#robotics Logs

May 29 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:03 rue_house GargantuaSauce, the avr sends a timed 'step done'
00:04 GargantuaSauce oh every step? does that mean stepping speed is limited by the serial link?
00:04 rue_house you say what stepprs you want to step, and when you ask for a sync, it steps the motors, when a timer finishes it says 'done' and the next step set can be synced
00:04 rue_house yes 115200 baus
00:05 GargantuaSauce ah ok
00:05 rue_house orlok_, I always common grounds
00:05 rue_house so the worst case is 7 characters per step (all motors)
00:06 rue_house which is still a 1khz step rate
00:06 rue_house I think the motors are limted at 280Hz
00:07 rue_house Tom_itx, you have fast motors, whats your max full steps/sec
00:08 rue_house Triffid_Hunter, how about you, whats your max full steps/sec
00:10 GargantuaSauce whats the step angle on those big honkin things
00:11 rue_house hmmprolly about .014 degres
00:12 rue_house they are all gearsteppers
00:12 GargantuaSauce huh, havent seen geared ones with that shape of housing
00:13 GargantuaSauce so they'll really only move 4 degrees per second? :/
00:14 GargantuaSauce mmm...i want to make a stepper driver that i can feed bezier curves or something
00:14 GargantuaSauce so all the host has to do is ik
00:15 rue_house the second after next layer can be sent linear segemnts
00:16 rue_house then I have an ik layer
00:16 rue_house on that can go a 3d path lib
00:17 rue_house ok I have to (re)write the arm zeroing code
00:21 orlok_ rue_house: i max out at 6000 milliseconds between steps - any lower than that and they have issues
00:21 orlok_ (inconvenient measurement or what?)
00:21 GargantuaSauce that is a pretty slow motor
00:22 GargantuaSauce is its diameter measured in metres?
00:23 rue_house uh
00:23 rue_house 6000ms eh?
00:23 orlok_ milliseconds
00:23 orlok_ not microseconds
00:24 rue_house yes, to 6000ms
00:24 rue_house not 6000us
00:24 rue_house 6000*10^-3 S
00:30 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: hm? let's see.. max travel on X is 1.2m/s @ 80 microsteps/mm, there's 16 microsteps to a full step, so 6k full steps/sec?
00:31 Triffid_Hunter orlok_: heh 6000ms = 6 seconds
00:32 rue_house Triffid_Hunter, wow
00:33 rue_house 1.2m/s!
00:33 Triffid_Hunter that's with smoothie, avr8 core can't keep up ;
00:33 Triffid_Hunter ;)
00:33 rue_house you can even excel to meax speed
00:33 rue_house ant even excel on the table up to that...
00:33 Triffid_Hunter avr8 maxes at 40k microsteps/sec with marlin firmware, or about 500mm/s with 40mm pitch circumference pulleys
00:34 rue_house you cant even excel on the table up to that before you need to start deaccel
00:34 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: depends on the accel, that's at somewhere around 3500mm/s^2
00:34 rue_house your not using dc servos?
00:34 Triffid_Hunter nope, rattm steppers
00:35 Triffid_Hunter rattm is http://www.aliexpress.com/item/NEMA17-78-Oz-in-CNC-stepper-motor-stepping-motor-1-8A/541709270.html for one or http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/5pcs-NEMA17-78-Oz-in-CNC-stepper-motor-stepping-motor-1-8A/907217_523595194.html for a 5 pack
00:35 Triffid_Hunter driven with A4982s
00:38 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: http://youtu.be/YV8mXkf_uco <-- printer running at like 1/4 of those speeds where it's a bit more reliable wrt the occasion where the nozzle runs into some protrusion
00:39 GargantuaSauce that THUNK noise is so deeply disappointing
00:49 rue_house yer print head muh suka a lot of juice sir
00:50 rue_house thats one hell of a pullback
01:23 theBear what the ? sleep through a solid 4:59 of my alarm, wakeup to look at the clock with less than 1minute to an appt. in the city :(
01:24 GargantuaSauce how do you sleep through five hours of alarm
01:25 GargantuaSauce i mean personally i've mastered the art of turning mine off without gaining any notable degree of consciousness
01:25 GargantuaSauce but sleeping through it? no way
01:27 MrCurious dont you want dual shaft
01:27 MrCurious so you can slap a knob on for manual adjustments
01:28 GargantuaSauce you can just twirl the gear
01:29 MrCurious true
01:30 GargantuaSauce in any case the hobbed bolt has a pretty small diameter
01:30 GargantuaSauce so doing it manually gets tedious fast
01:31 MrCurious i was thinking more for x/y
01:31 GargantuaSauce not that it makes a difference with a direct drive extruder hurr
01:31 rgantuaSauce is a bowden tube p
01:31 GargantuaSauce oh...well that would be just silly
01:31 GargantuaSauce because you can just nudge the head/bed
01:35 theBear GargantuaSauce, i don't have it as STUPID loud as i used to when i worked, but there's no explaining me these days... tbh i'm much more surprised at the chronic insomnia for 99% of maybe 5 straight days last week than this :)
01:35 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/abb-acs601-0040-4-000b1200801-AC-DRIVE-460v-380v-480v-vfd-500v-40hp-/350708235584
01:35 theBear and you have to type to turn mine off, not exactly solving a puzzle, but usually enough you are aware you done it :)
01:35 rue_house is that the VFD I should use for my truck you think?
01:36 theBear rue_house, i was gonna say, that's a bit overkill just to wake me up :)
01:36 rue_house 40hp is prolly enough for an S10
01:36 rue_house ?
01:37 theBear whats a S10 ? doesn't your truck run on petrol ?
01:37 rue_house well, right now it does
01:37 rue_house its gonna get converted
01:37 theBear seriously ?
01:37 rue_house I think so
01:37 theBear wow
01:37 theBear 40hp isn't really much for a truck
01:37 rue_house I want to feed DC into the bus on a VFD
01:38 rue_house its electric HP tho
01:38 MrCurious makes me imagine a dance-dance revolution enabled security lock
01:40 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-Surplus-3-Phase-40HP-Westinghouse-A-C-Motor-73G57245-Cat-No-4-010233-40-/360056080977
01:40 rue_house $300 for a mtoor!
01:40 rue_house cheap!
01:42 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/GENERAL-ELECTRIC-AC-MOTOR-5KS324BS205D21-40-HP-1780-RPM-3-PHASE-324T-FRAME-/221033384775
01:42 MrCurious for that $ the washer should come with!
01:42 rue_house what do you mean "the front end collapsed when it was put in"
01:52 rue_house hmm looks like ~$9000 to convert it
01:53 MrCurious rue_house: you strike me as someone who needs a welder, a grinder, a drill, and a source of scrap steel
01:53 MrCurious think big, like the hand-of-man, only with the rest of the body
01:56 theBear screw that ! think HAND-OF-GOD ! only with the rest of the body being an attractive canadiack :)
01:57 MrCurious give it 60' hexapod legs...
01:58 MrCurious then spend a month working out what to broadcast over the loudspeaker as you instantiate the japanese national nightmare....
02:00 MrCurious oh no... bad bad jcpenny http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Drivers-See-Adolf-Hitler-in-Culver-City-Teapot-Billboard-209295301.html?_osource=SocialFlowFB_LABrand
02:04 theBear oh wow !
02:04 theBear that's some luck eh
02:05 MrCurious i think the question is... did the tea-pot designer engineer this, or the graphic artist who made the billboard
02:05 MrCurious apparently we have that t-pot
02:06 MrCurious guess i will have to call it mein-pot from now on
02:06 theBear meh, i can see it being an honest mistake.... i mean, it took me a minute to unsee that which had been seen, but it IS just a teapot :)
02:06 theBear hehe
02:09 MrCurious depends if the t-pot has the I on it
02:09 MrCurious and the bell
02:10 MrCurious which would leave only the handle as purposeful part of the illusion, and thats not enough to make the actual pot the culprit
02:11 theBear the bell just makes it look like he's holding a bell, wtf is that anyway ?
02:13 MrCurious his palm?
02:13 theBear lol, i mean on the kettle
02:14 theBear holy crap rue ! just looked at that GE link, that thing is FUCKE
02:14 theBear D
02:14 MrCurious kind of looks like a cartman shaped later-than-he-lived version
02:15 theBear totally
02:15 rue_bed what?
02:15 theBear oooh, if you like cartoons lookup balloon hitler athf
02:15 rue_bed no, its just a big rusty
02:15 rue_bed bit
02:26 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter, any parcel yet?
02:27 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: yep, didn't make it to PO today though
02:27 RifRaf ok no worries, just take watever parts will fix your Z axis and motor mount and the rest should fix delusr's
02:28 RifRaf some have the Z out an extra 5mm than others, am sure you will work it out
02:28 RifRaf i have 2 motors to wire up and then gonna turn this thing on
02:29 theBear oooh
02:29 RifRaf theBear,won't be printing yet, still no hot end, but should be able to start playing
02:30 GargantuaSauce you can at least make wonderful axis noises
02:30 RifRaf indeed
02:30 theBear you could force icing thru it and make pretty food
02:30 GargantuaSauce the tones of steps aliasing around a circle are possibly my favourite sound in existence
02:55 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: http://tim.cexx.org/?p=633
02:56 GargantuaSauce a dremel tool cnc?
02:56 GargantuaSauce what is the world coming to
03:01 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter, nice one :)\
04:05 GuShH theBear: already dealing with the shortcomings of china with the lathe...
04:06 GuShH the variable speed handle has a very short thread and it was cross-threaded right out of the box, which made it slip out when I first used it... so I took it apart, cleaned up and screwed it again, but it kept slipping so I'll have to weld it, I think it's all steel but hard to say.
04:07 GuShH it doesn't take an engineer to know that handle requires at least twice the thread count to withstand the torque
04:08 GuShH the shaft is correctly sized, the piece it screws on isn't so they added a nut (so you could "lock it") but in reality it's used as a spacer
04:10 theBear hehe
04:12 GuShH theBear: I don't find it to be any funny!
04:13 GuShH also I removed the back cover, it turns out it only uses 2 pulleys but they're split type, spring loaded
04:13 GuShH that's how it changes ratios
04:13 GuShH as one pulls tighter the other one gets loose and accomodates the belt
04:13 GuShH gives you a finer degree of speed tuning
04:14 GuShH in reality it simplifies the entire system and makes it more lightweight, not sure that's something I like on a lathe, any lathe.
04:14 GuShH also I'm going to take note of the belt it uses so I can buy replacements
04:14 GuShH since it only came with one
04:14 theBear woah, that's, an interesting approach for a power drive
04:14 GuShH hopefully some big store will carry something similar
04:14 GuShH it works very nicely, except for the handle as I mentioned
04:14 GuShH but if it's steel I can fix it.
04:15 GuShH two tack welds and it should be better than it ever was.
04:15 GuShH (the welds would go on the inside of the part, so it won't be visible)
04:19 Tom_itx harder on the belt too
04:25 GuShH Tom_itx: yes it puts side friction instead of mostly bottom
04:25 GuShH which is why I said I want to find spares soon
04:25 ShH hands Tom_itx a co
04:28 GuShH I know wood lathes are not precision built compared to metal cutting lathes but, if this is an indication of how chinese lathes are in general... I'm not buying a chink metal lathe.
04:28 GuShH the copy carriage has some side play and it's new... what the hell
04:28 GuShH I know it's not strictly important in wood but still, jeez.
04:29 GuShH also milling machines, the one I looked at ran at maximum 3k rpm, the hell?
04:30 RifRaf that does seem pretty low
04:31 RifRaf the lowest speed i go is like 4500rpm for stuff like stainless
04:32 GuShH RifRaf: I know, I asked the sales rep and he was clueless as always
04:32 GuShH I don't think a milling machine can be useful at 2800RPM
04:32 RifRaf ali at about 13k and most at 18k
04:32 GuShH maybe it was 28.000 and they had a typo, but 28k would be pretty high
04:33 GuShH yes, milling requires speed which is why I'm so puzzled at this
04:33 RyanS I thought it was like the smaller the endmill the higher the rpm?
04:33 GuShH I asked for the machine code / serial to look it up
04:33 RifRaf thats routing , but i do milling stuff at same speeds, like when not all the way through
04:33 GuShH on those chinese sites
04:33 GuShH but they didn't have it
04:33 GuShH ....since they strip it all and slap their own brand / logo
04:33 RifRaf RyanS, i normally adjust the feed rate more than the rpm
04:33 RifRaf for different bits
04:34 GuShH So in essence if the RPMs are correct, that machine is useless.
04:35 GuShH even for wood routing you use much higher speeds than that
04:35 GuShH it would be, essentially, a glorified bench press / drill
04:35 RifRaf me drill press would not be more than 5k rpm, but have drilled many thousand tiny pcb holes with it ok
04:35 GuShH RifRaf: most small drill presses seem to top at 2800RPM
04:35 GuShH at maximum speed setup
04:35 GuShH ie lowest torque
04:36 RifRaf GuShH, most likly is, is just a small thing
04:36 RifRaf is not inside tonight or i'd check, i just know its way slower than the router
04:36 GuShH I can find the auction I think, they have them online one sec
04:36 RifRaf plugged in the reprap, no action so far :/
04:37 GuShH oh I'm getting a tiny drill press, but I wanted an actual milling machine as well.
04:37 RifRaf but no smoke either
04:37 GuShH what's your debug say :p
04:38 RifRaf Extruder switched off. MAXTEMP triggered !
04:38 RifRaf Error:Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart
04:38 GuShH :/
04:38 GuShH heh speaking of MAXTEMP
04:38 GuShH the thermostat on the furnace / boiler failed yesterday
04:38 GuShH it steamed up, blew the excess pressure upstairs... not funny
04:38 RifRaf bugger, and i need to try find a thermistor
04:39 RifRaf like blew up in a room?
04:39 GuShH kind of.
04:39 GuShH there's an expansion tank upstairs
04:39 GuShH that's where it blew the pressure
04:40 GuShH and transformed the entire floor onto a sauna
04:40 GuShH as for downstairs, the high temp paint on the boiler began to smoke up, so you couldn't see anything
04:40 RifRaf not good, i dunno what a boiler is really, we don't have them
04:40 GuShH that's not cool, I said I needed redundancy and to rewire the whole thing and I was right...
04:40 RifRaf but i can imagine a steamtrain boiler
04:41 GuShH just a heat exchanger, gas driven, heats up the water for radiators and other uses
04:41 GuShH it shouldn't exceed the preset temperature (70°C in my case)
04:41 GuShH it went way over 100°C
04:41 RifRaf ouch
04:41 GuShH pump stopped, so it had no load but it kept burning
04:42 GuShH so... I spent the day drying everything up and staring at the condensation on the walls
04:43 GuShH will get several thermostats and wire them up in series for redundancy when I rebuild this thing, it's dangerous stuff.
04:44 GuShH and like I mentioned, I want to get a micro involved to monitor everything
04:44 GuShH bad day as the hazard light module began to smoke up on the jetta as well
04:44 GuShH 1998-2005 same module, VW thinks they're awesome and yet they managed to screw something up as they've had a recall in the past
04:45 GuShH omron relay magically shorts and it's plastic becomes conductive, so it smokes up
04:45 GuShH then their silicone grease inside the switch gathers copper dust and becomes conductive as well
04:45 GuShH such a series of bad events.
04:57 RyanS Anyone built a model engine here before?
04:57 GuShH RyanS: nope, but it's on the bucket list
04:58 GuShH if anyone did build one it would've been rif or rue!
04:58 Triffid_Hunter RyanS: does playing KSP and watching youtube vids about stump remover count?
04:58 GuShH maybe tom
04:58 GuShH Triffid_Hunter: stump remover machinery or the chemical, also used by anarchists
04:58 RyanS I hate how all the plans you find are in Imperial measurements
04:58 GuShH heh
04:59 GuShH looking to build a 2 stroke?
04:59 Triffid_Hunter GuShH: KNO3 from memory
04:59 GuShH there are entire communities about this
04:59 GuShH yes, hence anarchists.
04:59 GuShH or smoke bomb afisionados
05:00 RyanS Steam engines.. stuff the boilers however
05:00 GuShH you can always use compressed air
05:00 RifRaf hooked up hotbed thermistor to where hotend thermistor would be but not luck, guess i'll have to wait and be thankful for no magic smoke
05:00 RyanS yeah that's what a lot of people do
05:01 GuShH RifRaf: aright seems these milling machines are very small, 550W on this 220vac world I live in
05:01 GuShH 16mm chuck
05:01 GuShH still, the speed doesn't seem right
05:01 GuShH 50 to 2500 RPM says the brochure
05:01 RifRaf yep still not a milling type speed
05:01 RifRaf maybe for jelly?
05:01 GuShH it's just a glorified drill press.
05:01 GuShH sold as a milling machine.
05:01 RyanS you need to be really experienced with brazing to build boilers
05:02 GuShH copper, brass?
05:02 GuShH the only boilers I've worked with are alu or stainless steel and used in industrial applications heh
05:02 RyanS copper
05:02 GuShH not steampunk
05:02 GuShH I've brazed fittings for them in the past though
05:02 GuShH it was quicker than buying the right parts
05:03 RyanS And the ones they sell finished are extremely expensive
05:03 GuShH only dealing with 6BAR maximum though
05:03 RyanS out of all proportion to the engines
05:03 GuShH RyanS: I like flame lickers
05:03 GuShH or whatever you call them
05:04 GuShH they seem to require even tighter machining tolerances
05:04 RyanS Sterling
05:04 GuShH not sure they're strictly sterling
05:04 ShH looks i
05:05 GuShH http://play.meed.tv/qummzEQHEYEse.jpg
05:05 GuShH could be the same principle
05:05 GuShH lots of graphite parts in some of these
05:05 GuShH glass sometimes...
05:05 RyanS Not sure but hobbyists seem to be able to build amazing model engines with really cheap ass Lathes and Mills
05:05 GuShH heh when you love what you do and you don't mind the shortcomings of your tools... you can come up with some pretty neat stuff
05:06 RyanS tolerance is probably not that great for other engines
05:06 GuShH if instead all you do is complain and buy new stuff, it's hard to build things when you don't have experience or know what you're doing.
05:06 GuShH well if I were to build a 2 stroke or 4 stroke from scratch there are parts I don't even know how I would go about manufacturing
05:06 GuShH conrods, rings
05:06 theBear lotta that stuff you can fit/tune as you go
05:06 GuShH maybe I'd end up buying the rings
05:07 RyanS you could just part off the rings ?
05:07 GuShH it's not just turning and milling, you need to heat treat those parts
05:07 theBear i was thinking along those lines, they'd need a little cleaning up likely where the final contact was
05:07 GuShH and have the right types of steel, iron, whatever you're about to use.
05:08 theBear heat treating is easy when you know the temps and stuff
05:08 GuShH see I don't have a metal lathe nor a proper milling machine so this is out of reach as of right now.
05:08 RyanS You can build an electric foundry pretty quick
05:08 GuShH I've done small alu casts
05:08 GuShH and some blacksmitting using a wood fire
05:08 theBear and steel types are pretty easy, just a couple important factors/ingredients to keep in mind between most
05:08 GuShH for fun, made a hold-fast (woodworking type of vise)
05:09 GuShH theBear: it's all easy until a couple of strokes the entire engine blows up and you end up crying in a corner!
05:09 RyanS There is no way you could build model engines with investment casting and not do any machining?
05:09 GuShH the conrods are forged and it's not something you can do easily at home
05:09 theBear pfft, no use crying, just get some more books and workout which bit YOU screwed up
05:10 GuShH not saying you can't do it, of course you can. it's just not as easy as it sounds
05:10 GuShH nothing ever is!
05:10 theBear heh, it doesn't sound so easy, i think it's easier than it sounds :)
05:10 GuShH then go and build one PFFT
05:10 GuShH we'll wait and watch.
05:10 ShH hands RyanS some safety gog
05:10 GuShH bears don't need them
05:11 theBear just cos it's easier than it sounds doesn't mean i wanna put in that much time and effort, also, i have zero machining tools :)
05:11 theBear hehe, it's true
05:12 RyanS My question is could you build model engines with a 4 axis cnc and that would significantly reduce fixturing?
05:12 GuShH RifRaf: even their biggest milling machine only goes up to 2150RPM, what the hell? what are these for??? drilling regular holes on steel and calling it a day?
05:12 theBear what's a fixturing ?
05:12 GuShH this is pissing me off
05:12 GuShH wish I had an ANY AXIS CNC MACHINE
05:12 RyanS Clamping, set up
05:13 GuShH you still need specific parts but it depends on the actual design
05:13 theBear hmmm, i aint done much milling, but in industrial drillpress land it's all about going as fast as possible without cooking tools or shuddering etc, so i suppose a lot of milling can work at low speed, you just gotta 'press harder'
05:13 RifRaf ima make a little cnc machine after this reprap i think
05:13 GuShH a top end could be split or one piece, often a one piece top end will be plated instead of lined
05:13 GuShH cheaper, but not something you can do at home without spending lots of money and ending up with cancer
05:13 RifRaf best time to make one is while i have access to a decent one i figure
05:14 GuShH theBear: it's sold as a milling machine but it's a glorified drill press (ie with an XY bed...)
05:14 GuShH I don't get it
05:14 GuShH at those speeds it can't be useful
05:14 RyanS Or perhaps with a diy cnc you spend more time aligning shit?
05:15 GuShH I don't see me having an actual useful cnc machine any time soon
05:15 GuShH specially for milling metals
05:15 RifRaf RyanS, i was thinking diy but based on a proper one, decent sized parts
05:15 GuShH and with any sort of precision
05:15 GuShH plus to make one you'd need at least a functional lathe and other tools, or access to them at least.
05:16 RifRaf i so love being able to make so many test parts so quick
05:16 ShH wonders if any form of repetable accuracy and precision can be acquired other
05:16 RyanS You could adequately turn parts with a fourth axis?
05:16 RifRaf made some new better fitting endstop holders from 10mm acrylic today
05:16 RifRaf they snap into the rods perfect
05:16 GuShH quit boasting :p
05:17 RifRaf i made 3d parts by rotating then manual today, for the y endstops
05:17 GuShH here's another milling machine, this one costs 6 times as much and still doesn't go over 1250RPM
05:17 GuShH I'm puzzled
05:17 GuShH what are these good for
05:17 RifRaf had to machine out a slot to hold the part
05:17 GuShH automatic vertical feed only
05:18 GuShH if you were to CNC it you'd need to have some pretty small steps to get any usable results, assuming the tools can do their job at such low speeds!
05:18 RyanS I want a milling robot
05:20 GuShH RyanS: don't we all?
05:20 GuShH also an endless supply of coffee, beer and women.
05:20 GuShH maybe even a pizza dispenser
05:20 GuShH just all in one big magical box.
05:21 that's about 10k usd in official exchange rate... and look at the maximum speed, 1750RPM .. what am I missing here?
05:22 RyanS crap an automatic tool change spindle is $4000 even for a cheap one
05:22 RyanS And the equivalent power without atc $400
05:23 RyanS How complicated can an atc be
05:23 RifRaf GuShH, these the bits i made today cause i could not waste decent space in 15mm acrylic http://imagebin.org/259414
05:23 GuShH they have a lesser one for 1-2k and it goes to 2500RPM
05:23 GuShH those are nice looking clean cuts!
05:23 RifRaf 6mm bit at 15mm a second
05:23 RyanS Not all rich people want a milling robot
05:24 RifRaf 18k
05:24 GuShH if I were rich...
05:24 RyanS They want Ferraris and shit
05:24 GuShH I'd get the fanciest CNC there is and the fanciest 3D printer there is... and... and
05:24 GuShH I'd be basically Jay Leno but with less chin.
05:24 GuShH and actually funnier.
05:24 ShH bursts out laug
05:25 GuShH I don't find the guy funny but I respect what he does in his spare time.
05:25 RyanS With the price of a Ferrari you to buy enoughmachine tools to build a Ferrari
05:25 GuShH Hmm I think Ferraris are not the most expensive cars he's got
05:26 GuShH I like his online show, jay leno's garage
05:26 GuShH at least it's entertaining, unlike his real TV show.
05:26 GuShH but he makes enough on each show to buy a new ferrari I think
05:26 RyanS doesn't he just buy cars and stick them in his garage?
05:26 GuShH speaking of which a ferrari was stolen yesterday a few miles from where I live
05:26 GuShH heh
05:26 GuShH 300k worth
05:27 GuShH RyanS: he has an entire machining shop
05:27 GuShH and who knows how many employees
05:27 GuShH he restores them as welll
05:27 GuShH and drives them all the time
05:27 GuShH unlike some idiots who buy cars and stick them in a showroom just to look at them
05:27 GuShH probably too afraid to even turn the ignition on.
05:27 GuShH c***s
05:28 RyanS hey you go machine an engine block
05:28 GuShH alu? I'll cast it and have you machine the meeting surfaces and ports instead.
05:29 GuShH then I'll watch it fail as some trapped air and impurities in the cast make it split in half
05:29 GuShH http://www.youtube.com/user/JayLenosGarage
05:30 GuShH check this out, he had it built at his shop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM7PK5d2Yug&list=SPEF0E157AE97E1954&index=7
05:30 GuShH it's got a friggin helicopter turbine engine
05:31 RyanS Are you sure his employees didnt build it
05:31 GuShH I said he had it built
05:31 GuShH not that he built it
05:31 GuShH he just has to make decisions and fasten a few finished parts on.
05:32 GuShH frankly if I had that kind of money I'd be doing the same.
05:32 ShH likes to watch the cars, not the
05:32 theBear i find his chin kinda mesmorizing
05:32 theBear it just doesn't seem possible !
05:33 GuShH hahaha
05:33 RyanS 's workshop is full of manual machinery?
05:33 GuShH he's got all the tools you ever wanted and more
05:33 GuShH of course employees do most of the work, that's what money is for. having others do your stuff, right?
05:33 GuShH :p
05:33 RyanS CNC machining centre?
05:33 GuShH yes
05:33 RyanS s
05:34 GuShH he's got it all in there.
05:34 GuShH the "garage" is a massive series of buildings
05:34 GuShH you can see it on google earth and it's massive
05:34 RyanS I would want all my machines on my home property
05:34 GuShH can you imagine how much he spends on licenses and registrations
05:34 GuShH plus insurance
05:34 GuShH and the tax on the buildings?
05:35 GuShH this is his property
05:35 RyanS Next to my house
05:35 GuShH I don't know if his house is nearby or in the same lot
05:35 GuShH I'm not a leno stalker.
05:36 RyanS It would cost me $200k a year to live in my own place
05:36 GuShH I'm aware of a local rich fuck who owns a sort of nurburgring just miles from here, again you can see it all in google earth but of course you can't get in there, it's private property
05:36 GuShH that's where he races his ferraris and other expensive vehicles
05:36 GuShH with his rich friends
05:37 GuShH in Spanish but you get the idea http://autoblog.com.ar/2011/03/el-nurburgring-de-escobar-ya-es-el-mejor-circuito-de-la-argentina/
05:37 GuShH nearby there's a zoo which he also owns... as he does with most of the land in this zone
05:37 GuShH heh
05:38 RyanS I think I would build planes and helicopters
05:38 RyanS Actually no
05:38 GuShH I don't know what I'd do but it would certainly make me happier heh
05:38 RyanS models of
05:38 GuShH wouldn't have to worry about anything
05:39 RyanS You don't have to commute with a helicopter
05:39 GuShH this is what bothers me about our politicians they steal so much money, they've got so much money ... they keep on stealing it
05:39 GuShH they won't stop until someone puts a bullet in their head
05:39 RyanS hell if you can afford that you don't need to go to work
05:39 theBear pfft, all the heroes of capitalism do that
05:40 GuShH why would you need more than a few thousand million euros?
05:40 theBear what's wrong is the capitalist approach
05:40 GuShH that's how much our president steals.
05:40 theBear technically they're doing it right and we're the ones who are wrong
05:40 GuShH it would be the happiest day of my life it today someone where to murder them
05:41 RyanS Where do rich people get rich?
05:41 GuShH hang 'em afterwards as a message
05:41 GuShH let the birds get rid of the bodies.
05:41 GuShH and the rats chew on the bones as they fall I say
05:41 ShH shakes
05:42 GuShH RyanS: I don't know but the poor only get more poor.
05:42 RyanS Do they use roads, the electricity grid make use of the legal system to further their own business interests?
05:42 GuShH if you were to split our president's fortune with everyone in town, everyone would be considered rich for a while.
05:43 GuShH they do money laundering mostly.
05:43 GuShH and it's not a myth it's a known fact.
05:43 RyanS Most leaders are rich before they become leaders
05:44 RyanS tax, without tax business would not function
05:44 GuShH bags and bags of 500 euro stacks being flewn across the country and they end up in some private underground vault
05:44 GuShH flown*
05:44 GuShH money which is not in the white, they can't declare it because there's no way to prove it was legally acquired
05:44 RyanS Where are you from?
05:44 GuShH but they launder it slowly whenever they can
05:45 GuShH Argentina
05:46 GuShH Recently a few of these assholes got caught doing all of this but they are still free
05:46 RyanS ah, yeah politics is fairly corrupt there?
05:46 GuShH nobody in jail
05:46 GuShH it's the worst kind.
05:46 RyanS But still already rich, before getting into politics most likely
05:46 GuShH even the president's gardner owns a helicopter and several hotels, hes rich.
05:47 GuShH they got rich stealing from their province
05:47 GuShH then ended up in power
05:47 GuShH of said province, then the country.
05:47 RyanS ok
05:47 GuShH you gotta admire their hability to steal, but you can't admire someone like this.
05:48 RyanS Usually in Australia and the US, et cetera people who become leaders tend to wealthy
05:48 GuShH supposely the president's husband died a few years ago, I think he's still alive he just did it to avoid all of this. but if he did indeed die, he was never able to enjoy the 1000s of millions he stole
05:48 GuShH which proves a point, if you already have so much money why would you need more, you can't spend it in 10 lifetimes...
05:49 RyanS Because it ceases to become just about the money
05:49 RyanS Because if you already have so much it becomes more about power
05:49 GuShH See I'd find ways to become wealthy but I wouldn't fall into that
05:49 GuShH They already own half the country pretty much
05:49 GuShH why would you need anything else.
05:50 GuShH Everything they do is illegal
05:50 GuShH in fact I don't think anyone has ever gotten wealthy by doing something strictly legal. if you go by the book you can't become rich I think.
05:50 GuShH in fact if you follow morals and legality you'll die poor.
05:51 MrCurious subjugate the poor, bleed them till they cry?
05:51 RyanS You can become rich perfectly legally. Ethically that is another question entirely
05:52 GuShH legally "looking"
05:52 GuShH but not strictly legal.
05:52 GuShH you can buy legality, which isn't legal.
05:52 GuShH it just looks legal, until it doesn't. and you fall on your ass.
05:52 MrCurious follow the razor blade model... give away the intoxicant, sell the needle.
05:52 GuShH if you were smart enough, someone else falls for you
05:52 RifRaf made a few microswitch holders as well today http://imagebin.org/259416
05:53 RyanS You can't stay in power in in this day and age by simply subjugating the populace
05:53 RyanS Not very well anyway
05:54 RyanS You have to give people at least the illusion of having a say
05:55 RyanS You give them enough so they want you to remain in power, but not enough to have any real effect
05:56 GuShH RyanS: I don't think I'll ever become wealthy heh
05:56 MrCurious or, seek enlightenment, cast off worldly things, and learn to be happy with less. i.e. act sweedish
05:57 GuShH lead by example
05:57 MrCurious i think this could work for a elbow joint http://www.ebay.com/itm/12vdc-3rpm-Biaxia-dc-geared-worm-motor-with-gearbox-gear-reducer-/221231304273?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item338269ce51
05:57 RyanS Swedish are religious ascetics ?
05:57 MrCurious bzzzzt i fail
05:57 GuShH you damn mormon!
05:59 MrCurious its their drinkable yogurt and bread heavy breakfasts!
05:59 MrCurious seemed to work ok for the british for quite a while...
05:59 MrCurious till those indians... well...
05:59 GuShH eek
05:59 theBear taught them about tea ?
05:59 GuShH a british friend keeps complaining about pakies and chavs
06:00 GuShH that's all he ever talks about
06:00 RyanS Not if you want to successfully remained in power
06:00 GuShH theBear: hmm I keep meaning to try some real tea
06:00 MrCurious yes, give away the tea, sell the pot. these days its give away the tea, sell the pot
06:00 RyanS You have to be more subtle
06:00 GuShH but I can't find anything other than cheap uk exports
06:00 RyanS For example gain control of the media and political leadership at the same time and do a,, Burluscone
06:02 MrCurious nah, that doesnt work for more than an election cycle or two, ask rupert...
06:02 GuShH escorts!
06:02 theBear you never had real tea ?!?!!?!?!!? my god !
06:03 RyanS one cannot subjugate the natives in the colonies and not expect a spot of trouble!
06:03 RyanS Dear god man
06:03 MrCurious we had enough with king george!
06:04 RyanS Send them to the Antipodes
06:04 RyanS Berlusconi keeps going re-elected however
06:05 RyanS Getting
06:05 Jak_o_Android Hi
06:05 MrCurious could use a religion to gain power... that worked for a while, and showed no signs of limits to the power...
06:06 Jak_o_Android Anyone know what the ligic high input voltage for the 4009UB hex inverter chip is?
06:06 Jak_o_Android When Vdd is about 18V!?
06:07 RyanS it involves more knowing your political system inside out and know which levers to pull
06:08 MrCurious what if you combine media, opiate, religion... has that been tried?
06:08 RyanS Heard of the opium wars? :p
06:09 MrCurious fighting over supply, or fighting to remove supply?
06:09 RyanS That was more like economics gunboat diplomacy, and opium
06:10 RyanS war is not really that good for power or trade
06:10 MrCurious make money cheap, encourage lending, then dry up the supply, and make economic slaves of the lot of them.
06:10 MrCurious we dont that one yet? or we doing it now?
06:11 RyanS Isn't that that just called capitalism?
06:11 MrCurious doesnt that bring us to the start of the ride, how to score enough money to be happy without violating laws or morals?
06:13 RyanS I think that's the big question of the 20th century and in practice communism didn't work that was one idea
06:14 RyanS Christianity started hoarding wealth pretty quickly after the Romans legalised it
06:14 RyanS Adopted it rather
06:15 MrCurious CNN now showing a baby rescued from a sewer pipe... just when you think there is nothing new left to see
06:15 MrCurious i bet if you made a cool enough religion, people would give you their young and let you, scratch that. i think that one has been done already.
06:16 RyanS pretty much every idea that on how to live a happy life has been tried
06:16 RyanS Ethnic cleansing and that was another attempt
06:17 RyanS Get rid of this race and everything will be perfect]
06:17 MrCurious i think the only workable recipe for happiness is to simply choose to be happy and refuse to let things get you down.
06:17 RyanS blind optimism has been tried before.....
06:18 MrCurious race limiting wont do it. then you will find other means of differentiating. then you have to get rid of all the red heads, or all the tattooed folk... it wont stop
06:18 RyanS But the motivation to do it was to achieve Utopia
06:19 MrCurious now if you had some internet thing, to allow us to stack closer together, while feeling further apart, filling our every want and need for diverse odd stuff.... (rule 34) that could supply the drive to suffer unspeakable burdons
06:19 RyanS It's the oompah lumpas making us unhappy and if we get rid of them everything will be perfect
06:20 RyanS You mean globalisation and individualism?
06:20 RyanS Tried that
06:21 MrCurious we need a semi threatening appearance of space aliens to unite us as a planet to fight for our species survival.... that would bring peace
06:21 RyanS the old global village
06:21 MrCurious oh wait, we are trying that now with ecological disaster, it didnt unite us
06:22 MrCurious we made it to 400PPM CO2. i think the party should start around 410 .. 425 PPM
06:22 RyanS The Internet is so revolutionary and everyone will be so free, rainbows, fluffy bunny rabbits
06:23 MrCurious unicorns losing kidneys in caves...
06:23 RyanS Are you suggesting that climate change is as credible as extra terrestrial life invading earth?
06:23 MrCurious the age of learning the wisdom of "cannot un-see"
06:24 RyanS That was called the Enlightenment
06:24 MrCurious you mean terraforming our planet? our only hope of resisting it is to rename it to TERROR-FORMING our plannet
06:24 theBear heh, we just gotta limit the de-terraforming :)
06:24 MrCurious call me a comedic HACK
06:25 RyanS Which lend to the industrial revolution (all the machines will build everything and everyone will become unspeakably rich fluffy bunny rabbits rainbows,)
06:26 MrCurious you raise a valid point... do machines really care if its too hot, or wrong atmosphere for humans to thrive?
06:26 RyanS And now of course we have a 3-D printer revolution in which nobody will ever have to buy anything
06:26 RyanS Fluffy bunny rabbits
06:27 MrCurious the space aliens are machine based, and using global warming to eradicate us while wearing republican puppets denying their actions! and getting rich in teh act!
06:27 MrCurious you mean the coming robot revolution will be just fine, and we will find other jobs to do and get paid for
06:28 RyanS I saw an advertisement on a Fanuc and distributors website that said robots can work and 24 seven and don't need sick leave.. It was cute
06:28 MrCurious i hear manufacturing is returning to america, only without the jobs
06:29 MrCurious industrial robots do it in the dark!
06:30 RyanS What happens if they slack off when the boss goes home?
06:31 RyanS Perhaps they will start to demand to be unshackled from their concrete pads?
06:31 MrCurious or pet humans to care for and watch in their off hours
06:32 RyanS form a union and demand electricity rises
06:32 RyanS And servo motor upgrades
06:34 RyanS And also prevent their programmers from degrading acts like riding their end effector and post a video o youtube
06:35 RyanS To be subjected by international ridicule
06:35 RyanS Workplace bullying essentially
06:36 RyanS We have to take a stand against robot bullying in the workplace!
06:36 MrCurious i want a robot arm like this
06:36 MrCurious http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/kuka-innovation-mobile-manipulation-award/?utm_source=roboticsnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=052813
06:36 MrCurious but i cant find any for sale other than crazy expensive
06:37 MrCurious seems like this kind of elbow joint should be available and for 100 - 200 $/E
06:37 RyanS How much is an industrial robot with say 200 kg payload?
06:37 RyanS An estimated price for a kuka
06:38 RyanS $150,000?
06:38 MrCurious i think the kuka bot is 25,000E
06:38 RyanS I'm not sure about that I think secondhand arc welding robots and go for between 25,000 and 50,000
06:39 RyanS And they aren't particularly big
06:40 RyanS You think it would be easier and cheaper to manufacture a industrial robo compare to a CNC machining centre for instance?
06:43 RyanS How about a kuka robocoaster
06:45 Jak_o_Android Righto, about to give up on home-made h-bridge, and just buy one. Will return to it later I suppose.
06:57 Triffid_Hunter Jak_o_Android: damn.. mine worked first try :/
06:57 Jak_o_Android I majorly stuffed up asking it, blew the fets.
06:58 Jak_o_Android Shouldve got logic level fets tbh, I could use this relay method
06:59 Jak_o_Android I have it working, like with the relay, but without the fets in place.
06:59 Triffid_Hunter Jak_o_Android: HIP4082 drives a minimum of 7-8v into the fets, shouldn't need logic level ones
07:00 Jak_o_Android Yeah, I tries making that circuit, completely butchered it while soldering
07:03 Triffid_Hunter I had a PCB professionally made, still had to rewire it
07:04 Triffid_Hunter granted, that's because I had the logic side wired wrong...
07:07 theBear ooh, i like those wheels on the kuka link, with the diagonal rollers around them
07:13 Jak_o_Android I was going to have one made, but I made. The traces too thin.
07:13 joga I'd like some of those omniwheels
07:14 joga should make a skateboard that can move sideways etc
07:32 Jak_o_Shadows Picking a motor driver time. What do you think of http://littlebirdelectronics.com/products/vnh5019-motor-driver-carrier ?
07:35 Triffid_Hunter Jak_o_Shadows: what percentage of comments say 'fire came out, need a new one' ? have you checked the dual driver equivalent?
07:41 Jak_o_Shadows specs wise it seems
07:41 Jak_o_Shadows fine
07:45 Jak_o_Shadows And a quick look didn't show any major complaints. It's a Pololu thing
07:49 Triffid_Hunter Jak_o_Shadows: go for it
07:53 Jak_o_Shadows done
12:44 MrCurious 1:30 am, my head says ah-ha! and next thing i know i am redesigning my robot from teh shoulders up
14:14 haryv Does anyone know of a site, that shows how to build a LIDAR. Been searching on google, not to much information on making a quality unit.
14:16 MrCurious first page of hits for "diy lidar" seems pretty fertile
14:17 haryv thanks
14:17 MrCurious http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/29/neato-xv-11-robot-vacuum-gets-its-very-own-open-source-lidar-hac/
14:18 MrCurious that would be a good jump start point IMHO, buy the unit, and mod it rather than starting from full scratch
14:18 MrCurious BUT, i may be wrong
14:26 haryv I wonder if a commerical barcode scanner would also be modified to work
14:27 haryv the scanners are located in the checkout counter of most groshrie stores
14:32 GuShH theBear: what's your favourite finish for wood?
14:33 MrCurious http://t.co/uwLMis1VzQ <---- truer words have never been spoken...
14:34 MrCurious tungoil
14:34 GuShH CA
14:34 MrCurious its not surface building, but it does pop the grain
14:34 MrCurious cove it with a few layers of poly with light sandings in between :P
14:34 GuShH I don't like to modify the wood in any way, CA just seals nicely and gives you a mirror finish without much effort
14:34 MrCurious *note* not an accomplished wood worker
14:34 GuShH but of course CA is just for small pieces
14:35 GuShH err who is here?
14:35 MrCurious for tungoil, you sand the wood if not smooth, and wipe on and off a few times
14:35 MrCurious or do a dabbed french finish
14:35 MrCurious didnt you watch all the learning channel wood working programs?
14:35 GuShH just turned my first oval handle on the new lathe and gave it a CA finish, hence why I asked
14:35 GuShH no
14:36 MrCurious CA?
14:36 MrCurious cyano Acrilate?
14:36 GuShH yes superglue
14:36 MrCurious oh right, to harden it
14:36 GuShH I'm a fan of the woodwright's shop though
14:36 MrCurious toss it back on the lathe and work it smooth with some super fine sand paper
14:36 MrCurious then coat with TO
14:37 GuShH after the CA I wet sanded with 1000 (highest grit I had on hand) and then finished with car wax
14:37 GuShH heh
14:37 GuShH turns out only 2 layers of CA isn't enough to perfectly seal the work
14:37 GuShH I wonder if the gel type superglue would be better
14:37 MrCurious uhm
14:37 GuShH pro tip: turn at the lowest speed
14:38 GuShH you don't want superglue in your eyes
14:38 MrCurious do not know why i keep saying the same thing
14:38 GuShH or clothes
14:38 MrCurious never use superglue when suffering from jock itch
14:38 GuShH lol
14:38 MrCurious how about this...
14:38 MrCurious make a dowl on the lathe from similar material
14:38 GuShH I really like how fast it is for a finish, that's all
14:39 MrCurious mark strips
14:39 MrCurious treat each strip with a different finish
14:39 MrCurious cure, complete, and eval
14:39 GuShH 20 seconds and I had a mirror finish ready to touch, hard to beat that.
14:39 MrCurious unless u use TUNG OIL!
14:39 GuShH I don't have any fancy oils at the moment.
14:39 GuShH in fact I don't have most of the chemicals I used to have
14:39 MrCurious it makes the grain SCREAM. and if you have a root-burl based turning, it will be amazing
14:39 GuShH stupid moving companies
14:40 MrCurious home depot, rocklers, lowes. fruity-english-yard-stores everywhere
14:40 GuShH I want to start doing some segmented work
14:40 MrCurious i had 2 hours sleep last night. i read those words, but it isnt making the normal pictures...
14:41 MrCurious can you dumb it down a notch
14:41 GuShH you cut square pieces of different types of wood
14:41 GuShH make a pattern
14:41 MrCurious oh right
14:41 GuShH laminate / glue 'em
14:41 GuShH then turn.
14:41 MrCurious glue a variety of boards of various species together
14:41 GuShH also I want to try inlaying some stone
14:41 MrCurious joint, plane, segment
14:41 MrCurious re-glue
14:42 MrCurious until you have a fine ornate pattern, then bandsaw laminations and laminate shit
14:42 GuShH I can only plane by hand... it's not like I have an entire wood shop to my disposal
14:42 MrCurious sorry, i do
14:42 MrCurious i forget
14:42 GuShH lol
14:42 MrCurious there are maker clubs where you can get access to insane sets of tools at reasonable monthly rates
14:42 GuShH I was looking at a planer, asked about replacement parts and they didn't have any... they just import this chinese crap and have no means to provide you with replacement parts, how nice.
14:43 MrCurious i got one from home depot
14:43 MrCurious 12" i think
14:43 MrCurious 13 width
14:43 MrCurious $200
14:43 GuShH yum
14:43 GuShH on a scale from 1 to fucking-hell, how loud is it?
14:43 MrCurious ryobe changed the color of the unit from gray to yellow/blue and were liquidating old stock at 1/2 price
14:43 MrCurious home depot guy said you want this 3 times then i got it
14:43 MrCurious then i got it
14:44 MrCurious you know those ww2 era airraid sirens
14:44 MrCurious those are planer loud
14:44 MrCurious erm jointer loud
14:44 GuShH heh
14:44 MrCurious planer is slightly quieter
14:44 GuShH always wanted an air-raid siren
14:44 MrCurious blades avail online
14:44 MrCurious no you dont
14:44 GuShH I think they're kind-of illegal
14:44 MrCurious it wants to turn your fingers to jelly
14:45 MrCurious i mean the jointer
14:45 GuShH the sirens too
14:45 MrCurious so many dangerous toys in that garage
14:45 GuShH they can chop up your fingers just as easily
14:45 MrCurious yes. i find that is not the primary danger
14:45 MrCurious they hurt me MOST when unplugged
14:45 MrCurious router bits insanely sharp
14:46 MrCurious aluminum shards are freaking needle like
14:46 MrCurious i do a tidy, and end up with cuts on my forearms from god knows where
14:46 GuShH true, the lathe fell on my ankle and now I'm sporting a nice swollen lump
14:46 MrCurious dont realize it until i start to wonder about the source of this odd sticky red substance
14:46 MrCurious dropping heavy shit... another danger
14:47 MrCurious crap in your eyes
14:47 MrCurious splinters in god knows where
14:47 MrCurious sharing a room with tools and laundry was not my bestest move EVAH
14:47 GuShH actually the worst has to be fiberglass.. airborne or not it's nasty stuff.
14:47 MrCurious you get a splinter in your taint, and you find out who your real friends are
14:48 MrCurious did you watch the link i put http://t.co/uwLMis1VzQ <- its not about the nail
14:49 MrCurious show your wife, its a teachable moment
14:49 GuShH I have a wife? WHERE
14:49 ShH pa
14:50 MrCurious MERCS Middle east R??? coronal virus
14:50 MrCurious untreatable, lethal, and new
14:51 MrCurious dang
14:51 MrCurious no, wifes are good things
14:51 haryv Gushn, the owner of a warehouse put a former city owned air raid siren in his warehouse as a alarm. Two thieves broke in, and it went off. Both were found vomiting on the ground from the intense db volume of the unit. Neibors complained also.
14:51 MrCurious they provide +3 food per unit
14:51 MrCurious per turn
14:51 GuShH haryv: awesomeeeee I want one more than ever now!
14:51 GuShH make it TWO
14:52 haryv The best theif preventative transducer is one that makes the brain resonate
14:52 haryv if it resonates, it turnes the resonation into heat...and confusion.
14:52 GuShH bullets work also.
14:52 MrCurious does it melt thief tin-foil hats like mercury?
14:52 GuShH lots of bullets
14:53 haryv A very smart inventor, invented a device that sends resonating sound waves to people, and it is audio. So you hear some one talking to you, but they are no where to be found. he will ask the person next to him if some one asked ssomething of him, and he/she will say no.
14:53 MrCurious anyone used cmusphinx? any good?
14:54 MrCurious the military weaponized that
14:54 MrCurious useful for denial of area and making people you dont like puke
14:54 haryv Mr, not what i am talking about
14:55 MrCurious isnt that the targeted speaker system that can propel a beam of speach that does not disperse
14:55 haryv This is a inventor who made the device. The carrier envelope resonates the brain and the contents is audio.
14:55 MrCurious so you can target a 1' area 100' away
14:55 GuShH it's the same thing, you weaponize it by playing justin beiber on it; makes anyone puke.
14:55 MrCurious sir there are international laws banning just that!
14:56 MrCurious i saw a woman in the store. she had believer tattooed on her foot. i wanted to ask her if it was Justin or JC
14:56 GuShH :o
14:58 haryv I think in the warehouse example, the sound was so intensce, it stired up the ear fluid that regulates ballance
14:58 GuShH any remote device to make someone cum?
14:58 GuShH that could be also weaponized...
14:59 MrCurious a weapon of love
15:31 MrCurious seems all the air got sucked out of the room
15:52 haryv yes
18:54 Curious starts the nights chant I WILL NOT... REDESIGN MY BOT, I WILL NOT... REDESIGN MY BO
20:46 _Fremen_ hello everyone
20:46 _Fremen_ I wanted to learn,
20:46 _Fremen_ Does anybody know the scientific term for controling a robot with the motion of your body? you move your arm, the robot moves its arm, etc
20:46 _Fremen_ as an example; http://singularityhub.com/2011/03/08/your-body-is-the-controller-for-this-full-sized-humanoid-robot-video/
21:04 MrCurious kinematics?
21:04 MrCurious motion planning
21:24 ace4016 _Fremen_, telepresense...i'm not sure there's a specifc term for that though
21:26 MrCurious telerobotic?
21:26 MrCurious like with surgery
21:26 ace4016 possibly
21:27 ace4016 it's not like it matters much unless you're looking for more research, which there's not really much to search
21:27 _Fremen_ Thank you so much guys :D , this is what I have been looking for: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telerobotics
21:29 ace4016 planning on making a telerobot?
21:30 _Fremen_ well I am trying to fill a field of study form
21:30 _Fremen_ and I have a chosen this subject as a possible research project
21:31 ace4016 ah
21:31 ace4016 graduate work?
21:36 _Fremen_ post graduate
21:36 _Fremen_ it is related to MEXT scholarship
21:36 ace4016 gotcha
21:38 _Fremen_ the word Telepresence does not recognized by Word :)
21:38 ace4016 most advanced topics won't be LO
21:38 ace4016 :P*
21:39 _Fremen_ :D
21:58 MrCurious finally. this song has been haunting me for a week. i found it again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V1VMkuyx0
22:51 theBear that song kinda sucks, but i don't mind that one about the pumped up kicks... kids these days dunno about that shit
22:51 theBear heh, those 80's, we had some shoes br-uthaaa
23:22 rue_house SWEEET the limit switch inputs are working
23:29 GargantuaSauce but does it shoot lasers
23:56 rue_house arg, I have to check the zero directions for every axis