#robotics Logs

Jun 16 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:34 RifRaf 1st reprap is just about finished printing all the parts for next bigger version
00:43 GuShH RifRaf: so no power feed on compound?
00:43 GuShH sales reps are useless.
00:43 GuShH can't ask them anything as they don't know anything.
00:43 RifRaf you mean like automatic feed, yes it does, for threading and stuff
00:43 GuShH no on compound.
00:44 GuShH both axis
00:44 RifRaf not sure wat you mean then
00:44 RifRaf nope
00:44 GuShH right thought the chinese would've copied it from the bigger lathes
00:44 RifRaf you could add a stepper to it and make it auto
00:44 GuShH well yes you could :p
00:45 GuShH not sure about the particular type of stepper / gearbox on that case though
00:45 RifRaf hrm i wonder how easy to convert a normal lathe to cnc
00:45 GuShH Tom_itx could probably give you a few hints
00:45 GuShH I GUESS
00:45 GuShH RifRaf: thing is, being able to still use it manually
00:46 GuShH also without a DRO... might be a bit more difficult to get it right
00:46 RifRaf yep have not thought about it
00:46 GuShH I'm not even sure I can get a DRO for this thing
00:48 GuShH Find it hard to justify CNC when you only turn a single piece or two of something also
00:48 GuShH the setup time may be longer than just doing it by hand then
00:50 GuShH RifRaf: so if there's no feed change lever then you can't easily face or part the work?
00:50 GuShH (that is, by feed)
00:50 GuShH facing on feed is always ideal vs manual.
00:50 GuShH for consistency
01:37 RifRaf longest prints so far, 7 hours http://imagebin.org/261535 http://imagebin.org/261536
01:38 RifRaf GuShH, i'll just leave mine manual and make another proper cnc i think
03:47 theBear it's replicating rif ! kill it before it takes over ! it's the war of the machines !
12:48 rue_more http://sunshine.en.craigslist.ca/zip/3845708195.html
12:48 rue_more "holds rainwater so should float ok" hahahaha love it
14:36 theBear sounds like good reasoning to me
16:01 MrCurious i think MSNBC just said "....Helping our kids to cope with the effects of GWAR..." that put an interesting picture of shell shocked kids in my head...
16:01 MrCurious i dont think children like GWAR
16:02 GargantuaSauce gwar's stage shows are totally like something you'd see on a children's show
16:02 theBear G-war ? is that like dance-off battles ?
16:02 theBear i like the wiggles, and i've worked with them several times
16:02 GargantuaSauce but with more dicks
16:02 mulvane Anyone got any input on a good 12 channel minimum RC controller?
16:03 theBear satirical metal eh ?
16:03 theBear hmmmm
16:03 GargantuaSauce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooouijhjcYg
16:03 MrCurious yeah. totally like the wiggles, but with more dicks... spot on
16:04 MrCurious surprised a band hasnt gone the teletubby path with a porno belly and a large hanging member
16:04 theBear sssshhhh, oooh, now you've done it! gone and said it out loud on the net !
16:05 MrCurious 34
16:05 theBear what is it, rule 32?
16:05 MrCurious damnnit
16:05 theBear 34...
16:05 GargantuaSauce i'll file that one away for when i'm famous
16:05 GargantuaSauce or maybe that's how i'll GET famous.....hmm
16:05 MrCurious and THIS is whats wrong with the internet. every stray thought creates a new porno genre
16:05 theBear it's kinda like that book, the 18th catch ? damned drunken memory
16:05 theBear either way, i always wonder what the other 33 rules are
16:05 MrCurious they are available on line
16:06 MrCurious remembers being young and eager to see all the internet could show.
16:06 theBear are they authoritive tho ? are all lists the same 1thru33 ?
16:06 MrCurious then groked "cannot unsee"
16:06 MrCurious and was no longer eager
16:15 MrCurious i think Glen Beck could be a fun president. perhaps a Beck/Limbaugh ticket
16:15 MrCurious get america back to being america
16:15 theBear i think stewart/colbert shoulda gone all the way
16:15 MrCurious palin/buchannon ticket?
16:16 theBear fuck palin ! and not literally
16:16 MrCurious having the leader of the most powerful and militaristic nation on the planet be selected on a joke might not go down in history as a good move...
16:17 theBear heh, you mean palin or colbert ?
16:17 theBear i seriously think colbert would run the shit outta that crappy country !
16:17 GuShH why not literally? with a shotgun barrel.
16:17 theBear he's a smart dude
16:17 MrCurious good point.. i think all 3 of those pairs would qualify as joke's
16:18 theBear hey, after reagan, i mean, the man was an actor !
16:18 theBear AN ACTOR !
16:18 MrCurious when i was younger, i wanted to see a George Carlin/Frank Zappa ticket
16:18 theBear oooh zappa had some good ideas !
16:18 MrCurious i sensed carlin could fix shit
16:18 theBear too bad about his kids :)
16:19 theBear spose all the liquor and drugs had to make someone stupid :)
16:19 MrCurious whose kids? moon unit and dweezel?
16:20 MrCurious bobcat goldwaith would have made a fun president... perhaps a bobcat/kinnison ticket
16:20 theBear totally, but now he's all old
16:21 MrCurious thats why america needs to make temporal displacement a priority, its our only hope going forward
16:21 theBear i'm not sure it's technically forward, kinda sideways
16:22 MrCurious i wonder if for 6 hours a day, for 1 month, a person was exposed to 1 hour MSNBC, 1 hour fox, repeat, repeat each day
16:22 MrCurious would that cause damage and would it be reversible?
16:22 theBear isn't that what you guys do ?
16:22 theBear or is it 4 hours ?
16:23 MrCurious i havent seen faux since our (USA) first vacation to iraq
16:23 theBear heh vacation eh
16:44 MrCurious step drilling WAY easier than milling
16:46 MrCurious mental note... being the barefoot machinist is right up there with the nakid cheff
16:46 MrCurious neither end happy
16:48 ace4016 lol
16:49 MrCurious now i have invisible shards of Al in my feet
16:52 GuShH invisible?
16:52 GuShH don't solder OR weld while naked either
16:53 GargantuaSauce soldering's fine, the little balls of boiling flux don't have much heat capacity
16:53 GargantuaSauce welding is definitely the worst
16:56 mumptai hi
16:57 ace4016 ahoy!
16:57 ace4016 long time mumptai
16:57 mumptai hi
16:57 mumptai yea yes
16:57 mumptai busy busy
16:57 ace4016 sadly, i must go now
16:58 mumptai hf
17:05 theBear yeah, barefoot is a woodmans game, not for metalwork
17:11 MrCurious werd
17:41 rue_more wow, playing with numbers for the battery pack for the truck
17:42 rue_more china li-ion is cheaper than NA lead acid,
17:42 rue_more by about $500
17:42 rue_more 21kwh pack
17:42 theBear which reminds me, anyone else find the cold stare of a chickens dead eyes terrifying ?
17:42 rue_more I'v never stared a dead chicken in the eyes
17:42 MrCurious rue: i bought a pair of macbook pro li ion bat packs off ebay (new aftermarket) for $20 ea
17:43 MrCurious each had 3 18Wh cells
17:43 theBear not like "aagggh, i gotta get away from this chicken" terrifying but more like "hmmm, is he plotting to kill my wife and children tonight ?" terrifying
17:43 MrCurious and a nice charge/discharge controler
17:43 MrCurious we have been plagued by a wild chicken shitting on our house sidewalk for the past 3 years
17:43 MrCurious and i learned those basturds live 20 years
17:44 rue_more MrCurious, do you know the max discharge current?
17:45 theBear lol, only 17 to go
17:47 rue_more MrCurious, to compare it I need to know: pack voltage, max current, cost, and Ah rating
17:47 MrCurious no i do not
17:48 MrCurious but, it has not flamed out yet
17:48 MrCurious and it will be in a aluminum enclosure for pseudo-feeling-of-safety
17:51 MrCurious i would assume a macbook pro can suck some amps when cooking at max ability
18:23 botustra : <MrCurious> i would assume a macbook pro can
18:24 botustra under the t
18:27 moriarty macbook air <3
18:33 robotustra ORLY?
18:34 robotustra it has SSD
18:34 MrCurious lol
18:34 robotustra and SSD sucks too
18:34 robotustra it's not an SSD age yet
19:37 MrCurious HEAT!
19:37 MrCurious HEAT is your enemy.
19:39 Jak_o_Shadows Get some weapon groups
19:46 theBear i don't mind heat
19:46 theBear and the articles are good <grin>
19:46 MrCurious aluminum hates HEAT
19:46 MrCurious makes it melt onto the carbide
19:51 eBear taps
19:51 theBear no heat.. maybe it's steel
19:51 theBear hmmmm
19:58 RifRaf MrCurious go faster
19:58 RifRaf aluminium clogs when cut too slow
20:00 Jak_o_Shadows so, bluetooth serial modules
20:12 robotustra aluminium melts at 611 degree of Centigrade
20:13 robotustra RifRaf: my experience is opposite
20:14 robotustra When I'm milling at 6000 RPM there is no clogs
20:15 robotustra may be I misunderstood you
20:16 theBear a professional all-day-everyday manual and semi-manual drillpress operator once told me, you wanna cut as fast as you can without juddering in any metal, nice clean long deep twirlies.... i forget the exact wording, but it sure made me a whole lot better at dealing with metal overnight
20:16 robotustra RifRaf: what clog do you speack about? the clog of the part or the clog of end mill?
20:16 theBear and think about it, any real metalshop, you don't see shavings and cooked bits, you see sharp leading edges and clean cleaved offcuts
20:17 robotustra I noticed one thing
20:18 robotustra when I milled aluminium at 24000 rpm - is becomes a powder and stick to aluminium part very very good
20:19 robotustra and if you are trying to mill the second path in a slot it clogs the endmill and can bracke it
20:19 theBear hmmm, i don't think i ever seen anything go that fast except the redline on my little bros first motorbike (little modern jap thing, damn it scared me how fast that little sucker could spin)
20:20 robotustra theBear: i have this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-5KW-WATER-COOLE-MILLING-AND-GRINDING-SPINDLE-MOTOR-WITH-INVERTER-DRIVE-VFD-b2-/170745848157?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c13ee15d
20:20 robotustra 0-24000 RPM
20:21 robotustra but now I mill at 7200 RPM
20:23 robotustra and it's better to take end mills with 2 flutes
20:23 robotustra for soft materials
20:24 mulvane Anyone got any input on a good 12 channel minimum RC controller?
20:25 robotustra and my parts are shiny, no clog http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/maholet/24765393/17146/17146_600.jpg
20:25 theBear 12 channel rc, as in joysticks and stuff ? i didn't know they came that big
20:26 robotustra I have 6 chan RC contorl
20:26 mulvane I have a big project that is a drivable platform with multiple steering options and a 6 axis articulating arm.
20:26 robotustra Futaba I think
20:27 robotustra 6 axis or 6 degree of freedom?
20:27 mulvane 6 axis.
20:27 robotustra how many DOF?
20:28 robotustra why do you need so much number of joints?
20:28 Jak_o_Shadows DA COOLNESS
20:29 mulvane Because thats the design.
20:30 robotustra is it your design?
20:30 RifRaf robotustra i do aluminium at about 1300rpm
20:30 RifRaf 13000rpm
20:30 mulvane Yes. Its for moving a motor head to act as a weed eater/edger and brush clearing
20:30 robotustra RifRaf: and what is the feed?
20:32 robotustra and what is the mill size?
20:32 robotustra end mill
20:32 mulvane The platform can do standard drive, 0 turn by rotating front wheels to direction and then moving read wheels in forward and reverse, and the wheels can all turn and rotate the platform in place
20:33 robotustra any picture?
20:33 Jak_o_Shadows mulvane: Do you need independent control of each axis, or could you automate some so you have less channels?
20:33 mulvane Not yet. Its still in design/testing stages
20:33 Jak_o_Shadows CAD?
20:33 robotustra anyway 12 channels - is 12 DOF
20:33 mulvane paper drawings right now with a few steering test designs.
20:33 robotustra and you have 6 axis
20:34 robotustra I think it's too much
20:34 mulvane I could probably get away with control sequences for setting mode.
20:34 RifRaf robotustra sorry at work, um 13000k 25mm per second 6mm bit doing 3mm ali plate
20:34 RifRaf or 15mm per sec with a 3mm bit,
20:34 RifRaf single flute
20:35 mulvane How many channels would I need to run a ps3 dual analog with digital ps3 sixxaxis controller?
20:35 theBear err, sounds like you want 6 channels
20:35 RifRaf and if i travel slower all the chips get clogged up, but at that speed they fly out well
20:35 robotustra RifRaf: what is the power of the mill?
20:35 theBear futaba do and have always made quality rc controllers and similar for reference
20:36 RifRaf robotustra is a 3 phase router, 4 meter bed
20:36 robotustra :)
20:36 robotustra good
20:36 theBear i never seen a ps3, too hightech
20:36 theBear also, i was 10 lines back when i wrote 6channels just there
20:36 RifRaf with vacumm and cooling mist
20:36 robotustra I do about 3-6 mm per second on my mill with 7200
20:37 mulvane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixaxis
20:37 robotustra I need to make a cooling system to mill at higher RPMS
20:37 theBear i mean, it's hard enough to control 2 x-y joysticks and a couple switches or a little throttle lever thing
20:37 theBear and that's only 5 real channels and maybe 1 or 2 for the switches, and that's only cos of the way rc controllers/receivers 'work'
20:38 theBear that looks the same as ps2 controller
20:38 theBear doesn't it ?
20:38 Jak_o_Shadows has a gyro in it
20:38 mulvane Its also motion sensitive
20:38 mulvane Which I don't need.
20:38 theBear damn, what in the hell you gonna struggle to control with all these channels
20:38 robotustra still 6 DOF is very hard to control manually
20:38 mulvane But I can map everything I need down to that if I cut streering down to moves.
20:39 Jak_o_Shadows well, you have 2 channels each for the two analog, and I think button pressures are analog nowadays
20:40 theBear pfft,course they are ! back in my day a hightech console had a d-pad (wtf is it called D ?) and two buttons, and start and select, and if you couldn't kick ass with that, pfft !
20:40 mulvane D for direction
20:40 eBear for reference, COULD kick ass with th
20:40 theBear oh,that makes sense
20:40 theBear you'd think i mighta picked that up in the last 25 years or so :)
20:40 mulvane Its like social cues... 35 years and still failing
20:41 theBear heh, i both taken failing social cues, AND learning to imitate them for the purposes of misdirection and misinformation, to new levels in recent years
20:41 theBear gotta have a hobby when yer too broke and crippled to buy electronics :)
20:42 theBear tho i do have a cool idea for a project that i even got the parts for in the house, should really think of it one day when i'm half-sober, might get it done even :)
20:42 mulvane My platform steering project is my new project.
20:43 mulvane Having some fun in just designing it.
20:43 theBear i will need to find some kind of wheel or two, but nothing special, plastic thread bobbin on a nail would do, or maybe a couple bottle lids nailed/screwed thru the middle
20:43 theBear just free-wheeling wheel(s)
20:43 mulvane regular car like, zero turn, and rotate in place.
20:43 theBear i suspect it will be slightly/barely unique, and kinda cool
20:44 theBear and actually making something will stop rue bugging me for a bit :)
20:44 theBear hmm, batteries... been too long, they're all dead
20:45 mulvane Well, this project is something I can't just reuse controls out of my kids dead rc cars and stuff
20:45 theBear what do you use for cheap batteries these days ? i wonder how much bang is in a phone battery
20:45 theBear do regular/old avrs run at 3.7v or less ?
20:45 Jak_o_Shadows theBear: Probably not a huge amount of current available?
20:45 theBear hmmm, i need a little, memory memory.. i think the motor, lemme look at it
20:46 theBear right here in the top draw for years :)
20:46 theBear just waiting to be awesome again
20:46 theBear ooh, double prop, nice
20:47 theBear hmm, little mabuchi... what did cheap (integrated electronics, not 'real' controller) rc cars run on about 25-30 years ago ?
20:47 theBear hmm, i'm seeing 8 aa's in shrinkwrap ?
20:48 Jak_o_Shadows theBear: "Sample" a battery holder
20:48 theBear i don't believe in frivelous sampling, tho it'd be ok if i was honest and i still got it
20:48 theBear still, i got ones from when i was a kid
20:49 theBear 8aa's is heavy, that's just what i think i remember
20:49 Jak_o_Shadows Oh i'm always honest
20:49 theBear i should go to the psu now
20:49 mulvane A couple small metal strips and shrink wrap would make good battery case
20:50 theBear hmm, old rc packs, old old ones, 7.something or 9.6v maybe ?
20:50 theBear that sounds too much, to the psu !
20:50 Jak_o_Shadows 7.2 and 9.6 are available
20:51 theBear hmmm...
20:58 theBear hmmm, 1.5a @ 2v ... errr, 3w ,,, i wonder how windy 3w should be
20:58 theBear i can push it a little, but then my silly little ghetto supply overheats and pulls back, can't get past about 3v.. hmmm
20:58 theBear i wonder if i half shorted it as a kid
20:59 theBear maybe i just need more power... little 1.5" * 1" dia mabuchi motor from a cheap 1/10th-ish size rc car, that sound right ?
21:00 theBear i don't even have to look to know a phone battery aint gonna get close to that
21:00 theBear i wonder if i can rewind the little sucker
21:00 theBear silly things like that are kinda a hobby for me these days
21:01 theBear hmm, 4 crimps, could do... peek in holes, windings look in good condition/colouring... hmm
21:02 theBear maybe i should be looking at a cut in half pc fan instead
21:02 theBear heh, i forgot how much thinking is involved in actually doing things :)
21:03 theBear i also notice there's a projector in about a thousand pieces and a giant 50w led and about a million lenses spread over the workbench... hmmm, should probably do something about that first
21:07 theBear hmmmmmmmm... say i get about, what are modern aa's like anyway ? 1.2v i guess ? and err, i hear 18650 bandied about a lot, i gonna assume that mah.... so err, say i go 4.8v, lets guess that gets me up to maybe 2.5a or so, erm,
21:08 theBear 12w, jeez, anyway, continuing, 2.5a, 4.8v, 18650mah, errrrrr seriously, they fit that many mah in a battery ?
21:08 eBear checks the
21:08 theBear hmm, 1800 looks more realistic and affordable
21:09 theBear ok, so err, 1c means 1 hour to charge right ?
21:09 RifRaf don't think so theBear
21:09 theBear pick the out of practice robot builder
21:09 atom1 shit vhdl can sure suck
21:10 theBear yeah, so what is 1c ?
21:10 theBear max drawable current ?
21:10 atom1 finally getting a good build i think
21:10 RifRaf i think, its charging at the batteries capacity, so if you have a 3000mAh pack and chanrge at 3A
21:10 theBear so that would be 1hour charge right ?
21:10 RifRaf 6A charge would be 2C, i think
21:10 theBear 3ah, at 3a
21:11 RifRaf theBear indeed you are correct
21:11 RifRaf \sorry
21:11 theBear "The C-rate signifies a discharge rate relative to the capacity of a battery in one hour.[45] A rate of 1C would mean an entire 1.6Ah battery would be discharged in 1 hour at a discharge current of 1.6A. A 2C rate would mean a discharge current of 3.2A" mmmk
21:11 theBear so ummmmm....
21:12 theBear 1800mah at 2.5a, that's less than 2c, should be an acceptable draw and over 1/2hr battlife (don't worry, i know what i'm doing, you don't, otherwise it wouldnt' be surprising :)
21:13 theBear so ummm, 4 aa's would be quite acceptable, hmm, what chemistry are 1800-2200mah cheap cells these days ? nicad still ? something i can build my own charger for at least ?
21:14 RifRaf nimh but most use lipo
21:14 RifRaf sure you can still get cheap nicads though
21:14 theBear hmmm... nicads aren't that bad on the short term are they ?
21:15 theBear probly heavy for around 2000mah ?
21:16 theBear hmmm...
21:16 RifRaf nicads are fine, just heavier yep
21:17 theBear hmmm, don't have 4 'big' fets unless i trash that crt in the cupboard, .6v, 2.5a
21:18 theBear 1.5w per device, mmmmmmmm, against a err, what did i say, 12w motor, no, 3.6*2.5, 9w motor, 1/4 power wasted hmmm, 4 irfs would sure be nicer
21:19 RifRaf i'll post you some tomorrow if you want
21:19 RifRaf have a fair few irf1404
21:20 Jak_o_Android i gotta get a pcb made for that h-bridge that i failed to make on stripboard.
21:23 Jak_o_Android i ended up buying a pre-made one, god knows how it manages the power though
21:26 theBear nah man ! you know how i feel about charity, specially from you :)
21:28 RifRaf just give me your addres tonight
21:30 theBear i wonder if that xreaper dude is actually doing electronics (at the uni a couple blocks away) or something else... maybe i could have nice illegitimate university fets :)
21:30 theBear and he just appeared, perfect timing
22:08 MrCurious i get a lot of chatter at low speed and slow feed
22:08 MrCurious guess i need to go faster as you say
22:08 MrCurious but that makes for splinter shaped chips
22:09 theBear splinter shaped ?
22:09 theBear what you doing/what kinda bit/cutting direction ?
22:09 theBear and is your mounting SOLID ? vibrating head/tool is never gonna cut well
22:10 MrCurious spiral 6 flute
22:10 MrCurious i think the mill must be a bit loose
22:10 MrCurious and i was running the spindle fairly slow
22:10 MrCurious jobs done though
22:11 theBear spiral ? like flat end router bit, or kinda nut-shaped ?
22:14 MrCurious spiral flutes on the cutter
22:14 MrCurious like a 2 flute flat cutter, only with 6 and twisted
22:15 MrCurious like this in 1/4 "
22:15 MrCurious http://www.sourcingmap.com/5mm-6mm-straight-shank-helical-groove-flutes-end-mill-cutter-p-155555.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=froogle&utm_campaign=usfroogle&gclid=CKeSgOyM6rcCFQSCQgod4HUAlw
22:18 theBear hmmm, and cutting sideways ?
22:18 theBear or plunging ?
22:18 MrCurious sideways
22:18 MrCurious as i cant make the swirl to do a plunge
22:19 MrCurious typically i would lower the quill 2mm, then sweep back and fourth
22:19 MrCurious through 1/2 of material carving a trench
22:20 theBear hmmm, ones with twisted flutes aren't ideal for sideways cuts, and i aint anything like a metal expert, but erm... hmmm... what kinda rotation speed ?
22:23 MrCurious beats me
22:23 MrCurious i am a total noob
22:23 MrCurious i had compressed air on it the whole run
22:23 theBear lol, what is this, manual mill or diy cnc or ?
22:24 MrCurious harbor freight mill
22:24 theBear auto-feed x-y or manual ?
22:24 MrCurious manuallly cranking handle
22:25 MrCurious i thought spiral would be better than single or double flute
22:25 MrCurious those ones give me vertical lines along the cut
22:25 MrCurious i assume from vibration
22:25 theBear mmmm, i say with a small bit like that keep it deep in the chuck to avoid flex in the bit, and err, i aint good at metal
22:25 theBear what metal you cutting ?
22:25 theBear soft/hard/ally/ferrous ?
22:26 MrCurious aluminum
22:27 MrCurious probably an airplane alloy or some such
22:27 MrCurious cuts like butter
22:27 MrCurious bouncy butter
22:27 MrCurious wish i had a cnc, then i could use a vertical feed rate of 1mm or less
22:30 theBear mmm, sounds like vibration is your main issue, regardless of rates... keep the bit length as short as practical/possible, make sure the piece is VERY securely secured, and preferably close to where you cutting, also be careful not to clamp in any way that will tend to move (ie, compress a cut/hole) as you work
22:31 MrCurious i TOTALLY did that
22:31 MrCurious compressed from either side of the cut
22:32 theBear dude ! apart from causing problems, you'll do yourself a mischief ! and with mills and metal, it could be the last mischief you ever do !
22:32 theBear like everything in life, always be thinking about the physics, angles, leverage, pressure, friction
22:33 theBear everything in life is better when you understand physics !
22:34 theBear and don't say something like that then go all quiet ! for the love of all that is decent man !
22:34 theBear TALK TO ME CURIOUS !
22:35 theBear don't be an hero !
22:35 robotustra <theBear> everything in life is better when you understand physics !
22:35 botustra fram
22:36 MrCurious hahaha
22:36 MrCurious gonna have to assert sex with the women, better when not running the numbers of the physics while involved in the act...
22:37 GuShH who did MrCurious kill to gain access to all the equipment he's got?
22:37 GuShH because it seems he never took a machining class
22:37 ShH shi
22:37 MrCurious been collecting for 12 years now
22:37 MrCurious bever had a machining class
22:37 GuShH and you are still acting like a school kid
22:37 MrCurious but, like that engineer who can program because he read a book on C once...
22:37 GuShH crashing lathes and ruining shit?
22:38 MrCurious yeah, i have flipped through some tool manuals
22:38 theBear lol
22:38 theBear not really the same, flipping thru a couple manuals :)
22:38 GuShH he's the guy that you usually find on craiglist selling broken machines
22:38 MrCurious had a friend who was a machinist, he gave me much of teh starting hints
22:38 MrCurious and i only shattered 2 teeth from the mills low speed gear
22:38 GuShH "chop off that gay pony tail of yours and quit wearing scarfs"
22:39 MrCurious i have a replacement set, but installing the parts seems damned involved
22:39 GuShH MrCurious: how did you manage to do that?
22:39 MrCurious i think by not minding excessive vibration
22:39 MrCurious and pushing the mill til the quill stopped spinning
22:39 GuShH I wonder if you aren't using 100 year old milling bits
22:40 MrCurious and repeatedly banging drills into the piece instead of step drilling
22:40 GuShH you know what hey say about dull knives
22:40 MrCurious i NOW know how to step drill
22:40 ShH pictures a monkey in a machine
22:40 MrCurious i have short conservative republican hair
22:40 MrCurious i remove jewlry before working
22:40 MrCurious and i respect all blades
22:41 MrCurious only been cut by unpowered blades so far... touch wood
22:41 GuShH yeh Blade eh a cool guy
22:41 MrCurious in shop class we had radial arm saw
22:41 MrCurious i could have had one for free
22:41 MrCurious but i remembered that both our shop teachers
22:41 MrCurious who always said fold your thumb under your hand
22:41 MrCurious (and lost their thumbs by not doing that)
22:42 GuShH had no thumb to fold
22:42 MrCurious decided that line of machine is pretty much cursed
22:42 GuShH do as I say ......
22:42 MrCurious 2 shop teachers, 1 year, 2 thumbs
22:42 MrCurious guessing they had a not so secret hand shake
22:42 GuShH 1 thumb 2 teachers
22:42 GuShH could've been worse, no handshake at all.
22:43 MrCurious well, they were both able to high-4
22:43 MrCurious true...
22:43 GuShH one of these days you'll get to join their club!
22:44 GuShH I wonder if each teacher lost an eye also
22:44 GuShH must've been like being taught by friggin pirates
22:45 ShH is bummed about these lathes not having powerfeed on the comp
22:45 MrCurious about 6 months back i bought some ski-goggles style safety glasses from a meteal supply shop
22:45 MrCurious no regrets
22:45 MrCurious they dont fog, and they protect from metal bouncing off my cheek into the eye
22:45 GuShH do you have a beard?
22:46 GuShH I was once saved by my beard.
22:46 MrCurious no beard, and no beard capability
22:46 GuShH aww why not
22:46 MrCurious i come from a not so hairy line of upright walking apes
22:46 GuShH pfft
22:46 GuShH I bet you wax too.
22:46 GuShH and use creams
22:47 GuShH probably even wearing D&G pants right now
22:47 MrCurious well cremes, but only on carbunkles and the like
22:47 GuShH oh and glasses
22:47 GuShH I'm just painting a gay hipster.
22:47 ShH nudges MrCur
22:48 GuShH stereotypes are fun
22:48 MrCurious only reading glasses
22:48 GuShH MrCurious: so why did you buy the replacement gear/s instead of making them?
22:48 GuShH are they cheapie cast gears
22:48 MrCurious i dont have a cnc... how would i hand make gears?
22:48 GuShH lathe
22:48 GuShH mill...
22:49 GuShH just a lathe works with a clever bit of tooling
22:49 MrCurious lathe for the hole
22:49 GuShH similar to fly-cutting
22:49 MrCurious mill for the sprockets
22:49 GuShH you can cut the entire gear on a lathe
22:49 MrCurious its beyonde me at this juncture
22:49 MrCurious and $20 seemed cheap to have a fix mailed to me
22:49 GuShH you might need a milling attachment or your own for the bed
22:49 MrCurious i have a wood lathe
22:49 GuShH 15 years but you never cut a gear
22:49 GuShH there's something wrong here!
22:49 ShH stares at the
22:50 MrCurious havent found much use for it. seems you need all sorts of vices and live centers before it becomes fun
22:50 GuShH oh wood lathe, I thought you had a metal lathe
22:50 MrCurious i got the tools to make kitchen cabinets
22:50 MrCurious only turned to robotics 2 years back
22:50 GuShH but you never made one
22:50 MrCurious no. converting the shop to metal is recient
22:50 GuShH robotic kitchen cabinet...there's an idea for you
22:50 MrCurious i did floating panel doors
22:51 MrCurious self taught :)
22:51 GuShH slip a robotic arm in there to shove stuff at you
22:51 MrCurious hmmm a jetsons kitchen
22:51 MrCurious disks in the counter that slide open and reveal robot arms
22:51 GuShH in this case the shitsons
22:51 MrCurious mixing pots, that would be sick
22:52 MrCurious dont the japanese already have something like that for bottoms?
22:52 GuShH yerp, get it jerked off while you read the label of some chemical ridden food item
22:52 GuShH could be the future.
22:52 MrCurious or was it baned due to flaws in gender identification and tampon removal
22:52 GuShH wtf
22:53 ShH pictures a kinky robot capable of stealing tampons and getting
22:53 GuShH it would always get caught though, leaving a hot trail...
22:53 MrCurious Sir! Sir! not that stall... its for ladies only....
22:55 GuShH So what's the worst thing that could happen? you lose some hairs or a ball... it's like playing football.
22:55 MrCurious you are on your own here. i cant let my mind over-visualize that one. wont be able to unsee-that which has been un-seen
22:58 GuShH hmm
23:00 MrCurious hollow-chisel-mortiser there is a tool i didnt need
23:00 MrCurious same with jointer/planer
23:00 MrCurious bisquit jointer
23:00 MrCurious mill, drill, table saw, band saw. thats the 4 that give the big bang for the bucks
23:02 mulvane I use my drill presses a LO
23:02 mulvane T
23:05 GuShH mulvane: as part of your drug manufacturing process?
23:08 mulvane Not sure at what part a drill press would be needed in that..
23:08 mulvane Hollowing out ivory?
23:08 mulvane Would think my lathe would be better for that
23:28 GuShH mulvane: why would you need to hollow out ivory?
23:59 MrCurious i thought it was illegal to work in the ivory of endangered animals