#robotics Logs

May 25 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:57 theBear la la la lolina
00:57 theBear boys will be boys and girls will be girls
00:59 Lolina8088 lovely tune...
00:59 Lolina8088 who sings it?
01:01 theBear that was me, i sang it :)
01:02 theBear probly someone ancient like pfft, i dunno, i wanna say something with dinosaur in the name
01:03 theBear i like the other verse too, something about cherry cola, which rhymes with lola ! and i like rhyming words
01:05 Lolina8088 you still learning how to cook dried beans?
01:06 theBear i dunno, in a manner of speaking i learned a week ago, and discovered just how very delicious beans can be with just a few carefully balanced condiments and/or spices
01:06 theBear and it's pretty delicious if you were wondering
01:08 Lolina8088 :D
01:08 Lolina8088 I have some pretty good recipes, I'll trade you?
01:11 theBear i dunno if what i did the first time i ever cooked beans, erring towards both idiot-proofness and the differing advice of 10 random robotic and electronical skilled people from around the world, could be called a recipe, but i'm certainly willing to trade my extensive and patchey knowledge of food if it will make my mouth more delicious :)
01:11 Lolina8088 hhe hheh
01:12 Lolina8088 I make wicked refried beans, ask rue
01:13 theBear i DO like refried beans.. don't think i ever cooked for rue, but he still talks about my old favourite breakfast place and their oh so perfect bacon and egg sammiches
01:13 theBear if he came now, i'd make him a glorious bacon and egg based feast, i've been practicing recently.... but i just checked out the front, he's not here now :(
01:15 Lolina8088 yeah... that would be pretty amazing if he was, cause I just saw him... oooo that would make him a time lord...
01:16 theBear :)
01:17 theBear he has the right demeanor :)
01:17 Lolina8088 and sense of humour.
01:20 theBear lol
01:37 RifRaf happy weekend people, 200mm of rain yesterday and now its sunny for a few minutes before dark
01:40 theBear hooray !
01:41 theBear i ran out of toast !
01:41 theBear err, unrelated comments
01:43 RifRaf theBear, you need to make some money somehow, you know lots of stuff that someone must need
01:44 theBear oh, i'm gonna go get more toast
01:44 theBear just that i gotta, you know, go get more toast :)
01:44 RifRaf ok, hopefully you have some butter for it
01:44 theBear i might get bread instead tho, they almost never have toast :(
01:44 theBear oh i do ! fancy danish butter !
01:45 RifRaf is 10 times beter with butter
01:45 theBear also bacon eggs AND novelty travel size tomatoes
01:48 RifRaf updated my y tensioner today and some other bits http://imagebin.org/258870
02:05 GuShH RifRaf: why so many washers together? no lathe?
02:06 GuShH theBear: travel size tomatoes? the hell
02:06 GuShH aren't those just "cherry" tomatoes
02:08 theBear maybe, but i think fun size sounds better, and i'm not sure what the deal is exactly, but you can get ones like little footballs or squashed eggs, i think they called grape !
02:09 theBear he thought the washers would be a CLEANER solution ! bwaaahahahahahaaa
02:10 theBear hehe, put that in yer pipe and smoke it internet, if you DARE !
02:12 RifRaf GuShH, my lathe is at a mates till later in week and no work till monday, thats why the washers
02:13 RifRaf will cut some acrylic spacers now that i know what i need
02:13 RifRaf or metal or acm, anything will do
02:14 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/258883
02:17 RifRaf with a proper bearing holder and decent coupler this should be rock solid http://imagebin.org/258885
02:19 theBear that's what she said ?
02:19 rue_house you crazy ozzy you have a freaking lathe!
02:19 rue_house WTF!?
02:19 theBear i do ?
02:20 rue_house RifRaf, !!!!
02:20 theBear that's not my name !
02:20 rue_house he's got a lathe and he's using a piece of rubber pipe as a coupler
02:20 theBear i think you're the crazy one
02:20 theBear oh that :) it's not rubber, it's pvc based
02:21 theBear hmmm, if you made grubscrew couplers you could make a russian nesting lathe
02:21 theBear tri or quad grubscrew of course :)
02:22 theBear orright, so umm, toast, maybe frozen crinkly chips, erm ummmmmm.... a potato and a carrot ?
02:24 theBear ok, i'll play it by ear, i hear ya...
02:24 RifRaf rue_house, my lathe is not here yet, the shed leaks too much, 200mm of rain yesterday
02:24 theBear bbl
02:24 theBear heh, and that was measured INSIDE the shed :)
02:24 RifRaf but i know the dry spot now so am picking it up tomorrow i hope
02:24 RifRaf so i can make a coupler
02:24 theBear like robbie the dating robot in the 80s ?
02:24 RifRaf it was by looking at the dry spots while it was raining torrentially theBear
02:25 theBear poor rif
02:25 theBear at laest you aren't outta toast !
02:25 theBear so, bbl :)
02:25 RifRaf yes i have a slow cooked port meal with roasted beetroot in the fridge
02:25 RifRaf pork*
02:26 RifRaf with lots of port meal
02:28 rue_house damn rif
02:29 RifRaf rue_house, almost have a reprap, just have to make the motors move now and get a hot end
02:29 rue_house you have a cnc machine, get a #80 carbide drill and have it drill out a brass plug
02:30 RifRaf yes i have some small bits that could do it almost i reckon, but will try a tested design first
02:30 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040438.jpg
02:30 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040437.jpg
02:31 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040435.jpg
02:31 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040433.jpg
02:31 rue_house I broke 2 bits drilling that with the cnc
02:31 rue_house and my machine is stepper based, it goes REALLY slow
02:32 RifRaf i would go at about 13k rpm and .3mm per second plunge, with maybe a few retracts
02:32 RifRaf i think you only have to get through about 1mm of brass that fine eh?
02:33 RifRaf am yet to see the magic plastic melt and ooze out
02:33 RifRaf so won't know till then
02:34 ShH hands everyone an espr
02:36 RifRaf cheers GuShH , just wat i needed
02:36 GuShH how small are the nozzles?
02:36 GuShH actually I made two cappuccinos...
02:36 GuShH two options, one double shot or two single shot, that's all I can do with this machine :(
02:37 GuShH one of these days I'll make my own espresso from scratch, that'll show 'em!
02:37 RifRaf 0.35mm in general, then you can get 0.25 and .5
02:37 GuShH existing nozzles aren't good enough? from oil injectors (furnace burners) and similar
02:38 GuShH maybe even hobby grade butane torches, but they may be bigger, never measured one
02:38 RifRaf no idea yet, i know you need to keep the tip hop but the top part cool so you don't melt filament too early
02:39 GuShH actually I have a diesel / oil injector nozzle here for said furance and it's .5mm but this one is not single jet
02:39 GuShH hrmm
02:39 RifRaf or else you get a clogged nozzle, and no one likes that
02:40 GuShH shouldn't be such an issue
02:40 RifRaf seems to be one of the main issues, but i have not tryed yet si dunno
02:40 GuShH why not have a clean-up procedure where you exceed the nominal temperature and feed at twice the speed to push it clean
02:40 GuShH just wondering
02:41 GuShH as the caffeine kicks in I'll probably make more sense
02:41 RifRaf GuShH,make one and findout, i can ship yo a cheap prototype frame
02:41 GuShH actually if I could buy the printed parts I would commit to building one.
02:42 RifRaf you need not many printed parts with my frame, just the x and extruder parts mainly
02:42 GuShH I may be getting a mill and a lathe soon, who knows.
02:43 RifRaf cool
02:46 GuShH heh blown head gasket 1.9 TDI ibiza, half the price.
02:46 GuShH seller says it was "repaired" and "it blew again"
02:47 GuShH no shit, ever thought about testing your cooling
02:48 GuShH who rebuilds the top end of an engine and doesn't check the radiator, thermostat, pump, etc?
02:53 GuShH It all just cascades down when the engine has overheated...
05:58 GuShH RifRaf: have you used those cheap usb endoscopes?
09:33 theBear heh, cos rif uses a lot of endoscopes in his day to day work :)
09:34 theBear oooh i ate too much, i can't reach my shoelaces
09:34 Tom_itx how many chips does a chip mfg have to design before one becomes a hit?
09:35 theBear what, like some mafia guy wants it dead ?
09:35 Tom_itx i was thinking about all the data sheets etc they all send me and wondered which ones actually took off
09:36 theBear i think it's a bit like art, unless you make WAY more pictures than most people, you'll never be discovered until long after you are dead
09:36 theBear and even then there's a few noone likes :)
09:36 Tom_itx just misunderstood
09:37 theBear i don't think so :)
09:37 Tom_itx heh
09:39 theBear oh, seriously, way too full, couldn't even have desert, and they got AWESOME desert there... i gonna have a quick err, power err, collapse :)
10:39 GuShH theBear: I don't know what Rif does, but borescopes are useful for many things
10:39 GuShH I didn't mean medical endoscopes
10:40 GuShH even if I needed one, would I buy it off eBay?
10:40 Tom_itx maybe...
10:40 GuShH heh if it's not for me
10:40 theBear i dunno, when i needed one i went to a hospital, but at the same time if i had access to one . . .
10:41 theBear and i do kinda have a sideline in non-professional medical procedures, but my business isn't very popular
10:41 GuShH More to the point, usb borescopes (just a glorified webcam)
10:41 Tom_itx is that part of your bouncer duties?
10:41 Tom_itx slice n dice
10:42 GuShH I needed one a few times this week that's why I wanted to buy one
10:42 theBear i'd like to see/try one of those plumber ones that is basically a tiny rc car with a cam on top, you know, for >200mm pipes that need inspectorising
10:42 GuShH But I wonder if they're worse than the cheapest webcam out there, or not.
10:42 GuShH hmm
10:43 GuShH inspection cameras come in all sorts of flavours :p
10:44 theBear i think i revolutionised plumbing repair and couplings yesterday.... something like 50mm -> 90mm rubber coupler from the err, downpipe to the ceramic coupling for a standard kinda terlet... all perished and starting to leak unacceptably all over my floor... cut a few inches of pushbike innertube and give it a bit of a stretch/prestress ... summon all possible finger muscles and go *FWOOOMP* or so, and suddly instead of a big built-to-suit old rubber
10:44 theBear thinger, you got an ultra sleek awesome stretchy innertube one, no reason it won't last jast as long until perish, and when it does, it costs 'nothing' to replace !
10:45 theBear all flavours eh ? i couldn't taste mine, they sprayed some stuff on my throat so as to reduce my gag reflex and discomfort :)
10:45 GuShH hmm
10:45 GuShH that's how you deal with leaks, temporarily, in boats
10:46 theBear turns out that even with that and lots of prior knowledge/art, it's still hard not to gag a little with a big hard articulated tube down your throat constantly trying to explode your stomach with positive pressure gas
10:46 GuShH although it's often rolled around the offensive pipe
10:46 theBear it is ? i just go fast and if anyone asks questions mumble something about venturi effects and back in my day and hair on your chest :)
10:46 GuShH theBear: they make gag reflex reducing spray-on thingies?
10:46 theBear yeah, i considered rolling, it was unacceptable
10:46 ShH ponders reselling it to wannabe s
10:47 ShH patent
10:47 theBear GuShH, spray on ? i suppose technically, tho that makes me think of paint for ugly faces when said like that :)
10:47 GuShH well, I used inner tube as an o-ring for a gas cap (2 stroke mix canister) and it didn't seem to last
10:47 GuShH as it swells up
10:48 theBear i mean, it probably helped a lot, and you're SUPPOSED to be knocked out completely, but i was fascinated and know i'm good with body control.... that combined with medium prior skill level woulda been more than enough if they didn't force all that air in there to make things easier to see
10:48 GuShH it sealed perfectly but it got swollen up and fell inside the canister the day after
10:48 GuShH :<
10:48 theBear yeah, fresh water, minimal pressure and only during flushing, that's not so bad as petroleum/oil based
10:49 GuShH air huh, do you get to join a fart competition afterwards with other patients?
10:49 GuShH or do you proceed to only talk in fart-speak until you run out?
10:49 theBear even the horribly perished rubber was enough for a long time.... the drips were getting bigger, but it was only when i touched it that the gaping cracks ALL started leaking
10:50 GuShH I dislike plumbing as much as I dislike electrical work in general
10:50 GuShH specially if a monkey touched it beforehand
10:50 theBear heh, everyone else is passed out for an hour or so, i watched them (even one VERY fit guy, had a discussion while he was out wth the nurse about unfeasibly low resting heartrates, like seriously pulled out from passing out in a frozen like kinda low
10:50 GuShH even worse if multiple clueless apes touched it.
10:50 theBear i don't mind plumbing or electrical, so long as no monkies and not too much shit involved
10:51 GuShH I'm dealing with the furnace wiring again
10:51 GuShH monkey detected.
10:51 theBear yeah, things like 'furnaces' (in places they're called that, or even exist) are pure monkey fodder
10:51 GuShH someone got rid of the relay, no clue if the relay was used for the pump or the burner, they clipped off the wires and removed whatever was left on the screw terminals
10:52 GuShH no schematic, no annotations
10:52 rue_house reverse engineer it, complicate it, rebuild it
10:52 GuShH so now I have 3 thermostats, one isn't even connected, the other is connected in a funny way and the last one just prevents it from going "boom"
10:52 theBear i wanna have a look at the little "instant" water heater here... see if i can maybe shockmount the contactor a bit so the whole friggin block of flats doesn't go *THUNK* everytime the pressure/flow switch goes on/off
10:52 GuShH I complicated it so much I refuse to build what I came up with
10:53 GuShH so it's a combination central heating system with hot water
10:53 theBear sounds just like rue's furnace system, except he went temporarily insane and actually built his
10:53 theBear maybe long term insane, he hasn't given up yet :)
10:53 rue_house so far its long term
10:53 rue_house but it outside!
10:53 GuShH one thermostat for the house temperature, it seems to only switch the pump
10:54 theBear it's attached to the house, if it explodes the house is still gone :)
10:54 rue_house pfff
10:54 GuShH another thermostat on the furnace block, protects against boom-boom (even though there has to be a safety valve somewhere)
10:54 rue_house want the schematic for my furnace?
10:54 GuShH and the third one is coupled to the water tank, but connected nowhere.
10:54 theBear GuShH, heh, he went one step past that, his one does heating and water, and has enough high pressure and valves that it could be the scene for an entire horror movie !
10:54 rue_house I have it on the back of the door, I can go take a pic
10:54 GuShH I'm thinking it was in series with the primary one
10:55 GuShH theBear: this is low pressure, low temperature (I have it set to 70°C max on the boiler)
10:55 rue_house my boiler is 80c
10:55 GuShH I can go up to 90, but I refuse to
10:55 GuShH I'm thinking I can't have it all without solenoids
10:56 GuShH Also it's an open system, instead of a closed expansion tank it uses an open one
10:57 GuShH which is also used to top off the system and get rid of air, although I haven't seen any butI never purged it
10:57 theBear speaking of parallel water systems... place i (we) used to rent at (actually rue been there :) had a single droopey roof in one room near the middle of the house... sure it was old, but the other ones were like new, something fishy was going on here... eventually one day i had to do something up in the roof... i'm wandering along and i 'spot' this HUGE maybe 5' dia * 3-4' deep old water heater, all pre-heated insulated tank style and one HUUUUUGE ope
10:57 theBear n heater element lying rusty on the ground
10:57 GuShH and the water heating portion works with a heat exchanger
10:57 GuShH so it's not directly connected to the hot water used to heat the house
10:58 theBear guess back when it had several tons of water in it for many years, that part of the roof/ceiling kinda took the toll :)
10:58 GuShH o.o
10:59 theBear not like they were smart and even put it ontop of a wall, just up there supported by regular little joists :)
10:59 GuShH there's something funny with the piping too, I think someone removed a portion
10:59 Tom_itx water spewing out a clue?
10:59 theBear heh, is there a bit where one pipe just gushes water and nearby another one leads to a tap that doesn't work ?
10:59 GuShH hehe, no it was capped
10:59 theBear Tom_itx, heh, great minds eh
10:59 GuShH but I don't know why
11:00 GuShH It's by the tank, one of the outlets leads to a valve, then underneath a thermostat, to the opposite side a check valve and then it's capped off
11:00 GuShH 30-40CM to the wall, same height level, an equal diameter pipe comes from the wall, 90° bend and a cap.
11:00 GuShH oh and a valve before that.
11:01 GuShH not sure what's going on with that.
11:01 theBear hehe, i always forget the cap part... years ago i was about to gyprock over a spot where depth and time was tight so i had to just cut off the shower bit flush at the original wall and turn off the taps HARD then ankle-bite them flush... good thing i turned the water back on before i grinded them and stuck the new wall on, cos i quickly learned that i'd forgotten to turn the taps off :)
11:02 GuShH I've been told the hot water on the house was pumped around to keep the pipes hot, maybe that's what it was.
11:02 rue_house if so there is a loop to the hot water plumbling
11:02 rue_house and a pump
11:02 theBear and don't noone say they don't know what tool a anklebiter is
11:02 rue_house its done on larger houses
11:02 Tom_itx recirculation pump
11:02 GuShH the pump is there, but it's circulating the radiators
11:02 rue_house then its part of the heating system
11:03 theBear i've heard vultures circulate radiators when their health isn't great
11:03 GuShH and like I said, that's separate from the hot water.
11:03 theBear the radiators health that is, not the vultures
11:03 GuShH rue_house: or maybe the other pump was where the void is
11:03 rue_house GuShH, whats not working?
11:03 GuShH no recirculation
11:03 GuShH on hot water.
11:03 rue_house hot water or heating water
11:04 rue_house aka drinking or heating
11:04 GuShH heating recirculates fine, that's what the only pump in the room does
11:04 GuShH but there could've been another pump, in fact now that I think about it that's probably what was connected to the tank thermostat
11:05 rue_house ok is the hot water heated off the same boiler via a heat exchanger?
11:05 GuShH pressure / recirculating pump for the hot water
11:05 GuShH yes, and there's also a regular water heater which is used during summer
11:05 rue_house you kow, you could enetertain us more by taking a bunc hof pics
11:05 GuShH about 3 valves let you set that
11:05 rue_house zone valves
11:06 rue_house if any of the thermostats trigger, the pump should come on and the zone valve should open
11:06 rue_house whent eh boiler sees its temp drop it kicks in independantly
11:06 GuShH zone valve? no solenoids here
11:06 theBear that's what he's talking about
11:06 GuShH it's all manual
11:07 rue_house cute
11:07 GuShH old.
11:07 theBear no use keeping warm water in the pipes while yer boiler keeps boiling away
11:07 GuShH I'm not chopping up walls on a whim
11:07 rue_house is each manual valve running a 'zone'?
11:07 GuShH no, it just defines whether hot water comes from the boiler or the small water heater
11:08 rue_house ah, so they are just for the drinking hot water
11:08 GuShH yes the heating portion works fine, I haven't talked about it so far :)
11:08 rue_house ah
11:08 GuShH except for a bit of air on the radiators, I had to purge 'em the other day
11:09 GuShH it was a small amount, must be normal
11:09 rue_house so your trying to get the drinking hot water circulating?
11:09 GuShH yes, and now I really think someone took out the missing pump
11:09 rue_house take pics of everything
11:10 GuShH the check valve is a good hint
11:10 GuShH plus the thermostat with the female connector going nowhere, switching mains
11:11 GuShH now I'm thinking the recirculation could only work when the boiler hot water tank is used and not when the small water heater is used.
11:12 GuShH since the inlet of the small heater is a regular cold water pipe
11:12 GuShH sadly it's setup across the room and I've got no plans of it all
11:12 GuShH in fact, no electrical, no plumbing.
11:13 rue_house quit whining
11:13 rue_house :)
11:13 GuShH :<
11:13 GuShH I'm just saying!
11:16 GuShH it seems the original setup is quite dumb, to control the house temperature the main thermostat (the one at the livingroom) either turns on or off the recirculating pump for the radiators. the burner works independently and only stops when the boiler reaches the preset temperature (about 70°C right now), then the third thermostat must've been involved in the recirculation of the hot water (facuets, showers, etc), but now the pump is missing.
11:17 GuShH this works fine, I guess, if only constantly depend on hot water from the big ass boiler, but like I said during the summer you can switch to a small water heater (since otherwise it's a waste of gas and electricity)
11:18 GuShH if only / if you only
11:18 rue_house someone may have been using the 3rd thermostat as a switch
11:18 rue_house otherwise its typical
11:18 GuShH to switch what, aside from the missing pump
11:18 rue_house even my system the load and boiler operate independantly
11:18 GuShH no indication that it was used to switch the burner
11:19 rue_house the boilers operate on their own
11:19 GuShH usually, because of what I just mentioned.
11:20 GuShH anyway I'm rewiring everything, whether I'll respect the original schematic that's another thing.
11:21 rue_house boilers operate independant or the load
11:21 rue_house of
11:21 rue_house once the load is off, the boiler will turn off in short order
11:21 GuShH how so?
11:21 rue_house it coemsa up to temp quick ause there is no load
11:22 GuShH yes and due to it's thermal loss eventually it'll have to turn back on again
11:22 GuShH and that's wasteful in the long term
11:25 GuShH rue_house: which is why I wanted to make it a bit smarter
11:25 GuShH last time I just rewired enough to get it running again, since they left it in a very bad shape.
11:26 GuShH I even had to service the burner blower! it had a bad run cap and rust build up
11:26 ShH points out natural gas is cheaper than electricity over
11:30 rue_house http://omg.wthax.org/Fishdog_Heating_Control.jpg
11:31 rue_house "switched live" and "permanent live" are the contacts that operate the boiler pump
11:31 rue_house when the zone valves finish opening they trigger the boiler pump
11:35 rue_house http://www.taco-hvac.com/uploads/FileLibrary/100-3.2a.pdf
11:36 rue_house but for the drinking hot water, there should be a heat exchanger
11:36 rue_house boilers run chemicals in the loop that are usually poisonous
11:56 GuShH rue_house: which chemicals?, it does use a heat exchanger
11:56 GuShH I just finished "restoring" it's original wiring
11:57 GuShH and got a quote on a recirculating pump
11:57 GuShH a bit more expensive than I thought :(
11:58 GuShH thing is, when you are about to shower it takes a long time to heat up because of the missing pump
11:58 GuShH so you are wasting resources right there.
13:40 MrCurious why is CIV V so addictive
14:49 MrCurious i see now why there is a tack in the top of the fly strip package... its not so you can step on it after deploying the strip, its so you can use it to hang the strip
14:49 MrCurious its clever, but i think they have outsmarted the majority of their users
15:18 RifRaf GuShH,sorry no endoscope or borescopes , but i do have a usb microscope which works but is a bit of a toy
15:44 MrCurious wishing that i had a light weight communication bus for my robot instead of stringing usb and serial everywhere.
15:44 MrCurious wonder if there is a light weight networking system to connect serial or i2c via ethernet 10B2 or something that didnt require a switch or hub
15:48 dunz0r MrCurious: 1wire?
15:49 MrCurious i think it would get overloaded by image data
15:49 MrCurious i2c might work, as its just a attiny to bridge serial, spi, i2c to it
15:49 dunz0r Ah, there's image data etc. Then 1wire won't cut it
15:50 MrCurious nope
15:51 MrCurious firewire is chainable... that would work if i could interface to it easily
15:55 GargantuaSauce doesnt every soc/mcu in your thing have an i2c peripheral?
15:55 dunz0r I²C is probably fast enough.
15:56 dunz0r You can get it up to a few MHz even
15:56 GargantuaSauce use that for control and telemetry and have another bus for image data
15:57 MrCurious wonder how i2c would compare to serial chained in a S] -> [R S] -> [R S] -> circular chain
15:57 MrCurious kind like a serial perl necklace
15:58 MrCurious each device echos the messages of others, and adds and consumes its own as well
15:58 MrCurious heh, i said perl necklace
16:00 GargantuaSauce sounds like a good way to have unpredictable latency
16:01 MrCurious could always overlay a prioritization system on top making some messages bufferable
16:01 MrCurious wonder if serial can work in parallel with some collision coping mechanism
16:02 MrCurious maybe with a 3rd line to lock lock the serial
16:02 MrCurious test, raise, send, lower
16:02 MrCurious better yet take a hint from token ring
16:03 MrCurious pass tokens to share turn
16:03 MrCurious heh, looks like 1984 wants me back :)
16:04 GargantuaSauce pretty much
16:08 GargantuaSauce and remember that token ring was pretty much always implemented with dedicated hardware that didn't have to do anything more than handle networking
16:08 GargantuaSauce and not microcontrollers that are also trying to do their time-sensitive jobs
16:10 GargantuaSauce theres kind of a lot of overhead to ethernet at that scale but i would definitely consider jamming a switch in there
16:11 GargantuaSauce especially if you intend to add more SoCs and cameras and so on, since it's stupidly scalable
16:12 GargantuaSauce and then let one soc act as an i2c master for all the mcu-based controls and sensors
16:22 Curious pon
16:56 MrCurious its taking forever to advance to plasma cannons!
18:00 plotino hello everybody
18:00 plotino i have a simple question for you ...
18:01 plotino how to make a servo mechanims to move foreward and downward
18:01 plotino the little car of my newborn?
18:01 plotino my idea is to use a micro to have a double sense rotation with a servo motor
18:02 plotino but i dont know actually hoe to get a sufficient torque to move the little car body
18:09 MrCurious well. this makes sense... http://img8.joyreactor.com/pics/post/earth-stonehenge-easter-island-703758.jpeg
22:17 RifRaf added and extended wires http://imagebin.org/258977
22:19 MrCurious have you printed with it yet?
22:19 RifRaf the thing weig4s 7.5g now, http://imagebin.org/258978
22:19 RifRaf MrCurious, nope, still need some vital bits like a hotend
22:20 RifRaf but is good to spend time getting the frame the best it can be
22:22 MrCurious i got a hotend off a kickstarter
22:22 RifRaf also need Y and Z holders for the endstops, but will just make some i think
22:22 MrCurious sadly only made one axis so far
22:22 RifRaf the Y axis?
22:22 MrCurious the top axis on a eventor bot styled build
22:23 RifRaf ah ok
22:23 RifRaf am 3 weeks into this, would like to have it biutl within a month
22:23 MrCurious using 2x4 aluminum extrusion (hollow) with 8mm rods/bearings
22:23 MrCurious sounds like you are focused and will succceed
22:23 MrCurious its a kit right
22:24 MrCurious not a pulled-from-yer-butt design
22:24 RifRaf i got a kit for most if the stuff, prusa i3
22:24 RifRaf but have redesigned frame for it
22:25 RifRaf was not happy with a box plywood frame
22:25 MrCurious you have a CNC at your disposal?
22:25 RifRaf yep
22:25 RifRaf i run one at work, so a few offcuts have come in handy
22:26 RifRaf but i wanna upscale this to a home cnc when this is done, so i din't have to rely on work
22:27 MrCurious good plan
22:27 MrCurious looks tight so far
22:27 RifRaf have replaced many plastic printed parts with cnc'd aluminium or composite
22:28 MrCurious given it doesnt have to cope with torque or weight, that MAY be unneccessary. get it printing, and then respond to infirmaties.
22:29 RifRaf yep, am just going off watching the machines i have seen working so far
22:29 RifRaf there is a fair deal of vibration and motion so the more stable the better i reckon
22:30 MrCurious makes sense
22:30 MrCurious but dont tune too much before printing
22:31 RifRaf the machine i use at work i cannot budge but pushing on it with both arms
22:31 RifRaf the lead screws are about 6mm or more
22:31 RifRaf 60mm
22:31 MrCurious but it is a cnc. its made to cope with torque and to push a cutter vs metal
22:32 MrCurious this is an extruder, minimal weight on the axis's with no push back
22:34 RifRaf yep i guess i really need to get one going and experiement
22:34 RifRaf so far am doing what i can while waiting for parts
22:35 MrCurious i think that is rule 1 of cnc. make SOMETHING. dont fuss making the perfect machine UNTIL you have a cnc working
22:35 MrCurious (or so i have read)
22:35 RifRaf yes, then i think if its biult with everything in tight alignment then calibration and such should be far easier
22:36 RifRaf like i know the bed is level with the Y rods and stuff cause it just is
22:37 MrCurious make sure to provide for interchangable heads
22:37 MrCurious imagining a cake-icing extruder head could be simple
22:37 MrCurious and everyone likes dot matrix printed cakes!
22:37 RifRaf yes have moved the Z posts out even more to fot more stuff like thast in, 2 heads i tryed in cad were bumping into the frame
22:39 RifRaf lol, yes one would think it could be adapted to all sorts of substances
22:44 MrCurious suppose you could do some early testing by mounting a pen on the head
22:45 RifRaf yep, just need to add connecters to all the stepper motors to ramps driver board
22:45 RifRaf might leave that till morning
22:46 RifRaf and get the endstops on, only have the Y endstop mounted currently
22:46 MrCurious good plan