#robotics Logs

May 15 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:28 shuggans hey all
00:47 Rif hiya
00:57 rue_more lowa
01:00 rue_more :/ I have to go down for reboot
01:01 rue_more just 23 days uptime
01:01 rue_more oh, but it dosn't matter, no ups right now
01:02 rue_more hey, if I had a VFD I could feed multiple AC sources into its DC bus to combine power supplies for redundancy
01:05 rue_more or not, the power levels are all wrong
01:05 rue_more geez, I hate rebooting my computer
01:09 e_more w
01:31 MrCurious sucks having to wait for a batch of forever tests to complete so you can launch the next and then go to bed
01:45 rue_house :) my avr code is working perfectly
01:45 rue_house while(1) {
01:45 rue_house USART_Transmit( USART_Receive() );
01:45 rue_house }
01:45 rue_house haha!
01:46 rue_house somewhere I have menu code...
01:56 MrCurious found code is a beautiful thing
01:56 haryv u guys still talking ?
01:56 haryv :)
01:56 haryv what kind of code?
01:56 rue_bed yes, but i'm in bed
01:56 haryv im not :)
01:57 haryv no sceduled work for tomarro...yet
01:57 haryv learning how to use my new smart phone
01:57 haryv had a phone..that was half of what this android can do
01:57 haryv i wonder if there is irc for android
02:00 rue_bed a few
02:01 haryv perhpas a androud app that interfaces with the arduino
02:06 MrCurious curses! i just located a massive cache of premium chololates in teh kitchen
02:07 MrCurious cant be a smart move to consume so much refined sugar late at night
02:09 haryv no makes for a really bad way to get a good night sleep
02:10 haryv When my brain goes into dream overdrive, which happens often, I get the best sleep ;)
02:12 MrCurious best sleep comes with a nicotine patch on
02:12 MrCurious bed damn near ejects you in teh morning, and only a 1% chance of wanting to risk re-entering the dream you just escaped from
02:34 haryv I would like to do some interesting recodings of my brain waves when I am sleeping :)
08:29 rue_bed modify them?
21:08 MrCurious slow day
21:34 MrCurious odd how this channel has been largely dormant past few days
21:35 GargantuaSauce only way to make it not dead is to talk
21:36 MrCurious i got (5) DC-DC converters today
21:36 MrCurious wiring up 2 of em to power my robot sound system and the odroid
21:36 MrCurious then using standoff's to mount em
21:37 GargantuaSauce china is the best thing that ever happened to this hobby
21:37 MrCurious that will bring it to 4 total dc-dc converters so far
21:37 MrCurious no shit
21:37 MrCurious probably could never get this far this cheap with out china and korea
21:37 GargantuaSauce the cheap ones might introduce noise to the audio
21:38 GargantuaSauce use a pi filter if that is the case
21:38 GargantuaSauce ie get some power inductors
21:38 MrCurious i think noise is alowed in the sub $1k robot areans
21:38 GargantuaSauce it's easy to mitigate
21:39 MrCurious yeah
21:39 MrCurious so far though havent detected any noise
21:39 GargantuaSauce cool
21:39 MrCurious but its lipo powered, so
21:40 GargantuaSauce i imagine when the motors are being switched other components might exhibit issues
21:41 MrCurious good point
21:41 MrCurious yeah will add one of those toroid things around the power line then ?
21:41 GargantuaSauce that would be a good start
21:44 Rif been reprapping, hence my dormancy here
21:44 GargantuaSauce cool how's that coming along
21:44 theBear i been sleeping
21:44 theBear and not sleeping
21:44 GargantuaSauce i am still procrastinating on building my new hot ends
21:44 theBear hot ends ? sounds provocative
21:44 lok is going to build a new breakout c
21:44 rgantuaSauce sticks his hot end into the
21:44 Rif GargantuaSauce still on the frame, but will be getting parts on weekend to start the biuld
21:44 orlok Just not sure whether to use a panel or PCB mount DB25 connector
21:45 theBear oof ! i wasn't expecting that to happen
21:45 orlok i think PCB would be nicer, but panel more convenient
21:45 MrCurious i read a california politician wants to ban 3d printers because they can make scary things
21:46 orlok MrCurious: thats cos he's a scaremongering tool
21:46 Rif yes been seeing it all over the news last week
21:46 theBear meh, it'll pass, people had more than half a gun printed a year or more ago
21:46 Rif i could make better weapons with my metal lathe so we better ban them too
21:46 MrCurious lets hope he never learns about CNC...
21:46 orlok hardware shop, $20, who needs a 3d printer
21:46 orlok and it would work better
21:46 theBear bit of pipe is less than 20 bucks :)
21:47 orlok end cap, hacksaw, nail...
21:47 orlok and once you run out of bullets
21:47 orlok you can hit people with it!
21:47 theBear yeah, something along those lines... i known how to do it since i was a kid, but you know, haven't killed anyone yet
21:48 orlok yeah
21:48 orlok or even
21:48 orlok PVC pope
21:48 MrCurious you can make bullets with CNC machines!!!!
21:48 theBear ssshhh !!!
21:48 orlok pipe, tape, rubber glove, nails
21:48 theBear and don't tell anyone how soldering irons can make bomb triggers !
21:48 orlok MrCurious: and gravity and molten lead!
21:48 theBear heh, or analog clocks
21:48 theBear or matchbooks
21:48 orlok wire+ matches
21:49 orlok MrCurious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_tower
21:49 theBear ooooh, and don't tell ANYONE that a garrot is really just a piece of wire !
21:49 Rif heh
21:49 MrCurious seems too low tech to work orlok
21:50 eBear checks before commen
21:50 theBear yeah, that's how all 'gun projectiles' were made inthe 'olden days'
21:50 theBear surface tension and time to set is all you need
21:51 theBear then maybe a little i dunno, sulphur and salt petre (sp?) and i dunno, something else
21:51 orlok charcole?
21:51 theBear charcoal :) but honestly, i dunno
21:51 theBear if i remembered the recipe for gun or blackpowder, i'd risk saying it here, i trust you guys
21:52 theBear i bet wikipedia knows, we should probably ban that too
21:52 GargantuaSauce i'm sure we're already on enough lists just by being connected to freenode
21:52 theBear heh, someone should shoot the dude with a handmade 'gun', that'd show him !
21:54 theBear hehe, well that shut everyone up in a hurry :)
21:54 GargantuaSauce way to go
21:55 GargantuaSauce related quote from another channel:
21:55 GargantuaSauce [19:47:32] <\\Mr_C\\> the raspberry pi and cubie board opens up doorways to terrorists and bombs
21:56 GargantuaSauce http://xn--d-bga.su/pwd.gif
21:57 theBear heck, the arduino opens up doorways to them, any idiot can make a fairly accurate timer with one of them
21:58 theBear i always thought when watching tv as a kid that did electronics "damn, how do all these crazy terrorist people know how to make these fancy little digital timers ? and why do they always waste those expensive displays on them ?" :)
21:59 GargantuaSauce i'd say a cell phone is an order of magnitude easier
21:59 GargantuaSauce replace the vibration motor with detonator, and you have an accurate timer and it's remotely triggerable from anywhere
21:59 theBear probably, either way interfacing is gonna take SOME basic knowledge, suppose with a cellphone the speaker and/or vibrator are pretty easy for an idiot to hack
21:59 GargantuaSauce just hope you don't get a telemarketer
22:00 theBear lol
22:53 MrCurious anyone see the robot hand made of bike chain, springs, and servo's
22:54 MrCurious looked an interesting design
22:55 MrCurious http://blog.makezine.com/2013/05/13/arduino-controlled-200-robotic-hand/