#robotics Logs

May 13 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:17 MrCurious would love to see a bigger design that could cope with longer arms and more weight
00:38 shuggans Rue/Rif: brother is bringing me one of the motors for the tank tomorrow so I can finally get something working on it
00:40 rue_shop3 like my arm4?
00:43 shuggans huh?
00:55 RifRaf yay
00:55 RifRaf rue had given up on you
00:56 rue_more thats not a bad idea sometimes
00:56 rue_more you COULD just try msging me
00:56 rue_more or calling the nicks
01:05 shuggans lol - Dont give up
01:05 shuggans I havnt
01:05 shuggans Been pushign him to get me the pieces I need if he couldnt bring me the whole tank
01:06 RifRaf did you get married yet?
01:07 rue_more heh no
01:11 shuggans yes
01:11 shuggans its great - but sure does take away from tinker time.
01:14 rue_more we made a binary clock on saturday
01:15 shuggans lol what?
01:15 rue_more binary clock
01:15 rue_more she did the soldering, I did the coding
01:15 rue_more her design, with a bit of input from me
01:18 RifRaf congrats
01:18 Jak_o_Shadows she?
01:18 Jak_o_Shadows also, yeah, how big was the output ?
01:19 rue_more ?
01:19 rue_more output?
01:19 rue_more its 21 bits
01:20 Jak_o_Shadows You made a binary clock, so are we talking time clock, or clock clock? If time clock, what's the face of it look like?
01:20 rue_more its a small picture frame
01:20 rue_more about 3" x 4"
01:20 Jak_o_Shadows ah, k
01:21 rue_more !assist tutorials/mech/p1040977.jpg
01:21 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/p1040977.jpg
01:24 rue_more Tom_itx, ^^^ eh? eh?
01:26 Jak_o_Shadows Welcome tobbor
01:26 rue_more tobbor seems to not have problems on the new hardware
01:41 rue_another Jak_o_Shadows, I was talking about the cool new fitting method
03:14 Tom_itx rue_more what are you asking?
09:00 rue_more what doo you think of the new pipe fitting method?
16:04 Tom_itx rue_more, looks familiar. what's it for?
18:43 rue_more I'm trying to make valves, the bigger problem has been fittings for things
18:46 Tom_itx a cnc lathe would make them all the same
18:51 rue_more so would a jig bit
18:52 rue_more buts its just 5 cuts, 4 if you dont include drilling it out
18:52 Tom_itx i could even make them on the mill i bet
18:53 Tom_itx i've got sliting saws i could use for the o ring slots
18:53 Tom_itx probably not practical
18:56 Tom_itx oh that's why you were asking about reamers a couple days ago
19:10 theBear is it just a machining/cheapness reason, or is there a good technical reason that o-rings go in 'square' holes ?
19:19 Tom_itx are they square or radiused at the bottom?
19:19 theBear square
19:20 theBear that's what made me think/ask
19:20 Tom_itx dunno
19:21 Tom_itx i think he got the idea when i showed him http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/rue/tranny/DSC_0001.JPG
19:22 Tom_itx it was leaking and i didn't wanna pay $25 for a new coupling
19:22 Tom_itx so i paid $.50 for a new o ring
19:22 Tom_itx some high temp material
19:23 Tom_itx the clip is all that holds the hose in
19:23 theBear mmm... recently rebuilt my 18y.old pushbike shocks, that's where i noticed, very square holes, slightly bigger than the rings... not even an attempt at radius inside or out, hard machine edges
19:24 Tom_itx the inside probably doesn't matter
19:24 Tom_itx it's the seal that matters
19:25 Tom_itx if it had a radiused bottom there would be no place for the o ring to expand to when installed and may tear when assembled
19:26 theBear mmm, suppose... insinctively i woulda though that even if there was room, the more contact area would be a better seal
20:55 MrCurious no good links to harvest from here today. please be more creative and productive. that is all, ty
20:56 Tom_itx i purposely withheld them all
20:57 MrCurious i had you figured for being the one behind the blockage...
20:57 Tom_itx waiting for more contributors
20:58 MrCurious started the writeup for my robot today
21:11 GargantuaSauce busy upgrading reprap
21:22 MrCurious they dont self upgrade?
21:24 rue_another damn I have to get my drivers working
21:35 MrCurious "newcastle. as pale of an englishman in the middle of summer" ... bad analogy ROFL
22:09 MrCurious stupid 298 motor driver shield
22:26 MrCurious and not so stupid when you know the pinouts
22:30 MrCurious hall effect working
22:32 MrCurious fairly simple waveform (over sampled) 1111111111110000001111100000111110000011111000001111100000111110000011110000011111000001111100000111
23:57 theBear that's just on/off/on/off at reguar intervals
23:57 theBear allowing for a tiny bit of samplerate non-divisibility it's exact too