#robotics Logs

Jun 01 2013

#robotics Calendar

12:15 Tom_itx he'd just bury it in his hill and live in it
12:16 Guest55457 lololol
12:17 Guest55457 He totally would. :(
12:24 GuShH Guest55457: I want one! or two
12:27 Guest55457 There's one on our local Craigslist
12:27 Guest55457 If you happen to live near Rue and I
12:27 Guest55457 We live about 2 hours outside of Vancouver.
12:28 GuShH I don't heh
12:29 GuShH Guest55457: containers in "ok" state (rusted though) are quite expensive where I live
12:29 GuShH otherwise I would have 4 of them welded together and I'd call it a shop
12:29 GuShH or at least good for storage, or a small garage
12:29 Guest55457 Yeah, they're awesome for that.
12:29 GuShH I know! but it's cheaper for me to make it all out of wood and concrete for the floor
12:29 GuShH sadly
12:29 Guest55457 Get 4 and use them for storage walls, build a roof over top
12:29 GuShH you wouldn't place the containers on the dirt anyway
12:30 GuShH I've seen (in videos) actual houses built like this and they are nice
12:30 Guest55457 No, but you can make a "deck"
12:30 GuShH however, not cheap here.
12:30 GuShH which is ridiculous since the containers offered are often not suitable for use
12:30 Guest55457 Yeah the one in this listing says good shape for 3 grand
12:30 GuShH thus their value should be that of scrap metal
12:31 GuShH when I go by the docks I can see 1000s of containers, they're always the same in the same place...
12:31 GuShH stuck by customs or just left there to rot
12:31 GuShH hmm brother had an accident of sorts
12:31 ShH wonders whether to head to the clinic or
12:32 Guest55457 Probably should
12:34 GuShH they say he fainted and they sent him to the clinic, I call bullshit and he either had a car accident or did drugs.
12:34 GuShH if it's the former that would be the third one and I'm not up for it
12:34 Guest55457 lol
12:34 Guest55457 You got one of "those" brothers
12:34 GuShH you know, first car accident you are very worried, second one you're like "again?" third one it's "whatever"
12:35 GuShH he drinks, smokes and self medicates
12:35 GuShH that's as far as I know
12:35 GuShH Guest55457: that makes me the laid back brother, the one who never has any fun :/
12:36 Guest55457 Every family has one
12:36 GuShH I doubt he's into drugs, if he is I can't say I understand it
12:36 ShH always jokes about wanting to try pot and other substances but he's not the addictive
12:37 ShH even "cured" himself from what could've been a serious drinking pro
12:40 GuShH Guest55457: got the latest iphone?
12:40 GuShH need halp determining which adapter to send my brother so he can charge his phone, it must be the tiny one with the smallest connector
12:40 GuShH since I heard they changed it
12:40 Tom_itx is that like a crack habbit?
12:40 GuShH previous one was massive, got 3 chargers here to choose from hmm
12:40 GuShH Tom_itx: what is?
12:40 Tom_itx having to have the latest iphone
12:41 GuShH it must be
12:41 GuShH he has 3 that I know of
12:41 GuShH the others he sold
12:41 Tom_itx heh
12:41 GuShH it's got to be the smallest one
12:41 Tom_itx when they make the cover from clear cryptonite i might consider one
12:42 Tom_itx they break to easy
12:43 GuShH lol
12:43 GuShH they don't have the glass samsung uses or do they?
12:43 GuShH gorilla or something like it
12:45 ShH is not into cellphones, cle
12:45 GuShH it takes a special kind of idiot to be, I mean it's not all about disposable income
12:45 Guest55457 ah, sorry Gushh
12:46 Guest55457 Kid distracted me
12:46 Guest55457 no, I don't buy apple products
12:46 Tom_itx i eat apples but that's about it
12:47 Guest55457 Yeah, the fruit is still okay but I hear they're suing nature over the patent rights to it.
12:49 Tom_itx nature acts like judge and jury sometimes
12:49 Tom_itx ask OKC
12:55 GuShH meh
12:55 GuShH you look at their products and you can't help but think people who buy this stuff has nothing else to look at or do in life so they have to reward themselves with glossy plastic and rounded aluminum forms.
13:05 GuShH Tom_itx: any experience with chinese metal lathes?
13:17 Tom_itx no
14:48 GargantuaSauce http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HUzv_ge-WKA
15:29 MrCurious listerine does not mix well with pepsi
15:38 GuShH eek
16:14 MrCurious thats infuriating. a days worth of play on civ V, i am winning hands down, and it crashes!
16:15 robziw MrCurious you have to wait in a queue in order to log in to play civ
16:16 robziw Digital Rights Managment, baby
16:16 MrCurious i do?
16:16 robziw DRM
16:17 MrCurious Doesn't Really Matter
16:51 MrCurious anyone used julius speech recognizer?
17:01 MrCurious that was easy
20:19 zhanx sorry about that. messing with my config
20:45 mulvane Had an EF2 less than 2 blocks from my house last night.
20:46 mulvane Tore up the northern part of our town pretty bad.
20:46 Tom_itx okc?
20:46 mulvane No. Illinois. 1mile north east of St. Louis.
20:47 mulvane I'm in a little town called Gillespie, IL
20:47 mulvane St. Louis area got it pretty bad last night as well. Depending on the report, there was between 4 and 12 tornados last night in this area
20:47 MrCurious any good lightning visuals?
20:48 Tom_itx i heard about those
20:48 mulvane No
20:48 mulvane The warning system for our area was a major failure.
20:50 mulvane We had 20 seconds and it was on top of us.
20:50 mulvane I'm prepared though. As long as I can get to the basement, we are fine.
20:50 mulvane I even have straps attached to our houses plumbing draing with hiking harnesses :-)
20:50 mulvane Thats more to keep the kids all together. I have 4 to keep track of.
20:54 zhanx resetting up my lap computer. hate this part.
20:55 zhanx Tons of waiting etc. Stuff to d/l and sync
20:59 zhanx but there's nothing like a fresh install to work on
21:06 mulvane Anyone in here do wheel chair motors?
21:06 mulvane Looking for a parts list for a decent h-bridge
21:07 RifRaf hip4082 and lots of irf1404 or similar is a good start
21:08 mulvane Cool. I'll look at those. Thanks
21:08 zhanx fail dropped my glasses on the concert and yep scratched them