart for transport
12:19 GuShH hi harris
12:19 harris hi
12:19 harris hi
12:20 GuShH MrCurious: it's annoying specially considering the price you pay for something new and the shipping... but it's chinese... what can you do? I'm not really complaining, aside from the lack of some tools which always annoys me in fact it drives me nuts when I don't have the right tool for something
12:21 GuShH And even worse is having it but not being able to find it
12:28 MrCurious understood
12:28 MrCurious that is infuriating
12:50 GuShH MrCurious: so far 3 of the 4 motor mount nuts were not torqued down correctly, one in fact I could move with my fingers... so it pays to do this.
12:53 Tom_itx yeah, you may get all the parts for a machine but they're just parts when you get it
12:53 Tom_itx you may not get all of em either
12:57 GuShH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watt_balance
12:58 GuShH they don't even let cars nearby and even the deers that roam the area can disturb the reading... amazing.
12:59 GuShH the whole experiment is enclosed in a room lined with thick copper plates heh
13:00 GuShH of course their counter-balance is a replica of the master kilo, so any errors in the original or the clone would be carried away...
13:00 GuShH neat nontheless
13:01 GuShH meanwhile in Germany, they're counting atoms!
13:14 GuShH MrCurious: tensioner roller bearings were dry as hell
14:21 Mamoru GuShH: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23117095?
14:31 robotustra it's already not so interesting as counting neutrino
14:34 MrCurious GuShH: and of cource you are making a video showing the next guy how to do this?
14:35 GuShH MrCurious: should I? I don't have anything capable of proper 1080p though
14:36 GuShH anything less would be an insult surely
14:36 GuShH now that the motor is off (was a bitch to get out, that last bottom right bolt near the headstock is a WHORE)
14:36 GuShH the bed is not that heavy, of course the headstock is still in there, drive train and apron + saddle
14:36 MrCurious 720 is fine
14:36 GuShH need to remove the latter
14:36 robotustra buy an encoder for 360$ on ebay Full HD
14:36 GuShH hm?
14:37 robotustra 360 it's with delivery
14:37 GuShH robotustra: I don't know how you do it un Russia, but in the rest of the world you buy a camera capable of 1080p first.
14:37 ShH facep
14:37 robotustra I'm in Montreal
14:37 MrCurious in soviet canada....
14:37 robotustra yep
14:37 GuShH Strong encoding is strong.
14:38 GuShH Encoding would not be a problem, as I could let the gpu and the 4 cores munch overnight if need be.
14:38 GuShH It's the lack of a proper camera that limits the resolution, sir.
14:38 MrCurious i am watching a show about uranus
14:38 GuShH MrCurious: I'll just take pictures and post them in reverse order, pretending I meant to document it from the get go
14:39 robotustra http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=Sony+Full+UD&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.XSony+Full+HD&_nkw=Sony+Full+HD&_sacat=0
14:39 MrCurious uranus got violently pushed out... ok that makes me chuckle
14:39 robotustra a crowd of camcoders
14:39 GuShH I noticed a notch in the electrical box, and another notch down at the headstock... possibly for the tachometer on the "bigger" models (same headstock, added toys)
14:39 GuShH robotustra: I can't order that kind of stuff anymore
14:40 robotustra why?
14:40 GuShH but here's our equivalent site... www.mercadolibre.com.ar
14:40 MrCurious i think cell phone video would be fine
14:40 GuShH 640x480
14:40 MrCurious supplimented with high res stills where required :D
14:40 GuShH I'll maybe consider a new camera...
14:40 GuShH mine does 1080p but it's locked in firmware
14:40 GuShH I refused to pay extra for it hoping some RUSSIAN would come up with a fix.
14:42 robotustra I'm not russian
14:42 GuShH robotustra: you are in my head now
14:42 robotustra :) why?
14:42 GuShH because you use russian software
14:42 GuShH the russian that was once right
14:43 robotustra I use a lot of US and other software as well
14:43 GuShH bah you came strong about it being better and russian
14:43 GuShH so now live with it
14:43 robotustra I CAN use russian software
14:43 MrCurious in soviet canada, cad models you!
14:44 robotustra try T-Flex and deside yourself
14:44 GuShH if you can get me a free license I will
14:44 robotustra it's more compliceted than other cads
14:44 GuShH in soviet canada.... cad ... eh
14:44 GuShH oh? because it's RUSSIAN.
14:44 GuShH you can't use it without a liter of vodka in your system to begin with
14:44 robotustra I can find you a fersion with crack, it it ok for you?
14:44 GuShH it won't open otherwise.
14:44 GuShH no
14:44 robotustra there is an english wersion of it
14:44 GuShH I'd then use solidworks instead
14:45 GuShH but I'm not using it because the license expired and that's the end of it, I can't afford the full thing and I don't want a cracked version
14:45 GuShH robotustra: I find it amusing that you'd pretend to support a company and then actually use a cracked version
14:45 robotustra why you don't use cracked versions?
14:45 GuShH just doesn't add up
14:46 GuShH I'm not doing what I wouldn't want others to do to me
14:46 robotustra there is a free version for students
14:46 robotustra I use it
14:46 GuShH I can't prove I'm a student, even if I were who would recognize a student from argentina
14:46 robotustra it has almost full functionality
14:46 GuShH plus they're data mining whores.
14:46 GuShH robotustra: except it's for non commercial use to begin with
14:46 robotustra but I don't think it exsist in English
14:47 GuShH and the spetsnaz will come and rape you with an empty vodka bottle if you use it for any other purpose.
14:48 GuShH robotustra: in the end does it matter what you use?, isn't the final product what counts instead?
14:48 robotustra you exagerate, first NSA and FBI comes to you, and spetcnaz - never
14:49 robotustra you are right
14:49 robotustra russian - is just my habit, no more
14:50 robotustra when I grow to production - I'll buy a licence, but now it's a hobby stage
14:50 robotustra who cares what I draw in my kitchen
14:52 Tom_itx me
14:52 robotustra now all cads more-less equivalent
14:52 robotustra Tom_itx but why?
14:54 Tom_itx because i can
14:55 robotustra possibility and opportunity
14:55 robotustra in russian the same word
14:56 robotustra in russian are the same word
14:56 robotustra think about it
14:57 robotustra this summer is hot in america
14:58 robotustra somebody already died because of hot
15:03 robotustra Tom_itx actually I don't hide it
15:03 botustra take a
16:01 MrCurious robot part holding table now dug down half way
16:25 GuShh_ wow, topgear season 20 began.... 20!
16:35 robotustra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywWBy6J5gz8
17:01 GuShh_ robotustra: I lost faith in humanity a long time ago due to things like that
17:01 GuShh_ at least the lighting was good
18:16 GuShh_ MrCurious: saddle is off, and surprise... on the apron, the gears that mesh to provide the longitudinal feed are dry as well
18:16 GuShh_ no oil no grease.
18:17 GuShh_ I've even had applied oil to the oiling ports, but one of them was stuck, the other fell apart (the ball bearing spring loaded type, not sure exactly how the spring is held in place if other than force...)
18:17 zhanx soo. home from the field, jumped in twice, received an award for best nco in the BDE
18:18 GuShh_ I would imagine if you were to give it constant use for a few weeks or months you'd already be able to feel something is wrong and soon after you'll find the gears are all chewed up!
18:18 GuShh_ zhanx: pat yourself?
18:19 zhanx GuShh_, not really i was more surprised than anything, i have tons of awards
18:19 GuShh_ instead of an oiling port there should be a bigger grease port
18:19 zhanx but not the best in the BDE
18:19 zhanx only better than like 5,000 paratroopers to get it
18:20 GuShh_ "award for best puppet"
18:20 zhanx nope
18:20 GuShh_ all forces are comprised of disposable puppets.
18:21 Shh_ hands zhanx a
18:21 zhanx basicly opfor tried to take down my company at 3 to 1 odds against us, i lost zero men against them, took them all down minus their officers and won
18:21 zhanx mind you i am just a squad leader
18:21 anx drinks a
18:21 GuShh_ and then it all turned out to be paintball related.
18:21 GuShh_ and someone got stabbed for it.
18:21 GuShh_ IRC++
18:21 zhanx no stabbing
18:22 GuShh_ oh and a random bicycle accident for extra points.
18:22 zhanx had two great jumps out of the airplanes but smashed my radio on the first one
18:22 GuShh_ zhanx: actually I could use a beer right now!
18:22 zhanx i took 3 showers today, so i think a beer is ok about right now
18:23 GuShh_ why the need to share this information?
18:23 zhanx no clue, guess a week in the field around guys does that too you
18:23 GuShh_ amount of showers, poops and farts are not to be shared.
18:23 zhanx the censors get turned off etc.
18:23 GuShh_ yeah well don't get your hopes up, my soap is tied to a string
18:23 zhanx lol
18:24 zhanx powdered is better
18:24 GuShh_ but you can't strangle others with powder
18:24 GuShh_ the string wins.
18:24 zhanx trueish
18:25 zhanx never mind been in the field too long in the heat
18:25 GuShh_ in the heat of sweaty men all over you
18:25 GuShh_ mhh ball soup.
18:25 zhanx lots and lots of sweaty salty men
18:25 GuShh_ with a side of ass juice
18:26 zhanx fomuda
18:26 GuShh_ zhanx: are you actually into robotics, mechanics in general?
18:26 GuShh_ or just another armchair commando.
18:26 zhanx GuShh_, yes i am building a 5' biped right now
18:26 GuShh_ I must know moar.
18:26 Shh_ is still taking the lathe apart... zZZ
18:26 zhanx molds are 90% for the body
18:27 zhanx need to smooth them more and then start the wire frame
18:27 GuShh_ what's the purpose of the biped?
18:27 GuShh_ any particular goals
18:27 zhanx did a few test beds for idea's before the field, cause i want to? aint that a good enough purpose?
18:27 Tom_itx fixed my spindle sensor
18:27 Shh_ notices the saddle is heavier than it lo
18:28 zhanx about time Tom_itx
18:28 Tom_itx it just quit yesterday
18:28 GuShh_ I think I'll need to partially remove the feed screw to take out the apron...
18:28 zhanx been gone a week and change tom, i was joking
18:29 Tom_itx the encoder wheel vibrated loose and rubbed against the plastic sensor housing melting the window shut
18:29 zhanx not fun, what was the fix?
18:29 GuShh_ loctite!
18:29 Tom_itx i thought the sensor was bad but just cleaned out the plastic and all was good
18:29 zhanx jb weld!
18:29 Tom_itx no i didn't clean it with loctite
18:29 GuShh_ if jb weld is anything like the generic "metallic" epoxy then it's shit.
18:29 zhanx cold and the new encoder wheel solution?
18:30 GuShh_ Tom_itx: not cleaning it, but for making sure it doesn't come out again
18:30 zhanx GuShh_, its shit
18:30 GuShh_ zhanx: I've heard of people fixing manifolds with them
18:30 GuShh_ ...
18:30 Tom_itx no i just tightened the grub screw again for now
18:31 zhanx Tom_itx, if it happened once it can happen again
18:31 Tom_itx it will
18:31 Tom_itx i look forward to it
18:31 GuShh_ lol
18:31 zhanx crazy man
18:31 GuShh_ "gives me something to do"
18:31 zhanx i wish i had less to do, and more time to work on my robot
18:32 Tom_itx so getting married was a step in the wrong direction for that
18:32 GuShh_ leadscrew support wouldn't budge out on the first attempt
18:32 GuShh_ the idea is to run the apron out, then replace the support leaving the leadscrew in place
18:32 zhanx Tom_itx, correct but she does support it
18:33 GuShh_ (I'd like to remove it, but that means taking apart the gearbox)
18:33 Tom_itx i've been running solo in the support area for years
18:33 GuShh_ I think it must be stuck with the paint, the dial indicator would be held in place by itself without the mounting bolt... until I pried it out with a piece of wood
18:34 Tom_itx pried on a dial indicator?
18:34 GuShh_ err the threading indicator
18:34 GuShh_ what's it called
18:34 m_itx gives GuShh_ a hammer ins
18:35 GuShh_ it bolts to the side of the apron and it wouldn't come out!
18:35 GuShh_ turns out the paint was holding it in place, they paint -after- assembly
18:35 GuShh_ OR they asemble while the paint is still wet.
18:35 Tom_itx they don't want it to fall apart during shipping
18:35 GuShh_ shipping wise it was very well packaged, no inside padding but the wooden box was solid
18:35 Tom_itx i should make another better cube
18:36 GuShh_ you should?
18:36 Tom_itx but really don't feel motivated to do much at all
18:36 GuShh_ when will you stop?
18:36 GuShh_ nothing makes you happy!
18:36 Tom_itx not much
18:36 GuShh_ I hear you...
18:36 GuShh_ why isn't inflex in this channel?
18:37 Tom_itx because he doesn't do robots
18:37 GuShh_ I miss some of the ##e guys, but they clearly don't miss me.
18:37 GuShh_ I don't do robots strictly speaking.
18:37 Tom_itx zhanx
18:37 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/Cube2.jpg
18:37 GuShh_ I tend to like women instead.
18:37 Shh_ rims
18:37 Tom_itx i haven't worked on a robot in a very long time
18:37 Tom_itx 'been there done that'
18:40 GuShh_ I'm hoping the bed and headstock alone are light enough to wrestle upstairs, like I wrestled the wood lathe onto it's pedestal.
18:41 GuShh_ Removing the headstock would be a mistake since I don't have the tools to re-align it (assuming it's aligned right now)
18:41 GuShh_ (bad assumption? which tools would I need?)
18:45 GuShh_ Surprisingly this model has a "swarf cover" behind the apron which is part of the mechanical mounts for some of the shafts in there, but it doesn't actually cover every part of the apron...
18:46 GuShh_ I'm no expert but the saddle and apron should be indexed by pins, at least two... three would be ideal... even the gearbox cover is indexed with 2 pins, the hell?
18:48 Tom_itx probably a last word indicator along the z axis to check for head alignment
18:49 Tom_itx what's your first lathe project going to be?
19:04 GuShh_ Tom_itx: at this rate I won't be turning anything at all if I can't remove the leadscrew mount!
19:05 MrCurious moving to the country, going to eat a lot of peaches
19:06 GuShh_ peachy!
19:06 GuShh_ it seems the mount has a locating pin in the center... I can't see it in the exploded view and there's no mention of any pins
19:06 MrCurious going to guess that cube is a rite of passage in CNC land
19:06 GuShh_ but there's a hole in the bed right opposite of the center of the mount
19:07 GuShh_ hard place to reach, don't think I can tap it out
19:07 GuShh_ plus if it's long, I won't be able to remove the mount at all since the leadscrew would bend
19:07 MrCurious however a sierpinski cube would be cooler http://math.youngzones.org/Fractal%20webpages/s_cube.gif
19:07 GuShh_ this is getting frustrating
19:07 GuShh_ how would you mill that??
19:08 MrCurious i have no clue
19:08 Tom_itx broach
19:08 Tom_itx i have seen videos of milling square holes too
19:09 Tom_itx wouldn't be very pracical on that
19:09 GuShh_ impact broacher for the lathe? on all those sizes? good luck!
19:09 GuShh_ err mill
19:09 MrCurious but for each cavity, all walls of the cavity contain their own cavaties
19:09 Tom_itx MrCurious, no i just wanted to make one
19:09 GuShh_ (they do make them for the lathe too)
19:09 MrCurious i think its a shape with near infinite surface area
19:10 Tom_itx it's a fair test of things being right
19:10 GuShh_ can you even mill it to a certain amount of iterations?
19:10 MrCurious Tom_itx: i think i would make one too once my mill is done
19:10 Tom_itx and can also be done on a lathe
19:10 Tom_itx it would be a simple lathe project
19:11 MrCurious i imagine you could make it with a mirror on an arm and a pulsed laser vaporizing the material...
19:11 Tom_itx EDM
19:13 Tom_itx brb
19:30 GuShh_ alright, that wooden mallet I made with the wood lathe has come in handy, turns out the mount was indeed held by the thick paint they used
19:31 GuShh_ (I should get some of that marine grey)
19:31 GuShh_ looks like the apron will slide right off the end of the bed
19:32 Shh_ slaps RifRaf's
20:17 MrCurious TOO HOT!
20:39 robotustra tomorrow is day M
21:27 robotustra canadian humor http://www.tetesaclaques.tv/the_doctor_vid_eng1081
21:31 robotustra we want candy ! http://www.tetesaclaques.tv/halloween_vid_eng1031
21:44 robotustra natasha http://www.tetesaclaques.tv/the_secretary_vid_eng654
23:08 eadthem anyone know where you would buy SMC valves?