#robotics Logs

May 28 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:58 Lolly8088 
02:55 theBear woop, got distracted again... Tom_itx, i traditionally (gotta be past 10 years exclusive by now, probably closer to 15) use thunderbird on any os, but tbh while the server and dns is all running and cool again these days, i'd be surprised if i opened a client/checked it twice a year :)
02:56 theBear i'm not really sure what the current offerings are, or how it compares, but it's a very usable 'classic' style interface kinda client, not too heavy on the cpu, seems to have everything i need, mostly i just read/delete and occasionally search and archive/move stuff around
18:26 Tom_itx http://www.plantengineering.com/single-article/hannover-messe-2013-kuka-introduces-lightweight-robot-gives-rides/2aeb4f978eff8f53ef6671eefeab4de3.html
19:53 cmtptr stupid question: where do I find servos? digikey and mouser's selections are pretty weak
19:53 Tom_itx what sort of servos?
19:54 cmtptr I don't know, I've never worked with one before :P
19:54 Tom_itx http://www.kelinginc.net/ServoMotor.html
19:55 Tom_itx you should figure out what you need then first
19:55 cmtptr I don't necessarily need anything. I'm looking to order some parts just for playing around with to get into this stuff
19:55 Tom_itx make one then
19:55 Tom_itx motor and an encoder
19:56 cmtptr didn't realize that was practically feasible!
20:03 rue_house ok
20:03 rue_house I'm gonna work on the robot arm and not get distracted
20:03 atom1 yeah sure
20:17 zhanx ok got my stm32f3-discovery up and running complete with debugger now
22:05 Rif hows the arm goin rue? is this the big one with the actuators?
22:06 rue_house no its the tiny stepper one
23:11 Rif how tiny, any pics yet?
23:13 rue_house yea
23:13 rue_house I'm gonna take a new one
23:17 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1050046.jpg
23:17 rue_house thats with new controller
23:27 rue_house pfff wow
23:27 rue_house see if any of this compiles...
23:30 rue_house 84 errors, not a bad start...
23:30 MrCurious http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/kuka-innovation-mobile-manipulation-award/?utm_source=roboticsnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=052813
23:30 MrCurious WANT
23:31 rue_house goes down quite a bit when I call functions with the right type of object
23:31 GargantuaSauce i like how the prize is less than the platform costs
23:32 rue_house even better after fixing all my copy/pasted copies of the non keyword usigned
23:32 MrCurious how much is the platform?
23:32 GargantuaSauce 24K eur
23:32 GargantuaSauce +vat
23:33 MrCurious gonna guess it is 4k cost before profit
23:33 MrCurious and they are just giving away 1 unit with no profit
23:33 GargantuaSauce probably
23:33 MrCurious wonder if its a plastic toy-esque
23:33 GargantuaSauce rated payload of the arm is 500g
23:34 GargantuaSauce it's cast aluminium supposedly
23:34 MrCurious reminds me of red dwarf skutters, only they were useful with an excellent ironic sense of humor (raises 2 fingers in a fist)
23:34 orlok_ MrCurious: i met The Cat once!
23:34 MrCurious the cat is the funniest of em
23:35 rue_house ah yes, must of them go away when I define a data class before using it
23:35 MrCurious now i hear tongue tied in my head
23:35 orlok_ MrCurious: it was at a coth club.. he was wearing white denim jeans and had an afro.. and was still pulling chicks
23:35 orlok_ coth club? goth club
23:36 MrCurious nice!
23:36 MrCurious heard lister did some jail time
23:36 lok_ just got asked if he would take a redund
23:36 orlok_ for rape was it?
23:36 orlok_ that was agesago iirc?
23:36 MrCurious crack i think
23:36 orlok_ ahh
23:36 MrCurious rape came to that bbc soap opera
23:36 MrCurious and it was like 40 years ago
23:37 rue_house pff C is WAY too fussy about variable name case
23:38 rue_house amazing how many errors a stray ) can cause in gcc
23:39 MrCurious its not fuzzy
23:39 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: heh yep that's why we only ever solve the first one it spits out then compile again and see what's left ;)
23:39 MrCurious it is boolean
23:39 rue_house and it compiels... now for the real fun
23:39 MrCurious is picky, or isnt picky
23:39 MrCurious have you heard of this great case insensative experience being offered now called BASIC
23:40 rue_house if I type kjasdfljasl;kdfjas,jkf gcc should automatically know I'm trying to write hello world and automatically correct the code :)
23:40 MrCurious i thought that was hello_world.bf
23:40 Triffid_Hunter looks more like perl :P
23:40 rue_house I put so much work into this, I dont know if I wan tot know if it works
23:40 MrCurious pretty sure its brain fuck
23:41 rue_house it dosn't immediatly segfault....
23:41 rue_house where is the robot...
23:41 GargantuaSauce you wrote a whole system without compiling it until the end?
23:41 rue_house no
23:42 rue_house I heavily modified a working one, taking it from 3 to 9 sources files and adding 15 functions, and rewriting 7 functions completelyl
23:42 rue_house :)
23:42 GargantuaSauce ah
23:42 Triffid_Hunter GargantuaSauce: I sometimes do that, and mad scientist manic cackling ensues if it works :D
23:42 orlok_ rue_house: now, if you were using pythin, you would just need to import do_what_i_mean_not_what_i_say and it _would_!
23:42 GargantuaSauce well i'd still recommend incremental development and testing :)
23:42 rue_house I do to
23:42 rue_house sometimes I get stupidly lucky with this stuff
23:43 GargantuaSauce yeah i sometimes do that as well, and it's fun as hell
23:43 GargantuaSauce but often counterproductive!
23:43 rue_house I love it when it works outright, no corrections at all
23:43 rue_house yea
23:43 rue_house I'm compiling based on 3 source files right now, I heed to add the other 4 if this works
23:44 GargantuaSauce i did that with some opengl at work today actually...threw in some parametric geometry and strung together 5 or 6 transformations and it turned out exactly how i wanted
23:45 rue_house sweet
23:45 MrCurious its lolling you into a false sense of security so you will show it where the nuclear reactors are
23:45 MrCurious wow was i buffering a long time ;D
23:45 MrCurious rue_house: http://pyvideo.org/video/1796/simplecv-computer-vision-using-python use this with python once you make python bindings for gthe C control routines
23:46 MrCurious then program it in a high level friendly interpreted language
23:49 rue_shop3 so how many steppers can I run off a 12V, 0.5A wall wart?
23:51 GargantuaSauce what kind of steppers
23:52 GargantuaSauce well i guess what it reaaaally depends on is the ps
23:52 GargantuaSauce cause i've got one that regulates happily up to twice its rating
23:52 GargantuaSauce and a couple where the voltage starts to drop at like 30%
23:55 rue_house I have a 12V 0.9A smps I shoudl use that
23:56 MrCurious one maybe
23:56 rue_house they are chart motor steppers
23:56 rue_house :)
23:56 rue_house I'm sure the wart would blow up after a little while
23:57 rue_house http://paste.debian.net/7249/
23:57 rue_house the resulting code is nice
23:57 GargantuaSauce well step slow and stick a big cap on there
23:57 rue_house there is a lot going on
23:58 orlok_ Damn i miss my old phone
23:58 rue_house its talking back and forth with an avr to do the stepping
23:58 orlok_ i cant take pictures with the new one and SCP them across
23:58 rue_house Lolly8088, eeek tommorow is wed, need to get mikey in to the vet again?
23:59 GargantuaSauce how does the sync/blocking function work?
23:59 GargantuaSauce are you polling or does the slave say "hey i'm done">
23:59 orlok_ rue_house: hey, driving a stepper with uln2k3 via an avr and external battery, should i tie together the grounds of the battery and avr? (avr is powered by a seperate source)
23:59 orlok_ Seems to work without it