#robotics Logs

Jun 04 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:42 MrCurious http://www.ebay.com/itm/OEM-HP-SLATE-500-TABLET-CAMERA-AND-USB-PORT-MODULE-CNMU302ASA-/140919606214?pt=Other_Tablet_eReader_Accessories&hash=item20cf768bc6
00:59 MrCurious damn. thats not going to be easily usable
00:59 MrCurious hate it when i pull the trigger too quick
01:34 Curious pokes theB
01:40 MrCurious truly not enough hours in the day
01:40 MrCurious and i do love to steal from tomorrow to pay yesterday
01:44 MrCurious hand mounted camera for a robot to help with closing hand in the right place. is this common?
01:44 MrCurious is it possible to cross potbelly pig DNA with rhinoceros DNA?
02:34 theBear MrCurious, first you gotta get them both REAL drunk....
02:35 theBear GuShh_, 86 original ? this is some kind of family sedan ?
02:36 orlok_ ea86?
02:36 theBear and if yer gonna poke me, tell me the likelihood of cmos/ccd cam sensors being compatible with one another (so a sensor with dead pixels maybe could be replaced with one from a collection of dead mobilefones
02:36 theBear nah, i don't like soccer
02:36 theBear not on nintendo anyway
02:36 orlok_ theBear: Highly unlikely, but not impossible
02:37 theBear plus i'm having a lot of trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality
02:37 orlok_ theBear: but you can only really know by checking the pinouts, etc for the specific sensor
02:37 theBear orlok_, just the bare sensor, i mean, how different can they be ? (i really have no idea)
02:37 orlok_ theBear: pinouts, capabilities, etc
02:38 theBear they're 'passive' kinda things... just not sure if they are maybe matrixed differently or something
02:38 orlok_ theBear: for example - some webcams have quite good sensitivity and a large sensor, but people upgrade them further by swapping in a mono version of the sensor
02:38 orlok_ yup, thats the other difference
02:38 orlok_ but basically, "it depends"
02:38 theBear either way, the spares box has a lot to pick and choose from
02:39 theBear and my frontdoor cam is very near to useless
02:39 orlok_ how does it transmit? svideo, etc?
02:40 theBear composite, but that's irrelevant
02:40 theBear it used to be good, but it's probly 15 or 20 years old, and rapidly growing dead pixels recently
02:40 orlok_ yup, except i have a few, not sure if they work or not
02:41 theBear i'd say i'm past 1/3rd by now
02:41 theBear this didn't work when i got it, but i had the technology, i could rebuild him
02:41 orlok_ sony brand, the sensor "enclosure" is actually dia cast ally or something
02:41 orlok_ i
02:41 theBear fancy, this is plastic
02:41 orlok_ i'll dig them up and post them to you if you want, i'll never use them
02:42 orlok_ yeah, i assume they are high quality just cos of the metal components
02:42 theBear hmm, more cams is always good, i could probly even scrape together some postage money in 2 days
02:42 theBear i also have a bunch of pics and odd things i found recently that i won't use
02:42 orlok_ eh, dont worry about it
02:42 theBear i'd be a fool to argue with that
02:42 lok_ just had a assessment interview at a local
02:43 orlok_ to get a diploma in it using previous experience
02:43 theBear which one ? i'm familiar with several tafes in several states
02:43 orlok_ they just want me to do a gantt chart, and a feasibility study
02:43 orlok_ and then i get a diploma
02:43 orlok_ Holmesglen
02:43 theBear damn ! what subject
02:43 theBear heh, i never heard of that
02:43 orlok_ so no actual study or anything required
02:43 orlok_ IT (Networking)
02:43 orlok_ its one of victorias bigger TAFE;s
02:44 orlok_ and i accepted a redundancy on friday
02:44 orlok_ so i finish work in 24 days
02:44 theBear interesting.... maybe i should get a diploma... should i know what a gantt chart is ?
02:44 orlok_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart
02:45 theBear hmm, don't see what it has to do with networking, but i can work sideways graphs with a line up the middle
02:46 theBear i been looking at real college recently.... nothing to do for the indefinate future, and big discounts/assistance for cripples
02:47 orlok_ theBear: project management stuff to get networks deployed on time
02:47 orlok_ as far as networking/it/systems specific stuff went, the interviewer admitted my knowledge far exceeded his
02:47 theBear hmm... and i'm supposed to be qualified to rollout enterprise level stuff for over 5000 seats :)
02:48 theBear heh yeah, that can happen
02:52 theBear just over 32 hours... 6 eggs, breadroll, milk, sketti, coffee, limited tobacco. . . maybe i should stay awake a few hours and work some kinda deal with someone
03:15 RifRaf we have a print folks http://imagebin.org/260182 first one and it works :)
03:17 Tom_itx good one RifRaf
03:18 RifRaf now i can get back to robots soon and make new parts
03:20 theBear nice work old bean !
03:21 RifRaf cheers
03:21 theBear hmm, maybe drop a few degrees off the platform temp, looks a bit stretched out
03:22 RifRaf yep, could be due to no fan as well
03:22 RifRaf was only getting to 100C and i said 110C, will add some thermal transfer stuff to thermistor
03:22 Tom_itx first row looks a bit close to the table
03:26 RifRaf i was told to do it that way, the head is a paper thickness off the bed at 0
03:26 RifRaf yep :)
03:27 theBear ahh
03:27 theBear in that case the temp is good
03:27 RifRaf biulding a stable solid and accurate frame seems to have helped alot
03:31 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: looks great :)
03:32 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter, thanks, so should i leave settings like they are for now and print more?
03:33 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: looks like your retract may be a bit long and temperature a shade high but definitely ready for printing more complex models and seeing what happens
03:36 RifRaf temp was at 200C though the thermistor could be off, will lower 5° or more you think
03:37 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: step it down 2-3c every few minutes
03:37 RifRaf and is retract in the firmware? cannot find it yet
03:37 Triffid_Hunter if your lines turn to a row of dots you've gone about 10c too far
03:37 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: no, in your slicer
03:37 RifRaf ok thanks
03:37 Triffid_Hunter it _should_ be in firmware. I implemented it in firmware with teacup but for some reason everyone else decided it was the slicer's job
03:38 Triffid_Hunter if it were in firmware, we could tweak it mid-print
03:38 RifRaf retraction is 1mm
03:38 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: mine's closer to 0.75 I think
03:39 RifRaf k
03:39 RifRaf oh my nozzle would be 0.35 eh? it is set to 0.5
03:40 Triffid_Hunter dunno, ask delusr_
03:41 RifRaf 0.2mm layer height, just read that somewhere, probly from you
03:45 Triffid_Hunter yeah use whatever's suitable for the model. should be less than 80% of nozzle diameter
03:49 RifRaf wow, this little block is exactly 22.5mm wide, just what is was meant to be, and 0.57mm thick
04:02 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: oh yeah don't underestimate the accuracy of a well-tuned reprap, I've designed parts with one set of holes in which an M3 screw would slide but not wobble and another set where it woult cut a thread.. got the exact intended effect when printed :)
04:02 theBear i prefer the term rifrap, less negative connotations
04:03 RifRaf heh, i have already used it thebear, on an early model
04:03 theBear i know, we should continue to use it
04:04 RifRaf theBear, http://imagebin.org/260190
04:05 theBear how you think i knew ?
04:05 RifRaf heh, ok print 2 just started, must watch
04:06 RifRaf its sticking, so can leave it be
04:06 theBear how long that 1st one take ?
04:06 RifRaf this stuff really works, am inpressed
04:06 RifRaf 3 minutes
04:07 theBear nice
04:08 RifRaf print quality as good but seems to be jumping to far when it changes layers, so still holes
07:57 GuShh_ MrCurious: thanks for asking, how was your pizza by the way? heh
07:57 GuShh_ he still "can't remember" and I still call bullshit.
07:58 GuShh_ last appointment with the neurologist is today
07:58 GuShh_ he's staying at a friend's since he was discharged yesterday in the afternoon.
08:01 GuShh_ the entire story is full of crap, he started by saying he went out with colleagues from work, but he's a freelancer. when asked "work, where?" he had a blank stare. that's it for me I'm not involved anymore.
08:01 theBear whaddyou care how he got there or why he lies about it ?
08:02 GuShh_ because if you lie that means you have no respect for the other person
08:02 GuShh_ and if that's the case, why should that person respect you in return?
08:03 theBear oh, foolishly i assumed like most people you have no respect for your brother
08:03 GuShh_ theBear: he's way older than me by 11 years in fact. shouldn't be acting like a 18 year old.
08:03 Hukka Would that be acceptable from an 18 year old?
08:03 theBear well after the last neurologist appt. you won't have to feel bad about punching his head in, if you feel the need
08:03 GuShh_ actually not in my book, Hukka
08:03 theBear Hukka, not acceptable, just common
08:04 GuShh_ I've got beat up once near that age, but I never lied about it. The only two times I got beat up I was outnumbered and monkeys were involved.
08:04 GuShh_ heck when I beat someone up I didn't lie either, I had my reasons.
08:04 theBear monkies !?!?!?! frickin awesome !
08:05 GuShh_ But that's another story. Violence is not the way to solve things, unless we're talking about MONKEYS
08:05 theBear i don't think it's legal to fight monkies here, gotta go to international waters
08:05 GuShh_ theBear: I meant that in a derogatory way. I don't think I'd get in a fight with a real monkey, they seem smarter.
08:05 theBear hehe
08:06 GuShh_ for one a monkey would only fight you if it felt seriously threatened in a way or of course if it was altered by drugs, heh
08:07 GuShh_ theBear: what do you make of it? I've always been attacked by 3 to 5 people at the same time, never a one on one
08:07 GuShh_ were they such cowards or did they feel they had no chance on a one to one scenario?
08:07 GuShh_ both maybe?
08:08 theBear i dunno, all i know is he in hospital and he won't say why
08:08 GuShh_ Oh I never ended up in a hospital...
08:08 GuShh_ Never went that low.
08:08 theBear always gotta make it about you <grin>
08:08 GuShh_ We already talked about him!
08:08 GuShh_ he was discharged
08:08 theBear it's lollapalooza
08:08 GuShh_ staying at a friend's since the neurologist is nearby
08:09 Hukka GuShh_: No, monkeys would fight also out of hate
08:09 Shh_ slaps theBear with a big cup of co
08:09 Hukka Or was it apes
08:09 theBear so what do i make of what ? there's nothing special about getting in fights and telling the truth about it, we all done that
08:09 GuShh_ Hukka: to defend their territory you mean?
08:09 theBear no more coffee :( i need liquor, my brain is screaming
08:09 Hukka Anyway, some of those primates are capable of "human like" violence
08:09 GuShh_ I don't think they would fight out of hate or envy unless a "she" was involved, but that's part of their territory
08:09 Hukka GuShh_: Nah, territorial things happen with almost every animal
08:10 theBear oh, are we talking about monkies ? you can teach them to do lots of stuff
08:10 Hukka But this was something more
08:10 GuShh_ I think some of those primates are capable of reasoning a bit more than most humans in those situations
08:10 GuShh_ you can teach most animals to do lots of stuff :p
08:10 GuShh_ I can't seem to teach one of my cats to not scratch the doors
08:10 GuShh_ scratch posts are "meh" for her
08:10 GuShh_ I need to get my hands on some catnip, perhaps that'll do
08:11 theBear catnip is a great way to introduce the majority of cats to posts that don't interest them
08:11 GuShh_ the other cat is mostly self-taught, for instance he knew how to open doors and cabinets, now that we moved he just doesn't care or can't be bothered to learn again I guess, no cabinets on the floor level though
08:11 theBear just don't try for too long if it don't work or they'll just want more nip and not understand it's about the pole
08:11 GuShh_ I tried lots of things
08:11 GuShh_ even masking tape where she would scratch
08:11 theBear heh, all my cats went to college for their education
08:11 GuShh_ eventually she taught herself to scratch somewhere else heh
08:12 theBear nah, it's not true, they were homeschooled
08:12 GuShh_ she does pee in the bathroom though, alas in the shower... eek.
08:12 GuShh_ in that regard cats are cleaner than most dogs I've met.
08:12 theBear heh, that's cool, just between you and me, i've been known to pee in the shower :)
08:12 GuShh_ lol
08:12 GuShh_ well if the water is running who cares
08:12 GuShh_ it's all the same
08:13 theBear everyone knows cats can't use taps !
08:13 GuShh_ unless you have a grey water tank or something
08:13 theBear lol, off-yellow water tank :)
08:13 GuShh_ but pee in the ground is not a bad thing either, if you use it for irrigation purposes
08:13 GuShh_ raises ammonia levels I think
08:13 theBear probly not ideal for washing clothes tho :)
08:13 GuShh_ which helps with the hydrogen? maybe
08:13 GuShh_ I'm no gardner.
08:13 theBear you look like one !
08:13 GuShh_ :o
08:13 GuShh_ how come I look like one!
08:14 Shh_ frowns at the
08:14 GuShh_ wait, there's a famous gardner here... used to work for the president, now he owns a helicopter, several hotels and whatnot. A GARDNER WITH A HELICOPTER DUDE
08:15 GuShh_ he's loaded, all illegal money.
08:15 GuShh_ I'd too be a gardner had I known.
08:16 theBear lol, gardner with a hellachopter, what will they think of next ?
08:17 GuShh_ theBear: plumber with a private jet most likely
08:17 GuShh_ of course super mario was the first one...
08:18 GuShh_ so ... is it really tuna what they sell in tuna cans?
08:18 GuShh_ all it says is "contains no dolphins" which I find it sad since now I want to try dolphin.
08:18 theBear that damned damned dolphin meat
08:19 GuShh_ I also think canned salmon isn't salmon
08:19 GuShh_ specially the smoked ones, it's just liquid smoke they add.
08:19 theBear why are you eating canned fish at all ?
08:19 theBear lol, liquid smoke
08:20 GuShh_ 'cos I can't find fresh fish anywhere here
08:20 GuShh_ I'd have to drive 400KM for that
08:20 GuShh_ it's called liquid smoke!!
08:20 theBear that's the only thing you said so far that i don't like about your country
08:20 theBear all that stuff that bothers you is nothing to me
08:20 GuShh_ most likely the juices that come from burning wood that they gather up.
08:20 GuShh_ but it could be all synthetic
08:20 GuShh_ don't know.
08:20 theBear except no fresh fish
08:20 GuShh_ well there is what people consider fresh
08:20 GuShh_ but it's not what I consider fresh
08:20 theBear still, i'd rather have no fish than canned bullshit, except sardines, i like them on buttery toast every few years
08:20 GuShh_ does it make sense?
08:21 GuShh_ I used to fish a lot
08:21 theBear yeah it does
08:21 theBear me too
08:21 theBear sometimes i miss it
08:21 GuShh_ it's all been frozen for transport
08:21 GuShh_ so it's not fresh anymore to me
08:21 GuShh_ certainly doesn't taste fresh either
08:21 GuShh_ anyway that's why I've been eating canned tuna and such until I can find a good source of fresh stuff :p
08:23 theBear just eat something else, fish isn't THAT important
08:23 GuShh_ I'm actually a lot closer to one of the harbours now but no clue if they sell to the public on site.
08:23 theBear it's certainly not worth ruining your memories of it just to eat canned shit versions
08:23 GuShh_ it is good stuff, plus I like it
08:23 GuShh_ I don't eat it because some silly doctor tells me to
08:23 GuShh_ I know what's good for me...
08:23 theBear it's certainly not worth ruining your memories of it just to eat canned shit versions
08:23 GuShh_ lol
08:23 theBear i can say it again if you want :)
08:24 Shh_ bl
08:24 theBear ooooooh
08:24 GuShh_ Sorry that's not good.
08:24 GuShh_ Funny but not good.
08:24 theBear no, no it isn't, i'm gonna leave you to think that over while i calm down
08:24 GuShh_ On the list of ruined things thanks to the failed thermostat on the friggin boiler we've got two valves and now I added a float valve, since it's leaking
08:25 Shh_ offers theBear a tuna sam
08:25 theBear real fish or shit ? cos i heard you don't got real fish
08:25 GuShh_ lol
08:25 GuShh_ it's not shit it's just not the fish they advertise it is
08:25 GuShh_ and that's what bothers me
08:26 GuShh_ like on the simpsons when they order different cuts of meat and it all comes from the same bucket
08:26 theBear and that canned tuna shit isn't even like canned fish, it's pure shit ! disgusts me that sushi places call it tuna these days too ! i caught and gutted tuna, they don't look like shredded crap ! they look like fish
08:26 GuShh_ but you see, I've got real meat I just can't eat that every day
08:26 theBear yes you can
08:26 GuShh_ I shouldn't
08:27 theBear or you could be broke and hungry like me and only get it a couple times a month at best
08:27 theBear don't eat canned stuff, it's obviously melting your brain !
08:27 m_itx offers theBear a fish sammich from McDon
08:27 GuShh_ beef tenderloin costs as much at the butchers as some of the worst cuts cost in big supermarket chains here.
08:27 GuShh_ Tom_itx: now what's in that thing? not fish I presume
08:28 GuShh_ in fact that must be worse than my canned tuna sammich
08:28 theBear who knows ? i aint ever goin near one of them things
08:28 Tom_itx cardboard cutout of a fish
08:28 GuShh_ LOL
08:28 GuShh_ hahaha
08:28 eBear raises his nose at all offered fish and wanders
08:28 Tom_itx sprayed with fish scent
08:28 GuShh_ it's not really fish scent...
08:28 theBear i'd rather stay on the brink of unconsciousness than touch that mess
08:28 GuShh_ let's just leave it there
08:28 GuShh_ it's true, bears are spoiled early on wrt salmon.
08:29 theBear i don't think i had fish this year, but i still wouldn't consider touching any of the things you been eating
08:29 theBear i'd rather live on vegebles or cereal
08:30 GuShh_ it's not that bad
08:30 GuShh_ I've tried the cheap stuff and it was that bad.
08:30 GuShh_ I didn't say I was buying that
08:30 GuShh_ not even the dog or the cat wanted that
08:30 theBear it is ! which part of it's melting your brain didn't you understand ?
08:31 GuShh_ what are you talking about!
08:31 GuShh_ that's what soy does to you not canned tuna
08:32 theBear you wouldn't say that if you hadn't been eating it too long already
08:32 GuShh_ lol
08:33 theBear my god my mouth is thirsty ! i can't wait for thursday ! i gonna be lined up when the open the doors at the bottleshop !
08:33 GuShh_ let's see what's on the online store
08:33 GuShh_ shit I looked up tuna and cat food came up first in the list
08:34 theBear i aint lookin at no links of crap
08:34 theBear and john west, pfft ! that man has a lot to answer for
08:34 GuShh_ I'll show you the bottle section!
08:34 GuShh_ aw it's ajax
08:34 theBear why do you keep being so cruel today ?
08:35 GuShh_ holy shit the blue label johnny walker really got expensive
08:35 GuShh_ I wouldn't spend that much if I found the money, it's not that good.
08:35 theBear blue label was always up there
08:36 GuShh_ gold label costs about half
08:36 GuShh_ still nothing to scream about
08:36 theBear it's still walker, screw that and get something decent in its field, like daniels, or smirnoff, or cointreau
08:37 GuShh_ I ain't buying no booze
08:37 theBear so you must be buying some booze
08:38 GuShh_ no!
08:38 GuShh_ just looking at how much money I used to waste.
08:38 theBear waste ? poor poor not-fish raddled brain
08:38 GuShh_ it goes to waste doesn't it, when you pee it out
08:39 theBear no !
08:40 joga some russki standard
08:42 theBear i haven't been this sober since my little experiment last year, only this time i didn't choose it :(
08:46 GuShh_ lol "I'm not a snack whore; I'm a hungry man that's made a few mistakes"
08:47 theBear i'd sleep with just about anything for a bottle right now
08:47 theBear i'd do horrible things you couldn't imagine
08:47 theBear i'd do dirty deeds
08:48 GuShh_ hahaha
08:49 GuShh_ theBear: I'll get you some booze if you off Dave, deal?
08:49 theBear dude ! if i was in the state right now it'd be done before you could make a coffee !
08:50 theBear but i can't get there right now
08:50 theBear ask rebecca, i just noticed the other day she lives in the same suburb as him
08:50 GuShh_ Who is Rebecca?
08:50 GuShh_ Plus not everyone hates that tool
08:51 theBear i'm pretty sure she's the girl that comes here and made an electric scooter few years back, but i feel i got the name wrong
08:51 theBear and hate is increaasing
08:51 GuShh_ tell me when it's over 9000
08:51 theBear oh, and danf. is officially lifebanned from electronics channel :)
08:51 theBear it's way past 9000 already
09:08 GuShh_ theBear: what did he do?
09:08 GuShh_ besides hate china and everyone in it
09:09 GuShh_ bah I better fix that float valve
09:09 GuShh_ the overflow goes outside and gets the wall all humid!
09:22 rue_house 1 troll down
09:23 theBear just the usual, but it's over, all the active ops agree :)
09:24 rue_house is pepsi sane these days?
09:24 theBear more than ever before, don't think i've even seen him say anything silly recently
09:25 theBear he aint around much these days, last few years really
09:26 rue_house is flybacks world still collapsing?
09:26 theBear aint seen him for months and months, i think he got superbanned while i was away
09:26 theBear too bad, he was alright when he wasn't being himself for 6months or so there
09:26 theBear i almost liked him
09:27 theBear and i hate the guy
09:27 rue_house he's like that
09:27 theBear i always liked pepsi, apart from his diaperfetish for a while there
09:29 theBear i suppose he was an ass for a while there, but not everyone can handle serious drug use
11:07 GuShh_ theBear: and me? me? me?
11:07 GuShh_ alright valves all fixed 3/3
11:07 GuShh_ the float had warped due to the excess heat... never seen that before
11:08 GuShh_ but it's clear that was the point of release for the whole system heh, stupid british thermostats
11:08 GuShh_ they're like 60-80 USD on eBay but I want something else, ain't buying that brand.
11:08 theBear what what waht ?
11:09 GuShh_ rue_house: is there a standard block type thermostat like the KSD series but a little more industrial that I can bolt to the side of the boiler using spade connectors? the KSD301 series are ok but too flimsy even the ceramic ones suck.
11:09 GuShh_ I want something bigger, for a fixed safety thermostat in series with the new variable one I'll be buying
11:10 GuShh_ actually if it had a screw terminal it would be better, otherwise I'll have to buy good insulated type spade connectors, I only have the cheap automotive ones
11:10 theBear i dunno the series, but yes
11:10 GuShh_ lol?
11:10 theBear and you can get non-auto-resetting ones with a button on top
11:10 GuShh_ it's the only series I know, but it's an example of what I refuse to use
11:11 GuShh_ yep
11:11 GuShh_ I use both
11:11 GuShh_ they're ok for tiny boilers
11:11 GuShh_ where everything is enclosed
11:11 GuShh_ this thing is huge and exposed, so...
11:11 GuShh_ plus the plastic ones are not exactly rugged
11:11 GuShh_ and the ceramic ones are flimsy on the terminals
11:11 GuShh_ theBear: example http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/297952773/1pc-KSD301-Temperature-Control-Switch-Thermostat-150-degree-N-C-Ceramic.jpg
11:11 GuShh_ I use those all the time, they're cheap and they work fine for appliances
11:12 GuShh_ in fact my espresso machine has two of those, but with very weird temperature values
11:12 GuShh_ like 96 and 107 or something like that
11:12 GuShh_ because they calculate them based on the thermal inertia of the boiler
11:12 GuShh_ for a specific peak and sustained temperature heh
11:12 GuShh_ well, boiler and heater assembly.
11:12 Shh_ is talking too
11:13 GuShh_ these are the manual reset http://img.diytrade.com/cdimg/510438/4552557/0/1210601415/KSD301_Bimetal_Thermostat.jpg
11:13 GuShh_ usually you define auto reset on a lower temp, possibly bipolar (two obviously one for live one for neutral) and the manual reset on a higher temp, should the others fail.
11:14 GuShh_ cool thing about auto resets you can use them with a buzzer in case a boiler runs dry
11:14 GuShh_ or to actually shut everything off
11:15 GuShh_ this is the type that failed http://www.ebay.com/itm/SUNVIC-IMMERSION-THERMOSTAT-WT2251-NEW-WT-2251-/230938458581?pt=UK_DIY_Materials_Plumbing_MJ&hash=item35c50139d5
11:15 GuShh_ a similar model.
11:15 GuShh_ I still need one of those for the preset, but I'm looking for fixed ones (safety wise)
11:16 theBear you said external tho
11:16 GuShh_ the way it failed, the bottom cap burst and released the inner oil
11:16 GuShh_ these are not exactly touching the water
11:16 GuShh_ it goes into a shaft that is touching the water, and inside you can have a thermal grease or similar thermally conductive material
11:16 GuShh_ they're actually clip-on but they call 'em immersion...
11:17 GuShh_ and like I said, I want some external ones in series should this preset thermostat fail again
11:17 GuShh_ previously only one thermostat was controlling the burner and it failed, it wasn't fun.
11:18 GuShh_ wtf http://www.ebay.com/itm/WR2254-50-150C-12-INCH-ROD-THERMOSTAT-TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLER-HOT-WATER-IMMERSION-/321003850223?pt=AU_ApplianceAccessoriesParts&hash=item4abd5209ef
11:19 GuShh_ ok this is the one I had http://www.ebay.com/itm/VK4252-40-80C-7-INCH-ROD-THERMOSTAT-TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLER-HOT-WATER-IMMERSION-/221141107445?pt=AU_ApplianceAccessoriesParts&hash=item337d0982f5 not sure why the other one costs so much, might as well pay a monkey to switch it on and off.
11:20 GuShh_ oh it's a true immersion thermostat, still why so expensive... is it vacuum driven or something?
11:20 GuShh_ like old car HVACs
11:20 theBear you sure you mean hvac ?
11:20 theBear and not ac ?
11:20 theBear recently everyone says hvac when they mean ac and it's driving me mental !
11:21 GuShh_ because it's a multi system
11:21 GuShh_ hvac is heating ventilation and air conditioning
11:21 GuShh_ all of which a car has
11:21 GuShh_ and the vacuum switchers are to mix all of that
11:21 GuShh_ so I'm pretty sure HVAC is correct here.
11:21 GuShh_ not that I'm an HVAC guy hence why I asked rue_house I think he knows a lot more about this than I do
11:22 GuShh_ ok citation needed on "all of which a car has" that is, a car that is recently modern and functional :p
11:22 GuShh_ older type cars had a vacuum system instead of servos
11:23 GuShh_ so tiny vacuum lines would go to the selection / rotary switch and apply or release vacuum on said lines to switch gates
11:23 GuShh_ quite cool, but old school. and pretty vulnerable as the lines would rupture or leak and you would just lose most of the functions heh
11:24 theBear NO ! it means high velocity air conditioning !
11:24 GuShh_ vacuum / air commutation is still used but in applications where you have very high voltages
11:24 GuShh_ no, what's high velocity air conditioning? the hell
11:24 theBear like having a tiny duct instead of a big one in an office or room
11:24 GuShh_ it's heating ventilation and ac that's what HVAC guys do :p
11:25 GuShh_ also most modern split units are heaters as much as they're ACs
11:25 Shh_ would like to have one of those, a big one but is too afraid of the electrical
11:25 GuShh_ seems expensive to run 'em
11:25 theBear heat-pumps technically, but that's just not what hvac has always meant ! meanings can't just change, it isn't right !
11:25 GuShh_ specially if you have a leaky floor / house in general, better seal the windows and doors first, then worry about it
11:25 theBear and if you link me to wiki now i will never talk to you again
11:26 GuShh_ Do I ever link to wiki...
11:26 GuShh_ I did a joke there about "citation needed"
11:26 GuShh_ I hate wikians!
11:26 GuShh_ Sometimes I wonder if they all congregate to some undisclosed location -starbucks- and plot against the rest of humanity
11:26 GuShh_ they all wear glasses and tight jeans
11:26 theBear they are dumb enough to think the stuff that place sells is coffee, there's no denying it
11:27 theBear and ride single geared bikes !?!?!?! no wonder i've never talked to one !
11:27 GuShh_ their coffee beans are ok, whether their "baristas" know what they're doing is unclear, specially since they've got 20.000 USD espresso machines but they seem all automated
11:28 GuShh_ ...and with a 100 usd machine I'm able to get a better extraction and overall shot, so... well, it must be the operator not the tools.
11:28 theBear obligatory link to eff google and it's stupid links ! but err,hipsterhitler.com
11:28 GuShh_ must visit
11:28 theBear damn you foreigners ! use commas instead of decimal points !
11:28 GuShh_ 20k
11:29 theBear that too is acceptable
11:29 GuShh_ that's a lot of money
11:29 GuShh_ specially for an espresso machine
11:29 GuShh_ that only starbucks can buy
11:29 GuShh_ because they have an agreement.
11:29 theBear it is, mums cafe has one worth way less than that, and when the right guy runs it, DAMN ! it's like a whole different beverage ! fricking deliciolous
11:30 theBear i mean, people visit me to have what i can make on a cheapest-possible-usable-domestic-machine around, and it's as good as a lot of cafes, but that guy that works for mum, ooooh weeee
11:30 GuShh_ don't think mums is here in fact what is that
11:30 GuShh_ but yes it's all about the operator.
11:30 GuShh_ I don't like the term barista
11:30 GuShh_ I can't help but think about apple product owners and hipsters alike.
11:30 theBear it is kinda gay, even if a large part of me comes from somewhere they use the term natively
11:31 GuShh_ "I'm an artist" "NO DUDE YOU ARE A BARISTA" haha thumbs up Samsung!
11:31 theBear yeah me too, and that scene in zack and miri make a porno where the highschool kids give zack shit
11:31 theBear hehe
11:31 GuShh_ But, I don't think I'd buy a Samsung smartphone
11:31 Shh_ p
11:31 theBear i wouldn't buy one, but if i , well i think i got a s1 that needs some work right here
11:32 GuShh_ I wanted a nexus but... too expensive now, thanks to the president
11:32 theBear i dunno, it says samsung and it looks slightly older than a friends s3
11:32 GuShh_ I have a shitty LG clam-shell type
11:32 GuShh_ it's not smart, but does almost everything a smart does... it actually takes better pictures than the latest iphone
11:32 GuShh_ which I find to be hilarious
11:32 moriarty GuShh_, that still does not make it an iPhone
11:32 moriarty you know that, right?
11:32 GuShh_ moriarty: what?
11:32 theBear also a htc something, one of those nokia n97 mksomethings, xperia x10 and sony something
11:33 GuShh_ do you know what you just did
11:33 GuShh_ don't stir that up.... it won't end up well.
11:33 moriarty GuShh_, get an iPhone
11:33 theBear GuShh_, either made a VERY dry joke, or lost our respect ?
11:33 moriarty it's the only way you'd get laid
11:33 moriarty :)
11:33 GuShh_ go to hell eat shit and die
11:33 theBear GuShh_, hmmmm... i'm going to go with the 2nd one
11:33 GuShh_ that's what I think about your iphone
11:34 moriarty GuShh_, lol i just got my girlfriend an iPad mini
11:34 GuShh_ theBear: He better be kidding.. I'm getting annoyed
11:34 moriarty GuShh_, what did you get yours?
11:34 theBear is that some kind of new tampon ?
11:34 GuShh_ moriarty: does it fit between her fat flaps?
11:34 moriarty oh wait i forgot, you couldn't even afford to get one for yourself
11:34 GuShh_ theBear: lol
11:34 moriarty lawl
11:34 theBear i don't care if it's unbelievably dry humour, respect loss
11:34 GuShh_ moriarty: sorry?
11:34 theBear ed
11:34 moriarty respect lossed?
11:34 GuShh_ theBear: see that's a clear example of these clowns
11:34 GuShh_ they buy apple to feel better about their shitty existance
11:34 moriarty your english rocks, mate
11:34 theBear yes, respected loss
11:34 theBear ed
11:35 GuShh_ even if they end up eating rice for the rest of the year
11:35 moriarty respected loss?
11:35 moriarty lmfao
11:35 riarty facep
11:35 GuShh_ moriarty: go jerk off to the ipad box and get lost
11:35 moriarty GuShh_, are you from China? :)
11:35 GuShh_ ok this is clearly Dan...
11:35 theBear for reference my phone kicks the shit out of AND costs more than an iphone, and i bought it outright, but, go fuck yourself instead :)
11:35 GuShh_ The hell man, get a life.
11:35 moriarty lol theBear
11:35 moriarty theBear, how much does it cost again?
11:35 moriarty and what phone is this?
11:36 theBear hmm, which part of, go fuck yourself did you not understand ?
11:36 moriarty LOL
11:36 moriarty right, that's what i thought
11:36 theBear that you're a dick and people don't like talking to you ? you woulda been right thinking that
11:36 riarty y
11:37 GuShh_ So here's a guy that jerks off to Steve Job's ghost and buys in Dolce Gabbana
11:37 theBear yeah i know, you heard this all before, a million times
11:37 GuShh_ How can you live with yourself?
11:37 theBear it's easy, i'm clean, quiet, funny
11:37 GuShh_ theBear: I mean moriarty.
11:37 theBear i smell good
11:37 theBear i know :)
11:37 theBear that's MY incredibly dry humouir
11:37 moriarty GuShh_, it's Dolce & Gabbana
11:37 theBear yes humouir !
11:37 riarty headd
11:38 moriarty theBear, nice cover, misinterpreting and then valiant attempt at saving face
11:38 moriarty lol
11:38 theBear GuShh_, you fool ! you don't know fashion labels ?!?!?!!? now you've made us both look like asses in front of this obviously superior dude !
11:39 theBear totally, i've never been known to use that as a device for humor
11:39 theBear and i HATE embarrasing myself, i really care a LOT about what strange annoying iFans think of me !
11:39 eBear cries, just a li
11:40 theBear rue_house, where you at man ? this guy hurt my feelings !
11:40 GuShh_ theBear: try to register a .com with & by the way
11:41 theBear why, do i get a easteregg ?
11:41 GuShh_ Also as I'm mostly Italian I get to mislabel whatever the fuck I want from Italy, this clown doesn't even know where he's coming from, possibly a sewer rat from San Francisco.
11:41 GuShh_ That migrated in some slave's ass 200 years ago
11:41 theBear i wonder if he jumps his car over those hilly roads in the movies
11:42 GuShh_ Some dude jumps his ass in said car ove said hilly roads in his movie.
11:42 theBear nah, probly too cool, i know i would, probly trash it too, totally worth it !
11:42 GuShh_ lol
11:42 theBear and i guarantee i wouldn't know what brand ANY of my clothes were ! maybe my underwear, i notice that cos i look at the label to find the front when i put them on
11:43 GuShh_ aren't the stains easier to locate?
11:43 GuShh_ any ideas on how to reproduce an M24 and still make it look real, for collectible purposes nothing else. I thought all wood and just airbrush the metal parts
11:43 theBear aww, now you made me look foolish infront of the cool iPad dude who's got a girlfriend ! maaaaaan !
11:44 GuShh_ I'd like to reproduce the screw cap and the screw head but I don't have a metal lathe yet
11:44 theBear i dunno, is that some kinda gun ?
11:44 GuShh_ the german stick grenade
11:44 theBear oh no ! now i look stupid AGAIN !
11:44 GuShh_ you don't really...
11:44 theBear stick grenade ? i only know ones that look like pineapples
11:44 GuShh_ I've seen them only in a museum, couldn't touch them of course
11:44 GuShh_ hmm pineapple... that's fragmentary
11:44 GuShh_ you could put a fragment sleeve on these german ones actually
11:44 theBear at the local mint you can touch a goldbar in a box, it's really really heavy !
11:44 GuShh_ but that's not as known as the regular one is
11:45 GuShh_ lol
11:45 GuShh_ these are... under 600 grams total
11:45 GuShh_ I thought I could fill the head with lead shot or similar
11:45 GuShh_ since wood alone won't cut it
11:45 GuShh_ would be nice to have a real decomissioned one, but no clue where to find it
11:45 GuShh_ Oh look his Apple product crashed
11:45 theBear heh
11:46 GuShh_ or he tripped on his very expensive wifi router
11:46 GuShh_ first time I used the ipad 2 (it had just came out) it crashed at the ifag store
11:46 theBear registered over 2 years, tho dan is crazy enough, but he didn't respond to anything about intelligence
11:46 GuShh_ and that was the last time I stepped into said store, first and last.
11:46 GuShh_ he acted like Dan
11:46 GuShh_ brb
11:46 theBear i can't bear to walk into one, it's too spaceage and weird
11:46 theBear and he HAS just been lifebanned from electronics so is probly bored
12:04 GuShh_ theBear: heh how does one get "lifebanned" anyway
12:05 GuShh_ hmm, interesting... almost every camera now does HD
12:05 GuShh_ wonder if it's still a good idea to buy video cameras or if most digicams have as many if not better features (minus optics, unless we compare SLRs)
12:05 theBear well you know, there's a last warning, then it's over
12:05 GuShh_ how do you get the last warning? -_-
12:06 theBear i dunno, i never been that much of a fuckwit
12:06 GuShh_ hmm well not every camera does 1080p it seems, they just say "hd" but it's some limited form of 720
12:06 theBear heh, just like tvs :)
12:06 GuShh_ some even interpolated, assholes.
12:07 GuShh_ oh but on TVs they get to say "LED" and people think it's all LED not just the backlight
12:07 GuShh_ that's even worse.
12:07 theBear yeah sure, people know what a led is
12:07 Shh_ doesn't really have a tv, just multiple screens and one is often dedicated to v
12:07 GuShh_ I don't have cable either...
12:08 GuShh_ ok well the physical cable (coax) is there, dangling.
12:08 theBear i was given my first tv recently, found on a curb, had to fix it, i feel like such a grownup
12:08 GuShh_ I need to remove the dish
12:08 theBear don't think i watched it twice :)
12:08 GuShh_ lol
12:08 GuShh_ what was wrong with it?
12:08 GuShh_ open / free air channels suck here
12:08 GuShh_ there's no one educational or good show whatsoever
12:08 GuShh_ it's all celebrity related bullshit and monkey business.
12:09 GuShh_ sure some of them are in HD but who cares
12:09 theBear well technically some days it's not great on cold starts, but seems the insulation on the hv ccfl leads was leaky, just rerouted them, the psu was already warmed up during the testing, so i thought it was cool, seems that turning it on for 5mins is always enough, i suspect recently it might start ok, but i haven't really watched since then, just put it on for background noise in the next room when i cook :)
12:09 GuShh_ I had a massive discussion with a friend not too long ago about multiple LCD screens vs one big LCD TV...
12:09 Shh_ still wants to bash his skull with a
12:10 GuShh_ how can you say a big lcd tv is better than multiple high definition LCD screens... pisses me off.
12:10 GuShh_ perhaps he enjoys looking at big ass pixels
12:10 GuShh_ theBear: no suspect caps on the psu?
12:11 GuShh_ I recapped both the LCDs I've got here
12:11 GuShh_ the third one needs a new board
12:11 GuShh_ bought one, wasn't the same (differnt lvds connector) so that's all there is to it heh
12:11 theBear nah, all look 100%, but i haven't bothered opening it again, tricky to wokr on stuff that big these days, it's less than 14 months old and, that's all i know
12:11 GuShh_ works but randomly, now I suspect the CCFLs are old
12:12 GuShh_ doubt it's worth a new set
12:12 theBear also warming up doesn't really make sense with caps, judging from a few forums and a couple company related pages it was a miracle it worked for that long before being thrown out
12:12 theBear they only retail for a few hundred, and it aint small, some company in the country gets 'em made in china
12:12 GuShh_ deņe
12:12 GuShh_ err
12:12 GuShh_ depends
12:13 GuShh_ heh, got a small usb keyboard on my lap and I misplaced my sausage fingers for a moment
12:13 theBear hehe
12:13 theBear sausage FINGERS, yeah sure
12:13 GuShh_ -_-
12:14 GuShh_ interesting, the fuel in the lawn mower turned yellow whereas the mix in the tiny can is still the right colour
12:14 GuShh_ and it's only been a month
12:14 theBear yellow eh ?
12:14 GuShh_ the "super" stuff is green
12:14 GuShh_ seems to turn yellow as it ages
12:14 theBear oh, i can't see colours like that
12:15 GuShh_ also picks up smells from plastics and other parts, it's nasty
12:15 theBear pretty sure they make petrol here pink last i looked
12:15 GuShh_ well whatever you see as yellow
12:15 GuShh_ PINK?
12:15 theBear yellow aint so bad, but i can't see green much
12:15 GuShh_ and what's in it to colour it
12:15 theBear well so you know it's petrol
12:15 theBear i dunno
12:15 GuShh_ that shit must foul everything in the long term
12:15 theBear doesn't seem so bad, it's not a bright pink
12:15 GuShh_ heh
12:15 theBear on reflection it might not be pink, cos i don't really see red :)
12:15 GuShh_ well, antifreeze is bright green or pinkish
12:15 GuShh_ and they say it tastes like maple syrup
12:16 theBear hmm, i'll have to taste some
12:16 GuShh_ it's of course highly toxic
12:16 theBear i think it's called something else here tho, cos we don't freeze
12:16 GuShh_ but if you dip your finger that's fine
12:16 theBear heh, i'll take yer word on it :)
12:16 GuShh_ not too long ago on the news a drunk guy ingested an entire bottle of brake fluid to mask his alcohol level
12:16 theBear but yeah, i wasn't gonna drink or swallow any :)
12:16 GuShh_ ended up in intensive care
12:16 GuShh_ couldn't help but laugh...
12:16 theBear damn, he musta been drunk to think that would help in any way :)
12:17 GuShh_ that stuff is very corrosive and nasty
12:17 theBear yeah
12:17 Tom_shop they stopped flavoring it because animals like to drink ig
12:17 Tom_shop it
12:17 theBear they flavoured it like maple syrup on purpose ?!!?!?!
12:17 GuShh_ naah it wasn't on purpose
12:17 Tom_shop sure it was
12:17 GuShh_ anyway you are better off using anything other than glycol and water
12:17 GuShh_ specially on old cast iron blocks
12:17 GuShh_ all aluminum it's not as bad
12:18 GuShh_ the glycol itself is what tastes like the maple syrup, it's not on purpose it's just the way it is.
12:19 GuShh_ don't ask me the specific type of glycol I'm not a chem guy
12:19 GuShh_ and I'm not the type to google-wiki it just to pretend I know shit, like most people do. in fact without google most people wouldn't have a job
12:19 GuShh_ damn googloids.
12:20 GuShh_ theBear: found a cool page about the M24 finally http://www.inert-ord.net/ger03a/gerhgr/stck/
12:20 Tom_shop don't eat yellow snow either
12:20 GuShh_ I didn't know the older one had a belt clip
12:21 GuShh_ Interesting how they cut costs as the design evolved
12:21 GuShh_ they were able to manufacture them a lot quicker
12:21 theBear oh glycol, that tastes bad, not like maple syrup
12:21 GuShh_ so instead of machined threads they used pressed threads
12:21 GuShh_ etc
12:21 GuShh_ theBear: there are multiple forms of it
12:21 theBear tho i can see how the kinda person that might drink it would think so
12:21 GuShh_ you mean the one used in smoke machines or similar
12:21 theBear i think i've tasted most of them
12:21 GuShh_ lol
12:22 GuShh_ I find the alcohol they sell in pharmacies tastes like plastic, on the label it says you can use them to make liquors and all sorts of stuff, but that stuff is not highly refined it really does taste like plastic!
12:22 theBear not just that, several types in smoke machine mixes, i think some bubble mixes have a little of one, they use it in frosty insulated beer lines (the ones where the taps form ice) and in some commercial cleaning products
12:22 GuShh_ oh and I know because I used some when I cut my lip
12:22 theBear it says what on the label ?
12:22 GuShh_ got a scar... I should get it removed somehow
12:23 theBear oh, pharmacies are different there, like how you got vodka in supermarkets
12:23 theBear why ?
12:23 GuShh_ hmm the same bottled alcohol is sold in supermarkets also
12:23 GuShh_ suitable for human consumption and it lists the common uses
12:23 GuShh_ one of them is home-made boozes
12:23 GuShh_ -_-
12:23 theBear and miraculously when i bottom-lip hairlipped myself, took all the skin off one side of my face, split the side of my eye open a few years back (fell asleep on my pushbike on a bitumen road, and yes i was sober, just REALLY overworked/tired) i have ZERO detectable scarring !
12:24 GuShh_ it's either not very refined or it's got an additive to taste bad, but if so why would they list it as such?
12:24 GuShh_ I got like a lump-scar and it bothers me
12:24 GuShh_ inside the lip
12:24 theBear there used to be this 'old mule' here for a few years, "pure vodka essence ... ingredients alcahol, flavour, water added" ... it tasted pretty bad, a lot like meths actually
12:24 GuShh_ I'm not getting a boob job, just the thing removed when I can.
12:24 theBear ahh, annoying physically is different
12:24 theBear i will allow it
12:24 GuShh_ lol
12:25 GuShh_ look it came with a tiny tampon! http://www.inert-ord.net/ger03a/gerhgr/stck/m24parts.jpg
12:25 GuShh_ oh right that's the detonator, silly me.
12:26 GuShh_ or rather, time fuse.
12:26 theBear heh, i was expecting a picture of the thing that dick gave his girlfriend :)
12:26 GuShh_ you'd think trained people would handle these and yet the can says "insert fuse before use" or something like it
12:26 theBear wow, i never seen a grenade like that b4
12:28 GuShh_ it's interesting how they could dangle them by the cord on a fence as a sort of booby trap
12:28 GuShh_ even tie 'em to door handles
12:28 GuShh_ nasty.
12:28 GuShh_ it seems not a lot of force was required to start the fuse
12:28 GuShh_ I'm not sure why the white bead at the bottom was made out of ceramic or porcelain
12:29 GuShh_ it's obviously a counter-weight to keep the cord down and allow you to expose it easily after removing the cap, but... I'm sure there had to be other materials available that were just as good, why ceramic?
12:30 GuShh_ anyway it's an elegant simple design
12:31 theBear ceramic was common in oldendays times
12:31 GuShh_ as insulators for telephone, electricity, etc. sure
12:32 GuShh_ but on this type of application couldn't you use something else?
12:32 GuShh_ maybe they found it had the right mass to keep the cord down without disturbing the fuse, don't know
12:32 GuShh_ I know the previous model had an exposed cord and it led to several fatalities / accidents
12:33 GuShh_ woot this is awesome http://www.woodworkingtalk.com/f6/home-made-thread-chasers-9295/
12:33 theBear hehe
12:33 GuShh_ I need to get some taps!
12:33 theBear i watched some thin red line last night, that had an accident with a grenade :)
12:34 GuShh_ never chased threads on wood
12:34 GuShh_ they say it takes a lot of practice
12:34 GuShh_ but it's something I always wanted to try
12:34 GuShh_ to make screw-on caps on little boxes and all of that, or even to screw accent pieces
12:34 GuShh_ like finials
12:34 GuShh_ instead of dowel / friction fit
12:35 theBear yeah man, screw accent pieces !
12:35 theBear what, by hand ? it aint easy, but the results sure are cool
12:35 GuShh_ I've yet to make anything artistic
12:35 GuShh_ so far I've made handles and stuff like that instead of buying them
12:36 GuShh_ even turned my first oval handle for a hammer
12:36 theBear i've often considered some kind of lathe rig like metal lathes have, obviously different speeds/depths etc for wood
12:36 GuShh_ cool stuff.
12:36 theBear yeah, handles are good practice early on, and always handy
12:36 GuShh_ hmm yes you can actually use the tailstock to feed a cutter
12:36 GuShh_ but you get only a fixed TPI defined by that of the tailstock
12:36 GuShh_ of course you need a chuck or something to hold the piece since you don't have the tailstock anymore to use
12:36 theBear you can do screwdrivers and stuff too if you got access to something good that isn't as ugly as hoseclamps
12:37 GuShh_ heh I need a good set of gouges
12:37 GuShh_ they don't sell big sets here, only small ones for carving
12:37 GuShh_ not good...
12:38 GuShh_ bah if I had a metal lathe I'd just use that to thread, it's all about the tool and type of wood then.
12:43 theBear unless i'm making table legs or something huge i'm fond of single-ended mounting, i always hate cleaving things that are held both ends at the final moment, and i'm too lazy to take them off and then cut them by hand :)
12:44 theBear with single ended if you time it right you can have it slow down as you make the final cut and just catch it in your gloved hand needing only the tiniest little sand/file/chisel to get the last little nub off
12:59 GuShh_ theBear: don't have a chuck though
12:59 GuShh_ I can only buy chucks for metal working, they're not exactly the same
13:00 GuShh_ I want the collar type or whatever you call them
13:00 GuShh_ and uhh I wish I had some beading tools :(
13:00 GuShh_ but sharpening thosemust be a biatch.
13:00 theBear i don't think i got a chuck, but i got a few kinda flange things with screwholes
13:02 GuShh_ yeah plates
13:02 GuShh_ I have one
13:02 GuShh_ good for bowls and such, although they do leave the screw holes...
13:03 GuShh_ I don't have much practice with end-grain turning
13:03 theBear i often start with a gap then sheer it off above the screws
13:03 GuShh_ all this talk and I haven't seen anything you've turned! how are you going to teach me without an example! pfft
13:03 theBear i don't find it's that much different, not like cross vs long grain stuff with regular chisels and handsaws
13:03 GuShh_ "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"
13:04 GuShh_ actually most things are still drying since I've turned them almost green.
13:04 theBear yeah, but my lathe is 2hours drive away, i got a couple things around the house, maybe more than a couple
13:04 theBear aww, they'll go all lumpy and bendy
13:04 GuShh_ well they deform a bit
13:04 GuShh_ then you finish it off on the lathe once it's dry
13:04 GuShh_ but it makes it easier to get the rough shapes
13:04 GuShh_ much faster, less dust
13:05 GuShh_ actually some things have to be turned green, for example cowboy hats and thin oval bowls!
13:05 GuShh_ not that I'm going to be turning either, since they're not easy to make.
13:05 GuShh_ lamp shades seem cool, but what a waste of wood...
13:06 GuShh_ I recall seeing a method where rings of wood are glued on top of each other to obtain the rough shape
13:06 theBear cowboy hats aren't wood !
13:06 GuShh_ I might try that some day
13:06 GuShh_ yes you can make them out of wood
13:06 GuShh_ very expensive decor pieces heh
13:06 theBear yeah, i done that a couple times, and got a couple my granddad left behind not turned... good trick
13:09 GuShh_ hrm
13:10 GuShh_ theBear: so you basically start with a big plank?
13:10 theBear depends what you got, but that's definately an option
13:10 theBear whatever it is you want FLAT surfaces to glue together
13:10 GuShh_ should be planed
13:10 GuShh_ heh
13:10 theBear :)
13:10 GuShh_ segmented stuff is also on the to-do list
13:11 GuShh_ doubt you can make money with this type of hobby but it sure is fun
13:11 theBear you can make beermoney, dunno about much more
13:11 GuShh_ so why don't you get your lathe and make booze money? heh
13:11 theBear look around touristey kinda shops, you'll see a bunch of stuff some local guy makes
13:11 GuShh_ heh but that stuff is usually rough and crappy
13:11 theBear cos i live in a flat and at the moment i can't bear to see my poor crazy extremely old grandma
13:11 GuShh_ made out of some cheap local scrap wood
13:12 theBear point is that is one of the few ways to make money with a lathe these days
13:12 GuShh_ either that or make some fine pieces and have a ridiculous price tag on eBay
13:12 GuShh_ I wonder if stuff like ash trays for cigars and such wouldn't sell for a lot
13:13 GuShh_ if well made
13:13 GuShh_ after all those are consumers with disposable income
13:13 GuShh_ or rather, smokable income
13:13 Shh_ facep
13:13 theBear mmm, the kinda people that spend more than 10 bucks on a cigar will waste money on all kinds of crap
13:13 GuShh_ yerp... humidors or whatever they're called are expensive
13:13 GuShh_ but that's a whole different beast
13:13 GuShh_ and the aromatic cedar used isn't cheap either.
13:14 GuShh_ my grandpa used to make some neat things out of wood
13:14 theBear humidors can be a bunch of different wood, i'd like one some day, just a little one like the local bottleshop has
13:14 GuShh_ well, inside it's usually cedar
13:14 theBear none of this walk-in texan millionare stuff
13:15 GuShh_ since it handles well the humidity
13:15 GuShh_ 70% or do? I don't smoke
13:15 GuShh_ so*
13:15 theBear maybe in that part of the world, lotta good wood around here, and more in the country
13:15 GuShh_ I have a tiny one that is silver plated on the outside
13:15 GuShh_ it's empty of course heh
13:16 GuShh_ my brother has a couple big humidors
13:16 GuShh_ dummy doesn't know how to keep them properly though
13:16 GuShh_ he does smoke all kinds of crap
13:17 theBear your brother is a dick
13:17 theBear heh, kinda like my brother
13:17 GuShh_ he is.
13:18 GuShh_ thinks he can buy whatever and become good at it
13:18 GuShh_ can't buy talent or experience heh.
13:18 theBear ironically people like us can try whatever and DO become good at it :)
13:19 GuShh_ speaking of which he just sent me an email about the thermostat lol
13:19 Tom_shop are we the best of the best?
13:19 GuShh_ theBear: I don't want to sound arrogant but I've found that's the case
13:19 GuShh_ no, we just try and try and keep trying
13:19 GuShh_ most people give up easily
13:19 theBear Tom_shop, well i do know that when the going gets tough, we're often called asked to get going <grin>
13:19 GuShh_ doesn't make you a millionaire though, just good at most things.
13:20 theBear and sometimes we mix up our sentences a little bit
13:20 theBear but we have the good grace to admit it :)
13:31 GuShH boop
14:26 GuShH theBear: hmmm interesting... I didn't think this wood would split after 3 days of drying, turned a rough shape for a mortar and it already developed a few tiny cracks on the top bevel, I know how wood behaves but I didn't think it would split since this log had dried for 3 months and it hadn't split so far, hence why I chose it... interestingly enough the force was there it just hadn't split the fibers yet, now that it was upset
14:26 GuShH with the turning it got weakened up top and began to split heh
14:26 GuShH oh well, it's a feature.
14:26 GuShH as long as it doesn't crack any more making it dangerous to turn it again...
14:27 GuShH american oak by the way, possibly known as white oak? meh
14:28 GuShH what's the point on cutting it yourself, choosing the best part and having it split anyway in the end!
16:11 GuShH theBear: you reckon all these splits are caused by angry-dan?
16:16 GuShH crap... 360 bucks for the thermostat
16:16 GuShH must keep on looking
16:16 GuShH that's more than I pay almost a whole year worth of natural gas...
20:21 rue_house hmm
20:25 GuShH theBear: seems bowls or vases from rings isn't that simple and you actually have to cut two sets, one overall 50% smaller than the other so you can stack 'em with a thick lip in between
20:26 GuShH they sell jigs to cut the rings with an angle and all but heh, I couldn't even find one if I wanted to.
20:27 Tom_itx there is a lathe tool to cut multiple bowls from one chunk
20:30 orlok How much should i offer work for a TDS 5104B cro?
20:31 orlok ebay prices are between $5 and $14k!
20:31 orlok I'm thinking $200? :)
20:31 Tom_itx yup
20:31 Tom_itx they have depreciated it already and have gotten their use out of it
20:32 orlok also, company is likely going into administration soon
20:32 orlok we do no more hardware work
20:32 orlok if i dont buy it, the administrators will just sell it as part of a batch auction
20:34 orlok Sunko soldering station, Hako SSMD reflow station
20:35 Tom_itx better snatch if if you can
20:35 Tom_itx you can always ebay it later
20:35 orlok dunno if they are good brands or not
20:36 Tom_itx ask eadthem he works in rework