#robotics Logs

May 17 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:20 GuShH and... it's still 22 hours 'til weekend
00:42 RifRaf work is done at 1.30pm fridays, so thats when the weekend starts for me
00:49 GuShH RifRaf: makes sense
02:47 rue_house he wont give yo the lottery numbers
02:57 RyanS This channel robot? tobor?
02:58 rue_house hu?
02:58 Jak_o_Shadows tobbor is the channel bot, who is apparenlty not here right now?
02:58 RyanS It doesn't tell you the lottery numbers?
02:59 rue_house tobbor is ill, needs a bit of a recode
02:59 rue_house the chaps in australia, they are into tommorow but wont tell us the lottery numbers
03:01 Jak_o_Shadows Why would we do that? It would just decrease our chance of winning?
03:01 RyanS what use is he then a sick robot
03:02 RyanS the Australian lotto is rubbish... $50 million pffft
03:03 Jak_o_Shadows no tax.
03:04 RyanS The US taxes winnings?
03:15 RyanS I saw some pick and place bots at a trade show..... Fast little fuckers
03:39 RyanS rue I have a Linak actuator. Not very reliable.. Who makes a really top-quality linear actuator?
04:45 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Software/EDA_Software_and_Hardware/Everything_you_need_to_know_about_engineering_a_roller_coaster.aspx
15:10 MrCurious http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/05/17/scientists-study-violent-winds-uranus-neptune/
15:10 MrCurious that has to be the authors career best story title
17:03 rue_house easy, too much fibre
17:04 theBear :)
17:04 rue_house I came up with the most AWESOME state machine code for stepper motors
17:05 theBear heh, guy in avr channel showed us his abandonded "state machine" approach to a simple traffic light system last night, 900 lines ! i thought of you
17:06 rue_house someone else who does state machine?
17:06 theBear nah, whatever he did wasn't a state machine, it was a horrible horrible redundant mess
17:06 theBear even his 'simplified' version was about 10 times as long as it should have been
17:07 theBear if he HAD used a state machine it would been maybe 10-20 lines :)
17:07 rue_house hmm I see
17:09 theBear we been trying for two days to findout what programmer he bought and he still can't tell us... he seems err, resistant to learning or helping hisself, to put it kindlyt
17:09 rue_house http://ideone.com/9Jnr6I
17:09 rue_house the printf shows the phase outputs
17:10 theBear mmm, very elegant
17:10 rue_house theitob4 is a integer to 4 bit binary text library
17:10 rue_house (string table)
17:10 rue_house binary.h is another table for mapping things like b0101 to a real number
17:11 rue_house heh that post is half way thru a conversion
17:23 Tom_itx when is your makerfair?
17:23 rue_house 1st and 2nd
17:26 Tom_itx rue_house, are you familar with modbus?
17:26 Tom_itx on linux
17:39 rue_house there is a modbus library I dont thin there is any softwrae that uses it yet
17:57 Tom_itx linuxcnc does
17:58 MrCurious trippy, i was just looking at http://www.linuxcnc.org/ and saw your comment
22:12 Lola8088 this yarn knits like a dream!
22:18 ace4016 so we have another cat
22:19 MrCurious brilliant! a yarn robot!
22:21 MrCurious soft robotics has been booming of late
22:21 MrCurious so i was half serious :)
23:13 Lola8088 
23:25 Lola8088