#robotics Logs

May 31 2013

#robotics Calendar

02:01 theBear http://xkcd.com/385/ re: a nail
02:01 rue_house hahahahahahaa
02:01 rue_house checkthis out
02:01 rue_house http://www.aliexpress.com/item/SCM2-120T-high-pressure-pump-20HP/511511940.html
02:01 rue_house look at the ratings
02:01 rue_house hahaha
02:11 GargantuaSauce an electric 4-stroke pump
02:11 GargantuaSauce sounds good to me
02:19 rue_house :)
02:20 rue_house with electric start!
02:20 rue_house nothing as hard as pull starting an electric
02:20 GargantuaSauce at least both product descriptions they mashed together are for pumps
02:20 rue_house that said, I had a few that needed a spin-start
02:21 GargantuaSauce i've seen very...diverse combinations
02:27 GargantuaSauce anyway as far as chinese fleabay listings go, i think inverter girls takes the cake
02:28 GargantuaSauce http://i.imgur.com/OwtQT.jpg
02:39 RifRaf rue_house, got all limit switches and motors working smoothly
02:39 RifRaf goes to home position nicely, one axis after the other
02:41 GargantuaSauce that's always weirded me out, i dont get why it doesnt home all 3 at once
02:41 GargantuaSauce youre using marlin right?
02:43 RifRaf yes its marlin
02:47 rue_house wow that was a hack and a half, I wonder if this will work
02:48 GargantuaSauce hows your arm control coming
03:02 rue_house after some hacking I just got the interpolator working
03:03 rue_house I had to use a global :(
03:03 rue_house I wanted to be able to make up a motion sequence, but I'll do that tommorow
03:03 rue_house or when the faire opens
03:30 RifRaf rue_house, you going to exhibit your arm at the fair?
03:38 GuShH rue_house: you know if general purpose VFDs can be used as a simple single phase output without triggering faults?
03:38 GuShH Startvert iE5
04:12 tweeky Hey guys, wondering if someone could help me out. I want to purchase a few high torque motors and write a program to track stars with my telescope. Problem is atm, the scope has a 40cm round base, and it would be perfect if I could buy a roll of like, cog teeth stuff, super glue it around its base so the 12v motor can grab it. I cant find this 'tape' stuff anywhere, don't know what it's called and if it even exists? Any help apprec
04:19 i_tarzan_ it does not exists
04:20 i_tarzan_ if so all dentistry work would be perfect, but nope
04:21 tweeky damn
04:22 tweeky I mean it's like getting a cars engine belt and flipping it inside out and using that, but its teeth are too large, not enough accuracy for a scope.
05:06 zap0 gyro/stabalizers for a steady cam rig, anyone know a cheap solution?
05:07 theBear erm, however they did old ones... nothing electronic/active in those
10:14 robbor hey.. i am developing swarm robots where the primary aim is to get to a place and capture pictures from there... it would be great if someone could guide me in this regard
10:15 robbor i just need help in coding
10:16 DagoRed That's a major part of that project.
10:17 robbor yes.. if you could just help me get a start... i would be very thankful
10:18 robbor it can be in c/c++
10:19 robbor like how do you use it on Player Stage etc.
10:42 RifRaf it lives http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGW9WGLsqzQ
10:45 Tom_itx you're gonna beat rue_house
10:46 RifRaf have been at it a month now, final parts will be here monday and then printing for real
10:47 RifRaf it survived a 30 minute virtual print so am happy
14:58 MrCurious Its the end of the week, as we know it.....
15:04 rgantuaSauce is distinctly overhe
15:04 GargantuaSauce 31 with humidex, i left work early because the damn ac isnt on and walked home in the sun
15:06 MrCurious no bus's where you live?
15:06 MrCurious snag a cool shower and lower your core temp
15:06 GargantuaSauce oh there are and i probably should have taken it, i try and take it only one way and walk the other though
15:06 GargantuaSauce gets my lifestyle one notch above sedentary
15:11 MrCurious good plan
15:11 MrCurious bad choice of days :)
15:12 GargantuaSauce yup
18:26 MrCurious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKffm2uI4dk
22:27 RifRaf some pics of almost finished printer http://www.flickr.com/photos/68474040@N07/sets/72157633844337765/with/8908384402/
22:27 zhanx cool https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/ro7N7-7cWCla3heQPo_Wwob_UvsqFQoBKM03Lh_q0f8=w276-h207-p-no
22:27 Jak_o_Shadows very cool
22:27 theBear i sure am !
22:28 zhanx wrong link
22:28 zhanx https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/ro7N7-7cWCla3heQPo_Wwob_UvsqFQoBKM03Lh_q0f8=w276-h207-p-no
22:28 zhanx jig for bending the steel for my robot is done 1 of 3 that is
22:29 zhanx this should bend all the circles fine
22:30 RifRaf zhanx, you posted the same link again
22:30 theBear err, that yeah
22:30 RifRaf and does not look like a bender
22:30 zhanx https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-005flDjEyFM/Uali3REe6CI/AAAAAAAAD-w/RknKCwyG_4g/w719-h539-no/2013-05-31+22.44.41.jpg
22:30 zhanx ok full size
22:30 zhanx its not :D
22:30 theBear yeah, i seen benders... little jeans and scarves :)
22:30 theBear hmm, i suppose that kinda looks like a bender
22:31 zhanx i got strong hands
22:32 theBear what kinda metal is it
22:32 zhanx 3/16" steel rods
22:32 zhanx 1018
22:33 theBear jeez, good luck... i see the nails pulling out
22:34 zhanx nope they are LONG and i drilled holes in the board to use as pins
22:35 zhanx its a softer steel
22:35 theBear well, good luck
22:35 zhanx like a closes hanger but thicker
22:36 theBear clothes
22:36 zhanx same thing
22:37 theBear except now everyone understands :)
22:37 zhanx true
22:56 MrCurious http://www.woot.com/offers/asus-11-6-touchscreen-core-i3-vivobook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HHEquvh7KI
22:57 MrCurious seems a nice choice for a easy touch panel robot
22:57 Curious encourages others to spend on what he himself chooses no